How to draw small arrows. How to draw arrows on the eyes with eyeliner in stages. Beautiful to itself, perfect and even. Photo, video tutorials

They remain relevant at all times and, most likely, will never go out of fashion. Without such a detail, it will not be possible to make a sensual look. However, not everyone can draw smooth and symmetrical arrows. First you need to figure out what cosmetics to use for this, and choose the perfect shape of the arrows in accordance with the shape of your eyes.

How to draw arrows

Today, the cosmetics market represents a large selection of cosmetics for drawing straight arrows. The best product for yourself should be chosen based on the individual characteristics of the skin and personal preferences.

On request, you can purchase:

  • liquid gel eyeliner or in the form of a felt-tip pen;
  • regular or waterproof pencil;
  • shadows.

The main thing is to choose and use the right tool that will lie evenly throughout the eyelid. The base must first be applied to the surface. It should be noted that for everyday make-up it is better to use shades of pastel shades, and for evening make-up - at your own discretion and in accordance with the chosen image.

What brushes are needed to draw arrows

For liquid textures, a comfortable synthetic brush is ideal. Its shape is chosen in accordance with your preferences: elongated or thin. For beginners, a beveled brush will be most convenient. Having got used to it, ideal arrows can be drawn with any tool.

How to draw perfect arrows with a pencil

If there is not too much experience in doing makeup, makeup artists advise you to first master the technique of drawing arrows with a soft pencil. Its main advantage is that fine lines can be easily achieved. Moreover, it is a soft pencil that is easiest to shade.

The arrow leads from the middle of the eyelids towards the outer corners of the eyes. Depending on the purpose, it can be drawn light or dark. However, a rich black color is considered a classic, which is suitable for any makeup.

How to draw perfect eyeliner arrows

With the help of liquid eyeliner, the arrows are the most difficult to draw. It takes a lot of time to master this technique. The color scheme of such funds is not as saturated as that of pencils. To make the arrow perfectly even, first you need to clean the brush of excess dye and lumps.

When thinking about how to draw perfect arrows with liquid eyeliner, you can use one trick. First, you should draw a thin line with a pencil, and then draw a second line on top of it with the help of an eyeliner. You need to paint over along the ciliary row and slightly lift at the outer corners of the eyes.

Apply dry eyeliner using an applicator or brush. Experts recommend using baked shadows. To get a rich arrow, you just need to wet the brush, and only then lower it into the composition. The eyeliner-felt pen is quite comfortable and dries quickly. Thanks to this tool, the paint does not need to be dosed. This will save time when doing makeup.

Easier to use, it combines the properties of liquid formulations and a pencil. This cosmetic product is applied with an angled brush.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing perfect arrows

After reading this instruction, you will learn how to draw perfect arrows without any problems (however, practice and skill are needed in this matter):

  • First of all, you need to look down in order to clearly see where you need to lead the future arrow. They begin to draw it from the outer corner of the eyelashes and lead towards the temple (a thin line should look up).
  • Almost from the middle of the eye, a second thin line is drawn and connected to the first.
  • Thus, the outline of the arrow turned out, now you need to fill in the empty space.
  • It remains to draw thin arrows from the inner corners of the eyes and connect them with the existing ones.

Selection of perfect arrows according to the shape of the eyes

  • Owners of almond-shaped eyes just need to draw an arrow along the natural curve. In the first third, the line begins to thicken and bring it to the end in this form.
  • Eyes with a narrowed shape (Asian type) go wide arrows, it is best to use a liquid waterproof agent for this.
  • It is best to draw an arrow on the impending eyelid with an open eye, so all its residual area will be visible. Another way out in this case can be an elongated letter V, which lies “on its side”, it should outline the outer corner of the eye.

  • If you don't know how to draw the perfect winged eyes with downturned corners, then focus on lifting them. The inner corners must be kept open and draw two identical arrows, bringing them up.
  • Round eyes are best to lengthen. To achieve this effect, you need to draw an arrow, thickening it in the center, at the edges it should remain less thick.
  • Owners of wide-set eyes should visually reduce the distance between them. In this case, it is necessary to slightly extend the arrow to the bridge of the nose and draw so that it does not leave the border of the outer corner.
  • You need to do the opposite. When drawing an arrow, it is necessary to indent from the inner corner of the eye, and from the outer corner, the arrow is slightly lengthened and directed upwards.

Common Mistakes

Many girls fail to make up perfectly even arrows, because they constantly make the same mistakes. In training videos, few people voice those aspects that can interfere with drawing a beautiful arrow.

Therefore, this issue needs to be dealt with once and for all:

  • Starting the drawing of arrows, many look in the mirror not directly in front of them, but from the side, thinking that it is much more convenient this way. But in the end, the arrows are not as smooth as they seem from the side. Therefore, when doing makeup, it is best to look straight ahead.
  • There are many rules that tell how to draw perfectly straight arrows. However, it is best to start drawing a line from the ciliary row, so it will turn out to be more accurate.
  • Many try to bring the tail of the arrow beyond the outer corner. However, it is best for a beginner to lead it in continuation of the mucosa - this way it will lie in the shape of the eye and visually lift it.
  • When the arrow is ready, gaps can be seen between the cilia. To prevent this from happening, you can pre-fill dark shadows into the ciliary row.
  • For eyes with an impending eyelid, you need to draw very thin and neat arrows. Wide lines will make the look even more heavy.
  • Summing up the arrow, the skin of the eyelid should be lifted up with your fingers, while the eyes should be slightly opened.
  • First you need to draw a thin line, if desired, you can always expand it.
  • The arrow should be displayed so that the area between it and the lash line is carefully painted over.
  • Most girls go with arrows, the tips of which are directed upwards at the outer corners of the eyes.
  • If you find it difficult to draw a solid arrow, then apply it in parts, starting from the inner corner of the eye.
  • Professional makeup artists recommend not using a liquid texture to draw a line on the lower eyelid - it looks vulgar. At the bottom, it should be thin, barely noticeable and shaded.
  • If you want to give the look depth and expressiveness, then use a white pencil to highlight the lower eyelid.

Now, knowing how to draw perfect arrows, you can safely experiment and look for suitable daytime and evening makeup. To make the image more vivid and beautiful, you can use eyeliners of various colors or sparkles.

How to draw arrows on the eyes and what kind of arrows on the eyes do you like? You can emphasize the beauty of the eyes with thick or thin arrows of the same or different colors. Experienced girls in applying makeup know that the most successful and beautiful arrows are obtained when you take into account your eye shape before drawing and do everything in stages. Listen to the advice of professionals.

Always with you

A few correctly applied strokes on the eyelids and the face changes significantly. Knowing this, women of fashion carry a pencil or liquid eyeliner in their purse. The look will be different. The eyes will look beautiful and more expressive.

What is better to use a pencil (black, brown, gray, etc.) or eyeliner, similarly in different colors? Correctly give preference to a pencil. The line drawn by him comes out softer. It is easy to shade and give the eyes of mystery, depth. Liquid eyeliner will brightly emphasize the eyes and the overall impression of the face will be that you are a self-confident, determined girl and even somewhat aggressive.

What color to choose

What are the girls guided by when choosing the color of the arrows? Do they match a particular outfit or eye color, is it a favorite color? Try wearing blue or gray, silver or gold arrows and you will realize that they look even more chic than black ones. Yes, those are classic, but no one prevents you from freely expressing your preferences. Correctly painted the way you like it.

Multi-colored arrows on the eyes look great during the day. Visually it seems that the eyes are more open with a somewhat naive, childish expression. If you have a relatively narrow eye section, this visual enlargement option is for you. Lighter shades will make you look younger with a fresher complexion.

open look

How to achieve a “wide open” pleasant look? Correctly bring the upper eyelid with a darker blue pencil, and the lower one is 2 tones lighter and gradually achieve this effect. If you decide to draw a gray eyeliner, then apply it to both the outer and inner eyelids. Eyes in color will appear brighter, both in daylight and in the evening in semi-darkness.

When applying black arrows, there are some nuances. This color will visually narrow your eyes. If you have a medium cut, then make a thin line. You can also draw thick arrows on the eyes if they are large. The main thing is that you like it. The general pattern is this: the smaller and narrower the eyes, the thinner the arrow should be drawn.

Read also: How to do makeup the right way

How best to draw arrows

Sit down at the kitchen or desk, place a mirror opposite. Do everything step by step. Rest your elbows on the table surface. It is more comfortable. Take a pencil and start drawing a line on the eyelid from the middle.
Draw this line where the eyelashes grow and pull it from the center towards the outer corner. Stop 2 or 3 mm before the end of the century. When drawing, you can lift the skin under the eyebrow with your fingers. This will make drawing the line easier.
Now gradually draw a line from the middle of the eyelid to the corner (inner) of the eye.
If you want to make arrows and draw as evenly as possible, take a strip of cardboard or a ruler. Apply from the beginning of the arrow (outer corner) to the end of this eyebrow. Stick to this line and point the arrow.

Popular Arrows

There are different lengths with the width of the arrow on the eyes. Each of the girls will choose those that she likes today, needs, suits a certain image and make-up. There are many types of arrows. Let's talk about the most popular:


In this case, thin lines are made. Draw a line with a pencil, starting from the inner corner of the eyelid and continuing to the outer. At the very end, the line goes up a little. Don't forget about it. Experts recommend drawing a thin line. Make sure that it is uniform along the entire length.

Line double

The look will be bright and very expressive. If you are naturally in pain
If you have attractive eyes, they will become even more beautiful. A line is applied to the upper eyelid, starting from the inner corner and moving towards the outer. As you approach the edge of the outer corner, lift the line and make it thicker. When you draw a line along the inner eyelid, start from the outer corner and continue to the inner. Try to draw the most similar arrows on the eyes. It is important that they rise smoothly at the end and be of a similar slope. And here artistic talent is important. If you want your lashes to appear thicker, make them thicker. Any girl, having trained, will be able to hold them beautifully. What width to draw? Each girl has her own taste. From the corner inside the eye, draw a line to the outer edge.

Read also: How to make beautiful eyebrows at home

cat eye

Young beauties love the arrows on their eyes under the "cat's eyes".
Thanks to them, the depth of the eyes is emphasized. The look becomes lively, mischievous. At the end, both features in this make-up go to the temples. If you want to look special today, this make-up is for you.


Beauticians have developed rules. If you stick to them, the arrows will come out in front of your eyes, almost perfect. Consider them:

  • When pointing arrows, do it in front of a mirror. Look at yourself point-blank, and not from the right or left side. Many perform them, as if from the side. Then, with a direct look, it turns out that the lines are not drawn perfectly.
  • There are several points of view where to start drawing lines. Some say that from a row of eyelashes, others that from a corner. If you start leading from the corner, you can draw a line of uneven thickness and not exactly repeat the shape of your eye. Therefore, start training by swiping from a row of cilia.
  • Draw an arrow along the mucosa. Thus, it will accurately repeat the shape of the eye and the outer corner will look raised. At the same time, the look will become childishly open and mischievous with a spark. This is the effect that each of the girls achieves.
    How to draw so that in the course of eyelash growth, when you draw a line, there are no gaps? First, apply shadows of dark shades to those areas, and then work with a pencil. The result will be excellent. No gaps, bright and precise features.
  • Consider the shape of your eyes. If

Makeup, which includes perfect black arrows, appeared in ancient Egypt. Then it was believed that the black arrow not only creates an attractive image, but also protects from the evil eye. Today, this element is rightly called the “make-up classic”. Everyone can use it, it is only important to figure out how to draw arrows and what shape is right for you.

The basic scheme for drawing arrows in front of our eyes is quite simple. It will help beginners create smooth lines and “not reinvent the wheel”. Let's break it down step by step:

  1. First, draw the bottom line: it starts from the outer corner of the eye and continues the lash line. At first, it is better not to make the notch too long - 0.8 mm - 1 cm is enough;
  2. From the center of the upper eyelid (focus on the pupil) we draw a line to the made "tail";
  3. We draw a connecting line from the inner corner of the eye to the top of line 2;
  4. We paint over the formed voids in the resulting contour. Arrow ready!

You can vary the length of the tail, the thickness of the arrow and its end, depending on your preferences and goals.

Ideal arrows must be smooth, without jagged edges and gaps in the “body”!

At first, the arrows will often have to be redrawn, erasing the previous version, but over time you will fill your hand and learn how to create the desired outline the first time!

How to choose the right arrow shape

Depending on the location of the eyes and the shape of the face, the following recommendations can be distinguished:

  1. For closely spaced eyes. It is recommended to create arrows, the upper line of which does not start from the inner corner of the eye, but from the middle of the upper eyelid. This will visually open your eyes. Forms No. 3 and No. 6 from the photo above are also well suited;
  2. On the impending century. In this case, a special approach is required, which is discussed in detail in the following video tutorial:

    It is also worth paying attention to forms No. 1, No. 4.

  3. For deep set eyes. Try to focus on the outer corner of the eye, while not placing the line too close to the growth of the eyelashes. For example, forms No. 2, 5, 7, 14 and 16 are suitable for you;
  4. For bulging eyes. For this shape of the eyes, photos No. 5, 6, 9 and 16 are perfect.

The following video provides professional drawing guidelines that will help you understand in detail how to draw arrows correctly:

How to draw arrows on the eyes

It is very difficult to answer the question “what is the best way to draw arrows” - everything here is purely individual. The modern cosmetics industry offers numerous products, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you need to choose from them according to personal preferences only through a series of trial and error! We will outline the main types of funds:


For those who are looking for a way to learn how to draw arrows in front of their eyes, eyeliner will be a great help - an ageless classic with which fashionistas have been creating their arrows for decades in a row! Today, at least 2 types of eyeliners are known:

> Liquid

Liquid eyeliner is the easiest to work with. In addition, it is the most popular tool for drawing arrows. As a rule, it comes with a hard felt or soft bristle brush included. The long-lasting liquid eyeliner is equipped with a felt applicator that will help you quickly and easily learn how to draw arrows!

> Gel

This type of eyeliner will help you create both thin arrows and complex graphic images. The gel texture can even be used as a base for eye makeup. It is worth noting that it will be difficult for beginners to immediately make friends with this material. To work with gel eyeliner, you will need to purchase a special beveled brush if it is not included in the kit, like with.

Liner / Marker / Felt pen

The work of these products is in many ways similar to each other, with the only difference being that the liner can also be in liquid form. Using these tools is equally simple, they help create a smooth arrow without gaps in just a jiffy. Makeup artists recommend lightly powdering the eyelid before starting work. Try it and appreciate its ease of use!


Before you draw arrows with a pencil, you need to consider some features of using this tool:

  • It is necessary to lightly powder the eyelid to avoid possible spreading of the stylus or its marks on the upper eyelid. For the same purpose, try to choose wax-based pencils that are moisture resistant or waterproof. An excellent option would be resistant eyeliner;
  • You need to draw arrows with a soft, but well-sharpened pencil. Otherwise, the outline will turn out blurry and ugly. If your pencil is too hard, you can slightly melt its lead by holding it over a lighter or candle;
  • Do not forget to carefully work out the space between the eyelashes to avoid gaps in the contour.

We draw arrows with a pencil along with a step-by-step video lesson from Elena Krygina:


Before you paint the arrows with shadows, it is important to create a base under the shadows with a primer and prepare a thin beveled brush. Let's take a look at the application step by step:

  1. Guided by the diagram above, we build the body of the arrow, starting from the inner corner of the eye and ending with the tip. To do this, you can use a small amount of pigment, so that in case of an error, correction can be easily carried out;
  2. We carefully connect the obtained points, trying to create an accurate, even line;
  3. We paint over the gaps;
  4. It is better to paint eyelashes only after the arrow is ready.

In order to make the color more saturated and bright, you can apply shadows on the finished arrow, made with a pencil or eyeliner.

Combinations of funds

To create perfect arrows, all means are good. You may well combine several cosmetic products, for example:

  1. Gel eyeliner + shimmer eyeshadow or metallic eyeshadow. Having worked the arrow on top with shadows, you will add shine and brightness;
  2. Pencil + eyeliner. A pencil is much easier to erase in case of a mistake. Therefore, a beginner can create an arrow first with a pencil, and then work out the finished version with an eyeliner. In addition, the pencil perfectly masks the gaps between the eyelashes, so it will be an excellent addition to the eyeliner in filling the space between the eyelashes;
  3. Pencil + matte shadows. An arrow drawn with a sharp pencil will look beautiful if it is shaded a little with black shadows. Be careful when doing this to only blend the outer edge of the outline!

How to correct errors and inaccuracies

Even if you know for sure how to draw arrows correctly, no one has canceled the possibility that the hand will accidentally tremble. Few people know that in order to correct their mistakes, it is not necessary to draw the entire arrow again - you can get by with a small correction:

  • minor irregularities can be hidden with dark shadows, gently blending them over the defect;
  • if an unevenness occurs on the arrow, then you can make the contour thicker and remove the flaw, but it is important to control the symmetry in both eyes;
  • sloppy protrusions along the outer edge can be painted over with a concealer and a brush.

How to draw arrows using improvised means

Before you can draw arrows beautifully the first time, some time for beginners to draw arrows without blots is a real dream. Only training and a few interesting life hacks will help to fix the problem, which will tell you how to draw arrows smoothly using available tools for this:

  1. Spoon. With a spoon, it is easy to create graphic corners of the arrows. Use a teaspoon as a ruler, firmly applying to the eyelid in the desired position and circling it with eyeliner.
  2. Scotch. Thin transparent tape is a good helper in creating a beautiful arrow. Glue a small piece to the bottom corner of the eye so that you can draw the bottom line. Make sure that the adhesive tape is pasted symmetrically on both eyes! Also, in order not to spoil the result, it is not recommended to remove the tape until the cosmetics are completely dry.
  3. Stencil. Today, there are many different stencils with which even experienced makeup artists sometimes draw arrows. You can buy them in any beauty salon, and the principle of their work is in many ways similar to eyebrow stencils.
  4. A plastic card. Drawing arrows with a plastic card is easy enough if you can fix it with high quality. Otherwise, if the hand trembles, then the makeup will be ruined.

Smooth arrows are easy to create with improvised means. However, the best assistant here is experience. By exercising daily, you will achieve excellent results.

Trending Arrows

Don't know what arrows to draw? Let's look at the most relevant and popular types of arrows:

> Basic

This thin arrow perfectly emphasizes the shape of the eye and will be a great addition. Just work out the lash line with a pencil and gently go “outside the border”, creating a thin arrow.

> Eastern

Assumes equally densely worked upper and lower eyelids with a fairly long and slightly curved upward arrow.

> Cat arrows

A short arrow with a thick base and a slightly curved tip. The beginning of the arrow goes beyond the outer corner of the eye with an acute angle. Sometimes it can also emphasize the lower ciliary edge. Ideal for creating a "sly" look.

> Double arrows

There are several ways to draw double arrows:

The arrow emphasizes both the upper and lower eyelids.

The arrow has a double tail.

Anyone who is going to draw arrows on their eyelids for the first time is embarking on a difficult path. It’s almost impossible to create the perfect make-up the first time (unless, of course, you have an art education), but don’t despair: a little practice and you will get arrows no worse than Lisa Eldridge. Let's start exploring the issue!

What is the best way to draw arrows?

There are five main beauty tools with which you can draw arrows. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. Which way is best for you? Depends on many factors.


The first tool that comes to mind when it comes to eyeliner arrows. Pencils are different in hardness - softer ones are suitable for mucosal eyeliner, harder ones are just used to create arrows. In addition, they are divided into classic and mechanical - the latter do not need to be sharpened. It is easiest to draw a convincing arrow with a pencil, which is why beginners are most often advised to start with them. Before using a pencil, put it in the freezer for 30 seconds and then sharpen it properly. But make sure that the remedy does not scratch the eyelid in any case!


The same pencil, but with a softer creamy texture. You can easily recognize this remedy by the inscription khôl or kajal. With the help of a kajal, it will not be possible to draw clear graphic arrows, but it is convenient for them to create soft feathered arrows or cat eye makeup, they are also often used as a substrate for smokey. Kayal must be fixed with shadows, otherwise it will clog into wrinkles or blur.



May be gel or cream. As a rule, it is produced in the format of small jars (like those in which eye cream is usually stored). Some manufacturers produce such an eyeliner complete with a thin brush (for example, Gel Intenza from L’Oréal Paris), but most often you have to buy it in addition. Choose a thin brush (can be beveled, as for eyebrows), it must be made of artificial bristles. Eyeliner provides richer color and longer lasting results than a pencil, but is not as easy to use. It will take some time to get used to it.

Liquid eyeliner is often called a liner, it is sold in the form of a pen with a felt tip (such a tool most closely resembles a felt-tip pen) or a thin brush. On the scale of convenience, the liner is second only to the pencil: its applicator allows you to create clear, straight lines and easily adjust the width of the arrow. By the way, when buying, pay attention to the size of the tip itself - marker eyeliners are sometimes produced with a fairly thick applicator (for example, Super Fat Eye Marker from NYX Professional Makeup), which is designed to draw thick arrows.

  • In the collections, some brands also have liners with a comfortable bendable handle - for example, the compass Grandiôse Liner from Lancôme. An applicator located at an angle makes it much more convenient for some girls to draw clear lines.

  • Another advantage of modern liquid eyeliners can be called a lot of color offers: in addition to classic black, you can find eyeliner in almost any color - from purple and green to gold and red (we wrote more about how to use colored eyeliners).

Special shadows for creating arrows have not yet been invented, and they are hardly needed: ordinary shadows do an excellent job. Use a thin beveled brush and regular eye shadow to draw an eye liner. This method is great for beginners, as the shadows are easy to erase - and if something goes wrong, you can always start over.

  • True, such arrows will last less than others, but you can resort to a simple beauty trick: just spray the brush with a make-up fixative spray and pick up shadows with an already wet brush. The arrow in the end will turn out to be quite resistant and will last all day.

Eyeliner arrows: step by step instructions

A few techniques that illustrate how to quickly and easily draw arrows with gel eyeliner and liquid liner.

Draw arrows for eyelids with gel eyeliner

Most often, gel eyeliner is used by professional makeup artists, since drawing straight arrows with it is not an easy task. But you can do it too! Use our step-by-step photo tutorial for beginners and practice more often.

Use an eyeshadow base, then apply a layer of light matte or shimmer eyeshadow on top. As an alternative, you can consider regular powder. Eyeliner applied to a "bare" eyelid can spread or imprint on the eyelid.

Walk along the orbital line with matte shades of nude or light brown. They mimic a natural shadow so the eye won't look flat.

Lightly emphasize the outer corner of the lower eyelid with the same nude shadows.

With a gel eyeliner typed on a thin synthetic brush, draw a thin "tail" that seems to continue the line of the eye. In this case, you need to keep your eyes wide open or half-closed, but in no case do not close them completely: you are unlikely to like the result.

Emphasize the upper eyelid. The line should run as close as possible to the eyelash contour and be thin enough. First, pull the eyelid with your fingers towards the outer corner of the eye: this way you smooth out small wrinkles, and the line will turn out to be more even.

Gently thicken the ponytail line while connecting it to the eyeliner line.

Use a black kayal or liner pencil to fill in between the lashes.

Highlighter mark the inner corner of the eye and the brow area to “open” the eyes and visually raise the eyebrow line.

Curl your lashes with a curler and apply mascara.

Arrows ready!

If you want to create a brighter version of makeup with arrows, watch beauty blogger Olya Red Autumn's video tutorial on creating two-tone arrows, in which she uses both a liner and a cream eyeliner.

Draw arrows with a liner

In general, the scheme for creating arrows with a liner duplicates the instructions with which you drew arrows with a gel eyeliner. And in any case, it all depends primarily on your skills.

Prepare the base. As we have already discussed, a special primer (for example, Primer Potion by Urban Decay) is best suited for this in combination with matte light shadows or powder applied to the upper eyelid.

Draw the "tail" of the arrow, trying not to pull it up too much. And take into account the shape of your eyebrows: if they are straight, do not draw the arrow strictly parallel.

Emphasize the upper eyelid and connect this line with the "tail".

Alina Fly Cloud demonstrates another simple and convenient way to draw arrows with a liner.

How to draw arrows with a pencil: a step by step diagram

Pencil is the easiest way to learn how to draw perfect arrows. Follow our instructions to make sure.

Remove the remnants of old makeup and oily film with micellar water. Do not use eye cream or any other moisturizer, otherwise the makeup will not last long. Apply base and powder eyelids.

Bring the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid and mark the space between the eyelashes with a pencil so that the arrow does not end up looking like a “foreign body”.

Draw a soft "tail". To make the arrow end up a little more pointed, you can draw a line at an angle of 45 degrees.

Bring the upper eyelid, pulling it a little with your finger to create a smooth line. But you should not resort to the same trick at the stage of drawing the "tail": it will come out crooked.

Smoothly thicken the arrow, moving to the outer corner. At the final stage, paint over the eyelashes.

Look for a video tutorial on creating pencil arrows below.

Draw arrows with shadows

Can't draw arrows with either a pencil, or gel eyeliner, or a liner? Dont be upset! There is another proven tool in stock.

6 types of arrows for eyelids

Eyeliners are at the peak of popularity: they can be seen on the catwalk, in advertising campaigns of the best brands, and on the red carpet. At the same time, makeup artists are trying to impress the imagination of the audience by inventing arrows of the most bizarre shapes:, and even. For those who are not yet ready for large-scale beauty experiments, we have compiled a list of different forms of arrows that are considered canonical.


Such a small and delicate arrow is the easiest to create, because in fact it is not really an arrow. Just line the upper lash line with a pencil and slightly bring the “tip” out of the outer corner of the eye. This technique helps to make eyelashes visually thicker. And if you also make up them, then the wow effect is guaranteed!


Actually, that version of the arrow for the eyelids, which we analyzed in detail in the photo and video instructions above. With such make-up - both to the feast and to the world!


Visually resembles the base, but has a thicker base. With the help of such an arrow, you can achieve the same effect of cunning "cat's" eyes.


As the name implies, traditionally such wide and bright arrows are preferred by a resident of the East, but in recent years, such a make-up eye has become a real hit among European women. Read more about how to create Arabic arrows in. Or watch the tutorial video below.

cat eyes

The main sign of "cat" arrows is a wide base and a flirtatious upturned "tail", which makes the look more cunning and mysterious. It will not be easy for a beginner to repeat such a make-up, but over time you will probably bring things to automatism. Follow the basic scheme that we have compiled especially for you.

How to choose the right arrow shape?

Of course, when choosing the shape of the arrows for the eyes, you should first of all take into account the structural features of the eyelid, the goal that you want to achieve with such makeup (for example, visually enlarge the eyes), as well as the occasion. To understand which form of arrows is right for you, go through our simple. And read the list of recommendations below.

The best arrows for close-set eyes

Your main task when creating makeup is to visually "push" the eyes. The fastest way to do this is with the so-called half arrow.

Apply highlighter to the inner corner of the eye.

Designate the "tail" of the arrow.

Bring the upper eyelid, start not from the inner corner of the eye, but from the middle.

Connect the eyeliner line and the "tip" of the arrow.

Arrows for deep-set eyes

In this case, the same rule applies as with makeup for close-set eyes: the arrow should not start strictly from the inner corner of the eye. In addition, the lines should be as thin as possible, and the upper eyelid should be brought as close to the lash line as possible. The more emphasis you put on the outer corner of the eye, the better!

Perfect arrows for Asian eyes

The best arrow for girls with Asian eyes and narrow eyelids is cat eye.

Line both upper and lower eyelids.

The "tails" of the arrows should be located diagonally, away from the temple.

How to draw arrows for eyes with an impending eyelid?

The overhanging eyelid will hide the classic arrow underneath, so a separate look was invented specifically for this case. Follow the instructions.

Line the interciliary space and mucous membrane of the upper eyelid with a pencil.

Create a "tail" of the arrow by opening your eyes wide and looking straight ahead. Draw a line from the outer corner to the temple, and from the point where this line ends, draw a straight strip to the crease.

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Outline the upper lashes and connect this line to the "tail" that you designed in the previous step. So you visually stretch your eyes a little and increase them.

How to draw straight arrows: 5 beauty hacks

Tips that will make your life much easier.

The most popular and simple beauty trick that many bloggers and makeup artists use is to use pieces of tape. Glue them under the eyes, and then draw a line along the edge: you will get a smooth outline of the future arrow. By the way, you can also use any credit or discount card as a "ruler".

Not having a relationship with an eyeliner? Try experimenting with a different texture by heating the lead over the candle for a few seconds. It will melt a little, become softer and more pliable.

If you are afraid that the hand may tremble, first mark the future line of the arrow with barely noticeable dots or dotted lines. Then connect them with a pencil or eyeliner.

A concealer or corrector will help you quickly correct a mistake made in the process of drawing arrows. Just erase the blot! For the same purpose, a thin synthetic brush moistened with makeup remover is useful.

To make the arrows symmetrical, each stage must be immediately duplicated on the second eye.

Overview of make-up tools for creating arrows

Five products from different categories that will serve you well.

Liner L'Oréal Paris Superliner Superstar

The word "super" is not in vain found in the name of this tool twice as much - this eyeliner-felt pen is unanimously praised by professional makeup artists, beauty bloggers, and simple "users". A convenient flexible felt tip allows you to draw fine lines and create clear arrows. The brush is long, and applying it along the lash line, you can draw a perfectly even line in almost one movement. Plus, the winglets created with this liner last all day long!


Liner-marker Monsieur Big, Lancôme

One of the main beauty novelties of 2017 will definitely not lose its popularity in 2018. With a thick felt tip, this liner lets you create the perfect cat eye in no time.

Kayal The Colossal, Maybelline

The soft kayal glides easily over the skin, leaving a rich jet-black line that blends perfectly: creating a smoky eye makeup with The Colossal is a pleasure. That we have proven time and again.


Gel shining eyeliner Cosmic Gel Liner, NYX Professional Makeup

Down with boring colors - create sparkling eye makeup in all shades of pink and blue! This gel eyeliner can be used on its own or in addition to a basic black liner for truly dramatic eyeliner.


Waterproof pencil Dessin Du Regard, YSL

The collection includes six shades at once, from classic black to festive golden. The pencil glides on smoothly without scratching the eyelid, and the waterproof formula ensures this beauty companion stays with you until the end of the party.

The easiest and most convenient "tool" for drawing clear arrows is a liquid eyeliner. It is easier for beginners to use a liner with an applicator (the thinner its tip is, the more elegant the arrow will turn out). To draw an arrow with a liquid eyeliner with a brush, you will need to practice well. But by adjusting the pressure and angle of the brush of such a liner, you can achieve different line thicknesses. Los Angeles makeup artist Jenn Streicher, favorite Emily Blunt and many other Hollywood stars, believes that for those who do not like to spend a lot of time on makeup, a liquid felt-tip liner is the most convenient. You can draw clear thin arrows for them (almost the same that stars show on the red carpet) very quickly. “The main thing to remember is that you need to store it vertically, tip down, so you avoid premature drying of the liner,” Jenn advises.

With an eye pencil, no matter how sharp it is, it will not work to draw the same clear and thin arrow as a liner. However, you can go to the trick and “pull out” its tip with a beveled brush. As for the cream and gel eyeliners so beloved by many makeup artists, they are usually the most persistent (you can even swim with some) and are ideal if you need to blend the arrows. However, such an eyeliner will require a good brush, and often a thinner (eyeliner thinner): cream and gel eyeliners in jars dry out fairly quickly, especially if they are marked waterproof.

Fallback: dark shadows that can be used as eyeliner if applied with a damp brush.

2. Follow the correct sequence in makeup

Like shadows, a liner or pencil will last longer on your eyelids and lie more evenly if you first apply the base (if the skin is oily, this is an indispensable condition for persistent eye makeup!). “Draw arrows after applying shadow, but before applying mascara,” advises lead makeup artist Nars Cosmetics James Boehmer. By the way, if you curl your eyelashes, this should also be done after you have drawn the arrows.

How to draw trendy arrows: 7 makeup artist tricks

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3. Don't rush...

... Not when you draw arrows, not when they are already finished. Even the most long-wearing and quick-drying liner takes 20-30 seconds to dry on the skin, so lower your lids or even close them so that the liner doesn't smudge or mark on your upper lid.

4. If you can’t draw straight arrows, cheat

For example, use a pencil or cream eyeliner for arrows and blend them so that the uneven line does not catch your eye (it is best to use a soft brush with a beveled tip or a pencil applicator to blend). If it is difficult to draw a long line, you can draw an arrow with broken strokes. “Just hold the applicator or brush as close to the lash line as possible and make small strokes,” explains James Boechmer. And if you can’t draw wide arrows, even and symmetrical, you should first draw their outline, and then paint over it. By the way, many makeup artists resort to this technique for speed. If the thing with drawing is really bad, and a beautiful arrow does not work out in any way - the famous British makeup artist Pat McGrath advises beginners to first outline the arrow with a pencil, and then repeat the line using liquid eyeliner. Or, if we are talking about wide arrows, also draw a contour with a pencil - and then paint over it with eyeliner. And finally, to make it less likely that the hand will tremble at the most crucial moment - put your elbow on the table. Thus, it will be easier to draw a straight arrow.

Brand promo

Eyeliner LUXE, Avon, shade Black Luxury. Glitter Fizz Eyeliner, Bourjois, shade 32 Nuit Etoilee. Gel eyeliner, MAC, shade Local Wares. Eyeliner Professionale, Collistar, shade 16 Pavone. Liquid Eye Liner, Jane Iredale, Copper

5. Don't obsess over black arrows

They always attract attention, so any uneven lines or the slightest asymmetry immediately catches the eye. In addition, black arrows may not be very appropriate in everyday makeup, especially if you are a delicate blonde. But brown or graphite gray eyeliner is what you need! “Chocolate brown eyeliner is never rough and goes with everyone, regardless of skin tone or eye color,” says another celebrity makeup artist from the Hollywood Hills, Kate Lee collaborating with Chanel and constantly working with Keira Knightley, Sienna Miller, Kate Bosworth and other stars.

In summer, you want bright and rich colors not only in clothes, but also in makeup. So don't be afraid to experiment with color. Moreover, it is not the first season that the trend of bright shades in eye makeup has been kept.

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Do not be afraid of bright experiments. The ONE Dual Drama double-ended eyeliners will help with this

6. When choosing the shape of the arrows, be guided, first of all, by your external data

Super fashionable wide "cat arrows" for half a century, which became a hit after the shows of Lanvin, Anna Sui, Moschino, go, first of all, to girls with large and wide-set eyes. If the eyes are small, it is better to choose a colored eyeliner (black can visually make the eyes even smaller) and bring the tips of the arrows as far as possible. With close-set eyes, “cat arrows” should not be started from the inner corners of the eyes, but slightly retreated from them. Molly Stern, bringing beauty to faces Reese Witherspoon, Kate Beckinsale, Mandy Moore, advises in this case also to highlight the inner corners of the eyes with a light pencil (peach, champagne shade or cream) - in order to visually increase the distance between the eyes.

7. Do not draw arrows on closed eyelids

In this case, it is highly likely that when you open them, the arrow will have an irregular shape, and its tip, instead of going up, will be directed down. As a result, the face will acquire a dull expression, and the outer corners of the eyes will visually drop. If you are not a super pro at arrows, draw them only with your eyes open (in extreme cases, the eyelids can be slightly closed, but only slightly). Another option is to outline the outline of the arrow, keeping your eyes open, and then, having closed the eyelid, draw the outline more carefully.