Newspaper design for February 23 at school. The main men's holiday is already on the doorstep

The quiz invites you

« Do you know the history of your homeland? "

    Who owns the words:“Whoever comes to us with a sword will perish by the sword. The Russian land has stood and will remain on that. "

    What are the names of the outstanding commander and naval commander who have not lost a single battle? The first won 63, and the second 40 battles.

    What kind of war between Russia and with what country lasted 21 years?

    When did the Great Patriotic War begin and how long did it last?

    How many days did the blockade of Leningrad last?

    What was the name of the road connecting the besieged Leningrad with the mainland? Where did she go?

    What weapon, terrifying the fascists, was called a beautiful Russian name?

    Which of the Soviet soldiers was the first to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union three times?

    Which of the Soviet commanders has been awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union four times?

    What an outstanding commander of the Great Patriotic War

was born in the Belgorod region?

    Name three fields of Russian glory.

    Why is Belgorod named the city of the first fireworks?

    What an important event happened in the history of our Motherland

    What is the name of the designer, creator of the rapid-fire weapon (machine gun)?


Future defender

Every boy can become a soldier
Fly in the sky, sail in the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your homeland.

But first on the football field
He will protect the gate with himself.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will accept an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -
Harder than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister
How will you protect your country?

A. Usachev

History of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day

Defender of the Fatherland Day is considered a holiday of warriors - present, present and future.

From history we learn that the beginning of the holiday was marked by the battle of Narva and Pskov in February 1918, in which the soldiers of the young Soviet republic opposed the German troops. It was believed that it was at this time that the first victories of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army took place. Subsequently, these facts were not confirmed. Neither on this day, nor in general in February 1918, there were no victories over the Germans. Nevertheless, it was in the winter of 1918 that the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V. I. Lenin signed decrees on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet.

The anniversary of the creation of the Red Army began to be celebrated only in 1922.

February 23 became a public holiday, which was first called the Day of the Red Army, then the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy.

On February 10, 1995, the Federal Law "On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia" was adopted, in which this day was named as follows: "February 23 - Day of the Red Army victory over the Kaiser's troops in Germany (1918) - Day of the Defenders of the Fatherland."

On January 18, 2006, the State Duma voted for a new edition of the day of celebrating February 23 as Defender of the Fatherland Day. Thus, the historical myth was removed from the name, and the word "protector" became in the singular.

But whatever the history of the holiday, first of all in the minds of our compatriots, it is associated with the glorious feats of our ancestors in the struggle for the independence of our homeland and the integrity of its borders.

Our army has an ancient and glorious history. The Russ, as our ancestors were called in ancient times, were brave and fearless warriors. At the end of the VI century. the Byzantine emperor wrote about the Russians: “... they love freedom and are not inclined either to slavery or to obedience, they are brave, especially in their land, hardy, easily endure cold and heat, lack of clothing and food. Their youths skillfully wield weapons. "

Those for whom the duty to defend the Fatherland became a matter of duty and honor received, over time, the title of noble nobility. It was they who made up the backbone of the Russian officers. The Russian nobility owes its very origin to the sovereign service, which, of course, also implied military service. For the Russian nobleman to follow the once given military oath was both the norm and a matter of honor.

Traditions of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day

The tradition of honoring the defenders of the Fatherland in Russia has deep roots. So, back in 1698, Peter I established the first order in Russia - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called - to be awarded for military exploits and civil service.

February 23 Old Style is March 8 New Style. And when International Women's Day was celebrated in Europe, in Russia it was celebrated on February 23rd. So, February 23 became March 8, and "men's day" turned into "women's". We do not have a tradition of celebrating Mother's Day and Father's Day, therefore, it is in these two holidays that we put the whole essence of the concepts of “woman” and “man”: parents, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, spouses, friends ... Today, the majority of Russian citizens tend to view Defender of the Fatherland Day not so much as the day of the army, but as the day of real men - defenders in the broadest sense of the word.

The holiday became a day off quite recently - in 2002. Before that, despite all its significance and pathos with which it was celebrated, February 23rd was an ordinary working day.

And on the first Saturday of November, with the light hand of Mikhail Gorbachev, they began to celebrate the World Day of Men, declared as a holiday more general than the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to all the men and boys of our school! From a pure heart we wish you good health, professional and personal success, fortitude, care and understanding of loved ones, peace of mind and warmth. We wish you to remain a reliable support for the women and girls of our school, never to be satisfied with what has already been achieved. May luck accompany you in everything, fortune smiles and everything works out. Clarity of mind to you and inexhaustible optimism! And also worthy to wear the honorary title of MAN!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a great occasion to engage in such creativity with children as creating posters and wall newspapers. Whether it is an ordinary congratulatory poster, a kind of huge "postcard", or a wall newspaper telling about the dads of the pupils who honestly gave their military duty to the Motherland, this work of joint creativity, in any case, will look very appropriate and relevant on the wall. It's time to check with your colleagues, get acquainted with their experience in this aspect of preparation for February 23rd. Having looked through the pages of this section, you can find successful versions of such "visual agitation tools", created both in collaboration with children and only adults.

Decorate the room for the men's holiday with MAAM!

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All sections | Wall newspapers and posters for February 23 to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Not so long ago, we all celebrated the holiday of courage, honor and courage of our strong half of humanity - Day Defender of the Fatherland February 23 is a wonderful holiday, a good reason to engage in creativity with children. Eve of the Day Defender of the Fatherland we in our group decided to do ...

I present to you my wall newspaper by February 23... We carried out serious training, examined military equipment, talked about the branches of the Russian army. The girls and I prepared a surprise for our boys. wall newspaper The girls were consulted where and who to place on ...

Wall newspapers and posters for February 23 for the Defender of the Fatherland Day - Wall newspapers for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Publication of "Wall newspapers for the Defender's Day ..." Defender of the Fatherland Day is a great occasion to engage in such creativity with children as creating posters and wall newspapers. Be it an ordinary congratulatory poster, a kind of huge "postcard", or a wall newspaper telling about the dads of the pupils who honestly gave their military ...

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

Good evening! I would like to submit my wall newspaper to your court by February 23rd. The guys and I tried very hard to prepare a surprise for our dads and grandfathers. We carried out a serious preparation, made gifts for dads "Ties" which the guys put on their dads and grandfathers. Our ...

Wall newspaper surprise "Our dads are brave soldiers" Group 2 Wonderful holiday in February My country meets. She cordially congratulates her defenders! On land, in the sky, on the seas And even under the water Soldiers cherish our world For us, my friend, with you. When I grow up big, wherever ...

Hello dear colleagues. I would like to present to your attention a wall newspaper dedicated to the holiday of February 23rd. I made this newspaper together with the parents of the children of my group. We selected the photos of the dads, found out in which troops they served and tried to place them on the poster exactly there, ...

Wall newspapers and posters for February 23 to the Defender of the Fatherland Day - Wall newspaper "Defenders of the Fatherland"

February 23 is a wonderful holiday, a good reason to engage in creative work with children. This newspaper tells about the fathers and grandfathers of the pupils who honestly gave their debt to the Motherland, this work of joint creativity with children and parents. By looking at the newspaper you can see the kind of troops, photos ...

Performed by the teacher of the senior group "Sun!" MBOU "Ertsevskaya secondary school" kindergarten "Zvezdochka". The wall newspaper was made for the holiday on February 23, to please our dads. We involved our mummies in the selection of photographs (preferably in military uniform. The guys helped to select ...

Among all the holidays. One of the most beloved and revered among the people is February 23rd. And, despite the official name "Defender of the Fatherland Day", this holiday is considered a man's day.

On February 23, all men, from preschoolers in kindergartens to white-haired veterans, receive congratulations. One of the long-term traditions is the production of a festive wall newspaper. And, since this is a creative process, the question often arises: "How and where to start?"

We will try to help you with this.

So where to start. First of all, you need to decide whether you yourself will draw the newspaper, or use a ready-made template.

If you have the skills to work in a graphics editor such as CorelDraw or Adobe Ilustrator, then you will have no difficulty in designing a newspaper and then printing it. Fortunately, in our time, printing images of any size is not a problem.

If you are lucky and a brush, pencil or felt-tip pens are familiar to your hands, then drawing a newspaper completely will not be difficult. In addition, the text printed on the printer can make the task easier for you. But, in this case, do not forget to prepare a place in the picture for text inserts. They need to be framed or marked in any other way. Otherwise, combinations of a hand-made drawing and text printed on other paper will "cut the eye".

How to make a poster for February 23 at work, at school, at home with your own hands

The second point is the style of the newspaper. The style is only limited by your imagination. It can be an informational newspaper dedicated to the history of the holiday. There is a place in it for articles about defenders of the Fatherland from different generations: from ancient times to our time.

If you have chosen a humorous style, then it will be appropriate to devote the newspaper to classmates or dads.
Now - design. A large bright central pattern will be appropriate for a wall newspaper. He will draw attention to himself. Articles are placed around it. Also, the central picture can serve as an element uniting the entire newspaper.

Do not forget about the compatibility of styles. If the newspaper is about history, a “straight” design is preferable. That is, all elements must be parallel and perpendicular. It is unlikely that humorous pictures will be appropriate in it. For a free and humorous style, there is perhaps only one restriction: all the blocks on your newspaper should be located so that they can be conveniently viewed and read.

I would like to remind all parents. Be sure to involve your children in this creative work. There is no need to make a wall newspaper for a kindergarten or elementary school look like a glossy magazine. Believe me, your children will get more pleasure if these are drawings created by their hands than from the print quality or from their father's skills in Photoshop.
Do not strive to create a world masterpiece, look at this work through the eyes of a child.

In addition, a newspaper created with your children can be easily "revived". It can be flat and volumetric applications, the use of other materials. For example, the use of fabric and twine for a parachute applique will create a unique impression of a vivid picture.

And one more tip: when starting creative work, do not limit yourself. Creativity (and creating a wall newspaper is also creativity) does not tolerate frames. Embrace all children's ideas by filtering your experiences. And your task, as a parent, is to make your child feel that this is his work!

A little secret for parents. By teaching your child to be creative at a young age, you can help them make friends more easily and earn credibility with their peers during adolescence. After all, skill and creativity are always appreciated.

Good luck with your creativity!

On February 23, the state does not give men a day off, and most of them spend it at work. To respect the male half of the team, women can diversify banal congratulations with funny and original surprises.

The holiday does not carry romance, as for example on March 8, and refers to a military theme. But women congratulate all their beloved and close men with and without a military past. Therefore, February 23 has long become such a man's day, and the military subtext allows a strong half of humanity to feel like defenders.

Today there are many ways of non-trivial congratulations and gifts. The internet is awash with tips for surprises while avoiding socks and postcards. The wall newspaper is one of the ways to thoroughly cheer up the whole work team and bring new emotions.

Wall newspaper for February 23, cool colleagues, poster, materials: the pride of the team

The huge advantage of a wall newspaper as a congratulation is handmade. Men are by nature very fond of when a woman is taken care of and makes an effort to surprise. They love even more when they are praised and when they are needed.

In this case, the wall newspaper can be decorated with photographs of the strong half of the team with the title "Our pride". Place a printed frame around each photo and make an impromptu honor board. Such a congratulation will appeal to male pride.

Wall newspaper for February 23, cool colleagues, poster, materials: superheroes

A wall newspaper with superheroes will create a similar effect. To do this, you need to find on the Internet pictures of superheroes from science fiction films and print, preferably on a color printer. Further, the figures can be cut and glued on a Whatman paper, or printed A4 sheets can be placed directly on the wall.

The main trick is to take photographs of the men of the team, cut out specifically the faces and glue them in place of the faces of superheroes. The bright title "We have you and we do not need superheroes" will give the desired effect and the atmosphere of fun at work will remain for a long time.

The wall newspaper for February 23 is cool to colleagues, poster, materials: a poster in the form of a calendar

In any handicraft, a printer comes to the rescue. This time, you need to print the calendar for the current year in the largest possible format (for example, 1 month for the entire A4 sheet), and since February is almost the beginning of the year, the gift will also be useful for all employees.

Photos of all colleagues can be placed on the poster, and the congratulation itself can be drawn on other sheets. For example, print on separate sheets "From February 23" and paste it next to the main gift. The congratulations can then be removed, but the calendar will remain not only a useful thing, but also a memory of one cheerful day.

The wall newspaper for February 23 is cool to colleagues, poster, materials: collage with sweets

Sweets are always associated with a sense of celebration. On a normal day, people pamper their receptors, on a holiday, they add the hormones serotonin and endorphin. A wall newspaper with congratulations on February 23 can be issued by pasting many bars and sweets on a Whatman paper. Especially for avid athletes, you can buy protein bars and other harmless goodies.

A place of honor can be allocated to a bottle of spirits next to it on the table, as an attachment to treats. Such a newspaper will look bright, men will be able to tear sweets right from the wall, and it will also be unusual, and therefore fun. The poster can be decorated with pleasant words handwritten by the female half of the team.

The wall newspaper for February 23 is cool to colleagues, poster, materials: photo congratulations from women

In addition to the photos of the hero of the occasion themselves, there is another option to print photos of women who congratulate them. The idea is to take a picture of each with one letter, and then make a collage "From February 23rd" from the photographs. The letter can be drawn, printed or using Photoshop.

Any poster can be supplemented with poems, songs, congratulations and everything that you have enough imagination for. The main thing is to organize a festive atmosphere and create a common memory of the friendship of the team.

It's time to think about how to make a poster for February 23 for your defenders, how to congratulate, and how to tell how much you appreciate the fact that they have become real men.

Since this is not a birthday or New Year, which are neutral holidays for everyone, when it is customary to give simply, useful, or simply cute and touching, but a holiday filled with special meaning, then you should think about a special gift.

Most importantly, do not forget a simple rule - a gift should bring joy and be remembered for a long time. It should be truly unexpected and enjoyable.

Of course, congratulatory posters on February 23rd can be such a gift. Imagine how nice it is to wake up in the morning and see a congratulatory poster or a whole banner flaunting on the wall above the bed!

Such a gift can be ordered at any workshop that deals with large-format printing. You can come up with a small congratulatory slogan or a huge text with a story about how happy you are that it is He who is not only the defender of the fatherland, but also your true and most beloved defender and your knight.