Education problems in modern society. Report "problems and difficulties of the modern upbringing process and ways to solve them". Liberal parenting style

What are the biggest challenges in school education?

Our question was answered by teachers, school directors and scientists

Education, as you know, is the most incomprehensible part of pedagogy. "PS" as far as possible tries to acquaint you with the results of scientific research in this area, but while scientists argue about the goals, results, subjects and effects, in every Russian class, education takes place in one way or another every minute. Moreover, the class teachers themselves are rarely asked about the essence of their work. Therefore, we decided to ask together with the center "Pedagogical Search".
We asked teachers of schools working with the newspaper, university professors, school administrators to name the most important, in their opinion, problems in the field of education. And then they invited scientists to comment on the picture that,
as a mosaic, formed as a result of the survey.
Today, on the border of two academic semesters, when it is customary to summarize preliminary results, we present these materials to you. Everyone who is interested in them, willingly or unwillingly, will take the position of an expert: he systematizes the answers in accordance with
with his pedagogical and managerial experience, he will draw conclusions about the state of our modern upbringing and about the people professionally involved in this upbringing. A reader who is fascinated by such analytical work will probably first get acquainted with the results of the survey in order to form his own opinion.
And only then will he correlate it with the statements of the experts we invited.
You can do the opposite: first, with the help of scientists, choose an acceptable focus for consideration, and then get acquainted with the answers of colleagues. We hope that the readers who have chosen both the first and the second options will mentally add their answers to the named problems.
The results of the survey can also be used as a pretext for holding a winter teachers' council. In this case, it is better, of course, to first conduct a similar survey among school teachers (anonymously if desired), and hide the newspaper for the time being, so that there is no temptation to join the already formulated opinion. In this scenario, the opinions of expert scholars will not be heard at all, but will be addressed to every teacher in your school. However, one of the teachers of the school can also act as an analyst, using the proposed algorithm for systematizing problems and offering his own options for resolving them.



Cooperation with parents (the school does not always involve the parent community in solving problems in organizing the educational process, and sometimes parents do not want to participate in solving these problems).
The use of modern technologies, and various (more often in the old fashioned way, we all "hold an event").
Working with teenagers.

Nadezhda Zubareva

Problems of the relationship between parents and class teachers. Live communication is often replaced by sending emails and postal messages. Parents do not want to go to school, and discussing problems on the phone is not always effective.
Paper and electronic reports take up a lot of time that could be devoted directly to working with children.
Management of the educational process at school should be more flexible. The requirements for the work of each class teacher cannot be the same, just as the children in different classes are not the same. What is good for some is unacceptable for others.

Svetlana Kinelskaya

Interaction between the class teacher and parents (low parenting activity). Equipping the educational process (TCO, visualization, computer, etc.). Meals in the school canteen (many are not satisfied with the assortment of dishes, they prefer, for example, buns, tea. But since there is no cash register in the canteen, they will no longer sell retail. And how will pupils study on an empty stomach if they have seven lessons?).

Marina Gordin

Informatization of the educational and upbringing process. Development of scientific and technical creativity. The problem of fathers and children".

Elena Salitova

Formation of a cool team. Education of tolerance. Socialization of the child into society.

Tatiana Potapova

The influence on the education of the film industry and mass culture is such that children perceive many educational activities at school as unnecessary games.
The competitive relations of the market system are transferred to school, and here there is a struggle for survival - who is stronger - by any means. Unfortunately, examples are drawn from action movies.
The general level of culture and the outlook of students have decreased, they read little, low motivation to study (the main slogan is: now everything can be bought!). But it is possible to break through to the hearts, although it requires colossal dedication. Unfortunately, teenagers do not know anything about the Holocaust or about the history of political repression in the USSR. Perhaps this is the reason for the germs of fascism and Russian chauvinism in Russia.

Evgeniya Koltanovskaya

Low motivation of adults themselves to self-change. Ability to "hear" adolescents.

Alena Mikheeva

Establishment of uniform requirements for the child on the part of teachers and parents. Problems of parental control over a child's learning.

Natalia Terekhova

Educational methods and technologies in the context of the humanization of school education. The influence of the level of development of the class team on the formation of interests, inclinations and abilities of pupils. The humanistic educational system of the school as an environment for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Marina Vdovina

Decreased learning motivation. (Why study if further education is paid for ?!)
Filling out a heap of unnecessary pieces of paper by both the class teacher and the teacher. Let it work !!!
The administration has too many powers, and the teacher becomes more and more deprived of rights. What kind of person can be raised by a teacher who cannot defend himself? And now, with new funding, the teacher is responsible for everything in rubles. Why was the school administration allowed to distribute salary increases? And how is this supposed to happen? Maybe an independent commission?

Svetlana Karpenko

Problems of adaptation of schoolchildren moving to the next level of education. "Paperwork" in the work of the school administration. Lack of desire of teachers to think in new, economic categories, while developing the psychology of poverty in themselves and in their children.

Svetlana Kornaukhova

The image of a well-mannered person broadcast by the media is far from what professional teachers imagine.
Forms of holidays and other events are morally outdated and not interesting to children.

Alisa Zhilinskaya

Some parents send their children to work or beg instead of school. In the future, there is no work, no faith in the future.
How to cope with fights, obscenities, beer, smoking? Children do not cherish and do not appreciate what is in school, they stain and break everything.

Antonina Zakharova

Parents beat their children, they are not allies in education. There is no sense of citizenship, the habit of separating oneself from the state, from the family, the autonomy of the individual - a bias towards individualism. There is no protection against aggressive media.

Lyudmila Kolomiets

Children are abandoned: parents are leaving en masse to work. Social stratification in classrooms. The school sets tasks that are far from the interests of children: older adolescents are focused on friendship, communication, and we for them - profiling and the exam.

Svetlana Nazarova


World outlook. The so-called secular humanism has demonstrated complete failure in all countries of the world where it dominates. An education based on academic subjects does not have an educational aspect.
Uncertainty of the final product of education.

There is a tangible shortage of qualified personnel capable of professionally teaching and educating. The workload of parents with the need to earn money leads to the fact that parents cease to engage in education, the intellectual and cultural development of the child, his moral upbringing, shifting this completely onto the shoulders of the school.
The very structure of the school does not allow working individually, and without an individual approach, developing problems cannot be solved. Such work can be effective only with the joint efforts of the family and the school.
A rollback of the bureaucrats' apparatus to the times of dictatorial imposition of attitudes. Strict regulation, attempts to structure and rank the work of all schools according to a single model, understandable to officials. It is based on the desire of officials to protect themselves from any possible problems. For example, this is why fewer and fewer teachers go on trips, go on hikes, even on excursions.

Nikolay Izyumov, deputy director of the GOU school number 1199 "League of Schools", Moscow

Lack of interest in raising children from the family. In younger adolescents, increased contact aggressiveness is observed: they can grab a classmate by the hair, start beating. There are few active forms of upbringing in school (educational projects, imitation games, various meetings ...), and upbringing as instilling correct norms of behavior is ineffective.

Lyudmila Dolgova, director of the Eureka-Development school, Tomsk

Lack of ideological base (what are we bringing up?). The family has not formed a request to the school for education. Lack of personnel forge: teachers are not taught anywhere.

Dmitry Tyutterin, director of the private school "Znak", Moscow

Almost all school situations are structured in such a way that the child does not need to make an independent decision. Educators are not very well aware of what modern adolescents and young adults need.

Mikhail Cheremnykh, Director of the Humanitarian Lyceum, Izhevsk

Inconsistency in the actions of the services of the structures that should deal with the child. Each department (school, commission on juvenile affairs, "Family" center ...) is accountable for a certain aspect.
The inability of teachers to deeply understand the personality traits of the child, the internal motivation of his actions. Psychologists can help with this, but not all schools have good psychological services.
The neglect of upbringing in the family. It is difficult for a school to raise a child who does not get enough sleep and is malnourished.

Olga Polyakova, director of school number 6, Sosnovy Bor


Adults in general, and teachers in particular, often confuse edification (instruction, instruction) and upbringing. They are not the same thing. They usually talk about upbringing the more, the worse the main task of the school - teaching - is solved. In reality, the effectiveness of education at school depends primarily on the quality of teaching.
The possibilities of the school as an instrument of education are in reality limited, and any attempt to increase the proportion of educational functions of school education is fraught with an increase in hypocrisy and idle talk. And the main problem is in the management of education, to an outrageous degree of formalism at all levels.

Due to endless circulars, prescriptions and other paperwork, the teacher is not in a state of freedom, and freedom in education is above all.
Edification: it is important not to teach the child to live, but to create an aura, an atmosphere that corresponds to wonderful human relationships. Children are often treated as a means to achieve their goals, while every child is an endless value.

Vitaly Remizov, Head of the Innovation Center for Advanced Studies "Leo Tolstoy School", Moscow

There are no children's organizations in the school. Most schools are organized without taking into account today's realities of age. There are no good, ideal forms, images of a desirable future, which can be guided in education. There are no intermediaries - adults through whom contacts are made with the older generation, with a positive society.

Boris Khasan, Director of the Institute of Psychology and Development Pedagogy, Krasnoyarsk

The school does not carry out sufficiently purposeful work to foster initiative, responsibility, citizenship and patriotism. The society has changed, other children have come to school, and the methods of upbringing have remained the same as 20 years ago.
Alienation of children from school. The school does not become a "home" for the child, and educational work is increasingly being carried out outside the walls of the school. Now they even try to spend graduation evenings not in schools, but in houses of culture, for example.
The teacher's work is assessed only by the results of training, which sets a certain direction of the teacher's activity.
We introduce specialized training and reduce hours for the main subjects that shape a person's personality (literature, music ...).

Rosa Sheraizina, Rector of the Institute of Continuing Pedagogical Education, NovSU named after Yaroslav the Wise

Recently, much has been done to socially marginalize teachers, so that only heroic people remain at school. And their layer is very thin. Many teachers feel like failures, people who cannot take their rightful place in society.
Alienation of children and teachers from school, from each other. You can educate to the extent that people are focused on each other, hear and accept the other.

Galina Prozumentova, Head of the Department of Education Management, Faculty of Psychology, TSU

We thank everyone who took part in the survey. Unfortunately, not all answers were included in the publication: we removed duplicates
and off-topic remarks

Expert opinion

Sergey POLYAKOV, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Ulyanovsk

The pedagogical tasks are real. And imaginary

According to the expert, at first he “was going to consistently respond to all positions, opinions, judgments, but then
it seemed that, despite the difference in words, the answers were repeating the same underwater topics ”, which became the headings of the sections of this commentary.

Mythology continues

I am still convinced that education can be at least in some sense successful only if educators and managers become more realistic (I wrote about this several years ago in the book "Realistic Education"). However, judging by the results of the survey, our desire to build castles in the air in education is inevitable.
We wish that a unified ideology would appear, that the environment would be harmonious, that parents would be active, so that a unified children's organization would be recreated, so that there would be some kind of finite (!) product and, finally, to solve the problem of fathers and children (!!!).
Alas or fortunately - more precisely, neither one nor the other - all this will not happen in the coming decades, or even never.
So if we want to educate, let's think about something else and spend energy on something else.

Running from problematic

However, in order to decide what it is worth spending our efforts on, problems must be discovered. Problems are what specifically we are unsuccessful in and what in our actions leads to such unsuccessfulness.
Alas, the wording of the answer-requests, unfortunately, is in a completely different, "plaintive" key.
“Children do not cherish and do not value what is in school, they stain and break everything.” But what are we, teachers, doing that children react in such a way to school life?
"Loss of interest in learning." However, what in our actions helps to lose interest in learning?
"The general level of culture and the outlook of students have decreased." Are we helping or resisting this decline?
And so on - the list of complaints is not exhausted.
Our flight from problematicity is also manifested in the fact that, not having time to realize and understand the problem, we rush to set the tasks of "forming a class team", "fostering tolerance", "socialization in society" (by the way, what is this?) And so on, and other.
After reading the list of complaints, tasks, studying old and new educational myths, I would like to join the slogan that I recently heard: "Less education!"

Less parenting

Let us recall that amazing, familiar family example, when no one in the family is very concerned about raising children, but they grow up to be good and reasonable.
Is it not so in the work of some teachers, who are more keen on their wonderful science and therefore see in schoolchildren not the subject of educational actions, but "accomplices" in scientific and cultural action? Sometimes from such lack of upbringing, the educational result is, after all, higher than from persistent exhausting educational work.
I am very skeptical about educational work in the university (maybe because at the institute for some reason the educational efforts of the teachers passed me by). But I recently read one study, which states that the education of students at the university is not the result of some kind of special work, but a consequence of the implementation in the university as a whole of its educational function, that is, the development function of a morally and problem-oriented specialist.
Maybe at school it is worth talking more not about upbringing, but about the school's implementation of the function of personality development in all school spaces: in the relationship between teachers and children, in the way and atmosphere of school life, in the image of school teachers ...
And then upbringing will turn out to be not so much a special influence as recognition, understanding and life.

Education is recognition and understanding

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky spoke about this.
Remember, there was such a journalistic game: "If I were the director ...". I propose two games for educators and managers from education to determine the effectiveness of the teacher's activities.
The first is to calculate how long the teacher talks to his students just like that, without a special purpose. The more, the better: after all, a teacher who is a great master of unfocused conversations has the opportunity to learn more and understand another person.
Second game: "Open the invisibility." Assignment: choose from among your pupils no one, unclear, incomprehensible and try to understand only through observationwhat he is and what drives him. The more successful in this task are the better educators.
However, there are problems that cannot be dismissed.

Actual problems

They are not at all where they are sought, not at school, but in society, in the world of socialization of children. Socialization is not in the sense that it has recently flashed in schools, where it is sometimes interpreted as preparation for the profession and the behavior of future voters in elections, but in a broad social field, about which the brilliant book of A.V. Mudrik "Socialization of Man" is described.
A teacher who has not read this book is unlikely to be able to adequately navigate the social space in which modern young people live. And if he does not orient himself, he will not be able to see the real problems and set realistic tasks.
It turns out that the point is not how mass culture, the media, militants, "the Internet", social stratification and other "horror stories" of the new era influence, but whether we know how to form the attitude of children to these realities - not a negative attitude based on emotions, but intellectual, analytical, allowing to detect influences on oneself and learn to resist social manipulations.
Raise your hand, just honestly, who this school year has conducted at least one educational action or one lesson in which you and the children learned to analyze social influences and develop an attitude towards them.
That's just it.
But maybe this requires a new theory of upbringing?

New parenting theory

Maybe so.
At least something like that hatches.
I.D. Demakova speaks about childhood space, which is important to know, understand and feel.
D.V. Grigoriev promotes the idea events as a true subject of the work of education (value-filled situations that create experiences and intellectual impulses).
M.V. Shakurova argues that the combination of social, cultural and upbringing occurs in the mind of a student as act of sociocultural identity, that is, in the student's answer to the questions “Who am I? Who am I with? Where is my human pattern? " (and it is the help in solving such issues, according to M.V. Shakurova, that is the real work of the teacher).
I.Yu.Shustova shows that the traditional concepts of the collective and the group are insufficient to describe the modern "living environment" of schoolchildren. She suggests using the phrase that exists in psychology event community, which combines the theme of collectivity and the theme of events.
Psychologist M.R. Bityanova and teacher B.V. Kupriyanov attach particular importance to role-playing games as a method that allows immerse teenagers and high school students in value conflicts and push them towards a playful and then life choice of personal, value-colored views and positions.
The most remarkable thing is that all these researchers are not only authors and promoters of new ideas, which, perhaps, will one day form a new theory of upbringing, but also practitioners who turn their ideas into events of coexistence with young people in tense "promoting" situations.

Expert opinion

Boris KUPRIYANOV, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Kostroma State University

Difficulties that can become a resource for development

This expert opinion is based on the so-called resource approach, which is quite productive for analyzing the activities of the class teacher. Supporters of this approach believe: almost everything that surrounds the class teacher can be considered as a resource for solving urgent problems of education of each student
and the whole cool team.

The powerless is always to blame for the strong. And the powerless?

A person who believes that his life is exclusively his handiwork is called an internal. And the external is sure that the line of his fate is drawn by life circumstances, for the most part little dependent on him (from the dictionary).
When comprehending the results of the survey of teachers who perform the duties of class teachers, it is easy to lead to provocation by externality - to blame circumstances for the difficulties of your own educational work.
And above all, judging by the questionnaires, it concerns the attitude of the class teacher to the interaction of pupils with social reality.
The class teachers state: "There is no sense of citizenship, the habit of separating oneself from the state ...", "Competitive relations of the market system are transferred to school ...", "There is no protection from aggressive media."
But even in this situation, the teacher can not only go with the flow, but also show an internal approach: interaction with social realities is the same resource as, for example, relationships with parents. In fairness, we note that the problem is not only in the subjective image of the shameless media in the teacher's mind, but also in a number of objective difficulties. And yet it seems that, as in the case, for example, with subcultures, we need to work with the media, develop a method of work, and not just “take into account” their existence.
Consider the line of interaction of the class teacher with the parents... If one follows the external logic, the parents appear “not active enough”, “do not want to participate in solving problems”, “do not want to go to school”, “stop taking care of the child”.
And absolutely outrageous facts of parental behavior: they throw or beat children, send them to work or beg. Words are superfluous here. One can only hope that there are not very many such parents.
There are also answers in the internal logic (we take responsibility for ourselves): "the school does not always attract parents", "live communication is often replaced by sending electronic messages." In responsible logic, the class teachers state the insufficient "effectiveness of seeking a dialogue with parents", the need "to establish uniform requirements for the child on the part of teachers and parents."
A special place in the activities of the class teacher is class teacher - students interaction... It is not easy to interpret the situation here. On the one hand, unfavorable changes in the generation of modern schoolchildren should be recognized. Few would argue that "the general level of culture and outlook has decreased." The following remark sounds alarming: "Younger adolescents have increased contact aggressiveness: they can grab a classmate by the hair, start beating."
However, there are also internal statements: "... you can get through to the hearts, although it requires colossal dedication."
Assessment the relationship of the class teacher with the school reality also sins of externality. For example, the poor work of the canteen is outraged. Class teachers negatively perceive the shortcomings in the organization of school self-government, the absence of public organizations for children and adolescents. Teachers are critical of educational policy guidelines: “Older adolescents are focused on friendship, communication, and we are focused on profiling and the Unified State Exam”.
At the same time, the question arises: maybe the satisfaction of the needs for friendship and communication among adolescents can be provided at the class level, without blaming the state, the school?

We blame on the reflection, on the mirror and on ...

It is significant that homeroom teachers are aware of the own problems: “The lack of desire of teachers to think in new, economic categories, while developing the psychology of poverty in themselves and in their children,” “low motivation for self-change,” inability to hear adolescents.
At the technological level, there are also many difficulties: “the use of modern technologies, and various ...”. Teachers admit that the events are held in the old fashioned way, at the same time "the influence of mass culture is such that many educational activities at school are perceived by children as unnecessary games." School teachers point out that the challenges of day-to-day regulation of the behavior of schoolchildren cause difficulty: "How to cope with fights, obscenities, beer, smoking?" The following phrase, concerning the self-attitude of a school teacher, sounds very alarming: "In the future, there is no job, there is no faith in the future."
The thesis about the difficulties caused by "educational methods and technologies in the context of the humanization of school education" is very indicative. This is an obvious manifestation of the mythologization of pedagogical activity. The word “humanization” is everywhere. Leaders demand at least to talk about it, and even better - to demonstrate. But in a simulacrum situation, this is almost impossible. You can learn to call trends trends, but it is extremely difficult to show something that does not exist to a teacher who is left alone with the problem of designing and building Potemkin villages.
Another myth of modern school reality is associated with a psychological panacea: "The question is very serious, only a psychologist is able to solve it ... We all stop, sit down and start waiting for a psychologist in a blue helicopter ..." I will not argue, there are cases when the help of a professional psychologist is required, however a time when no one had even heard of psychologists, but in everyday life they solved psychological problems. When they thought and took responsibility, they often resolved complex collisions.
Another hot topic that I would like to support is interaction of the class teacher with the management in the field of regulation of activities... A cry for help sounds like replies: “Filling in a heap of unnecessary pieces of paper by both the class teacher and the teacher. Let it work !!! ”,“ Papery work ... ”,“ Paper and electronic reports take up a lot of time that could be devoted directly to working with children ”. There are constructive suggestions: "The requirements for the work of each class teacher cannot be the same, since the children in different classes are not the same." Teachers also complain about "the lack of interaction in the school of the methodological association of class teachers, psychologist, social teacher, head teacher." The administrators also note: “The inconsistency of the actions of the services and structures that should be engaged in raising a child ...” I think that from the lips of ordinary educators, with some reservations, complaints about insufficient coordination can be accepted. Although I am convinced that the task of the class teacher is precisely in coordination, and his activity is the management of the resources of the school and the environment for the implementation of the tasks of educating students. As for the administrators' dissatisfaction with inconsistency, who else can solve the coordination problem?
Another tendency can be called quite alarming - "The rollback of the bureaucrats' apparatus to the times of dictatorship and strict regulation ..."
The teachers are seriously worried about the situation of relations with the school administration: “The administration has too many powers, and the teacher is becoming increasingly deprived of rights. What kind of personality can be brought up by a teacher who cannot defend himself! "

Without images of the future?

The opinions of school principals sounded very curious, demonstrating the complexity of goal-setting in school education: “The so-called secular humanism has demonstrated complete failure in all countries of the world where it dominates”, “Lack of an ideological base (what are we bringing up?)”, “The family has not formed a demand for school for education”, “Education based on academic subjects , has no outlet in the educational aspect "," We introduce specialized training and reduce hours for the main subjects that form a person's personality (literature, music ...) "," Uncertainty of the final product of education. "
Another issue of concern to administrators is the staffing of education and training. You feel anxiety especially when you think that a person can work at school without pedagogical education. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it!
The opinion of BI Khasan about the absence of “images of a desirable future, which can be used in education, is also very eloquent. There are no intermediaries - adults through whom contacts are made with the older generation, with a positive society ”.
In general, the situation is reflected striking: no one really orders upbringing; ideologically, it is completely unclear what to focus on; the content of education in this aspect is also not a tool; There are no professional educators ... Maybe, really, well, this is upbringing: we can't educate, why worry ... And only such exaggeration allows us to see that in fact everything is not so bad.

The upbringing of a modern person begins long before he begins to realize himself as an independent person. In order for him to grow up successful and happy, parents must exert a lot of mental and physical strength. Modern parenting approaches are very different from those used by our parents. It was enough for them to know that the child was well fed, dressed, studied well at school and attended some kind of circle, because the reality of that time did not require special parental deeds. The country needed executive obedient workers to build a bright future. Children went to school in a normal rhythm and rested after school.

Upbringing at the present stage is a combination of various methods aimed at making a small person competitive and in demand in society, already starting from school, and for this he must become a person with a capital letter. Sitting down at a desk in first grade, a child should already be able to read and have an idea of \u200b\u200bnumbers, know what country he lives in and who his parents are, and navigate the seasons and days of the week.

Modern methods of raising children are very diverse, and specialists in this field do not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhich one is optimal, but, most importantly, both teachers and parents adhere to the same tactics or complement each other, and not contradict. If a child ended up with teachers who adhere to modern concepts of upbringing, then we can say that he was lucky, because such people strive to present the child with knowledge in a form suitable for him.

Modern methods of raising children

The problems of upbringing in the modern world are and will be as long as adults who take responsibility, becoming parents, change themselves first of all for the better. The same applies to educators and teachers. After all, it is impossible to instill in a child the idea of \u200b\u200bkindness and justice himself, without possessing these qualities. A deeply feeling childish soul sees all the falsity, and all the lessons from such a person become meaningless.

The modern upbringing of children begins literally from birth. Parents, followers of Glen Doman's methodology, surround the baby with various pictures and inscriptions, stimulating his intellect, given by nature. Physical activity goes hand in hand with intellectual activity, because balance is important.

Closer to the year, the child is offered to master the method or. It cannot be said which is better for a child - a loving mother who gives all of herself to the development of the baby or specialists in early development centers who professionally approach modern education technologies. In any case, when a child is given maximum attention and he grows up in a friendly atmosphere, this positively shapes his little personality.

Modern problems of family education

The family for a child is his first educational environment, in which he learns and comprehends the main life values, based on the experience of generations and relationships within the family. Unfortunately, modern life is arranged in such a way that parents have to work very hard in order to ensure a decent existence for their families. And at this time, the child is brought up at best by relatives, and often he is left to himself. The child's psyche is designed in such a way that, like a sponge, it absorbs everything that the child is surrounded by. All negative information along with positive is reflected on him to a greater or lesser extent.

Modern problems of raising children are problems of society as a whole. There are more and more incomplete families, parents relieve themselves of their upbringing responsibilities and shift them to a computer and TV, motivating them with their busyness and by providing the child financially. Until we realize that what we have invested in children will pay off later, in the form of a more educated and civilized society, we will blame society, the state, but not ourselves. Therefore, let's start with ourselves for the benefit of our children and their future!

What are the biggest challenges in school education?

Our question was answered by teachers, school directors and scientists

Education, as you know, is the most incomprehensible part of pedagogy. "PS" as far as possible tries to acquaint you with the results of scientific research in this area, but while scientists argue about the goals, results, subjects and effects, in every Russian class, education takes place in one way or another every minute. Moreover, the class teachers themselves are rarely asked about the essence of their work. Therefore, we decided to ask together with the center "Pedagogical Search".
We asked teachers of schools working with the newspaper, university professors, school administrators to name the most important, in their opinion, problems in the field of education. And then they invited scientists to comment on the picture that,
as a mosaic, formed as a result of the survey.
Today, on the border of two academic semesters, when it is customary to summarize preliminary results, we present these materials to you. Everyone who is interested in them, willingly or unwillingly, will take the position of an expert: he systematizes the answers in accordance with
with his pedagogical and managerial experience, he will draw conclusions about the state of our modern upbringing and about the people professionally involved in this upbringing. A reader who is fascinated by such analytical work will probably first get acquainted with the results of the survey in order to form his own opinion.
And only then will he correlate it with the statements of the experts we invited.
You can do the opposite: first, with the help of scientists, choose an acceptable focus for consideration, and then get acquainted with the answers of colleagues. We hope that the readers who have chosen both the first and the second options will mentally add their answers to the named problems.
The results of the survey can also be used as a pretext for holding a winter teachers' council. In this case, it is better, of course, to first conduct a similar survey among school teachers (anonymously if desired), and hide the newspaper for the time being, so that there is no temptation to join the already formulated opinion. In this scenario, the opinions of expert scholars will not be heard at all, but will be addressed to every teacher in your school. However, one of the teachers of the school can also act as an analyst, using the proposed algorithm for systematizing problems and offering his own options for resolving them.



Cooperation with parents (the school does not always involve the parent community in solving problems in organizing the educational process, and sometimes parents do not want to participate in solving these problems).
The use of modern technologies, and various (more often in the old fashioned way, we all "hold an event").
Working with teenagers.

Nadezhda Zubareva

Problems of the relationship between parents and class teachers. Live communication is often replaced by sending emails and postal messages. Parents do not want to go to school, and discussing problems on the phone is not always effective.
Paper and electronic reports take up a lot of time that could be devoted directly to working with children.
Management of the educational process at school should be more flexible. The requirements for the work of each class teacher cannot be the same, just as the children in different classes are not the same. What is good for some is unacceptable for others.

Svetlana Kinelskaya

Interaction between the class teacher and parents (low parenting activity). Equipping the educational process (TCO, visualization, computer, etc.). Meals in the school canteen (many are not satisfied with the assortment of dishes, they prefer, for example, buns, tea. But since there is no cash register in the canteen, they will no longer sell retail. And how will pupils study on an empty stomach if they have seven lessons?).

Marina Gordin

Informatization of the educational and upbringing process. Development of scientific and technical creativity. The problem of fathers and children".

Elena Salitova

Formation of a cool team. Education of tolerance. Socialization of the child into society.

Tatiana Potapova

The influence on the education of the film industry and mass culture is such that children perceive many educational activities at school as unnecessary games.
The competitive relations of the market system are transferred to school, and here there is a struggle for survival - who is stronger - by any means. Unfortunately, examples are drawn from action movies.
The general level of culture and the outlook of students have decreased, they read little, low motivation to study (the main slogan is: now everything can be bought!). But it is possible to break through to the hearts, although it requires colossal dedication. Unfortunately, teenagers do not know anything about the Holocaust or about the history of political repression in the USSR. Perhaps this is the reason for the germs of fascism and Russian chauvinism in Russia.

Evgeniya Koltanovskaya

Low motivation of adults themselves to self-change. Ability to "hear" adolescents.

Alena Mikheeva

Establishment of uniform requirements for the child on the part of teachers and parents. Problems of parental control over a child's learning.

Natalia Terekhova

Educational methods and technologies in the context of the humanization of school education. The influence of the level of development of the class team on the formation of interests, inclinations and abilities of pupils. The humanistic educational system of the school as an environment for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Marina Vdovina

Decreased learning motivation. (Why study if further education is paid for ?!)
Filling out a heap of unnecessary pieces of paper by both the class teacher and the teacher. Let it work !!!
The administration has too many powers, and the teacher becomes more and more deprived of rights. What kind of person can be raised by a teacher who cannot defend himself? And now, with new funding, the teacher is responsible for everything in rubles. Why was the school administration allowed to distribute salary increases? And how is this supposed to happen? Maybe an independent commission?

Svetlana Karpenko

Problems of adaptation of schoolchildren moving to the next level of education. "Paperwork" in the work of the school administration. Lack of desire of teachers to think in new, economic categories, while developing the psychology of poverty in themselves and in their children.

Svetlana Kornaukhova

The image of a well-mannered person broadcast by the media is far from what professional teachers imagine.
Forms of holidays and other events are morally outdated and not interesting to children.

Alisa Zhilinskaya

Some parents send their children to work or beg instead of school. In the future, there is no work, no faith in the future.
How to cope with fights, obscenities, beer, smoking? Children do not cherish and do not appreciate what is in school, they stain and break everything.

Antonina Zakharova

Parents beat their children, they are not allies in education. There is no sense of citizenship, the habit of separating oneself from the state, from the family, the autonomy of the individual - a bias towards individualism. There is no protection against aggressive media.

Lyudmila Kolomiets

Children are abandoned: parents are leaving en masse to work. Social stratification in classrooms. The school sets tasks that are far from the interests of children: older adolescents are focused on friendship, communication, and we for them - profiling and the exam.

Svetlana Nazarova


World outlook. The so-called secular humanism has demonstrated complete failure in all countries of the world where it dominates. An education based on academic subjects does not have an educational aspect.
Uncertainty of the final product of education.

There is a tangible shortage of qualified personnel capable of professionally teaching and educating. The workload of parents with the need to earn money leads to the fact that parents cease to engage in education, the intellectual and cultural development of the child, his moral upbringing, shifting this completely onto the shoulders of the school.
The very structure of the school does not allow working individually, and without an individual approach, developing problems cannot be solved. Such work can be effective only with the joint efforts of the family and the school.
A rollback of the bureaucrats' apparatus to the times of dictatorial imposition of attitudes. Strict regulation, attempts to structure and rank the work of all schools according to a single model, understandable to officials. It is based on the desire of officials to protect themselves from any possible problems. For example, this is why fewer and fewer teachers go on trips, go on hikes, even on excursions.

Nikolay Izyumov, deputy director of the GOU school number 1199 "League of Schools", Moscow

Lack of interest in raising children from the family. In younger adolescents, increased contact aggressiveness is observed: they can grab a classmate by the hair, start beating. There are few active forms of upbringing in school (educational projects, imitation games, various meetings ...), and upbringing as instilling correct norms of behavior is ineffective.

Lyudmila Dolgova, director of the Eureka-Development school, Tomsk

Lack of ideological base (what are we bringing up?). The family has not formed a request to the school for education. Lack of personnel forge: teachers are not taught anywhere.

Dmitry Tyutterin, director of the private school "Znak", Moscow

Almost all school situations are structured in such a way that the child does not need to make an independent decision. Educators are not very well aware of what modern adolescents and young adults need.

Mikhail Cheremnykh, Director of the Humanitarian Lyceum, Izhevsk

Inconsistency in the actions of the services of the structures that should deal with the child. Each department (school, commission on juvenile affairs, "Family" center ...) is accountable for a certain aspect.
The inability of teachers to deeply understand the personality traits of the child, the internal motivation of his actions. Psychologists can help with this, but not all schools have good psychological services.
The neglect of upbringing in the family. It is difficult for a school to raise a child who does not get enough sleep and is malnourished.

Olga Polyakova, director of school number 6, Sosnovy Bor


Adults in general, and teachers in particular, often confuse edification (instruction, instruction) and upbringing. They are not the same thing. They usually talk about upbringing the more, the worse the main task of the school - teaching - is solved. In reality, the effectiveness of education at school depends primarily on the quality of teaching.
The possibilities of the school as an instrument of education are in reality limited, and any attempt to increase the proportion of educational functions of school education is fraught with an increase in hypocrisy and idle talk. And the main problem is in the management of education, to an outrageous degree of formalism at all levels.

Due to endless circulars, prescriptions and other paperwork, the teacher is not in a state of freedom, and freedom in education is above all.
Edification: it is important not to teach the child to live, but to create an aura, an atmosphere that corresponds to wonderful human relationships. Children are often treated as a means to achieve their goals, while every child is an endless value.

Vitaly Remizov, Head of the Innovation Center for Advanced Studies "Leo Tolstoy School", Moscow

There are no children's organizations in the school. Most schools are organized without taking into account today's realities of age. There are no good, ideal forms, images of a desirable future, which can be guided in education. There are no intermediaries - adults through whom contacts are made with the older generation, with a positive society.

Boris Khasan, Director of the Institute of Psychology and Development Pedagogy, Krasnoyarsk

The school does not carry out sufficiently purposeful work to foster initiative, responsibility, citizenship and patriotism. The society has changed, other children have come to school, and the methods of upbringing have remained the same as 20 years ago.
Alienation of children from school. The school does not become a "home" for the child, and educational work is increasingly being carried out outside the walls of the school. Now they even try to spend graduation evenings not in schools, but in houses of culture, for example.
The teacher's work is assessed only by the results of training, which sets a certain direction of the teacher's activity.
We introduce specialized training and reduce hours for the main subjects that shape a person's personality (literature, music ...).

Rosa Sheraizina, Rector of the Institute of Continuing Pedagogical Education, NovSU named after Yaroslav the Wise

Recently, much has been done to socially marginalize teachers, so that only heroic people remain at school. And their layer is very thin. Many teachers feel like failures, people who cannot take their rightful place in society.
Alienation of children and teachers from school, from each other. You can educate to the extent that people are focused on each other, hear and accept the other.

Galina Prozumentova, Head of the Department of Education Management, Faculty of Psychology, TSU

We thank everyone who took part in the survey. Unfortunately, not all answers were included in the publication: we removed duplicates
and off-topic remarks

Expert opinion

Sergey POLYAKOV, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Ulyanovsk

The pedagogical tasks are real. And imaginary

According to the expert, at first he “was going to consistently respond to all positions, opinions, judgments, but then
it seemed that, despite the difference in words, the answers were repeating the same underwater topics ”, which became the headings of the sections of this commentary.

Mythology continues

I am still convinced that education can be at least in some sense successful only if educators and managers become more realistic (I wrote about this several years ago in the book "Realistic Education"). However, judging by the results of the survey, our desire to build castles in the air in education is inevitable.
We wish that a unified ideology would appear, that the environment would be harmonious, that parents would be active, so that a unified children's organization would be recreated, so that there would be some kind of finite (!) product and, finally, to solve the problem of fathers and children (!!!).
Alas or fortunately - more precisely, neither one nor the other - all this will not happen in the coming decades, or even never.
So if we want to educate, let's think about something else and spend energy on something else.

Running from problematic

However, in order to decide what it is worth spending our efforts on, problems must be discovered. Problems are what specifically we are unsuccessful in and what in our actions leads to such unsuccessfulness.
Alas, the wording of the answer-requests, unfortunately, is in a completely different, "plaintive" key.
“Children do not cherish and do not value what is in school, they stain and break everything.” But what are we, teachers, doing that children react in such a way to school life?
"Loss of interest in learning." However, what in our actions helps to lose interest in learning?
"The general level of culture and the outlook of students have decreased." Are we helping or resisting this decline?
And so on - the list of complaints is not exhausted.
Our flight from problematicity is also manifested in the fact that, not having time to realize and understand the problem, we rush to set the tasks of "forming a class team", "fostering tolerance", "socialization in society" (by the way, what is this?) And so on, and other.
After reading the list of complaints, tasks, studying old and new educational myths, I would like to join the slogan that I recently heard: "Less education!"

Less parenting

Let us recall that amazing, familiar family example, when no one in the family is very concerned about raising children, but they grow up to be good and reasonable.
Is it not so in the work of some teachers, who are more keen on their wonderful science and therefore see in schoolchildren not the subject of educational actions, but "accomplices" in scientific and cultural action? Sometimes from such lack of upbringing, the educational result is, after all, higher than from persistent exhausting educational work.
I am very skeptical about educational work in the university (maybe because at the institute for some reason the educational efforts of the teachers passed me by). But I recently read one study, which states that the education of students at the university is not the result of some kind of special work, but a consequence of the implementation in the university as a whole of its educational function, that is, the development function of a morally and problem-oriented specialist.
Maybe at school it is worth talking more not about upbringing, but about the school's implementation of the function of personality development in all school spaces: in the relationship between teachers and children, in the way and atmosphere of school life, in the image of school teachers ...
And then upbringing will turn out to be not so much a special influence as recognition, understanding and life.

Education is recognition and understanding

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky spoke about this.
Remember, there was such a journalistic game: "If I were the director ...". I propose two games for educators and managers from education to determine the effectiveness of the teacher's activities.
The first is to calculate how long the teacher talks to his students just like that, without a special purpose. The more, the better: after all, a teacher who is a great master of unfocused conversations has the opportunity to learn more and understand another person.
Second game: "Open the invisibility." Assignment: choose from among your pupils no one, unclear, incomprehensible and try to understand only through observationwhat he is and what drives him. The more successful in this task are the better educators.
However, there are problems that cannot be dismissed.

Actual problems

They are not at all where they are sought, not at school, but in society, in the world of socialization of children. Socialization is not in the sense that it has recently flashed in schools, where it is sometimes interpreted as preparation for the profession and the behavior of future voters in elections, but in a broad social field, about which the brilliant book of A.V. Mudrik "Socialization of Man" is described.
A teacher who has not read this book is unlikely to be able to adequately navigate the social space in which modern young people live. And if he does not orient himself, he will not be able to see the real problems and set realistic tasks.
It turns out that the point is not how mass culture, the media, militants, "the Internet", social stratification and other "horror stories" of the new era influence, but whether we know how to form the attitude of children to these realities - not a negative attitude based on emotions, but intellectual, analytical, allowing to detect influences on oneself and learn to resist social manipulations.
Raise your hand, just honestly, who this school year has conducted at least one educational action or one lesson in which you and the children learned to analyze social influences and develop an attitude towards them.
That's just it.
But maybe this requires a new theory of upbringing?

New parenting theory

Maybe so.
At least something like that hatches.
I.D. Demakova speaks about childhood space, which is important to know, understand and feel.
D.V. Grigoriev promotes the idea events as a true subject of the work of education (value-filled situations that create experiences and intellectual impulses).
M.V. Shakurova argues that the combination of social, cultural and upbringing occurs in the mind of a student as act of sociocultural identity, that is, in the student's answer to the questions “Who am I? Who am I with? Where is my human pattern? " (and it is the help in solving such issues, according to M.V. Shakurova, that is the real work of the teacher).
I.Yu.Shustova shows that the traditional concepts of the collective and the group are insufficient to describe the modern "living environment" of schoolchildren. She suggests using the phrase that exists in psychology event community, which combines the theme of collectivity and the theme of events.
Psychologist M.R. Bityanova and teacher B.V. Kupriyanov attach particular importance to role-playing games as a method that allows immerse teenagers and high school students in value conflicts and push them towards a playful and then life choice of personal, value-colored views and positions.
The most remarkable thing is that all these researchers are not only authors and promoters of new ideas, which, perhaps, will one day form a new theory of upbringing, but also practitioners who turn their ideas into events of coexistence with young people in tense "promoting" situations.

Expert opinion

Boris KUPRIYANOV, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Kostroma State University

Difficulties that can become a resource for development

This expert opinion is based on the so-called resource approach, which is quite productive for analyzing the activities of the class teacher. Supporters of this approach believe: almost everything that surrounds the class teacher can be considered as a resource for solving urgent problems of education of each student
and the whole cool team.

The powerless is always to blame for the strong. And the powerless?

A person who believes that his life is exclusively his handiwork is called an internal. And the external is sure that the line of his fate is drawn by life circumstances, for the most part little dependent on him (from the dictionary).
When comprehending the results of the survey of teachers who perform the duties of class teachers, it is easy to lead to provocation by externality - to blame circumstances for the difficulties of your own educational work.
And above all, judging by the questionnaires, it concerns the attitude of the class teacher to the interaction of pupils with social reality.
The class teachers state: "There is no sense of citizenship, the habit of separating oneself from the state ...", "Competitive relations of the market system are transferred to school ...", "There is no protection from aggressive media."
But even in this situation, the teacher can not only go with the flow, but also show an internal approach: interaction with social realities is the same resource as, for example, relationships with parents. In fairness, we note that the problem is not only in the subjective image of the shameless media in the teacher's mind, but also in a number of objective difficulties. And yet it seems that, as in the case, for example, with subcultures, we need to work with the media, develop a method of work, and not just “take into account” their existence.
Consider the line of interaction of the class teacher with the parents... If one follows the external logic, the parents appear “not active enough”, “do not want to participate in solving problems”, “do not want to go to school”, “stop taking care of the child”.
And absolutely outrageous facts of parental behavior: they throw or beat children, send them to work or beg. Words are superfluous here. One can only hope that there are not very many such parents.
There are also answers in the internal logic (we take responsibility for ourselves): "the school does not always attract parents", "live communication is often replaced by sending electronic messages." In responsible logic, the class teachers state the insufficient "effectiveness of seeking a dialogue with parents", the need "to establish uniform requirements for the child on the part of teachers and parents."
A special place in the activities of the class teacher is class teacher - students interaction... It is not easy to interpret the situation here. On the one hand, unfavorable changes in the generation of modern schoolchildren should be recognized. Few would argue that "the general level of culture and outlook has decreased." The following remark sounds alarming: "Younger adolescents have increased contact aggressiveness: they can grab a classmate by the hair, start beating."
However, there are also internal statements: "... you can get through to the hearts, although it requires colossal dedication."
Assessment the relationship of the class teacher with the school reality also sins of externality. For example, the poor work of the canteen is outraged. Class teachers negatively perceive the shortcomings in the organization of school self-government, the absence of public organizations for children and adolescents. Teachers are critical of educational policy guidelines: “Older adolescents are focused on friendship, communication, and we are focused on profiling and the Unified State Exam”.
At the same time, the question arises: maybe the satisfaction of the needs for friendship and communication among adolescents can be provided at the class level, without blaming the state, the school?

We blame on the reflection, on the mirror and on ...

It is significant that homeroom teachers are aware of the own problems: “The lack of desire of teachers to think in new, economic categories, while developing the psychology of poverty in themselves and in their children,” “low motivation for self-change,” inability to hear adolescents.
At the technological level, there are also many difficulties: “the use of modern technologies, and various ...”. Teachers admit that the events are held in the old fashioned way, at the same time "the influence of mass culture is such that many educational activities at school are perceived by children as unnecessary games." School teachers point out that the challenges of day-to-day regulation of the behavior of schoolchildren cause difficulty: "How to cope with fights, obscenities, beer, smoking?" The following phrase, concerning the self-attitude of a school teacher, sounds very alarming: "In the future, there is no job, there is no faith in the future."
The thesis about the difficulties caused by "educational methods and technologies in the context of the humanization of school education" is very indicative. This is an obvious manifestation of the mythologization of pedagogical activity. The word “humanization” is everywhere. Leaders demand at least to talk about it, and even better - to demonstrate. But in a simulacrum situation, this is almost impossible. You can learn to call trends trends, but it is extremely difficult to show something that does not exist to a teacher who is left alone with the problem of designing and building Potemkin villages.
Another myth of modern school reality is associated with a psychological panacea: "The question is very serious, only a psychologist is able to solve it ... We all stop, sit down and start waiting for a psychologist in a blue helicopter ..." I will not argue, there are cases when the help of a professional psychologist is required, however a time when no one had even heard of psychologists, but in everyday life they solved psychological problems. When they thought and took responsibility, they often resolved complex collisions.
Another hot topic that I would like to support is interaction of the class teacher with the management in the field of regulation of activities... A cry for help sounds like replies: “Filling in a heap of unnecessary pieces of paper by both the class teacher and the teacher. Let it work !!! ”,“ Papery work ... ”,“ Paper and electronic reports take up a lot of time that could be devoted directly to working with children ”. There are constructive suggestions: "The requirements for the work of each class teacher cannot be the same, since the children in different classes are not the same." Teachers also complain about "the lack of interaction in the school of the methodological association of class teachers, psychologist, social teacher, head teacher." The administrators also note: “The inconsistency of the actions of the services and structures that should be engaged in raising a child ...” I think that from the lips of ordinary educators, with some reservations, complaints about insufficient coordination can be accepted. Although I am convinced that the task of the class teacher is precisely in coordination, and his activity is the management of the resources of the school and the environment for the implementation of the tasks of educating students. As for the administrators' dissatisfaction with inconsistency, who else can solve the coordination problem?
Another tendency can be called quite alarming - "The rollback of the bureaucrats' apparatus to the times of dictatorship and strict regulation ..."
The teachers are seriously worried about the situation of relations with the school administration: “The administration has too many powers, and the teacher is becoming increasingly deprived of rights. What kind of personality can be brought up by a teacher who cannot defend himself! "

Without images of the future?

The opinions of school principals sounded very curious, demonstrating the complexity of goal-setting in school education: “The so-called secular humanism has demonstrated complete failure in all countries of the world where it dominates”, “Lack of an ideological base (what are we bringing up?)”, “The family has not formed a demand for school for education”, “Education based on academic subjects , has no outlet in the educational aspect "," We introduce specialized training and reduce hours for the main subjects that form a person's personality (literature, music ...) "," Uncertainty of the final product of education. "
Another issue of concern to administrators is the staffing of education and training. You feel anxiety especially when you think that a person can work at school without pedagogical education. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it!
The opinion of BI Khasan about the absence of “images of a desirable future, which can be used in education, is also very eloquent. There are no intermediaries - adults through whom contacts are made with the older generation, with a positive society ”.
In general, the situation is reflected striking: no one really orders upbringing; ideologically, it is completely unclear what to focus on; the content of education in this aspect is also not a tool; There are no professional educators ... Maybe, really, well, this is upbringing: we can't educate, why worry ... And only such exaggeration allows us to see that in fact everything is not so bad.

Receives education before he begins to realize himself as an independent person. Parents have to invest a lot of physical and mental strength. Raising children in a modern family is different from the methods used by our parents. After all, an important point for them was that the child was dressed, well fed and studied well. This is because they did not demand much from people, the main thing is obedience and diligence in everything. Therefore, the children studied calmly, and after lessons they rested as they liked.

If we talk about today, then modern parenting is a set of certain methods. This helps to steer the child on the right track so that he becomes successful, in demand, strong and competitive. Moreover, it is important to do this already from school, otherwise it is impossible to become a person with a capital letter. For this reason, a child, coming to the first grade, should already be able to read, know numbers, as well as information about his country and parents.

The modern child is diverse, so it is difficult to choose the best option. According to experts, the main thing is the unity of the policy of parents and teachers. As a last resort, complement each other, not contradict. If teachers have a modern view of parenting, then the child is very lucky. After all, it is such a specialist who will be able to correctly present knowledge in a format suitable for him.

Modern methods of education

The upbringing of children in a modern family must necessarily begin with parents, as well as with teachers and educators. This is because they take responsibility for instilling certain qualities in the baby. Moreover, it is impossible to teach him to be kind, fair, generous, polite, without having such qualities. After all, children are good at feeling lies, so the lessons will turn out to be meaningless.

Today, children are taught from birth. Surround with pictures and inscriptions, stimulating the intellect. Then the child is sent to an early development center, where professionals, using a certain method, continue to form a small personality. In addition, modern approaches to parenting can be divided into four types.

Despotic parenting style

Here strict parents place themselves as an authority. Moreover, they often put forward excessive demands. The main problem here is the lack of initiative of the baby, suppression of his will, as well as the exclusion of the ability to make decisions on his own. Such concern is fraught with inability to overcome life's obstacles.

Liberal parenting style

The modern liberal education of children is the opposite of despotism. Here, the principle of indulging the desires of offspring is taken as a basis. It turns out that children get a lot of freedom if they do not quarrel and do not conflict with adults. This option can lead to the most serious consequences. This is because the custody of liberal parents helps raise selfish, angry and irresponsible children. Such people in life, probably, achieve a lot, but there are few truly human qualities in them.

Parenting style - indifference

It is very dangerous to raise a child in the modern world according to the method, probably the most terrible, when parents do not pay any attention to their baby. The consequences of indifference can be unpredictable. Therefore, parents who are worried about the future of their child should forget about this technique.

Democratic parenting style

Raising children in modern society according to this method allows you to simultaneously provide children with freedom and at the same time educate. Here, the parents have control over the child, but they use their power with extreme caution. It is important to be flexible and deal with each situation separately. As a result, the baby can gain life knowledge, understanding more objectively, and evil. At the same time, he always has the right to choose. It turns out that the modern upbringing of children is a whole science. With the right knowledge, you can provide your child with a good future. He will be a happy, independent and self-confident person. The main thing is to be able not to abuse the rights of parents, and even more so not to ignore it. In addition, it is important to be able to find compromises so that there is no enmity in the family.

Upbringing problems

Modern children are closely related to the environment in which they find themselves. After all, the child's psyche perceives good and bad information equally quickly. In fact, for a child, the family is the environment in which he is brought up. Here he learns a lot and gains knowledge about life values \u200b\u200bthat are formed on the experience of many generations. Today life is arranged in such a way that parents have to work hard, otherwise they can forget about a dignified existence. Therefore, relatives, or they are completely left to themselves. It turns out that the modern problems arising in the upbringing of a child - society as a whole.

Modern problems of fathers and children

Today, families will have many problems raising their children. They arise depending on a certain period of time.


Children under the age of six do not yet have a formed character. However, they act according to their instincts. The main desire of a person, even a small one. - this is freedom. Therefore, the baby argues with his parents, doing everything that is forbidden to him. Moreover, many of the child's pranks arise against the background of simple curiosity.

At this stage, the main problem of parents is the desire to take patronage. The kid, on the contrary, is fighting for his freedom. Such a contradiction creates a conflict. Therefore, modern upbringing of children implies the presence of tactics, flexibility and calmness in relation to the actions of the child. It is necessary to try to keep him within the framework, but at the same time allow him to independently resolve some issues, make a choice in certain situations, and also ask his opinion when it comes to family matters.

Junior classes

This period is the most difficult. This is because the child gets a certain freedom of action. He is trying to take his place in society. Therefore, new acquaintances appear, he plays his own role. He has to cope with some problems on his own. Of course, this scares him - hence all the whims and discontent that appear. The methods of raising a modern child in such a period are usually chosen more carefully. Moreover, they should be based on trust, kindness, care and understanding. You should be more loyal to your child, take into account the stress that he is experiencing.

Teenage years

When a child becomes a teenager, he begins to desperately strive for freedom. The period can be compared to infancy, but there is a difference. After all, now he already has his own character, outlook on life, and he has friends who have a certain influence on him. Therefore, raising children in modern society at this stage is the most difficult. A person who is not yet fully formed defends his position, not realizing that his opinion may be erroneous.

Here it is important for parents not to destroy the beliefs that have arisen in the child. It would be more correct to give freedom, but at the same time keep it under imperceptible control. All advice and opinions should be expressed in a gentle manner. Moreover, it is also necessary to criticize carefully, trying not to hurt children's pride. The main thing is to maintain a trusting and warm relationship with your child.


A teenager who has crossed the line of majority no longer needs moralizing from his parents. Now he wants to make his own decisions and experience everything that was previously forbidden to him. These are all kinds of parties, alcohol and smoking. Yes, parents are scared to hear this, but many go through it. Often there are conflicts between parents and children, after which they completely stop communicating. It is important not to bring the situation to this point, try to solve problems by making compromises.

Of course, there are rare exceptions when grown-up children are very attached to their parents. Therefore, in them the feeling of rebelliousness is expressed to a lesser extent. However, parents need to come to terms and let their child go into adulthood. The main thing is to try to maintain a warm relationship. Let him have his own life, but he will share his joys and problems with his parents. After all, when they try to understand their child, he responds in kind. Especially in adulthood, when the help and support of people close to him is so necessary.

Problems and difficulties of the modern education process and ways to solve them

If you think about tomorrow - this grain,

If 10 years ahead - plant a forest,

If for 100 years - bring up children.

(Folk wisdom)

Good manners - it is a personality trait that determines in a person's daily behavior his attitude towards other people on the basis of respect and goodwill towards each person. Upbringinghas never been a simple matter, and in every historical period there have been corresponding problems and difficulties.

The current situation has exacerbated a number of problems and increased the difficulties of education as a pedagogical process. This is primarily due to the state of society, which depends on the quality of the positive, accepted by the majority of the fundamental ideas that make up its ideology. The place of an idea that can unite society and build guidelines for educational activities is today occupied by the ideology of consumption, when the cult of money and the cult of culture are incompatible with each other. The growth of consumer psychology is accompanied by serious environmental problems and a rapid decline in natural resources.

The realities of modern life are such that every year there is an increase in child crime, prostitution, drug addiction, homelessness (there are 10 million street children in the world, every 10th in Russia).

Sociologists note that in recent years there have been serious changes in the reorientation of children, adolescents and youth to the values \u200b\u200bof Western culture. The power of the media is so great that it is called the "parallel school".

In an era of changes, changes in values \u200b\u200band ideals, teachers experience difficulties in organizing educational work with children, since the usual upbringing schemes "do not work." As a result, there are processes of alienation of the school from the child's problems, thereby increasing his social loneliness.

It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to the question: how to raise children, too many factors and life circumstances affect the choice of the only correct decision, which will predetermine the further successful development of the personality of a growing person. But, building the strategy of modern education, one cannot but take into account a number of external and internal factors:

1. It is impossible not to take into account the ideas of the world community about the appearance of a person in the post-industrial information society.

The goal of the new upbringing should be to promote the individual development of children, the disclosure of their creative potential, the formation of a civic position, and familiarization with spiritual and moral culture. .

The UNESCO report Education: The Hidden Treasure provides a new understanding of the quality of education. The new quality of education is based on four pillars:

Learning to know - implies the daily construction by students of their own knowledge ...

Learning to do - implies the practical application of the knowledge gained;

Learning to live - focuses on the ability to live without any discrimination for the purpose of their own development, their family and their community;

Learning to be - focuses on developing the potential of each person.

2. When looking for ways to solve the problem of upbringing, one should take into account the socio-cultural situation in the country, which imposes new requirements on the individual: to be mobile, to be able to independently make decisions in situations of choice, to have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, for its prosperity, to be able not only to live in civil society, but also to create it.

3. It should be borne in mind that the children themselves, young people, and also the adults with whom they live have changed. On the one hand, our children have become freer, more relaxed, on the other hand, they are more egocentric, indifferent, more aggressive.

4. Problems that complicate education also exist in the system of school and vocational education itself: the extinction of the educational function and an increased emphasis on the organization of the educational process in any type of educational institution ...

5. Finally, one cannot but take into account new life realities, such as free access to the Internet, travel abroad, education in different types of schools, propaganda of their views by many political parties, the influence of mass culture, the impact of different religious movements.

6. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the process of modernization of Russian education is actively going on, which significantly changes the educational system and educational practice, declaring the need to master new technologies, new forms of organizing extracurricular activities.

The orientation towards assessing educational results by the number of events and the participation of educational institutions in them leads educators - educators into organizational activities, and not into working out technologies for individual support for the development of a child, adolescent, young man.

Today we cannot significantly influence the upbringing function of the family, since there are processes of parents' alienation from school. Modern parents are less concerned with the level of upbringing of their children, and they often neglect the solution of upbringing problems in the family, although the upbringing function has always been considered one of the leading functions of the family. The educational potential of the family is inexhaustible if we look for common ground not so much in the knowledge and academic performance of the child as in the mutual approval of priorities for

family values \u200b\u200b(health, safety, psychological comfort of the child, his social protection).

Today, teenagers cannot overcome even the most elementary problems that arise at home or at school, and in fact they have always been and will arise among children. The new generation in a situation of rapid transformations cannot find a correct, adequate solution to their problems. Adults, of course, should help the young to keep up with the changes in the outside world. However, the problem is aggravated by the fact that adults themselves have not yet had time to adapt to all the new trends of our time.

Earlier it was customary in children to cultivate a craving for collectivism, for public affairs and problems. Today, individualism and, as a result, selfishness have come to the fore. For the upbringing of a full-fledged personality, the same "golden mean" is needed, but it can be very difficult to find it.

The importance of the moral and ethical education of children has become especially evident in the modern period in connection with the loss of moral meanings by people of their own lives, which is reflected in the growing aggressiveness, infantilism of some of the youth, and lack of spirituality. Deficiency of moral values \u200b\u200band disregard for moral standards are becoming widespread.

What are the main guidelines of moral education in a modern school need to be identified, to which students should strive. The most significant, as the pedagogical practice and its analysis show, should be considered:

Humanism, which is based on respect and benevolence towards another person, kindness as a source of feeling, action and attitude towards the world around us.

Responsibility as a moral readiness to hold accountable for one's thoughts and actions, to correlate them with possible consequences.

Duty as awareness and readiness to manifest their responsibilities to the state, society, people and oneself.

Conscientiousness as a regulatory basis for all human life

Self-esteem as a moral self-affirmation based on an emotionally reflective and positively colored attitude towards self-esteem and respect for another person.

Citizenship as a sense of the Motherland, an inextricable connection with the fatherland, involvement in its fate.

The emphasis on these characteristics allows students to comprehend such collective and figurative concepts as:

The culture of feelings is the ability and striving for emotional self-manifestation in the horizon of measure and morality.

The feeling of empathy is the emotional "feeling" of another, comparing one's behavior in accordance with the state of the other person.

Time requires the identification of new opportunities for school education:

creation of an educational and educational environment based on the observance and protection of the rights of the child, the dialogue nature of interaction, helping the child in solving his personal problems, organizing life on the principles of mutual understanding, support, etc.

The main ideas of the upbringing system:

Development idea. The main meaning of educational work is the development of the student's personality, his subjectivity and individuality, creative and intellectual abilities, the development of self-education and self-education skills.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreativity. In the process of creative activity, the development of abilities and the formation of the needs of the individual takes place. The development of motivation and mastery of methods of creative activity contributes to a more complete self-expression of the individual.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcooperation. The joint creative activity of children, parents and teachers is a creative activity that contributes to the experience of a “situation of success”.

The idea of \u200b\u200bchoice and responsibility. Having the opportunity to choose the types and forms of activity, the child learns to assume the results and be responsible for them.

Activity idea. Activity is designed to generate satisfaction from the process of activity and ideas, from experiencing a value relationship to the object of activity.

The idea of \u200b\u200bopenness. Contact with family, parental involvement in upbringing, availability of information, interaction with institutions of the surrounding society.

Hence, the primary task is to create a moral field for the life of an educational institution, which requires a well-thought-out system of moral education of schoolchildren.

Methods and techniques of education in primary school

Methods of upbringing in relation to school practice are ways of influencing the consciousness, will, feelings, behavior of pupils in order to develop in them the qualities set for the upbringing. There are no methods good or bad, effective or ineffective. It all depends on how they are applied.

The universal method of forming the necessary personality traits is exercise. It is impossible to teach how to play a musical instrument by demonstrating virtuoso performance. In the same way, it is impossible to form the required type of behavior without attracting pupils to active, purposeful activity.

An indispensable condition for the effectiveness of exercises is the creation of a holistic system of gradually more complex exercises. To foster a culture of behavior in younger students, you can use an indicative plan of progressive exercises.

Approximate exercise plan

Good results are obtained by the method of assignments - with its help, children are taught to do positive actions: visit a sick friend, help him in his studies; to make toys for a sponsored kindergarten; decorate a classroom for the holiday, etc. Instructions are also given in order to develop the necessary qualities: unorganized children, for example, are instructed to complete a task that requires accuracy and punctuality, etc. There is no need to explain in detail how to carry out assignments.

Encouragement is a positive assessment of the actions of pupils, reinforcing their skills and habits. Encouragement based on the excitement of positive emotions instills confidence, creates a pleasant mood, and increases responsibility. Its types are very diverse: approval, encouragement, praise, gratitude, granting honorary rights, awarding certificates, gifts, etc.

Competition. Take a closer look at the children. As soon as they get together, they immediately begin to sort things out - who is who. They are highly competitive. Confirming oneself among others is an innate human need, which he realizes by entering into competition with other people. Its results consolidate the child's status in the team for a long time.

Extracurricular and extracurricular educational work in primary school is carried out in the form of organized educational affairs: ethical, aesthetic, cognitive, sports and physical culture, environmental, labor, etc.

Moral education

Cognitive activity

Civil-patriotic education

Creative education



Wellness work

Prevention of offenses

Each of the areas of educational work corresponds to activities carried out not only in a particular class, but also in primary school and school as a whole, where both children and parents take an active part. An example of joint work can be called sports competitions "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family" (Mikheev A.V.), preparation and holding of matinees "Golden Autumn", "Mother's Day", I would like to note the active participation of parents in the handicraft competition Frost "and holding the holiday" At the New Year tree ", made 2 trips to Sergiev Posad: the play" Jesus Christ - the baby ", New Year's performance.

In my opinion, one of the main components of the success of the educational process at school is close cooperation between the class teacher and parents. Parents and educators are educators of the same children, and success is determined if they become allies.