Why does hair grow on the pubic area. Why does hair start to grow below the abdomen?

Fur. Women's shaving. Why does a woman shave her body, intimate area, armpits?

When I was 12 years old, I shaved my pubis for the first time. I remember very well why I did it, although it was so long ago. Other girls had almost hairless pubes, with a slight golden fluff, and I had terrible black hair there, as it seemed to me then. Of course, after shaving, my pubis was not covered with a golden fluff, like theirs. When my mother caught me shaving not only my armpits and legs, she cursed very much and said that only prostitutes do this. But that didn't stop me from shaving that area.

At the age of 13-14, I really liked a classmate from an art school. She was 2 years older, I thought she was amazing. Being near her, I bathed in her rays. She shaved her hands. I also decided to shave my arms to get closer to her.

At the age of 15, the idea appeared and firmly settled in my head that a woman should have hair growing on her stomach from the navel to the pubis, and this is very sexy. I didn’t have them, and I began to regularly shave my stomach so that they appeared there. Now I have dark and noticeable hair in the center of my belly.

At 17, a classmate noticed a hair under my chin and tried to pull it out unexpectedly for me right on the steam. So I became the owner of tweezers.

At 18, my girlfriend said: “Oh my God, you have a hairy butt!”, And she kindly shaved my ass and lower back. Before that, I did not suspect that my hair was growing there, and that they needed to be shaved.

By the age of 21, I was removing hair on my entire body, except for the head, eyebrows and eyelashes. I tried on myself a razor, cream, epilator, wax, sugaring and dreamed of a photo epilation.
I shaved my pubic area with a razor every day, and my armpits - 2 times a day. The hair removal cream left a burn on my leg. From the wax bruises and bruises appeared, which disappeared by the time the hair grew back. From the epilator and sugaring, red dots appeared in place of the hairs, and sometimes there was blood, for several days the skin burned and itched. If you had asked me then, I would have answered that hair removal does not harm and inconvenience me, although all year round I spent a lot of effort, time and money fighting hair. I also thought that I was absolutely comfortable on a 10-15 cm heel in any weather. What about the fact that sometimes in cold weather a nail came off the foot, or the sock was saturated with blood from knocked down fingers. I'm comfortable, why is it uncomfortable for others? And what is harmful is nonsense. After all, if it were really harmful, then so many women would not wear heels. I was proud that I don't have a single pair of flats.

At 22, I graduated from college and became a freelancer.
So overnight it turned out that I do not need all that pile of “beautiful and sexy” clothes hanging in my closet. And on stilettos it is absolutely impossible to walk with a puppy. You don’t need to make up and style your hair every morning either. And there is no one to appreciate my efforts to remove hair, my new girlfriend did not care if I had hair somewhere or not. Pretty quickly, I realized that dressing up for two hours to go grocery shopping in the neighborhood is not rational.

For the next 4 years, I changed, but I was still dependent on beauty standards.
I live in a cold region where summer is at best a month and a half. Why remove the fur the rest of the time if no one is watching? Why wear stilettos if it’s more convenient to walk in sneakers with your friends in the park? Why do the styling when it's dark in the cinema and it's going to fall apart along the way because it's raining?

Over time, these questions have evolved into:
At the wedding, we will walk all day, why do I need stilettos if I would be more comfortable in ballet flats? Why put on makeup if I can't rub my eyes or wash my face?
But I continued to remove hair everywhere with the onset of heat. Each time I did it more and more reluctantly, pushing the date of pulling the fur further and further.
But, despite the understanding that it’s more comfortable for me, and I shouldn’t waste a lot of time and money, I considered it laziness and felt guilty, because during my studies at the institute I was a fashionable and stylish chick.

At 26, I try a new hair color and decide to color my eyebrows to match them. I go to a beauty salon and am surprised to find out that I have neglected eyebrows, and first they need to be plucked and trimmed before dyeing. I notice that the cosmetologist (male) has more cosmetics than me, I feel remorse. I paint my eyebrows for the first and last time.

At the age of 27, for the first time since I was 12, I swim in the sea without removing the hair on my stomach and in the crotch. On the legs and lower back, I removed the hair with wax, but the pain began to seem so unbearable to me that I refused to pull out the fur from my stomach, priests and the deep bikini area. I took a razor with me, hoping to shave already at sea, but I became damned lazy. The first time was very scary, but everything went without incident. It was early June, and inspired by this new sense of freedom, I let my hair grow. By August, my legs are covered with a soft coat, but I continue to wear skirts and shorts, as the summer is very hot.

By chance on the Internet I find fem publics, body positivity.

I'm 28 and covered in fur. All humans are covered with fur from their toes to the hair on their heads. Most of the hair is invisible, it is light, thin and small. Some people have more hair, they are thicker and darker.
I find out that if you do not remove the hair for a long time, then they become soft and pleasant to the touch. That they are not black at all, but light brown with golden and reddish hues. That the armpits do not start to smell stronger, but stop itching and itching. I'm surprised to find out how long the hair is there. That a curl forms under the right armpit, but not under the left.
The pangs of conscience disappear. I don't need to reproach myself. You no longer need to compete with other women in the pursuit of beauty. And although most of the time I communicate with women who accept me for who I am, sometimes I have to leave my comfort zone. I'm going to travel and meet my homophobic mom. I weigh the pros and cons and realize that I can't pass judgment on the hair either. I remove part of the hair, I cut the rest with a machine.

Shaved armpits itch and itch, they are always wet, but maybe it's because I'm nervous in the presence of my mother. I decide not to shave again, it's not worth it. After 2 weeks, my mother asks why I don’t shave my armpits, I answer that I’m too lazy. I listen to a long lecture about how lazy I am, how indecent it is, and in general I will not be able to find a husband. At the end, Mom generously adds that some men like it. In response, I just keep quiet. I've been a lesbian for as long as I can remember, and I definitely care what men think about my armpits (sarcasm).

I love my body, both hairless and hairy. Growing hair no longer makes me hate. I no longer feel like Sisyphus, forced to endlessly roll a stone uphill. I hope one day I will have more strength and self-confidence to defend my opinion in front of a human being whose words hurt me so painfully.

Let's read what women think about this:

I can never do that, you are free ..

Women's shaving - how nice it is to decide WHERE and WHAT length your hair will be. The history is inspiring.

It takes me exactly 10 minutes to shave between my legs, but when I imagine how much it takes to shave my legs, it becomes so bad. I don't need it.

I like the body without hair. I have no idea how not to shave the crotch. And also I And really to me there to lie hairy?

If you like it, then why not. Everyone decides for himself what is best for him.

It remains only to envy. Has the right to.

Be careful with wishes. Be careful. With chemotherapy, all the hair can go away and this desire "I want a body without hair" can seem like a terrible irony and stupidity. Be careful please. Love yourself.

Of the many posts on this topic, this one was very inspiring. Thank you.

Yes, of course, I just always read and admire this inner freedom. Independence from other people's opinions. I am very dependent on other people's opinions. Very, very much.

- "At 17, a classmate saw a hair under my chin and tried to pull it out unexpectedly for me right on the steam"
What?! And pull out a classmate's hands then.
Here is the impudence.

You're right! Thanks, I'll be more careful with what I say in the future.

I would like that... It seems that I will never get rid of the idea of ​​beautiful female legs as slender and smooth. I know how stupid it is, how much inconvenience it causes me personally. Maybe I'll grow up? There is still time.

Sometimes I shave my body where I want to shave. Sometimes not. I have itchy hair and pimples from shaving. What I don't have is integrity in the matter of fur. I will guard my body from rigid principles as vigilantly as from dirt and wounds.

I'm also addicted, but not because my legs or underarms aren't shaved. It happens that I myself admit that I do not torture myself with all these procedures. Because I'm in a wheelchair. For the most part, I have already gotten used to the way they look at me, but sometimes it’s very offensive and I don’t want to leave the house. And it's only in the views, people don't even tell me anything. More precisely, they say. Eyes.

I completely shaved my pubis at 18. I mean, completely. Not only the pubis, but everything that was there.
I think if I did it with a cream, it would be still normal. But I did it with a razor, so I had terrible irritation, sores and other "beautiful" things.
But that's not even the point. I just looked like this and then I realized that without hair I don’t like an intimate place at all.

I imagine how you feel. Or rather, I can try to imagine. And what are these views? Sympathy, contempt? What exactly is bothering you?

Often misunderstanding and rejection. Like I'm not human. As if the dregs of society and do not have the right to exist. That's serious.

Another reason I regret it is that some other hair began to grow after that. The ones I had before I liked better. Now I either hardly touch them, or I don’t touch them at all.
And in adolescence, in general, I only cut it a little with scissors, just so that they would not interfere and not cause inconvenience.
But the pubis is okay, it usually hurts in front of no one and is not shown, but with legs and armpits it is more difficult to decide. The people among whom I am, for example, may not pay attention to their feet, but I think they can dig into the armpits.

And it seemed to me that people are getting smarter in this regard ... so no. In any case, these are not distant people and very limited. There are others who sympathize with you and perceive adequately, I'm sure! Don't take idiots to heart.

I don't need sympathy. I just want to be the same person in the eyes of others. Yes, I need acceptance from society. I have little problems with this. Just because I'm in a wheelchair doesn't mean I have some kind of mental disability. On the contrary, I am somewhat smarter than my peers. Do not think, I do not boast in any way, I do not like it myself.

I had a young man, also disabled, but of a different plan - hearing problems. I know very well that some physical problems have nothing to do with intelligence, but most do not go into these subtleties. I am sure that those who know you closely communicate with you on an equal footing, and spit on the opinions of strangers. You see them for the first and last time in your life.

I first thought about shaving my underarms at camp when I was 12 years old. Then I really wanted to meet some boy, but I was not popular. I decided to repeat everything after the most popular girl, since she lived in the same room. It still didn't help.
Now, for unshaven legs and armpits at home, my mother and our mutual friend are sawing me. It's always the same: "How can you dismiss yourself like that, you have to take care of yourself, men love well-groomed ones."

What a post, I almost cried...
It's good that no one tells me anything about my fur. I want to shave, I want not to shave. My business. Many do not understand when the question "why don't I shave my legs" I answer "why? It's just my hair, it's natural, there is no need to shave it."
It's good that my mother supports me in this.

We have an organization for our illness, they arrange camps for us 2-3 times a year. There was also another camp, already in the same way for various diseases - wheelchair users, limitations in vision and hearing. It was somehow uncomfortable, uncomfortable, I wanted to ask what and how. I, too, never communicated with such people, but I always looked at them with interest and a certain surprise.

Here you see. And those who have never encountered this and even more so do not know how to react.

In general, I regret that I didn’t listen to my parents and sister for a long time and started shaving. Now you can't get those thin hairs back. I hope my daughter (in the future) will listen to me.

With the advent of jeans, I finally stopped shaving my legs. In the summer, she forces me to work, and for the time being, I cut my hands with a hair machine to zero (like whiskey with a nape) just a tattoo on my arm - it looks better without hair.

How glad I am that my mother and husband support me in my reluctance to lose the terry cut on the skin. I wish you all adequate relatives and friends who will accept your opinion and will reckon with it.

I never shaved my legs, because everyone tried to dissuade me from it. And I listened. But that was before the moment when I went with the class for a medical examination at the district clinic. I don't know what came over me then. The evening before, I ran a razor across my leg for the first time in my life and... I cut it! I still have a scar even though it's been 3 years. I still remember this when I look at the gray spot on my leg. Perhaps this is for the best, since since then I have not thought about shaving my legs at all. But ATP pink razor.

You just ask your daughter why she needs this and explain that it is not necessary to do this at all. My mother also told me that it’s not necessary, they say it’s too early, but she didn’t tell me about beauty standards and all that, because she herself is very exposed to them.

They fall out on their own and become a little thicker, even if you never shave. Or they do not fall out, but simply thicken (it is clearly visible from the beards of young priests).

I started shaving my whole body at the age of 12. Exclusively because I could not accept a rapidly (really rapidly!) changing body. I am an accelerator. I wanted to look at this age like all my friends - a child, not an adult girl.

I started shaving everything, including my neck and back, where a year ago, but soon abandoned this idea, because I was lucky to meet this wonderful group on the Internet. The money that I used to spend on razors and other heresy for hair removal, I began to save, and very quickly I accumulated an amount that I spent on a ticket to a concert of my favorite band, where I had fun with all my heart. After the concert, I thought: what would I get if I didn’t refuse hair removal? Reddened, itchy but smooth skin and a milipizdric drop of public approval.

A couple of times I tried to shave my legs, cut myself and sent it all to hell.

I am 13, my mother does not allow me to shave my bikini area, sometimes I shave secretly, but I am always afraid that she will notice. Because of this, I hate both my mother and myself.

I have unshaven legs and arms. At all. And there's nothing wrong with that.
I wear short sleeve shirts, skirts, shorts, dresses...
But damn, I can’t leave my mustache alone, and the space between the eyebrows. And after all, the mustache doesn’t interfere with me, and even with one eyebrow it doesn’t get worse in my soul, but I still pluck it.

At the age of 12 or 13 I saw women with clean-shaven pubes in a porn movie, and I thought that all women have this place shaved. I just don't see it, and that shaving your pubis is just as necessary as, for example, combing your hair or brushing your teeth. So I started removing hair there.
Now I still remove them (I tried to run them - they interfere), and I decided to leave the "deep bikini" alone, there is still not enough to cut myself with a razor, so I just cut it short. I'm so okay.

Girls, can someone help with advice?
at 15, I foolishly started shaving in the bikini area, now there is very coarse hair in the crotch.
Is there any way to get the softness back?

They say it helps if the hair is removed from the root - epilation, wax, etc. ... But it's not worth it ..

I don’t remember when I started shaving my underarms, but so early that I don’t even know what they look like when they are completely overgrown.
At the age of 13, she started working on her legs, the devil knows why, then only transparent fluff grew on them, and dark hairs began to be noticed only by 18-19.
At 13, she began to remove pubic hair with a cream and shared the method with a friend, why and why I don’t know either, from somewhere it came from in our circle that pubic hair is not sexy, ugly, guys don’t like it and it’s generally shameful (with the fact that none of us was going to go to bed until at least 16 iron.
A friend of 14-15 years old refused to walk in short-sleeved clothes if her beautician mother did not wax her hands, then she let go, thank God.
I tried a couple of times to go over my arms and legs with an epilator, but I didn’t like all these irritations and bruises, which weren’t going to go away in a day or five, and even against the background of my follicular hyperkeratosis.
True, she still tried several more times and even on her pubis, from where she then picked out ingrown hairs for several more months.
Once I “cleaned” the back of my neck with wax strips and at first I liked it, and then terrible purulent pimples came out, which I smeared in Levomekol for a month after that, and this despite the fact that I wiped both before and after the procedure with a disinfectant liquid.
And the funniest thing is that despite the fact that it seems like the main declared goal of all these procedures is to become better for the opposite sex, otherwise, like, bastard, I have never met a man who would be real, since it came to bed, embarrassed legs that I accidentally forget to shave for a month, or a vulva surrounded by an elegant week and a half stubble.
And why, in fact, suffering, if you and your skin only have discomfort and sores, and the adequate part of the “TA” is, by and large, up to zen?
In general, it's just about overcoming my fears and accepting that I have hair growing on my body.

Just heroically wait until it grows back, it's like a beard for men, the longer, the softer.

Thanks to the fact that I learned about body positivity at the age of 14.5, I never shaved anything, except for my armpits. Stop doing it until I have the courage, my mother can hit for it and yell, and they will laugh at school. What a pity that while most of humanity does not understand that there is nothing shameful in the hair.
The only thing is, I don’t understand why many commentators shaved their bikini area from ~ 13 years old, if nothing is visible there, and I don’t think that many had sex at that age (not ageism). Just wondering if anyone can answer.

There are many who want to return the former (teenage) softness of body hair, but I like it this way. Such hard, strong and confident hair (just like myself), when you stroke it, the most pleasant associations are with a sheep or a goat.

When my grandmother caught me shaving my leg hair as a teenager, she asked in surprise why you shave? Here we thought whoever has longer hair is happier. That was only 50 years ago! I can't stop shaving. My husband is not against hair, he even liked my experiments, but later, after my inquiries, he admitted that he liked the absence of hair more. Yes, me too. But I respect the right of everyone to choose!

My friend's epilator was the selfharm method.
It is universally infuriating that it is necessary to adapt to the opinions of others and adjust the length of visible hair so that there is no cococo. Recently I was traveling with my husband on the bus, a couple came in, both in knee-length jeans. The guy has curls-curls on his lower leg below jeans, and everything is fine, and the girl has an inhumanly smooth surface. Such a contrast is striking.
And here are the pictures for the query "hair on the legs", I was looking for curls and curls.

And here, with a jet of water, patterns are drawn on the hair.

And here is the leg hair font by Mayuko Kanazawa:

I’m already 30+ years old and I’ll say this: in my youth, there was no such nonsense, no one tortured himself with shaving. Now it’s like mass insanity - HANDS are shaving! I'm shocked.

I started shaving my hair everywhere as soon as it appeared, although it was still a long time before the onset of sexual activity, this happened because all the girls I knew explained that it was necessary to shave legs and armpits, I didn’t know about the pubis, ask if it’s customary to shave hair there, It was somehow embarrassing, but I decided that I probably should remove all the hair on the body. And only now I realized that I was tired of torturing my body. I shave my armpits, I don’t touch my legs and pubis anymore, because I’m tired of irritation. I was lucky with a partner and friends-girlfriends who understand that my hair on my legs and pubic hair does not differ from men’s, otherwise it doesn’t interfere with their hygiene, but a shaggy woman is FUUU, NIHYGIENIC!!! The partner calls my overgrown legs "kiwi", reminds me to the touch.

Here's what I realized now, looking at the picture with an epilator on a smooth leg. If it was an epilator on a hairy leg, then it would immediately become clear how painful and stupid it is. When you watch all sorts of photo-videos about how men wax their hair on their legs and chest for a bet, you can feel it. And here everything is right in one bottle - both the devaluation of pain and effort, and the demonization of hair, we just run these cute little things on smooth legs so that hair does not appear, roll sugar over the skin, glue stripes ...

Because if you google photos of naked women, we will not see those who have pubis covered with hair. Because mothers tell their daughters that it is necessary (mine said). Because when I suddenly found myself in a bath with a friend, he teased me for a long time, they say, Archeopteryx is really fluffy.

I recall with horror how I decided to shave my armpits “dryly”, without soap or gel, because “I saw how my friend did this, just as quickly.” A year and a half of hell - a terrible dermatitis with red crusts, 100,500 creams. Having cured, I can use only one expensive deodorant (from the rest redness and scratching). But once there was a light fluff ....

But seriously, in science: does hair really get thicker from shaving, or does it just thicken, darken and become stiffer with age?
it is clear that if they are not touched for a long time, then they become somewhat thinner, burn out in the sun, etc. But is there an INCREASE in intensity FROM SHAVING?
I read that hair growth after shaving accelerates by 3-4 hours, and then there is no effect. And that's about the beard.

It has recently been proven that plucking (and only without anesthesia) increases the amount and intensity of hair growth, but so far only in rats.

Not about girls, but... My husband is shy about his back hair. I constantly shaved them off, used cream, suffered because they are difficult to remove on my own. At first I helped him, and then I asked him why he was doing this. First, there were excuses that he didn’t like them and so on, and then I got to the bottom of the matter. He thought that girls, and me in particular, they are disgusting. Until she convinced me that I like everything, and he is beautiful in any form, and I don’t think badly about them at all, I didn’t calm down. Now I stroke his fluffy fleece and rejoice. And he is happy.

Probably it's just that you didn't do that, you already had your own principles. And so even at the time when my grandmother was young, it was popular to remove hair. She said that she shaved her armpits, and generally epilated her legs with tweezers so that they were smooth. This is a tin, as I imagine, as much as goosebumps.

I answer. I live by the sea. As a teenager, she was very notorious, and she could not go to the beach with an unshaven bikini area. Therefore, from the age of 12 she shaved there, her hair was already quite dark then. That is, solely because of public opinion.

I have a classmate who acted the same way towards me. We had two classes at the time.
I don’t know how such a simple truth does not reach people, that such an outburst can hurt others greatly.

Well, personally, even at that age, I didn’t consider body hair to be something obscene, I didn’t know at all that it was necessary to shave there, until my mother offered me a haircut. To my question, like "What do they interfere with?" she replied that she did not like women who had hair there)) and she had never heard anything like this from girls, because. I didn’t communicate closely with anyone, they only talked about my legs (for this reason I didn’t want to grow up). So I was just lucky that I didn’t consider it necessary to shave, I can’t imagine what I would do with itching and redness.
Oh, it's a society.

It's good that I didn't have such advisers. By the way, "kiwi" is a very nice comparison, I'll take note of it.

Archeopteryx, go nuts, what vile jokes, I'm sure that after this I would start to shave. And about mothers, yes, my mother and younger brother (11 years old, and thoroughly brainwashed) constantly ridicule that fu, hairy legs, disgustingly disgusting, although there is only blond hair, which is almost invisible.

First, "don't shave your pubis, only prostitutes do that," and then "how can you not shave your armpit hair, it's not decent, you won't find a man for yourself." Here is the people's opinion. And listen to them after that.

People are so logical.

I like unshaven women.

I was lucky, my mother immediately, as soon as hair began to appear on the body (on the pubis, armpits), she said that they must be shaved off, everyone does it. Otherwise, you look like a man. Although in general my mother is quite tolerant, she did not impose her opinion on many issues, but women's shaving is obligatory for her.

How to achieve such a desired freedom?
I can't, can't stand having hair on my legs. I just struggle catastrophically with this, every day this thought haunts me. And sometimes it develops into hysteria, there is no more strength.

This person has no upbringing. If personal space is violated in the family, he will begin to chip off the same, growing up.

The fact of the matter is that this is kind of like my good friend, everything is good in their family, sort of. The hell is clear, it’s impossible to know for sure, she studies very well, lectures about morality, and here it is.
Do you think this is due to the fact that the family violates her personal space?

It is precisely such actions, like at the auto post, yes, it is most likely from there. Why I say - my grandmother seems to do. She grew up in a village, in a huge family of 12 people, everything was common there, she does not recognize property, solitude. She can, for example, casually scoop from someone else's plate, or if she doesn't like a person, let's say, a jacket, she will come up and begin to "help" shoot.
and it also happens from a lack of empathy, for example, also if it was not grafted and there was no positive example or a person deliberately rejects such things.

In the last few decades, the body, clean from excess hair, has firmly come into fashion. Both women and men are actively engaged in fighting nature - destroying even the smallest hints of hair in unwanted places. And especially a lot goes to the pubic area and armpits. Someone struggles with hair at home, and someone systematically visits special salons, leaving a “lot” of finances in them. At the same time, both men and women wonder why pubic hair and armpits are needed?

Why do we need hair under the armpits and between the legs?

Both in the groin and in the armpits there are not only ordinary sweat glands, but also large sweat glands. They actively produce pheromones. Many scientists are sure that hair in these places on the body is necessary in order to increase the area of ​​evaporation - in order for pheromones to evaporate not only from the skin, but also from the hair.

What are pheromones and why do we need them?

There are long-range and short-range pheromones. The first of these are small and highly volatile substances, they are exactly the same for all of us. Such substances are able to attract individuals of the opposite sex. But they do not provoke sexual desire, but only inform the body about the presence of a number of other organisms capable of mating.

As for short-range pheromones, they are heavier and poorly flying substances. Such particles can be transmitted from person to person during close contact and kissing. Short-range pheromones give other people information about your personal genetic profile. Thanks to this, the body is able to calculate the probability of biochemical (genetic) compatibility. In the event that the likelihood of compatibility is especially high, and the body is ready for this, there may well be an interest in a representative of the opposite sex.

The sensitivity of women to the influence of pheromones largely depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. After all, the sensitivity becomes as high as possible during the period of ovulation, when the probability of fertilization is most possible.

Scientists say that if a girl is offered to choose a men's T-shirt with the most pleasant smell from a pile of things, the choice will be made in favor of the man who is the most suitable for her in terms of compatibility.

Why do people need pubic hair?

It is believed that nature cannot create anything superfluous. So pubic hair does make sense. If we talk about pubic hair from a biological point of view, then they are not only an indicator of the onset of puberty, but also perform other rather important functions. The hairline in this area is designed to protect the genitals from the effects of cold, forming, as it were, an air cushion. Hair is necessary for the full thermoregulation of the groin area, both in heat and in summer.

Also, pubic hair in women helps prevent the penetration of aggressive bacteria and infectious particles, and they also help maintain a full-fledged microclimate in the vagina. In addition, the hairline helped our ancestors protect themselves from small insects that could get inside. After all, not all the time people wore shorts ... By the way, you can read. This information is on topic. Many gynecologists recommend not to shave off all the hairs, but to eliminate them only in the bikini area, while the rest should be carefully trimmed.

Hair as protection for the lymph nodes

It is known that both in the inguinal region and in the armpits there are several rather important lymph nodes. And some scientists are sure that the vegetation in these parts of the body is necessary to protect the organs of the lymphatic system from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, you should not try to sunbathe as much as possible in the armpits and bikini area.

Why else do you need hair in the armpits

Do modern people need armpit and pubic hair??

Today, each of us has access to daily hygiene procedures. And the hair under the arms and on the pubis cease to perform such important functions. Therefore, their importance for modern man is not very noticeable. And sometimes an abundance of hair in such places can, on the contrary, do harm. Indeed, in extreme heat, bacteria actively multiply in them, which, in the presence of additional factors, can lead to the development of a number of unpleasant diseases. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend shortening the vegetation, but there is no need to rush to get rid of it completely.

There is evidence that systematic plucking, shaving and epilation of hair in intimate places indirectly leads to weight gain. And some scientists argue that the complete elimination of pubic hair can cause an accelerated onset of menopause and. These data have not yet been confirmed by many scientific studies, and the editors of "Popular about Health" draws your attention to this, but perhaps they are still worth paying attention to.

Ekaterina, www.site

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There is an ambiguous attitude towards hair in some parts of the human body. On the one hand, Europeans for the most part consider pubic hair as an atavism and do their best to get rid of them. On the other hand, Asian countries are currently experiencing the peak of the popularity of operations, during which the hair from the client's head is transplanted onto him. The fact is that the vegetation in the genital area of ​​Asians is extremely sparse, and they are sure that they will become more sexually attractive and prolific after such a transplant.

Why does hair grow in intimate places of the human body?

There is still no consensus on why, in the course of evolution, not all hair on the human body became short and thin. There is a hypothesis that the hair in the groin and are antennas created by nature itself, through which people transmit and receive special information. Another hypothesis says that the hair is not designed to draw the attention of a potential partner to the fact that this individual has reached biological maturity and is ready to mate and bear offspring. Finally, the third most common hypothesis is most likely to be true: hair retains and enhances the spread of odors, which, again, attract the attention of the most suitable partner of the opposite sex.

So do you need hair in intimate places?

There is no single right answer to the question of whether to remove hair in the groin and armpits. From the point of view of hygiene, it is highly desirable to do this precisely in order to prevent the appearance of the smell of sweat or secretions. Even if from the point of view of a caveman these smells were appropriate and attractive, but a modern person, “fragrant” with old sweat, society in any case will perceive negatively.
On the other hand, there are many people who defend their right to naturalness in everything. This also applies to body hair as well. At the same time, such people are no less developed, educated and clean than those who prefer to remove vegetation on the body. This is their opinion, which, in any case, is worthy of respect.
Nevertheless, the fashion for smooth skin of the whole body persists, and thousands of people go to beauty salons every day. They want one thing - to remove hair from places on their bodies, and to do it as efficiently as possible. The modern beauty industry offers dozens of ways to do this, each of which has its pros and cons.

Removing pubic hair is something we have all tried. Many women regularly shave their pubic hair. And why not? Not only does the wonderfully smooth skin in the female pubic area feel fresh and youthful, it looks amazing to our partners who are filled with wild excitement!

In modern society, shaving the female pubis is a completely common and quite acceptable practice. Almost every second believes that it is hygienic, so you need to remove pubic hair almost forcibly!

An absolutely amazing delusion, but you still do not believe?

There is scientific evidence that explains why shaving pubic hair is dangerous enough! According to a study, 60% of women who shave their pubic hair suffer from several associated complications, such as ingrown hairs (1). According to another study, removing hair in the vaginal and pubic area increases the chances of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) or, as they say, sexually transmitted diseases (2).

If that's not enough to convince you, here are additional reasons that perfectly show why that thick pubic hair should stay!

Hair grows all over your body (you can find it anywhere) and always helps regulate body temperature (3). Your pubic hair and follicles in this part of your body perform the same function of helping you sweat. Everything happens simply: under the hair follicle are the sebaceous glands, which naturally produce sebum. This oily substance is transported upward to the surface of the skin by the hair, where it gradually evaporates and thus keeps the skin cool.

2. Pubic hair in women protects the genitals.

The #2 reason not to shave pubic hair is that it acts as a protective shield between the genitals, disease-causing bacteria and other pathogens (4). Getting rid of pubic hair, you immediately begin to expose yourself to potential health problems, and this is not good.

The female reproductive organs are divided into internal and external. The female genital organs perform a reproductive function, and also take part in the formation of female sex hormones. The female reproductive organs include the ovaries and their appendages, the uterus and fallopian tubes, the vagina, the clitoris, and the female genital area. Woman's pubic hair are a natural protective barrier of the genital organs from various pathogens and external damage.

3. Women's pubic hair is a storehouse of pheromones.

While the vagina assists in the secretion of pheromones, women's pubic hair is responsible for maintaining hair so that pheromones can work their magic on potential mates (5), (6). If you shave off your pubic hair, you are actually depriving your body of that amazing storehouse of pheromones that make you more attractive, especially to those who care about smells. When the human body sweats, it increases the production of pheromones, which are captured and stored by the hairs in the pubic area. And if a woman wants to add unbridled passion to her man, this is an important reason not to remove pubic hair.

4. Pubic hair reduces the risk of genital warts

As the name implies, genital warts (genital warts) affect areas in the intimate parts of the body. They appear as growths or bumps on the skin. Genital warts can be quite uncomfortable and cause intense itching. Even though genital warts are caused by HPV or the human papillomavirus, your chances of getting them are significantly increased if you shave off your pubic hair - and this is confirmed by a real scientific study! (7).

As you have already learned, shaving your pubis can be more damaging than helpful. It also increases your chances of getting a type of viral infection known as molluscum contagiosum (8). I have already cited scientific facts that confirm that shaving your pubis makes you more susceptible to STDs and other rapidly spreading infections. Although molluscum contagiosum occurs without painful symptoms, it causes inflammation and redness of the skin.

6. Pubic hair relieves wounds and irritation

Remember those itching and burning sensations you feel when you get rid of your hair down there? Well, those microscopic wounds. Every time you wax or shave this area, the procedure causes skin irritation, and worse, abscesses, boils, and other similar skin infections that can be quite painful. So maybe it's time to take a break and stop removing pubic hair.

7. Pubic hair is especially important for overweight women.

No, this is not a crude allusion to the fact that all conceivable and unthinkable problems are associated with being overweight; this is actually a purely scientific fact. According to a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a medical journal, overweight women who shave their intimate hair are twice as likely to suffer from related complications because their skin is always in very close contact due to for wrinkling (9).


What is the purpose of pubic hair and should it be removed?

October 20, 2016

Any young girl at least once thought about the question: why do we need hair on the pubic part? To remove them or not is everyone's business and is purely personal. However, before doing this, it is better to ask your partner how he feels about such an intimate haircut.

The nature of pubic hair

It's no secret that humans evolved from monkeys. Initially, the females of these animals had a bare vulva, so the male could immediately assess the degree of excitation of his partner. In women, this part of the body is covered with hair on the pubic part. This means that the existing vegetation is designed to facilitate the search for a partner and excite him. This opinion has persisted for a long time. At the same time, pubic hair in men perform a completely different function. They regulate the release of pheromones, which are also released in the armpits. It is thanks to the hair that women from afar can feel the sexual energy of the stronger sex.

Pubic hair: what are they?

Regardless of the gender of a person, the hair on the pubic part is different. They can be thinner or thicker, and their structure differs in density. Also, the hair on the pubic part can be curly or straight. Their appearance is very dependent on the race of the person and the color of the vegetation itself. The darker the shade of pubic hair, the more curly it is.

Interestingly, when pubic hair first begins to grow, it is light, and darkens a little over time. It is impossible to compare the vegetation on this part of the body in shade with the curls on the head of a person. The color of the hair on the intimate parts of the body is very similar to the natural tone of the eyebrows. Due to the difference in hormonal levels in men and women, the area of ​​hair on the pubic part is different. Intimate places in girls are much less covered with hair than in boys. Moreover, pubic hair in men often extends its borders to the abdomen and thighs.

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Function of pubic hair

In addition to being involved in the production of pheromones in men and making a woman more attractive, they have other functions. Why do you need pubic hair? It's simple: they are actively involved in the thermoregulatory process of the inguinal region. The vegetation creates an air cushion between the underwear and the pubis, thereby protecting intimate places, including nearby lymph nodes, from sudden changes in temperature. Also, the hair on the intimate part of the body helps to absorb the sweat that forms during intercourse.

Hair is also very important for the female body. The fact is that their presence is able to protect the microflora of the vulva from the effects of bacteria. Many doctors are convinced that a completely shaved pubic part adversely affects the condition of the reproductive organs of the young lady and her reproductive system as a whole. Despite the fact that hair has an important function in the human body, many women and girls try to completely get rid of them. They wrongly believe that their presence can prevent them from actively searching for a partner. Young ladies do not even suspect that many men like them and even excite them.

Shaving or intimate haircut?

Of course, knowing why you need pubic hair, you can easily decide which is better: a full shave or an intimate haircut. The positive side of the first scenario is the complete removal of vegetation from the bikini area. In some countries, only such an intimate haircut is considered beautiful and sexy. However, not all men agree with this.

Some representatives of the stronger sex are convinced that a neat haircut looks much more beautiful than a completely shaved pubic area. This is partly true. The fact is that inept shaving of the pubic vegetation, which is very tough, injures the delicate skin in intimate places. As a result, bruising and ingrown hairs appear there. By the way, Marilyn Monroe was the first to make it fashionable to dye pubic hair. At that time, she actively bleached it, wanting to be blonde from head to toe. Since then, the dyed intimate haircut has not ceased to be fashionable. Shades of hair can be chosen in a variety of ways. But the stronger sex prefers naturalness.

Doctors about pubic hair removal

If you turn to doctors with a question why hair is needed on the pubic part, then they will answer unequivocally: nature would not create something unnecessary. Many scientific medical staff have investigated the issue of removing intimate vegetation. Workers at Harvard University found that this process, for example, leads to obesity.

In addition, it has been proven that women who regularly have intimate haircuts or completely shave their pubic part are more likely to experience menstrual irregularities, infertility, and menopause catches them much earlier. The absence of pubic hair also negatively affects the hormonal background of the girl. As a result, her skin becomes more flabby, and masculinity also appears. Of course, these effects are not always very pronounced. And people just can not notice them. However, doctors say that shaving the hair on the pubic part is necessary as little as possible.