How to calculate your normal weight? How to calculate the normal weight of a person

Many people strive to lose weight by adhering to their own ideal standards. However, in pursuit of the parameters of the figure of a top model or actress, you can overdo it and harm the health of the body. Remember that the optimal human body weight is always calculated individually. Therefore, it is important to calculate the correct body weight. There are several formulas for this, and there is also a special weight and height calculator for men and women.

Before talking about how to calculate the ideal weight, we note that each of us has an individual genetically predetermined value of the optimal body weight. It depends on congenital characteristics, the structure of the body. Therefore, any calculation of the norm of weight is conditional.

What determines the ideal weight of a person

Before moving on to the ideal body weight formula, it is important to understand what criteria influence the determination of the ideal body weight. First, it is the gender of the person. A woman has a greater amount of body fat by nature. Secondly, the body type (normostenic, hypersthenic and asthenic). Third, height and age play a significant role in calculating the ideal weight. For example, it is much more difficult for people over 40 to lose weight due to the ongoing restructuring of the body.

The hereditary factor also plays an important role. If at the genetic level there is a predisposition to be overweight, it is much more difficult to get rid of extra pounds. If we discard this factor, you can find out the weight rate in men and women using various formulas, we will consider each of them in more detail.

Body weight formulas for men and women

There are different weight and height calculators for adults and teenagers, but the easiest and surest way is to calculate the ideal weight for height yourself. There are many formulas developed by scientists that allow you to find out weight by height.

Broca's formula

French physician Paul Brock has developed a formula for the ratio of weight and height, which is still considered one of the most universal. The formula takes into account not only height, but also the physique (thin, normal, stocky) and age.

The formula for the ideal weight according to Brock is as follows: height - 100. If a person has a thin physique, you need to subtract 10%, and if there is a stocky one, add 10%.

If the height is less than 165 cm, subtract 105, if above 175 cm, subtract 110. You should also take into account the age. People from 20 to 30 years old need to reduce the rate you get by 10-12%. If you are over 50, increase it by 5-7%.

Lorentz method

Calculation of the optimal weight for women: (height - 100) - 0.25 x (height - 150).

Ideal weight formula based on height and age

Weight norm in women by age and height: 0.9 × (50 + 0.5 × (Height, cm - 150)) + 0.5 × (age - 20)

Weight and height formula for men: 1 × (50 + 0.5 × (Height, cm - 150)) + 0.5 × (age - 20)

Normal weight and height charts

Besides special formulas, there are weight and height charts for men and women.

Quetelet index

We present a table of weight and height norms for adults from 20 to 65 years old. Please note that this calculation of weight and height for undergrowth, pregnant women, athletes and the elderly from 65 years old will not work.

The result obtained must be compared with the table of height and weight for girls and men:

Calculation of the ideal body weight of an adult Quetelet

This author has another table of ideal height and weight, taking into account the age and physique of a person. To find out the ratio of weight, height and physique, divide weight in grams by height in centimeters. Compare the result with the parameter in the specified cell, regarding your physique. The main criterion is to be honest with yourself when assessing physique.

Example: Let's calculate the normal weight with a height of 175 cm, age 25, weight 60 kg and a normal physique: 60,000 / 175 = 342, 8. This is a normal index for this person.

Table of weight and height of an adult Egorov-Levitsky

To calculate the weight for a man and a woman using this table, you just need to compare the data. Be careful, here is not the ideal weight for men and women, but the maximum. Also remember that the table shows the height and weight of an adult from 20 to 69 years old.

Knowing if your weight is at your normal body weight helps you understand your body, identify problems, and sometimes even make a diagnosis right away. Controlling body weight is considered the most important preventive measure for a number of dangerous diseases.

Unfortunately, body weight often worries not those people who should be worried (obese patients), but young girls who have hammered into their heads that they do not meet the television and magazine standards of 90-60-90, and who bring themselves to fainting with all sorts of diets ... In the case of a serious illness such as diabetes mellitus, starving and semi-starving diets are life-threatening.

Therefore, let's together determine the compliance of your weight with the norm. Take a notebook and a pen in your hands, or better, a calculator, we will count. The procedure for calculating the normal weight is quite simple and does not take much time.

Many formulas are used to determine normal body weight. The simplest and most famous:

M = P - 100, where M is the mass in kg; P - height in cm.

But this formula in this form is very inaccurate and is applicable only for a very rough calculation.

It is advisable to use the full formula (see table below).

Calculating the ideal body weight

Height, cm Ideal weight, kg
155-165 growth minus 100
166-175 growth minus 100
176-185 growth minus 110
186+ growth minus 115

You can also use a modified formula: ideal body weight = (height in cm minus 100) and another minus 10% for men; BMI = (height in cm minus 100) and another minus 15% - for women:

  • 1 degree of obesity - the actual body weight exceeds the ideal by less than 30%;
  • 2 degree of obesity - if the actual weight exceeds the ideal by 31-50%;
  • 3 degree of obesity - if the actual weight exceeds the ideal by 51-99%;
  • 4 degree of obesity - if the actual weight exceeds the ideal by as much as 100% or more.

Currently, in most countries of the world, body mass index (BMI), or Quetelet index, is used to determine normal and overweight in humans:

BMI = M / P 2, where M is the mass in kg; Р 2 - height in meters squared.

According to the international classification, an indicator from 18.5 to 24.9 kg / m 2 is considered the norm. A reading below 18.5 indicates underweight. If the BMI is in the range of 25 to 29.9, this is overweight, and obesity is diagnosed with a BMI of more than 30.

For example, your height is 181 cm, weight is 99 kg. Let's make a simple calculation: 1.81 2 = 3.2761. Divide 99 by 3.2761, we get a BMI = 30.22, which means you are one of many who have weight problems:

  • Obesity grade 1 (mild obesity) - with a BMI between 27 and 35;
  • 2 (moderate) - with a range of values ​​35-39.9;
  • 3 (severe or painful) - with a BMI of 40 or more.

Table of normal human body weight by age

Height, cm Person's age, years
20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60+
150 53 48 57 51 60 54 60 54 58 52
152 54 49 58 52 60 54 61 55 59 53
154 55 51 58 52 61 55 61 55 60 54
156 57 52 59 53 61 55 62 56 61 55
158 58 53 59 53 62 56 63 57 62 56
160 59 54 61 55 63 57 64 58 63 57
162 61 56 62 56 64 58 65 59 65 58
164 62 57 63 57 66 59 67 60 66 59
166 63 58 65 58 67 60 68 61 67 60
168 65 59 66 59 68 61 70 63 69 62
170 66 60 68 61 70 63 71 64 71 64
172 68 61 69 62 72 65 73 66 73 66
174 69 63 71 64 73 66 75 67 75 67
176 71 64 73 65 75 68 76 69 77 69
178 72 65 74 67 77 69 78 71 79 71
180 74 67 76 68 79 71 80 72 81 73
182 78 70 78 70 81 73 82 74 83 75
184 79 71 80 72 83 75 84 76 85 76
186 81 73 82 74 85 77 86 77 86 77
188 83 75 85 77 88 79 88 79 87 78
190 86 77 87 78 89 80 89 80 87 77

For the diagnosis of obesity, in addition to the total mass, the volume of the waist and hips is important. So, for men, a waist circumference of 94 cm is considered permissible, for women - up to 88 cm.With a waist circumference of 94-101 cm for men and 102 cm or more, women have a high risk of metabolic complications.

If your waist circumference exceeds the indicated numbers, you have an abdominal (visceral) type of obesity, that is, fat is deposited around the internal organs - the liver, pancreas, heart, disrupting their work. It is this type of obesity that is a risk factor for the development of diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction!

Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, whose body weight is normal, should not worry about the effect of obesity on diabetes.

Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, whose weight is normal (there are very few of them), should try to keep it at numbers close to ideal, so it is imperative to strive for the ideal weight for your age.

Well, for people with type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, overweight or obesity, the basics of calculating the calorie content of the diet must be remembered and applied daily, in the treatment of diabetes mellitus this is the most important thing for you.

Calorie counting is also important for people who are underweight, they already know that getting better is not an easy task. And correctly calculated nutrition with the determination of the need for kilocalories will allow you to gain the missing kilograms.

There is hardly a person who would not care about his appearance. Each of us wants to look attractive - to have ideal body proportions, maybe even become a new standard of beauty. But, as you know, we are all different - in height, age, configuration.

In many ways, a person's self-awareness is influenced by his weight. Accordingly, the higher it is, the more uncomfortable we feel. It is unlikely that there will be a person who will refuse to calculate the ideal weight for him. As mentioned earlier, we are all different, which means that body weight will be individual.

Ideal weight calculation methods

We are not alike, and each has its own beauty. And in pursuit of the ideal figure, it would not hurt to find out the exact weight to which you need to strive. This will make it easier to monitor the distance traveled and the remaining path to your reference.

When calculating your ideal weight, remember that you should first of all feel comfortable with these pounds. Because someone is crazy about protruding collarbones, while others, on the contrary, prefer curvaceous shapes.

Despite all individual preferences, doctors have set a kind of framework for determining the shortage or excess of kilograms. To date, a great many online calculators and various tables have been developed and compiled. Many experts are studying the issue of how to calculate weight by height and age, gender. But they did not come to a consensus.

The most famous calculation methods:

  • According to Quetelet
  • According to Brock.
  • According to Egorov-Levitsky.
  • According to Lorenz.

You can independently calculate weight by height and age using any of the methods. And having learned the coveted figure, you can start the path to your standard.

BMI calculation by Adolphe Quetelet

It is worth warning right away that this method will not calculate the ideal weight. According to Quetelet, on the basis of your current weight and height, you need to calculate After, focusing on the result and the developed table, get information about the need to gain weight or lose weight.

Egorov-Levitsky table

When compiling, the developers took into account all the most important factors that form the weight. They indicated only the maximum limit, but did not specify the minimum. And, in fact, it is not needed. After all, a person is mainly worried about excess pounds, and not their lack.

How to achieve your ideal weight

If, after you have calculated the weight by age, height and gender, you find that there are a couple of extra pounds, then it's time to think about eliminating them.

By trying to maintain your ideal body weight, you are doing a great service to your body. In many developed countries, overweight people make up fifty percent of the total population. And every year their number increases significantly. - this is an additional, unnecessary load on the human body. It affects joints and internal organs to a greater extent. But, nevertheless, it is worth noting that being thin is also not beneficial. The golden mean in terms of weight is what any person needs.

Once you decide to lose weight, do not try to find a miraculous and fast diet. This does not exist. It will not be useful, but it is quite within her power to weaken the body. It is best to lose weight gradually. Indeed, in fact, getting rid of excess weight is not difficult, difficulties arise when trying to maintain it.

A method of losing weight is considered safe, in which you lose from five hundred grams to one kilogram per week. If the weight goes away faster, then you are burning not only fat, but also muscle fibers. And this is absolutely not to be allowed. Since with well-developed muscles, it is easier to maintain optimal weight.

Steps to Ideal Weight:

  • Drink a glass of clean drinking water on an empty stomach, and fifteen minutes before the start of any meal.
  • Don't skip breakfast. And any meal should not be skipped. After all, you will get hungry and eat even more the next time. And, as you know, it is better to eat many times, but little by little.
  • Try to reduce your fat intake.
  • Come to the store with a pre-prepared shopping list. So you will not be tempted to grab something unnecessary and harmful.
  • Chew food thoroughly. This way, you will not only not choke, but you will also get satiated faster. With slow consumption of food, the feeling of hunger disappears sooner.
  • If you feel like you're not full and need a supplement, then the first thing to do is take your time. Sit for about five minutes. And then think about whether the feeling of hunger is really that strong.
  • Eat strictly in the kitchen. In no case should you eat while standing or walking.
  • Add a fresh fruit or vegetable to every meal.
  • Avoid white bread.
  • Simmer and bake. Try not to fry your food.
  • Indulge in sweetness no more than once a week.
  • Skip fast food.
  • The optimal number of meals per day is five.
  • Cook your own food often. So you will control how it is processed and the calorie intake.

This article talks about 3 methods for determining the ideal weight. A detailed table of the dependence of a woman's weight on age, height and physique is provided. Recommendations and examples are given for each method.

There are many different methods for determining the optimal weight. Some methods use the relationship between height and weight. However, such a simple technique does not always give the correct picture. There are women who have the same ratio of height and weight, while their appearance is very different. Other methods add additional parameters to their formulas and tables, such as age and

It is believed that our ideal weight was at the age of 18. The less this figure fluctuates, the better the health, skin and overall aesthetics of the body will be. However, in real life, body weight tends to increase by 10 percent every 10 years, and, on the contrary, decreases with old age.

This is because our body is no longer as active and full of energy as it was at the age of 18. Energy expenditures decrease, and the amount of fat increases under the influence of hormonal changes.

By old age, muscle tone (which in adolescence contained a lot of fluid and had significant weight) greatly decreases.

Thus, you should not strive for the ideal weight, which was 20 years ago, this can cause irreparable harm to health.

Determination of physique

The table below for calculating the ideal weight has an additional parameter - physique, which is divided into three categories. Before determining your ideal weight, find out which category you belong to. What does this mean and how to find out your type?

  • Fragile or is a type of woman whose working wrist is less than 16 centimeters thick. Asthenics have thin bones, narrow hips and shoulders, and a generally lean build. You are this type if you can easily grab your wrist around the bone with your thumb and forefinger, and they will close without effort. The metabolic rate of this type is high.
  • Average or normosthenic type- normal physique. Most often, ideal weight tables are suitable for this type. The circumference of the wrist in women of normal constitution is 16-17 centimeters.
  • Dense or hypersthenic type- This is a person with a wide bone, large chest and chest, as well as short legs and neck. The metabolic rate of this type is low. The circumference of the wrist is more than 17 centimeters. If you find it very difficult to close the thumb and forefinger of one hand around the wrist of your working hand, then you are hypersthenic.

The difference in weight between two women of asthenic and hypersthenic physique can reach 15 kg, so it is very important to determine your body type before proceeding with the indicators in the table.

In addition, not all of us can be strictly classified as one of these types, perhaps you have a transitional option between medium and fragile physique or between medium and dense. However, this fact will not significantly affect your ideal weight figure.

Table for calculating the ideal weight of a woman, depending on height, age and physique

Height, cm Ideal weight in kilograms based on height, physique and age
body type fragile the average dense
age up to 35 35-45 after 45 up to 35 35-45 after 45 up to 35 35-45 after 45
147 42 45 45 46 50 51 51 56 58
150 43 47 46 48 52 53 53 58 60
152 44 47 47 49 53 54 54 59 61
155 45 48 48 50 54 55 55 60 62
157 47 50 50 52 57 58 59 62 64
160 48 51 51 53 57 58 59 64 65
162 50 53 53 56 60 62 62 67 69
165 51 54 54 57 61 63 63 68 70
167 53 56 56 59 63 64 65 70 72
170 56 59 59 61 65 66 67 72 74
172 57 60 60 63 67 68 69 74 76
175 58 61 61 64 68 69 71 76 78
177 60 63 63 66 70 71 73 78 80
180 62 65 65 68 72 73 74 79 81
182 63 66 66 69 73 74 75 80 82

The table shows the average ideal values ​​that a healthy woman can focus on. If the figure of the scales indicates the ideal weight, and the image in the mirror is not pleasing and raises doubts, it makes sense to consult a nutritionist, to do the necessary tests for hormones and sugar. Only a doctor can determine, based on the test results and the visual picture, your state of health and the need to take measures for if you are hypersthenic, then subtract 10 percent of your weight before calculating BMI, and if you are an asthenic, then, on the contrary, add.

For example, a woman weighing 58 kg and a height of 165 has a BMI = 21.3, which with a normal physique is considered an ideal indicator.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the determination of weight according to the table above or by BMI, you can use the following formula, which is called Lorenz's dream and works only for women and takes into account only height:

Ideal weight = (Height (cm) - 100) - (Height (cm) - 150) / 2

Body weight in men depends on physical characteristics and health status. Weight is directly proportional to the height and volume of a person's chest. The presence of extra pounds indicates problems in the body and its systems, entails the development of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and hypertension.

Therefore, you need to establish your healthy weight and maintain it. There are many formulas and calculation systems for calculating the ratio of body weight and height.

To determine the correct ratio, you need to take into account the complexion, features of the figure and other factors. Physique can be of the following types:

  • hypersthenic - short neck length, broad shoulders. The figure of such men is strong, stocky and stocky. With this type of addition, a slow metabolism is observed;
  • normosthenic - proportional limbs and moderate metabolic rates;
  • asthenic - an elongated neck. Often, asthenic men have narrow shoulders and a fast metabolism. There are almost no fat deposits, bone tissue is light, thinness is often found.

In addition to these signs, you can find out the type of your body addition using the following methods:

  • connect the index and thumb around the wrist (in the place where the bone is). If it comes out easily, you have an asthenic constitution of the body, if it took effort to grip - normosthenic. If the girth is not successful - hypersthenic;

  • measure how many cm are in the circumference of your wrist. A length of up to 17 cm indicates that you are an asthenic, if the girth turned out to be from 17 to 20 cm, a normostenic. In the case when this figure exceeds 20 cm - hypersthenic.

Ideal weight based on age

Without taking into account age, it cannot be determined. Usually, in younger years, growth is slightly higher than in old age. Therefore, the optimal weight in different years will be different.

To establish the optimal weight based on age, a special formula has been developed. The ratio will be as follows: weight = 50 + 0.75 (height - 150) + (number of years - 20) / 4. So, the ideal weight of a tall - 185 centimeters - a man of 45 years of age will be as follows:

50 + 0.75 (185 - 150) + (45 - 20) / 4 = 50 + 26.25 + 6.25 = 82.5 kg.

This figure is a little generalized, as the formula does not take into account body types. To clarify the data obtained, you need to apply a table in which the mass is indicated for different types of addition.

Quetelet index

- the abbreviated name of the body mass index. This indicator makes it possible to diagnose oneself or, conversely, a deficiency. It is designed for use by people aged 20-65.

The indicators obtained when calculating this ratio in this way:

  • in earlier years;
  • during pregnancy;
  • in elderly people over 65 years old, will be unreliable.

BMI is determined by the following formula: weight in kg / height in m squared. Let's calculate the BMI for a man of 175 centimeters, 89 kg:

89 / (1,75*1,75) = 29

BMI from 19 to 25 is considered the norm for men. The calculation that was carried out above indicates an increased number of kilograms. Depending on how much the BMI exceeds normal values, different degrees of obesity can be established.

The Quetelet index allows you to determine the approximate amount of body fat, but there is no way to know exactly how fat is distributed. There is another formula that helps to establish the pattern of fat distribution: the waist should be divided by the buttocks. The normal value for the stronger sex is 0.85.

Calculation formulas

To calculate the normal weight / height ratio in men, some parameters are needed.

At home, it is permissible to use the following formulas:

Nagler's formula. This method of calculation makes it possible to determine the compliance of weight and height indicators with the norm. With a height of 152.4 cm, the mass should be 45 kg. For every additional 2.45 cm, add 0.9 kg.

When the calculated number with the data entered matches the example, the ratio is considered normal. When the findings differ significantly, you should consider taking appropriate action. It is recommended to balance your diet depending on how much the weight is more or less than the ideal indicator.

Brock's formula. One of the most common ways to calculate the ratio. There are two options for determining the coefficient for it:

  • Body type and age are taken into account. From the height value, you need to subtract the figure 110 for young people (under 40 years old), and the figure 100 for people over the specified age. Asthenics should reduce the resulting number by 10%, hypersthenics - on the contrary, increase by 10%.

  • You need to subtract 100 from the height if it does not exceed 165 cm. If the man is taller - from 166 to 175 cm, you need to subtract 105. If the value exceeds 175 cm, you need to subtract the number 110. The data obtained is suitable for 40-50 years. For the younger ones - from 20 to 30 years old, the result should be reduced by 12%. People over 50 need to increase it by 5%.

McCallum's formula. This method is called the best for calculating the ratio of weight and height male parameters. It is based on the information found when measuring the girth of the wrist. The parameters should be like this:

  • the volume of the chest normally corresponds to 6.5 wrist lengths;
  • the volume of the hips is 15% less than the girth of the chest;
  • the waist should be 70% of the length obtained when measuring the volume of the chest;
  • the neck makes up 37% of the chest volume;
  • biceps should be equal to 36% of the parameters obtained when measuring the chest;
  • the shin makes up about 34% of this girth;
  • the forearm corresponds to 29% of the chest girth.

The indicated proportions most accurately take into account the peculiarities of the physical development of men and the type of constitution.

To verify the reliability of the indicators obtained, it is recommended to use a table that shows the ideal male weight, based on what type it belongs to.

Ratio table

Thanks to the numbers shown in the table, you can refine the data obtained using the above formulas.

Each body type corresponds to the following data:




cm - kg


cm - kg

155 – 49 155 - 56 155 – 62
160 – 53,5 160 – 60 160 – 66
165 – 57 165 - 63,5 165 – 69,5;
170 – 60,5 170 – 68 170 – 74
175 – 65 175 – 72 175 – 78;
180 – 69 180 – 75 180 – 81;
185 – 73,5 185 - 79 k 185 – 85