Love whispers to the growing moon. Whisper for love - an effective ritual to attract love

Whispering conspiracies for love, luck and money are powerful spells that can save you from trouble, prevent damage, and attract happiness. As a rule, they are pronounced in a specific situation. For example, in order to get rid of negativity after a quarrel, a special whisper is said to a person in the back.

Home whispers are aimed at attracting good luck, love and prosperity.

They are pronounced on things that a person uses every day. These things are charged with positive energy, which creates a favorable atmosphere in the house.

morning whispers

  • Get up on your right foot in the morning. Touching the floor with your foot, say a whisper: “I get up to meet my happiness!”
  • When leaving home, be sure to look in the mirror and say: “My reflection is good luck attraction,” and smile.
  • If you drink tea or coffee in the morning and want to cheer up and gain strength, then tell your mug: “I drink strength, I drink health, I drink the energy of this day.”

Evening whispers

  • When washing or taking a shower, say: “I wash away the negative, I erase the insults, I wash away the melancholy.” This will help you relieve yourself of tension and stress received during the day, and bring your emotional state in order.
  • When spreading the bed, say: “The blanket, the sheet is my protection, and the pillow is my girlfriend, everything that I don’t tell her will come true.” After these words, you can safely go to bed - neither insomnia nor nightmares will disturb you. And if you, lying on a pillow, think about your desires, then they will come true faster.
  • Closing your eyes, say a whisper: "Let it be in a dream and in reality the way I want."

Whispers for money

  • When receiving money, whisper a conspiracy for money - "Money in your pocket, there will soon be a whole suitcase."
  • Whisper-conspiracy to attract money to the wallet: “My wallet is ringing, getting fat from money. Every day my luck is greener."
  • If you give money, you should say a whisper-conspiracy for wealth - "I give money, but I'm waiting for it back."

Whispers in the back

Whispers in the back are pronounced in order to punish the offender or protect themselves from his malicious intent.

  • If you wished something bad, then say a conspiracy to protect against the evil eye - "What you wish for me, take it for yourself."
  • If you were rude in a public place: “Your negativity, you have to live with it, but I don’t need someone else’s.”
  • Whisper in the back of the enemy: "Your speeches are on your shoulders."

Whispers for love

  • If you want to attract the attention of a person, say a loving whisper after him: “As the grass spreads in the spring, so you will spread before me.”
  • If you want to drive your loved one away from another woman, put a head of garlic in his pocket unnoticed and say: “Throw the garlic, throw away the (rival’s name) from the heart.” Naturally, having found garlic in his pocket, a man will take it out and throw it away.
  • If the husband leaves, after him, say a conspiracy to love a man - “As water returns from earth to heaven, so you are destined to return to me.”

In order for the whispers to work, it is necessary to invest your energy in the spoken conspiracies. Memorized phrases will not have any magical power. Whispers can be invented independently for any situation. The main thing is that what is said comes from the heart and helps you achieve success.

We all want to feel loved and desired. Any girl dreams of a strong and friendly family. But not all girls manage to get married, and others, if they find a soul mate, then painful disagreements and quarrels occur in the relationship.

There are also girls who, being attractive, smart and economic, cannot go down the aisle in any way. In such situations, our grandmothers said that you need to “whisper”, and then, you see, everything will work out.

Some are skeptical of whispers, calling them village magic; others, thanks to their help, solved their love problems.

There is the simplest whisper that kindles love. It is read while sitting at a table with a person you like.

You need to pour a little wine or beer from your glass to someone who attracts you and whisper the following words:

"Drink, drink, love, don't forget."

Whispers for male love with a powerful effect:

“As the grass spreads in the spring, so you will begin to spread before me.”

“I don’t breathe, but I tell fortunes.

Breathe out for me, breathe in for you.

So that you dry for me.

A whisper called "The Secret Word":

Seeing the man you like, touch him and at that moment say a secret word to yourself. If you are still unfamiliar with the object of your sympathy, do it as if by chance when you pass by.

The secret word is Kabbalah.

Whispers for the love of a spouse

Whisper on the threshold of cheating husband

If your husband is walking, this whisper must be read on the threshold of the dwelling:

“Go where you went, you will return anyway.

You leave me as a gelding, in my house you will become a stallion.

As she said, it will happen.

As soon as your husband steps over the threshold, the slander will begin to work. Therefore, make sure that no stranger, for example, a neighbor, crosses the threshold.

Salt for fidelity

Whispering on homemade salt:

“As people praise salt in food, so that the husband loves his wife!”

To return affection and attention from the husband, they whisper:

“Damn-brothers, stand behind the back of the slave (name),

Follow him, follow him

Whisper after him, put my name (your name) into his soul.

Step by step, trail by trail, do not leave and do not lag behind,

Remind me about.

To know and remember my name,

And never forgot. Amen".

Whispers in bed

“There is a golden pillar, you can’t rip it off with your hand, you can’t loosen it with your fingers.

Crepe - strong, and all to me. Amen".

You should also whisper the following words to arouse the old feelings:

“From the body to the body is a love affair.

The blood is mine, but your love.

Love me more than yourself.

The twig bends in the forest, I feel where it will stick.

Whisper on a guy's love

If a girl has not yet found that one, unique and incomparable, with whom she would like to walk her life's path side by side, then to attract love, you can whisper:

“Roads wind, wind, and then converge into one.

So let my fate meet your fate.

What you think - will come true, what you wished - will happen.

The whisper must be pronounced at sunset.

If, however, a person close to you, dear to your heart, looks past you, does not pay attention, then for such a situation there are magical, miraculous words that will resurrect his interest in you. But just before you whisper them, you need to buy a beautiful scarlet ribbon, go to a river or lake, and, throwing the ribbon into the water, read:

“My ribbon should swim and redden, and my heart (name) will burn for me.”

What girl does not dream of getting married with her beloved?! But what to do if your chosen one is in no hurry to give a box with the coveted ring? A whisper conspiracy will help here, which is read on a bread crust, previously slightly salted.
This whisper speeds up and promises a wedding in the near future. Here it is:

“Let the guests gather in our house, taste bread and salt in an honest world, and at a wedding feast.

Not ten years later, but this year.”

Effective whispers to attract love from a guy:

“Bake, dry on my sugar.

Body, heart, head.
Like a fly sticks to sweet syrup,

So are you, slave (name),

Turn to me, loving, slave (your name).

Take advice, in my absence grieve,

Love me as they cherish the most valuable and dear.

And so it will be!”

“You are my beloved, I am your dove, I will swallow you with arms and legs, and with soft hair, and with all valiant thoughts.”

Spell-whisper in the back of the spouse:

“Go, go, don’t forget me (name).

Walk a little away from me, but quickly run to me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever, and forever and ever.

You need to whisper to your husband in the back if he leaves the house.

If your husband's work is fraught with some kind of danger, whisper these words when he begins to leave for the service:

“In your mercy, Lord, I trust and trust you, our Guardian, the servant of God (name). Amen".

If your husband leaves you, say the following whisper after him:

“Just as water returns from the earth to the sky, so will you, by fate, return to me.”

To resurrect the extinguished passion on the part of your husband, go up to him, touch his back, run your left hand along the spinal column and say to yourself:

“As there is no woman without breasts,

A man without bones

So there is no one more desirable than me.

And sweeter for the servant of God (name).

I am your delight, I am your joy and support,

Now and forever.

Key. Lock. Language.

Whispers of love will help you find a lover, attract a couple, deal with an unhappy love, ward off a rival, and even protect your marriage from betrayal. There are many conspiracy words for love witchcraft that will be useful to every woman.

In the article:

Whispers for love - how to attract a guy

Many girls are embarrassed to meet guys on their own initiative. Most ladies just dream that the guy they like becomes the initiator of dating. This can be done with the help of witchcraft. You don't have to feel embarrassed if the guy is busy or just not in the mood for dating. To get his attention, whisper to his back:

Look at me, fall in love forever, never leave, be mine, be with me.

If at this time the young man looks at you, then the witchcraft has worked. You can use this knowledge anywhere - on the street, in a cafe, in a club, and even at work, if you like your employee. The more often a whisper is applied to the same person, the more powerful its effect will be.

There is another whisper in the back for love, which, as you might guess, is read after the departing person. It doesn't matter how well you know each other, but if the young man does not even know about your existence, it is unlikely that magic will work as it should. The text is like this:

As grass spreads in spring, so you will spread before me.

Such whispers for love are great to use after a successful first date if you want the next meeting to happen as soon as possible.

Along with this article read:

A whisper on a man's love - how to save a family

Whispers to a loved one can help keep a family together. If your husband leaves you after a fight, whisper in his back:

As water returns from earth to heaven, so you are destined to return to me.

After that, the spouse will definitely return to you as soon as his emotions cool down a bit. Our great-grandmothers acted in the same way if they got a walking husband who decided to go to a rival. After reading the conspiracy words, the husbands always returned home. You can also use a stronger whisper, which will take away the masculine power of a person who decides to leave the family:

Go where you went, you'll always come back. From me you go as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so be it. Smoke, oven, ash, my business. Amen.

True, such conspiracies and whispers to take away male power do not allow the reader to change them either. The traitors are deprived of the opportunity to speak and whisper their married life from deceit.

You are the lion, I am your lioness, you are my dove, I am your dove. Love me as you love yourself, and more than anything. Amen.

You can say these words to yourself during bed comforts, so that your spouse does not understand what you are doing.

A whisper to the longing of a loved one - how to achieve reciprocal feelings

You can read this whisper-drying in bed, tossing your loved one's hair. You can read while he sleeps, because even a quiet whisper is quite real to hear. It is believed that you can whisper in the car or during a joint trip on any transport, especially if the ride is fast enough. The text is like this:

I do not breathe - I tell fortunes.
Exhale from me
And in you - breath.
So that you dry without me.

During the feast, you can pour any drink from your glass to the person you like and whisper at this time:

Drink, drink up, love, don't forget.

If a meeting not only in the same bed, but even at the same table with your object of feelings is impossible, you can whisper love words through the window, they say nine times in a row:

Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my threshold, according to my footsteps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen.

After such a guy, most likely, he will begin to take the initiative towards you. It may not be easy to get rid of him later. Whispers for love from a distance work pretty well, but you need to keep in mind the image of a loved one.

Whispers to a rival and from cheating

In the old days, many girls knew whispers to a rival, and no one could interfere with their happiness. If your young man or spouse has begun to be interested in some old or new acquaintance, and you don’t like it too much, you don’t need to arrange jealousy scenes. There are more effective ways to ward off a potential homeowner.

This witchcraft is great for those who know only the name of the opponent, but meeting her seems to be a very problematic matter. You need garlic. They put it in the pocket of any clothes of a loved one with such words that are spoken in a whisper:

Throw away the garlic, throw out of the heart and (the name of the rival).

When your man finds garlic, he will most likely throw it away, and then the witchcraft will work correctly. Instead of garlic, you can take any other thing that he does not need, which is likely to be thrown into the trash. In this case, you will have to change the text of the whisper. For example, instead of garlic, you can take a candy wrapper.

It is not difficult to insure against betrayal with the help of magic. When you make any drink for your husband, take three sips of milk, tea, coffee or whatever - it doesn't matter. After each sip, whisper:

I drink - you finish drinking, you won’t be with a single woman except me.

There are many ways to weave onto beer and other foamy drinks. To do this, you need to spit in the drink intended for the spouse three times, and after each spit, whisper:

Foam, saliva, you are mine, I am yours. Saliva is a wall, someone else's blood is not needed. Amen.

It's not just love magic. Such a whisper on her husband's love can protect against if you suspect that such magic can be used by your rival. It will not be difficult to protect yourself from her charms, but you should repeat this whisper to beer as often as possible. It is not necessary to drink beer every day for this, kvass, cappuccino, and many other drinks can be foamy.

If there is an opportunity to walk down the street after the opponent and whisper incantation words in her back, this opportunity must be used. For this case, the text is:

You are scary to him, I am red to him.
You are a snake to him, I am a berry to him.
You are dirt for him, I give him honey.
No one will scold my words and interrupt.
I knit with knots, I whisper with words.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A whisper to make a loved one call

Not every girl agrees to call a guy first. Many consider it even reprehensible for the fair sex. However, no one says that you don’t want to hear a phone call from a famous person. There are special whispers for a loved one to call. You do not have to get in touch first, he will call you himself, believing that he did it of his own free will.

So, imagine as vividly as possible the image of the person you are interested in. You may be able to remember the scent of his favorite eau de toilette and other details - this is very good. Once you're ready, start whispering the words until you know you've had enough:

My beloved, (name), why don’t you call me and don’t talk to me? I'm a stately, handsome girl, for everyone and everything is good, but for you - a favorite. Take your phone, call me soon. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen.

All rituals, conspiracies and whispers on a phone call are considered safe. They do not make any adjustments to your destiny and the life of the person you like. Such magic will only make a person dial your number. His attitude towards you will not change, your future relationship will depend only on you - this is not a love spell and not after a quarrel, but only a way to get in touch and not be humiliated after a call to a person who is no longer interested in you.

In the struggle for your own happiness, all methods are good. To attract the “object of passion”, some rely on personal virtues, while the latter go to magicians and sorcerers for love spells, which love magic is so rich in. However, there is a way that allows you to independently adjust your relationship with your loved one - these are whispers about a man's love.

What is a whisper?

A love whisper is a kind of love spell, but weaker in action and easier to carry out. Initially, whispers were associated with the village magic of whisperers. Today, whispers to attract love are a popular and quite effective way to influence a loved one. This tool is available to anyone who, knowing its basic techniques and principles, will be able to independently make a whisper for love. Such influences are easy to use and, unlike ordinary love spells, are not so dangerous with “bad” consequences.

Depending on the purpose of the impact, whispers to attract love can be divided into several types. Among them:

  1. Whispers for the love of a man or woman.
  2. Whisper from change.
  3. A whisper to the longing of a loved one.

Depending on the characteristics of the ritual, whispers for love are divided into:

  1. Whisper in the back for love.
  2. Whisper for drink and food.
  3. Whispers in bed.
  4. Whisper on the photo.
  5. Whisper on a thing.
  6. Whispers for salt, rain, wind, apple and the like.

Whispers for a guy's love can be used both at the first stage of dating, and at all subsequent ones. They will help you attract the attention of the “object of sighs”, which will serve as a good impetus for the emergence of love feelings in him. During a relationship crisis, with the help of a magical whisper, you can return the departed guy or make him suffer and yearn. Conspiracies will help make a man a skilled lover and a generous patron for a woman. The most effective whispers to a loved one, which were made on the growing moon.

Whispers for love in the distance

You can attract a loved one or make him come or call by whispering the “right word” to him, even if he is far from you. For these purposes, white love magic has rituals called whispers for love at a distance. To perform the ritual, you need to prepare a photo of a man and two white or red candles. At midnight on the growing moon, light the battles and take a photo of your loved one.

Look closely into the eyes of a man and imagine that he is next to you. Next, you need to concentrate well on his image and read the following plot:

“A bird cannot fly without a wing, a fish cannot swim without water, you cannot exist without me.”

Then put the photo under your pillow, extinguish the candles and go to bed. You can repeat the reading on the photo as often as you need.

If a man is at a great distance from the girl, and she does not have his photograph, it does not matter, because in this case you can resort to the help of the wind. It is very easy to carry out the ritual. In windy weather, the girl should stand on a hill facing the wind and read the plot:

“The wind pick up my word, convey it to the one who is dear to me. Do not live without me, do not be, just love me alone.

Then, putting as much energy as possible into your words, you need to say:

"May it be so".

If the girl did everything right, then the guy must somehow “show himself”, call, make an appointment, and maybe confess his love.

To attract the attention of a representative of the strong half of humanity, you can call for help rain and thunderstorms. To do this, in rainy weather, the girl needs to stand under the streams of water and quietly whisper to the guy's love for the rain:

“The rain is stronger than the lei, do not spare the rain water. Sprinkle my dear (name of a loved one), bring me to my doorstep. Pierce his heart with lightning, strike me with love.

At the same time, the more bad weather rages, the better. You can perform the ritual at any time of the day and in any phase of the moon. If after a few days your loved one has not come and called, the ceremony can be repeated at the first opportunity.

Whisper in the back

Often whispers to a man are said to him "in the back", that is, during his departure. These influences work well if you need to return former love or protect your husband from betrayal. So that the husband does not forget his wife, misses him and wants to return home as soon as possible, you can use the following whisper on the husband’s love:

“Go dear, go, don’t forget me. Hurry to the threshold of your own, but don’t know the way to someone else’s.

A whisper will help protect your husband from betrayal, the words of which you need to pronounce after him:

“With me you are a good fellow, a daring man, and with others you are a weak old man.”

There are effective and at the same time simple whispers for the love of a husband, which are aimed at his return to the family. If you are in the mood for reconciliation and want your “blessed one” to call or make an appointment for you, whisper after him:

“Go where you are going, you will always be mine. You will be sad without me, you will yearn. And the world will not be nice to you, and the food is not tasty. And sleep will not come to you, and sadness-longing will seize your heart. Be as I said."

Put as much energy and faith into your words that everything will work out. If a call comes from a loved one soon, or he shows you in some other way that he is ready to return, do not miss your chance.

Sometimes the return of a lover becomes the meaning of life for a girl. In this case, you can use a few whispers "in haste". For example, in the back of a departing guy, you can whisper:

"Leaving - look around, come back to me as soon as possible."

If your boyfriend goes to another girl, and you want to return him, then the following conspiracy will help you:

“Not she, but I am your destiny. With me you have happiness and love, and with it - grief and sadness.

So that your boyfriend does not cheat on you, whisper the words of the conspiracy after him: “You love me, always be with me. You don’t know others, don’t hug, don’t kiss.

Effective whispers for love.

Whispers on a man, 3 ways to attract love.

A very strong white conspiracy to love a man, woman, girl, guy - read on the growing moon!

Whispers for food and drink

To ignite a reciprocal feeling in the heart of a loved one, you can use a whisper on a man’s love for an apple. Buy for someone you like a juicy beautiful fruit, and whisper to him:

“I will speak red apple, I command you to be with me. Take a bite of it once, remember the sweet voice. Take a second bite of it - you are now forever mine. Sweet apple and tasty, without me your heart is sad. Come to me soon, I'm waiting for you at the door. My word is true, my desire is strong.

Then you need to treat the guy you like with a charmed apple. As soon as he bites off the fruit, the conspiracy will begin to operate.

To make a man love only you and not even think about looking at other women, you can whisper a few words on his drink. Before serving a drink to a man, take three sips of his drink and whisper:

“I drink - you finish drinking, now you can’t be with anyone but me.”

You can talk, as well as food. While preparing a dish for a loved one, you need to whisper:

“As you taste my dishes, you will be mine forever.”

In the old days, it was believed that as soon as a man tried the charmed food, the magic spell began to work.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also spoke Thursday salt, which was made on the night of Maundy Thursday before Easter. To carry out this simple ritual, take a pinch of salt and whisper:

“I will salt the food, I will command the Servant of God (your name) to love the Servant of God.”

Then salt the dishes you prepare for your man with Thursday salt. Thursday salt can also be spoken for longing, a meeting or a call from a loved one.

Whispers in bed

Light sexual attachment can be done by whispering in bed. During sex with a loved one, you need to whisper softly:

"You are in me, I am for you."

In order to attract a man to you even more, you need to barely audibly whisper in the moments of the highest pleasure:

“I will take your seed, I will bind it to myself forever.”

While in bed with your loved one, ruffle their hair and whisper:

"My dear, be forever with me."

Whispers on shoes

In order to return the "spree" husband to the family, a woman can whisper a few words on his room slippers. To do this, you need to take them by the socks, and hit the heels on the threshold of the house three times. In doing so, you should say:

"Lead the Servant of God (husband's name) feet to your native threshold."

You can return your husband home by whispering a conspiracy to his "street" shoes. To do this, you need to take his favorite shoes, hit their three pelvises with the soles of each other and say:

“You will leave me on foot, but you will come running to me. Without me, you will not know happiness - you will grieve and grieve.

Whispers to a man's love will help to bring romance to life, to feel unforgettable emotions. They are quick magic words, which are the simplest and most accessible rituals to achieve what you want. It should be remembered that in the war for happiness, any method is good, but you need to use love spells, whispers wisely.

Love spells must be used wisely

To make sure that the beloved arrives as soon as possible, tunes in to a romantic wave, feels the need to be near, you can use whispers for love and longing at a distance. The ceremony is carried out according to the instructions:

  • print a high-quality photo of a guy where he is alone, without sunglasses;
  • buy red candles, giving money without change;
  • perform the ritual on the growing moon or, in extreme cases, at midnight;
  • install candles and light them, put a photo between them;
  • look into the eyes of a person and visualize that he is nearby.

Concentrating on getting what you want, say a whisper for love:

“A bird cannot fly without a wing, a fish cannot swim without water, you cannot exist without me.”

You need to put a picture of your beloved under the pillow, extinguish the candles and go to bed. You can't talk until morning. After waking up, say the plot again in the photo. The card must be wrapped in a red napkin or cloth and hidden from prying eyes.
There is not always a picture of a loved one. When there is no photo, you can use the power of the wind to work. Choose a moment when the weather is raging, go to a hill (hill, mountain), face the wind and say:

“Wind, pick up my word, convey it to someone who is dear to me. Do not live without me, do not be, only love me alone. May it be so".

Not only the wind is an active assistant in white magic. Rain and thunderstorms will also help make the guy call, make himself known in any other way. Standing on the street, pushing your palms with the inside to the rain, quietly say a whisper to the deep love of a man:

“Rain, stronger lei, do not spare rain water. Sprinkle my dear (name of a loved one), bring me to my doorstep. Pierce his heart with lightning, strike me with love.

It is believed that the more menacing rain and thunderstorms rage, the better, the stronger love will be. After a few days, the effect will appear. The ritual is performed at any time of the day and the position of the moon.
If it is not possible to meet a person, you should use love words, whispers at the window. To do this, say through the window nine times in a row:

“Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my threshold, according to my footsteps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen".

In a few days, the guy will begin to take the initiative. In order for such whispers of love to work effectively, it is important not to let the image of the desired man out of your head during conspiracies.

Such magical effects will awaken new feelings in a relationship.

A whisper in bed works like a light sexual binding of a young man to a woman. During the preludes, you can quietly say:

"You are in me, I am for you."

Before intercourse, in order to experience the greatest pleasure, you should use a quick word for sex. It is barely audible to read it, running your fingers through the hair of your lover:

"My dear, be forever with me."

During direct intercourse, at the peak of the partner's highest pleasure, say to yourself:

“I will take your seed, I will bind it to myself forever.”

These whispers on physical strength in bed, the love of a man, which are aimed at improving relations between partners, should be pronounced with every intimacy. There is a ritual that enhances the effect of these conspiracies, if performed correctly.
To do this, before going to bed, the girl prepares dinner and says the following text over it:

"Darling, eat, add male strength, spend it on me."

After dinner, before going to bed, you need to put pepper under the pillow of a man, saying:

"Perchi, sharpen our love with you, my love."

Such magical effects will awaken new feelings in relationships, give a lot of emotions, physical and spiritual intimacy.

The conspiracy will work effectively if the person constantly catches the eye

The success of male gazes, attention lies in the activity of the fair sex. However, many girls are very modest and constrained. This does not mean that they should not lead on the love front.
If you see an attractive man in the company of acquaintances, you should clearly whisper to yourself so that you like the woman:

"Eye to eye, soul to soul, love to love."

You can pronounce these magic words every day, the conspiracy will work especially effectively if a person constantly catches your eye. The object of respiration will definitely take the first step in the near future.

Enhance the effect of the first date

Whispers for love are actively used before the first date. They reinforce the impression, make the guy feel awake. For a man to kiss and become closer, march around the apartment before meeting, reading:

"Even the walls want to kiss me, and you can't help but kiss me."

During a kiss, you can say to yourself such a hassle on a man:

“My breath is your puff, there are no people without saliva, there are no eyes without eyebrows, there is no head without ears. So you can't live without me. Amen".

These whispers of love will help the couple get closer. After a successful first date, you need to fix the effect with the words:

“You leave, but you think about me, you sleep, and you dream about me, you wake up and you run to see me.”

It is necessary to whisper whispers to a loved one after a date, looking at him in the back. Every woman, after a good time, has her head in the clouds and feels happy. At such moments, their only wish is:

"To get bored and think about me."

Such a conspiracy will help to realize such dreams:

“You remembered me like this, and in the morning you will remember me differently, in the morning I will show you even sweeter, I won’t get out of your head, I’ll dream of you, I’ll certainly like you, I’m in the heart.”

It should be said, looking at the photo of the beloved and imagining him next to him.

Whisper to remember you at work

Such whispers will make a man bored

There are such whispers of love that make a person feel bored, even if he is at work. The hubby begins to yearn at the moment when the woman finishes reading the magic formula of the conspiracy:

“Devil - brothers, stand behind the back of the slave (name), follow him, wander after him, whisper in his back, put my name (your name) in his heart. Track to track, step to step, do not lag behind and do not leave, remind me of me. So that I know and remember my name, and never forget. Amen".

He will definitely make himself known by phone, arrange a surprise or confess his love in mobile messages.

Video version of this article:

For future love

When an attractive man has already appeared on the horizon, there is a need for action. Simple whispers for the future love of a man should be said at every meeting with him:

“My eyes are sharp, my heart is hot, if I pass by you, you will notice me.”

This simple way to attract love in a whisper will come out of every woman. The main thing is not to look away, to “shoot” with your eyes at the object of sighing and think about it more often.
If a chance in life to be close to a man does not turn up, you can conduct a ritual to attract love. For a quick meeting of the halves, say several times:

“Roads wind, wind, and then converge into one. So let my fate meet your fate. What you think - will come true, what you wished - will happen.

This effective whisper for new love is said at sunset in the phase of the waxing moon. Such a ceremony is a good opportunity to open a new page in your destiny, to become happy, to love and be loved.

For reconciliation

Magic is effective if used wisely.

No matter how effective love conspiracies and whispers are, no one can avoid quarrels in a relationship. When there is no strength to say that it is time to stop being offended, you need to make peace and sort out the problem, you can resort to a short conspiracy:

“You love me, you won’t forget me, your heart beats in a quarrel more often, you want to make peace with me, I give you a kiss, after which you yourself will come to me.”

At the same time, it is important to look at a photograph of a loved one, sending as much energy as possible into his eyes, feeling from within the desire to be together again.
When the proposal to reconcile has already been voiced by the girl, but the guy still does not want to let go of the offense, you can whisper:

“There is resentment in your heart, dear, forgive me, beloved, I love you with all my heart, respond, dear heart, bring him to me, beloved.”

For a lover to call

Sometimes you want a girl to meet her beloved man as soon as possible. At the meeting, the call of a beloved whisper is carried out through visualization. Close your eyes, imagine a man, spending time with him and say:

“There is a forest in the city, behind that forest there is an edge, and on the edge of the house stands. A girl lives in that house, gifted with beauty and intelligence, waits and misses, sheds bitter tears, the red fellow left her, went to overseas countries. But time passed, and (name) returned for the girl. He dialed her number, memorized by heart, and invited to meet.

Such a whisper to the call and the guy’s love will help him think about the girl more often, awaken the desire to take a phone number and call, and then come on a date faster.

Whisper in the back

These whispers are used to keep a man from leaving

Whispers in the back are usually used for the love of a man who is leaving. Usually such conspiracies are short so that a person does not hear the spoken phrase. If you want to keep your feelings, to prevent your beloved from leaving the house, you can use the following words to make your loved one return:

“Go, darling, go, don’t forget me. Hurry to the threshold of your own, but don’t know the way to someone else’s.

To make sure that the husband does not want others, always returns home, a conspiracy for the love and loyalty of the guy will help:

“With me you are a good fellow, a daring man, and with others you are a weak old man.”

Or like this:

“You love me, always be with me. You don’t know others, don’t hug, don’t kiss.

There are other whispers of love in the back:

"Leaving - look around, come back to me as soon as possible."

Men at all times have rarely been faithful to their spouses. If you need to drive a person away from a rival and from betrayal, you can whisper:

“Not she, but I am your destiny. With me you have happiness and love, and with it - grief and sadness.

In order to prevent the husband from committing adultery, the whisper must be accompanied by some actions. A clove of garlic should be put in the beloved's pocket so that he will soon find it. Say while doing this:

"Throw away the garlic, throw out of the heart and (name of the opponent)."

As soon as a person finds a clove and throws it away, the lovebird will leave his life forever. At the same time, upon the return of a man home, it is important to wish with all his heart: let there be discord with another woman, and there will be no more meetings.
To make a guy afraid of losing his soul mate, can that woman who is sure of her own love for a man:

“As soon as you cling to a girl, you get scared, pushing her away, you squirm in fear. You will remember me, you will immediately break loose, call or return to the threshold. Amen!
I close the love chakras, get out of the way, evil lovebirds! I send the fear of loss to the guy, I command to be humble and honest. Amen!
A strong conspiracy will sink into your soul, and nothing will happen to you. If you want to sleep with another, this bed will be cursed. Amen!".

To melancholy

The ritual will help to make a loved one bored and want to return cooled feelings.

A whisper for longing works well if you follow the advice before pronouncing it:

  1. Fast for three days - do not eat meat, do not drink alcohol.
  2. Read a prayer service to the Virgin Mary or a Saint who patronizes the name of the reader, then whispers to the sadness and longing of a loved one.
  3. Perform the ceremony on the growing moon early in the morning or late at night.

Pour clean water into a glass, throw a pinch of salt into it and say:

“Like salt water, so the servant of God (the name of the beloved) will yearn without me. Just as people cannot live without water, so he cannot live without me.”

Drink water. Keep the ceremony secret. A meeting is inevitable soon. This ritual also works great when a man conducts it to return his girlfriend. With a ritual, you can make your beloved girl call, pay attention, miss you and want to return the cooled feelings.

To cool the senses

It happens that you don’t have enough strength to be sad for a man, longing corrodes from the inside, you want to do everything possible to forget your loved one. Whispers to the waning moon will help with this. Take two tablespoons of poppy seeds and pour boiling water over it, saying:

“My love is as hot as this boiling water. But this whisper will save me from sad feelings.

When the poppy has cooled, pour the contents of the container under the tree, repeating five times:

“You can burn, you can blaze, but you cannot control me. I don’t want to be bored from now on, I want to have fun and rejoice. I will quickly forget you, a miracle will help me in this.

In less than a month, love tearing to pieces will pass, and the heart will be open to new acquaintances.