How to find out the correspondence of height and weight. Normal human weight - how to calculate

As they develop, each child grows and gains weight. Parents who are concerned that the baby grows "correctly" always pay attention to "normal" body weight and height, focusing on the average data given in the tables of the World Health Organization. Answering the question of how much a child of a certain age should weigh, it should be borne in mind that the body of each person has individual characteristics. That is, in order to understand that everything is in order with the child and he is growing normally, one must not only compare his parameters with the standard, but also take into account their ratios.


The ratio of growth parameters and body weight of a child

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The concept of "body mass index" is well known to many parents - especially mothers who are looking after their figure. To assess the harmony of the child's development and identify possible deviations in height and weight, you will also need to calculate the BMI.

It is important to remember that the indicators of the norm for a baby differ from those calculated for the adult population. The normal BMI of an adult is no more than 25; for children, a similar index can vary between 13-21. BMI is calculated to diagnose the following conditions:

  1. obesity requiring treatment;
  2. overweight;
  3. slightly increased weight, which is within the permissible range of fluctuations in the norm;
  4. normal weight (see also:);
  5. underweight;
  6. emaciation requiring treatment.

Features of the first year of a baby's life

In the first twelve months of a child's life, indicators of his growth and development are directly related to the characteristics of feeding. In accordance with the WHO guidelines, a breastfed baby with a birth weight of 3.3 kg (boy) or 3.2 kg (girl) is taken as a reference in the development of the table. According to the growth rates, the "starting indicators" are taken equal to 49.9 cm and 49.1 cm, respectively.

If the baby was born with a smaller body weight and height (this is often the case in children born prematurely, as well as in those born of short parents), then there is no need to worry that after a month or two he "lags behind" from tabular indicators.

Until the age of one year, the decisive importance is not the correspondence of height and weight to the table, but their change over time. If the child is systematically gaining pounds and growing, then everything is in order with him, and there is no reason for panic.

Height and weight of girls

Age, monthsWeight in gramsHeight, cm
Very lowNormVery tallVery lowNormVery tall
0 2000 3200 4800 43,6 49,1 54,7
1 2700 4200 6200 47,8 53,7 59,5
2 3400 5100 7500 51,0 57,1 63,2
3 4000 5800 8500 53,5 59,8 66,1
4 4400 6400 9300 55,6 62,1 68,6
5 4800 6900 10000 57,4 64,0 70,7
6 5100 7300 10600 58,9 65,7 72,5
7 5300 7600 11100 60,3 67,3 74,2
8 5600 7900 11600 61,7 68,7 75,8
9 5800 8200 12000 62,9 70,1 77,4
10 5900 8500 12400 64,1 71,5 78,9
11 6100 8700 12800 65,2 72,8 80,3
12 6300 8900 13100 66,3 74,0 81,7

Height and weight of boys

The characteristics of the weight and height of male babies until they reach the age of one year are determined according to the same principles as for girls. The monthly weight gain is of decisive importance for monitoring the condition and development of the child - that is, you need to compare the baby first of all with himself, as he was a month ago.

Age, monthsWeight in gramsHeight, cm
Very lowNormVery tallVery lowNormVery tall
0 2100 3300 5000 44,2 49,9 55,6
1 2900 4500 6600 48,9 54,7 60,6
2 3800 5600 8000 52,4 58,4 64,4
3 4400 6400 9000 55,3 61,4 67,6
4 4900 7000 9700 57,6 63,9 70,1
5 5300 7500 10400 59,6 65,9 72,2
6 5700 7900 10900 61,2 67,6 74,0
7 5900 8300 11400 62,7 69,2 75,7
8 6200 8600 11900 64,0 70,6 77,2
9 6400 8900 12300 65,2 72,0 78,7
10 6600 9200 12700 66,4 73,3 80,1
11 6800 9400 13000 67,6 74,5 81,5
12 6900 9600 13300 68,6 75,7 82,9

Indicators of a child under 10 years old

The period from birth to the age of 10 is characterized by the rapid growth of the child. However, if up to one year old the baby was growing significantly and "heavy" almost every day, at an older age it will grow a little slower.

This is due to changes in metabolism and to the growing activity of the baby: a baby spends much less energy and calories on outdoor games than a toddler who has already learned to walk and run, and now actively learns the world around him.

Baby's height and weight at 1 year old

If we turn to the average values, then it can be noted that during the first year of life, the baby gains about 6-7 kilograms. Moreover, most of the "increase" falls on the first six months of life, when the child adds about 700-800 grams in one month. With proper care, healthy low-birth-weight babies by 6-7 months can "catch up" by weight of their peers born with an average body weight.

The weight of a one-year-old child is considered normal if its value is in the range between 8 and 12 kg. The increase in height will be about 25 cm. The height of a child at 1 year is approximately 75 cm ± 6 cm.

Height and weight from 2 to 3 years

Between two and three years old, the baby is still growing. However, less and less quiet rest and meals remain in his daily routine, and the amount of time devoted to outdoor games is steadily growing. Normally, in the third year of his life, a child will gain about two or three kilograms (that is, it will weigh 11-15 kg) and grow by 9-10 cm.

Height and weight from 4 to 5 years

According to the WHO, the average weight of a harmoniously developed 4-year-old baby is about 16 kg, while a deviation of 2-3 kg up or down is considered a variant of the norm. The growth of a baby of this age is 102-103 cm.By his fifth birthday, the preschooler will recover by about 2 kg and grow by 7 cm.

Height and weight from 6 to 7 years

If you put a healthy six-year-old baby on the scales, and the screen displays a value from the range of 18-23.5 kg, then it fully complies with the standards developed by the WHO. By the age of seven, a senior preschooler (or junior schoolchild) will become 2-3 kg heavier. According to the growth rate, it will grow by about 5 cm.

Summary table with parameters from 1 to 10 years

For those parents who are worried about the development of their baby, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the summary table of the growth and weight of children, compiled according to the WHO. Shown here are the average heights and weights for children of both sexes, ages 1-10. The baby's parameters do not have to exactly correspond to the values ​​given in the table - a deviation of 2-3 kg and a few centimeters in either direction is considered a variation of the norm.

It should also be borne in mind that girls grow intensively after 10 and up to 12 years, in boys, a jump is observed at an older age - after 13 and up to 16 years. Girls gain in height on average up to 19 years old, and boys up to 22 years old.

Age, yearsBoysGirls
Weight, kgHeight, cmWeight, kgHeight, cm
1 9,6 75,7 8,9 74,0
2 12,2 87,8 11,5 86,4
3 14,3 96,1 13,9 95,1
4 16,3 103,3 16,1 102,7
5 18,3 110,0 18,2 109,4
6 20,5 116,0 20,2 115,1
7 22,9 121,7 22,4 120,8
8 25,4 127,3 25,0 126,6
9 28,1 132,6 28,2 132,5
10 31,2 137,8 31,9 138,6

Indicators for children from 11 to 18 years old

Indicators that are considered normal at the age of 11-18 years differ in their wide range. This is the period of the onset of puberty, when global changes take place in the adolescent's body. Parents need to prepare a growing son or daughter not only physically but also emotionally.

It should also be borne in mind that it is not recommended to follow a diet for weight loss at this time - a lack of necessary elements before the age of 18 can lead to serious problems in the future.

The growth rates and body weight of children are presented below.

Age, yearsMaleFemale
Weight, kgHeight, cmWeight, kgHeight, cm
11 31,0-39,9 138,5-148,3 30,7-39 140,2-148,8
12 34,4-45,1 143,6-154,5 36-45,4 145,9-154,2
13 38,0-50,6 149,8-160,6 43-52,5 151,8-159,8
14 42,8-56,6 156,2-167,7 48,2-58 155,4-163,6
15 48,3-62,8 162,5-173,5 50,6-60,5 157,2-166
16 54,0-69,6 166,8-177,8 51,8-61,3 158,0-166,8
17 59,8-74 171,6-181,6 49,2-68 158,6-169,2

Factors that Affect Growth Rate and Weight Gain in Children

Growth rate and weight gain are influenced by a number of factors. First of all, it is, of course, heredity. If the parents of the baby are not tall and asthenic physique, then with a high degree of probability the indicators of the child's body weight and height will be similar.

Weight-to-height tables used by professionals. But keep in mind that weight indicators vary slightly depending on gender, age and physiological characteristics of a person.

There are different formulas for determining the optimal ratio of weight and height. But they are all very, very arbitrary, since they do not take into account many factors: age, gender and physiological characteristics of a person.

Therefore, the excess fat must be assessed not only by the conditional ratios presented in this table, but also by the appearance, the thickness of the skin and a number of other factors.

With the same height and weight, one person may look plump, while another may look completely normal. The objective parameter of an ideal body is the percentage of fat and musculoskeletal tissue. For men, the norm is 9-15% of total body weight, and for women, 12-20%.

Quetelet index

Knowing the Body Mass Index (BMI), you can judge obesity or underweight. The index is calculated for adult men and women from 20 to 65 years old. Results can be false for pregnant and lactating women, athletes, the elderly and adolescents (under 18). Among the many different methods for calculating the ideal weight, the most popular method is the height-weight indicator, the body mass index is the Quetelet index.

FOR EXAMPLE: HEIGHT 170 CM, WEIGHT 65 KG. MEANS 65: (1.7 * 1.7) = 22.5

The norm for men is 19-25. For women - 19-24.

Body mass index Classification Risk of comorbidities:

  • Less than 18.5 Weight deficit Low (increased risk of other diseases)
  • 18.5 - 24.9 Normal body weight Normal
  • 25.0 - 29.9 Overweight (preobesity) Increased
  • 30.0 - 34.9 Obesity I degree High
  • 35.0 - 39.9 Obesity II degree Very high
  • 40.0 or more Obesity grade III Extremely high

The Quetelet index shows the amount of fat in the body well, but does not indicate how fat is distributed, in other words, it does not give a visual and aesthetic picture. But you can check your body for ideality using one more formula.

The distribution of fat throughout the body is determined by the ratio: waist (at the level of the navel) divided by the volume of the buttocks.

The norm for men: 0.85
For women: 0.65 - 0.85.

Does age affect the height-to-weight ratio?

The answer is unequivocal. Yes, of course it does. It has been proven that the weight of men and women should gradually increase with age - this is a normal physiological process. The kilograms that some people think are "unnecessary" may not actually be. You can use a formula based on age to determine your optimal weight.

P - in this case, height, and B - age in years. Body weight = 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20): 4

Broca's formula: identifying height-age-weight relationships

One of the most popular methods for calculating ideal weight is Broca's formula. It takes into account the ratio of height, weight, body type and age of a person.


At the same time, people with an asthenic (thin-boned) body type should subtract 10% from the result, and people with a hypersthenic (large-boned) body type should add 10% to the result.

How to determine your body type?

The physique is usually divided into THREE types: normosthenic, hypersthenic and asthenic. In order to find out what your body type is, it is enough to measure the circumference of the thinnest place on the wrist with a centimeter. The resulting circumference in centimeters will be the necessary indicator (Soloviev index).

Nagler's formula for height-to-weight ratio

There is Nagler's formula that calculates the ideal weight-to-height ratio. For 152.4 cm growth should account for 45 kilograms of weight. For every inch (that is, 2.45 cm) over 152.4 cm, there should be another 900 grams, Plus another 10% of the resulting weight.

John McCallum Formula for Girth Ratio

One of the best formulas created by expert methodologist John McCallum. McCallum's formula is based on measuring the girth of the wrist.

6.5 wrist girth is equal to chest girth.
85% of the chest circumference is equal to the hip circumference.
To get the waist circumference, you need to take 70% of the chest circumference.
53% of the chest girth is equal to the hip girth.
For neck girth, you need to take 37% of the chest girth.
The biceps girth is about 36% of the chest girth.
Calf circumference is slightly less than 34%.
The girth of the forearm should be equal to 29% of the girth of the chest.

But not everyone's physical data will exactly correspond to these ratios, the numbers have an average, average statistical value.

A few more options for the ratio of height and weight

The physique is considered ideal if the waist circumference is 25 cm less than the hip circumference, and the thigh circumference is approximately equal to the chest circumference.

The waist circumference should be equal to "height in centimeters - 100". That is, a woman with a height of 172 cm will be folded in proportion if the waist circumference is 72 cm, the circumference of the hips and waist is about 97 cm, that is, if she wears clothing size 48.

If the hip girth is less than the chest girth, and the waist girth is 20 cm less than the hip girth, then such a figure is called an "apple". If the girth of the chest is less than the girth of the hips, and the girth of the waist is less than the girth of the hips by 30 cm or more, this is a pear-shaped figure.

For women and girls of average height - from 165 to 175 cm - this observation turned out to be true. Their waist circumference in centimeters is approximately equal to their weight in kilograms. One kilogram of weight loss gives a decrease in the waist by one centimeter.
From the editorial board

As you can see, there are many ways to calculate the optimal ratio of your height and body weight, depending on a variety of factors. But in whatever way you do the calculations, the main thing is that your weight is COMFORTABLE for yourself. So that you can easily and freely feel in your own body, love yourself and enjoy life to the fullest! - without falling into depression from the fact that during the calculations you (and suddenly!) found out an "excess" or "lack" of kilograms.

It is necessary to take into account the parameters of weight and height, for example, in order to calculate an individual dose of drugs, to carry out physiological measurements and standardize these data. Scientists call the ratio of height and weight to body surface area and believe that each person should know his own number in order to easily calculate, if necessary, the metabolic rate, the Quetelet index, and the heart index. The overwhelming majority of experts believe that this indicator is much more important than body weight.

How to correctly calculate the ratio of height to weight

Usually people adjust their weight without knowing the final result. However, when losing weight, you need to know exactly how much to lose a kilogram so that the weight is ideal. Knowing the exact answer to this question, you will come to the goal much faster and easier. Many women make a big mistake when trying to fit their parameters to the 90x60x90 standards. You shouldn't do this for several reasons:

  1. People who meet these parameters spend too much money and time maintaining the ideal appearance.
  2. A person's physique is influenced by genetics, so if you or your closest relatives have a large bone, short stature and a tendency to be overweight, then it will be impossible to make a model figure.
  3. For some, model parameters will not work at all, since the person will be too thin or overweight.

A surefire way to calculate optimal weight gain is to remember the times when you felt your best shape. Look through old photos, remember your feelings. Sometimes it is better to recall positive emotions about your appearance than numerical parameters. Many people feel great when they weigh 5 kilograms more than ideal calculations, and some people consider the ideal weight to be large.


There are several formulas by which the required weight is calculated. For example, an anthropologist from France Paul Broca proposed the simplest calculation: the ideal height / weight ratio for women from 40 to 50 years old is height minus weight, for women from 20 to 30 years old it is 10% less weight than height minus weight. and for women over 50 - 7% more. Also, a simple method for determining the ideal weight is by the fat fold, which is located on the abdominal wall 3 cm above the navel. The weight is normal if this fold is 1-2 cm in size.

Weight versus height table

The ratio of weight to height is influenced by age, gender and body type. It is believed that for the ideal weight, you should know the individual body type, of which there are three:

  • Asthenic (thin bone). When a person has thin bones, long limbs, a long, thin neck and underdeveloped muscles. Usually people of this type weigh little, are active and, even with increased nutrition, do not gain weight, wasting energy.
  • Normosthenic (normal). Lucky for those people who have this type of physique. They usually have a proportional figure.
  • Hypersthenic (broad-boned). In people of this type, the transverse dimensions of the body are slightly larger than in all other types. They have broad shoulders and chest, heavy bones and short legs. Such people are more likely to be overweight, so they have to monitor their weight the most.

For women

In determining the ideal parameters of a woman, her height is of great importance. For a long period, the following ratios of height and weight were considered classic:

  • below 150 cm - low;
  • 151-156 cm - below average;
  • 157-167 - medium;
  • 168-175 - high;
  • more than 176 cm - very high.

In our time, acceleration in this scale has made some changes, so now normal growth is considered for women with normosthenic and broad-boned from 166 to 170 cm, and the thin-boned type of women has a normal height from 168 cm to 172. Also, growth depends on the length of the legs, which measured from the floor to the trochanteric point (the bump on the thigh opposite the hip joint). It is believed that the ideal figure of a woman is if the length of the legs is more than half of the height by the following amount:

  • in the asthenic type - by 6-9 cm;
  • in hypersthenic - by 2-4 cm;
  • in a normal one - by 4-6 cm.

Women in the race for ideal weight often make the body too thin. It is especially important for them to know their normal body index in order to avoid the unpleasant consequences of rigid diets.

For the version of nutritionist E. Chudinova on how to correctly calculate individual indicators of body mass index and avoid anorexia or obesity, see the video:

For men

Modern men are no less interested in weight problems than women. The fashion for a healthy lifestyle has left its mark on the strong half of humanity, so they also need to know the body mass index. Different formulas are used to determine it. For example, for most athletes, the ideal body weight is determined by calculating between the value of height and chest volume using the formula: multiply height by chest girth in cm, and divide the result by 240.

For ordinary men, the Quetelet method is common, for the calculation of which the weight must be divided by the person's height squared (calculated in meters). For example, if a man has a weight of 65 kg and a height of 170 cm, then the ideal ratio of parameters would be 22.49. That is, we divided 65 by 1.7 squared and got 22.49. If you check this figure on the list below, it speaks of a normal weight.

Body mass index indicators according to the Quetelet method are as follows:

  • from 6.5 to 8.5 - insufficient weight;
  • from 8.5 to 25 - normal weight;
  • from 25 to 30 - overweight;
  • from 30 to 35 - obesity;
  • from 35 to 40 - second degree obesity.

Too high an indicator in the ratio of body weight according to Quetelet speaks of a sedentary lifestyle, excessive high-calorie nutrition and metabolic disorders in the body. These factors form obesity to varying degrees, which contributes to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and digestive systems. Such people are at risk of occurrence.

For children and adolescents

For adolescents and young children, we often see body index norms on the signs near the offices of pediatricians. However, these parameters are relative, because physical indicators are influenced not only by the age of the child, but also by heredity, and even by the way of life. Modern children are different in physique and in bone mass, therefore, when calculating body mass index, one should rely on tables developed no more than 10 years ago.

In the table below, the data in the middle three columns represent normal weight-to-height ratios, and in the “low” or “high” columns, the jumps are due to the individual characteristics of the organism, so you should not attach great importance to this. You should consult a doctor for advice if the parameters of your child at any age fall into the extreme columns "very low" or "very high".

The pediatrician should refer the adolescent to hormone tests to rule out endocrine system diseases. If the child does not fall within the normal parameters at some time, then it is necessary to measure it again in a month, and already, based on the repeated data, make a decision about contacting a pediatrician. The doctor in this situation, as a rule, first finds out how tall or short the parents are and what they were like at the age of their child.

Ideal weight calculator for children and adults

The exact method for calculating the ratio of weight and height is the Broca's formula calculator, with which you have already met a little above. Let's consider it in more detail. The popularity of this method is that it takes into account the entire set of human parameters:

  • age;
  • body type;
  • height.

Scientists have proven that weight usually increases with age. These are considered normal physiological changes, and Broca's formula takes these points into account. And if up to 40 years a couple of kilograms is considered extra, then after 40 these 2 kg are normal. So, according to Broca's formula, the ideal parameters for people under 40 will be equal to height in cm minus 110, and if the age is more than 40 years, then the height in cm is calculated for 100 minutes.

In addition to the ratio of height and weight, body type is also taken into account. For example, thin-boned people should subtract 10% from the result obtained, people with a normal physique should leave the parameters as they are, and a large-boned type should add 10% to the result. For example, if you are 160 cm tall, weigh 55 kg, 35 years old and have an asthenic type of physique, then according to Broca's formula, your ideal weight is 50 kg.

The ratios of anthropometric parameters are especially important for newborns, therefore pediatricians force young mothers to measure the data of babies every month. These numbers will tell a competent specialist whether the baby has the right regimen and living conditions. Calculating the ideal ratio of the parameters of a child is no more difficult than that of an adult, given his age and gender.

To assess the newborn, doctors calculate the appropriate body weight using special formulas. For example, to get the baby's ideal body weight in the first six months of life, you need to add 800 to the birth weight and multiply by the number of months of the baby. After 6 months, body weight is calculated using a different formula: birth weight plus weight gain in the first 6 months, plus 400 and multiply by the number of months minus 6.

How do you know your body type?

We examined the body types above, but how do you know your body type? It is easily calculated by Soloviev's method. To do this, you need a tailor's centimeter, which you need to measure the thinnest part of the wrist. A person is called normosthenic if the result is from 15 to 17 cm (in a woman) or from 18 to 20 cm (in a man). If a man's wrist is less than 18 cm, and a woman's is less than 15 cm, such people are called asthenics. If a man's wrist is more than 20 cm, and a woman's is more than 17 cm, then they are hypersthenic.

Does age affect height-to-weight ratio?

Scientists have long established that the ideal body index is different for every age. Kilograms should increase with age, therefore, to determine the optimal parameters, experts offer the following formula: mass = 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20): 4. However, it cannot be said unequivocally that this formula is suitable for everyone, without exception, after all, each person is individual and it is quite possible that with age he will not gain a single extra kilogram.

The normal weight of a person directly depends on his height, therefore nutritionists recommend taking into account the ratio of these 2 indicators. To calculate how ideal such a ratio is, special formulas, body mass index, tables (taking into account also such an indicator as age) will help.

  1. Using a measuring tape. You need to stand near a straight wall on a hard and level floor. Place a book (or any other flat object) on your head and make a mark on the wall. Take a centimeter (measuring tape) and measure the distance from the floor to the mark you made.
  2. Using the height meter. In medical offices there is a special device - a stadiometer, which allows you to measure a person's height. It is more convenient to use a height gauge with a built-in ruler and a horizontal beam that changes in height. To measure the height with this device, you need to stand on its platform, press your back against the wall, stand straight, keep your legs together, look in front of you. Fix the horizontal beam according to your height, leave the platform. Growth will be marked on the stadiometer ruler with a special arrow.
The ratio of height and weight in men, women can be calculated using the formula. However, first you need to know your exact weight and height.

Body types for women and men

The ratio of height and weight of a person is determined by the type of his physique: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic. These types are due to genetic data, they determine the characteristics of metabolism and the level of human activity. It is believed that each body combines all three types with the predominance of one of them.


The asthenic type is characteristic of both men and women with thin bones, small joints, a small mass of muscles, long arms and legs, and narrow shoulders. Asthenics are characterized by an increased level of metabolism, hormonal status and daily activity, so they are not prone to gaining excess weight, which is usually either normal or below normal.

Characteristics of the type under consideration:

  • thin physique;
  • natural thinness;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • flat chest;
  • the minimum amount of muscle.

Ectomorphs can gain muscle mass with high-calorie foods with a high level of carbohydrates, while the amount of proteins and fats should be within the minimum norm. Recommended amount of carbohydrates - proteins - fats: 55% –25% –20%.


The normosthenic type is characteristic of people with large bones, large muscle mass, broad shoulders. This type is considered the most athletic.

Due to the fact that internal processes are quite active and work well, mesomorphs easily gain both muscle mass and fat, but they shed them with the same ease. Among normosthenics, people with normal weight are more common, less often with overweight.

Characteristics of the normosthenic type:

  • strong physique;
  • natural athleticism;
  • rectangular shape;
  • visible muscle relief;
  • easy set of muscle mass.

To keep weight under control, mesomorphs need to consume carbohydrates - proteins - fats in the following ratio: 40% –30% –30%. At the same time, trainers recommend strength training so that the ratio of fat to muscle mass is balanced.


The hypersthenic type is prone to gaining extra pounds, which is due to genetic characteristics: the reduced activity of insulin and leptin provides a greater supply of energy than its consumption, which contributes to the accumulation of excess fat.

Characteristics of an endomorphic physique:

  • soft and rounded shapes;
  • small growth;
  • poorly developed muscles;
  • easy set of fat and muscle mass;
  • it is difficult to get rid of extra pounds.

To maintain normal hypersthenic type, experts recommend reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing fat. The ratio of carbohydrates - proteins - fats: 25% –35% –40%. Workouts should include not only strength exercises, but also cardio loads.

Leg length

The ideal leg length is calculated by correlating it with a person's height:

There is another formula for measuring the ideal leg length.

To do this, you need to know your height and body type:

  • for the asthenic type, the length of the legs is half the height plus 6–8 cm;
  • for normosthenic - half the height plus 4–6 cm;
  • for hypersthenic - half the height plus 2-4 cm.

Note: to correctly measure the length of the legs, it is necessary to attach a measuring tape to the protruding part of the hip bone and lower it to the floor.

Effect of age on the ratio of height to weight

The ratio of height and weight depends largely on age. Scientists have shown that weight gradually increases over the years. This is due to a slowdown in the body's metabolism. Therefore, the moderate appearance of extra pounds after 30 years is considered a natural physiological process and does not apply to obesity.

You can calculate the ideal weight taking into account age using the formula: 50 + 0.75 x (height - 150) + (weight - 20): 4 = body weight. For example, with a height of 164 cm and the age of 35, an indicator within 64 kg will be considered a normal weight.

The ratio of weight and height in men. Age table

Height Age
20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69
150 51.3 56.7 58.1 58.0 57.3
152 53.1 58.7 61.5 61.0 60.3
154 55.3 61.6 64.5 63.8 61.9
156 58.5 64.4 67.3 65.8 63.7
158 61.2 67.3 70.4 68.0 67.0
160 62.9 69.4 72.3 69.7 68.2
162 64.6 71.0 74.4 72.7 69.1
164 67.3 73.9 77.2 75.6 72.2
166 68.8 74.5 78.0 76.3 74.3
168 70.8 76.2 79.6 79.5 76.0
170 72.7 77.7 81.0 79.9 76.9
172 74.1 79.3 82.8 81.1 78.3
174 77.5 80.8 84.4 82.5 79.3
176 80.8 83.3 86.0 84.1 81.9
178 83.0 85.6 88.0 86.5 82.8
180 85.1 88.0 89.9 87.5 84.4
182 87.2 90.6 91.4 89.5 85.4
184 89.1 92.0 92.9 91.6 88.0
186 93.1 95.0 96.6 92.8 89.0
188 95.8 97.0 98.0 95.0 91.5
190 97.1 99.5 100.7 99.4 94.8

The ratio of weight and height in women. Age table

Height Age
20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69
150 48.9 53.9 58.5 55.7 54.8
152 51.0 55.0 59.5 57.6 55.9
154 53.0 59.1 62.4 60.2 59.0
156 55.8 61.5 66.0 62.4 60.9
158 58.1 64.1 67.9 64.5 62.4
160 59.8 65.8 69.9 65.8 64.6
162 61.6 68.5 72.2 68.7 66.5
164 63.6 70.8 74.0 72.0 70.7
166 65.2 71.8 76.6 73.8 71.4
168 68.5 73.7 78.2 74.8 73.3
170 69.2 75.8 79.8 76.8 75.0
172 72.8 77.0 81.7 77.7 76.3
174 74.3 79.0 83.7 79.4 78.0
176 76.8 79.9 84.6 80.5 79.1
178 78.2 82.4 86.1 82.4 80.9
180 80.9 83.9 88.1 84.1 81.6
182 83.3 87.7 89.3 86.5 82.9
184 85.5 89.4 90.9 87.4 85.8
186 89.2 91.0 92.9 89.6 87.3
188 91.8 94.4 95.8 91.5 88.8
190 92.3 95.8 97.4 95.6 92.9

Weight-to-height ratio in adolescents. table

In adolescence, a growth spurt occurs due to the child's puberty. For some, this "leap" begins at the age of 11, for others at the age of 13-14, some children grow very quickly and in two years reach the height of an adult, others grow gradually, reaching full growth by the age of 18.

With a rapid increase in growth, muscle mass and weight do not have time to build up, and with a slow one, on the contrary, first weight is gained, and then only the teenager stretches, bringing the parameters of growth and weight back to normal.

Nutritionists warn: starving as a teenager is very dangerous, since the brain during this period needs intensive nutrition, the lack of which can provoke mental retardation.

The ratio of height to weight in adolescents shown in the table is average. The deviation of this value to the lower side indicates a violation of the norm and requires the consultation of a specialist (with a difference of 10 units), the deviation to the larger side indicates that the body is ahead of the average norm.

Age Boys Girls
Height (cm) Weight, kg) Height (cm) Weight, kg)
7 years116,8-125,0 21,0-25,4 116,9-124,8 20,6-25,3
8 years122,1-130,8 23,3-28,3 123,0-131,0 23,0-28,5
9 years125,6-136,3 25,6-31,5 128,4-137,0 25,5-32,0
10 years133,0-142,0 28,2-35,1 134,3-142,9 27,7-34,9
11 years138,5-148,3 31,0-39,9 140,2-148,8 30,7-38,9
12 years143,6-154,5 34,4-45,1 145,9-154,2 36,0-45,4
13 years149,8-160,6 38,0-50,6 151,8-159,8 43,0-52,5
14 years old156,2-167,7 42,8-56,6 155,4-163,6 48,2-58,0
15 years162,5-173,5 48,3-62,8 157,2-166,0 50,6-60,4
16 years166,8-177,8 54,0-69,6 158,0-166,8 51,8-61,3
17 years171,6-181,6 59,8-74,0 158,6-169,2 52,9-61,9

The ratio of weight and height in children. table

Growth and weight indicators of a child are directly related to his physical and mental development, health, so it is so important to know their correct ratio. These standards have been developed by the World Health Organization and are the reference. However, these data cannot be called completely objective, they show how the average child should develop.

Age Boys Girls
Height (cm) Weight, kg) Height (cm) Weight, kg)
1 year75,8 9,7 74 9
2 years87,5 12,2 86,4 11,5
3 years96,1 14,3 95,1 13,9
4 years103,3 16,3 102,7 16,1
5 years110 18,3 109,4 18,2
6 years116 20,5 115,1 20,2

It is important to keep track of height and weight during infancy. For example, the control point in boys at the age of 3 months. the height is not less than 61.4 cm and the weight is not less than 6400 g (the low indicator is 59.4 cm and 5700 g); in girls at 6 months. height not less than 65.7 cm, weight not less than 7300 g (low indicator - 63.5 cm and 6500 g).

Body mass index (BMI). How to calculate

Body mass index is an objective indicator that determines the correspondence of the parameters of the human body to each other: insufficient weight - norm - excess weight.

BMI is primarily used by physicians in identifying health risks associated with a predisposition to excess body fat, and coaches also use this indicator to determine how harmonious the figure is and whether it needs to be changed for the better.

To calculate the indicator under consideration, it is necessary to apply the formula: weight (kg) divided by height 2 (m). For example, the height is 1.66 m, the weight is 58 kg, the mathematical calculation should be done as follows: 58: (1.66 x 1.66) = 21, which is the norm.

Note! When calculating BMI, it is necessary to take into account individual indicators: type of figure and physique, bone thickness, presence / absence of muscle tissue.

Body mass index during pregnancy

It is important for expectant mothers to track weight gain, which is summed up from the following indicators:

To find out how much the weight gain corresponds to the norm, gynecologists recommend using the BMI formula: weight (kg): height 2 (m).

The average indicators for pregnant women will be the following values:

  • < 18,5 – недостаточность веса;
  • 18.5-25 is the norm;
  • 25-30 - excess body fat;
  • > 30 - obesity.

If the index is low, then the increase will be in the range of 12.5-18 kg, if the desired indicator is normal - 11.5-15 kg, in case of excess body fat - 7-11.5 kg, with obesity - 6 kg or less ...

If the increase is below normal, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary, this condition can threaten the life of the unborn child and the health of the pregnant woman in general.

Body obesity index

The Body Fat Index measures the percentage of excess body fat. This indicator was developed by R. Bergman. He analyzed the age, gender, weight, height, hip circumference of the Mexican and African American ethnic groups and found that there is a relationship between hip size and height with the amount of fat.

Based on this correlation, scientists have derived a formula for calculating the IOT: the hip circumference (cm) must be divided by the sum of height (m) multiplied by the root of the height (m) and subtract 18.

For example, if the hip circumference is 102 cm and the height is 1.64 m, then the IOT is calculated by three mathematical actions:

  • 1.64 x 1.28 (root of 1.64) = 2.09;
  • 102: 2,09 = 48;
  • 48 — 18 = 30.

How to find your ideal weight

The ratio of height and weight can be determined using special formulas derived by scientists - Quetelet, Brock, McCallum. These formulas help not only to calculate what the ideal weight should be, but also to find out the degree of risk of developing obesity and other comorbidities.

The considered methods of calculating the correspondence of body parameters are used by professional fitness trainers to draw up training programs.

Quetelet formula. Examples of

The Quetelet formula helps to determine the proportionality of the figure. Objective data can be obtained if the age of a person is not less than 20 years old and not older than 66 years old, the formula in question is not suitable for other age groups, and it is also not recommended for athletes. Computation essence: body weight (kg): height 2 (m).

For parameters 177 cm and 72 kg, it is necessary to perform the following mathematical operations:

  • 1.77 x 1.77 = 3.13;
  • 72: 3.13 = 23 (the required indicator).

For men, the normal index is in the range of 19-25, for the fair sex - 19-24. Lack of weight is determined by the indicator<18, а ожирение начинается с индекса равного >30. The risk of various diseases in case of deviations of the index up or down from the norm is quite high.

Paul Broca's formula. Examples of

Broquet's formula calculates the proportionality of body weight in relation to a person's height:

  • height (cm) - 110 (up to 40 years old);
  • growth (cm) - 100 (after 40 years).

The physique is also taken into account: the asthenic type needs to subtract 10% from the obtained figure, and the hypersthenic, on the contrary, add 10%.

A person of asthenic type, whose height is 170 cm, age 35 years old, needs to do the following calculations:

  • 170 — 110 = 60;
  • 60 - 10% = 54 (the required indicator).

Body type is determined by the size of the wrist circumference:

McCallum's formula. Examples of

The ideality of the proportions of the human body helps to determine the McCallum formula, according to which the girth of the chest is first calculated - the circumference of the wrist multiplied by 6.5; and then other parameters of the body.

They are:

  • waist size - 70%;
  • thighs - 85%;
  • neck circumference - 37%;
  • forearm - 29%.
  • shin size - 34%;
  • biceps circumference - 36%;

For example, for a wrist equal to 16 cm, calculations are performed as follows:

  • 16 * 6.5 = 104cm (chest);
  • 104 - 85% = 88 cm (hips);
  • 104 - 70% = 72 cm (waist);
  • 104 - 37% = 38 cm (neck);
  • 104 - 36% = 37 cm (biceps);
  • 104 - 34% = 35 cm (shin);
  • 104 - 29% = 30 cm (forearm).

Please note that this is a statistical average, so the ratios shown may vary from case to case.

When body weight correction is required

A person's weight in relation to his height, age and other indicators helps to calculate various formulas that also assess how much body weight is within normal limits. If a shortage or excess weight is detected, its correction is required.

Lack of mass is determined by the index 16-18.5, according to BMI;<8 (М) и <21 (Ж) по ИОТ. Коррекция заключается в наборе веса, осуществляется специальным усиленным питанием. При этом обязателен медицинский контроль, так как излишняя худоба может спровоцировать летальный исход.

The following indicators are considered overweight:

  • > 30 according to BMI (grade I obesity up to 34.99, II - up to 39.99, III -> 40);
  • > 25 (for men) and> 38 (for women) by IOT.

Obesity requires a weight loss program consisting of a balanced diet and exercise. The first is provided by a dietitian, the second by a fitness trainer. Only the well-coordinated work of these specialists will help bring body weight closer to normal.

How to normalize your body mass index

  1. Change your diet for the better - diversify it with wholesome and healthy foods.
  2. Stick to a meal schedule, eat small meals.
  3. Refuse "harmful" foods - fatty, sweet, flour foods, fast food.
  4. Drink plenty of water - at least 2 liters per day.
  5. Refrain from eating at night.

You also need to change physical activity:

The ideal figure is associated with a proportional ratio of weight and height, depends on the physique and other individual characteristics. Formulas, tables that take into account various body parameters and a person's age will help to find out your norm, helping to understand whether weight correction is needed.

Article design: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the ratio of height and weight

The ratio of weight and height is very important for a man's appearance and his health. Being overweight or underweight indicates problems. Thinness and "beer belly" spoil the figure of a person, worsen the aesthetic appearance. There are many methods for calculating the ideal weight, which depends on the constitution of the body, its height.

Few movements, improper nutrition lead to obesity, the appearance of diseases that shorten the life expectancy of a strong half of humanity. We offer in our article several methods to help determine body weight at your height.


In order to have ideal forms, you need to know the features of the calculation, which depends on three indicators:

  1. Heights.
  2. Chest volume.
  3. Bone weights.

The weight-to-height ratio is constant. The change in proportions affects the appearance, health.

Extra pounds lead to the development of various ailments associated with obesity (cardiovascular, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems).

Weight is directly proportional to the height and volume of the chest. Ideally, the male figure should be in the shape of an "inverted triangle", where the broad shoulders and developed chest end with narrow hips.

To calculate the ideal weight, you need to know the features of the figure. There are three types of them:

  • Hypersthenic- short, powerful enough neck, broad shoulders. The body is strong, stocky, prone to overweight, slow metabolism.
  • Normosthenic- proportionality is ideal, have a good metabolism.
  • Asthenic- narrow shoulders, elongated neck, increased digestion of food. They are prone to thinness, have a light bone.

You can determine the type using your wrist. It is necessary to measure with thumb and forefinger in the place where the bone is.

  • When closed with ease (length up to 17 cm) - asthenic.
  • If you had to make an effort to connect (17-20 cm) - a normosthenic.
  • When it was not possible to connect (more than 20 cm) - hypersthenic.

There is a table where weight depends on height and constitution. From the physique comes the amendment of the mass. For stocky men, it is 10% less than normal. Those who are predisposed to thinness, on the contrary, need to additionally have 10%.

Table depending on body type

The extra weight of some is visible visually, others are not. There is a technique by which BMI is recognized. It will help to establish excess or deficiency.
BMI according to Quetelet is calculated by the formula: Body weight (kg) divided by m2 of height


With a height of 160 cm, a body weight of 60 kg, you need: 60: (1.6 2) = 18.6

The male index is 19-25
For women, other parameters - 19-24

Weight table by BMI

Transformations associated with different physiques can be entered into the table. Men who have heavy bone are more powerful, the index can be considered normal if it reaches 33. Those who have light bone and fragile constitution may consider the correct index to be less than 18.

It also depends on life expectancy. The table shows the norm for those under 40, the average type of addition. After 40 - index 19-30. Hypersthenics have up to 35. BMI does not show where the adipose tissue is.

The norm of men - 0.85
For women - 0.65-0.85

Broca's formula

This is the most popular and simplest formula. It is easy to calculate.

Height - 110 cm for people under 40. Asthenics -10%, hypersthenics + 10%
Height - 100 cm for those over 40.

McCallum's formula

This calculation is used to determine the proportion of the body. Not everyone can have perfect looks, but exercise can help you get closer to the ideal.
The main parameters of the body must correspond to:

Breast6.5 wrist length
Pelvis85% of breast volume
Waist70% of breast volume
Hip53% of breast volume
Neck37% of breast volume
Biceps36% of breast volume
Shin34% breast volume
Forearm29% breast volume

There are many ways to determine your ideal weight. Not everyone has a naturally correct physique, a normal metabolism. Each person has to make certain efforts to be in good shape.