Brown belly after childbirth. When the dark line on the abdomen disappears after childbirth and how to speed up the process

The appearance of a postpartum belly is rarely a woman's pride. One of the undesirable consequences of pregnancy is a dark streak on this part of the body. And if on a rounded tummy she looked pretty cute, causing associations with a ripe watermelon or a pot-bellied chipmunk, then after the birth of a child, a noticeable line often spoils the woman's appearance, especially in combination with stretched skin. And it is quite natural that young mothers are worried about when the pigmentation will disappear and whether the process can be accelerated.

The muscles that form the abdomen are symmetrical, they are connected by tendons, which in medicine are called the "white line of the abdomen." In the normal state, it is invisible, but due to certain circumstances it can darken due to the melanin pigment.

Melanin is synthesized in the lower layers of the skin by special cells - melanocytes. Dark brown pigments are very stable: they do not dissolve in water, organic substances and mineral acids, they are destroyed only under the influence of alkali and very high temperatures (up to 200 degrees). It is thanks to melanin that people have different shades of skin, hair and eyes.

This natural dye begins to be intensively produced due to ultraviolet radiation - then the skin acquires a tan (a darker shade), freckles may appear. The main function of melanin is protective. Its granules accumulate at the surface of the skin, turning into a kind of screen that absorbs harmful ultraviolet rays. Also, this pigment is a barrier for chemical aggressors: it covers the nucleus with genetic information in the cells.

Melanocytes have a protective function

The production of melanin in the body is controlled by the endocrine system - the thyroid gland, pituitary hormones, as well as sex hormones.

The reasons for the appearance of a dark stripe on the belly of a woman who gave birth

  1. During the period of bearing a child, a woman's hormone ratio changes significantly. At the same time, areas of the skin, especially sensitive to external influences, can be colored in darker shades. This face (spots appear), the white line of the abdomen, areola on the chest and external genitals. Moreover, in dark-skinned and dark-skinned women, pigmentation is more pronounced (after all, their body contains a greater number of melanocytes).
  2. Some experts associate the appearance of a dark strip on the abdomen with a lack of folic acid during pregnancy (even if the woman is taking it in pill form). This substance affects the uniform coloring of the skin and pigmentation. Folic acid is extremely important for the full development of the fetus, and in the process of bearing a child, the female body spends a lot of it.
  3. The stress factor also plays a role. As a result of changes in hormonal levels, a pregnant woman becomes suspicious and nervous, and this increases the production of melanocytes and causes them to be evenly distributed throughout the body. The more negative emotions the expectant mother experiences, the stronger the pigmentation, including on the belly.
  4. Use of cosmetics during pregnancy. Creams, masks, shower gels and other products that are usual for a woman in a normal state can cause an unexpected reaction, including hyperpigmentation.
  5. Hereditary factor. A young mother in this case is herself prone to the rash of freckles, has many birthmarks.
  6. In some cases, the appearance and long-term existence of a dark strip after childbirth is associated with diseases of the liver, ovaries, pituitary gland.

Photo gallery: factors provoking hyperpigmentation

The use of cosmetics during pregnancy can lead to unexpected consequences Negative emotions during pregnancy can increase pigmentation A young mother may have a hereditary tendency to the appearance of freckles and age spots
A dark streak on the abdomen may appear due to a lack of folic acid

The dark stripe on the belly of pregnant women is a purely cosmetic problem that does not bring any harm to either the expectant mother or the child. Moreover: in this way, the body tries to protect the fetus from the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays and toxic chemicals. After all, the strip is located at the most convex place of the abdomen.

Interestingly, the appearance of a dark stripe on the abdomen has a connection with the woman's place of residence. Closer to the north, solar activity is low, and there young mothers (usually fair-haired and fair-skinned) do not face the problem of hyperpigmentation. In the southern area, due to the scorching sun, women's skin initially has a greater supply of melanin, and vertical pigmentation on the abdomen sometimes occurs even in the absence of pregnancy.

How quickly the strip on the abdomen disappears after childbirth

As a rule, hyperpigmentation after childbirth goes away on its own due to the stabilization of the hormonal background. Moreover, for each young mother, the duration of this process is individual: in some, the dark stripe turns pale a few weeks after the baby is born, in others only after a year.

If a woman is breastfeeding her baby, then the process of disappearance of hyperpigmentation will take longer.

Since the white line of the abdomen has few blood vessels, after childbirth, melanin from this area is washed out more slowly compared to other areas of the skin.

How to speed up the disappearance of the dark streak on the postpartum belly

A dark streak on the postpartum belly is a completely natural phenomenon, and a young mother should not dwell on it. But if you don't want to wait for the pigmentation to pass on its own, you can try various methods for whitening the skin.

Creams and ointments

Special whitening cosmetics will help to remove pigmentation. However, a nursing mother should carefully read the composition of creams and ointments: they should be based on natural ingredients. After all, some chemicals can penetrate into the bloodstream, and then into breast milk, harming the baby. There are lines of cosmetics specifically for pregnant and lactating women: for example, Mama Comfort, Baby Pharmacy, Weleda and others.

Cosmetics for young mothers should be made from natural ingredients

Also, during lactation, you can use zinc oxide ointments: they will not have a harmful effect on the baby. But it is still advisable to discuss this issue with your doctor beforehand.

After using the product, you should carefully monitor the baby's condition: if you experience allergic reactions, you should immediately refuse to use the cream or ointment.

Power features

It turns out that some products contain substances that accumulate in a woman's skin and contribute to the production of melanin under the influence of UV radiation. These are vegetables and fruits of yellow shades (carrots, apricots, peaches, pumpkin), as well as tomatoes, watermelons, melons. This category also includes products containing tyrosine and tryptophan: pork and beef liver, red meats and fish, soy products, legumes, dates.

Eating certain fruits promotes melanin production

Conversely, a number of foods interfere with the synthesis of the coloring pigment: very salty foods, nuts, chocolate, boiled corn and coffee.

Naturally, a nursing mother cannot completely abandon healthy food just because it stimulates the production of melanin (as well as strives to absorb foods that are harmful in her position). But in everything you need to observe the measure: if you lean in the summer, for example, on certain types of fruits, the dark stripe on the stomach will not disappear as quickly as we would like.

Cosmetic procedures

If a year after giving birth, the strip on the belly is still pronounced and darkens the mood of the young mother, then you can contact a professional cosmetologist. This is allowed if the mother is no longer breastfeeding the baby. In addition, it is necessary to exclude possible diseases of internal organs that affect skin pigmentation.

You can remove the dark stripe with special exfoliating procedures: laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, cryotherapy, mesotherapy.

If a woman regularly visits a bathhouse or a sauna, then she should thoroughly steam, and then rub the pigmented area with a soft washcloth. Just don't press too hard on the belly or use the hard side - this will damage the skin.

Folk recipes

You can speed up the disappearance of the dark strip on the postpartum belly using folk methods. These are topical whitening compounds that are applied to the skin.

Although all components from folk recipes are of natural origin, they can cause allergic reactions in a mother or baby.

  • Finely chop a handful of parsley, add 1 teaspoon of sour cream, a couple of drops of orange juice. Rub the mixture into the pigmented area for 2-3 minutes, then leave for another 10 minutes and rinse.
  • Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and mineral water (about 2 tablespoons each). Apply compresses daily for 5 minutes. An alternative to lemon juice is cranberry juice.
  • Grind sweet peppers to the state of gruel and apply on the stomach daily for half an hour.
  • Finely chop fresh yarrow inflorescences (1 tablespoon), add the same amount of whey, grapefruit juice and a pinch of cloves (seasoning). Soak the composition on the skin for 15 minutes (if a burning sensation or tingling occurs, you can wash it off early).
  • Combine 1 teaspoon of grated rosehip berries with the same amount of sour cream. Such a homemade scrub should be rubbed into the skin, held for a few minutes, and then washed off with warm water.
  • Prepare a herbal mixture: combine an equal amount of chopped rose hips, rowan and sorrel leaves (pinch each), add a teaspoon of sour cream. Keep the whitening composition on the pigmented area for about half an hour, and then rinse with milk, half diluted with water.
  • By 2 tsp. Kombucha add 1 tsp. onion juice. Leave the mixture on the skin for 40–45 minutes.
  • Grate horseradish and green apple on a fine grater. Use the resulting gruel as a mask for 15 minutes, then rinse off, and moisturize the skin with milk.
  • Honey peeling well exfoliates pigmented cells. Liquid honey is applied to the skin, rubbed in for several minutes and washed off with warm water.
  • You can freeze cucumber juice or parsley infusion in a mold, and then wipe the problem area with an ice cube in the morning and evening.
  • If the line on the belly is pale, then you can regularly wipe it with a decoction of chamomile or linden (considering that linden often causes allergies).

A dark strip on a round tummy for pregnant women looks very cute. Many people immediately think of comparisons with a juicy and appetizing watermelon or with a funny plump chipmunk. But after giving birth - on a flat, or even worse - on a flat, saggy and flabby belly, the strip becomes a frighteningly beautiful sight. What is this mark, what is it for and when will it disappear?

Hyperpigmentation in pregnant women

Hyperpigmentation on the abdomen in pregnant women occurs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe white line of Alba. This line, or strip, is present in the middle of the abdomen in humans and all vertebrates. It separates the right and left rectus abdominis muscles and consists mainly of connective tissue collagen. Along the white line, the tendons of the oblique muscles of the abdomen are intertwined and interconnected, in some places of the weave there are voids filled with adipose tissue, in which hernias can form during pregnancy and childbirth from increased intra-abdominal pressure. The midline of the abdomen has a musculoskeletal function.

Due to the fact that the Alba line has practically no nerve endings and blood vessels, surgical incisions are made along it during operations on the abdominal organs.

Again, due to the paucity of blood vessels, the pigment staining the strip, when it is excessively produced, easily accumulates in the midline of the abdomen and is washed out after childbirth more slowly than from the dermis abundantly supplied with blood capillaries.

Melasma, or chloasma, is an excessive deposition of natural dye in the skin. A favorite place for such reserves in pregnant women is the face, the alba line, the breast with painted areola, and the external genitalia. The causes of melasma and chloasma in pregnant women are associated with hormonal changes in the body. The problem is cosmetological and is not dangerous for either mother or child. In most cases, hyperpigmentation resolves on its own after childbirth.

Folk omens about a strip on the stomach

Once upon a time, the sex of a child being born was a secret, sealed with seven seals, until the very birth. But curiosity overpowered, and they tried to calculate gender by comparing observations of pregnant women on various grounds. One of them is a strip that divides the tummy into two halves.

It was believed that if it is dark, clearly delineated and even, then a boy awaits the expectant mother after giving birth. In combination with a pointed tummy and the appearance of dark hair on the body, including the midline of the abdomen, the prognosis for the boy gained additional momentum and was elevated to the rank of an axiom. If the strip is pale, curved, thin and intermittent, or completely absent, then a girl will appear.

When can and where to start playing sports after childbirth

What a disappointment it was when, after giving birth, one had to contemplate the completely opposite to what was expected! Believe in these signs, or not, is everyone's personal business. But as practice shows, often with such signs, predictors after childbirth fall into a mess. Boys are easily born after the expectant mother was marked with a thin and crooked stripe on the belly, or she was completely absent. Together with them, the girls got mixed up, being born in spite of the prophesied.

Today, fetal ultrasound can successfully dispel tormenting doubts before childbirth. It rarely happens that this modern method does not cope with the task of accurately determining the sex, and after giving birth, a pleasant surprise awaits the expectant mother. Therefore, it is best of all, while waiting for the child, not to succumb to the authorities and not to think ahead.

What kind of substance stains the strip on the belly of pregnant women

The unusual lined look gives the belly the natural dye melanin. It is present in animals, humans, plants and even microorganisms that inhabit the Earth, and determines their color. Melanins are black and dark brown pigments. Thanks to them, people differ in the color of their eyes, skin and hair.

They do not dissolve in water, organic solvents, or mineral acids. Only alkali and heating up to 200 ° C can destroy its molecule. The mechanism of their formation in the body is not fully understood. Melanins are produced in the skin, in special cells with many processes that resemble stars - melanocytes. Melanocytes are found in the lower layers of the dermis. In dark-skinned people, the number of melanocytes is much higher than in fair-skinned people, respectively, and the strip on the belly of dark-skinned women after childbirth is darker.

In the skin, the pigment is in the form of granules associated with protein. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the production of melanin increases and the skin acquires a dark shade - sunburn, freckles appear. It has now been established that the synthesis of melanin is controlled by the endocrine system, mainly by pituitary hormones - alpha melanocyte-stimulating and beta hormones, and in addition, by the thyroid gland and sex hormones.

Hence, hyperpigmentation in pregnant women - during gestation, the ratio of hormones changes significantly and those areas of the skin that are most sensitive to external influences are painted in colors ranging from light yellow to dark brown.

Some experts associate hyperpigmentation in pregnant women with a lack of folic acid, a predisposition to pigmentation disorders - a tendency to rash of freckles and the presence of birthmarks. The appearance and long existence of a pigmented strip after childbirth can sometimes be associated with existing pathological disorders in the work of the liver, pituitary gland, ovaries, etc.

How to quickly and effectively remove stretch marks or styria on the abdomen after childbirth

Products that increase natural pigment production

The brightness and severity of the stripe on the belly can be affected by foods eaten, which can affect melanin synthesis. Some substances present in these products accumulate in human skin and, when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, begin to synthesize a coloring pigment.

These products include carrots, citrus essential oils, watermelon, apricot, peach, pumpkin, and tomatoes. Since tyrosine and tryptophan are involved in the synthesis of melanin, its more rapid production occurs after eating foods containing these substances - beef and pork liver, red meat and fish, soybeans, beans, dates. There are also foods that interfere with the synthesis of the dye, such as highly salty food, coffee, chocolate, nuts, and boiled corn.

You should not completely abandon products that stimulate the production of melanin in the skin and avoid sunlight just in order to quickly get rid of the strip on the stomach after childbirth. This can harm both yourself and the breastfed baby, depriving your body of the nutrients needed by both. Everything should be in moderation, but if you overly lean on the above products, especially in summer, then you will have to put up with striping after childbirth and wait a little longer for it to pass.

Non-staining functions of melanin

In addition to giving a colorful personality, this pigment has another, much more important function - protective. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the sun, the skin produces vitamin D, which is vital for normal calcium metabolism. Up to a certain point, being in the fresh air is invaluable. When the radiation is too strong, then it has a destructive effect on the living cells of the body.

Melanin comes to the rescue, the granules of which are drawn to the surface of the skin and serve as a kind of screen that absorbs and reflects UV rays that are destructive to life. Also, this natural dye serves as a barrier to various chemical aggressors. Moreover, the pigment in the cell is located in such a way as to cover its nucleus, which carries the genetic information.

The strip in pregnant women is located in the most convex place of the abdomen, which takes on the maximum impact of the adverse effects of the environment. So the dark stripe serves to some extent as a protection that does not allow intense UV rays and harmful chemicals to pass through to the child being born.

When will the streak pass?

The period for which the strip on the abdomen will pass is individual for each woman. This usually occurs after childbirth with the arrival of the hormonal balance in the pre-pregnancy rate and a decrease in the shock synthesis of melanin. For someone, this moment comes with the arrival of the first menstruation, for someone it stretches for a year.

When breastfeeding a baby, the process of disappearance of the strip is longer, and can take six months - a year after birth. If the strip causes aesthetic inconvenience, then it is worth contacting a beautician when it does not pass after a year after giving birth. First, you need to exclude pathologies of internal organs that can affect the normal pigmentation of the skin.

The strip is removed by exfoliating procedures - laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, cryotherapy. Also, special preparations are used that reduce the light sensitivity of the skin, whitening creams, mesotherapy, etc.

At home, you can also speed up the disappearance of the streak after childbirth with exfoliating procedures and brightening products.

In nine out of ten women during pregnancy, an unattractive streak appears on the belly, which does not disappear even after the birth of the baby. This cannot but alarm new mothers, who, after giving birth, strive to return their previous forms and appearance as soon as possible. There are a lot of questions about a special mark, but most of all women are interested in how to remove the pigment strip. Well, let's sort it out together.

Why does a pigment streak appear during pregnancy?

Gynecologists often reassure pregnant women about the appearance of a mark on the abdomen, especially when it comes to mothers expecting their first child. Doctors explain that its occurrence is not a pathology, that this phenomenon is considered quite normal and occurs in 90% of cases. Since every woman is different, the timing of the streak may vary. This usually happens in the second or third trimester.

Of course, dark-haired and dark-skinned representatives of the fair half of society are more likely to receive pigment "jewelry" as a gift. This is due to the fact that their bodies produce more melanin, which determines the color of the skin and is responsible for changing its color. During the nine months of pregnancy, the level of this substance increases significantly, hence the problems with pigmentation. Although in blondes, its amount does not always reach a critical level, so they rarely complain about the formation of a kind of mark on the tummy.

However, there is great news for all pregnant women: to remove or make the strip less pronounced, you do not need to wait for childbirth. You can take action while still in an interesting position. All that is needed for this is to control the level of natural pigment in the body. And it's easy to do, just protect your skin from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays. Here are some simple yet effective ways:

  1. Reduce your time in the sun.
  2. Use sunscreen.
  3. In hot weather, wear lightweight, but closed clothing.
  4. Try not to sunbathe from 12.00 to 16.00 hours.

These rules allow you to make the mark less noticeable, and sometimes even prevent its formation altogether. But this does not mean at all that you need to close at home, away from the sun's rays. Do not forget that under the influence of the sun, the body produces more than 90% of vitamin D, which is very important for the health of both the expectant mother and her baby. You can and should bask in the sun, the main thing is to do it right - in the morning and in the evening, protecting the skin with special creams.

The child was born, and the streak does not disappear: what to do?

What is a brown mark on the belly of pregnant women, we figured it out. It's time to move on to the main question that worries all women who have given birth who are faced with this problem: when does it disappear, and is it necessary to do something specifically for this?

Let's start with the good news. According to doctors, the brown "surprise" disappears when the hormonal background of the newly-made mom returns to normal. Don't expect this to happen immediately after giving birth. The recovery process takes a certain amount of time and depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. As a rule, after six months everything is normalized, and the streak disappears on its own.

Do not panic if the miracle has not happened six months later. As noted earlier - everything is individual! For example, in dark-skinned mothers, the strip disappears longer. In addition, breastfeeding can delay the process.

Of course, it is not surprising that women after childbirth are interested in this issue. However, doctors do not recommend getting hung up on it. Firstly, it is harmful for newly minted mothers, who already have enough trouble in caring for a newborn. Secondly, this phenomenon is temporary, therefore, when everything returns to normal, the mark will disappear on its own.

But if you don't want to wait at all, then you can use folk remedies that accelerate the process of disappearance of an unattractive mark and have already managed to prove their effectiveness in this matter. These include:

  • honey peeling;
  • brightening masks made from fresh cucumber, parsley or cottage cheese;
  • rubbing the pigmentation area with cubes of frozen cucumber and parsley juice, a decoction of linden and chamomile or lemon juice.
  • However, before you go about removing streaks, remember to do an allergy test. Some of the recipes listed contain foods that can trigger an allergic reaction, such as honey, linden, which is highly undesirable for breastfeeding. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and not risk the health of the baby.

    When the doctor permits, you can move on to more radical methods - visit a bathhouse or sauna. Such events allow you to thoroughly steam the skin, after which you can carry out lightening wraps or make honey peeling. If your health does not allow you to visit such institutions, then after each shower, simply rub the pigmentation area with a soft washcloth. However, do it carefully and preferably without fanaticism, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the abdomen.

    A year has passed, and the mark has not disappeared. What to do?

    If you have tried all possible means and methods, and the strip still "decorates" your tummy, then you have two options for solving this dilemma. The first is to visit your doctor. The specialist, if necessary, will prescribe tests to check the hormonal background. If the reason for the delay in the disappearance of the mark is an imbalance in hormones, then appropriate treatment will be required to normalize their levels.

    If the examination shows that everything is in order with your health, then visit a beautician. Nowadays, there are many professional procedures that allow you to quickly and effectively remove the "decoration" formed during pregnancy.

The strip, which often appears on the belly of a pregnant woman, and has a dark color, looks cute. It usually occurs in the last stages of gestation, when all the symptoms of pregnancy are noticeable with the naked eye.

Some pregnant women perceive such changes as normal, others worry about this. But experts say that this phenomenon is absolutely normal, it occurs in almost every pregnant woman. Causes such a strip of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.

But many new mothers say that the mark after the birth of the abdomen remains. Of course, this is not particularly appealing from an aesthetic point of view. When should such a pregnancy mark disappear and how can the process be accelerated?

What is a dark stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy

The appearance of such a mark is a manifestation of hyperpigmentation. This condition occurs due to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman. In appearance, the strip looks like a vertical line from the navel to the intimate area.

It should be said that every woman has such a strip. But before pregnancy it is difficult to notice it, during pregnancy the pigmentation becomes more pronounced, as a result, the strip changes its color to a more intense one. In 9 out of 10 cases, pregnant women have a dark line. Most often, the mark occurs in dark and dark women.

When will the streak disappear?

The main reason for the emergence of the line under consideration, as already noted, is hormonal changes. In some "pregnant" babies, the line may develop in the 3rd month of gestation, while others - in the seventh. Everything is very individual.

After the appearance of blood, hormones are stabilized, this helps to reduce the production of melanin. The strip then disappears, and very quickly. Every woman has a different process of disappearing. For some women, the strip and trace will not remain after a few weeks, and for some - only after six months.

If mommy is lactating, then the time for removing the strip can only be delayed.

How to professionally remove a belly strip after childbirth

If the strip is inconvenient for a woman from an aesthetic point of view and it does not disappear even a year after the birth of the baby, then you can make an appointment with a cosmetologist. But before the crime, cosmetic procedures must be examined. To make sure that all internal organs are functioning normally. Indeed, sometimes it happens that it is problems with them that can provoke a change in skin pigmentation.

Strip removal can be done with the following options:

  • the use of whitening creams;
  • the use of funds that help reduce the sensitivity of the skin to light;
  • mesotherapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • laser resurfacing;

Young mothers, in order not to harm the health of their baby, try to abandon the various procedures indicated above and resort to folk bleaching methods. To eliminate the problem at home, you can use completely natural remedies that can perfectly whiten the desired area. For example, you can use a medium hardness brush while taking a bath. Parsley juice, lemon juice, cucumber, linden decoction, etc. can eliminate the problem.

The recovery of the body after childbirth is not a quick process. This period depends on various factors and it can be different for each woman. Do not be discouraged if a dark strip is in no hurry to disappear from your not pregnant tummy.

Doctors say that she does not stay with anyone, just for one woman it takes more time, for another - less. Over time, the hormonal background improves and the band will disappear on its own. Of course, this process can be accelerated with your help. But the most important thing is not to harm the baby in any way.

The stripe, which often appears on the belly of a pregnant woman, and is black in color, looks cute. She usually appears in the last steps of gestation, when all the symptoms of pregnancy are noticeable with the naked eye.

Some pregnant women perceive such changes as normal, others worry about this. But experts say that this phenomenon is completely normal, it occurs in virtually every pregnant woman. It causes such a strip of hormonal changes that appear during pregnancy.

But many freshly baked mothers say that the mark after the birth of the abdomen remains. Of course, this is not particularly presentable based on the beliefs of aesthetics. When should such a pregnancy mark disappear and how can the process be accelerated?

The appearance of such a mark is a manifestation of hyperpigmentation. This condition appears due to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman. By its own appearance, the strip looks like a vertical line from the navel to the intimate area.

It should be said that every woman has such a strip. But before pregnancy it is difficult to see it, during pregnancy the pigmentation becomes more pronounced, as a result, the strip changes its own color to a more saturated one. In 9 out of 10 cases, pregnant women have a dark line. In most cases, the mark appears in dark and black women.

When will the streak disappear?

The main prerequisites for the appearance of the line under consideration, as already noted, is hormonal changes. Someone "pregnant" line may develop in the 3rd month of gestation, and others - in the seventh. Everything is very personal.

After the blood is produced, hormones are stabilized, this helps to reduce the production of melanin. The strip then disappears, and very quickly. Every woman has a different process of disappearing. For some women, the streak and trace do not remain after a few weeks, and for some, only after six months.

If mommy is lactating, then the time to eliminate the streak can only drag on.

How to expertly remove a strip on the tummy after childbirth

If the strip is inconvenient for a woman from an aesthetic point of view and it does not disappear even a year after the birth of the baby, then you can make an appointment with a cosmetologist. But before the atrocity, cosmetic procedures need to be examined. To make sure that all internal organs are working properly. Indeed, from time to time it happens that it is the problems with them that can provoke a change in skin pigmentation.

Strip removal can be done with the following variations:

  • the use of whitening creams;
  • the introduction of means to help reduce the light sensitivity of the skin;
  • mesotherapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • peeling;
  • laser resurfacing;

Young mothers, so as not to harm the health of their baby, try to abandon the various procedures indicated above and resort to folk bleaching methods. To remove the problem at home, you can use 100% natural remedies that will perfectly be able to whiten a suitable area. For example, you can use a medium-hard brush while taking a bath. Parsley juice, lemon juice, cucumber, linden and chamomile decoction can remove the difficulty.

Recovery after childbirth is not a quick process. This period depends on different reasons and it can be different for each woman. Do not be discouraged if a black stripe is in no hurry to disappear from your not pregnant belly.

Doctors say that she does not stay with anyone, just for one woman it takes more time, for another - less. Over time, the hormonal background improves and the band will be eliminated without the help of others. Of course, this process can be accelerated with your help. But the most important thing with all this is not to harm the baby in any way.