How to even out the tone of the face: home and salon methods. How to even out complexion, how to eliminate uneven skin tone

People rarely appreciate what they have, and begin to understand the importance of some things only after they have lost them. This is exactly the situation with natural beauty - in youth, few people think about the condition of the skin, and after twenty years, most women face the question of how to even out their complexion. Fortunately, modern cosmetology offers the widest arsenal of effective procedures that can quickly restore the lost color of the epidermis, refresh it and smooth it out. Do not forget those factors that have a negative impact on skin tone. If you do not eliminate their impact, age spots, vascular network and pallor will appear with frightening regularity.

Factors affecting the complexion and uniformity of its tone

A healthy complexion has many more enemies than allies. Only careful attention to the following factors will help maintain the attractiveness of the epidermis, its even and clean shade.

  • Bad ecology . No one is immune from this, but there are solutions to the problem. It is necessary to increase the body's resistance, regularly detoxify it using simple and affordable dietary methods.
  • Weather. In severe frost or hurricane winds, it is not recommended to go outside without first applying a protective serum to the skin. It seems to cover the face with a porous film, preventing intense negative impact.
  • Ultraviolet. No one says that you need to completely abandon sunbathing, you just need to regularly use creams with an optimal level of protection.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol abuse leads to weakening of the vascular walls, and smoking causes their spasm. If you do not give up bad habits, you will not be able to achieve an ideal complexion.
  • Improper nutrition. This includes the abuse of fatty and spicy foods. Such components increase blood flow to the surface, causing the formation of an unhealthy blush and bruising as a result of vascular fragility.
  • medical problems. It is necessary to qualitatively and timely treat acute and chronic diseases, regularly check with specialists, and monitor the state of the body.

Some women, even knowing how to smooth the skin of the face, neglect elementary recommendations, being in full confidence that the daily use of cosmetic products and a visit to a beauty salon will eliminate all problems. In fact, this will only delay the inevitable result in the form of decrepit and wrinkled skin with an uneven distribution of pigment and a number of aesthetic problems.

Laser facial cleansing will help make skin color more even and fresh.

Professional techniques to improve complexion

Modern salons and beauty parlors offer several effective procedures that can noticeably. Moreover, the result will not only be external, the course of sessions will positively affect the condition of the tissues and relieve a number of additional problems.

  1. Laser cleaning. Safe and painless manipulation, during which unnecessary cells are burned and the formation of new colonies is stimulated. In this way, you can get rid of even small scars and scars, reduce the severity of age spots.
  2. Peeling with oxygen. In the process of cleaning, the skin gets rid of dead cells and is saturated with oxygen molecules. As a result, the process of cell regeneration is accelerated, the blood is evenly saturated with oxygen, and the complexion is evened out.
  3. Peeling with liquid nitrogen. Sessions relieve inflammation, eliminate redness and swelling. As a result of the temperature difference, the vascular walls are strengthened.
  4. Diamond peeling. Intensive mechanical cleaning allows you to get rid of dead cells, which are the main cause of tissue dullness. The massage effect improves blood circulation and lymph outflow.

Such manipulations are carried out in courses - until the desired result is obtained. Experts recommend using them in the future as maintenance therapy.

How to even out skin tone on your own?

There are many manipulations that can be carried out at home. Timely and regular use of available products will significantly improve the color and tone of the face, get rid of obvious aesthetic defects, even out skin texture.

  • The epidermis should be subjected to high-quality care at least twice a day. Among the mandatory manipulations, the purification process is especially important. It includes the removal of night or day cosmetics, degreasing of tissues, and, if necessary, disinfection. We must not forget about applying protective creams and serums, a high-quality makeup base. This stage will prevent thickening of the stratum corneum and dulling of the skin, and protect against unattractive redness.
  • After each washing, it is recommended to treat the skin with ice cups, then the walls of the vessels will be dense and elastic, the problem of skin redness will never arise. In this case, you can add a decoction of chamomile or citrus juice to the water, then the risk of developing inflammation will also decrease.
  • At least once a week, it is necessary to use intensive cleansing masks, selected for the type of epidermis. You can use natural whitening products twice a week. Such an integrated approach will lead to a gradual smoothing of the surface of the face and restore the freshness of the color.
  • Be sure to use face masks twice a week. If acids are also present in the composition of such a mask, then the beneficial effect of the procedures will not be long in coming. For example, AVON's "Energy Charge" splash mask comes in a very convenient liquid format. Ingredients: silk proteins, fruit acids and vitamin B. After washing, this mask is applied to still damp skin, and after a few seconds you can continue your usual facial ritual, apply serum and / or cream. The mask does not need to be washed off, and the time of absorption and active action is only 15 seconds. Due to the fact that the mask is enriched with active ingredients and applied to wet skin, it quickly moisturizes and tones the skin, evens out and heals the complexion.
  • A very useful tool are professional and home scrubs. They help to both even out the tone of the face and eliminate small irregularities on the surface of the skin. Already after the first manipulation, blood circulation improves, the tone becomes more uniform.
  • Once a week it is recommended to visit a bathhouse in which there is a font (in extreme cases, a cold shower will do). Soft and high-quality expansion and cleansing of pores with their subsequent narrowing, vascular stimulation is the best option for restoring a healthy complexion. It is only worth considering that steam not hotter than + 70 ° C is considered useful.
  • If it is not possible to visit the bathhouse so regularly, you can limit yourself to steam baths. It is best to take herbal decoctions as a basis.

In addition to healing procedures, one should not forget about the regular use of fortified tonics. Suitable preparations can give the skin purity, freshness and radiance.

Parsley is an excellent home remedy for evening out skin tone and whitening the skin of the face.

Folk remedies to improve the appearance of the epidermis

An even and fresh complexion has always been considered the basis of beauty, so effective natural remedies for its restoration were developed hundreds and thousands of years ago. Here are just a few of them.

  • Cucumber mask. You need to take an overripe (yellowed or even brown) cucumber, peel it, grate the flesh. A little starch is added to the puree, then the composition is easier to use, it will not spread. The product is applied to the skin of the face for at least 20 minutes.
  • Parsley application. A small bunch of parsley, along with the stems, is crushed with a blender to the state of gruel. Add a few drops of lemon juice and stir. The product is applied to the face in a plentiful layer and removed after a quarter of an hour.
  • Sour-milk compresses. The choice of product depends on the type of epidermis. For dry skin, it is better to use cream, for normal skin - sour cream, for problematic or oily skin - sour kefir. A gauze pad is soaked in a suitable ingredient and applied to the face for 20 minutes. As the compress dries, it can be refreshed.
  • Honey mask. A few drops of lemon juice are added to liquid honey slightly warmed in a water bath. The mixture is spread over the surface of the face in a very thin layer and covered with a damp cloth. The design is removed after a quarter of an hour.
  • Dandelion juice compress. The dandelion stem and its peeled root are crushed in a blender and added to your favorite mask. Such a tool will not only even out the complexion, but also get rid of freckles.
  • Oatmeal cleaning. A glass of oatmeal is poured with fresh sour cream, and thoroughly mixed until the flakes soften. The resulting soft scrub is applied to the face, neck, décolleté and back of the hands (if desired, to the whole body). The product is washed off after a quarter of an hour. Such a session evens out the complexion, blurs the boundaries between the shade of the face and neck, gives the tissues uniformity and velvety.

Corrective makeup basics

If there is no time for cosmetic procedures, you can use special proofreaders. It is important to remember that makeup will look even and natural only on previously cleansed and evened skin.

Makeup base is applied in the following order.

  1. Primer with light reflectors - visually smoothes the skin.
  2. Corrector - neutralizes obvious defects.
  3. Tonal Foundation - allows you to even out the tone of the skin and give it a velvety texture.

By putting these tips into practice, you can count on a quick and noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin of the face. Preventive measures, consisting of simple cosmetic procedures, and the observance of the elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle will help maintain a positive result for many years.

By secret

  • You missed a class reunion because you're afraid to hear that you've grown old...
  • And less and less often catch the admiring glances of men ...
  • Advertised skin care products don't refresh the face like they used to...
  • And the reflection in the mirror more and more reminds of age ...
  • Think you look older than your age...
  • Or you just want to "preserve" youth for many years...
  • You desperately do not want to grow old and are ready to use any opportunity for this ...

Yesterday, no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery, but today he appeared!

Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and return youth

  • Skin smoothing products

How to even out complexion with cosmetics

Complexion does not directly depend on age. In both 20s and 50s, skin can become dull and lifeless, showing signs of fatigue.

The reasons can be very different.

Cosmetics that restore a healthy complexion are divided into two main groups:

  1. 1

    skin smoothing agents: smoothen the relief.

  2. 2

    Complexion enhancers: Provides a uniform tone.

Skin smoothing products

Their main function is to exfoliate dead skin cells. This smoothes the skin relief, starts the renewal process. For use:

    abrasive particles mechanically "scraping off" the top layer;

    exfoliating chemicals that dissolve the bonds between stuck together cells.

The task and updates are performed by a variety of means.

Infinite Freshness Facial Cleansing Scrub, L’Oréal Paris

The product with extracts of rose, lotus and soft natural exfoliating particles cleanses gently and gently. The skin is evened out and looks fresh. Oily sheen is minimized, enlarged pores are narrowed.

Ultra-cleansing gel against acne and blackheads with absorbent charcoal "Clean Skin Active", Garnier

A product with salicylic acid and absorbent charcoal removes dead cells, eliminates oily sheen, and tightens pores. The skin looks smoother and fresher.

Chlorella algae extract with antioxidant properties, as well as cleansing and moisturizing ingredients even out skin tone and make pores less visible.

Cream-gel for problem skin with the first signs of aging Normaderm Anti-Age, Vichy

Vitamin C, lipohydroxy and glycolic acids are responsible for skin renewal. The tool enhances the synthesis of collagen, serves as a prevention of enlarged pores and acne, reduces oily sheen.

Retexturing Activator Moisturizing Serum, SkinCeuticals

Glycolic acid evens out the relief and tone of the skin, hyaluronic acid and kombucha (fermentation product of black tea) moisturize. Apply 4-5 drops of product daily in the morning and evening.

Mask-scrub for the face "Magic Clay", L'Oréal Paris

Three types of clay, red algae extract and fine exfoliating particles even out the relief, draw out impurities, and remove oily sheen. Apply 2-3 times a week.

Facial Improvers

These products even out skin tone by replenishing the deficiency of moisturizers, vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids. And at the same time strengthen the protective barrier.

Day care cream for normal and combination skin Idéalia, Vichy

It will eliminate traces of fatigue, even if you live in a busy mode with a constant lack of proper rest. Skin will be smoother and fresher with a formula based on adenosine, fermented black tea extract and blueberry extract.

Pigmentclar Skin Toning Moisturizer, UV SPF 30, La Roche-Posay

You will see the effect of glowing skin from the inside immediately. And after four weeks, thanks to the whitening effect, the tone will become noticeably smoother. The main components are glycerin, niacinamide, ferulic acid, ginkgo biloba extract.

Serum concentrate, intensively moisturizing the skin and smoothing the texture, Hydro-Plumping Re-Texturizing Serum Concentrate, Kiehl's

Instantly adds radiance & intensely hydrates. High concentration of glycerin attracts moisture, while Shiso leaf extract retains it.

Mask with rose petals to restore and nourish the skin Absolue Precious Cells, Lancôme

With regular use twice a week, the skin becomes smooth and delicate, like rose petals, which are part of the mask.

Treatments to improve complexion

Salon procedures will help to quickly get rid of the pale appearance.

Cosmetic massage

Tones muscles, improves blood circulation, delivers beneficial substances deep into the skin. Course - 10 procedures 1-2 times a week.

Chemical peel

Superficial peeling is enough to make the skin glow. Acids, enzymes, retinol fight for a healthy complexion. And vitamins and antioxidants help them in this. Requires 8-10 treatments at weekly intervals.


With the help of galvanic current, active substances penetrate deeper into the skin, contributing to its transformation. A course of 10-15 weekly treatments is required.

Cosmetic facial massage tones muscles, improves blood circulation, delivers beneficial substances deep into the skin. © iStock


This type of electrotherapy stimulates blood circulation, removes excess fluid and toxins from tissues. Course - 10-15 procedures 2-3 times a week.

Ozone therapy

The introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture with the help of meso-injectors saturates tissues with oxygen, improves the functioning of the circulatory system, and strengthens local immunity. The result is rejuvenated, smooth skin. It will take 5-10 sessions 1-2 times a week.


Suitable for improving the appearance of mature skin. Radiation with light waves of a certain length stimulates cell activity and metabolic processes, fights hyperpigmentation, and solves the problem of dilated vessels.

One of the main tasks of these skin-leveling products is the process of exfoliating dead epidermal flakes. © iStock


After a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, moisturizers, the skin immediately looks radiant and fresh. But for a lasting effect, you will need up to 10 procedures with a frequency of 1 time per week.


These are injections of hyaluronic acid with the addition of vitamins, amino acids, peptides. After 2-3 procedures with a frequency of 1 time per month, the skin will be filled with energy.

Equally important for women of any age is her appearance, especially complexion. Fresh and even, without age spots, the skin has always been considered the standard of beauty. A uniform tone is also an integral part of high-quality makeup.

Unfortunately, with age, the skin loses elasticity and freshness, freckles and age spots appear on it. Women make every effort to get rid of such defects.

What are the methods of leveling the tone of the face

There are many ways to improve the condition of the skin and restore its healthy appearance and attractiveness. There are three main areas - special decorative cosmetics, hardware techniques and folk methods.

Make-up using special products to even out and brighten skin color

You can hide the existing imperfections on the skin with the help of properly selected cosmetics and applied makeup. The only disadvantage of this method is that in this way it is possible to solve the problem for a short period of time. Creams for smoothing skin color are divided into two categories:

  1. Care products that directly eliminate the cause of uneven shade.
  2. Means supplemented with nutrients, which belong to the category of decorative cosmetics, skillfully masking existing imperfections.

The result from the use of care products will not be immediately noticeable. As for decorative cosmetics, it gives quick results.

The composition of care products includes natural ingredients that will supply nutrients and restore the skin, affect the metabolic process and prevent aging. Such creams increase the protective properties of the skin, the only drawback is the need for regular use to obtain an effective result.

Decorative cosmetics:

  1. BB cream - is considered a universal remedy for masking external defects on the skin. Initially, the cream was used as a means to eliminate scars and scars after surgical operations. Later, it began to be used instead of a makeup base. The cream hides scars and freckles, and also brightens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Depending on the manufacturer, the product may contain components that prevent the effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin. It is removed from the skin with a special oil.
  2. CC cream - differs from BB cream in a lower oil content. It is allowed to use this tool to eliminate circles under the eyes. It has increased resistance, protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The cream also contains in its composition components that prevent the aging of the skin.
  3. Foundation is the most popular and affordable way to even out skin tone. Modern manufacturers of decorative cosmetics offer a wide range of creams of various shades, textures and levels of durability. They may contain various components that are beneficial for the skin. The naturalness of makeup will directly depend on the correct choice of the shade of the cream and its texture. The foundation is applied to cleansed skin, pre-treated with a special corrective pencil. Powder must be applied on top of the cream layer. The disadvantages of this cosmetic product include its ability to clog pores, which, in turn, disrupts air exchange and can cause skin problems. Foundation should be removed from the surface of the skin along with makeup.

The undeniable advantage of decorative creams for smoothing skin tone is the rapid achievement of the desired results. The disadvantages include the high price of high-quality cosmetics.

Hardware methods for leveling skin color

In any cosmetology salon, they offer skin tone smoothing through the use of hardware techniques. Thanks to the use of special equipment, it is possible to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and get rid of a number of serious problems, such as acne. Improvements in skin condition will be noticeable after just a few treatments, and the result will last for a long time.

To improve the color and general condition of the skin, the following hardware methods are used:

  1. Diamond peeling. The procedure is a cleansing of the face with the elimination of dead cells. Improves blood circulation, increases the elasticity of the skin, evens out the tone and restores a healthy look to the skin.
  2. Laser cleaning. A painless and fairly effective method for removing minor scars and age spots. With the help of a thin laser beam, pathological areas on the skin are destroyed, followed by activation of the process of cell division. The procedure promotes the production of collagen, thus preventing the formation of wrinkles and premature aging of the skin.
  3. Treatment with oxygen. This method is an injection with a substance that compensates for the lack of oxygen in the cells of the skin. Improves metabolism in cells, evens out the tone of the face, eliminates acne and promotes the resorption of minor scars. Stimulates exfoliation of dead layers of the epithelium.
  4. Cryomassage or treatment with liquid nitrogen is prescribed in the case when spots remain on the skin after acne and acne. The procedure contributes to the narrowing of pores, eliminates oily sheen and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. The face is treated with liquid nitrogen, after manipulations, redness of the skin may be observed, which disappears after a few hours. The duration of the session is no more than 10 minutes. Beauticians recommend using sunscreen before going outside for ten days after cryomassage.
  5. Microdermabrasion is a type of mechanical peeling. The procedure consists in deep cleansing of the skin, followed by treatment with a special exfoliating cream and removal of dead epidermal cells. Most often, keratinized cells are removed manually. This method is considered quite effective - you can remove spots and black spots on the skin in two or three sessions. To remove scars and scars, you will need to perform at least 10 procedures.

Evening complexion at home

You can independently improve the condition of the skin of the face by performing special procedures at home. To obtain the desired result, you will need to strictly follow the recommendations for the preparation of masks, infusions and scrubs, and it is also necessary to ensure proper skin care.

Which way to choose to even out skin tone depends solely on personal preference.

Peeling at home

Before performing the procedure, it is necessary to prepare a scrub based on natural ingredients:

  • Bleaching

Prepare half a teaspoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon each of honey and bran, and a few drops of lemon oil. Combine the components, mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained and apply on the face. Cleanse the skin with light massage movements, then leave the scrub on the face for another 7 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

  • Scrub recipe for oily skin

Combine ground coffee, grape seed oil and honey in equal proportions. Stir thoroughly, massage the face with the resulting slurry for several minutes, then wash with warm water.

  • Recipe for dry skin

Combine in equal proportions honey, ground coffee and one egg white, pre-whipped into a thick foam. The mixture is brought to a homogeneous consistency and then applied to the skin. Massage for several minutes, then carefully wash off the remains of the scrub with warm water.

How you can improve your complexion yourself - recipes

Many women do not trust store-bought cosmetics, preferring instead to use time-tested folk recipes. Making your own masks and tinctures to improve skin color is not at all difficult.

  • Cucumber mask. To prepare such a mask, it is best to use overripe cucumbers. After removing the seeds, the pulp of one cucumber should be ground on a grater. Then add one small spoonful of starch and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous, not very thick mass is obtained. Apply a mask to the skin of the face, the duration of the procedure is at least 20 minutes. Then you need to remove the remnants of the cucumber with a napkin and wash with cool water. Be sure to lubricate the face with a nourishing cream.
  • Herbal tincture. For tincture, you should take 250 ml of alcohol (you can use vodka), 5 g of dried sage, parsley, oak bark and linden flowers. Mix and pour alcohol (vodka). Withstand 12 days, then you can use the tincture daily to wipe the skin. Through regular use of herbal tincture, the face will become fresh, the skin will brighten and be more even.

To get good results, it is very important to properly care for the skin of the face:

  • Use only high-quality decorative cosmetics, select them individually, in accordance with the type of skin.
  • Cleanse your skin daily to remove make-up residue, otherwise blackheads and blackheads may appear on the face as a result of clogged pores.
  • Once every seven days, you need to do peeling and apply masks on your face, bought in a store or prepared on your own, at home.
  • Be sure to apply a nourishing cream to your face in the morning and evening.

Who among us does not dream of beautiful, smooth skin. Mostly young ladies have such a face by nature, but closer to 30 years old problems appear, the skin can no longer boast of an even color, age spots, scars, wrinkles.

But these problems can be solved if you use the right tools. We will talk about this in this article.

Reasons for changing complexion.

To fix problems, you need to find out the cause:

  1. Genetics is a very important factor. Some people have better skin at 40 than younger girls. And nothing can be done about it;
  2. Ecology;
  3. diet;
  4. Living conditions.

From the sun, the skin ages faster, dark-skinned ladies are lucky, they have natural protection from sunlight. And fair-skinned women should always use SPF protection.

A change in complexion can occur for various reasons:

  • age spots may appear;
  • a lack of ;
  • not tanned skin, tan hides imperfections;
  • possible presence of various diseases.

The face becomes dull if a person is constantly under stress, does not get enough sleep.

At a young age, the face has a pale pink tint, this is due to the rapid renewal of cells, new cells replace dead ones. This process slows down over the years. A thick layer of the epidermis pushes the vessels further from the top layer, as a result, they do not receive proper nutrition. Therefore, the skin begins to look worse.

Enlarged pores also affect the unevenness and darkening of the skin. This problem is especially characteristic for oily skin types. Fat causes acne, or even worse, purulent acne.

If there is a bumpy relief on the face, then it is better to just wait. If you squeeze acne, hard-to-remove spots remain in their place.

You should not put up with all this, it is worth fighting for beautiful skin with all known methods, from grandmother's recipes to cosmetologist's procedures.

How to smooth the skin of the face at home

At home, scrubs and masks will help.

First you need to choose the right cosmetics. They must be suitable for age. If you wash your face with soap, forget about it, it has a bad effect on the skin, dries it, which leads to premature aging, provokes the appearance of wrinkles, and an allergic reaction is possible.

For washing it is better to use special gels, foams. You can look at the options with scrubbing particles, these particles will cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum.

If you have post-acne, you know how difficult it is to get rid of them, due to the fact that the skin remains damaged even after healing, this slows down the regeneration process.

When choosing care, first of all, you should pay attention to the means that will make the skin recover, for example, bodyaga is suitable.

In dry form, it looks like, the difference is in microparticles, in the classic version they are round in shape, and in the bodyaga they are pointed.

It operates according to the following principles: bodyagu is applied to the face, they begin to rub in circular motions, this irritates the face, as a result of which regeneration starts. Use this wonderful remedy for 2 weeks and you will notice that the acne scars will begin to heal.

In addition to bodyagi, there are other remedies that can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Almost every lady used such a beauty product as clay.

Its color is selected according to the type of skin and problems that need to be eliminated. It can be used as an independent remedy, diluted with water to a slurry state. You can also make a more complex recipe, for example, for skin whitening, take white clay, mix it with soda, take a little soda, literally on the tip of a knife, mix with water. Apply and leave on the face for 15 minutes, when the mask begins to dry, moisten with water.

From clay we get an excellent result, for a small amount of money, one package costs around 50 rubles.

Peach kernel oil is an excellent remedy for nourishing the skin. Use at night instead of moisturizer. The approximate price is 200 rubles.

This mask really has a positive effect on the skin, but it should be used no more than 2 times in 7 days. With frequent use, it can damage the deep layers of the epidermis.

Do steam baths. To do this, boil various herbs in a saucepan, for example, chamomile, celandine, sage. Immediately after boiling, remove the pan from the heat, and sit over it for 10 minutes, covered with a thick cloth. Your pores will open up and you can start cleaning them with a UNO spoon. After the procedure, treat the face with a sterile agent.

Professional leveling methods

Lots of salon treatments.

Facial cleansing can be laser, ultrasonic, mechanical. Combined cleaning is considered the best option. In the process of cleaning, wen, black dots, and impurities are removed from the skin.

The procedure is quite painful, it happens that after it wounds remain on the face, which soon heal.

Laser correction eliminates scars that remain after various mechanical damage to the skin. It relieves due to the fact that it "burns" the cells on the scars.

In general, the procedure is painless, there may be a slight tingling sensation. The skin after the laser begins to actively produce collagen, as a result of which the regeneration process is much faster.

There are 2 types, mechanical and chemical. The first type of abrasive particles relieves the skin of dead cells. The second type works with organic acids. Peeling is recommended to be done in the cold season, when the sun is less active.

Oxygen therapy fills the outer layer of the skin with gas through injections. Purified oxygen is supplied under pressure, thanks to which damaged tissues are quickly restored. This method is good for getting rid of old scars.

Acne and pimples disappear quickly with this method, thanks to the antiseptic effect of the injection.

Cryomassage will relieve acne caused by excessive work of the sebaceous glands. Cold affects the upper layer of the epidermis.

A small layer of liquid nitrogen is applied to the face, applied with tweezers and a cotton swab. When the liquid evaporates and the beautician reapplies liquid nitrogen, this is usually 2-3 times.

The procedure is carried out at the lowest possible temperatures, it stimulates metabolic processes, the pores narrow, inflammation disappears.

After the procedure, the face may turn red or swell, but everything will return to normal within 1 hour. Be sure to apply a high SPF cream before going outside.

Biorevitalization, eliminates minor wrinkles. Skin folds are smoothed out because this injection activates the production of fiber and collagen.

This injection contains fruit acids, a huge variety of different vitamins, a composition containing enzymes.

Folk methods for smoothing the skin of the face

Cucumber mask will help your skin!

Homemade beauty products are just as effective. Some products of natural origin will give an effect no worse than salon procedures. The main thing is to combine them correctly, and spend a little time cooking. It is not in vain that entire generations of our mothers and grandmothers worked on these recipes:

  • kefir mask. Soak a cotton pad in kefir, wipe your face with it, when it dries, wipe it again. And so repeat 10 times;
  • cucumber mask. You can just cut into thin circles, or you can cook porridge. To do this, take the peel and pulp of this most useful vegetable, add 1 tablespoon of starch. Mix thoroughly. Apply to face, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water;
  • honey and lemon mask Warm the honey a little, do not overdo it, you can get burned, drop a couple of drops of lemon juice into the warmed honey. Apply the thinnest layer, cover with a napkin on top, rinse after 15 minutes. Also, this mask can be used as a scrub by adding 1 teaspoon of sea salt, it will perfectly cleanse your skin;
  • egg white and yolk masks. These are 2 different masks, use separately. Protein will narrow enlarged pores and eliminate unpleasant oily sheen. The yolk will moisturize dry skin. In application, these products are also simple, smear on the face, rinse after complete drying;
  • products from the refrigerator will brighten the skin and remove unwanted pigmentation. Take half a glass of kefir and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Lightly warm the kefir in the microwave. Apply the substance on the face, walk like this for about 20 minutes;
  • for dry skin, there is an alternative option to the previous one, just change kefir for sour cream;
  • for the next recipe you need parsley and dill. Load them into a blender, grind to a mushy state, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream, apply for 25 minutes;
  • for normal epidermis, we can recommend the following mask recipe. You will need 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, kiwi, banana. Turn kiwi and banana into a state of sour cream, add egg and olive oil, mix thoroughly. Keep it on your face for about 15 minutes. The mask perfectly cleanses and tones the skin;
  • use in another recipe. For owners of oily skin, combine oil with sour berries, these include currants and strawberries. For beautiful ladies with dry skin, sweet-tasting fruits and berries are recommended, ideal: strawberries, nectarines, apricots. Knead, mix everything, apply for 10 minutes.

Decorative cosmetics can hide imperfections.

In the meantime, you are on the way to perfect skin, use cosmetics to mask imperfections:

  • start with the foundation, a fairly new tool in the world of beauty. Choose an individual remedy for your type of epidermis.

For example, there are foundations designed for grouting enlarged pores, mattifying for oily skin, moisturizing for dry skin.

Apply on a clean face, in a thin layer, if the product is colored, it is recommended to select a shade lighter than the foundation;

  • tonal tool. It will make your face of equal color, hide minor imperfections.

It is important to choose a foundation that matches your skin tone. It looks very ridiculous when the shade is chosen incorrectly;

  • corrector or concealer. Spot masking of more serious problems that foundation cannot cope with.

They perfectly mask bruises and bags under the eyes, acne, age spots. There are different textures and colors;

  • blush. With the previous means, we have hidden all the natural shadows, created an even canvas, now we need to draw everything again. With the help of blush, you can create volume;
  • . Fixing makeup, for oily skin, this stage is simply necessary, as cosmetics quickly “come off” from it.

With such simple methods, you will immediately hide all the existing flaws.

Properly caring for your skin - you will keep the beauty for many years.

In this video you will learn how to do a deep cleansing of the face at home.

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11 871 0 Good day! Today we will talk about how to even out complexion at home. This problem spoils the mood of millions of girls every day. You will learn why it occurs and how to deal with it. We will prove that even at home and with a small budget, you can easily fix this problem.

Causes of uneven skin color

Many girls buy expensive creams, go to salons and often have no effect, because a lot depends on the cause. First of all, you need to understand what causes uneven skin tone. Perhaps by changing your lifestyle and some rules, you can already noticeably improve your situation.

The most common factors that affect the heterogeneity of the skin are:

  • . Consumption of harmful preservatives has a negative impact not only on the stomach, but also on the whole body as a whole. Fatty, spicy, and sweet foods retain water, cause acne, and, of course, affect complexion. The same causes a lack of fruits, berries and vegetables.
  • . Water is vital for the skin, because it is responsible for many metabolic processes. Its deficiency can also spoil the color of the epidermis, as well as add peeling and many other troubles to its owner.
  • lack of sleep. During the night, skin cells are renewed and the body receives new energy. We need to sleep at least 7-8 hours. In addition, you also need to go to bed not too late, because after 12 o’clock at night every hour is equal to minutes of rest. Constant lack of sleep affects not only fatigue, but also on the skin.
  • Ecology and climate. If there are many factories in your city, then every day a considerable proportion of impurities containing toxins soars in the air. They linger in our body and "stick" to the skin. The monotonous climate also has a negative effect. A small amount of sunny days deprives the skin of the necessary and beneficial vitamins, as well as a good mood, which also affects the appearance.
  • Stomach problems. Diseases of the internal organs never go unnoticed. Gastritis or an ulcer causes particular damage to the face. They often give acne and an unhealthy complexion. You should not be lazy to go to the doctors and do regular examinations, because for some people the stomach hurts "silently", affecting only the external state.
  • Genetics. Many problems and ailments are inherited. That is why bags under the eyes and uneven skin color are so difficult to remove if present from birth.
  • Bad habits. It has long been known that smoking and alcohol cause severe damage to the skin of the face. Many note that people who abuse bad habits look sickly and tired.
  • Lack of fresh air. With the advent of computers, the problem of a sedentary lifestyle has worsened. People have stopped taking regular walks, and many travel exclusively by car. This is one of the most striking causes, which has a strong effect on skin color.
  • Incorrect care. Incorrect, inadequate hydration or poor-quality cosmetics are the enemies of a beautiful complexion.

Skin smoothing methods

It is possible to even out the tone of the face not only by eliminating the above causes. Every day, many girls are saved by the right make-up, and some good effective masks. For those looking for quick results, in-salon treatments are the way to go.

It is worth saying that an integrated approach will help best of all. The combination of all the rules will help to cope with the problem quickly and efficiently. You can also use some of the methods that have long proven themselves:

  1. It is worth carrying out skin care procedures twice a day. Particular attention should be paid to thorough cleansing of the skin. Even if you did not leave the house, dust and grease would still form on the skin, so simply rinsing with water will not be enough. Also, do not forget about moisturizing after the procedure. Use .
  2. About a day later, you need to use face masks that even out the tone, which will work. Only constant nutrition and deeper cleansing will achieve the long-awaited beauty.
  3. Don't forget to remove dead skin cells. Use peels and scrubs several times a week. They remove peeling, make the epidermis smoother and more even. Especially popular now are "rolls", which cleanse the skin more delicately and more evenly than scrub particles.
  4. Spend detox days, because they remove toxins from the body. On detox days, you need to consume a lot of fruit and vegetable juices.

The effect of food on skin color

Any food gives the body not only a feeling of satiety, but also useful substances, some trace elements. That is why it is so important to consume the right foods.

Seafood, chicken meat, eggs, cottage cheese and many other dairy products have a great influence on the epidermis. Any vegetables and fruits are irreplaceable and very useful. For a healthy complexion, it is recommended to eat more beets, carrots, citrus fruits, apricots, broccoli and tomatoes.

As for drinks, freshly squeezed juices in moderate doses have a very positive effect on the body. A good green tea is also beneficial. But it is better to refuse coffee, carbonated lemonades and packaged juices.

Folk remedies to even out skin color

How to even out complexion at home? In fact, it is possible to deal with this difficulty with folk methods. In addition, they do not require special investments. The rules and recipes have been tested by generations and still never cease to amaze:

  • Use frozen decoctions and juices in the form of ice in your care. Cold wiping in the morning tones the skin and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The best result will be from cubes containing useful substances. Please note that these sessions are contraindicated for those who suffer from rosacea.
  • Do not forget about visiting saunas and baths. Moreover, now almost every fitness center has a similar room. Hot air cleanses the pores, narrows them, and also strengthens blood vessels. In addition, the benefits for the skin are just one of the huge number of pluses of the steam room.
  • Do steam baths for your face. This is a good alternative for those who cannot go to the sauna often. Such baths also open pores, remove toxins and have a beneficial effect on capillaries. We recommend making them with the addition of herbs and essential oils. After that, it is best to use masks and delicate peels, as the skin can be cleansed faster.
  • Make your own facial toners. You can squeeze the juice of whitening vegetables and fruits, and also perfectly fights the main problem of green juice.

Face masks

Regular use of masks will sooner or later affect the quality of the skin. It is important to select compositions that will affect exactly the shade of the face. Many store-bought products contain preservatives and unnecessary chemicals, so the best option for dealing with tired skin is homemade masks.

Note: Be sure to check the mask before use for the absence of allergies. To do this, apply a couple of drops to the elbow or wrist. If red spots appear, then these components do not suit you.


  • with cucumber

For this mask, you need to grate a good ripe cucumber of a small size. Do not squeeze, but simply pour out the allocated juice. If the mask is still quite liquid, then you can add a little bit of oatmeal. Keep this mask on your face for at least 15 minutes.

  • with parsley

Chop the bunch of parsley by hand or with a food processor until mushy. Add a few drops of lime juice to the puree and apply the mixture all over your face. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

  • With sour cream

One of the simplest and most elementary recipes. You need to take a gauze napkin and soak it in 100 grams of fat sour cream. Put the mask on your face and after 20 minutes remove the residue with water.

  • With oatmeal

Cook 50 g of oatmeal and cool. Mix cereal with liquid sour cream or yogurt without additives. Apply to face and décolleté. When removing, you can scrub the skin a little with this composition. Wash off after 20-25 minutes.

  • with carrots

Mix grated carrots with quail yolk and 1 teaspoon of oatmeal. Keep on face for 15-25 minutes. It all depends on time and feelings. Wash off with cool water.

  • with potatoes

Make mashed potatoes from one fruit and add 0.5 chopped carrots mixed with yolk to it. You will also need some light beer, but the mask should not be very liquid. Wash it off with warm beer after 20 minutes.

  • with cabbage

Grind a few cabbage leaves with a knife and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kefir Please note that the consistency should be thick. Lie down with this mask for about 20 minutes.

  • With watermelon and melon

Mash a couple of slices of watermelon and melon. Pour out the resulting liquid and add 0.5 teaspoons of liquid honey. Stir the mixture and spread over the face. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Strengthening Vessels

  • with peach

Remove the skin from one peach and mash the flesh with a spoon. Add to it 0.5 teaspoon of liquid honey and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix the composition and spread over the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, it is necessary to do a contrast wash (in turn, hot-cold water).

  • with orange

Squeeze the juice of one orange and add oatmeal to it. It is impossible to specify the proportions, since the sizes of the fruit are different. The consistency of the mixture should be thick. Apply the mask with a brush and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

  • With banana and strawberry

Mash half a ripe banana with a fork and add a few drops of lemon juice to it, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yogurt without dyes and flavors, as well as 2-3 crushed strawberries. Apply the mixture on your face and wash off after 20 minutes.

  • with celery

Grind 100 g of leaf celery to a puree state. Add 1/4 teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Mix and apply on face for 10-15 minutes.

  • with dandelion

The flower must be placed in the chopper along with the stem. Mix the porridge-like mixture with 1 teaspoon of almond oil and 1 drop of rose essential oil. Spread on the face and wash off after 10-15 minutes.

  • With cottage cheese

It will take 100 g of non-purchasable cottage cheese. It needs to be kneaded to remove graininess and add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Apply to face and neck. Wash off after 15 minutes.

  • With rose essential oil

Take 0.5 teaspoons of linseed, coconut and olive oils. Add 2-3 drops of rose essential oil to them and mix. Warm the mixture a little and apply on the face with a thick layer. It is best to do this mask while lying down, as the liquid will drain. Do not forget to put an oilcloth and a thick towel under your head. After 20 minutes, the skin of the face must be blotted with several thick napkins, do not rinse.


  • With raspberries

Mix a few raspberries (10-15 pieces) with thick sour cream and 1-3 g of baking soda. Spread over the face without touching the skin around the eyes. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

  • With flax seeds

Brew about 7-10 g of flax seeds along with 2 tbsp. oatmeal spoons. Cool the resulting porridge and add 2 teaspoons of heavy cream to it. Leave on face for 20 minutes.

  • Cinnamon

Add to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, a pinch of cinnamon and a couple of teaspoons of boiled oatmeal. To make the mixture not very thick, you can put 1-2 teaspoons of sour cream. Keep the composition on the face for about 20 minutes.

  • with yeast

About 15 g of yeast must be mixed with cream to a thick consistency. Add to them the yolk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coconut oil, 0.5 teaspoon of honey and a little bit of starch. Mix thoroughly and spread over the entire face. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

  • With badyaga

Take 2-3 teaspoons of white clay and add 1 teaspoon of dry badyagi to them, mix. Pour some water into the mixture. It is important here that the consistency be like that of thick sour cream. Gently apply to the face, avoiding the skin around the eyes. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes. You need to rinse off under a warm and strong shower jet, without helping with your hands. If you remove the mask in this way, then there will be no sharpness and redness.

  • With beeswax

To do this, melt the beeswax (2 tablespoons) and gently smear it all over the face. After you wash off the mask, apply a moisturizer.

  • with egg

First you need to whip the protein and apply it in a thick layer on the face. Wash off after 10 minutes. Spread the remaining yolk on dry skin and remove it with water after 15 minutes.

  • with zucchini

Take 50 g of coffee grounds and mix it with the juice of half a zucchini. If the mixture turns out to be liquid, then you can add a little oatmeal. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes.

How to even out the tone of the face with cosmetics

If you are just starting to deal with this problem, then the first time will save the right makeup. Cosmetics should be chosen based on your skin type. If you have peeling, then pay attention to a moisturizing tone, and if oily, then to matting agents.

Additionally, the base can even out the complexion and smooth the skin. Do not use it every day, as a large amount of silicones can clog pores over time. And therefore, carefully remove it when removing makeup.

Next, you need to apply foundation or BB, CC cream. Much depends on the number of problems on the face. Yet the foundation is the most dense. You need to distribute it on the face with a kabuki brush or a beauty blender.

Those who suffer from bruising under the eyes will also need a concealer. It will also help to remove age spots, acne marks, pimples themselves and rosacea. From above, you can powder your face a little to fix the makeup. Then you can already make up your eyes, eyebrows, lips and whatever you want.

Such makeup will perfectly hide all the flaws and make the complexion more uniform and rested. An important point is the quality of the funds themselves. Do not save money on this, because the face quickly "absorbs" both bad and good components.

Salon procedures

If you decide to seek professional help, then take a look at these procedures:

  1. (there is a renewal of skin cells, post-acne and age spots are removed)
  2. Oxygen peeling (dead cells of the epidermis are exfoliated, and new ones are saturated with oxygen; blood vessels are strengthened and blood circulation improves)
  3. Cryomassage (removes stagnant spots, narrows pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands, adjusts metabolic processes)
  4. (removes dead skin cells, strengthens blood vessels, makes the epidermis more elastic)
  5. Microdermabrasion (deep cleansing of the skin in several procedures, renewal of dermal cells and getting rid of post-acne)

We advise you to contact cosmetologists only after you have tried to get rid of the causes of uneven skin tone and have experienced several folk tips. Otherwise, expensive sessions will show an absolutely short-lived effect.

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