Master class on decorating a music hall for an autumn matinee. Graduation in Kindergarten - examples of decoration with balloons with prices

Creating a special holiday atmosphere suitable for each specific event is one of the main tasks in preparing a celebration in kindergarten.

In this thematic section, we have collected and systematized for you hundreds of ideas for decorating the interior of the hall, illustrated with photographs. From simple improvised materials, you can create a single composition that can surprise guests of the holiday. There is no need for a lot of decorations. Literally a few successful "strokes" will completely transform the interior of the hall, make it more comfortable, fresher, more solemn! Check out the experience of colleagues in creating scenery and other design elements. And also - attributes for dancing and theatrical!

Let the festive hall sparkle with new colors!

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Childhood is fascinating, carefree and happy time in life. And in order for children to have many vivid memories, children need to arrange holidays and fabulous performances. Therefore, matinees are a bright event in the life of children. And without hall decor is indispensable....

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Decoration of the hall in kindergarten - Decoration of the music hall in kindergarten for the graduation ball

Publication "Decoration of the music hall in kindergarten for graduation ..."
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MAAM Pictures Library

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Each music director, on the eve of the holiday, strives to decorate his hall in some special way. Having a creative approach, we can surprise not only children, but also parents who have come to be happy for their kids. And for this it is not necessary to use purchased material ....

Decoration of the hall in kindergarten - Decoration of the music hall for the anniversary of the garden

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Decoration of the music hall in the preschool educational institution. “How beautiful it is in our hall…”

Yukhnina Sofia Vladimirovna, music director
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 36", Krasnokamsk, Perm Territory
Description: Dear colleagues! I offer you design options for the music hall for holidays, entertainment and competitions in kindergarten. This material will be of interest to music directors, teachers - preschoolers.
Target: Creation of an innovative model of the subject-spatial developing environment of the music hall.
To educate artistic and aesthetic taste in children.
Create a festive atmosphere.
Develop fantasy, imagination and creativity.
I want to start the presentation of the design of the music hall with the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity". In my opinion, they reflect the aspirations of teachers to create a beneficial environment for childhood.

Modernization and actualization of Preschool Education, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, requires a professional competent approach from the music director, the creation of conditions and adherence to the principles of building a subject-developing environment, which is necessary for the implementation of the pedagogical tasks.
Children's holidays are bright moments in the life of children and they are most often held in the music hall. In our preschool educational institution, this is not only fun, a solemn event, but also an effective means of aesthetic education. Therefore, I always approach the design of the hall responsibly.

The main principles are harmony, style, reasonableness and beauty. I try to transform the music hall in time for thematic and calendar holidays, competitions. The author's handwriting in the appearance of the music hall in preschool educational institution No. 36 is a change of curtains depending on the season.
We like your golden sundress
Oh! What a beauty you are, Autumn!

On the central wall are organza curtains in two shades of yellow and terracotta. Hanging structures made of maple leaves, a cloud with drops were used to decorate lamps and a mirror wall. Autumn maple leaves are picturesquely located in the free space, the whole design is designed in autumn colors.

On December 1, 2015, we celebrated the anniversary - 10 years since the formation of the Perm Territory. For this momentous event, a regional competition of readers for children of senior preschool age was held in the kindergarten. The theme of this event was reproduced in the design of the music hall. On the central wall is the flag of the Perm Territory. For a more colorful impression, mixed media was used in this case. The main thing is aero design (balloons), the color of the balloons corresponds to the tricolor. The symbol of the Perm Territory - the bear was also made of balloons. The costumes of the children who danced and supported the contestants were designed in the colors of the Russian flag (red skirts, white bathing suits, blue scarves).

This year, on February 17, we held a reading competition among preschoolers of younger and middle age on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the birth of Agnia Lvovna Barto. The toys, about which the kids read poems, settled down on the carpet and embellished the music hall. But the most important thing at every holiday is a surprise moment.
The children saw on the screen Agniya Barto, who herself read her poems. Throughout the festival, pictures corresponding to the performance of the pupils appeared on the screen.

What is mom? Fun, joy, laughter!
Mom is like a heart, because everyone has a heart!

At the end of November, we traditionally celebrate Mother's Day. The lamps were decorated with unusual balls with funny, cute polka dots. The dance “Mom's Heart” opened the holiday, the children in the final gave their mothers huge hearts from balloons.

As without a fairy tale, as without a miracle,
What is the New Year holiday?
With him she is already at the threshold
Waiting for your turn!

New Year is the most brilliant fabulous holiday. A creative community of teachers and parents worked on the unique design of the New Year's hall. Mothers and grandmothers knitted small and sewed large snowballs, decorated dance hoops with tinsel. The house was transformed, dressed up in a white fur coat.

The colors of winter decoration are cold shades: blue, pale blue, silver and white. In the center of the hall is a Christmas tree, it was decorated with balls of three colors: white, blue and blue. Blue bows with silver ornaments were attached to them. At the top was a lush mesh bow. Large silver and small blue beads hung on a Christmas tree, and a beautiful skirt covered the brackets below. Snowflakes were glued onto the linoleum, traces of animals from a shiny film.

A spruce branch hung on the mirrored wall, on which blue balls and beads looked beautiful. Garlands of fluffy white snowflakes and a banner: “Happy New Year!” were hung on the lamps.
For a fairy forest, we need Christmas trees. We have a Christmas tree - mother, Christmas tree - daughter and Christmas trees - granddaughters, small Christmas trees were decorated with New Year's white snowballs and blue bows.
Goodbye, Santa Claus! You moved us to tears!

February 23 - a holiday, begin,
February 23 - dad, smile!

On the central wall on Defender of the Fatherland Day, curtains of blue, light blue and white colors were placed in the center of the flag of Russia. There are balloons on the lamps, symbolizing the tricolor and the banner: "February 23". On the easel are images of the military.
The appearance of children is also of great importance. Everyone is dressed strictly: boys: paratroopers or sailors, girls in black skirts and white blouses.

Miracles! Miracles! The sun is dancing in the sky.
The sun peeked into the hall to congratulate our mothers!

By March 8, the design was based on spring-colored balloons with polka dots and, calling to each other, the girls put on dresses with peas. Between the lamps there is a banner "March 8". On the mirror wall there is a bright spot, a bouquet of airy flowers.

But we decorate the music hall not only with flowers. Last year, there was 8 on the central wall, which was complemented by a composition of yellow-green satin ribbons and white corrugated paper snowdrops. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the color scheme of the curtains is yellow - green.

From a smile it will become brighter for everyone,
Even a rainbow will wake up from a smile!
Share your smile.
And she will come back to you again and again!

Humor, we all know, is serious business. This especially applies to everyone's favorite holiday - April 1, when everyone jokes and has fun. The design of the "Prankster Holiday" is all kinds of funny things: women's shoes, toys, bows, bright balloons. We hang these objects from the lamps. But the main decoration of this event are the children and employees, who are dressed unusually, you involuntarily want to smile.

All around are flowers and songs and rays of the sun,
Meet our children a wonderful day of spring!

For the spring holiday, artificial trees were used for decoration, butterflies were attached to the curtains on the central wall. Teachers made birds, decorated lamps with them.

We celebrate many holidays, we all dance, play, sing.
And we meet the beauty of autumn, and we are waiting for an elegant Christmas tree.
But there is one holiday - the most important. And spring brings it to us.
Victory Day is solemn, glorious, the whole country celebrates it.

On this holiday, everything is very restrained: white doves, an easel with illustrations, fireworks from balloons. The dearest guests are veterans, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers of our preschoolers. What gives solemnity to the event is the use of ICT, i.e. video accompaniment of musical numbers, minutes of silence, poetry reading.

The kindergarten is very excited today:
We accompany our children to school.

Graduation is the most important, bright and unforgettable holiday for a preschooler. Our kindergarten is called "Rainbow", this is the main theme for decoration. On the mirror wall - flowers from balls, which were attached according to the colors of the rainbow. A colorful sun - a smiley and a spectacular cloud of balloons of different sizes hung on the chandeliers.

Traditionally: stretching "Goodbye, kindergarten!". In 2015, children entered the hall with golden and crimson helium balloons. Linoleum looked like a flower meadow, the whole team created this beauty: flowers from yellow, crimson self-adhesive film.
The second design option is an arch of balloons near the central wall, which are arranged according to the colors of the rainbow.
We create for preschoolers. The main connoisseurs are our pupils. And when they enter the music hall and say: “WOW!”
So we tried not in vain,
Our hall looks great!

And parents throughout the holiday are photo and video operators, and in the final they try to capture their child in every corner of the music hall.
Thus, based on the material and technical capabilities of the kindergarten, I work in a creative alliance with teachers and parents, with the support of the preschool administration. Guided by the Federal State Educational Standard, I believe that it is possible and necessary to create a comfortable, rational environment that promotes the emotional well-being of children, their creative and spiritual development.

Decoration of the music hall for the holidays.

This work is intended for preschool teachers, music directors.

Decorating the music hall for the holidays, I try to convey the festive atmosphere of this event, to make the hall unforgettable, always different and attractive for both children and adults. Recently, I have been using fabric in my work. This is a durable material, the design of which can be used in various variations, changing the form and content of the design by mixing ready-made design elements.

Autumn- a beautiful bright time of the year. Therefore, not only an air veil of various colors was used to decorate the music hall, but also ribbons, fruits, artificial branches and leaves, multi-colored packaging for flowers made of coconut fiber.

Trees are a frame made of dense wire, on which a multi-colored veil is gathered in a chaotic manner.

Autumn can be different, and therefore, this school year, I sewed trees in the autumn forest directly onto a thin veil and hung the canvases not only on the central wall, but also on an additional curtain designed for the curtain, thereby creating a sense of perspective.

The next holiday, the approach of which adults and children are looking forward to, New Year. In 2010, he was like this.

Layering is sometimes very helpful. 1st layer - white veil, 2nd layer - blue organza, 3rd layer - blue mirror squares strung on a fishing line. On the white layer there are blue snowflakes and, of course, a beautiful Christmas tree.

A year later, the concept of the hall completely changed, the Christmas tree became not so colorful, we kept it, like the whole hall, in silver-blue colors. If you notice, then the central wall is decorated with the same organza and veil, only this time it is draped differently, and silver threads have been added to the blue mirrors. And of course, a chest that is upholstered with brocade. The locks, as well as the keys to them, are made to order in the workshop from thick plastic and covered with a silver film.

For the New Year this academic year, I was engaged in making decorations for almost 2 months. The teachers of our preschool institution had to be involved in the manufacture of the background, because. it took a lot of work to sew the sentepon on the main fabric, but in my opinion it's worth it!

February 23- This is a holiday that personally causes difficulties for me in the design of the hall. This is how it was last year.

The star and branch are made by fitting a frame cut out of thick cardboard. Material crepe satin.

Spring is a very gentle season. This is how I made the layout women's day.

The flowers are sewn from the same satin crepe and sewn onto a figure-eight frame. A year later, the figure eight was dismantled and the flowers were simply “scattered across the field” from a gently green veil. In the corner there is a screen upside down and pasted over with wallpaper, which turned out to be a room.

This year has been fruitful for ideas and rather time-consuming for their implementation. I had to again involve the team to help sew 1500 flowers and turn all this splendor into a rainbow. Flowers were sewn from my favorite speckled satin for 1.5 months.

9th May is a special date. Every year, 20 to 30 veterans come to visit us in the kindergarten, for whom we prepare a festive concert, set the tables. I always want to create a festive atmosphere. This design was assembled from parts. The branch has already been used on the holiday on February 23, and the eternal flame is made by analogy with the red star, but larger. Here's what happened.

High school graduation- This is the last holiday in kindergarten. Therefore, it must be unforgettable. We didn't have any graduations. We spent one of them in the underwater kingdom in search of a pearl of knowledge.

Fish and algae are sewn from various fabrics and embroidered with sequins. Graduation last year was held in the form of the TV show "Saturday Evening", so the emphasis in the hall is not on the central wall, but on the set tables where graduates and their parents sit. Although you will agree that multi-layered drapery and balloons create a festive mood.

Any visit to the music hall by children cheers them up. A holiday is a sea of ​​pleasure and unexpected surprises. Children, entering the elegantly decorated hall, find themselves in a fairy tale. And whether this fairy tale will remain in the memory of children and their parents for a long time or not depends largely on us, preschool teachers.

I bring to your attention ideas for decorating a music room for the autumn holidays .

These are the raindrops dripping from our chandeliers. The raindrops were made of cardboard and pasted over with a blue and blue colored film (required on both sides, since the raindrops will turn, hung on a fishing line at different heights).

The same goes for autumn leaves. And, alternating, hung under the chandeliers.

All the design of the backdrop and side curtains is burned out of the fabric with an ordinary wood burner (lining, satin and more - the main thing is that the fabric melts).

The side curtains are decorated with birches.

And in the background there is an inscription and leaf fall.

What I like about this design:

  • easy to hang and remove (on safety pins, very light weight);
  • compactly stored (in a large shoe box, the design of the music hall is placed for all holidays);
  • durable;
  • colorful;
  • low-cost (can be made from unnecessary pieces, and is inexpensive if you buy).

And this is what the decoration of the music hall looks like for other holidays.

Mothers Day

theater carousel

Family day

And, of course, graduation.

By the way, many costumes, or rather most, are sewn in the same way - all patterns, decorations are burned out and cauterized to the costume.

ON A NOTE. Children's carnival costumes at low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten" -

Autumn is probably the most colorful season of the year, and it is precisely due to the fact that the leaves of trees and shrubs are painted in bright colors.

Autumn leaves are a beautiful, but not very durable material, so they cannot be used to decorate the hall for the autumn holiday, but you can make them out of paper with your own hands.
Both adults and children can take part in the manufacture of such a colorful autumn tree.

Tree crown oval - ordinary yellow wallpaper, the trunk can be made of brown self-adhesive film (under the tree), or drawn on a piece of drawing paper.
The color of the crown oval can be changed according to the seasons: autumn - yellow; spring - green; winter - blue (blue, white). The color of the leaves, respectively, is the same. And in spring, pink or white flowers can be added to the leaves on the tree, and there will be an apple tree.
Leaves are made very simply - from colored paper folded with an accordion.
We take two sheets of colored paper and fold them diagonally to make a triangle.

Then cut off the remaining rectangular part

and expand the triangle we folded, converting it into a square

Then we cut the square along the fold into two identical triangles and fold each triangle with an accordion. We begin to fold from the base of the triangle, from the place of the cut.

We fold the triangles folded in half.

They should look like "butterflies".

Then we staple the upper edges of each leaf (“butterfly”) and get these autumn leaves

We made autumn leaves of birch, aspen, various fruit trees. And you can make maple leaves in the same way, if you fasten five leaflets-blanks together with a stapler or double-sided tape and attach a stalk of paper of the same color.

Such maple leaves look very good when hanging on a thread from ceiling lights.

music director of the highest category

MBDOU kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the direction of the physical development of pupils No. 459,

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia