How to choose a new style of clothing. Masculine Femininity: Stella McCartney. Choose a new style or change the image

Karina Kuzmina | 5.12.2014 | 4314

Karina Kuzmina 5.12.2014 4314

Your clothes say a lot about you: ideally, they reflect your character, mood and habits. But what if you are accustomed to unconditionally follow the fashion rules and still do not know how to find your style? These tips will help you!

Your wardrobe evolves with you. Whether you like it or not, it reflects a change of hobbies, new stages of life. In a word, it “represents” you to this world exactly the way you want to look. Or not at all?

Have you ever thought that following all fashionable stereotypes (how to look according to age, figure and clothing size) deprives you of freedom of expression? But what if for a moment you forget about all the rules and try to find your own style in clothes on your own?

At any age you can look stylish and modern

Don't box yourself in

The first and main step is to get out of your comfort zone and not be afraid of experiments. Let's say that for the past couple of years you have been an ardent supporter of an emphasized feminine style and your closet has gradually turned into a reservation of puffy skirts, fitted dresses and all kinds of ruffles. But who said that jeans, T-shirts and sweatshirts are no longer your territory?

If you feel the desire to change something in your style to the unknown and new, do not be afraid - try, create! Perhaps today you will feel at ease in a classic, tomorrow in jeans and a sweatshirt, the day after tomorrow in a dress with a bold print.

Don't be afraid to change looks

Your style is a field for endless experiments. After all, you are not obliged to maintain the stereotypical image with which you are associated with your friends all your life.

Take inspiration from everywhere

Can't decide on the aesthetics of your new image? Read fashion magazines, subscribe to fashion bloggers, watch the latest cinema.

But there is one danger here - trying to completely copy the "star" style of your favorite actress or singer. Perhaps you dream of looking like Kate Moss. Well, that's great. Just keep one thing in mind: a whole team of professionals is working on the hair, makeup and image of Kate Moss, and you will never succeed in becoming the second Kate Moss.

Yes, you are unlikely to be able to play the role of a Hollywood diva, but at least with one role you will cope perfectly well - play the most beautiful and stylish version of yourself. And there is nothing wrong with that: it’s better to be yourself, unlike anyone else and one of a kind, than another fashionable clone.

Continue to be inspired by Japanese street style, Audrey Hepburn style, hippie generation fashion - whatever, as long as you do not copy it literally, but adjust everything to suit you, your tastes and preferences.

Forget about the word "slim"

The phrases “slim”, “hide flaws”, “slimming silhouette”, “visually make you slimmer” constantly sound from the pages of fashion magazines. But think about it: what does “slim” mean? To look better in the eyes of others? To hide from them that your figure is far from a retouched glossy magazine?

Do not focus on photoshopped glossy photos

Women with curves are constantly advised to abandon horizontal stripes in favor of vertical ones that visually stretch the figure. Thin people are not recommended to wear tight clothes so that no one accidentally notices that their breast size is smaller than that of a model on the cover of men's magazines. What if you like horizontal stripes and tight tops? Why should you be shy about a plus size or a modest bust?

Instead of hiding flaws, emphasize the virtues!

Look at the same famous beauties: they manage to win the hearts of the opposite sex, having not the most ideal and often modest forms.

Who said you have to try to look two sizes slimmer or bigger if you feel comfortable in your body? Forget about stereotypes and be guided by your own taste!

Love yourself and your body

Be bold

Take the time to just try on unusual looks. Go to the shops not to spend an advance, but to understand what you like and fit you well.

Try it on your own. Forget about the usual combination of white top - black bottom. In fact, it adorns a rare woman and looks “poor but clean” on most, and not “simple and tasteful.”

Bright colors look more advantageous and modern

Learn to combine prints - it's not as scary as it might seem at first glance!

Are you afraid to start changing your image on your own? Contact a specialist.

In a word, just love and accept yourself for who you are, and the wardrobe will naturally change along with a change in thinking.

Experiment with unusual combinations

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It often happens that a bought dress or an acquired business suit at some point turn out to be completely unsuitable.

Why this happens, how to deal with it and on what principles to choose clothes, you will be prompted by the advice of stylists.

By the way, on the Internet you can find a lot of advice from stylists, most of which are quite vague, but this is not because stylists do not want to reveal professional secrets and are in a conspiracy, but because it is very difficult to give universal advice that will be equally useful to everyone.
Some advice can be a lifesaver for one person and a devastating one for another, which is why stylists are so careful about mass recommendations. The post contains the most universal, but at the same time useful tips that can give something new to those who are seriously passionate about the formation of a personal image.

How to buy clothes

1. If in doubt whether to buy a thing or not, then buy it better, but be sure to keep the receipt so that if you change your mind, you can return it. It’s better to buy and then sell it than to suffer from the fact that you didn’t buy the thing you liked at the right time, and then it was gone (this will make it seem even more necessary to you), and not buying this thing will seem even more annoying . Keep in mind that if you pay with a card, the money will be returned to your card within two weeks, so if you are unsure of the purchase, then it is better to pay in cash and check with the seller about the possible nuances of the return.
True, this advice does not apply to the purchase of underwear, you will not be able to hand it over.

2. When buying, it will not be superfluous to ask for a discount, almost always in any store they can make a discount of at least 5%, you just need to feel free to ask about it.

3. In order not to carry a huge number of discount cards with you (and they are now issued in every store), some of the cards can be photographed on the phone, in most cases it is enough just to name the card number.

4. At the beginning of shopping, do not rush to buy the first item you like, it is better to ask to postpone it for you for a couple of hours, perhaps in other stores you will find something more interesting, and if not, then with confidence that you have chosen the best, you will purchase the previously postponed thing.

5. If you are not sure of your taste, then do not combine more than 3 colors in the kit and accessories (black, white and gray do not count).

6. “Do you have the same one with mother-of-pearl buttons?” If the thing suits you, but the buttons are embarrassing, then in addition to the fact that you can simply sew on others, sometimes existing buttons are enough just to “cheer up” with colored nail polish. The main thing in the process of painting, do not forget to secure the fabric around the button to be painted with tape.
By the way, sometimes jewelry can be improved in this way.

7. The formula for good style is creativity divided by adequacy. That is, your image should not be insipid - it is boring and uninteresting, at the same time, excessive creativity gives rise to fashion freaks. Good style is always appropriate. Adequate to a person's appearance, fashion trends, relevance and does not contradict goals.

8. Do not get hung up on lists, otherwise you risk getting a boring and banal set of things.
Each has its own base.

9. Invest in accessories. Expensive and high-quality accessories can raise the value of even the simplest and most inexpensive outfit.

10. Don't go to the store with your girlfriends - they are bad advisers.

11. Consultants and stylists at stores are the same sellers, whose main function is to sell the goods of a particular store by providing an additional service. Therefore, be vigilant when listening to their advice.

12. When choosing a thing, think about what you will wear it with, if your wardrobe does not have a set for this thing, then think about whether you need it or see point 1.

13. Don't buy edgy things on sale: they are sold out only because the fashion is already over.

14. The expression "prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart in the winter" is not suitable for mods. Buying summer clothes at the beginning of autumn with a 70% discount, counting on the fact that you will wear them next summer, in a year you risk forgetting about them, and if you remember, they may no longer be relevant or you just don’t like them, so this is doubtful saving.

15. Throwing old things out of the closet gives you an incentive to buy new ones, do not show excessive trepidation for old clothes, these are just things.
Image Industry

How to choose the right clothes

You rarely meet a woman who will be completely satisfied with her figure. More often, girls only sigh, looking at the glossy pages of fashion magazines or at TV screens. However, anyone can look chic, you just need to correctly choose clothes that hide flaws and emphasize the advantages that are in each figure.

One of the first rules of good taste in clothes - selection of clothes in a "single whole", that is, the entire set must be designed in the same style and look complete. In order to deal with this issue on your own, you can use clothing catalogs and fashion magazines, they will tell you what to wear with what.
When choosing a wardrobe in the store, try to look at the entire collection and choose the combinations that are most suitable for you.

Another main point when choosing clothes is clothing size. It is unacceptable to wear clothes smaller or larger, in both cases it looks comical.
And psychologists say what this can say about your attitude: smaller than necessary clothes are worn by people who want to look or be better than they really are, and larger clothes are usually worn by those who have low self-esteem.
It turns out that you also need to choose the right size of clothes in order to hide your complexes.

Don't forget and about color scheme, color can "kill" or, conversely, transform a person.

  • Pastel and beige colors are more suitable for dark-skinned people with bright features.
  • Blondes and blondes go for bright colors.

The easiest way to determine which color suits you is with a mirror and several solid fabrics in different colors. Try to remember which shade is yours and in stores it will be much easier to choose things of one color or another.

When choosing clothes, pay attention per fabric type:

  • firstly, the fabrics in the kit must match,
  • secondly, the fabrics must match the figure.

Ladies with curvy shapes are best suited for outfits made of dense and well-structured fabrics. A thin type of figure is more suitable for soft-fitting knitwear and fabrics with padding that will create the effect of volume.

Well, and perhaps most importantly - clothes should be chosen according to the characteristics of your particular figure. Here are some general guidelines

1) Short legs visually lengthen beige shoes and a short skirt
2) The fullness of the hips will be hidden by straight-cut trousers or jeans
3) If you have a thin waist, but wide hips, then flared jeans and a belt at the waist will be ideal for you
4) Small drawings visually reduce, large ones, on the contrary, increase
5) Maxi dresses and skirts make you look shorter.
6) Shapeless clothes disfigure any figure
7) Shoes with thin heels or stilettos with a round toe make the leg visually smaller
8) Pointy shoes make the foot look bigger.
9) Black tights (no more than 50 den) will make your legs a couple of kg slimmer and a couple of centimeters longer, and paired with black shoes (or dark colors) will make you the owners of legs from the ears.
10) Light tights, on the contrary, make the legs fuller and shorter. But! Longer with beige shoes.
12) A sheer blouse makes your top open to others and shows your strengths but also your weaknesses.
14) If you do not know how to combine things correctly, then follow the classic canons of fashion and style.
15) Rule of three colors: do not use more than three components in your image, otherwise you risk seeming ridiculous
16) Hairstyle should be combined with all the components of your wardrobe
17) Do not spray perfume on your clothes, except if you use
the same spirits. The scent may last up to a month.
18) V-shaped necklines are suitable for chubby girls, round necklines for girls with an oval face.
19) Avoid obsessing over something, or risk being the owner of a wardrobe with only black things or things of the same style, for example.
20) Over the knee boots shorten your legs!
21) A sheath dress suits both thin and curvaceous girls equally. But on girls with a thin waist and feminine hips, it will look better.

Clothes that make you slimmer

About, , I have already written repeatedly, because the topic is relevant to me. Today we’ll just “go over” the basic tips of stylists.

1) We increase growth
If you want to look slimmer, then the easiest way to achieve this is to visually increase your height. In this case, the width of the body will be balanced by the height. It's all about optical illusions.
To increase growth, you should use:

  • long beads,
  • vertical stripes,
  • heels,
  • updo hairstyle,
  • elongated clothing silhouettes (for example, not a short jacket, but an elongated jacket).

It is better not to use shoes with an ankle strap or ankle boots in shoes, because. they visually shorten the legs and reduce growth.
Great high boots.

2) Heels
Among personal stylists, there is such a rule: 1 cm of heels visually removes 1 kg of weight.
Heels are very well stretched and slim figure.
Of course, you should not choose very high heels (at the rate of 20 kg of weight = 20 cm heel), it is better to prefer a wider stable heel.

3) V-neck dresses and sweaters
A must have for those who want to look slimmer is the v-neck. On the one hand, such a neckline visually stretches the figure, on the other hand, it focuses attention on a beautiful chest.

4) Long sleeves
When we gain extra pounds, they are distributed throughout the body: not only the stomach or hips grow fat, but also, for example, the arms.
Full arms are best masked with long sleeves or a shawl. It is believed that women with full arms are best not to wear dresses and tops with straps or sleeveless.

5) Flared clothes
Best of all, figure flaws are masked by clothes (dresses, sweaters, coats) in the Empire style - clothes that flare from the chest or are trapezoidal in shape. Such clothes perfectly mask the stomach and full hips.

6) Black color
Any woman knows that black is slimming. These rules should not be neglected if you want to look slimmer, even if you are black and it seems boring.
This is due to the fact that the black color absorbs the sun's rays and visually reduces the volume of the object. In addition to black, all other dark colors (dark blue, gray) lose weight.
Black is also the color of elegance.

7) Single color clothing sets
One of the almost magical ways to look slimmer is to make your look monochrome, i.e. combine items of only one color in a set.
The more patterns in clothes, the larger their size, the more kilograms you visually weigh.

8) Tan
The tanned skin looks on the one hand more toned, and on the other hand hides the defects of the figure.

Experiment, love yourself, but do not forget about others, many people are envious and unfriendly, do not let them notice your oversights in the wardrobe...

I wish you good luck in finding your unique style of clothing!

Every girl strives to look unsurpassed, unique and stylish. Fashion changes every day and it becomes difficult to be in trend all the time. But in order to look stylish, it is not at all necessary to follow all the fashion trends and blindly copy someone else's images. Every girl needs her own and unique style.

Turn on your imagination, have a little courage, consider the following tips and choose your own style.

The first step is to look inside yourself and determine in which image you will be most comfortable, and in which you feel confident and natural. High heels, casual or pin-up dresses? In this case, it is necessary to take into account such factors as age, features of appearance and profession.

No matter how much you want to wear tight cocktail dresses or skinny jeans all the time, you first need to determine the type of figure, and then understand what things will emphasize its advantages, and which can ruin the whole image.

In total, there are 5 types of figure in nature:

Shoulders, waist and hips are the same width. Tight-fitting or baggy things will not decorate the figure. When choosing a style of clothing, it is worth giving preference to styles that repeat the silhouette. These are straight jackets, skirts and loose blouses, but with a round neckline that will emphasize the chest.

Pear-shaped. Slim, well-defined waist and wide hips. In such cases, when choosing clothes, you need to balance the proportions, visually narrowing the hips, and giving a little volume to the shoulders.

V-shaped. The width of the shoulders exceeds the width of the hips. When choosing clothes for this type of figure, you need to increase the volume in the hips. Flared skirts or peplum dresses will help solve this problem. But you should forget about ruffles and flounces on shirts.

Ideal proportions, in which the shoulders and hips are the same width, and the waist is thin and well-defined. For this type of figure, any clothes, chosen with taste, are suitable.

Oh - figurative. This type of figure is characteristic of plump girls. The shoulders are small, and the waist is much larger than the hips. To hide flaws, in no case do not pick up voluminous clothes and bulky accessories. Lines in clothing should be vertical, lengthening the silhouette. The most successful choice would be a dress with a non-cut waist, an elongated and tapered shape.

Much in a stylish look depends on the color scheme, which is almost impossible to choose successfully without determining your own color type.
There are only 4 color types, and they depend on the color of the hair, skin and eyes. Having determined your color type, you should not try on the colors of other seasons, as they will look unsuccessful and unnatural.

Spring: skin is light, pale, with a slight blush, there may be bright freckles; hair is most often yellowish-blonde, golden chestnut, from straw to honey-copper; eyes are grey-green or golden brown. All shades of green, apricot, peach, coral, cream, beige yellow, milk chocolate color are suitable ...

Summer: skin is milky white, pale, cold shade; hair is light blond, almost white, over the years it becomes ashy or dark chestnut; eyes are gray or gray-blue, may be a cold greenish tint. Pale blue colors, silver, pearl, lilac, beige-grayish, crimson, cherry are suitable ...

Autumn: skin with freckles, no blush, translucent white or golden; hair from copper-gold to red-brown; eyes are grey, blue or golden brown. Warm autumn colors are suitable: red, golden, mustard, yellowish-beige, copper and bronze ...

Winter: porcelain skin, with some bluish tint; dark brown to black hair; eyes can be bright blue, blue, brown or black. Suitable colors: white, black, blue, blue, purple, silver, bright crimson, burgundy ...

To create a unique style, choose a distinctive piece that will complement any look. It can be glasses, scarves, bracelets, hats, hair ornaments - whatever comes to mind. But this detail should be appropriate and in harmony with the whole image.

Following fashion does not mean following it. It is not necessary to buy a pair of leather trousers if they are fashionable this season. It's stupid, not practical, expensive and not the fact that they suit you. But you can at least observe the style of celebrities, drawing useful details for yourself. It is equally useful to follow fashion blogs. There you'll find tips on how to style things together, how to make a great look out of your closet, and what to buy as a base for a lot of stylish looks.

Finding your own style is not an easy task, and you can't do without experimenting. The main thing is to be brave and not to be shy. Change your hairstyle and hair color, boldly combine things that seem appropriate to you, wear something that you could not decide on before. Even a negative experience is the key to creating your own style.

The right combination of things is, perhaps, the key to creating a unique image. There are a few rules to help you avoid ridiculous mistakes:
- no need to combine things of cold and warm colors / shades
- in the whole image there should be no more than 3 colors (unless, if they are shades of the same base color)
- it is better to choose clothes of those colors that suit your color type
- clothes made of dense fabrics should be worn only on top of all others
- do not clog the wardrobe with unnecessary, but "cute" things that do not go well with anything. It is better to purchase a couple of quality items that will become the base for most looks (black skinny jeans, a masculine-cut shirt, a pencil skirt ...).

Style icon Victoria Beckham always says that accessories are the perfect complement to any look. Glasses, watches, bag, bracelets, rings, scarves. And this is worth listening to, but you need to know when to stop. Do not use more than 3 different accessories in one look.

A girl can be beautifully dressed, but with gaudy makeup and a bad haircut, she will not look her best. Hair emphasizes and frames the face, so you need to experiment and find a hairstyle that adorns you.

As for makeup, it should be appropriate for the time and place and not be conspicuous. You don’t need to highlight several details on your face at once: if you painted your lips with red lipstick, then refrain from clear arrows and shadows, and if you made yourself smokey ice, then paint your lips with colorless cream lipstick.

Shoes are an important part of the style. It should be not only fashionable, but also comfortable. Heels do not adorn a woman who cannot walk in them.
It is better to get yourself three pairs of quality shoes (ballet flats, stilettos and jockey boots) in neutral colors that will match all your fashionable bows. In addition, fashion changes from season to season, and shoes last for several years. To save money and stay in trend, give preference to classic models that never go out of style.

Follow these simple tips and you are sure to find your unique and inimitable style.

Successful experiments and be unique!

In recent years, the profession of an image maker is rapidly gaining popularity, more and more new projects dedicated to the intricacies of creating an image appear on the screen. But does the creation of a style, an image, include the “right” suit, fashionable styling and current perfumes? What does the image really affect and how to create the desired image? "Passion" decided to find out by sending their correspondent to an image agency for a consultation. This is her story today.

Let's start with the fact that the task of the editors came in handy - for a long time something vaguely did not suit me in myself. In general, I liked myself, but as a perfectionist in the field of appearance, I could not find clothes that were comfortable and “mine” 100%. In addition, I wanted to look as feminine as possible.

For changes, I went to the image agency "Stylish Person".

Irina Pchelina, stylist-image maker and head of the agency:

“Each of us is our own image maker. Consciously or not, we create a certain image for ourselves, built on a combination of elements of a visual form (hairstyle, clothes, makeup, accessories, manicure), behaviors (hike, facial expressions, speech, gestures) and habitat (environment, life, home) .

Our appearance says a lot about us, regardless of what we think about ourselves. The goal of an image stylist is to help you become an expert in shaping your look. Our goal is to help you realize, perhaps re-remember and update through style your own "I"

Stage 1. Color

A person, perceiving the environment, reacts first to the color, and then to the form. Therefore, when starting to work on your image, you need to start by determining the color type. Based on a common theory, from birth a person belongs to one of them. Color types, conventionally named after the seasons, are divided into warm and cold. Shades of clothing, make-up and accessories are selected accordingly. Spring and Autumn are warm, Summer and Winter are cold.

Spring is a warm type bright sign - thin pinkish-peach skin, always light hair tone, shades - golden, straw, honey. Eyes - light blue, amber, gray, but always - light and transparent.

Autumn- this is also a warm, but more "saturated" color type. Autumn people naturally have red, copper, or bronze hair, possibly with brown tones. The skin tone is not as transparent as in spring, more dense. Eyes can be brown, gray, green.

Summer- cold type. Accordingly, the tone of summer skin is cold, light, pinkish-bluish. Hair - from light blonde to dark brown, but always with light brown or ashy undertones. summer may be contrasting (this is a more saturated type, with dark hair and eyebrows) and not contrasting (with blond hair).

Winter- This is the coldest and brightest color type. Winter people have dark hair, light skin and bright eyes. Like summer, winter is divided into contrast (light skin and dark hair) and non-contrasting (dark olive skin tone and dark hair).

In order to determine whether you are warm or cold color type,

bring to your face first warm, and then cold tones of the same color. You will surely notice that against the background of one of the tones, the color of your face will turn out to be healthier, its colors will “play out”. “Not your own” tone, on the contrary, will give the skin an unhealthy, unusual shade.

(While I was learning to match tones according to my color type, I finally understood why some of my clothes seemed to fit my figure perfectly, but I looked “pale” in them).

After you determine your color type, it will become much easier to select the most winning clothes. By the way, the difference in tones in no way limits your color choice - any color can be "warm" or "cold". The saturation of the color also does not affect its warmth or coldness, even a bright red hue can be cold.

So, for example, my color type is non-contrasting winter- correspond to cold, pure, bright colors. If the shade is red, then - raspberry, blue - indigo and snow-blue, green - emerald and malachite, gray - graphite and anthracite shades. (Yes, a yellow blouse, an orange turtleneck and a brown dress will have to say goodbye ...)

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

Shades of summer: blue - gray-blue, gray-blue, denim, brown - a shade of cocoa, pinkish brown, yellow - shades of lemon peel and lemon pulp, red - burgundy, cherry, gray-pink shades.

And do not forget that the shades should be cold, without an admixture of yellow in the color (if red, then not orange, but for example, raspberry, pink).

Spring corresponds to a warm light transparent gamma. Shades of Spring: peach, coral, turquoise, light green, pea, honey, violet, coffee, cream. Black spring is best not to use.

Autumn- these are warm saturated thick colors - scarlet, red-brown, orange, blue-green, khaki, plum, coffee, baked milk color - in general, all the colors that nature is saturated with during leaf fall and harvest. Now is the time to take a closer look at her colors in order to clearly see what warm and cold shades are.

Stage 2. The form

Body type and its correction

Each of us is unique, but there are only a few types of female figures (and this is good, otherwise it would be completely impossible to find clothes in stores). But there are many ways to correct the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages!

At this stage, I mentally weeded out the next part of the wardrobe and even more clearly understood why in some pretty things I was not 100% satisfied with myself, and in others, not at all edgy and seemingly not attracting attention, I felt surprisingly beautiful. It was all in the details.

For example, in the width of the straps (narrow straps make wide shoulders visually even wider); or in the cut of pockets on jeans: the fact is that the direction of the diagonal line (and the edge of the pocket is such) makes any shape (in this case, the shape of the hips) wider and lower or narrower and higher.

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

Girls with broad shoulders vertical fasteners are recommended, no gathers along the shoulder line, narrow long lapels of jackets. For narrow shoulders, a boat neckline, American armhole, large pattern, raglan are suitable.

For wide hips recommended: mid-knee length of dresses and skirts and slightly tapered or slightly flared silhouette, slits or wraps, side seams, muted tones. For narrow hips - yoke skirts, with pleats, wide trousers, multiple vertical stripes on trousers, accents on the waist and hips, voluminous texture of the fabric.

High growth can be adjusted as follows: lengthen the top (jacket, blouse), and shift bright accents down (border, belts, bracelets). Low growth is corrected, of course, by a heel and a shift in emphasis, on the contrary, upwards - brooches, scarves, large earrings, etc.

big breasts, if necessary, visually corrected with dark tones, narrow cutouts and a high smell. Small breasts can be visually enlarged by blouses on yokes with gathers above the chest, light colors, large patterns and voluminous textures.

In the process of studying the topic, I realized another important thing: our consciousness is filled with many incorrect stereotypes related to clothing. For example, obese people often wear dark tones, believing that dark is slimming. To think so is to confuse form and color.

So beloved by many black color visually compacts the shape, creates a feeling of monumentality - which is clearly contraindicated for people with magnificent forms. Their tones, on the contrary, should be light, and you need to adjust the figure with the help of clothing proportions.

Another of our mass delusions is that a vertical strip is slimming. In fact one vertical line (for example, a zipper on a jumper) makes any form narrower and higher, but in the plural - wider and lower! A multiple horizontal line makes the shape taller and narrower! (Remember this when choosing clothes).

Stage 3. Accessories

Accessories are additions to the image, which, like clothes, can correct the figure and the perception of people around you. The area that will be highlighted by the accessory will, firstly, draw attention to itself, and, secondly, distract attention from other areas.

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

For example, large beautiful earrings will immediately highlight your eyes, and a flying scarf will highlight your gait. Beautiful wrists are emphasized by bracelets. The opposite effect: if you don't want to accentuate a part of your body, don't highlight it with an accessory.

When choosing accessories, body proportions are taken into account: for slender figures, narrow bags, thin heels and shoe capes are selected, for “voluminous” figures and bags should be voluminous, heels should be stable (this harmonizes the overall appearance of the figure).

Secrets from stylists: the toe of the shoe, the shape of the jewelry and the neckline of the garment should be similar to the shape of the face.

Stage 4. Style

However, the colors, shapes, lines that you use to create an image should obey your individual style direction (sporty, romantic, classic, etc.)

Any of us is a bearer of one or a combination of several (no more than 3) styles. And this means that things, colors, textures, accessories of exactly the style to which your appearance can be attributed to will most emphasize individuality and most fully reveal the “I”.

Your personal style direction is the core, the basis of appearance, knowing which, you will unmistakably choose clothes that will match the occasion, reflect your personality and emphasize unique features. These features - your "zest", giving each of the women a unique charm, are bestowed on us from birth.

Alas, complexes, modern views on female beauty, generally accepted “ideals”, the authoritarian views of modern society, the pressure of large fashion companies, etc. often force us to join in the pursuit of standardized beauty, forgetting about ourselves, our unique history.

The task of real image makers is not just to pick up a pair of outfits for you for different occasions, but to “pull out” your own “I” from you, emphasize your essence with visual means and, ultimately, help you find yourself.

And a specific image (business lady, shepherdesses, resort girls, vamp women) should fit into your style. Then the clothes will emphasize, and not obscure you.

The most striking confirmation of this was the resolution of my dilemma - the desire to look feminine and romantic and an uncomfortable feeling in clothes that, it seemed to me, creates the desired image - delicate blouses (similar to the one in my BEFORE photo), skirts with frills and dresses on thin straps. Strange, but in these outfits and stilettos, I felt not at all as fragile and delicate as, say, wide trousers with many details and ballet flats.

It turned out that “feminine”, in my opinion, frills, floral patterns, etc. belong to the direction of naive romance and are suitable for those young ladies whose image initially contains this style. My style - a combination of serious romance and sport - suggested a more mature image, carrying the ideas of mystery, sophistication, hidden sensuality.

Stage 5 Hair and makeup

Everyone knows that the hairstyle should match the situation. Indeed, careful styling and even a velvet, but sports suit look rather ridiculous. Ideally, your hairstyle and hair color, as well as makeup, should match your color type and style.

My hairstyle (you can see it in the photos) did not require any major changes. She remained almost the same, but the details made changes that subtly changed the whole image.

Irina Pchelina: “We decided to shade individual short strands - this will “break” the total mass of hair, bring lightness and freshness, create a game - quite in the spirit of serious romanticism. We also changed the shape of the bangs - it was straight, along the eyebrow. This line is more characteristic of the dramatic style. Also, as you already know, one horizontal line makes the shape wider and lower. With asymmetrical bangs laid to one side, Tanya's face

Results and conclusions

    Once you learn about the rules for creating an image, choosing clothes and accessories becomes even more difficult. But on the other hand, the selected one turns out to be “100% our own”. And over time, less money is spent on clothes and cosmetics - after all, you don’t buy inappropriate things, wardrobe “ballast”

    The best style is your own. Often it is "buried" deep, but the more joyful are the changes that occur as you return to your "I".

    Following standards can make us attractive. But we become beyond competition, emphasizing our natural beauty and unique features.

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image agency "Stylish Person".

Not every woman is satisfied with her appearance. However, it is no secret that the right hairstyle, hair color, makeup, clothing style and accessories can create a miracle and turn Cinderella into a princess.

Are you still in search of yourself? We will reveal to you the little secrets that experienced stylists use. With the help of our section "Your own stylist" you will create your ideal, unique image, which will be the key to your success.

Hairstyle according to the shape of the face

The correct selection of hairstyles, taking into account the features of the face, helps to competently hide all the flaws and emphasize the advantages of appearance, thereby turning you into a real beauty.

Hair color according to the color type of appearance

Before changing your natural hair color, you need to listen to the advice of experienced stylists and analyze how the desired hair color correlates with the color of your eyes and facial skin. The correct selection of hair color is carried out in accordance with the color type of appearance.

What colors of clothes suit you?

When buying clothes, we often do not think about the fact that the wrong color can significantly spoil our image. You can make the perfect selection and avoid elementary mistakes if you follow the rules for the ideal ratio of the chosen color scheme.

Shades of makeup by type of appearance

Correctly performed makeup, taking into account the peculiarities of appearance, can turn any lady into a dazzling beauty. But it is advantageous to emphasize your individuality - by no means an easy task, as it seems at first glance.

How to choose clothes according to your body type

Properly selected clothes should ideally fit your figure, emphasize its advantages and competently hide some flaws. Therefore, when choosing clothes, you must first of all correlate it with the type of figure bestowed by nature, which, regardless of whether you have lost weight or gained weight, remains the same throughout your life.

How to lengthen your legs with clothes

If nature has not endowed you with enviable legs "from the ears", the advice of a stylist will come to the rescue. With the help of clothing styles, prints and play of color, you can create the illusion that you are a long-legged slim girl.

How to choose the right shoes

Even the most magnificent suit does not make the proper impression if it is not properly matched with shoes. After all, well-chosen shoes can even transform your appearance - visually make your legs longer and slimmer, smooth out their fullness, or emphasize a slim figure. Here are the basic rules for choosing the right shoes.