Ideas for a bachelor party: how to cheerfully say goodbye to a single life

A wedding is an important event, the beginning of a new life, the birth of a new family. From that day forward, life will change dramatically. In order to enjoy the last minutes, moments of bachelor life, the groom's friends (or the groom himself) organize a bachelor party. Ideas for a bachelor party can be completely different, it all depends on how you want to spend this day - actively relaxing, enjoying the company of only your friends, rocking on the dance floor or visiting a karaoke club.

5 original ideas for a bachelor party

Ideas for holding a boy are varied, what to choose is up to you. But when organizing, it is worth remembering: the holiday should turn out to be fun, memorable for the future husband, as well as his friends. It is necessary to think over the program for organizing the holiday in advance:

  • what will you do?
  • where will you go?
  • how will you spend this evening?
  • cook everything you need
  • invite guests, friends

Party latin style

If it is not possible to organize a celebration outside the home, do not despair, the apartment is a great place where you can have fun by having a Latin party. This will require quite a bit:

  • Great mood for everyone present.
  • Latin American music.
  • Variety of alcoholic drinks to mix cocktails.

When conjuring over cocktails, in addition to the alcohol itself, you will use glasses, a shaker, straws, umbrellas, ice - you need to take care of their availability in advance. In the process of preparing interesting drinks, you can experiment by creating new alcoholic masterpieces.

Do you want to learn how to mix a component like a real bartender? Watch the video, try to repeat the result:

If you want to hold a sports bachelor party, the best option is a sports complex, where you can choose entertainment to your liking.

If the holiday will take place in the winter, ideas for holding a bachelor party in the fresh air with active winter games are perfect. For example, playing snowballs or ice skating will give you a chance to remember your childhood and have fun from the heart. It would be nice to play bowling, visiting a warm, cozy club. Such a holiday will provide an opportunity to have a good rest, spend time with friends.

Sports ideas for a bachelor party in the summer: volleyball, football, outdoor activities, going out of town, paintball, fishing.


Going to a paintball club is an event idea that your friends will definitely like. Here you will have fun, actively playing in nature. During the game you will feel like a superhero, distract from everyday problems, get a lot of fun.

An evening of games and memories at home

As an option, it is possible to arrange a bachelor party at home, spending a themed evening playing games, remembering all the achievements and successes of the groom. Suitable ideas for such a bachelor party are Twister, Monopoly, computer games, cards. Watching an interesting, youth film is also a good idea, because such a pastime will give not only pleasure, but also the opportunity to discuss the film. It would be nice to organize fun, exciting contests, and beer, pizza, chips or crackers are quite suitable for a feast.

Fishing trip

If you like fishing, outdoor recreation, then it is possible to spend a bachelor party in the fresh air. Go with friends on vacation outside the city: if you have a cottage with a nearby pond, go there. If there is no place with amenities, set up a small tent camp, fish during the day, and arrange men's gatherings in front of the fire in the evening. This walk is the perfect solution.

When holding a bachelor party in nature, you and your friends will get a lot of fun, relax in the fresh air, and the groom will gain strength before starting family life.

Bachelor party venues: where is it better to celebrate?

The organization, as well as the holding of the celebration, can be entrusted to a witness or friends, but in order for everything to work out perfectly, you should do it yourself. The right place and suitable ideas for celebrating a bachelor party are considered important points. Popular places are: club, sauna, karaoke, billiards, bowling club.

Saunas and baths

A bathhouse or sauna is considered a great place for a bachelor party. Here you can relax with a purely male company, take a steam bath, talk, discuss your questions. Here it is also possible to cover and celebrate the last day of bachelorhood. Often on the territory of the bath there is an additional entertainment complex: billiards, karaoke, swimming pool, bar. You can have fun and get a lot of fun.


Have fun and laugh heartily in karaoke. After visiting a cafe or sushi bar, go there to sing songs that you like or that you do best. Even if you and your friends do not have a voice - it's okay, it will be even more fun and funny. A great idea is to record the whole event on video, take a photo and show the bride the vocal abilities of her future husband.

Clubs and restaurants

Holding a party for the groom and his friends in the club is a great idea, because here you need everything for a great holiday: incendiary music, service, excellent cuisine and alcohol for every taste. Here you will get the maximum charge of positive, come off to the fullest. Also, if you wish, you can visit a club where there is a female striptease.

But this format of celebration has several disadvantages:

  • It is unlikely that you will be able to talk normally with friends, therefore it is better to discuss all important issues related to the wedding at another time.
  • If you want to visit the club, we recommend that you book a table in advance.
  • Holding a bachelor party like this is a great idea, but it hits the pocket hard, so if you are going to a club, be prepared to shell out a tidy sum of money.

The idea of ​​celebrating a men's party in a restaurant is also acceptable - this is a good option to relax, talk with friends in a relaxed atmosphere, enjoy excellent dishes, a purely male company, forgetting about wedding chores and worries.


Active rest will turn out while playing billiards. To do this, it is better to visit a billiards club or a sports complex. It's a good idea to have a competition between friends. Don't forget about drinks, which should be ordered in advance if the club does not have a bar.

Ideas for holding a bachelor party are varied, but what you choose depends on personal preferences, wishes, and finances. It is better to organize the holiday on your own, so that everything turns out perfectly, and the way you imagine it. The main condition is that it was fun, and the holiday was remembered for a long time. But in the process of celebrating, you should not forget that you are already practically a married person and the bride may not like excessive liberties, so relax, but wisely.

Watch a funny video of a bachelor party on the train, it will be a great memory of the last day of single life:

If you have your own ideas for celebrating a bachelor party - share your thoughts, impressions, leaving comments.

Hosting a bachelor party is not only an ancient tradition, but also a great way to get together in a pleasant company and celebrate the farewell to bachelorhood. Ideas for a bachelor party before the wedding can be varied, it all depends on the personal preferences of the groom and his friends.

home furnishings

If it is not possible to have a party in a cafe, then it can be interesting to hold it at home. Come up with an original theme, pick up unusual contests. There are good options for hosting a bachelor party at home.

  1. Gambling addiction. You can arrange an evening at the card table (the best option is poker) or play "monopoly", "crocodile". Suitable table hockey and mini-billiards. In order not to waste time preparing food, you can order pizza.
  2. Cinema. Organize a film screening and discussion. In a calm, inviting atmosphere, conduct a casual conversation, recall funny stories from life. Of course, you should not forget about delicious snacks and drinks.
  3. Home karaoke. If you have the appropriate equipment in the house, then going to the bar is not necessary. You can have fun singing songs and drinking strong drinks.
  4. Costume party. Guests dress up in cool superhero costumes and have a souvenir photo session.
  5. Cuisine of the peoples of the world. It is necessary to celebrate the end of a bachelor's life not only in a pleasant company, but also with excellent food. You can arrange an evening of Japanese cuisine by ordering rolls or sushi at home. Italy is characterized by pizza, Russia by dumplings or kurnik, Asian countries by pilaf.

These ideas for holding a bachelor party before the wedding are quite budgetary and easy to implement. You just need to think over the little things and devote a little time to organizing the holiday. The main thing is that the guests and the future head of the family should be comfortable and have fun.

Usually the bachelor party is organized by a witness. He tries for a friend to choose an option that will be to his liking. Sometimes they can discuss the most original ideas together and bring them to life.

Sports bachelor party

Combining business with pleasure is a great idea for a holiday. The choice of a particular sport will depend on the season. If the wedding takes place in winter, then the bachelor party can be celebrated on the street, playing snowballs and sledding or skiing. In summer there is an opportunity to have fun in nature, arrange fishing in the countryside. Paintball is an interesting idea. Team play will help to unite friends even more. You can always visit indoor gyms, play volleyball or basketball.

Enjoy Your Bath!

The idea of ​​holding a bachelor party in the bathhouse will appeal to all friends. A pleasant pastime for the soul and body will be an excellent option for friendly gatherings. It's great when you have your own bathhouse in the country. In this case, there is no need to rush anywhere and you can stretch the pleasure. In another case, there are always private baths that are ready to offer their services. An alternative would be a bachelor party in the sauna. The choice depends on the preferences of the hero of the occasion and his friends.

Bars and restaurants

Choosing a bar as a place for a bachelor party before the wedding, you can safely count on the excellent organization of the holiday. Incendiary music, good cuisine, service and appropriate mood are guaranteed. Friends can decide on the spot how to spend the evening, what to do next. You can play billiards or bowling. A great idea is to go to a karaoke club or a bar with a dance floor. You just need to know for sure whether everyone likes this type of vacation.

city ​​quest

The groom's friends can arrange unusual entertainment before the wedding in the form of a quest to famous places. A walk around the city will be accompanied by interesting tasks that the hero of the occasion will have to complete. There are special firms that will embody the idea and help to hold such an event.

For the best friend, the witness can come up with the most creative bachelor party ideas:

  • skydiving;
  • water skiing;
  • hunting;
  • horse riding;
  • climbing wall;
  • laser tag;
  • race in sports cars;
  • scuba diving.


If you decide to hold a bachelor party with elements 18+, which is also a very popular option, then there are some interesting ideas. The simplest is to order a private dance, but it is better not with one, but with two girls. This is more original than the classic version, and besides, the future groom will remember it quite well. An alternative option is an erotic massage, but it is better to ask the hero of the occasion prematurely if he agrees to such an idea for a holiday. Otherwise, you will pay the money, and the groom, by virtue of his principles, will refuse the gift, for which he can also be understood. Well, one more unusual and at the same time bold idea that will add flavor to the bachelor party - topless banquet service. In this case, half-naked employees will spend the evening with you as waitresses, but at the same time they will be pleasing to the eye, which will also be remembered for a lifetime by the future groom. The price for this type of service is acceptable, about 1500 rubles for 30 minutes. If you “throw in” the whole company, then you can order waitresses for the whole evening and at the same time spend no more than 10 thousand rubles.

Among the wide variety of options, there are good ideas for a bachelor party before the wedding. You just need to choose what you like and can afford. A well-thought-out evening will be remembered for a long time and will help friends to become even closer.

Also read:

A potential groom begins to think about how to spend a bachelor party long before the wedding. However, to adequately organize a men's party is not an easy task. You can laugh at comedies in which unlucky guys get into frankly ridiculous situations, but you can’t take it as a model. With proper preparation, the cabal will be enchanting, decent, with a twinkle. And without dubious adventures.

Why do we need men's gatherings on the eve of the wedding

There are several reasons why the future newlywed invites friends to a themed feast:

  1. Traditions inherited from wise ancestors have not been canceled. Each nation has its own, but the goal is the same: the spiritual farewell of the hero to a new life for him.
  2. "Ringed" comrades and older relatives share their experience of happy family relationships, give parting words.
  3. The nuances of the upcoming celebration are discussed, a general strategy is chosen at the time of the ransom of the bride, organizational issues are being decided.
  4. The people, led by the groom, relax and light up.
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Ideas for a brutal pre-wedding party

Watching football on TV is boring, gatherings in the kitchen are banal, calling priestesses of love is expensive in every sense. The question of how to arrange a bachelor party so that it does not turn into problems is not idle, so there are a few ideas to help a potential spouse.

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Bath and water procedures for a narrow circle

Why for narrow? The idea itself involves partial or complete exposure. Tomorrow's husband may have friends who communicate occasionally. And not everyone will agree to undress in the company of people with whom he is familiar with a hat. Inviting a respectable boss to a "washing" party, like an elderly relative, is a so-so idea. Therefore, if water procedures are included in the plans, only relatives should be present.

Where and how to arrange a bachelor party in the bath? Options:

  1. Sauna rental.
  2. Own bath.
  3. Bath of a hospitable friend.

It is necessary to stock up on the proper amount of snacks, clean sets of towels, sheets, disposable head caps, rubber slates according to the number of guests. If we are talking about rent, then for a fee, all this is provided. You may have to buy a drink, as not everyone agrees to celebrate a bachelor party “dry”. Of course, those invited should be warned about the place of deployment in order to avoid embarrassment with holey socks and other embarrassing moments.

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Extreme in the Spartan spirit

Fans of extraordinary solutions and men's risky amusements will like creative and sports adventures. How to arrange a bachelor party before the wedding and where to hold it, if friends share the adventurous mood of the party hero, experienced tips will help:

  • under the canopy of the parachute;
  • on mountain slopes;
  • with a paintball gun in hand;
  • at the hippodrome;
  • in dash;
  • driving racing cars;
  • on a Sportsground.

Alcohol will definitely be superfluous. In extreme cases, you can mark the impending status of the newlywed by moving after the valiant games to the appropriate place.

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All the joys of drinking and entertainment establishments

How to celebrate a bachelor party in entertainment venues is easy to guess, even if you have zero experience. Bars, restaurants, cafes, bowling, clubs, billiards, karaoke - it all depends on the willingness to pay for quality service and the desire to break away in comfortable conditions. It is worth choosing a separate room so that outsiders do not interfere with saying goodbye to the single past.

This includes your favorite barbecue kebabs, which, by the way, are elementary to organize independently both in the distance of civilization and in a summer cottage.

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Mood for guys with home delivery

A wedding celebration is a troublesome event, so sometimes the organizer of the pre-wedding party prefers home conditions. Here are some ideas on how a bachelor party is held at home.

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Costumed Sabantuy

The theme is chosen (cartoon films, historical events, professions, folk holidays, children's matinees, comics, etc.), elements of assorted costumes are rented, in which newly-minted artists dress up, words of cool scripts are printed. The main thing is to get used to the role, improvise and get a lot of positive. It is advisable to shoot scenic delights on a video camera, and immediately present the photos to social networks, collecting enthusiastic likes from a generous Internet audience.

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Gourmet get-togethers

With the current abundance of all kinds of national dishes, it will not be difficult to organize such a party. It is not at all necessary to occupy the kitchen yourself or puzzle your mother with the chosen one - restaurant delivery and a friendly courier will help. So, in one evening you will be able to try Japanese sushi, Italian pizza, Russian kurnik, Asian pilaf, Ukrainian dumplings.

Drinks must match the dish, that is, Champagne will not go with peppered bacon, and beer - with pickled cucumbers. The meal, of course, is interspersed with sincere conversations, since it’s definitely impossible to celebrate a bachelor party without them.

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Back to cloudless childhood

Improvised tournaments a la Short Pants will turn banal libations into a non-trivial evening. It is easy to understand how a bachelor party goes in this style, remembering the various amusements in which the brave men practiced as children:

  • chess;
  • checkers;
  • throwing darts at targets;
  • gambling passions;
  • toy "war" with soldiers and tanks made of plasticine;
  • computer shooters;
  • table hockey for elimination and other games come from childhood.

Unusual prizes and comic punishments for the losers will add color to the cabal.

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Film show within four walls

The problem, called "How to organize a bachelor party", will cease to be such if the comrades of the landlord are not averse to sitting in front of the screen. Global costs are not required, you just need to take into account the tastes of guests in terms of genre and food. Finding almost any picture on the net is a matter of a few minutes.

The table is organized here, and the serving is minimal: a mountain of packages with chips, crispy popcorn, cleaned fish, sandwiches, ice-cold beer - and it's in the bag. It remains only to launch the film history, enjoy the plot, and then kindle debates and discussions, not embarrassed in criticism.

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So that there are no depressing consequences

It's time to dwell on the details that can turn the holiday into a nightmare. It's about how to spend a bachelor party before the wedding, so as not to be excruciatingly ashamed.

  1. The girls of easy behavior have already been mentioned. What's the point of getting married if dreams of other skirts are still relevant?
  2. A surprise for a friend is a holy cause. Only an adequate surprise, not involving humiliation, pain, fear, provocation.
  3. It is desirable to choose cafes-clubs-restaurants with a proven reputation. So the newlyweds and his friends will insure themselves against poor-quality dishes and a dubious audience.
  4. It’s definitely not worth sorting out with alcohol - a drunk person is capable of “exploits” that are incompatible with logic.
  5. In order to avoid scandals with your future wife, it is better to discuss where, with whom and how to make a bachelor party at its best.
  6. Planning it on the eve of the wedding is sheer madness. It is unlikely that gatherings will do without alcohol, and at the wedding the young one is needed peppy, fresh, without stunning amber.
  7. It is dearer to invite those who go crazy from libations, who are at enmity with each other and minors.

If there is no time and desire to arrange everything on your own, special agencies will help out. Whatever the plans for the pre-wedding men's party, prudence should not be turned off, but a good mood is very useful. And proven comrades, the trust of your beloved and the thought of reuniting with her as soon as possible will forever make brutal gatherings completely successful.

Another bright game by your rules. Arrange a holiday for yourself and your friends on occasion and without a reason.

Spend the night surrounded by beautiful girls: a striptease at a bachelor party you will never forget. Chamber atmosphere, seductive music and skillful exotic dancers will plunge you into the world of sensual ecstasy - this is how the last hours of a bachelor's life should be.

What should be a bachelor party?

When deciding where to celebrate a bachelor party in Moscow, you can go through a lot of options. But where will they organize without a doubt the best night of your life? Surrounded by passion and fire, desired dancers, in the abyss of seduction? And will the organizers follow exclusively all your wishes?

You can order a bachelor party anywhere, but it will be perfect in PROVOCATEUR.

A bachelor party is not just a meeting with best friends. The final chord of a free life should sound full and become a living dream of a future husband. It is this goal that we are pursuing by offering everything that the hero of the celebration expects.

Everything is determined by you!

Do you like hot and passionate striptease? Or do you prefer relaxing numbers and quieter performances? In any case, you determine everything yourself, and we promise to fulfill any desire! Among other things, to your attention is one of the largest bars for a bachelor party in Moscow - the variety of strong drinks does not overlap their quality, and the skills of the bartender will create first-class cocktails for you and your friends.


When deciding where to hold a bachelor party in Moscow, you pay attention to the venue of the holiday, the organizational capabilities of the institution, and try to assess how strong the aftertaste will be from, perhaps, the only bachelor party in your life.

Choosing PROVOCATEUR means having a bachelor party with strong feelings. So that this night is not lost against the backdrop of a magnificent wedding celebration.

Start organizing today

Hold a men's party before a family holiday in such a way that later you doubt: which one was arranged better! The entourage of our institution, the beauty and skill of the girls and the hot menu will embody your most frank fantasies.

We remind you that not only a bachelor party is ordered from us, but also a striptease for a birthday. Any holiday will become special when it is held in PROVOCATEUR!

If you want to spend a bachelor party in a strip club in Moscow, call us at the indicated phone number, and we will start creating a unique script especially for your evening and plan your budget.

Start life as a husband after a unique bachelor party at PROVOCATEUR!

The closing of the club and any show of your choice is provided.

best wedding instagram

How many important questions before the wedding need to be solved by the newlyweds! Naturally, during the pre-wedding preparations, stress accumulates in the young, and in order to overcome it, a bachelorette party and bachelor party before wedding where the bride and groom properly rest and relax mentally or physically. But how to organize a bachelor party and which bachelor party script select. In this article, we will tell you where and how to spend a bachelor party. We will offer some bachelor party ideas(or rather, for its implementation), from which you can choose the one you like best or come up with your own bachelor party option.

Who should organize the bachelor party?

Let's start the article with who should organize the bachelor party. Usually this question is entrusted to the witness. Naturally, his idea where to have a bachelor party must be known to the groom in advance. Since, perhaps, the options for a bachelor party in a strip club or somewhere in a sauna will not please the groom, as they can once again provoke a conflict between future newlyweds. In general, ideas where to spend a bachelor party in Moscow hundreds, one has only to turn on the fantasy.

As soon as the witness and the groom begin to think about the question of how to spend the bachelor party, the idea of ​​​​holding it in the sauna comes for a reason. It used to be customary for the groom to go to the bathhouse before the wedding, only not in the company of good friends, alone. And not in order to have a good “retreat”, but to wash off everything unnecessary for the future family life.

Ideas for a bachelor party

Spend bachelor party in the sauna not such a bad idea as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is that the main requirement of the bachelor party is observed: only guys should be present at the bachelor party, and no girls! Then there will be no provocations and misunderstandings regarding your soulmate. To provide evidence, you can take a few photos from the bachelor party, which will make it clear how you spent it. If you have finally decided to organize a bachelor party in the sauna, our advice: do not get carried away with alcohol. Believe me, a fun and funny evening can be spent without alcohol. To make everyone have fun, take the trouble to think in advance about what you will talk about, what funny or even ridiculous moments from your bachelor life you will discuss. Remember that the bachelor party should be held reasonably, with understanding and awareness of the possible consequences of what is happening. In order to avoid disagreements with friends, discuss with them and bring to them what you want so that the bachelor party does not turn into a drunken frenzy.

The goals of the bachelor party should be something like the following:

  • give the groom an opportunity to relax before the wedding, laugh, have fun;
  • prepare for a family;
  • on the part of friends there should be moral support for the spirit of the groom;
  • relieve anxiety before the wedding ceremony.

The mood is also important. It's one thing when a bachelor party symbolizes sadness over bachelor parties and "marry" roughly means that now a collar will be put on the groom; but it’s another matter when the mood is this: that now the groom is no longer a single boy, but a real courageous man who creates a family and will be responsible for it. If this text is read by the groom's friends, and even more so by the witness, our advice is: set the right mood for the bachelor party, the groom's inner feelings will largely depend on it! And then, how and where to spend a bachelor party before the wedding is a secondary question.

Here are some more bachelor party ideas:

  1. If the company is recruited small, and the groom is modest, then holding a bachelor party at home would be an excellent option. Chips, fish, nuts, or meat cooked in the oven will be a great snack. You can generally not cook anything in advance, but when everyone gathers to quickly arrange a bachelor cooking contest. If there is no time to prepare snacks, then, fortunately, modern supermarkets give us the opportunity to purchase a ready-made snack and take it home. You can compete with each other by playing chess, cards or even computer games, and in parallel with this, you will be able to conduct your own male conversations. You can watch films, photographs and discuss funny and funny incidents from the life of the groom and his friends.
  2. Another bachelor party scenario is the bachelor party at the club. Often this option is perceived by brides much worse than a bachelor party in the sauna. Since, if their fiancé went to celebrate a bachelor party in the sauna with friends, most likely they will remain in the same composition until the end of the evening. But in a nightclub there are a huge number of temptations that, under the influence of alcohol, you can not resist. Yes, and a heart-to-heart talk with friends is also not possible because of the loud music. Most likely, it will be a banal, unremarkable trip to the club.
  3. If the time of the year is suitable for going to the dacha in the yard, then a bachelor party in the dacha will, perhaps, be the ideal idea for a bachelor party. Here you have a bath (sauna), and sincere conversations, and the opportunity to dance, as well as cook a barbecue. In general, room for action! If there is a reservoir nearby, then you can go fishing or just swim in the river (lake, etc.).

If it is not possible to go to the country, but the season is conducive to going out into nature, then you can spend a bachelor party in nature. There are also options for a bachelor party in the form of going to bowling, paintball, billiards, bike racing, go-karting, and so on. If friends have some common hobby, such as hiking, kayaking or something else, then they can go hiking or, for example, rafting.