PR and the formation of public opinion. International Student Scientific Bulletin

Stages and stages of public opinion formation

Formation of public opinion is the process of development and consolidation (crystallization) of a set of relatively stable collective judgments, feelings, behavioral attitudes of various social communities on issues of interest to them.

The mechanism of formation (production) of public opinion consists in the interaction of the carrier of public opinion (its subject) with a system of targeted external influences on public opinion and in the impact of certain objects (natural and social) on public opinion. From the standpoint of this approach, the true subject of the formation of public opinion is its carrier , because no external influences will be effective if the carrier himself does not find in them something that somehow corresponds to his own needs and interests, his inner worldview and worldview [Formation of public opinion of the population of a large city / ed. O.I. Ivanova. - SPb., 1996] .

Stages of formation of public opinion:

  • the emergence of feelings, moods and ideas associated with any event;
  • conclusions and assessments of the individual based on knowledge, experience, ability to analyze;
  • clash of different opinions (processing of some by others);
  • crystallization of the dominant opinion;
  • dissemination (expression) of a "typed" opinion in a certain social area;
  • the impact of public opinion on people's behavior, governing bodies;
  • fading.

According to American scientists, the life cycle of public opinion includes five stages.

1. Definition of the question. Active and special interest groups are raising the issue - for example, the protest against environmental pollution. These groups have no formal power, but they stimulate “top-of-the-day” statements in the media. The visual possibilities of television are used when activists stage protests and demonstrations.

2. Involvement of opinion leaders. Through media coverage, the issue is presented to the assessment of public opinion and people learn about it. Opinion leaders begin to discuss the issue.

3. Public awareness. As public awareness grows, the issue becomes a subject of public debate and extensive media coverage. The question is simplified in the media to the wording "they are against us."

4. Government/Regulatory Engagement. Public consensus begins to form a decision, and there is a need for government action.

5. Decision. The decision stage begins when the people in power (elected officials) draft a legislative initiative or interpret existing rules and regulations by making a statement. A decision is made. However, if some groups are dissatisfied, the cycle may repeat [Krivonosov A.D., Filatova O.G., Shishkina M.A. Fundamentals of the theory of public relations. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2012. - 384 p. - With. 279-280].

To sources of formation public opinion include primarily direct individual experience, collective experience, and rumors.

1. Direct experience of the individual.

The nature of individual experience is determined by a number of indicators:

  • firstly, the duration of the experience: preference is given, as a rule, to the opinion of an elderly, wiser, before the opinion of a green youth;
  • secondly, the multiplicity, versatility of experience, because it is one thing if an opinion is supported by a single fact, and quite another if there are many repeating, complementary facts behind it;
  • thirdly, the active nature of experience, it is better for a person to act in relation to the object that he judges, not as a passive observer, but as an acting subject - because. the nature of things is most fully comprehended only in the process of their practical assimilation, transformation. But even this does not guarantee the truth of the opinion, because. there are both “youngsters” who think maturely and completely “green” elders, just like “theoreticians” who are far from direct practice, but nevertheless possess the truth and have fallen into the most gross mistakes “from the plow”. The nature of this phenomenon is simple: people, regardless of their direct experience, are more or less literate, educated, more or less competent, capable of analysis.

An erroneous opinion can also be formed under the influence of stereotypes, the inability of everyday consciousness to penetrate deep into things, as well as subjectivism, which manifests itself, firstly, due to the fact that the speaker is limited by the incompleteness of experience, due to which he cannot cover the phenomenon in its entirety , and, secondly, he presents his personal, sometimes single experience as a collective one, and judges the object “from his own bell tower”.

2. "Experience of others" or collective experience includes three components:

  • experience of the microenvironment, small group, and especially the leader of this environment. According to the degree of truth of the opinion, this source is close to direct experience, because. collective experience can also be influenced by stereotypes, subjective ideas, etc.;
  • scientific information, which is distinguished by a high degree of reliability, but there are also falsifications and cases of false conclusions when scientists “did not get to the bottom” of the truth;
  • mass media and communications as a source of public opinion formation can lead to the emergence of a false mass consciousness in two cases: the first is unintentional misinformation, i.e. the information itself has an objective character and is explained by a lack of facts, figures, etc., an incorrect assessment of certain events, phenomena; the second is conscious disinformation - the result of a deliberate distortion of various aspects of social reality [Korobeinikov V.S. Disinformation // Sociology: Dictionary -directory. - V. 2. Separate branches of sociological knowledge. - M., 1990. - S. 24-25]. Therefore, this source has a relative truth.

3. Rumors as a source of information is very "operational" and the least reliable. Theoretical and methodological basis for the study of rumors are the provisions contained in the works of domestic and foreign experts in the study of public opinion. Of particular importance are theoretical and methodological assumptions concerning the features of the functioning of ordinary consciousness (P. Berger, T. Lukman, A. Schutz) and social mood as its characteristics (Zh.T. Toshchenko), the concept, nature and characteristics of the circulation of rumors (A. V. Dmitriev, V.V. Latypov, G. Allport, L. Postman, R. Rosnow, A.V. Tolstykh, T. Shibutani), the process of forming public opinion (M.K. Gorshkov, B.A. Grushin, E. Noel-Neumann).

Rumors in studies of social factors are associated with the manifestation of mass consciousness. From a sociological point of view, this phenomenon is a social phenomenon, which is based on the activities of an individual, a group of people, social communities, and institutions pursuing their goals. This activity acts, on the one hand, as a kind of participation of citizens, corporate groups, political associations, power structures in the life of the country. On the other hand, it is the essence of a variety of information activity, which includes the following structural elements: the creation, translation, reproduction, transmission, consumption, use, storage and destruction of information. The term “rumors” itself is the following: “Rumors are a constantly operating system of interpreting an event by the mass consciousness in accordance with the historically established mentality. Rumors are an unofficial form of communication in a large society, a constant process of mastering events in a dual opposition: a comfortable - uncomfortable state, a secret whisper of the broad masses, forming a general spiritual atmosphere in society, against which both the mass media system and the most extreme methods of mass terror are powerless. [Akhiezer A.S. Russia: criticism of historical experience. T. 3. M., 1991. S. 339].

Rumors, reaching a certain degree of intensity, can turn into mass actions, disobedience to the authorities, pogroms, etc.

It should be noted such a property of hearing as self-translation. O The explanations for this characteristic are as follows: firstly, very often the rumor contains information that is held back by the media; secondly, hearing is an indirect manifestation of the collective, the unconscious; thirdly, rumors are a response to public desire.

Other characteristics of rumors include: 1) lack of information; 2) who produces, distributes and receives them (broadcastability); 3) a special case - rumors in the crowd; 4) structure and functional significance; 5) message delivery mode etc. [Sidorenko V.A. Public opinion. Tutorial. Rostov-on-Don: SKAGS Publishing House, 2009. 70 p.].

So, the information coming from these sources is characterized by varying degrees of truth, as well as varying degrees of influence on the formation of public opinion, but it should be noted that collective experience is still the determining source [Sociology of public opinion: textbook / comp. E.P. Selkova. - Blagoveshchensk: Amur State. un-t, 2011. - 84 p.].

In sociological theoretical concepts, the identification of the state of public opinion is given priority attention. The initial premise is that public opinion is, first of all, a value attitude, a position (approval - not approval, support - censure, acceptability - not acceptability, etc.) of a certain social group on a vital issue (problem) for it . The formation of public opinion is an indicator of the importance, significance of the issue for the group, the inclusion of the group in a certain system of relations, the breadth (narrowness) of its public interests, the levels of development (not development) of the group itself. Public opinion contributes to the formation of group cohesion, and under certain conditions, the stability of society as a whole. In a modified form, the functions of public opinion are performed, according to Komarovsky V.S., in relation to the external environment of the group (other public groups; state institutions and business structures). Accordingly: by analyzing the state of public opinion, the institutions of the state, political leaders, can obtain information about the attitude of various groups of the population towards them, the acceptability for citizens of the ways and methods of solving problems proposed by the authorities (leaders), receive proposals for their improvement, identify the most constructive forms of cooperation with citizens.

Naturally, by shaping, contributing to the formation of public opinion in a certain direction through the use of public relations mechanisms, the power structures will thereby gain the opportunity to control the activities and behavior of the group, society as a whole.

Public opinion can exist in several forms. These species differ from each other in the way they reflect reality, the features of their development, etc. but above all, its subject matter. Each form of consciousness reflects a certain side of reality. But public opinion cannot be identified with any of the forms of public consciousness. The subject of public opinion cannot be “squeezed” into the framework of any one type, since public opinion can be formulated on issues of politics or law, morality or art, religion or science, etc.

Depending on the content of judgments formed by the public, an opinion can be:

  • 1) Evaluative - this opinion expresses attitude to certain problems or facts. It contains more emotions than analytical conclusions, conclusions.
  • 2) Analytical and constructive - public opinions are closely related: the adoption of any decision requires a deep and comprehensive analysis, which requires elements of theoretical thinking.
  • 3) Regulatory public opinion consists in the fact that it develops and implements certain norms of social relations and operates with a whole set of norms, principles, traditions, customs, mores not written by law. Usually it implements the code of rules that is fixed in the moral consciousness of people, groups, and collectives. Public opinion can also act in the form of positive or negative judgments.

The preparation of a public opinion survey includes the following steps:

  • - setting the goal of the study. The goal should be clearly articulated, what information is expected to be obtained, how to use and where to direct the summarized results.
  • -development of the tool (questionnaires, questionnaires). Questions should be formulated clearly, be concise, not allowing for various interpretations. Direct, "head-on" questions should be avoided, especially in cases where they are meaningfully related to the assessment of the work of the respondent, aimed at obtaining data directly about the person himself, his views. To obtain more objective information, verification questions are introduced (on the same topic, but in a different formulation, which allows obtaining indirect confirmation of the answer to the main question). After a set of possible prompt answers, a place is indicated for other options not provided for in the questionnaire:
  • -preparation of the sample (number and composition of respondents). When conducting research in a city, district on issues relating to all social strata, the optimal number of respondents should be 1-1.5 percent of the total population. If the survey is conducted among individual groups, in large labor collectives, educational institutions, the number of respondents can reach 10 percent of the payroll. In small units, if possible, the survey is conducted among all its members, or some part of it at the discretion of the researchers. To obtain the most objective information, the number of respondents should include all categories of the population - by nationality, age, social status, education.
  • - Conducting surveys and surveys. As a rule, it should be carried out anonymously, which increases the reliability of the information. Much depends on the organizers of this case, how skillfully they set up, prepare people for frank expression of their views, positions, opinions.
  • - processing of questionnaires, preparation of conclusions, recommendations and proposals to overcome the development of undesirable processes, forecasting possible results and consequences of their implementation.
  • - taking concrete measures.
  • -subsequent verification of the correctness of the decisions and the results of the measures taken (tracking).

The most significant is the influence of the media on public opinion. The media in their impact use the following methods:

1. Impact through a negative reaction (or "insult").

This method was most widespread during the “perestroika” period, when denunciation was considered not only a good form, a symbol of progress, but also a necessary condition for political growth. Note that this was also considered a manifestation of an extraordinary mind and great intellect. M. Gorbachev, B. Yeltsin, A. Sobchak, G. Popov, S. Stankevich and others "removed" the greatest "harvest" from the application of this method. In addition, the peculiarities of Russian national psychology, expressed in sincere sympathy for the "persecuted" and "sufferers", the tendency of Russians to take the side of the victim in a conflict with the authorities, further enhanced the effect of using this method.

This method has not exhausted itself even now. For the main part of the population, the use of this method allows you to actively influence public opinion and receive considerable political dividends for those forces that are under the patronage of the media and especially television.

Today, this method is no longer so relevant. Perhaps viewers and readers have already had their fill of insults. "Persecuted" and "sufferers" today, most likely, are perceived adequately to reality. If earlier any hype around the authorities was “swallowed” without hesitation, now “exaggerated” scandals are pretty much fed up with everyone, and they don’t particularly surprise anyone. Exposing the authorities is no longer as fashionable as it was a few years ago.

However, this way of forming the public exists at the present time. Now, however, its rough forms are not very effective.

So, the famous ex-bodyguard Alexander Korzhakov chose the tactics of exposing Yeltsin as his "straw in the flood". However, having made a lot of noise once, he gave journalists a reason to "... look forward to some new juicy details from the life of the president and his family." Not justifying the hopes of journalists, Alexander Vasilievich earned ironic articles and reports about the press conference.

2. Involvement of “private agents of influence”

The term "private agent of influence" is usually perceived extremely negatively, but at the same time, it accurately reflects the essence of the situation.

To form public opinion and rigid social attitudes, popular personalities are often involved: they have considerable “weight” among the population, whose opinion is listened to by many people.

As a rule, these are popular artists, outstanding athletes, reputable scientists. In their political predilections, they become, as it were, landmarks for their many admirers. Let us recall some illustrative examples: the program of the most popular film director (which amazed many) E. Ryazanov with the participation of the President, released just in time for the 1993 referendum; attracting everyone's favorite artist N. Gundareva at the finish line of the election marathon to the Women of Russia bloc, which ensured their success; show-marathon across Russia of famous pop artists in support of B. Yeltsin in the presidential elections in 1996.

This method is very strong, its possibilities are very high. This can explain the attraction of famous artists for roles in commercials.

3. Constant publication of the results of "public opinion" polls.

If earlier their publication threatened with a serious consequence for the media, now the results of various and numerous polls and sociological studies have become almost a necessary condition for the work of the media. But what is alarming is that their results directly depend on the customer: if this is the opposition, then “the masses are against the anti-people regime”, if representatives of the authorities, then “positive trends have been outlined, the people look to the future with hope”, etc. Similar polls , reflected in the media, in fact, are the provision of group pressure on citizens, especially during the period of election campaigns. In general, experts have repeatedly noticed an interesting trend - the subordination of the data of sociological surveys to the political situation. One indicator of this phenomenon is the publication of polls conducted by "independent opinion polls" whose financial well-being is directly dependent on customer satisfaction. The probing of public opinion and its presentation in today's media is undoubtedly a powerful tool for political influence, the main function of which is to form social illusions and inspired attitudes.

Thus, for the effective functioning of the press, it is important to be able to influence it in a direction beneficial to a healthy society: to correctly interpret people's feelings, to create an atmosphere most favorable for the success of the business. The media have the ability to localize madness, stop the process of hysteria, neutralize negative emotions. They can contribute to the resolution of certain contradictions and conflicts. The psychological aspect involves the creation of a comfortable communicative environment that facilitates the process of perception and transmission of information.


Analyzing the deviant and delinquent behavior of minors, I note that it depends on biological (predisposition to nervous or mental illness) and social (family, school, friends) factors.

Thus, taking into account these factors, it is necessary to build a system for educating adolescents. Or contact social services for help.


  • 1. Gilinsky Ya.I. Sociology of deviant behavior as a sociological theory//Socis. - 1991. - No. 4.
  • 2. Ivanov V.I. Deviant Behavior: Causes and Scales//Socio-Political Journal. - 1995. - No. 2.
  • 3. Craig G. Psychology of development. - St. Petersburg, 2001
  • 4. Mozhginsky Yu. B. Aggression of a teenager: emotional and crisis mechanism. - St. Petersburg, 1999
  • 5. Shilova V.N. Sociology of deviant behavior // Sociological research. - 1994. - No. 11.

Question number 2. Ways of forming public opinion.

The public opinion of a social community is a specific way of manifesting the state of consciousness of this community, which indirectly and generally reflects the attitude of the majority of its members to facts, events, phenomena in objective or subjective reality that aroused their interest and discussion and which is embodied in value judgments or practical actions of members. this community.

Such a noticeable increase in interest in public opinion has its own explanation.:

    First, as a peculiar phenomenon of spiritual life, public opinion is directly connected with the material carrier, which determines the real strength of this opinion, its features and properties. At the same time, the broader strata act as the bearer of public opinion, the more social authority and effectiveness it differs, the more it makes one consider itself.

    Secondly, in each specific case, public opinion is rooted in certain needs and interests of people, declaring by the very fact of its existence the importance of taking them into account and satisfying them.

    Thirdly, public opinion as a socio-psychological phenomenon is an active stimulator of social actions and actions of the masses, capable of giving them a wide scope and stability for various, often quite long periods of time.

    Fourthly, the ever-expanding practice of real, informal elections of leading bodies, economic managers of all ranks, voluntarily or involuntarily, forces to keep abreast of public opinion even those who do not yet fully understand the importance of studying and taking into account public opinion in everyday practical work.

Public opinion is a specific manifestation of public consciousness, expressed in assessments (both verbally and in writing) and characterizing the explicit (or hidden) attitude of large social groups (primarily the majority of the people) to topical problems of reality that are of public interest.

Representatives of different classes often put different content into it. This happened because public opinion reflects the real state of public consciousness, the interests, moods and feelings of classes and social groups in society. In public opinion, a specific state of public consciousness is manifested in one or another historical period of time. It focuses on certain aspects, processes of being. The content of public opinion is an indicator of the depth of reflection, knowledge of these processes, the expression of their assessment from the point of view of the interests of a social group, class, people as a whole. Public opinion and public consciousness are in complex connections and relationships. Public consciousness, according to many scientists, is a set of theories, ideas, views that reflect real social life, the historical process. They are generated by certain material conditions of people's lives. The structure of the real content of social consciousness is extremely complex. It has several forms. Most often, such forms are political ideas, legal consciousness, morality, science, art, religion, philosophy, ecology and economics, etc. These forms differ from each other in the way they reflect reality, the features of their development, etc., but first of all, its subject matter. Each form of consciousness reflects a certain side of reality: morality, for example, deals with the norms of human behavior in society, the principles that regulate it, science examines the laws of nature and society, political ideology deals with political relations (state, class, national, etc.). .). The object of public opinion are specific topics on which the point of view of an individual, group or public is expressed or can be expressed, and the process of material production, and events taking place in the sphere of the spiritual life of society, and the behavior of fans in the stadium, the audience in the theater, political leaders. Public opinion has 3 important points:

    Public opinion is formed there and then when a problem of great practical importance is brought up for discussion by the people, that is, a problem (question) that affects the social interests of people (economic, social, political, spiritual life).

    Public opinion most often concerns issues related to politics, law, morality or art, where there is more controversial and affecting our interests. The subject of consideration of the public most often are those forms of public consciousness, those issues that involve differences in assessments, characteristics, that is, contain a moment of debatability.

    In addition, we should not forget about the third condition for the formation of public opinion - the level of competence. If a person is unfamiliar with any issue under discussion, then when asked for an opinion, he most often answers: “I don’t know.” But such an option is also possible when a person simply does not have enough knowledge to argue, discuss the issue.

It is well known that our planet is divided into countries. Countries are inhabited by people who are called society. Each of the residents has a certain opinion on various topics: politics, economics, culture, family, work, entertainment, and so on. If you ask certain questions to the inhabitants of the country, it turns out that the answers of the inhabitants to some of them can coincide by 60-70%. These are key questions, and they are a barometer of the public mindset, which can be used to draw conclusions about how the majority of the population evaluates their life in this country in relation to politics, economics, and culture. This so-called public opinion is the most important indicator and indicator of society and the country as a whole.. Public opinion has always existed. The first law of public opinion says: the head of the country, before making a fateful decision, must study public opinion on this issue. If he gets 60% approval, then he can start acting. For example, start a war with another state or sell part of the territory. In violation of the first law of public opinion, as in the violation of any physical law, the violator will be punished. In 1918, Tsar Nicholas was executed by the Bolsheviks. This is as simple a law as the law of outdoor temperature. If you go outside dressed lightly when it's cold, then your punishment is illness.

Newspapers and political parties have long been the means of shaping public opinion. The authorities are interested in shaping certain views in society and make certain attempts to influence society with the help of newspapers and radio, as well as with the help of parties. The party is a pyramidal structure that captures all strata of society, united by strict one-man management. The leader of the party, through his members and activists, influences the public opinion of the country, using newspapers, leaflets and live campaigning. Activists are also a means of feedback, which report to the leader what people think. Then, in the 20th century, radio appears, the second largest medium for shaping and directing public opinion in one direction or another. People buy radios and put them in their apartment. Goebbels propaganda used the radio to its fullest. In the era of Hitler, the first public opinion polls appear. A public opinion poll is a feedback between the authorities and society. The government needs to know the results of a certain campaign to form certain beliefs, as well as the rating of the means of forming public opinion, in order to effectively invest in parties, newspapers or radio.

The mass communication activity of a modern person, associated with the consumption, use and production of mass information, with total prevalence and accessibility, information becomes a necessary condition and means of carrying out almost any social activity: socio-political, cognitive, labor, etc. However, this happens only when when the content and form of mass media changes in accordance with the information interests and needs of people. Satisfying the information needs of the audience must be included among the goals of the communicator as a goal-means to achieve other, managerial tasks of mass impact.

In the life of society, its various social institutions, a real and very tangible place is occupied by the so-called unverified oral information, which is usually referred to as rumors, rumors, rumors, etc. According to T. Shibutani, rumors are based on an event that has two qualities: importance and uncertainty. If the event is not important and does not have uncertainty, then there will be no rumors about it.

Another way of forming public opinion is public relations.

PR is one of the management functions that promotes the establishment and maintenance of communication, mutual understanding, location and cooperation between the organization and its public. They include the solution of various problems: provide the management of the organization with information about public opinion and assist it in developing response measures: ensure the activities of management in the public interest; keep it in a state of readiness for various changes by anticipating trends in advance; use research and open communication as the main means of action. PR, by promoting mutual understanding between individual groups and organizations, help our complex pluralistic society to make decisions and act more effectively. They ensure the harmonization of private and public activities. PRs serve many public institutions: businesses, trade unions, foundations, government agencies, voluntary associations, hospitals, educational and religious organizations.

In addition, it is important to note that the concept of “public relations” includes:

    Anything that can conceivably improve mutual understanding between an organization and those with whom that organization comes into contact, both internally and externally.

    Activities aimed at identifying and eliminating rumors or other sources of misunderstanding.

    Activities aimed at expanding the sphere of influence of the organization by means of appropriate propaganda, advertising, exhibitions, video and film screenings.

    Any action aimed at improving contacts between people or organizations.

This term began to be used relatively recently, and the phenomenon itself was observed in all historical eras. Plato, Aristotle and Democritus talked about it, and G. Hegel described public opinion in detail. In the 20th century, its sociological concept was formed, and today scientists from different countries are exploring its essence, roles and functions.

What is public opinion?

There is no exact definition of this concept. In general terms, it can be called a set of judgments that are developed and shared by a wide range of people. The phenomenon of public opinion was observed even among primitive peoples and helped to regulate the life of the tribes. Discussions about the interpretation of this concept continue, but every year it becomes more and more “democratic”, acting as a reflection of the processes taking place in society. It has become a manifestation of political behavior and a method of influencing politics.

Public opinion in sociology

We are talking about public consciousness, which explicitly or implicitly expresses its attitude to events, incidents and facts of public life, reflecting the position of the entire team on issues of interest to everyone. Public opinion as a social phenomenon has a number of functions:

  1. social control. Public opinion can help or hinder the implementation of government decisions.
  2. expressive. By expressing a certain position, public opinion can control public authorities and evaluate their activities.
  3. Advisory. As a result of surveys of the population, it is possible to resolve a particular problem, to force representatives of the political elite to make a more informed decision.
  4. directive. Expression of the will of the people during referendums.

Public opinion in psychology

Society's opinion, like a litmus test, reflects reality and evaluates it. This is a kind of cut of the spiritual life of people, because by expressing their opinion, they approve or condemn something or someone. The formation of public opinion leads to the development of a single assessment and the corresponding behavior in this particular situation. Society is made up of a wide variety of groups and structures. In families, production teams, sports organizations, an internal opinion is formed, which, in fact, is public.

It is very difficult to resist him, because any person becomes defenseless, surrounded by hostile judgments. As practice shows, 10% of like-minded people are enough for the rest of the mass of people to join them. Public opinion plays a huge role in people's lives: it provides information about the world around them, helps to adapt to the characteristics of a particular society, and influences information flows.

Public opinion and mass consciousness

This social institution develops patterns of behavior, directing people's actions in the usual direction. Often a person who has his own opinion sacrifices it for the sake of the opinion of the majority. The relationship between such concepts as mass behavior and public opinion was described by E. Noel-Neumann, who discovered the so-called “spiral of silence”. According to this concept, people with a position that is contrary to social attitudes “shut up”. They do not express their point of view, fearing to remain in the minority.

This universal regulator is present in all spheres of human life - economic, spiritual, political. It is rather informal than a social institution, since it regulates the behavior of subjects in society through a system of informal norms. To quantify public opinion, all kinds of polls, questionnaires, etc. are used. At the moment, this is an invariable attribute of any democratic society.

How is public opinion formed?

Its formation occurs under the influence of a variety of factors - rumors and gossip, opinions, beliefs, judgments, delusions. At the same time, it is very important that the subject of discussion is important for a large number of people and provides for the ambiguity of interpretations and various assessments. Those who wish to know how public opinion is formed should answer that it is equally important to have the necessary level of competence to discuss the problem. It is worth noting the influence of the Internet on public opinion, the state, the media, and the personal experience of people.

Methods of manipulating public opinion

Such methods are designed to suppress the will of citizens and direct their opinions and motivations in the right direction. public opinion includes:

  1. Suggestion.
  2. Transfer to the general system of a particular case.
  3. Operating with rumors, speculation, unverified information.
  4. Using the method called "need corpses." This is an emotional zombie using the theme of sex, violence, murder, etc.
  5. Manipulation of public opinion involves choosing the lesser of two evils.
  6. Silencing one information and promoting another.
  7. Fragmentation is the division of information into separate parts.
  8. The Goebbels method, in which a lie is passed off as the truth, constantly repeating it.
  9. Hoax.
  10. Astroturfing. Artificial control of public opinion with the help of specially hired people.

The role of propaganda in shaping public opinion

Politics is impossible without propaganda, because it forms a system of political beliefs and directs the actions of people, developing the necessary guidelines in their minds. The process of forming public opinion aims to connect the theoretical and ordinary political consciousness and integrate the necessary ideas about politics. As a result, a person makes his choice instinctively, “on the machine”. Such an impact is qualified as negative if it distorts moral criteria and norms, causes psychological tension, and disorientates groups of people.

The influence of the media on public opinion

The main method of media influence on people is stereotyping. It provides for the creation of illusory stereotypes - illusions, myths, standards of behavior that are designed to evoke the desired reaction in a person in the form of sympathy, love, hatred, etc. The media and public opinion are closely interconnected, because the former can create a false picture of the world using manipulative capabilities and to accustom people to unconditionally accept on faith everything that is said on television, radio, etc. Myths are based on, and any ideology is based on them.

The influence of public opinion on a person

The opinion of the society educates the "morally pure" of its members. Public opinion and rumors form and instill certain norms of social relations. A person learns to be responsible for his words and actions before society. Those who ask how public opinion still affects a person should note that it educates and re-educates, forms customs and attitudes, traditions, habits. But at the same time, it also affects people negatively, “pressing” them, forcing them to live with an eye to “what people will say.”

Fear of public opinion

Each person is afraid of the opinion of society, afraid of criticism, which undermines his initiative, suppresses the desire to move forward, develop and grow. The fear of public opinion is very difficult to suppress, because a person cannot live outside of society. Due to the lack of ideas, dreams and aspirations, life becomes gray and dull, and for some individuals the consequences can be fatal, especially if parents lived with an eye on people's opinions and raised a child in the same spirit. Fear of criticism makes a person lack of initiative, weak character, shy and unbalanced.

Dependence on public opinion

There are no people completely free from the opinions of others. Self-sufficient individuals are defeated to a lesser extent, but people with an abundance of complexes and low self-esteem suffer more than others. Those who are interested in who is most dependent on public opinion can be answered that they are modest, weak-willed, self-centered people. Most likely, in childhood, parents did not praise them at all, but constantly humiliated and belittled their dignity. Fear of public opinion is higher than truth, goals, career, love.

How to stop depending on public opinion?

It is not easy, but everything is possible when there is a desire. Those who are interested in how to get rid of public opinion, you just need to understand that each person is unique and not like anyone else. And most people overestimate the interest in their person too much. In fact, people don't often pay attention to someone. No one wants to look ridiculous, cruel, stupid or unprofessional in the eyes of others, but the one who does nothing is not mistaken.

Society will find something to criticize any person for, but if you turn criticism to good, you can become more free. Criticism helps, provides an opportunity to improve yourself. She teaches to listen and hear, to forgive, to get rid of wrong stereotypes. Each person is imperfect and has the right to make a mistake, you just need to give yourself the opportunity to make a mistake, but do not reproach yourself for it, but use the experience gained to further move towards your goal.

- this is a state that contains a hidden or explicit attitude of society or part of it to problems, events and phenomena of reality.

Subject public opinion are communities of various levels, and object— event, phenomenon, process, social fact.

Stages of formation of public opinion

Allocate three stages of public opinion formation:

1. Origin:

  • the emergence of interest in a phenomenon, fact, process;
  • individual-group assessment of the object that aroused interest;
  • the desire of the subject to the source of information.

2. Direct formation of public opinion:

  • exchange of individual and group opinions and formation of public opinion.

3. Functioning of public opinion:

  • opinion-assessment acts as a judgment of the majority;
  • the transition of public opinion from verbal (verbal) form to behavioral.

Sociologists note three necessary conditions for the functioning and development of public opinion:

  • social significance, relevance of the problem, topic, event. This means that public opinion can be formed only in relation to those issues that affect the economic, political and spiritual interests of many people and are of great practical importance for them;
  • debatability of the issues under discussion, i.e. the subject of public consideration are issues that allow ambiguity of interpretation and various value judgments;
  • required level of competence. This implies the understanding by the public of the content of the problems discussed, its awareness of this issue.

Thus, not any opinion is public, but only one that meets the criteria of social significance, debatability and competence.

Public opinion has the following properties:

  • scale (scope);
  • subjective prevalence;
  • polarity (orientation);
  • polarization;
  • prevalence (social and geographical range);
  • intensity;
  • stability;
  • formation speed;
  • connectivity (consistency), etc.

To the number institutional properties public opinion should include:

  • maturity;
  • functional orientation;
  • functional orientation;
  • efficiency.

Main sources the formation and development of public opinion are: 1) direct observation of others, approval or disapproval of certain actions, decisions, statements; 2) mass media that have a targeted impact on the opinions, assessments, and behavior of people.

Depending on the content of the utterance, public opinion can be expressed in evaluation, analytical and constructive opinions, depending on the sign of the utterance positive and negative judgments. Structurally, this phenomenon can be monistic and pluralistic. Shaping public opinion can be spontaneous and conscious. It may contain correct and illusory representations about reality. In recent years, it has gained momentum and world public opinion the subject of which are global issues of preserving life on Earth.

Currently, there are more than two dozen centers for the study of public opinion in the country. The most famous among them are the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), the Public Opinion Foundation, Voxpopuli B. Grushina, Levada Center, Russian Public Opinion and Market Research (ROMIR), A. Kisselman Center (St. Petersburg), etc. We note that the American Institute of Public Opinion, founded by J. Gallup in 1935

It must be remembered that the lack of consideration of public opinion. the loss of public support for the current course can deal a serious blow not only to specific subjects of the political process, but also to the very foundations of the social system and statehood.