How to interest a man for a serious relationship? Three sure ways to captivate a man and keep his interest for a long time

First of all, a woman can attract a man due to her bright appearance. But if a young man pays attention only to this, then he is unlikely to need a long and serious relationship. If a girl wants to interest a guy, then external data alone is not enough. She should reconsider her behavior and learn how to communicate with the opposite sex. It is enough to unobtrusively indicate your sympathy for the young man to want further communication.

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    How to get attention

    Most often, it is the woman who chooses the man. And she does it carefully and imperceptibly. Non-verbal signals come from her, thanks to which she draws attention to herself, and the young man begins to distinguish her from the crowd.

    However, modesty and indecision are inherent in both girls and young people. Therefore, representatives of the strong half of humanity do not take the initiative into their own hands so often. After all, it is important for them to realize that the lady will also not mind getting to know each other.

    In order for a guy to pay attention and become interested in a woman, she needs to do the following:

    1. 1. Make eye contact. A girl can look at a man she likes, holding her gaze for a few seconds, then take him to the side and repeat everything after 5 minutes. Keep in mind that the contact should convey a positive attitude. If a guy reads arrogance in his eyes, it will only push him away.
    2. 2. The young lady is recommended to smile and laugh more often. After all, it is much more pleasant to deal with a positive person. Communication with a disgruntled person usually does not cause joyful feelings. But it must be remembered that the smile should not be fake. It is necessary to laugh from the heart, because sincerity is an effective weapon of the fair sex during seduction.
    3. 3. It is possible, being next to a man, to accidentally drop a scarf or some object. The young man will want to pick up the thing and give it to the lady. After such an act, the gentleman needs to be praised and thanked. Also, you should ask the guy how to get to some famous place.

    Do not be upset if you did not immediately manage to interest a man, because he can be absorbed in any problems. But first you need to find out if he is married. And if the place next to him is occupied, then it is better to stop trying to attract his attention.

    How to get your husband's attention


    Some girls, when they want to achieve the location of a certain man, fall into various extremes. They are demanding on their appearance, consider themselves too thin or too fat. Ladies can either completely hide their figure under a pile of clothes, or be excessively exposed. These options should be avoided. In the first case, the young man will pass by, and in the second he will decide that in front of him is a cheeky, easily accessible woman. It is necessary to choose a golden mean and always stick to it:

    1. 1. Choose feminine clothes, and try to wear trousers or jeans less often.
    2. 2. With a tight-fitting outfit, highlight only one of your dignity: beautiful legs, magnificent breasts or a thin waist.
    3. 3. Choose light flowing dresses or other brightly colored clothes.
    4. 4. Give preference to subtle makeup and natural hair styling.
    5. 5. Regularly engage in physical activity, because an elastic body is attractive to everyone.

    All your complexes must be left aside, as guys easily determine a girl's low self-esteem. In addition, a young lady who is used to taking care of herself is always attractive. Women are encouraged to experiment with beautiful clothes, pick up a gentle make-up, do styling, then success will not be far off.

    How to attract a man

    The body and its signals

    The human body is capable of giving non-verbal cues and communicating obedience or dominance. If a young lady wants a guy to show interest in her, her appearance should speak of defenselessness. This can be done like this:

    1. 1. Open your neck as much as possible. You can tilt your head or look up. And if you periodically look into the eyes of the interlocutor, then he can perceive this as an incentive to action.
    2. 2. Demonstrate the beauty of the legs. It is recommended to put one foot on the other and wiggle it slightly. If the lady is wearing a short skirt, she can sit half-turned, showing their length.
    3. 3. When communicating with a young man, lean forward a little. Thanks to this movement, the most vulnerable places, such as the neck and chest, will become visible.
    4. 4. Keep lips slightly parted. Thus, the girl shows the desire for dialogue. If the mouth is too clamped, then this indicates nervousness and anger.
    5. 5. Sometimes touch yourself with your hands. You can touch your cheek or neck. You need to move smoothly and easily. But strokes should be avoided, because it looks too defiant. It is allowed to stretch a little (if the couple is not at the table), thus, all the advantages of the figure will become even more visible.
    6. 6. Sometimes fix your hair. It should be borne in mind that touching the hair looks advantageous if it is clean and well-groomed. It is permissible, as it were, to unconsciously wind the curl around your finger, tighten the elastic on the tail tighter. Such manipulations are an ancient method of seduction.

    It must be remembered that you must always be yourself in order to intrigue a man. If a girl is used to staying at home, then you should not portray a socialite. Even if the guy is interested, then one day the lady will have to remove the mask. Therefore, it is better to initially be sincere and open, then there is every chance that a woman will attract a chosen one.

    You can interest a man only if you are not afraid to show your sympathy. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to behave defiantly or directly declare it. It is better to get by with a fascinating conversation, a friendly look, a pleasant laugh at his joke, and further actions should come from a man.

    How to seduce a man

    Rules for communicating with a guy

    You need to learn how to talk to a man. Chatting with guys is different from talking with girls, at least initially.

    To intrigue a young man, the young lady must work on her own intonation, voice, give preference to the right topics for conversation. The girl is recommended to follow some rules:

    • pronounce words clearly and slowly;
    • avoid hysterical notes;
    • intonation should be calm;
    • choose only positive topics for conversation;
    • ask questions more often and listen carefully;
    • it is advisable to read a lot, because it is easy for well-read young ladies to keep up a conversation.

    In order for a guy to start seeking a girl, she needs to follow some tips:

    1. 1. If a guy is sure that he can please a girl, then he will pursue her. If he does not feel this, then it is hardly possible to expect active actions from him. A woman must clearly understand that she needs his courtship. Then both will be sure that they are suitable for each other. A slight coquetry on the part of the lady is appropriate, so that the young man understands that he will not be denied a date if he comes up first.
    2. 2. It is recommended to praise a guy, because not only girls love compliments. But you need not to overdo it, because rude flattery can ruin everything. Let the young lady approve of the young man's ability to drive a car or cook a delicious dinner.
    3. 3. You need to listen carefully to a man and admire his actions. It is strictly forbidden to show irony or condescension. From the girl should come only admiration. And if she asks leading questions, then success is almost guaranteed.

    How and what to talk about?

    The psychology of men is such that it is much easier to interest them if the young lady communicates with him more often. But this does not mean that the young man will have to be sought. Positive communication brings the couple closer. A girl can, under any pretext, approach a guy several times and ask questions of interest. It is recommended to try to be close to him, but not to bother him too much. It must be remembered that it is he who must conquer the lady, and not she him.

    In addition to positive communication, a small discussion will be beneficial. In some cases, even conflict (without raising your voice and shouting) is useful. It's better to argue a little than not talk at all. If at the beginning of a relationship a man is somewhat aggressive, then this should not repel a woman, because it is not in vain that boys pull girls by pigtails in childhood.

    Competition between two fans

    This method is often criticized, but it must be recognized that it works. It is necessary to imperceptibly force two men to compete among themselves for one girl. The meaning of this action is quite simple, because men, at their core, tend to show the primitive instinct of the conqueror and compete with each other. And if one of them has a female, then others try to attract her attention.

    In order to interest a guy in this way, some conditions must be observed:

    • A young lady cannot flirt with another man if she already has a partner, because this will only cause resentment and aggression. It is necessary that the boyfriend sometimes showed signs of attention that cannot go unnoticed by the rest of the stronger sex. The lady should refuse, feigning slight indignation.
    • From now on, you can’t be sure that you managed to interest a man for real. After all, if an opponent disappears from the horizon, then the guy’s interest can immediately disappear, since he appeared only thanks to the competition.

    Any young man wants to win a beautiful and smart girl, especially if he has ever watched other guys show her signs of attention.

    How to choose the time to flirt?

    But every person has those days when he should not be disturbed. If a man has difficulties at work, stress, chronic fatigue and other worries, then he will not have time for dating for some time. He must deal with the basic problems, after which he will have an interest in flirting. It is recommended to just leave it alone for this period. If a girl chooses a good moment when a man is doing well, he succeeds in business, then he will almost certainly turn his attention to her.

    These methods are universal for most situations. But keep in mind that all young people are different. Sometimes a woman can overdo it and a man will have no choice but to avoid a relationship with her. In other cases, the lady will not show any initiative, and the man will not like it. In everything it is worth observing the measure, and each young person needs his own approach.

    A girl should always be beautiful and well-groomed, interesting and sociable. Let a man study it with pleasure like an unread book. A little bit of charm, cunning and intelligence - then everything will certainly work out.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    My eyes were especially depressing, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

    But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Even if a woman dresses stylishly, is self-confident, possesses, this does not mean that everything is going well in her personal life, and she knows how to interest a man in order to finally become happy. How to find that one and win his love?

The answer to this question is very simple: you just need to find a way to please a man. If you have fallen into despair from this advice, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules that will help you resolve this problem.

So, first of all, in order to interest a man, it is important to understand one thing: women and men are polar beings in many respects, they are not similar either externally or internally. Therefore, knowing how to please you, do not be so sure that a member of the opposite sex can also be liked in the same way. Remember that your stylish (as it seems to you) girlfriends or saleswomen in fashion stores may seem to you the embodiment of beauty and grace, and a man will look at them as ridiculous creatures. The main thing - do not listen to anyone's advice (especially these girlfriends), and then everything will work out for you. And we will help you with this by providing a list of some rules, All of them are united by one theme: "hunter-prey." The hunter is, of course, he, but the victim is you. And not literally. The point is to conquer, and a woman should give him such an opportunity. So:

  1. The first thing a woman should pay attention to is her appearance. It should be attractive to your chosen one. Men love with their eyes, and this is a fact. Well, how can he see the rich if the woman did not interest him? He simply will not talk and will not understand your subtle mental organization, which is hidden under the guise of a “gray mouse”. However, the main thing here is not to go too far. Remember that a charming woman is by no means a vulgar or dissolute person. Men have a peculiar attitude towards such men, and they do not choose such men for a serious relationship. So, appearance is something that can interest a man at first sight. And here modesty and charm should be harmoniously combined with elegance and seductiveness. Then a man will want to please such a woman again and again and solve her, each time finding interesting features.
  2. It is important to understand that men love ladies who are feminine, not masculine. That is, a woman must be a true representative of the fair sex. So the answer to the question of how to interest a man, in this case, is the ability to be weak and constant admiration for the strength of a partner. You need to help him make you happy, protect you. Moreover, this should happen in such a way that the initiative comes from him. And your task is to sincerely thank and admire his resourcefulness. It is important to gently let a man know that without him you will be lost and will not be able to cope with all the difficulties of the world. But this is not necessary, constantly resorting to the help of tears. If you do this regularly, a man will simply get tired of your behavior, and he will find another one for himself.
  3. The third rule in the question of how to interest a man is that you cannot become a witness to his failure or blunder. Even if it does, cheer him up with words like “you did great, I couldn’t have done it.”
  4. Do not talk to a man about money, about your small salary and scarce opportunities. You should admire him, not his income - then expensive gifts and luxurious villas are provided to you. Conquer him with the purity of your soul, because he needs it the most.
  5. Do not be too mysterious and mysterious: speak directly about your claims and addictions. For example, if you love gold, not silver, it’s better to tell him about it right away, so that later there are no ridiculous insults and phrases like “Didn’t you understand?”

And in conclusion, let's say that the game is good only up to a certain point. Building relationships is an art, and each of us knows how to find a suitable line of behavior for ourselves. Be yourself and everything will work out!

Include him in your circle of friends. Now that you've become a little closer than just vague acquaintances, the next step is to become friends. Many people will say that this is the wrong move, but in most cases it is not. This will help you avoid the main risk: in other words, he will not fall in love with someone you are not. You are natural around friends, and if you want to attract a guy, you need to be yourself from the very beginning.

  • Moreover, friendship will show how much you have in common. If you start showing kindness, friendliness, and interest (which you certainly have), you can become good friends in the most natural way.
  • Remember: how did you make friends with all these people from your environment? Well, if it worked for them, it will work for the guy too!
  • Make him feel special. Once you become friends, you need to let him know that he is not just "one of many" for you. Don't make it too obvious, but try to make it stand out a little. Do not reveal your most important secret to him, it will scare him away. Just do a little strange things to show that you feel close to him or think about him.

    • For example, if you're having a hard time sharing your feelings, try saying something like, "Well, I'm a little sad today." Or if you've been discussing his favorite candy, try giving him one (and grab yourself one too).
  • Be gentle. You need him to slowly come to the conclusion that between you lot general. If you show him trust and a little more attention than you would with regular friends, he will subconsciously start to notice that something is going on.

    • Don't make it too obvious. To take the first example again, don't tell him, “Oh God, I'm so depressed. I'm so sad and it's terrible." These words may scare him away, as he will not understand why you suddenly started talking so much about yourself. Everything should be natural. Perhaps a little unusual, but do not go too far.
    • If you find yourself alone, tell him the first story, which you will later tell the rest of your friends. So he will feel special, because he learned everything before. Or touch him a little more than other people. For example, you can touch his hand during a conversation or hug when meeting.
  • Do not discuss your plan with other people. Firstly, it will cause less embarrassment if it turns out that you do not like the guy. Secondly, you will be able to avoid embarrassing situations in the style of: “Is this him?”, Said in the loudest possible voice, when the guy is a couple of meters away from you. You can also prevent your friends from trying to help you. Of course, they want the best, but as a rule, this ends in disaster.

    • You can safely share with other people (including friends) only if they have no chance of meeting this guy or if one of the steps described in this article cannot be physically completed without their participation. Otherwise, you are on your own in this matter.
  • It is clear that the skirt, barely covering the groin, and the neckline, which is not inferior in depth to the Grand Canyon, arouse in a man not interest, but an erection. Women who have become proficient in the art of provocation and seduction are now worried about something else - how to interest a man in his person, in connection with which many questions arise. Is it necessary to demonstrate a rich inner world, or, on the contrary, is it better to remain a silent mystery? Is it worth talking about sex or is it necessary to build an immaculate virgin? Turn on a fool or a smart one? We'll talk about this and more below.

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    Serious relationship Flirting Communication

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    For the future: how to interest a man in a relationship

    Interest is more than curiosity. Interest is a state that encourages a person to activity in order to get to the bottom of the essence. In the context of our conversation, interest determines the prospect of a relationship. There is interest - there is a perspective. The question is how to get interested?

    First impression

    The first item on the program is, of course, appearance. I hope you don't fall for trends like greasy hair and unshaven armpits. And you're doing the right thing. Bodypositive is bodypositive, but beauty and grooming still save women from loneliness.

    Magnet - optimism

    The second important point is optimism. Optimism, like a good figure, is sexy. Fatal women with mournful faces are out of fashion. Happy and satisfied women came to her. To become such a woman, you need to fulfill two conditions - to love yourself and love life. And smile.

    active position

    The “I’m sitting, waiting for the prince” format has also exhausted itself. It is important to have an active life position. You do not wait with your hands folded, but live your interesting life and, beautifully wagging your hips, go towards your goals.

    Basic instinct

    Do you love a sex. You are open to him. Ready to talk about it. Don't be a hypocrite from the Soviet Union. Take it easy on sex. And stop calculating in your mind when to “give” and what will break off for it. Act on desire, not calculation.

    Not all at once

    And keep it all intrigue. Give out less information about yourself, igniting curiosity and leaving room for fantasy. The less he knows, the more he is interested.

    Know the language: how to interest a man in conversation

    The question of how to interest a man inevitably rests on communication. Because, after evaluating the figure, a man will want to talk to you. And a lot depends on how you speak the language.

    in one language

    Do not tire with verbalism that does not carry a semantic load. Speak briefly, succinctly and about what he likes. To find out what he likes, do not guess on the coffee grounds, but ask: “What are you interested in?”. A specific question is the quickest and easiest way to get information. If you listen carefully, of course.

    "Fool" and "smart"

    When answering the question of how to communicate with a man in order to interest him deeply and for a long time, one cannot help but recall the effective “stupid-smart” technique. Including a fool, you will let a man feel his superiority. Including smart, give him the opportunity to conquer you. So alternate – sometimes flap your eyelashes and look into your mouth, and sometimes talk about something like the Higgs boson.

    trump cards

    Keep a couple of undoubted virtues (achievements, interests, hobbies) up your sleeve, and get them from time to time. For example, you are sitting in a ballet, and a man notices that he likes the performance - both the production is good and the dancers are on top. Keep up the conversation: “Yes, I have been engaged in choreographic plasticity for 9 years and, indeed, I see the beauty of the dramatic design, technical skill and elegance of pantomime.”

    About praise and flattery

    We love to be praised. Even if praise is outright flattery. In any case, it inspires and increases self-esteem. Especially greedy for flattery, yes, men. And some secretly say: praise causes an erection. Therefore, regularly give the man you like a generous portion of compliments.

    From scratch: how to interest a man by correspondence on the Internet

    If the story unfolds on the Internet - for example, then no NLP is needed here to interest a person. Use the same techniques as in reality.

    • Cling to the "cover". Make a clear and profitable presentation of yourself in the questionnaire. Upload a good photo. Fill in everything you need and how you need it. Don't write too much. We talked about this in detail in the article Open and read.
    • The initiative is always right. The overwhelming majority of men support women's initiative with both hands. Therefore, do not stand on the sidelines, pulling a handkerchief in your hands. Take it and write to the guy you like. In the presence of a pumped profile, he will not come off you.
    • To be interested, be interested. Any sluggish correspondence turns into a conversation gushing with emotions, if you start to be interested in your opponent. Imagine that you are a little girl, exploring the world with curiosity. The world is a man. So study it: “Tell me about yourself”, “How do you prefer to relax?”, “What is your greatest achievement?”.
    • Non-standard approach. And, as usual, less boilerplate. Actual topics for conversations that may be of interest to a man by correspondence, and what questions to ask so that there are no awkward pauses and meaningless dialogues, catch from the article.

    Stars light up: how to interest men of different zodiac signs

    “If the stars are lit, it means that someone needs it,” Mayakovsky believed. Of course, the great Russian poet had in mind the luminaries that appear in the literary horizon. Well, we raise our heads up and listen to what the stars in the universe say. With their help, astrologers are sure, you can find the shortest path to the heart of any man.

    How to get an Aries man interested

    This active, energetic and impulsive man is a conqueror by nature. In his nature - to achieve, making his way through the thorns. Unpredictable, elusive beauty turns this stubborn lamb into a noble knight who is ready to overcome any obstacles in order to captivate.

    How to get a Taurus man interested

    The desire to go ahead is inherent in this man. Horns are required. But, unlike Aries, Taurus never rushes headlong into the pool, preferring cold calculation. Give him a beautiful, intellectual, balanced, strong-willed and at the same time romantic nature. Match.

    How to get a Gemini man interested

    An intriguing conversation and a mysterious facial expression are the formula for seducing Gemini. Yes, this man chooses women not by the size of their breasts and not by the length of their legs. His weak point is curiosity. You need to act with cunning and intelligence, using rich imagination, freshness of thought and inexhaustible eloquence instead of the usual female features.

    How to get a Cancer man interested

    In his dreams - not fleeting novels, but a strong and friendly family. Interested in women, based on this. Be humble. Generate peace. Show economy. If he notices that you consist of virtues that are convenient for a family format, interest will appear in his eyes, and initiative will appear in his actions.

    How to get a Leo man interested

    Beautiful, special, unique - this is exactly the kind of woman that should be next to Leo, and it is these women that he pays attention to. The status of the "king of beasts" obliges. Leo is vain. Everything that he possesses - from a car to a chosen one - should arouse admiration in the "retinue".

    How to get a Virgo man interested

    Forget about manipulation if you have a Virgo man in front of you. This astute zodiac sign sees through. And in general - he notices everything, from slovenliness to commercialism. A well-groomed lady who stacks her socks in a pile, indifferent to expensive gifts, will definitely interest him.

    How to get a Libra man interested

    He subtly feels beauty and will never pass by a work of art. Thanks to the possibilities of the cosmetic industry and video courses on style, anyone, including you, can make such a “work” out of yourself. As befits a "work", be filled with art from the outside - from appearance to behavior.

    How to get a Scorpio man interested

    Relationships for Scorpio are a game and a duel. If you manage to be a worthy opponent, you will win. And to begin with, look down or even with contempt - you will arouse interest. Then resist - you will kindle curiosity. But be sure to give up when it comes to bed. Sexual compatibility and emancipation is a very important moment for Scorpio.

    How to interest a Sagittarius man

    Sagittarius may be interested in a spectacular beauty, but, not finding depth, will turn around and leave for a less expressive, but more understanding woman. An understanding woman in the view of Sagittarius is one who accepts his free style of life, never “tightens” the nuts and at any moment is ready to break into another dizzying adventure.

    How to get a Capricorn man interested

    Capricorn is interested in "authoritative" women. Demonstrate that you are superior in some way - social, business or financial status. He is one of those who definitely will not be complex because a woman has achieved or is able to achieve greater heights than him.

    How to get an Aquarius man interested

    Aquarius "pecks" at non-standard. If there is something out of the ordinary in you - in your wardrobe, behavior or thinking (or better in all at once) - it will not be difficult to interest him. Don't be like everyone else. If you don’t start to control it totally, it will stick to you with all your heart.

    How to get a Pisces man interested

    It's not easy with Pisces. Tactics must be built taking into account personal goals. If a passionate but short novel is enough, include enigmatic looks, mysterious smiles and half hints. If you want to bring the case to the registry office - take the initiative in your own hands and confidently, but gently, lead to the altar.

    In conclusion, we remind you that interest is not a stable value. Today it is, tomorrow it is not. Do not relax. The transformation of a woman of mystery into a real housewife in panties with outstretched knees is a nightmare for all men. Good luck to you!

    To the question "How to interest a man?" there are many answers. But it all depends on your situation.

    Establish communication

    You can start a conversation with a stranger in several ways:

    Show feminine charm

    There is no escape from various female "chips":

    To follow the rules

    Don't rush into sex

    If you fulfill his sexual fantasy right away, then most likely your further communication will stop.

    Firstly, he will think that you behave with every guy you like, and secondly, his hunting interest will simply disappear (unless you show such miracles in sex that he cannot refuse in the future, however, in no one can be sure).

    Don't hang around your neck

    No one wants to pick up an apple from the ground (even if it just fell). It is not interesting. An immeasurably greater desire causes a juicy fruit at the very top of the tree.

    And all because of its inaccessibility. Men apply this analogy to women. Be modest, do not let your hand get under your skirt on the first evening, do not look at him with a longed-for look.

    Remember: no matter how you treat him, he should be the hunter in the relationship.

    super mistress

    Now your task is to interest in bed. If you don’t know how you can conquer him in this regard, read interesting articles on the Internet on this topic, watch erotic films, chat on the forum. In general, so to speak, borrow experience from others.

    In principle, both making love after a long-prepared romantic evening and spontaneous sex can take place here. The main thing is to be gentle, enterprising, think about your partner.

    Important: He does not need to immediately demonstrate all his talents and skills in this area: he will misunderstand you, sex can be compared to vinaigrette, and you will have nothing to surprise him with next time.

    How to interest a man


    You will attract the attention of a guy who has a girlfriend/wife by adhering to the following rules.

    Don't flirt openly with him, but show that you like him.

    • Good: but do not refuse his help, do not avoid his presence, smile sincerely.
    • Badly: try to touch him every time, wink, vulgarly demonstrate the charms of your body, etc.

    Your communication should be easy.

    Don't impose openly.

    • Good: ask him for help (do not forget to thank and praise him after providing you with a service), take his phone number, supposedly so that you can quickly contact him to resolve any issues, etc.
    • Badly: set him up against his wife, putting himself in an advantageous position, asking him to walk you home, and then come in, “drink tea”, etc.

    And further:

    • try not to talk to him about his family;
    • show him your weakness (but do not overdo it with obsession);
    • always be positive (so he will rest morally with you).

    By SMS

    To interest your beloved man by correspondence, you need:

    At school

    For this you need:


    To interest a man older than himself is as easy as shelling pears:

    • show him your weakness, helplessness (these men love to be dominant);
    • sincerely praise him for something;
    • emphasize his talent, skill in something;
    • be modest and feminine;
    • remember: initially you are a sexual object for him, so arouse a violent desire in him, but do not give up immediately;
    • flirt like never before (but remember to be modest).

    In the Internet

    Nowadays, it seems that in order to interest a guy from a distance, it is enough to go online and like his profile picture. However, in this case, you must be sure that he will keep your attention on your person for at least a few minutes.

    For this:

    • look good in photos;
    • have a rather diverse album (not only “Me and the mirror”, “Me and my girlfriend”, “Me and my lips”; post photos that you took while relaxing, sports competitions, cooking, holidays, outdoors, with friends, at school, etc.);
    • decorate your wall as expected: no need for vanilla arguments about what love is, and what, in your opinion, a guy should do in a relationship with you; various jokes, funny pictures, perhaps a little vulgarity are more appropriate here ... 😉

    When starting a conversation, stay original: find interesting topics for communication, joke, show your optimism.

    On the first date

    If you first met, then you should:


    Here you will need your skill with words:

    What phrase can intrigue

    What question or phrase can interest a man? Turn on your imagination and follow the situation. See examples below.


    Absolutely all rich men are confident in themselves, because they believe that money in this world decides everything, including luring women. It is easy to get their attention (especially if he is a bachelor), but it is much more difficult to keep it on yourself.

    For this you need:

    younger than myself

    Such a man is young and hot. His attention like nothing else is attracted by the beauty of the female body, passion, sex. It is very easy to seduce him by starting a persistent flirting with him. He doesn't need to show his modesty.

    However, in the future, keep in mind that it is quite difficult to keep a young guy near you for a long time just by making love.


    Again, to interest a man with whom a separation has already occurred is possible only by achieving a certain success in something.

    For this you need:

    • be positive;
    • look as beautiful as ever;
    • have an excellent reputation among men (attract their attention, but be inaccessible to anyone).

    This will be enough to make your ex regret that you are not together. However, do not forget one thing: in order for him to observe all your changes, you need to keep in touch and have a good relationship with him.


    If you're really interested in what he's into (chemistry, chess, worm farming), then be sure to show it off. This similarity will be a huge plus for you.

    BUT! Never pretend with this person - be yourself, otherwise he will quickly “bite through” your falsity and be disappointed in you.

    Praise such a man, emphasize how you admire his mental abilities, etc.

    Important: usually flirting with such men is not the most effective way to arouse special interest in yourself.

    Act differently: open up to him almost completely - become an adviser, support, talk about your life, be interested in his affairs, etc.


    To get started you need:

    • stand out among other employees (appearance and, preferably, efficiency, mind);
    • have a good reputation;
    • attract maximum attention to yourself (offer an interesting project or create another situation where everyone will revolve around you).

    Further, when you have met everyone, act cunningly: start asking about the man you like those colleagues who will definitely convey your conversation to him (but you need to do everything as if the news that he found out about your sympathy is a complete surprise for you) .

    After that, he will surely wake up to you with unbridled interest. Take him "warm": invite him somewhere, ask him to help with work matters, etc., or wait for an initiative from him, which, most likely, will not keep you waiting.

    • Always be yourself. Your task is to present yourself as real, so you do not need to invent images of behavior for yourself. Feel free to open up.
    • Do not cause negative emotions with your behavior. For example, if a force majeure situation occurs, you don’t need to lose your temper, give up cigarettes and alcohol in large quantities, avoid swearing, discussing someone’s personalities, etc.
    • Be a good conversationalist. You must not only talk, but also listen. If the problem is the opposite, you should prepare for the upcoming meeting (think of exemplary dialogues, select topics, questions that will help keep the conversation going). Don't "ooh" or "aah," don't speak loudly or indistinctly.
    • Know how to behave in society. To do this, it is enough to look from the side at your manners of behavior and conversation, know the rules of etiquette, control your gait, posture when sitting, but do not forget to be sincere!
    • More humor and optimistic outlook on life. These are the qualities that absolutely all men appreciate in a woman.