Treatment of female diseases with folk remedies. Treatment of female alcoholism: effective techniques

Recently, the male in comparison with the female is no longer such an urgent problem for the public. As statistics show, women increasingly began to abuse alcohol, while earlier cases of the use of ethanol-containing drinks by representatives of the fair half of humanity were considered a rarity.

Female alcoholism is incurable. Why do many specialists and doctors speak this way? The situation with the woman's body is a little different and this is quite clear. The fact is that alcohol cravings in women are more difficult to cure than in men.

This is due to several reasons at once. What exactly factors provoke the addiction to alcohol, what methods of solving this problem does the forum offer and whether the problem of female alcoholism is being solved in general - read below.

Is female alcoholism treated? Medicine and Wikipedia believe that this is a serious illness, and therefore this issue worries many. Yes, and a priori a lady is not supposed to drink. As an image of femininity and homemaker, she bears the responsibilities of a hostess and, above all, a mother. Some also manage to provide for the family financially, taking over the responsibilities of the head of the family. Against the background of all this, women are experiencing serious stress, taking on an unbearable psychological burden.

But these problems are relevant for every century and nation. And those who cannot solve them try, as they say, to drown them in wine. Regularly consuming alcohol in order to forget about everyday problems, a woman takes the path of chronic dependence on the "green snake".

Other causes of female alcoholism: frequent exposure to stressful situations, intense experiences, emotional changes, lack of social status or the ability to fully interact with society. It is not uncommon for ladies to start drinking due to the fact that in childhood such a way of life was shown to her by her parents, and this was considered quite normal.

At-risk groups

The main part of the risk group is made up of girls and women who tend to get drunk with their partner (boyfriend, husband). Female alcoholism, which begins quite harmlessly, almost always ends in failure. If a spouse or lover regularly abuses, he can pull the girl along with him.

Among other reasons why the fairer sex becomes addicted to alcohol, it is possible to single out the personal inclination and characteristics of the drinker.

Persons who:

  • suffer from mental health disorders;
  • prone to depressive mood swings;
  • experiencing sexual problems (inferiority);
  • are struggling with insomnia unsuccessfully;
  • are considered infantile.

Others are predisposing areas of activity (saleswomen at points of sale of alcohol, catering workers, etc.), habits formed due to professional working conditions and a pathological desire to drink, as one of the PMS syndromes.

Unlike men, ladies prefer to drink alcohol alone, which is confirmed by the forum with reviews and patient stories. Gradually getting involved, they themselves may not notice the first signs of female alcoholism, which is why further struggle with addiction by any methods (coding, conspiracies, taking medications, etc.) is complicated.

Simultaneously with the fact that patients do not want to admit that they are drunkards, the people around them see the following changes:

  • a swollen face, loose skin with a painful appearance, pronounced wrinkles and defects (photos before and after clearly demonstrate these changes);
  • untidiness, unpleasant odor, other signs of non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • darkening of the teeth;
  • unsteady gait and shaking hands.

What is the difference between the course of the disease in women?

Surprisingly, the statistics show unfair data - if the husband is drinking in the family, then, in most cases, for many it will be the norm, but if a woman is applied to the glass, it is always a shame. Unfortunately, no one wants to find excuses for such a problem among the fairer sex, and therefore it is believed that female alcoholism is incurable.

There are certain characteristics of female alcoholism that must be reckoned with. For example, one of these specifics of addiction among women is considered to be the great importance of genetic predisposition. The likelihood that a girl will become addicted to alcohol if her parents were alcoholics is much higher than that of children from non-drinking families.

Another feature of this problem of our time is the age of a woman, because this criterion and the amount of alcohol necessary for intoxication have a direct connection. A good example is girls who can systematically apply themselves to a glass, drinking large doses of alcohol-containing beverages and still not experience consequences.

At the same time, older ladies are more sensitive to alcohol, which is why they need a small dose of products of the same category to get drunk. This is another specific feature of the problem that makes up the characteristics of female alcoholism. However, it does not indicate the progression of the disease, but rather demonstrates the uniqueness of female drinking.

Other features include:

  • the ability to control the situation for a long period of time (i.e., do everything so that no one knows about the problem);
  • late formation of the hangover syndrome, which is more loyal in women and is not as pronounced as in men;
  • changes in personality become psychopathic - girls become more impulsive, sexually liberated, which is confirmed by the girls demonstrating their behavior under the influence of alcohol videos and pictures on the network;
  • the fairer sex has a strong feeling that they are losing their moral character, their face against the background of a developing addiction, from which they suffer more than men.

Stages of addiction and the chronology of the development of the disease

Since the features of the disease called "female alcoholism" are applied taking into account the individuality of each patient, its stages can manifest itself in each of the fair sex at different times.

In total, there are 3 stages of female alcoholism:

  1. Initial.
    It occurs against the background of regular abuse and is characterized by a directly proportional increase in alcohol doses and cravings. Symptoms of pathology at this stage are episodic amnesia. Can female alcoholism be cured at this stage? Yes, this is possible, however, treatment is complicated by the problematic nature of identifying the addiction itself, because a potential patient is able to carefully hide the first signs of her illness. Female beer alcoholism is also accompanied by aggressive behavior, a pronounced psychological aspect of addiction, weakness, insomnia at night and regular migraines. External symptoms practically do not appear at this stage.
  2. Expanded.
    It is characterized by a great attraction to alcohol-containing drinks, an increase in the doses taken, the manifestation of a hangover syndrome, emotional disturbances, the appearance of a feeling of remorse and the first personal changes. At this stage, the prevention of female alcoholism will no longer help, but timely treatment will be relevant, because the patient ceases to hide the signs of the disease, which is often accompanied by the loss of social status, work and even family. The symptom of the disease at this stage becomes more noticeable, since the patient does not change outwardly for the better, which is confirmed by the photo.
  3. The ultimate.
    This stage is characterized by a complete loss of situational control and a decrease in tolerance to consumed drinks. Signs of this stage: a poor psyche, a decrease in intellectual characteristics, memory loss, and its deterioration. At this stage, it is worth learning how to treat female alcoholism before it is too late, because regular drunkenness by the third stage will provoke the development of diseases of the internal organs. A photograph of patients at the third stage clearly demonstrates how deplorable the situation can be if the fight against the disease is not started in time.

Why is the disease dangerous?

In addition to the progression of diseases of the internal systems of the body, as well as the development of their complications, the consequences of female alcoholism can be the most unexpected. Female alcoholism, the symptoms and signs of which are difficult to recognize in the early stages, is the reason for the reduction in life expectancy and deterioration in its quality, as well as violence against loved ones and the destruction of the family, personality collapse, manifestations of "delirium tremens", disorders of the functioning of the body mechanism as a whole.

Few of those suffering from drunkenness can say, “I have female alcoholism. Help, I get drunk. " Therefore, it is important to see the first changes in a potential patient in order to take appropriate measures in a timely manner. At the same time, you do not have to think about whether this disease can be cured or not, because the symptoms of the disease will speak for themselves.

Asking the question of how to cure female alcoholism, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the success of the event depends not only on the characteristics of alcohol dependence, but also on the patient's desire to overcome the harmful cravings.

There is an opinion that allegedly female alcoholism is not cured. This theory is not correct, because many have achieved good results in the fight against drunkenness using various methods.

To cure, get rid of female harmful abuse of alcoholic beverages, you can turn to:

  • folk methods (conspiracies in the photo)
  • alternative medicine (decoctions, liqueur potions),
  • encoding (sewing in an ampoule);
  • classical drug therapy;
  • innovative means capable of eliminating female alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient; presentation on video and photo of which is available on the network;
  • psychological help.

As they say about stories, the problem can be overcome only "together", using several different methods at once. Reading the forum, you can see that positive trends were demonstrated by the treatment of female alcoholism by combining medications and psychological therapy, sometimes supplemented by detoxification of the patient.

Addiction recovery options

Perhaps the treatment of female alcoholism at home, if the patient is in stage I or II of the disease. At these times, unique modern remedies that can be given without the knowledge of the patient can help, as well as traditional medicine (causing aversion to alcohol-containing drinks), the action of which can be reinforced by special conspiracies and psychological techniques.

As the forum and reviews of those who have recovered from drunkenness show, female alcoholism is curable. The success of the event is 99% dependent on how timely the treatment will be.

In cases with stage III, it will be effective to encode or isolate the patient in the dispensary to provide her with specialized care through medications and psychotherapy. However, one should not assume that the patient's recovery process ends with a course of therapy in an inpatient setting.

The patient will still need the support she can be given. A woman undergoing treatment for alcohol cravings needs to know and feel the love and care of her loved ones. To cure female alcoholism at home will finally help the morale and environment. And this is quite real, as evidenced by reviews and photos of women who got rid of the shackles of addiction.

Any treatment method aimed at eliminating the disease should help the patient overcome the psychological aspect of the disease so that the patient can change her attitude towards herself and not consider alcohol as the optimal solution to problems.

That is why many modern techniques are being actively developed, based on the physiological and psychological effects on the patient's body.

It's important to know

Reading the forum and the reviews of those who suffered from addiction, one can notice positive trends in complex treatment only if the patient herself is morally ready for changes.

It is very important that the woman herself tune in to the long and difficult path of getting rid of alcohol abuse, so that as a result, she will forever forget about addiction and restore her beauty to health.

Female alcoholism is scary in itself, how to deal with it correctly, few people know. But it can be defeated by the joint efforts of the patient, doctors and relatives. Feeling the support of the people around, a person will be able to forget about his illness and start a new, happy life from scratch.

Alcoholism is the scourge of the modern world. And worst of all, if a woman is addicted to alcohol. Healthy lifestyle promotion and anti-alcohol advertising do not solve the problem. And even young women are becoming more and more addicted to drinking. It is pointless to hush up this problem, it must be solved in all possible ways. For example, start treatment for female alcoholism at home.

Features of female alcoholism

Being healthy and active is fashionable, so why are more and more women turning into alcoholics? Any psychologist will say that the cause must be sought in childhood. Some parents teach their children to drink by example. Drinking on holidays in the presence of children, they demonstrate by their behavior that alcohol is a safe means of entertainment. As they grow up, children learn from their parents' experience, but do not take into account the fact that this addiction can destroy them.

Female alcoholism is much more dangerous than male alcoholism. In some companies, women drink on an equal basis with men, not considering that their bodies have about 10% less fluid than men. Therefore, alcohol is absorbed faster into the tissue and excreted slowly. Because of these characteristics of the female body, the treatment of female alcoholism at home is a problem.

Remember, an alcoholic woman only rarely admits that she is sick. Alcoholics skillfully hide their illness from others, and they are brought for treatment to a specialist already in a severe form of alcoholism, when the problem can no longer be hidden. It is important to recognize the disease at the initial stage, then the chances of recovery will be high.

During the treatment of female alcoholism at home, it is recommended to use several forms of therapy: medical and psychological. You need to find an approach to the patient and help him overcome difficulties in a friendly and optimistic mood. An alcoholic should feel moral and emotional support from relatives, in this case, recovery will come faster.

Treatment with folk remedies

Remember, it is not recommended to take folk remedies without the knowledge of a doctor, there may be side effects. Be sure to go to the hospital for advice. The success of treatment depends on the patient's desire. The drinking patient must come to this decision on his own.

Folk remedies will only help those who have decided to get rid of their craving for alcohol forever and believe in the healing power of natural medicines. Healers advise to strictly follow the instructions and the scheme for taking tinctures and decoctions.

Folk recipes:

  • You will need: a tablespoon of Bogorodskoy herb, thyme, and thyme. Pour the collection with boiling water (200 g) and keep under a warm towel for a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain, take 1 tbsp. l. before meals.
  • Steam 15 grams of chopped bearberry leaves in boiling water (200 g), put on a small fire for a quarter of an hour. Insist, strain, take on an empty stomach for 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours.
  • Add one lovage root and three bay leaves to a bottle of vodka, leave for 14 days. Then the patient should drink a glass of such infused vodka in one gulp. After a moment, he begins to vomit, the condition is accompanied by vomiting. As a result, a person develops an aversion to alcohol, and the craving for alcohol gradually decreases. The procedure, if necessary, is repeated after a week.
  • Dry birch logs are set on fire and sprinkled with sugar. As soon as the fire burns out, the patient must stand over the fire and breathe smoke for 10 minutes. Then he drinks a glass of vodka. They say that the reaction to such a technique occurs immediately, alcoholics stop drinking altogether.
  • Wormwood, centaury and thyme are mixed in equal proportions. A tablespoon of herbs is steamed in boiling water (200 g), insisted under a warm towel for several hours. The filtered infusion is given to the patient in a dosage of one tablespoon 5 times a day.

Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient

  • Dung beetle mushroom is an edible mushroom that has a sobering up and aversion to alcohol.

Fry the mushrooms in the usual way or stew with the addition of sour cream. Feed the patient with this dish, just make sure that he does not drink alcohol while eating, this is fraught with poisoning and damage to internal organs.

If it enters the stomach, this mushroom dish acts so that if the patient drinks alcohol, he will experience dizziness, shortness of breath, psychosis and toxicosis, and develop an aversion to alcohol. The duration of such a drug is two weeks.

  • Prayer is sometimes the only method for desperate family members. In search of help, they turn to the church, trying to save their loved ones from the addiction.
  • In pharmaceuticals, there are drugs to combat alcoholism, for example, securinin. It is made from the securinega plant. It is forbidden to take and prescribe this medication on your own. Only a doctor should diagnose the patient and prescribe treatment. Some people mix such medications with the sick person's food in the hope of curing him.

You can learn more about other home alcohol treatment methods by watching the video.


Compulsory treatment

When all attempts to help a woman cope with physical dependence on ethyl alcohol on her own are ineffective, relatives of alcoholics are looking for ways of compulsory treatment of alcoholism. Only a physician should refer to such treatment after diagnosis. Contact your local drug addiction clinic with an explanation of your concern.

After confirming the diagnosis, it is necessary to try to convince the alcoholic to voluntarily undergo treatment. Do not use shouting, blackmail, raising your voice, and threats in this conversation. Try to understand the patient, feel sympathy for him. He must decide on his own to help himself. Send him for a psychotherapy session with an experienced psychologist who can help him find the motivation to fight the disease.

Compulsory treatment of alcoholism in case of a categorical refusal of the patient occurs only in cases stipulated by law. The court decides to send the alcoholic to compulsory treatment if the person has committed a crime, or based on the results of consideration of a written application from the patient's relatives.

During the Soviet era, there was a practice of compulsory treatment for alcoholism. It consisted in the direction of patients in medical and labor dispensaries. Alcoholics had to lie there for one to three years. But, according to statistics obtained later, the overwhelming majority of patients after a course of treatment returned to drinking alcohol. In current practice, due to the operation of the law on protection and assistance to the population, it is almost impossible to send an alcoholic to compulsory treatment.

The only chance to help the patient is to convince him to go to the treatment center on his own. To do this, show him visual photos and videos demonstrating the consequences of drinking. Tell us about the serious harm he is doing to himself. He has every chance of developing cirrhosis of the liver, cardiovascular diseases, impaired blood circulation in the brain, etc.


At first, a woman addicted to alcohol does not understand that she is sick, she denies her addiction. It all starts because of nervous stress, a difficult period in life, job loss, etc. Every time in moments of experience, her hand reaches for the glass. At first, this is a small glass of dry wine, a bottle of beer, then the dose is increasing, and in order to relieve stress, she already needs to regularly drink alcohol in considerable quantities.

A gradual increase in the dose of alcohol leads to physical addiction, to the destruction of body cells. The alcoholic's psychological state is seriously changing. During the day, she is very irritable without a significant reason, breaks down on family and friends, cries for no reason, falls into a state of depression and despondency. Past hobbies no longer bring her joy, hands are lost, the desire to do something disappears.

Withdrawal attacks are noted, in the morning a hangover is a familiar state, and the brine is always in the refrigerator. This is the life of an alcoholic who is no longer able to control his addiction.

Stages of female alcoholism

Women go through the same stages of alcoholism as men. But unlike male alcoholism, female alcoholism develops much faster, and it is much more difficult to treat.

  • First stage: lasts about 3-4 years. During this period, a woman does not abuse strong alcoholic beverages, she prefers low-alcohol drinks, without which she can no longer imagine her life.
  • The second stage: is the manifestation of withdrawal symptoms - this is an increase in pressure after drinking alcohol, insomnia, vomiting, eyelid tremors, tremors in the limbs, manifestation of psychosomatic disorders. For example, the loss of memory of part of the day the day before. In the second stage, the alcoholic feels the need to get drunk in the morning.
  • female alcoholism.

    If you have examples of successful solutions to this problem, share your opinion on the treatment of female alcoholism in the comments.

"Hello, Masha!"

She entered the study holding a mug of tea. It seemed to be very hot, as steam swirled over the mug. Masha sat down in a chair, holding a mug between her palms, as if she were cold and with this hot mug she warmed herself. Taking small sips from time to time, so as not to burn herself, she began to speak.

“Last night I reread the woman’s story from your book again. There are so many things in common with the heroine in us, especially the experiences of childhood. You, of course, remember that my dad was a military man, and the service was in the first place for him. He provided the family financially, but he did not have much time for my upbringing. He came home late at night when I was already asleep, and left early in the morning when I was still asleep. True, there were still days off, but during the week a lot of chores around the house were accumulating that he had to do. Because of this, there was very little time left for our communication. At the same time, pictures of how he hugs me, and the feeling of warmth from these hugs remained in childhood memories. Here I am sitting as a baby in his lap, and he shakes me as if on a swing. And you know what is surprising: with my mother we had no physical contact. I can't remember her hugging me. Because of my father’s employment, my mother was mainly involved in raising me. Today it seems to me that I missed my mother's affection. As a girl, I was open and sociable, so I tried to find warmth and affection at school, in the families of classmates. I had one friend, Ira, and it was in her family that I was somehow emotionally nourished by her mother. From her I received the feeling of warmth and love that I lacked. There they praised me and said that I was great. From someone else's mother, I got what I expected from my mother.

But no matter how well I studied, no matter how well I helped around the house, the result was something completely different. Right now, her words are ringing in my head: look at Ira, how cute, smart, neat, disciplined she is, and everything else like that. It seems that for my mother I was just an ugly duckling. It was with this feeling of an “ugly duckling” that I grew up.

I remember the spotlights. They are a little blind, but I am the center of attention. I remember going backstage, but inside there was an extraordinary lightness. This is an indescribable state

Since childhood, I have had good hearing and vocal abilities. I studied at a comprehensive school and at the same time in a music school, piano class. And I also sang in the Loktev children's choir. This is a very famous children's choir. I went on tour with him. I was even a soloist in the choir. I still remember the ambiguous feelings on stage. At the same time, there is a fear of the audience, and a feeling of delight that I am great at singing, and also a flurry of applause after the performance of the songs. I remember the spotlights. They are a little blind, but I am the center of attention. I remember going backstage, but inside there was an extraordinary lightness. This is an indescribable state. You can only feel it ”.

I am angry with myself that I was weak then and could not resist my mother, did not insist on my choice. And I came up with my own theater, in which I began to play the main role

At this moment, Masha's face changes, something imperceptibly childish appears in her, her eyes look somewhere up. The shoulders straighten, and it seems that now, a little more, she will rise from the chair on which she is sitting and take off. She is there in this room in her youth. And I seem to be with her in this room. Then suddenly everything changes dramatically, and she is here again. Masha continues:

“I decided to enter the theater institute after graduation. Quite naturally, she told her mother about her desire. And then my mother announced that she was categorically against: "You are very emotional, you are overly sensitive." And for some reason she also decided that all the artists - both men and women - drink very heavily. And that I will definitely get drunk there with my hypersensitivity. And so, because of this mother's fear that I would get drunk there, I received a certain parental ban on the profession. And I, being an “ugly duckling”, could not resist this. They chose a law school for me. And I went there to study, or rather, to suffer. No, I studied well. The girl was still submissive then. You asked me about my first marriage. I went to someone or I left from somewhere. Today I can be honest. I didn't go to my husband, but ran away from my parents. I don’t know if I would become an actress or not, I would drink in this profession or not. I only know that my mother ruined my life because of her fears - that's for sure. I do not say "broke" because I am still alive. The broken can still be repaired. It will never be new, but you can fix it. I'm here to fix the broken. You are a master, so you fix it.

This resentment towards her, or rather, even suppressed anger, still lives in me. And I am also angry with myself that I was weak then and could not resist my mother, did not insist on my choice. And I came up with my own theater, in which I began to play the main role. I chose the role of the bad girl. Since my mother said that I was worse than others, then I decided to live up to her expectations. And it looks like she achieved great success in this game, ”Masha said bitterly.

On this we decided to stop today. I gave Masha the task to write down all the unspoken grievances against her mother.

P. S. Warned Masha that the appeal that she will write does not refer to her real mother, because her real mother may not even dream or spirit know about what is in Masha's soul. And this is a message to the mother who exists in Masha's head. And Masha will be able to write about everything the most secret. After all, she will read the appeal only here, for the two of us, for the purpose of psychotherapy. And then we will destroy it.

And I also asked her to write a few words about antidepressants imposed on her from "good" intentions.

11th day

“I wrote a letter,” Masha declared right from the doorway. - Probably, it all boiled in me so much that yesterday, after our meeting with you, I almost immediately began to write it. I wrote in several steps. I just burst out. In the beginning, I wrote a few pages. It seemed to me that this is all. I got busy with something, but something came up again, and I sat down to write again. Then, intermittently, I wrote and completed. Therefore, the letter turned out to be a little “ragged”, there is no direct chronology, but I wrote all this sincerely, believe me, ”Masha said, as if justifying herself. “It reminded me of how I once got poisoned and vomited. At first it seems that everything, and then spasm after spasm, and vomiting does not stop. And so on until weakness comes from vomiting, and there is nothing to vomit, but it becomes easier. The feeling that everything worked out. When the letter was written, I no longer reread it. I left everything as it is. I didn't want to comb his hair and correct mistakes. Let it be. Maybe you can read it yourself? " Masha asked timidly.

Hearing my no, she took a deep breath and began to read aloud. The letter was indeed written as some sketches from life. It contained both what Masha had already told me and what I had heard for the first time. She turned to her mother for you, then for you. She herself did not notice this, but my attention noted all the nuances. In order to enhance the therapeutic effect and get the best result from this task, I offered Masha a so-called technique called “chair work”. A chair is placed in front of the client, and the client mentally seats the person to whom he will now address. It can be difficult for us to say certain words directly to someone, and this technique is used to reduce internal tension. Masha agreed.

I invite Masha to repeat after me a few sentences that I am going to say to her now. You can repeat after me, or you can say the same in your own words

The psychotherapist during such work can track the client's subconscious reactions in these relationships. And then, directly or indirectly, with questions and conversation, help translate this from the unconscious into the conscious of the client. Help him see his behavior and reactions from the outside. And now Masha is reading, and I am watching her and her reactions. I see how at some moments she, as if ashamed, lowers her eyes. And sometimes suddenly the fingers of the left hand are clenched into a fist. In important, in my opinion, moments for therapy, I ask her to stop, and we say what is happening right now, what she is feeling now and what this means for her. What is the importance of what is happening in the present for her. Then she continues to read. And so on until the last line was read. We are silent for a while. A bit of a respite. Then I suggest Masha to repeat after me several sentences that I will now pronounce to her. You can repeat after me, or you can say the same in your own words. The purpose of this assignment is to help Masha emotionally separate from her mother. Free yourself from guilt, shame, accusations from the mother, and accusations from the mother herself.

In other words, to break the emotional connection “I am the ugly duckling” and start feeling like a “swan”, with the consolidation of this state with positive emotions.

I have my own professional secrets prepared in advance. I will open one of them specifically for the case with Masha. Here are the words that I invited her to say, referring to the image of the mother:

I am I, and You are You.

I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations.

And you are not in this world to live up to my expectations.

I am I, and You are You.

I do my job, and you do yours.

You are You, and I am I.

Masha said everything I suggested to her. Then she asked: "Let's repeat this one more time." At the same time, she straightened her shoulders, her chest rose, her breathing became deeper and calmer, her expression changed, and her gaze stopped hiding. “I want to record these phrases. Please dictate them to me, ”she added. It is very important at this moment that Masha did not ask me to ask, but said: "I want to."

This shows the achieved positive therapeutic result. From the child's “I ask” position, the transition to the adult “I want” position.

Well, you gave it, Masha! Puzzled the therapist. And where, in what book is it written that such a Masha will come with such a life story and ask such a question?

Now, after the work done, Masha is ready for the next task. I will call it "a letter to myself." It is associated with the past, present, future. A letter to your past, to yourself in the present and to your future. A natural question from Masha: what and how to write? I myself would have asked about this if I had been given an assignment. But I don't know what and how to write. After all, you write this for yourself, not for me. I don’t know what you’ll say to this person looking at you from the mirror. Request: Please try to be very honest looking into those opposite eyes. That's all my wish for you.

And suddenly an unexpected question. “And tell, please, Yuri Stepanovich, where did you learn to listen to other people and observe them, if this is, of course, not a secret? I noticed that you never raise your voice above a certain level. I noted this as a person with an ear for music and a professional musician. And you don't seem to be looking at me directly, but suddenly the question is: why are your eyes wet, why are these tears rolling up, although they are not yet there, but did they really roll? How do you do it? "

Slightly embarrassed, I said that there was no time for an answer. And this is half-truth. Indeed, the session time has already ended. But really, how do I do it? I never thought about it. Well, you gave it, Masha! Puzzled the therapist. And where, in what book is it written that such a Masha will come with such a life story and ask such a question? Yes. Psychotherapy is such a thing where, to paraphrase the words of one of the songs, "we are watching, we are being watched." OK. The morning is wiser than the evening.

I almost missed it. What happened to the seduction today? Honestly, now is not the time. It was a difficult session. But if only briefly: in today's meeting we had quite a lot of bodily contacts. With the Machine and on my part, with her permission, of course, and only for therapeutic purposes. I was clearly and vividly aware of everything that happened during these contacts. For both Masha and me, this was definitely a new stage in our relationship. This is a new, closer form of trust between people.

Alcohol addiction is a disease in which a woman not only loses control over herself and drinks more than she should. Female alcoholism is accompanied by an unconscious substitution of alcohol for basic life and moral values. But a special danger lies in the fact that women almost always hide their addictions and the disease can be recognized already at the stage of prolonged binges.

To effectively treat female alcoholism, it is imperative to understand the reasons for its occurrence. Frequent libations usually begin against the backdrop of severe emotional stress. At the same time, in most cases, a woman is left alone with a problem that has arisen that she cannot solve. The main reasons for the development of alcoholism in women include:

  • prolonged loneliness;
  • lack of understanding with loved ones;
  • feeling of uselessness;
  • restriction in the ability to communicate;
  • death of a loved one;
  • lack of social and career growth.

Often, depression occurs in housewives who sacrifice their dreams and interests for a long time in exchange for building a comfortable life for family members. Also, alcohol can be used as a distraction from problems and fatigue. But in the absence of an opportunity to speak out and be understood, a woman begins to muffle her problems and emotions, drinking more and more often.

Usually, once having received a refusal to provide support, and having drowned out depression with alcohol, a woman will no longer ask for help. Having surrendered, she will increasingly begin to drink, but will carefully hide it from loved ones.

Signs of addiction

The female body quickly gets used to alcohol. The disease can develop even with the habit of drinking alcohol-based drinks in small doses several times a week. Therefore, a woman must also be carefully weaned from this weakness. But the main symptoms of female alcoholism are:

  • looking for any reasons for drinking alcohol;
  • the emergence of a frequent spontaneous desire to drink;
  • categorical denial of the existing problem;
  • an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed;
  • cardinal change of priorities and abandonment of usual interests;
  • frequent unreasonable outbursts of aggression and anger;

  • categorical refusal of treatment;
  • memory problems;
  • decreased performance and intellectual abilities;
  • irresponsibility to professional duties at work;
  • indifference to loved ones, as well as to their own problems;
  • the appearance of hoarseness and rudeness in the voice;
  • the appearance of tremors in the limbs.

Also, one of the clearest signs of the development of alcoholism is suddenly developing sloppiness and changes in appearance. The woman changes significantly. Her face becomes puffy, dark circles and bags under her eyes appear, and her skin takes on a yellowish or gray tint with slight redness.

Stages of the disease

The number of symptoms of the disease and the strength of their manifestation depends on the stage of addiction the woman is at. In this case, the choice of type and intensity is based on how firmly alcohol has deepened in the patient's life.

There are 3 stages of alcoholism:

  • Stage 1. It is characterized by regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. Gradually, a woman begins to like the frequent stay in alcoholic euphoria, but the effect of alcohol is gradually decreasing. Therefore, at the initial stage, she looks for any opportunity to drink. The woman constantly tries to justify her weakness for alcohol and refuses treatment. This stage can last for about 3 years;
  • Stage 2. After drinking alcohol, the patient has an increase in blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, insomnia, tremors of the extremities. Very often, women begin to twitch their eyes, and in the morning, in addition to a hangover, memory lapses appear. Binges become frequent and prolonged. The occurrence of delirium tremens is possible;
  • Stage 3. The patient develops an uncontrolled and constant craving for alcohol. The woman already has a damaged liver and serious problems with the cardiovascular system. Psychoses are often observed in behavior, and dementia gradually develops.

The easiest way to cure a woman from alcoholism in stages 1 and 2. Of course, the successful cure of the patient is possible even at severe stage 3. However, this requires only the conditions of a hospital and qualified medical care. But the harm caused by alcohol in this case is irreparable, and the woman will no longer be able to become the same as before.

Scheme of getting rid of addiction at home

Treatment for alcoholism should always be carried out in stages. There is a certain scheme for this:

  1. Sobering. For this, the patient must sleep at least 6 hours. Also, to sober up, you can provoke vomiting by inserting the index and middle fingers into the mouth and pressing them on the root of the tongue. You can also sober up a woman with a cold shower. At the same time, you need to water it with a weak stream for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Awareness of the problem. To do this, you need to calmly talk with a sober woman, while expressing your concern about her and her health. It is imperative to focus the patient's attention on her importance to the family. You cannot reproach or try to appeal to your conscience at such moments, otherwise the effect will be the opposite of the desired one.
  3. Removal from the body of the accumulated decay products of ethanol. At this stage, bowel cleansing is used with an enema of 1.5-2 liters of water. You can add a decoction of pharmaceutical medicinal chamomile to the water. At 1 st. 1 tsp of boiling water is added. dried flowers and simmer for 5 minutes. After the broth is cooled and filtered. The resulting liquid is added to the enema water.
  4. Normalization of the body. The activation of the liver and gastrointestinal tract contributes to the rapid elimination of toxins from the body. But for this, the patient must definitely eat something. The most suitable food at this stage is kefir and any other sour milk products without flavor additives, cucumber pickle, rich broth or soup with chicken or beef meat.
  5. Supportive psychotherapy. This can be as a joint pastime with the patient and frequent communication with a discussion of exciting problems, and a visit to a psychologist or psychotherapist. Going to church together is also part of psychotherapy, but you cannot impose religion on the patient.

Regardless of the method of treatment, this procedure is always the same.

In order to safely cure a woman from alcoholism, it is impossible to abruptly stop drinking alcohol after long binges. This can lead to cardiac arrest. It is safest to give alcohol in small amounts or half diluted with water on the first day after sobering up.

Treatment methods

Treatment of female alcoholism can be carried out by official medical methods or folk methods. But in any case, a woman needs to feel support, and not constant reproaches. In addition, a patient with alcoholism must independently want to get rid of his pernicious passion. Otherwise, the treatment will not give a long-term positive result, and sometimes it can even aggravate the problem.

You can cure female alcoholism by such official methods:

  • Medication method. Includes a course of treatment with pills, injections, or stitching;

  • Hardware method. It can be carried out using laser coding, as well as exposure to the woman's body of electrical impulses or high temperatures;
  • Psychotherapeutic method using hypnosis.

In some cases, after the permission of a doctor, alcoholism can be dealt with by official methods in a comfortable home environment. But the only acceptable means in this case are pills. And a specific drug, the frequency and duration of its administration are determined only by a narcologist.

Alternative treatments for alcohol dependence include:

  • herbal treatment;
  • reading conspiracies;
  • initiation into the church.

Such methods to wean a wife or other close relative from drunkenness are effective only in the initial stages of the disease. At the same time, medicinal plants ensure the removal of toxins from the body and the development of a reflex of aversion to alcohol. And reading conspiracies can only be used as an adjunct to therapy.

The introduction of a sick person to church can have both positive and negative effects. When using this method of treatment, it is important not to forget about the need to remove harmful substances from the body, and also be sure to provide the patient with moral support in the family.

Traditional medicine recipes

Healers and sorcerers, passing on recipes for medicinal decoctions and infusions, claim that by strictly following them, you can get rid of female alcoholism forever. However, treatment should only be started when the woman is sober. The simplest and most effective recipes include:

  • 1 tbsp is poured into a jar with 200 ml of boiling water. thyme, thyme, Bogorodskaya herb and mixed. Close the infusion with a lid and carefully wrap the jar. Insist for 15 minutes, then strain. It is recommended to take it in 1 tbsp. before meals. Treatment period is 2 weeks;

  • Boil 250 ml of water in a saucepan and add 15 grams of chopped bearberry leaves to it. Mix thoroughly and simmer for 15 minutes. Then cool and strain. You need to take the broth on an empty stomach every 2 hours for 1 tablespoon. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks;
  • Mix in a glass jar for 1 tsp. centaury, thyme and bitter wormwood. Pour the resulting mixture with 300 ml of boiling water, cover and wrap thoroughly. The medicine should be infused for 3-4 hours. After it is filtered and it can be given to the patient 1 tbsp 5 times a day. Continue the treatment until the prepared remedy ends. Then a break is taken for 2 weeks, and the course is repeated again;
  • Pour 5 tablespoons into 500 ml of boiling water. St. John's wort and put in a water bath for 30 minutes, but do not boil. After the broth should be allowed to cool and strain it. The tool should be taken daily for 2 weeks before breakfast and lunch, half a glass.

Recipes help to discourage a woman from drinking for a long time at stages 1 and 2 of alcoholism. At stage 3 of the disease, they only help to improve the functioning of the body and slightly suppress the craving for alcohol. But the main treatment, in this case, should be carried out under the guidance of a narcologist.

Treatment without the knowledge of the patient

Very often, in order to cure female alcoholism, medicinal decoctions and infusions are poured into alcohol, which can cause instant disgust. Often this method allows you to wean a woman from alcohol forever.

Prescriptions that can be applied without a woman's knowledge include:

  • Grind 1 tbsp into powder. red hot pepper and pour it with 0.5 liters of alcohol with a strength of 60%. You need to insist the remedy for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. After this period, the medicinal tincture must be added to alcohol at the rate of 2 tbsp. 0.5 l;
  • In 200 ml of vodka, put 3 large bay leaves and lovage root. Close the vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark cool place to infuse. After this time, alcohol is filtered and given to the patient. After drinking it, the wife will soon develop nausea and vomiting. The procedure is recommended to be carried out 1-2 times a week. As a result, the craving for alcohol gradually decreases;
  • Fry or stew edible dung mushroom with sour cream. This dish should be fed to a woman with alcohol addiction. But it is important to ensure that the patient is sober and does not drink alcohol while eating. It is also advisable to keep her from alcohol for 20-30 minutes after eating. When it enters the body, the dung mushroom produces special substances that remain in the body for 1.5-2 weeks. When alcohol is consumed during this period, the substances are activated and cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, difficulty breathing and stomach pain. Thus, it is possible to develop an aversion to alcohol against the background of the fear of physical pain.

Any methods of treating an alcoholic wife or other close woman without her knowledge and consent are illegal. Compulsory therapy can only be carried out with a written court authorization to do so.

Before treating alcohol with traditional methods, you must definitely consult a doctor and exclude all possible contraindications. It is unsafe to administer therapy if the patient has cardiovascular and urinary disorders or mental health problems.

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