If the pregnant woman is very nervous. Nerves and pregnancy: what unnecessary experiences can lead to. What causes increased nervousness in pregnant women

I think that all of you have heard in one way or another that pregnant women should not worry and worry. The fact that all the emotions of a pregnant woman are transmitted to the child.

There is truth in these words. However, in most cases, the interpretation of these words takes on a very simplified, and, unfortunately, often even harmful form. I am now talking about those situations when the pregnant woman herself and her entourage understand this “you can’t worry”, how you need to ignore, ignore or suppress “negative” emotions. And often pregnant women become hostages of these installations. Conflict situation at work, tired, quarreled with her husband, mother calls for the fifth time in a day ... no, do not get angry, do not be offended, this can harm the child, smile, only positive ... As if, having become pregnant, a woman loses the right to difficult emotions that are already tabooed by our society, and even more so during pregnancy, since the woman now has added responsibility for the life, health and development of the baby.

It takes a lot of strength and resources to suppress and not experience "negative" emotions. In fact, it still doesn't quite work. A sense of guilt and fear are added that, experiencing something there, harmed the child. Unfortunately, this is a scenario familiar to many during pregnancy. Is it so? How true are these settings and what to do about it?

Let's figure it out. Did you notice that I put the word "negative" in quotation marks? You may have already heard or read that emotions are neither positive nor negative. I ask you to once again try to hear and experience the fact that there are no negative emotions. I am now focusing on this, because I am faced with the fact that many women, turning to me for advice and knowing this fact very well in theory, still do not let it inside themselves. And they continue to fight with their anger, resentment, guilt, fear.

Naturally, each of us has our own reasons from childhood and the family system in which we grew up. And yet. Emotions are just emotions, they are not good or bad. Emotions are markers of your needs. Emotions accompany the emergence and cycle of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of needs. Every emotion is good and necessary. It is natural to get angry when your boundaries are violated, be it psychological, physical, temporal, territorial, or any other. It's natural to feel disgusted when you have too much of anything in contact with a person (his scent, his concern, his expectations of you, etc.).

Just like any other emotion. Ignoring and suppressing those emotions that are classified as "negative" by a particular society or person does not entail anything but additional tension and somatization of these emotions.

When, for example, there seems to be no anger, but just a sore throat often. Or, "I have no fears, I'm not afraid of anything", that's just the uterus in good shape all the time.

The worst thing you can do when you get pregnant is to start ignoring most of your life trying to catch that ghostly positivity and be in it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

During pregnancy, it is absolutely normal to experience a whole range of emotions. Emotions are represented in our body in the form of hormones. The hormones of a woman come to the child with blood. A child needs different hormones to grow and develop. And it’s good if the whole spectrum of hormones and emotions is presented, if already in utero the child gets the experience that adrenaline, norepinephrine, etc. We feel that after stress comes relaxation.

Pregnancy- it's not a disease. This is not an emotional illness. There is no need to stop and stop experiencing your life if you become pregnant.

What then do these words mean that pregnant women should not worry? Do they make sense?

To answer these questions, I need to tell you a little about the psychology of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the subcortical structures of the brain begin to work more actively, which means that the sensitivity and emotionality of a woman increase. And this is what often happens during pregnancy. If in a woman's life there is a certain aspect of reality that she was quite able to ignore and "put up with" in a non-pregnant state, during pregnancy the same situations begin to evoke emotions and feelings that cannot be ignored. For example, if before pregnancy it was quite possible to live “normally” with her husband, despite the lack of spiritual intimacy, pleasure and diversity in sex, the presence of constant abuse and disrespect for personal boundaries, with her mother, despite the frequent devaluation of personal differences, lack of respect and instructiveness, etc. .d. etc., then, having become pregnant, pain, resentment, anger, despair, unfortunately, or, fortunately, will still attract attention.

And again, the worst thing you can do is try to keep ignoring.

As I said, the emotional state of a pregnant woman differs from her non-pregnant state in the direction of greater sensitivity. Emotions seem to be more on the surface, closer, brighter, more changeable. This is natural during pregnancy. This is female growth and development in the knowledge of her feminine. This is an expansion of the boundaries of the emotional sphere. However, for many women this becomes a difficult task and they make desperate attempts to collapse to a previous non-pregnant state in which everything is already known and adjusted. Usually attempts to stop Life and development do not lead to anything good.

By virtue of all of the above, in the state of pregnancy, a woman becomes more vulnerable, more vulnerable. Often, the usual defense mechanisms stop working as smoothly as they did before pregnancy. Some psychologists say that pregnancy is a regression to what is usually called a child's condition. I don't really like this wording, but some might like it. I am more impressed by paying attention to those phenomena that are more pronounced in women during pregnancy: greater vulnerability, vulnerability, tearfulness, the need for security, a greater need for care and rest, a greater need for emotional intimacy.

What do we have? During pregnancy, a woman becomes more emotional and more vulnerable. And at the same time, the One whose life continues to happen in the same way (and as you know, life is different, and a variety of events happen in it, including death, loss, separation, moving, etc.) and whose defense mechanisms of the psyche no longer work so effectively. The one that experiences life more vividly and needs more protection and support.

The best option is when a pregnant woman, oh, God, no, in any case, DOES NOT worry ... when a pregnant woman EXPERIENCES all her feelings, emotions, new sensations and has support in this. When her feelings and emotions are not devalued or judged. When she can cry to someone and share her fears with someone. With those who are in contact with her. With someone who is not afraid of her feelings, emotions, her condition and her vulnerability. With someone who is simple and at the same time very difficult, he can live his life next to a woman who carries a child under her heart, while remaining alive, experiencing her and himself with all the innovations that are born in this contact.

It's great if a pregnant woman has close people who have the qualities that I described above. Husband, mother, sister, friends. I see it as a task, including for myself, to develop a culture of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period in our country and to form a community of perinatal specialists who can help women at this difficult and at the same time very beautiful life stage.

Why am I talking specifically about another living person, next to the pregnant woman? Because the experience takes place in contact. Out of contact, alone, without the ability to experience, emotions are not experienced, but stuck, when the next touch or immersion in complex emotions brings nothing but a new round of old pain. And then, indeed, it is time to talk about the possible harm of those hormones that are released at the same time.

Therefore, I want to encourage women, especially pregnant women, those who will be pregnant to ever take care of their emotional sphere. Do not ignore, do not suppress, do not act out in the usual patterns, but look for an opportunity to survive. Learn to experience difficult emotions while remaining resilient. This is exactly the kind of experience that is good for the child inside. Experience that fear (adrenaline), anger (norepinephrine) and all other complex, stressful emotions are experienced. That it ends. That mom can handle what happens in life, which means I can handle it too. So the world is good and safe for me, no matter what happens in it.

Every pregnant woman has heard that it is dangerous and harmful to be nervous during gestation, first of all, for the development of the unborn child. This is because at the time of pregnancy, a woman is very strongly connected with the baby: breathing, nutrition, the growth of the baby occurs due to the life of the woman. Therefore, every mood swing, change in lifestyle automatically affects the child.

At the time of pregnancy, becoming registered, the expectant mother will always hear that at this stage, during the entire pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to be nervous. After all, stressful situations and a bad mood are “transmitted” to the baby along the chain. Experts say that babies born to women who were nervous during pregnancy are more likely to suffer from increased mobility and anxiety. They are also sensitive to changes - bright light, sun, stuffiness, smells, noise.

During pregnancy, it is contraindicated to be nervous already in the second half: at this moment, the child's nervous system is already developed, and therefore he can already feel the minimum excitement of his mother. With constant nervous shocks of a woman in the second half of gestation, the baby may develop hypoxia - a very dangerous condition for its development. Already after the birth of a child, the frequent excitement of a woman at the time of pregnancy will affect the well-being of the child. In such children, wakefulness and sleep rhythm disturbances are often observed.

During pregnancy, the problem of the nerves of women is even devoted to some studies by groups of scientists in many countries. For example, scientists from America say that it is contraindicated for women to be nervous during pregnancy, because the excitement of the mother greatly affects the weight of the child. Scientists have found that constant anxiety in the third trimester often ends with the birth of a baby with a lack of weight. Canadian scientists say that during pregnancy, constant anxiety and irritability greatly increases the risk of developing asthmatic diseases in the child. Also, an aster can manifest itself in a child, even if a woman is depressed in the first years of his life. In the first and second case, the risk of developing asthma increases by 25%.

However, even knowing about all the undesirable consequences of various emotional upheavals during pregnancy, many expectant mothers do not know what to do so as not to be nervous in this situation. There is nothing strange - in the body, hormonal changes greatly affect the susceptibility of a woman. If she could have reacted with a smile before pregnancy, then during pregnancy this situation can cause excitement, anxiety, resentment or tears. It's always easier said than done. That is why, knowing that it is undesirable to be nervous during pregnancy, many women will not just cope with the “nerves”.

But a woman will have to hide her nerves in a “box” - if she wishes her baby well. And what woman does not want the best for a child? Therefore, you need to do everything possible to tune in only to the prosperous and do everything possible so as not to be nervous during pregnancy. To do this, experts advise in the early stages of pregnancy to spend a lot of time listening to light and light music, watching interesting films, communicating with loved ones and loved ones. You need to constantly walk in the fresh air. Since drugs are undesirable during pregnancy, it is necessary to cope with a bad emotional disorder and a sad mood with just such methods. Aromatherapy can help. Essential oils, sandalwood, rose, patchouli, ylang-ylang have a good effect on the emotional background. Therefore, it makes sense to buy an aroma lamp and arrange an aromatherapy session for yourself.

After the sixteenth week, some intoxicating drugs can be used with caution. However, potent tranquilizers are strictly prohibited. Valerian does not harm the child, you can also drink. There are already ready-made sedative herbal preparations that can be used during pregnancy. Often, after an appropriate consultation, a specialist may prescribe that the expectant mother should drink glycine or magnesium medication so that she is not nervous at the time of pregnancy. However, it is impossible during pregnancy to choose sedatives at your own discretion. Before using a sedative, you need to consult a specialist.

One of the important factors necessary for a successful pregnancy is the peace of mind of the expectant mother. Probably, all women who are expecting a baby have heard more than once that it is impossible to be nervous during pregnancy. But few of them know why it is desirable to avoid stressful situations, and what are the reasons for such an excited emotional state of expectant mothers during the period of bearing a baby. Let's figure it out.

Why do women get very nervous during pregnancy

Of course, in the life of all women who are expecting a child, big and small troubles happen. In most cases, pregnant women react to these problems very violently and emotionally, with tears and screams. Even if it's just a broken nail. So what is the reason that expectant mothers become so nervous during pregnancy? During the bearing of a child in the female body, there is an intensive production of hormones that are necessary for the normal development of the baby. But these same hormones are also responsible for frequent mood swings. It is because of hormonal changes in the body that a woman during pregnancy can burst into tears even over the most trifling matter.

What are dangerous nervous breakdowns during pregnancy

The connection between the increased nervousness of the expectant mother and the complications of the course of pregnancy has been scientifically proven.

If a woman expecting a baby is constantly under stress, then this negatively affects her already weakened immune system. As a result, the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria decreases, and the risk of disease increases.

Also, women who begin to get a lot nervous during pregnancy often complain of dizziness, tremors of the limbs, headaches, tachycardia, and even skin rashes. An overly excited pregnant woman may increased manifestations of toxicosis. Constant increased nervousness can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Naturally, this will negatively affect the health of the baby.

Frequent nervous breakdowns during pregnancy pose a threat to the health and life of the baby. During a tantrum, a woman's hormonal background changes in the body, and this can lead to uterine hypertonicity. In the early stages of pregnancy, this condition is dangerous because it can provoke spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), and in the later stages it is one of the causes of premature birth.

Constant negative emotions in the second - third trimester of pregnancy can lead to fetal hypoxia. Hypoxia is a constant lack of oxygen, and, naturally, this will affect the development of the child: it will become slow. Pregnant women should not be nervous in the third trimester, as this can lead to the birth of a small baby.

Also, observations of babies whose mothers were constantly nervous during pregnancy showed that children weak immunity, and they are more prone to diseases of the respiratory system, most of them are hyperactive and have diseases of the nervous system.

How to avoid a nervous breakdown

There are two ways to prevent stress during pregnancy: medications and distractions.

The drug should be prescribed only by a doctor: an obstetrician-gynecologist or a therapist. Since no matter what the origin of this drug: chemical or homeopathic, it has side effects that can adversely affect the development of the baby or the health of the woman. The following are usually prescribed: "Magne B6", "Persen", "Glycine", valerian tablets, decoction of motherwort. But once again we want to pay attention to the fact that the dosage and frequency of taking any medications should be prescribed by a qualified specialist, and not by the expectant mother on her own, after listening to the advice of a neighbor or girlfriend.

To stop being nervous during pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to learn how to receive positive emotions from the outside. For example, you can enroll in a group preparing for the upcoming birth, where a woman will be able to communicate with other pregnant women, discuss questions about carrying a baby or childbirth with midwives, as a result, the expectant mother will receive emotional relief and good mood.

You can attend yoga or gymnastics classes for pregnant women. Everyone knows that moderate physical activity is an excellent prevention of stress. And regular performance of a set of exercises designed specifically for expectant mothers will not only help to cope with nerves, but also prepare the pelvic muscles for the upcoming labor activity.

During pregnancy, women become irritable and psychologically less stable. First of all, this condition is facilitated by a dramatically changing hormonal background, which affects sudden mood swings. Particularly noticeable are manifestations of groundless tearfulness, anxiety and feelings of helplessness, which previously did not manifest themselves without an objective reason.

Usually in the first three months of pregnancy, such psychological changes occur in a woman's body, because her hormonal background is just beginning to rebuild. Naturally, for her, these are new sensations that you need to get used to and learn how to control them.

Causes of mental mood changes during the first trimester

  1. existing neurological disease.
  2. The presence of hypochondria, because now you have to constantly worry not only about your health, but also about the health of your child.
  3. In case of unplanned pregnancy.
  4. During pregnancy, there is no support from relatives and friends.
  5. If there were problems with the endocrine system before pregnancy, and complications of the disease occurred during pregnancy.

Negative consequences of tantrums during pregnancy?

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for all nine months of pregnancy not to be nervous once, you need to be an absolutely insensitive person, and such people do not exist. Therefore, experts recommend adhering to the “golden mean”, that is, there is no need to restrain emotions and tears, because the production of cortisol provokes this state, and you are not to blame for this. But, you need to release the ardor in a reasonable way, in no case do you need to bring yourself to hysteria or a nervous breakdown. You need to control your mental state and the release of this harmful hormone. In the event of such situations, the result can be various negative situations:

  1. The threat of miscarriage can be triggered by a nervous breakdown in early pregnancy. This is due to a sharp release of cortisol, which brings the uterus into tone, its muscles contract and no longer hold, but throw out the fetus. In late pregnancy, this situation can lead to preterm labor, where the baby is not always alive or well after birth. In general, the direct dependence of the nervous state and the release of the hormone is a big threat during pregnancy.
  2. Tantrums and nervous breakdowns have a devastating effect on the development of the psyche and body of the child. The mental state of the mother is transmitted to the child, he also feels a strong nervous tension, which can be a threat to him from congenital schizophrenia and autism. Boys are especially sensitive to such sharp changes than girls.
  3. The threat of developing stress in utero and after birth in a child. This can provoke congenital mental and nervous diseases in a child. This happens due to the fact that together with the blood and through the placenta the child receives hormones, and cortisol, entering the child's body, leads to hypoxia, shortness of breath and fetal development. Even after birth, the baby will be whiny, eat and sleep poorly, which will negatively affect its development. In the process of such behavior, the mother will be constantly nervous, the child, for objective reasons, too, and this circle in such a situation is closed for an indefinite time.
  4. The threat of weak immunity in a newborn. The result of a nervous breakdown can be hyperactivity and weakened immunity, which reduces attention, and the child is very difficult to learn.

What else provokes increased irritability and mental instability?

  1. A sharp drop in hormonal levels. It should be borne in mind that in pregnant women, due to a sharp hormonal background, sudden mood swings are observed, even if this was not observed even before pregnancy. Therefore, in no case should you forget this and provoke a pregnant woman.
  2. Weather sensitivity. Against the background of hormonal surges, this tendency manifests itself more often than in those periods when, before pregnancy, it was simply not paid attention to. That is, in addition to objective changes in nature, a pregnant woman can react to very insignificant and imperceptible things for others.
  3. Moon calendar. Even in ancient times, people knew that the menstrual and lunar cycles are interconnected, this is due to an increase in friction, ebbs and flows. During pregnancy, menstruation stops, but the body remembers, so amniotic fluid is replenished and blood volume too. A pregnant woman in this state feels ongoing discomfort, which is the cause of a mood swing.
  4. The psychological environment of a pregnant woman. Firstly, the pregnant woman is worried that now attention, care and love will have to be shared by the child. Will she have the strength and skills to be a good mother? She also has worries about the fact that with the birth of a child, everything can change beyond recognition and she will have to adapt to a new life.
  5. Unplanned pregnancy. Usually in such situations, women are more prone to nervous breakdowns and hysteria. After all, this is a shocking situation for them, where they have to drastically change all plans for life. But, whatever it was, the birth of a child is always only a positive moment. Therefore, a mother should take care of her child and herself even during pregnancy.

How to calm the nerves?

Psychologists say that coping with stressful situations is not so difficult, for this you need to follow the rules:

  1. During pregnancy, you need to limit yourself less, all your desires need to be fulfilled. But, of course, in moderation. Do not succumb to constant drowsiness. Only a balanced regimen, involving walks in the fresh air, can reduce the nervous tension of a pregnant woman.
  2. Before registering for pregnancy, you need to choose a good doctor in advance. You should not miss scheduled visits and consultations, at the first sign of an unstable mental state, the pregnant doctor will prescribe medication. And is it important! After all, you need to be careful in every possible way, and not bring yourself to nervous overstrain and breakdown.
  3. Be sure to attend courses for expectant mothers, where they conduct classes in gymnastics, swimming and other useful procedures. If the doctor allows you to attend such events, then you do not need to refuse them. Firstly, it will dispel you and you will change the situation, and secondly, it is taking care of your health and your baby.
  4. During pregnancy, you need to prepare to the maximum for the upcoming birth, so you should read a lot of specialized literature in advance. From all the moments you need to draw only everything positive, increase this knowledge and happily prepare for a meeting with the baby.
  5. Another effective way to calm down is to mentally force yourself to pull yourself together. Instead of public transport, you can walk a couple of stops on foot and think about something good.

Video: how stress during pregnancy affects the development of the child