How to choose thermal underwear. How to choose the right thermal underwear for cold weather

Have a great mood to all of you! It's nice to know that the tips in the blog are helping so many people with their problems. I always believed that you can help not only with deeds, but also with simple advice, which is why I regularly supplement my blog.

The cold season is approaching, and in some regions, it has long come into its own. Many begin to think about maintaining their health. Someone gorges on vitamins while they are still without artificial additives, although garlic and onions, great folk healers, are available all year round.

Others are recruiting drugs for prevention. Oh, is it really not clear, all the advertising about supervitamins and other pharmaceuticals is just to lure customers. Any chemistry over time kills no worse than alcohol or cigarettes, only if the dangers of the latter are written on each package, then the doctors themselves lie about the harmlessness of drugs.

In recent years, human immunity has suffered greatly, this is influenced by many factors. One pattern has been noticed, in big cities people get colds much more often than villagers.

Our mothers and grandmothers always said when we were little that prevention is better than cure. Therefore, we will deal with this - we will consider a way to prevent diseases.

And that way is the right clothes. You have to know how to dress properly. Putting on 4 or 5 layers of clothing to keep warm is superfluous. It is enough to put on thermal underwear and a suit or whatever you usually wear on top.

In today's topic, I decided to discuss finding the right thermal underwear for all occasions. So, thermal underwear rating on our air. In compiling this rating, one online store helped me a lot, if you ever need to buy a set for yourself, then choose high-quality thermal underwear at

Thermal underwear rating for men

Thermal underwear - what is it

Many people think that thermal underwear is a type of heated clothing. All this confusion because of the prefix to the word thermo. It sounds nice, but the meaning is completely different in it.

With this name, manufacturers wanted to highlight the properties of underwear, which retains heat and removes moisture. Thanks to special materials and tailoring features, thermal underwear can perfectly cope with these tasks. This is especially true among men, they sweat much more actively due to an active lifestyle. If ordinary cotton is used instead of a termukha, then it is saturated with sweat and can cause hypothermia.

By the way, there is also a separate article about on our blog.

Another question is how to choose thermal underwear and what to look for? Of course, men do not have the female habit of spending several hours in stores choosing the right dress. The man came, said specifically what he needed, bought and left, that's all.

Which thermal underwear is better to choose

A variety of companies offer so many types of thermal underwear that it is very easy to get confused. The problem is that thermal underwear must be selected exactly. You will be surprised, but in addition to winter options, there are also summer ones. Therefore, I will tell you what thermal underwear is best for winter.

Here are the points to consider when choosing:

  • Type of material used for sewing;
  • How long will thermal underwear keep the temperature;
  • For what purpose do you buy thermal underwear;
  • Lifetime;
  • Price;
  • Is thermal underwear comfortable?
  • Color spectrum;

Thermal underwear made from synthetic fibers have a longer service life, but wearing it all the time can cause irritation due to lack of ventilation.

Thermal underwear must fit snugly to the body, do not buy it, relying on the indicated size or with a margin. It should feel like a second skin, try it on before you buy. Do not be afraid that thermal underwear will sit down after washing. If you take a quality product, this will not happen.

You need to wash the thermal underwear either by hand or in the delicate wash mode at 30-40 degrees, without squeezing, because it cannot be ironed. Color also needs to be matched to the color scheme of the clothes you wear, and try to buy monochrome and solid color sets so as not to look stupid.

What is thermal underwear made of?

  1. Polyester;
  2. Polypropylene;
  3. Wool;
  4. Cotton;
  5. Various combinations of the above materials.

Without synthetics, now nowhere, and if it comes to long-term preservation of heat, then its use is mandatory. Polyester perfectly removes moisture, preventing it from being absorbed into the fabric. The price of this type of thermal underwear is low, therefore it is profitable. The main problem with this choice is the inability of the skin to breathe, so it is only suitable for active and extreme sports.

Cotton allows the skin to breathe while retaining warmth. Just keep in mind that natural fabrics absorb moisture and prolonged wearing of such thermal underwear is impossible. By absorbing sweat, the underwear will become heavier and you will start to freeze.

Now thermal underwear is made from synthetics, and natural fibers (wool, cotton) are used more as an additive. Synthetic materials allow thermal underwear to last longer and deform less.

Craft Active Extreme is in great demand among athletes, namely active or extreme sports. The main advantage of this model is its versatility at an affordable price. At the same time, the quality is excellent.


Comfortable and soft set of thermal underwear allows you to wear it all three seasons. Thanks to the thin material, it is almost invisible under clothing. Great option for kids during cold weather. We all know how much boys love to lie in the snow, and underwear will protect children from unnecessary problems with a cold.

Red Union Suit

The peculiarity of this type of thermal underwear is that it is made in the form of a jumpsuit.

The integrity of such warm underwear allows you not to worry that at the wrong moment the lower back will open and you will be blown away. This model is especially popular in the USA, and you should not forget about the affordable price.

norfin nord

- This men's underwear is of high quality due to the material and special knitting. For more than a hundred years, the brand has been well-deserved respect among athletes, they trust its quality and durability.

The only negative is the price, which is quite high, and not every ordinary man in the street can afford such thermal underwear.


- This is a specific brand of thermal underwear, designed mainly for dangerous professions, such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, firefighters, water rescuers, the military, as well as workers in the chemical industry. The main distinguishing feature is protection against possible cuts, punctures, fire, not a strong electric shock.

norfin nord

- an excellent option, which enjoys great prestige among winter fishing enthusiasts. Pleasant material and high-quality knitting will allow you to have a pleasant rest without worrying about the low temperature. Of course, its price will be a separate issue. Those who love quality together with comfort should pay attention to this thermal underwear.


is also a fairly expensive brand that places its emphasis on quality. And since it is valued in Europe, the brand gained popularity quickly. It has a large model and gamma assortment of goods. Everyone who wants to be sure to choose a suitable model.

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Thermal underwear: comfort and warmth in any weather

Today you do not need to put on "a hundred clothes" so as not to freeze in cold weather. Light, practical and beautiful thermal underwear regulates body temperature by itself, removes sweat and provides the greatest comfort for a person.

Criteria for choosing the best thermal underwear

Thermal underwear type

In order for thermal underwear to please its owner, you need to choose it strictly for its intended purpose. Thermal underwear happens:

  • sports, or moisture-removing. It is designed for active physical activity in the fresh air.
  • everyday, or heat-saving. Its main function is to retain body heat, it is also suitable for light physical activity.
  • hybrid. Combines the properties of the two previous types by combining materials with different characteristics.

According to the cut and design, underwear is divided into men's, women's and unisex. Children's thermal underwear stands apart: it is subject to increased requirements for comfort and heat-saving properties. Manufacturers, as a rule, produce three types of children's underwear: for passive, semi-active and active walks.

Materials and composition

For sports thermal underwear, 100% synthetic materials are used: they remove moisture better and are more durable. For everyday linen, cotton and wool are used, which have high heat-saving properties, but they remove moisture worse and wear out faster. The warmest underwear is made from merino wool, but when choosing 100% woolen underwear, you should make sure that it does not prick the body!

To improve consumer characteristics, silk and bamboo fibers are added to the thermal underwear. Linen with mixed properties (hybrid) also has a mixed composition: natural fibers plus synthetic in different proportions, most often 50/50.

Important: thermal underwear is not a heating pad, but a convenient way to remove moisture from the skin and retain body heat. Without the “correct” outerwear (membrane suit and, if necessary, fleece underwear, polartec), thermal underwear will not work as efficiently as stated by the manufacturer.

Manufacturers of quality thermal underwear

When choosing the best thermal underwear, you need to understand that you will not be able to evaluate the presence of high technologies in the product “by eye”. Therefore, "Price Expert" advises instead of inexpensive products of one-day firms to give preference to well-known brands that have been operating on the market for many years and value their reputation. Notable Companies Craft, ODLO, X-bionic, Marmot and others offer a very wide range of thermal underwear, relying on sports and casual options: men's, women's, children's. The most popular brands: Norway(Germany) and Guahoo(Finland-China) - you can find offers for the whole family and any situation.

The principle “the more expensive the better” when choosing thermal underwear often works, but not always. In the inexpensive segment, there are also good models, for example, casual underwear Comazo(Germany) and sports Brubeck(Poland). But Russian manufacturers still have nothing to boast about: their cheap thermal underwear in fact most often turns out to be ordinary underwear without special properties. The only exception is products redfox and " Alloy».

Rating of the best thermal underwear - TOP-9

"Price Expert" chose 9 products of the most popular and time-tested brands.


Estimated price of a set (t-shirt + underpants)


Craft Active

the most comfortable and functional synthetic thermal underwear

high-quality thermal underwear made from natural materials

Norfin Nord

excellent fleece thermal underwear for fishing and hunting 9.7

Joha cotton/wool

best thermal underwear for kids

most popular thermal underwear

Brubeck Webster Termo

sports thermal underwear at the price of everyday

ODLO Warm Trend

excellent choice of women's thermal underwear for sports and leisure

classic men's thermal underwear for everyday wear

good budget thermal underwear

Let's take a closer look at each selected model.

1.Craft Active
the most comfortable and functional synthetic thermal underwear


Average price in the Russian Federation: 2100 rubles.

Craft thermal underwear is made of a very thin, almost weightless polyester thread, but it warms just fine. All the “fault” is the special technology of weaving threads and tailoring features. Linen fits perfectly to the body and perfectly copes with the removal of moisture. "Price Expert" recognizes it as the most efficient, comfortable and ideally combining price and quality.


  • wide range of;
  • perfect fit;
  • flat elastic seams;
  • Sold as sets or units.

Minuses: not found.

Typical reviews aboutthermal underwear Craftactive:

“The Craft Active thermal underwear is the best - it is very comfortable, retains heat well and actively removes moisture! Indispensable for active winter fun and walks with a child.

“Sits like a glove! The trousers are exactly in height (as stated on the size chart), the belt does not pinch, the shirt fits the figure, the sleeves also cover the arms completely.

2. Janus
The best thermal underwear made from natural materials


The average price of a set in the Russian Federation: 6000 r.

The visiting card of the Norwegian company Janus is the production of thermal underwear only from natural fibers: merino wool, cotton and silk. These are high-quality and expensive clothes for adults and children of all ages to stay comfortable in the cold.


  • natural;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • variety of assortment and design.

Minus: price.

Typical thermal underwear reviewsJanus:

“The best thermal underwear! I'm buying a second season. Thin, pleasant even on a naked body, does not run small, due to elasticity it sits well on the figure.

“Very high-quality thermal underwear, I advise everyone, especially those who are allergic to synthetics. And if you get a discount, then the price is acceptable.

3 Norfin Nord
best fleece thermal underwear for fishing and hunting


Average price in Russia: 3500 r.

All-purpose underwear is designed for very cold weather and moderate physical activity and, according to reviews, is well suited for winter fishing and hunting. Material - 100% microfleece (NORfeece Micro) allows you to quickly remove moisture and retains heat during sedentary activities. Norfin Nord can also be successfully used during high physical activity, simply by putting on additional thin thermal underwear under it.


  • warm and soft;
  • Washes well and dries quickly.
  • elastic cuffs and waistband.

Minuses: narrow range.

Typical thermal underwear reviewsnorfinnord:

“I have been using it for four years on winter fishing and have never regretted the purchase. The size as they sewed me, very comfortable, dry, warm.

“My personal conclusion is that Norfin Nord thermal underwear is worthy of attention and perfectly justifies its purpose!”

4. Joha cotton/wool
best thermal underwear for kids


Average price in Russia: 3200 r.

Joch underwear is especially respected by knowledgeable parents. It not only really works, retaining heat and removing moisture, but also provides maximum comfort for little whims. Joha does not prick, does not press, very soft, hypoallergenic, and a wide range allows you to choose "outfits" for children of any age, starting from birth.


  • high quality;
  • wide range of;
  • varied colors.

Minus: low wear resistance.

Typical thermal underwear reviewsJoha:

“The linen is very soft, pleasant and well-tailored, with flat seams. After many washes, the appearance remained the same - everything is white, not deformed and without spools.

“We have been wearing Joha thermal underwear since birth and are satisfied, the price is lower than many other brands, and the quality is on par. The only upsetting thing is that over time, puffs appear on the fabric, but this does not affect the protective properties.

5. Norway
most popular thermal underwear


Average price in Russia: 5600 r.

Very popular and varied thermal underwear made in Germany, designed for men, women, children, babies and pregnant women! All Norwegian models are thin, light, completely imperceptible on the body and not visible under clothing. At the same time, this thermal underwear performs the heat-saving function “excellently”. The main materials are thermolight synthetics, merino wool, cotton, there are also models with the addition of silk.


  • light quality material;
  • flat seams;
  • anatomical shape
  • Sold as singles or as sets - easy to pick up the size.


  • price;
  • few color choices.

Typical reviews about:

“We were very satisfied! It never got wet, it was always warm and pleasant to the touch. Most importantly, it is thin and does not carry additional load on the body. You can say you don’t feel it on yourself!

“The best thermal underwear is very soft, thin, completely unlike wool and very warm. I wash it in the machine, it does not roll up. Flat seams!

6. Brubeck Webster Termo
the best sports thermal underwear at the price of everyday


Average price in Russia: 2900 r.

Thermal underwear Brubeck Webster Termo consists of polyamide, polyester and elastane. It is all-weather and can be used in cool weather down to -10 for skiing, hockey and other winter sports, as well as in warm weather up to +20 for running, climbing, cycling and motorcycle riding. The main purpose is to release sweat and maintain the microclimate of the body.


  • durable;
  • seamless;
  • there are areas of enhanced ventilation;
  • perfect fit;
  • bacteriostatic.

Minuses: does not retain heat (but it is not intended for this).

Typical reviews of Brubeck thermal underwearwebsterThermo:

“For this money, it’s quite a working tool, zoned synthetics, designed for active loads. Application experience has shown that this linen works for its own money.

“I would never have believed that synthetics could be better than natural fabrics if I hadn’t bought a set of Brubeck thermal underwear. It is not felt on the body, light, while skiing very quickly removes moisture from clothes.

7.ODLO Warm Trend
The best women's thermal underwear for sports and leisure


Average price per set in Russia: 5500 r.

The thermal underwear of the Swiss brand ODLO is distinguished not only by its quality and durability, but also by its striking design. It is made from innovative synthetic materials of the company's own design. Different types of cut, spectacular colors and finishes, perfect fit make this thermal underwear especially attractive for the fair sex.


  • high quality;
  • a wide range of models and colors;
  • size range (XS-XL).

Minus: price.

Typical thermal underwear reviewsODLO:

“Very soft, bright, warm long sleeve, took L, sits tight, beautiful, the neck is pressed, but does not press, fleece inside, very light, I'm happy !!!”

“Cool, the best thermal underwear - stylish and perfectly fits the body. It's nice that you can choose from a variety of colors exactly what you like.

8. Guahoo
The best men's thermal underwear for everyday wear


Average price in Russia: 5000 r.

The Finnish brand Guahoo has been known in Russia for over 10 years. Under this name, classic thermal underwear is produced for every day and for sports. Viscose-acrylic synthetics (wormsoft) in combination with cotton or merino wool are the best solution for any weather from cool to very cold. The manufacturer offers 5 options for underwear for different temperature conditions and 3 options for different degrees of physical activity.


  • variety of models for different situations;
  • flat seams;
  • wide range of colors.

Minuses: the cut and seam quality are not perfect.

Typical thermal underwear reviewsGuahoo:

“The best thermal underwear for every day. It stretches well, fits tall and wide, it is erased without problems. The knees are extended, but this is not critical.

“Dry, warm, comfortable, thin knitwear, flat seams allow you to wear underwear under tight-fitting clothes and look presentable. Of the minuses: a weak elastic band and a little strange cut.

9. Comazo
good cheap thermal underwear


Average price in Russia: 1500 r.

German underwear Komatso is inexpensive, but it works according to all the rules of thermal underwear: it removes sweat and retains heat. The assortment includes 3 types of linen for different temperature conditions from -10 to -35 degrees.


  • price;
  • acceptable quality.


  • over time, greatly stretches;
  • "big size".

Typical reviews aboutComazo:

“This thermal underwear is not for active sports (too warm), but to go to work and home calmly is the best option for the money.”

“The linen is very pleasant to the touch. It doesn't hang around, but it doesn't fit like underwear. Just need to take a size smaller - it is larger, and after washing it also stretches.

So what is the best thermal underwear to buy?

As you can see, thermal underwear is no longer exotic: there is a lot of it on the Russian market, and day by day it is becoming more popular, and the range is growing. Before buying, "Price Expert" advises to especially clearly determine the purpose for which thermal underwear is purchased, and then it will be really effective and give warmth and comfort. Happy shopping!

Thermal underwear is mistakenly considered an element of clothing exclusively for people involved in or active recreation. In fact, a high-quality kit will not interfere at all with everyday use in the cold season, when the thermometer drops well below zero. Today we will talk about how to choose the right thermal underwear, give advice on what you need to pay attention to when buying it.

What are these things?

How to choose thermal underwear for winter? Before answering this question, you need to understand what it actually is. Now all kinds of options are available on store shelves: sweaters, turtlenecks, shorts, leggings, underpants for men. In appearance, underwear with a thermal protection function practically does not differ from ordinary underwear. The difference usually lies in the use of special tailoring techniques and a special combination of natural and synthetic fibers. The range has expanded significantly in recent years. You can find different models for both adults and children.


How to choose the right thermal underwear among such an abundance of options?

First of all, you should pay attention to the composition. If the kit is needed for active sports, then it is optimal to opt for a model made of a combined material. The presence of synthetic fibers - spandex, polypropylene and polyester - contributes to a snug fit of underwear to the body without restrictions during movement. Moisture in this case is not absorbed into the layer in contact with the body, but follows further to the surface.

The latest technology for the production of thermal underwear is the use of a special type of weaving thread, made in such a way that the released sweat moves towards the neck, to the sleeves on sweaters and to the edge of the legs. This is convenient when doing winter sports, when it is not possible to change wet underwear, and staying in it is unpleasant and fraught with hypothermia. Having become familiar with the basic properties of fabrics, it is much easier to figure out which thermal underwear is better to choose. Reviews about such things are quite contradictory, so you need to rely on your knowledge.

The heat-saving type of linen is characterized by a high content of cotton and wool. Such models are less elastic and are mainly designed to be worn under everyday clothes during low temperatures. Many people prefer to use this variety in the form of pajamas. The wool set will perfectly retain body heat during sleep, and its pleasant texture will make rest even more comfortable.


It is also important to determine which style will be comfortable in a given situation.

How to choose thermal underwear for everyday wear? A suitable option would be just a heat-saving look. Such underwear, as a rule, is made of predominantly natural fabrics, it perfectly retains heat and prevents the penetration of cold. This is the best solution for walking, fishing, hunting and any other activity that involves a long stay in the open air during the cold season.

Before choosing, you should determine the degree of activity while wearing it. Based on these considerations, it is already possible to select options made from certain fabrics that meet the needs.

For outdoor activities and sports

If you need to figure out how to choose men's thermal underwear for active or leisure activities, then moisture-wicking models should be considered. They are made of synthetic fibers, do not retain moisture that evaporates, and do not create an unpleasant odor. This option is ideal for skiing, snowboarding and other active activities when you need to keep the body dry. However, you should carefully select the next layer of clothing in order to retain heat as much as possible.

You can also try the combined type. It is useful for active movement, and for a quiet stay in the cold. Having tried this or that type of fabric, a man will definitely know which thermal underwear is better to choose. Reviews of various models are often negative due to the fact that things do not keep warm.

Female models

A separate topic is women's thermal underwear. How to choose a functional model with an aesthetic look? This issue is not easy, but it is completely solvable. You can consider options for a heat-saving or combined type. The latter is characterized by universal properties and combines the functions of saving heat and removing moisture. This model is perfect for both vigorous activity and for a long stay in the cold.

How to choose thermal underwear for everyday wear so that it is not noticeable under clothes? It is better to give preference to seamless models in the form of T-shirts on thin straps. Such an element can be worn under a turtleneck or a dress, and at the same time feel comfortable. Particularly thin linen will not stand out from under any type of fabric, however, it retains heat perfectly, making it possible to look elegant.

Many manufacturers give their own recommendations on how to choose thermal underwear for winter, describing the properties and parameters of each model. But the bottom line is that it is possible to determine whether the kit is suitable or not, whether it meets all the requirements, only in a practical way. When choosing a company, you should pay attention to the fact that each manufacturer specializes in one, maximum two lines of thermal underwear. For the latest technologies are developed and applied, making their creators the best in their product segment.

If a company has a wide range of sports thermal underwear and only a few everyday items, this means that the main direction is the production of water-repellent sets. The remaining species are in addition to the main series. The rating of the manufacturer is of considerable importance, since the quality of the product stands behind it. Knowing this, it is easier for the buyer to decide which thermal underwear to choose. Reviews of certain models will help you choose a company specializing in a particular type of product.

So, before buying, it is important to determine for what purposes the kit is selected.

How to wear

In general, we figured out how to choose thermal underwear for winter and autumn, but you also need to learn a few rules about how to wear it correctly before buying. For example, for the best preservation of heat, it is necessary to put on underwear thermal protection, then insulating clothing made of fleece material, and on top of a protective set - a jacket and trousers or overalls. According to this principle, it is convenient to dress during a holiday in the mountains, but the same recommendations must be observed in urban conditions. Although the latter option is not so easy to perform, since, for example, fleece office clothes are hard to imagine.


We figured out how to choose thermal underwear for everyday wear, how to wear it, now we need to briefly touch on the topic of caring for it. Subject to a number of rules, the kit will last a long time and will warm you every winter.

  • Thermal underwear should be washed in water, the temperature of which is not more than 40 ° C.
  • Do not dry the set with a machine.
  • For washing, it is not recommended to use or bleach, sometimes the use of special liquid products is acceptable.
  • It is better to load the laundry into the machine turned inside out.


Living in an area where the winter period passes at low temperatures, it is better to purchase at least two sets. During a winter holiday spent in the mountains, 2 options will also be required. Since the kits for active sports are different from those suitable for everyday wear, we conclude that you still have to buy 3-4 items. Do not choose budget options. It has been proven in practice that such a kit will either not cope with its duties at all, or will very quickly lose its appearance. Models of average cost will more than pay for themselves when they warm the body in frost and cold.


Now you know how to choose thermal underwear for everyday wear, as well as for sports. We hope that you will be able to pick up good kits on your own.

In the winter cold, you want to add extra warmth! And this will help us not only high-quality outerwear, but also thermal underwear. In order for it to flawlessly perform all its functions, it is necessary to be able to choose it correctly. The difficulty lies in the fact that different types of thermal underwear are needed for different purposes. In addition, a lot depends on the weather conditions in which you will wear it. Therefore, let's figure out how to choose thermal underwear so that it fully meets your expectations and goals.

How to choose the right thermal underwear

Thermal underwear is underwear that allows the body to retain heat. At the same time, such things do not interfere with the free access of air to the body. In general, thermal underwear can be divided into three categories according to its properties:

  • warming / keeping warm;
  • providing uninterrupted air circulation;
  • wicks moisture away from the body.

Thermal underwear of the first category is ideal for everyday wear in winter: going to work, walking and other activities that do not imply profuse sweating. Products of the second category will come in handy in the summer or, for example, when camping, when sleeping in a tent. Thermal underwear of the third category is indispensable for sports: since you are on the move, the "warming" qualities of these things fade into the background. It is important that the body stays dry. The above qualities can be combined to some extent in one product.

Thermal underwear also happens:

  • natural;
  • synthetic;
  • mixed.

The properties that we talked about above depend on the material used for the manufacture of products. Natural fabrics are pleasant to the body, perfectly retain heat, but with profuse sweating they get wet almost instantly. Therefore, they are suitable for everyday wear (cotton - in summer, woolen - in winter), sleep, long stay in the fresh air without active movement (for example, for fishing). Natural materials often wear out faster than synthetic ones. And wool can cause allergies. You can prefer cotton, devoid of this problem, but its heat-retaining characteristics are inferior to those of wool. Synthetic fabrics do not cause allergies, perfectly remove moisture from the body and do not absorb it, are durable, have an antibacterial effect, and dry quickly. However, wearing synthetic thermal underwear for a long time is still not recommended - it can cause dry skin.

Based on the information presented above, we will try to draw a conclusion that allows us to get an answer to the question of how to choose the right thermal underwear. Synthetics are suitable for sports and outdoor activities. Thermal underwear made of natural fabrics or synthetics with an admixture of natural materials - for leisurely walks and a relaxing pastime.

What thermal underwear to choose for a child? First of all, you need to consider how active your toddler is. And, of course, for what time of the year thermal underwear is bought. If the baby is constantly on the move, and it is winter outside, then you should opt for synthetic products, over which it is imperative to put on a “underwear”. "Underwear" are warming things. They are worn under the main outfit. That is, it is something like an intermediate option between linen and. As a rule, these are warming overalls made of wool, fleece and other warm materials. If your baby is calm enough, then in the cold season you can get by with thermal underwear made from natural materials (for example, the same wool), without intermediate options.

If you are concerned about the problem of "warming" your spouse, then you are undoubtedly interested in the question of how to choose men's thermal underwear. An ideal option for everyday wear would be a set of sweatshirts and pants. After all, men do not really like to put on a lot of things. This lady will easily fit into two sweaters and wrap herself with a scarf for fidelity. Representatives of the stronger sex often prefer a minimum of clothing. Therefore, thermal underwear will be an excellent option that allows your spouse not to freeze. And it is absolutely indispensable if your husband loves winter fishing. In this case, it is necessary to choose thermal underwear that can maintain body temperature even in the coldest season, for a long time.

How to choose women's thermal underwear? I have my own criteria. If a man does not attach much importance to the appearance of thermal underwear, then for women this factor often comes to the fore. Fortunately, on sale you can find many beautiful and. Women's thermal underwear should ideally fit the body so that it can be used in combination with absolutely any outfit. Otherwise, the lady will have to choose between beauty and the rejection of thermal underwear (as it looks unaesthetic under the dress) and warmth. Elastic, tight-fitting models solve this problem.

When buying thermal underwear, it is very important to choose the right size. If such things do not fit well to the body, then there is not much point in using them: to preserve heat, a fairly tight fit of the figure is necessary. On the other hand, if the size is too small, then you will experience discomfort, and this should not be observed when using thermal underwear. It would seem that difficult in choosing the size? After all, it is always indicated on the label. However, manufacturers may have their own interpretation of the size range. Therefore, be sure to always study the size chart, which indicates body volumes in centimeters. And better - try on thermal underwear, so you definitely can't go wrong.

How to choose thermal underwear for sports

Thermal underwear for sports, as we have already understood, is chosen, first of all, by the ability to remove moisture from the body. And the more active your classes, the better this function should manifest itself in the selected products. The best option for sports is synthetic thermal underwear. Products made from natural materials will quickly get wet, and you will feel discomfort.

How to choose thermal underwear for outdoors in the cold season? Choose sets made from synthetics with the addition of natural fabrics. They will not only remove moisture, but also allow you to keep warm. Wearing such kits, as a rule, can be from three to eight hours (then they will become too wet) - this is quite enough to work out winter sports.

Now you know how to choose thermal underwear for various purposes, and you can take care of the health and well-being of your entire family at any time of the year!