Happy new year to the boss. Happy New Year greetings to the woman leader, boss. Making the boss's congratulations special

Happy New Year, with new achievements,
Happy New Happiness, I congratulate you.
May fate by its favor
Giving generously right now.

For everyone to multiply income,
New aspirations have appeared.
Happy holiday to you, the best year!
Peace to you, warmth, kindness, luck.

May the New Year be successful
Problems, troubles will go away
Things will be resolved with interest,
New ideas are growing!

We wish the authorities a holiday
Great happiness in life,
And prosperity and prosperity,
And with a mood of order!

Happy New Year, the team is in a hurry
Dear bosses, congratulations,
May the holiday bring you positive
After all, there is no excess of it,
May he give confidence
In new plans, in courageous achievements,
We wish you happiness wagon
And so that the heart sings with joy!

Healthier than a green tree
Be in this New Year!
All doubts are on the shelf
Santa Claus is already coming.

Well, we wish you
Do not be angry, do not scold,
To be loved without an edge -
Give out more prizes!

I wish you that next year
Brought good luck, new achievements.
So that everything that you have in mind comes true,
To be in a great mood.

From my side I want to say
That you are the boss, what are your dreams.
And therefore we will support you in everything,
The whole team will stand up for you like a mountain.

On the threshold of the New Year!
Let there be a lot of happiness, joy
In life he will bring you.

To you, chief, I wish
Be healthy, do not get sick,
Be lucky, lucky
To be strong and not to grow old.

Let there be more money
Let the work be lucky.
I wish you only the best.
In life, let success come.

Congratulations! I wish you achievements
Bold plans and easy victories
So that doubts torment less,
So that there is always an answer.

Let the champagne flow like a river
There will always be a reason to rejoice.
Let the income triple
There will be more joy in five times!

Happy New Year,
We respect you very much!
We wish to have everyone,
And to achieve the necessary goals.

New Year promises to everyone
Wishes to fulfill.
I wish you, my boss,
Make a full guess.

To multiply the profit
There was comfort and harmony at home.
And the career developed
Life was fun and rich!

Let Santa Claus rush to you
And your desires will come true!
Let it always, beloved boss,
Success and prosperity awaits you!

Let the guiding star
It will lead to great happiness!
Let it be without much difficulty
Your income will increase!

Happy New Year
You, boss, with all your heart.
I sincerely wish you happiness
Sometimes you need to rest
To make work argue,
Never be sad!
And now - forget worries,
It's time to celebrate!

As for a holiday, I'm going to work,
Ready Sunday and Saturday
I work under your command!
So that your health does not disappoint you,
So that happiness is always there,
So that close people love
I wish you, boss, in the New Year!
May great luck await!

The team congratulates you,
After all, the New Year is rushing to us!
Today, forgetting about the bad,
Have fun!
May happiness come to you soon
Meet this day,
We wish you loyal friends!
And you do not scold us.

Today is a holiday on the planet
And it's called New Year!
To be the happiest in the world
I wish you, let the joy await!
Thank you, leader,
All of us cannot cope without you!
Strive to achieve your goal
And may you be lucky in life!

Thank you for your understanding,
Sometimes difficult tasks
You distribute to subordinates,
But you are always held in high esteem!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And I wish you well in the New Year!
As a lady boss, you are good
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!

You, as a woman, are beautiful
Let me tell you.
As a boss, you are dangerous
You must be respected!
Congratulations on the New Year,
And this is what we wish to be -
Never discouraged
Love the team!

Congratulations, boss,
I wish you a sweet life
Do not be sad and do not be sad,
Celebrating this holiday.
May the new year be joyful
And good luck will come to you!
May every day be blissful
And love you all year round!

May the new year bring love
And he will give you a lot of good luck.
May he fulfill his dreams again
And leads you on the right path.
Subordinates are in a hurry to say
That they respect you very much!
You are like a mother to the team!
From the bottom of my heart, everyone wishes you well!

To you, our beloved boss,
We dedicate these lines -
In the new year, we wish you
Be not very strict with us,
So that more often in the year of the snake
Our salary was raised
Well, we wish you -
So that you have more rest!

Happy New Year to you,
We wish the whole team happiness.
Great health, success on the way,
Confessions, good luck, all the best and love.

I wish you, beloved boss,
So that you shine with joy,
So that good Santa Claus
He brought everything that you dreamed of!

Let there be every moment
Magical this New Year!
May this holiday be a delight
And it will bring a lot of happiness!

Let me wish you a Happy New Year. I sincerely wish you a good year in your work with interesting projects. Good health to you to a ripe old age, successful work. Let there always be only bright people around you, with whom it will be possible to achieve heights in work and business in the new year. Happy New Year to you.

May the New Year be rich
Will bring a lot of contracts,
Fate will not forget about you,
May you always be lucky in everything.

Let partners trust you
And subordinates always.
May the mountains promise happiness
Dream, luck and star.

To you, chief, I wish
The best New Year ever!
So that you achieve a lot
Without much hassle.

To fulfill plans
I didn't have a headache.
Subordinates loved
And they always praised you!

New year without demand is coming
And we are completing the year in work.
We carry out plans with interest -
We are waiting, what will be our result?

Our boss is the captain on the ship,
As soon as he gives the command, we will float.
The captain is responsible and wise.
And the ship is moving steadily!

Happy new bright year,
May it be the year of all victories!
And there will be no dropouts in the team,
There will be happiness, joy and success!

For a man to a boss

Happy New Year!
And of course we wish
Good luck and victories to you,
Life is sweet for a hundred years!

Be honest, fair,
Successful and beautiful.
Be generous, kind, brave,
Skillful in all matters.

To make all your plans come true,
Finances flocked into your hands.
So that you do not know the difficulties
And respect subordinates.

May this New Year
Only joy will bring you!

Work for us under your guidance
Nice, joyful, surprisingly simple.
The chief you, we see, is from God,
And you know a lot about your business.

There is a lot of participation, understanding in you,
And you will see diligence from us.
The work will be in full swing again
In the meantime, Chief, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, I congratulate you!
And I wish you smiles, kindness.
And I wish you health,
I wish you comfort, warmth.

Under your careful guidance
Cases are easily resolved.
You are a fair leader
You are as forward-looking as the head!

I wish you positive
At work - only creativity.
Go forward without knowing troubles,
And achieve great victories!

From the team, best regards
Let me congratulate you, chief
And wish you good, patience.
Working with you is the highest class!

May good luck come in the New Year
Great, let things go.
Let Santa Claus not hide miracles,
Life will be bright with joy.

Let ideas gush
Income will not be compared.
Believe in all the good
And keep this faith.

What can we wish the boss?
Become richer in the New Year!
So that in business - not to know mistakes,
At home - only warm smiles.

New plans for the New Year,
To know the approach to subordinates,
Go with competitors
Two steps ahead!

You are experienced, courageous, confident,
You can manage,
Therefore, we will take you immediately
Let's start congratulating all together.

We want to wish you a Happy New Year,
And with a new calendar
Accept congratulations from the people -
And we are waiting for you at the table.

Here is the New Year at the nose.
A lot of fuss awaits you
After all, your boss's job
Wants a bunch of novelty.

The holidays will go by quickly
And to be able to blink in time.
Happy New Year I congratulate you
May this night be a miracle!

For the New Year, I wish
To the boss, career growth,
May he free up space,
After all, I have grown up to him!

In a new field of success
To take a step forward
And in his chair I could enter
After all, my turn must come.

This is a successful year for everyone,
I bow to the chief,
Thanks to him, I too slowly,
Reached unprecedented heights!

Let it be with you first
There are a lot of ideas and pans,
Let everything start with good luck,
With a victory, nothing else.
Any beginnings
Will be appreciated by recognition.
Meet the beginning of the year
Chief, and don't be discouraged.
And may initially a New Year
Will be lucky for you.

New Year to our team
Always comes early.
We make plans for the year
How else could it be?

Our boss is dear
Doesn't sit still.
With us he is in a working battle,
More interesting together!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish you happiness.
To the highest peaks for you
Climb with ease!

Our storehouse of strength, wisdom, reliability,
The whole team this New Year
We wish the difficulties in life to dry up
Success bears let the shooter turn,

And love breaks in to you beyond the plan,
And happiness always sends a blinding ray!
Even though the year of the sheep, we will not be sheep,
In the work collective of the boss glorious
The atmosphere reigned so that there were no clouds.

Set to win
Our boss is always ..
And now the hand tears
Calendar leaf.

New Year's coming
And a noisy carnival
And a ton of congratulations
It's time for you to accept.

We are sincere and loud
We wish you everything
May happiness be capacious
And my soul is warm.

Be successful in work,
And the team is yours.
And in the New Year with hope,
And walk with joy.

Dear leader, congratulations,
Happy New Year sincerely, with all my heart.
We wish you all kinds of benefits, success,
The days to come are good.

We promise not to upset you with work,
Fulfilling all your orders on time.
Maybe we'll even sacrifice Saturday
Only to make plans for future use.

At dawn, it rushes with snow
On a painted sleigh
Mother winter, and with her
New Year is all in sables.

Crumbles with sparks to make it
You have a lot of joy,
So that luck inspires
You to the feat hundreds of times.

So that in the juice - both the spirit and the body.
So that on a grand scale - an invited feast.
So that all the songs are sung about you,
So that the whole world knows about you.

So that the zealous beat with a hoof,
So that the soul rushes forward
Was woven by a dream and entwined
Wise, bright New Year!

Today you will change your stern look to a kind smile.
Having loosened your tie, you will read the congratulations aloud.
And, as if at the behest of a golden fish from a fairy tale,
Go to the dance. And invite the lady. Or even two.

All your wishes will come true for the New Year.
Career will creep up the hill and will definitely move up.
In any case, our team wishes you this.
We also wish good things in life, love, work without hindrances.

Exciting for him (because of the unusual role of the speaker) and significant for his subordinates. Before moving on to the entertainment part of the party, usually each employee or the entire company as a whole is given parting words for the next year, the positive moments of the outgoing year are emphasized. A speech at a New Year's corporate party can both make you respect the leader and unite the team, or become a reason for gossip. This is why it is so important that congratulations are not expressed in clichéd phrases or in a negative way.

Congratulations to employees on the New Year are not just wishes of happiness and health for the holiday.

This is a kind of promise of successful work in the future from the lips of the leader of the company. But you should not turn a speech at a corporate event into a meeting of the manager and subordinates, based on dissatisfaction with the work, tasks and subtleties of the work process and financial plans for the coming period. New Year is a holiday, therefore the words of the head of the company should sound bright, simple and sincere. It is better to keep silent about the negative - this way the leader will achieve greater recognition in the team. Before congratulating employees on the New Year, it is advisable to think over the speech in advance, because standing in front of the staff, it will not be easy to overcome the excitement and speak about the main thing.

Unwanted New Year greetings from employees

The leader is not always a brilliant speaker. Incorrectly composed and expressed congratulations can be the result of excitement in front of the audience. Here are some examples of how to avoid behaving when sending messages to coworkers:

  • Employees are not children, and the manager is not Santa Claus.

    Therefore, there is no need to promise people next year what will not come true in practice. Of course, you can guarantee everyone a raise in salary, a promotion, but only when the head of the company has confidence in his own words. Otherwise, the congratulatory speech of the head will introduce mistrust and negativity into the ranks of employees.

  • New Year's greetings are not an hour-long monologue of the boss.

    A long speech at a New Year's corporate party will tire the employees, the meaning underlying the head's message will be lost. Speaking for a long time, the head of the company will inevitably begin to describe working moments, to name figures and facts, which will cause boredom among the people and a desire to listen to the speech as soon as possible, without delving into the essence.

  • Subordination is always needed.

    There is no need to congratulate the employees downright, they already know perfectly well who is in charge here. However, a director who suddenly begins to behave like an old comrade can make subordinates uncomfortable. Only the professional qualities of workers should be affected, bypassing personal life and everyday problems.

  • The company's success is the work of all its employees.

    Therefore, to speak at a New Year's corporate party, emphasizing only their own successes or noting only the heads of departments. This is a shame for ordinary employees, whose work turns out to be of little importance when listing all the merits of the leader.

The rules of the congratulatory speech of the head

If you are fortunate enough to be the face of the company, then knowing some of the features of addressing the team will help in building when there is such a task as to wish the team a Happy New Year.

Monotony and the listing of statistical data will not bring enthusiasm and admiration for their company into the festive mood of subordinates.

Your New Year greetings to employees should not be too dry and prolonged. To say a word of advice to respected colleagues briefly, vividly and to the point is a good option for how to wish employees a Happy New Year. If the team is small, you can briefly thank each employee, if you are the leader of a large enterprise, it is better to mention the achievements of each department without getting personal.

The message of congratulations should be to convince subordinates that the coming year will bring greater profit and importance to the company among competitors at the expense of ordinary workers doing their job. The simpler and more soulful your speech is, the more harmonious and fruitful the work of the team will be. Say you value and be proud of your employees. Praise them. Be specific, not abstract, because the prosperity of a company is the merit of every person working for its benefit. And forget about the negative on this day - there will still be an opportunity to discuss mistakes and failures.

How to behave during a congratulatory speech

When planning your speech, do not forget that posture, gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice are important here. When thinking about how to wish your employees a Happy New Year, do not forget a few simple rules:

  • Smile.

    A sad or angry look will distort even kind words.

  • If your staff is small, try staring each employee in the eye for no more than 10 seconds. If you have more than a hundred people subordinate to you, then you can look at every third or fifth person or turn to everyone, looking at the heads of departments, for example.

  • Pose.

    Take it moderately relaxed without leaning on a chair or table. It is advisable to stand in front of the audience, while keeping your hands along your body, without too much gesturing with your hands. No need to hunch over or sway from side to side.

  • Voice.

Gifts for subordinates and colleagues for the New Year

Thinking how to wish the team a Happy New Year, it will be useful to back up the words with a memorable gift. The criteria for choosing presentations for employees are as follows:

  • Price.

    A gift shouldn't be too expensive. Souvenirs or things necessary for work with company logo will do.

  • Relevance.

    At work, it is not customary to donate items of clothing and personal hygiene, for example.

  • Utility.

    It is desirable that the gift to the employee has some meaning and purpose. For the sake of economy, you should not buy trinkets - it is better then to do with words or certificates for something.

  • Package.

    Employees should see that gifts are carefully and beautifully wrapped in wrapping paper or enclosed in bright, neat bags.

Perhaps the employees themselves will wish to please you, as a leader, with a gift. In such cases, you should behave kindly, bow a little, thank for the present, unfold it and be sure to consider what exactly was presented to you. An exception is a bribe or an open attempt to please you, for example, with the aim of promotion. In such cases, you can do as you see fit, probably even declining the gift.

If on New Year's Eve you plan to present a person in a high position (for example, an important client), then it is advisable to choose a present based on the scope of activity of the person you decided to congratulate, on his preferences (if known). Entrust the choice of a gift to someone with good taste. Naturally, CEOs are not given calendars or notebooks. Therefore, it is better to focus on the age, gender and position of the person you plan to please for the holiday.