What can dry skin be from? Is dry skin a symptom of a disease or is it normal? Causes of dry skin

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eczema, atopic dermatitisTreatment of skin diseases should be carried out
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  • In dermatology, there is a special term used to refer to dry skin - xeroderma, or xerosis. Due to the many inconveniences associated with this symptom, a person inevitably faces the question - "What to do?" Dry skin is not only an unpleasant feeling of tightness, but also constant peeling, scratching, cracking, itching and even pain.

    How is dry skin different from normal to oily skin?

    There are 3 types of skin: normal, oily and dry. A fourth type is also distinguished: combination skin, in which there is an excessive secretion of fat in the T-zone of the face, and, on the contrary, insufficient on the cheeks. On the body, in this case, increased fat content is observed on the back, neck and chest, and dry - on the limbs and abdomen.

    During normal functioning of the sebaceous glandsthe fatty secretion produced by them forms a thin, invisible hydrophobic film on the skin surface. This natural barrier has many functions: it prevents the evaporation of moisture from the epidermis, thereby contributing to the natural hydration of the skin, softens the skin and gives it elasticity, protects it from the penetration of microbes and maintains its normal microflora, protects it from the effects of temperatures.

    For oily skin the glands secrete excess fat. The skin looks scruffy, shiny, pores are enlarged, and the effect of "orange peel" can be observed. With this type, acne and comedones are more common, since the pores are clogged with sebum mixed with dust, sweat and dirt.

    Dry skin needs additional hydration, since the secretion of skin it produces is not enough for natural protection. Without it, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, becomes dull, peeling appears on it and dead grayish-white scales of various sizes are separated - from very small flour-like to fine-lamellar ones. It is susceptible to early formation of wrinkles, burning and chapping, microbial contamination. The surface of dry skin is rough and rough to the touch, flexion surfaces are prone to redness and cracking, and cracks can be both superficial and deep. Most often, severe dryness is observed on areas of the skin unprotected by clothing: hands and face, and in summer - on the legs and shoulders.

    Dry skin is very sensitive to the influence externalfactors - weather, contact with water and household chemicals, cosmetics - therefore it needs gentle cleansing and intensive nourishment and hydration. It must be protected from inflammation, because with xeroderma, the ability of cells to regenerate is reduced.


    The causes of dry body skin can vary. Inadequate skin moisture can be based on both exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) causes. TOendogenousfactorsrelate:

    • genetic predisposition. Light-skinned and fair-haired people have dry skin more often than others;
    • sleep disorders;
    • improper nutrition;
    • chronic kidney disease;
    • hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
    • chronic intoxication;
    • malignant tumor;
    • blood diseases;
    • almost all skin diseases;
    • old age - about 80% of people over 70 years old complain of dry and itchy skin.


    • improper daily care. For dry skin, the effect of surfactants, which are found in soaps, shower gels and shampoos, is detrimental, as they disrupt the function of the sebaceous glands;
    • exposure to aggressive chemicals - peels, masks, and cleaning products;
    • climate - humidity and air temperature, wind, sun rays, rain and snow;
    • other negative factors - tobacco smoke, jet lag, etc.

    What to do with very dry skin?

    First of all, you should identify the reasons by visiting a dermatologist. The doctor, after examining and collecting an anamnesis, will either make a diagnosis or send you to see a gastroenterologist, neurologist or endocrinologist. If a specific cause is identified, the question of what to do with dry skin will be resolved by treating the underlying disease. Otherwise, if the reason for the insufficient work of the sebaceous glands does not depend on the disease, but is due to individual characteristics, symptomatic treatment should be carried out.

    The firstmeasurethis isrevisionnutritionandwaterregime. The diet should include foods rich in vitamins A, B and E. The menu should include sea fish, nuts, cereals, prunes, liver, dairy products, beef, eggs. You also need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily. It is necessary to maintain water-lipid balance, normal hormone synthesis and, consequently, the work of the sebaceous glands. In winter and autumn, it is useful to additionally take vitamin complexes.

    Dermatologists also advise making some changes in your daily life. So, the setting humidifiersairin the apartment and office. This will help keep your skin from drying out. It is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, minimize or quit smoking and drinking alcohol, and exercise regularly.

    The problem of personal hygiene is a separate issue: what to do with very dry skin, what products to use? After all, shower gels, soaps and shampoos with surfactants (surfactants) cause tightness, itching and dandruff. Try to buy detergents not from perfume stores, but from pharmacies. The pharmaceutical market offers a variety of products for gentle cleansing and care for dry skin. For instance, gelforsoulandshampoo do not contain alkali. But they contain valuable deresined naftalan, which soothes irritated skin, burdock root extract and a complex of vegetable oils that protect the skin from drying out.

    Careperdryandsensitiveskinfaces carried out with the help of a special milk, gelfoamsormoussecleaning elements of which remove dust and dirt from the skin surface, but at the same time do not destroy the lipid layer. They may contain oils and plant extracts. Works well as a cleanser micellarwater. It contains many active elements intended not only for cleansing, but also for care, moisturizing, softening the skin, getting rid of redness and peeling. After the main step, it is recommended to complete the cleansing with an herbal lotion that deeply cleanses the pores. Lotionfordryskinfaces should be made on the basis of water (in no case alcohol), and the composition may contain extracts of lingonberry, kelp, tea tree, aloe vera, fucus and other plant components.

    But the most important thing to do with dry skin is to regularly moisturize and soften it with creamsandointments... Topical care products usually include fats (vegetable or animal), vitamins and plant extracts. The composition of creams and the concentration of nutrients in them should be as close as possible to the physiological lipids of normal human skin. The fatty base serves to create a protective barrier, and natural ingredients help to normalize metabolism and regenerative processes in the skin.

    Anti-dry skin medications should be prescribed based on gravityxerodermapatient, security, hypoallergenicandportabilityfacilities. It must be remembered that with age, the condition of the skin also changes, the work of the sebaceous glands can change from ageordue tohormonalchanges (pregnancy, menstruation in women, prostate diseases in men), therefore, care products should be selected with this factor in mind. It is also important to consider the weather conditions. In winter, more oily creams are prescribed, in summer - light ones that do not cause clogging of pores.

    If xeroderma is characterized not only by tightness, but also by itching, scratching and cracking, a more serious therapy is selected: creams should contain natural medicinal components: selenium, zinc, tar, salicylic or lactic acid, urea, etc. Creamfordryskin contains deresined naphthalan, almond oil, d-panthenol, urea, salicylic acid and Japanese Sophora extract. Thus, Losterin fulfills the requirements for complex treatment of xeroderma: soothes, relieves itching, normalizes metabolism and blood circulation in the skin, nourishes, regenerates and creates a hydrophobic film that does not allow moisture to evaporate from the stratum corneum. In addition, Losterin cream is quickly absorbed and does not leave an unpleasant oily feeling on the skin.

    Dryleatherfaces requires a lot of attention, also because it is prone to rapid fading and the formation of wrinkles. Help to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands creamsfromhyaluronicacid, peptides, vitamins, antioxidants, oils. Taken together, creams for dry skin care contribute to the rapid healing of microcracks, smoothing out superficial wrinkles and preventing their appearance, restoring the lipid barrier and moisturizing. Due to its natural composition, the absence of fragrances and dyes, the cream "Losterin" can also be used for facial skin care.

    In autumn and winter, when the skin is exposed to aggressive effects of cold air, wind, snow, rain, it is useful to use masksfromnutritiousoils, vegetableextractsandantioxidants.

    To protect the skin from dry indoor air, it is necessary to use thermalwater. Thanks to the minerals and trace elements in its composition, it relieves the feeling of tightness and helps to restore the protective barrier of the skin.

    In addition, dermatologists advise taking bathsandbaths with the addition of sea salt, decoctions of plantain, chamomile, oak bark, willow bark, yarrow, birch buds, burdock roots, etc. Marinebaths have a keratolytic effect and saturate the skin with iodine, zinc, potassium, and herbal baths help to normalize metabolism. And here solarbaths owners of very dry skin are not shown: under ultraviolet rays, it quickly burns and becomes thinner. With solar activity, you must use creamfromUV- filters.

    Whatit is impossiblemakeatdryskin

    Thin and sensitive skin can easily be harmed by improper care, for example, by disrupting the function of the sebaceous glands, which already produce insufficient lipid secretion. This effect is observed after saunas or receptionhotbathsfromordinaryalkalinesoap. Hygiene products and hot water destroy the protective layer of fat and the skin is quickly dehydrated. If you have dry skin, take a warm shower with dermatological hygiene products.

    A moisturizer is essential for moisturizing your skin, but it's only beneficial if applied correctly. So, it is strictly forbidden to use a moisturizing creamononebasisorfromhyaluronicacidlessthanper 30 minutesbeforeexit outside. In winter, water molecules on the surface of the skin will freeze and expand, tearing it apart. In summer, on the contrary, evaporating water will lead to the formation of microburns.

    There is a misconception that very fatty creams, eg, forchildren, - the best remedy for nourishing dry skin. However, it is not. Baby creams contain an increased amount of lipids, which is good for a child, but harmful for an adult, as they disrupt skin respiration, clog pores and cause inflammation and acne. Very greasy creams are best used to moisturize the heels, knees and elbows.

    It is not recommended for owners of dry skin to engage in swimmingin the pool due to chlorinated water. If you still need to swim, it is recommended that you apply a moisture-resistant sunscreen to your body before entering the water, take a cool shower after swimming and then moisturize your skin with a suitable product.

    Also not worth using scrubsforcleansingskin... The result will not be the "radiant effect" promised by the advertisement, but redness and sores.


    Physiotherapy treatments can be helpful for dry skin. Widely applied mesotherapy - introduction of a vitamin solution into the deep layers of the skin. It normalizes metabolic processes, nourishes cells and protects them from dehydration, maintains youthful skin. Injection cocktail is enriched with magnesium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur.

    This procedure is similar to biorevitalizationskin - administration of drugs with hyaluronic acid. The procedure helps to moisturize the skin and restore its structure, normalize the state of collagen and elastin fibers.

    Microcurrenttherapy - one of the most popular procedures for normalizing metabolism in dry skin. Exposure to weak electrical impulses stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and repairs damaged cells. The result of microcurrent therapy is similar to the effect after healthy deep sleep. The optimal course is 10 procedures.

    In most cases, dry skin does not signal any disease. However, in cases where dry skin appears:

    • unexpectedly, for no reason;
    • during menopause;
    • with regular redness, skin rashes, itching;
    • together with a disease of the internal organs;

    you need to see a doctor, as you may need to prescribe specific external agents, without which xeroderma will develop to more severe stages (with extensive redness, peeling and deep cracks).

    • Signs of dry skin
    • Causes of dry skin
    • Dry skin care
    • Dry body skin care
    • Funds overview

    Signs of dry skin

    The tendency to dryness is mainly genetic. Therefore, fundamental changes cannot be achieved here. But to make friends with your skin and improve its condition is quite real. The main thing is proper care and preventive measures.

    Dryness usually affects both the face and the body. Such skin tends to be thinner and more sensitive.

    When the sebaceous glands produce insufficient secretion, that is, sebum, which protects the epidermis from drying out and minor damage, the skin retains moisture worse, therefore it often dries up, reacts with irritation, and ages faster.

    Dry skin is often sensitive © iStock

    Dry skin is often prone to poorly tolerated air pollution and hard water. It is more likely to react to common allergens (eg honey).

    Choose light textures for dry skin © iStock

    Causes of dry skin

    Atopic dermatitis is a common cause of pathological dry skin. A dermatologist will tell you more about this disease. But the feeling of discomfort and tightness is sometimes encountered by those who are usually not worried about this problem. What exactly makes the skin dry?

    1. 1

      Cleansers with aggressive surfactants (surfactants) in the composition destroy the hydrolipid mantle of the skin.

    2. 2

      The moisturizer isn't rich enough for you, or your skin doesn't have enough nourishment to keep the moisture inside.

    3. 3

      Severe weather conditions, such as heat with increased dry air or frost combined with an icy wind, undermine the protective potential of the skin.

    4. 4

      Insufficient humidity in the room is a common problem in our latitudes when central heating is turned on.

    5. 5

      Certain types of hormone treatments or use can cause severe dry skin. You will have to wait until this side effect disappears, smoothing out its manifestations with the help of cosmetics.

    How dry skin differs from normal and oily skin

    Compared to oily and normal skin, dry skin has an insufficient hydrolipid layer. It is thinner, and the vessels are located so close to the surface that spasms are possible even after a short-term exposure to frost.

    For women with oily skin, the stratum corneum and sebum form a powerful protection, so it ages more slowly and more firmly tolerates negative external influences - from peels to cold weather. But dry skin is insured against acne, enlarged pores and other troubles that complicate life in youth.

    The best moisturizing ingredients - glycerin, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid © iStock

    What to do with very dry skin

    It happens that the condition of the skin causes serious concern: it turns red and feels pain even after contact with tap water, and no cosmetic product helps from dryness and peeling. There is only one advice - make an appointment with a dermatologist.

    1. 1

      remove alcohol-containing products from the cosmetic bag;

    2. 2

      use delicate creamy textures instead of alkaline cleansers;

    3. 3

      install water filters if possible.

    Dry Skin Care Precautions

      On the beach, use Thin, dry skin burns faster. And do not forget that ultraviolet light provokes the formation of free radicals - the main enemies of youthful skin.

      In the cold season, before going outside, apply to your face, protective - to your hands, do not forget about a scarf and gloves.

    Funds overview

    For face

    Name of funds Mode of application Active ingredients
    moisturizer for dry to very dry skin of the face and body, Cerave Apply twice daily on cleansed face and / or any area of \u200b\u200bthe body. ceramides,
    Extraordinary face oil "Luxury of nutrition", L'Oréal Paris Use as a final step in your evening care, instead of or over cream. oils of clove, rosemary, chamomile, lavender
    Use as needed. For best results, we recommend applying the cream after each hand wash. glycerin, allantoin
    Soothing shower gel with protective properties Lipikar Gel Lavant, La Roche-Posay Pour a small amount onto a washcloth or palm and massage into damp skin. niacinamide, shea butter
    Body milk "Intensive care", Garnier Massage daily onto body. bifidocomplex, shea butter
    Nourishing Body Cream, Kiehl's Apply the cream to damp or dry body skin with light massaging movements. squalane, avocado and sesame seed oils, aloe vera, beta carotene

    The skin is one of the most important organs. It shapes our appearance, gives us a touch, controls temperature and protects against infections. However, rough, thickened, flaky, itchy or painfully dry skin loses its ability to function properly - receptors become less sensitive, the risks of premature aging and sun damage increase, and the threat of infection increases. Usually, effective solutions are readily available and are based on daily care that is appropriate for dry skin.

    Dry skin is the main cause of skin diseases, more than 40% of dermatological visits are related to dry skin. Dryness can occur anywhere on the body, but most often it occurs on the arms, legs, knees and elbows, as well as the face, because these areas are most vulnerable. Dry skin on the face can be a factor in premature aging.

    Dry skin is unable to regulate its hydration.
    Internal and external factors can impair the skin's ability to hydrate and lead to excessively dry skin

    When the skin becomes dry, it can become very tough, flaky, flaky, and cause intense itching and pain, even very rough and chapped. However, it is not always obvious that dryness is the cause of these skin problems, depending on the degree of dryness and the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body.

    • Moderately dry skin
      Dryness can initially be seen as a slight compaction or slight roughness.
    • Dry skin
      If the skin loses further moisture, it becomes coarse and may become cracked or rough, possibly itchy.
    • Excessively dry skin
      If such dryness is left untreated or untreated, or is ineffective, the skin can become extremely tight, rough and cracked. At this stage, itching can also become severe and painful.

    Areas of the body affected by dry skin

    Dryness often appears on the skin of the legs and thighs. Dry skin on the feet is especially common and often results in cracked heels, which, if severely affected, are associated with pain and inflammation.

    However, dryness associated with washing with strong detergents can affect the entire body equally. Washing your hands too often tends to dry out your hands too.

    If you wash your hands very often, dry skin can develop on them.

    Sensitive skin

    Dry skin on the body is often quite sensitive, but its sensitivity is not always caused by dryness. Some people's skin is naturally very sensitive, even if it is well hydrated. In any case, it is important to avoid skin care products that contain irritating ingredients such as fragrances and dyes. Always check if the product is dermatologically tested on sensitive skin.

    Dry skin with diseases

    For conditions such as psoriasis or atopic dermatitis, the skin may look reddened, peel off, and itch.

    Dry skin can also be associated with some medical conditions:

    • Xerosis is the medical term for dry skin. It comes from Greek: “xero” means “dry” and “osis” means “disease”.
    • Atopic dermatitis and psoriasis are also associated with dryness, although the underlying causes of these diseases are inflammation. Typically, the skin affected by them looks reddened, flakes, and it itches a lot.
    • Metabolic diseases such as diabetes and kidney disease can also increase the risk of dry skin.

    The main causes of dry skin

    There are many causes and factors that cause dry skin on the body, from environmental influences and inappropriate skin care to diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. The skin acts as a barrier to the body, but this means that it is exposed to both external and internal influences.

    External factors

    • External factors impair the function of the skin as a natural barrier, resulting in increased moisture loss through the skin.
    • Violation of the skin's surface barrier by washing off the natural layer of lipids makes it impossible to retain moisture, and the rate of its loss increases.
    • Finally, when dryness spreads to the lower layers of the skin, the transport of water through the buried tissues is impaired, as the functioning of important hydration channels is disrupted.

    Deficiency of natural moisturizing factors (NFs), which bind moisture, leads to dehydration of the upper layers of the skin.

    External factors contributing to dryness

    The main external causes of the process described above are environmental factors and skin care:

    • Excessive UV rays can lead to skin aging and, as a result, dryness.
    • It is recommended to limit the bath time and reduce the water temperature, as prolonged baths can cause moisture to evaporate.
    • As some medicines can cause dry skin, it is recommended that you seek the advice of your doctor.

    External environment

    • Severe weather conditions - heat, cold and dry air - destroy the protective function of the skin.
    • Seasonal changes - Dry skin symptoms often get worse in winter or summer.
    • The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can accelerate skin aging, and as we age, it becomes more prone to dryness.

    Skin care

    • Frequent washing or prolonged hot baths or showers remove the lipid layer that forms the skin's protective barrier.
    • Inappropriate Skin Care - It is important to follow instructions and use products that are suitable for dry skin. It is especially important not to use strong soaps that wash away the natural lipids of the skin.

    Taking medication
    Dry skin occurs as a side effect of many medications. Common drugs that have this side effect include diuretics to control blood pressure, which work by increasing the amount of water excreted in the urine, and some antibiotics and oral medications to combat acne. Always consult your doctor or pharmacist if you

    Internal factors

    Genetic influences
    Heredity also affects the moisture balance in the skin. Some people have oily skin, others have dry skin, and these skin types are inherited, although a person will not necessarily have the same skin type as their parents. Skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, diabetes mellitus and ichthyosis often have a genetic background.

    Hormonal influences
    Changes in the concentration of certain hormones, especially estrogen and testosterone, can affect skin moisture and lipid levels. This is especially noticeable after menopause, when the skin becomes dry due to a decrease in estrogen levels.
    Dry skin can also develop during pregnancy due to hormonal changes as well as additional body fluid requirements.

    Like any other organ, the skin requires a number of important nutrients to function properly. Among them are unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. The absence of any of these can contribute to the development of dry skin.

    With age, the number of sebaceous and sweat glands in the skin decreases, which leads to a decrease in the ability to synthesize sweat and lipids. The water content of the skin and its ability to retain moisture are also reduced. These factors lead to dryness, which in turn causes aging of the skin and the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Learn more about age-related dryness.

    Factors causing dry skin

    In addition to the main causes of dry skin on the body, there are several other factors that also affect the degree of dry skin. Understanding this will help avoid them and thereby reduce their impact.

    • The best time to moisturize is when the skin is clean and slightly damp, such as after a bath or shower.
    • Dry skin needs special sunscreens without any irritating perfumes or dyes.
    • The constant use of protective gloves and hand cream can help some professions, such as a doctor or hairdresser.

    Lack of effective treatment
    If dry skin is not treated quickly, the degree of dryness can increase and the hydration system in the deeper layers of the skin can be compromised. In such situations, it is necessary to use a moisturizer designed to solve this problem.

    Influence of sunlight
    While protecting dry skin from sun damage, it is important that sunscreen also replenishes the lack of moisturizing factors, in addition to the appropriate sun protection factor (SPF). It is also important that sunscreen, like any other care product used on dry skin, does not contain irritating perfume or dyes, as dry skin, especially on the face, is more prone to irritation than normal skin.

    Professional risks
    Some occupations require working in conditions that can increase the risk of dry skin. These are usually activities that involve the development of dry skin, such as working in hot or cold conditions (farmer / fisherman), or work involving the use of detergents (doctor / nurse / hairdresser), or working with chemicals (mechanic / cleaner).

    The skin receives moisture from the body and therefore depends on the water balance in the body. When dehydrated, it reduces the supply of moisture to the skin, which slows down the natural movement of water through the skin, which can contribute to dryness. Older people are prone to dehydration because the feeling of thirst dulls with age.

    Cigarettes contain many toxins, including nicotine, which can reduce the rate of blood flow. This leads to a decrease in the metabolic rate in the skin. And this means that the processes of premature aging and drying can start in it.

    Dry body skin care

    Dry skin is caused by impaired skin barrier function, which leads to loss of moisture and a decrease in the ability to retain water due to a deficiency of moisturizing factors. Thus, dry skin requires daily care that does not cause further deterioration of the skin barrier and restores the lack of natural moisturizing factors.

    Dry and overly dry skin, as well as dry skin associated with diabetes or psoriasis, require appropriate products depending on the degree of dryness, but atopic dermatitis requires special products for the daily skin care of babies and young children. When choosing a skin care product for children, always check for age indications.

    Cleansing dry skin of the body.Most often, the skin becomes dry due to damage to the skin's surface barrier, therefore it is important that the cleanser is gentle enough not to wash off the skin's natural protective barrier. Additional natural moisturizing agents such as urea will also help restore moisture balance in the skin.

    Moisturizing dry body skin.The first requirement for moisturizers for dry skin is to restore the moisture balance in the upper layers of the skin. Substances called "natural moisturizing factors" (NRF), such as urea and lactic acid, retain moisture in the stratum corneum or top layer of the skin. The minimum recommended concentration of urea, even for moderately dry skin, is 5%. Excessively dry skin usually requires a higher concentration of urea and other moisturizing factors.

    Instead of drying your damp skin with a towel, pat dry and apply cream or lotion immediately afterward.

    It is important to follow the directions and use products that are suitable for dry skin.

    Dryness, roughness, and thickening of the skin can be caused by disturbances in three main mechanisms of moisture control: damage to the surface barrier due to a lack of skin lipids, dehydration of the stratum corneum due to the lack of natural moisturizing factors, and poor moisture distribution in the lower layers of the skin.

    Sun protection for dry skin
    When going outdoors, reduce exposure by wearing clothing that covers all parts of the body and using sunscreen. In addition, it is important that sunscreens contain moisturizing factors as well. Sunscreens for dry skin should be free of irritating perfume and dyes because dry skin is sensitive to irritation.

    A moisturizer that is suitable for dry skin should be frequently applied to the affected area.

    Avoiding factors that contribute to dryness

    In addition to high-quality daily cleansing and moisturizing, it is important to avoid factors that contribute to the development of dry skin. This will help alleviate the problem of dry skin and reduce the need for treatment:

    • Avoid dry air by spending less time outdoors in hot, dry or cold weather, and using humidifiers if the room is heated.
    • Reduce your time in hot water by taking quick, warm showers instead of long hot baths.
    • Use gloves when washing dishes to avoid exposure to hot water and harsh detergents.
    • Wear clothes made from natural materials such as cotton and silk that do not irritate your skin. Wool is also a natural material, but it can irritate dry skin and should be avoided.
    • Try to use detergents that do not contain dyes or fragrances to avoid irritation.
    • Make sure you drink enough water - especially for older people.

    Dry skin is rough to the touch, devoid of tenderness and velvety, with peeling particles of the epidermis. Dryness of the skin can manifest itself throughout the body or in certain areas: hands, knees, face.

    Determination of skin type

    There are several types of skin, one of them can be identified independently:

    • Normal skin - contains enough moisture and lipid lubricant, firm and elastic to the touch. The pores on it are barely noticeable, wrinkles appear after 30 years.
    • Oily skin - oily to the touch, acne often appears on it; the pores are clearly visible, often closed with black dots. Thanks to the abundant lubrication of oil, wrinkles on such skin can appear only by the age of 40.
    • Combination skin - a combination of oily (on the forehead and nose) and dry (in the cheeks, around the eyes) areas.
    • Dry skin - the pores are invisible, the skin is thin, pale in color, wrinkles form early on it (with active facial expressions, they can appear already at the age of 20). After washing, there is a feeling of tightness, peeling, microcracks appear. With age, age spots appear on dry skin, due to the increased sensitivity of overdried skin, areas with allergic manifestations may appear: itching, rashes, redness. Increased dryness of the skin due to hypofunction of the sebaceous glands is called xerosis.

    There are two types of dry skin:

    1. With high tone - elasticity is preserved, with good care it is possible to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
    2. Reduced tone - very dry skin, very thinned, wrinkles quickly appear on it, it is difficult to restore with the help of cosmetics. You can determine whether the skin belongs to this type using a simple test: if the skin compressed between two fingers is smoothed very slowly, it means that it is dry and has lost its elasticity.

    Dehydration of the skin is prevented by a water-lipid mantle, which covers it with a thin layer. In addition to protection against overdrying, the water-fat film performs the following functions:

    • gives elasticity to the skin;
    • maintains the pH level of the skin;
    • suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
    • takes part in the elimination of toxic substances from the body.

    With a decrease in the amount of lipids and loss of moisture due to the influence of various factors, the skin remains unprotected, dryness appears.

    External (exogenous) causes

    These include:

    • Meteorological factors:
      • Ultraviolet radiation - leads to loss of elasticity, the appearance of age spots.
      • Wind - under its influence, the thermoregulation of the skin changes, the evaporation of moisture increases.
      • Frost - useful only for oily skin. Dry skin under the influence of low temperatures becomes even drier, begins to peel off, crack.
      • Hot climate - the body intensively loses moisture, along with it - minerals. At the same time, the skin becomes dull, thinner, flaky, and fine wrinkles appear.
    • Household chemicals - the instructions for use of various household products indicate that protective gloves must be used when working with them, but this warning is often ignored. As a result, aggressive substances destroy the layer of the epidermis, the skin becomes tight, and microcracks appear on it.
    • Unfavorable indoor climate - lack of moisture in summer at high ambient temperatures or in winter when heating devices are operating negatively affects the state of the epidermis.
    • Repeated peeling - frequent exfoliating procedures lead to thinning and depletion of the skin; substances used for chemical peels (salicylic, citric, malic acids) reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.
    • Hard and chlorinated tap water - chlorine, calcium and magnesium salts dry the epidermis, cause allergic reactions.
    • Alcohol and smoking - contribute to skin discoloration, the appearance of premature wrinkles. Acting on blood vessels, alcohol and nicotine cause dryness and peeling of the epidermis, the appearance of a subcutaneous vascular network, which shines through thin dry skin.
    • Professional features - work, the conditions of which are accompanied by the release of heat: glass making, mechanical engineering, hot workshops in canteens. At the same time, large losses of water by the body occur, water-salt metabolism is disturbed, the skin becomes overdried.
    • Illiterate choice of cosmetics - the use of cosmetics not for age or for a different type of skin worsens the condition of the epidermis. For example, products for oily skin contain drying, vasoconstrictor substances: salicylic acid, caffeine, benzoyl peroxide. They are harmful to dry skin.
    • Frequent visits to the solarium - Artificial tanning can harm sensitive dry skin, cause flaking, allergies. Despite the fact that the solarium uses lamps, the glass of which does not allow the short-wavelength part of the UV spectrum that is harmful to humans, owners of dry skin should not get carried away with the procedure.
    • Taking medicines - Xerosis refers to the side effects of certain drugs: diuretics, retinoids (agents for the systemic treatment of acne), corticosteroids, hormonal contraceptives.

    Internal (endogenous) causes

    The most common:

    • Genetic features - dry skin type is inherited. Also, xerosis accompanies many hereditary diseases: ichthyosis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis.
    • Improper nutrition - dehydration of the skin is caused by insufficient intake of vitamins, fats, fluids, as well as an excess of spicy, salty foods.
    • Change in hormonal levels - the skin often becomes dry during periods of hormonal changes in the body: in adolescence, with the onset of pregnancy, with menopause.
    • Various diseases:
      • Renal failure - xerosis occurs in most patients. This is due to the fact that the kidneys are not able to perform the function of removing harmful substances from the body with urine, as a result of which serious disturbances in the work of various organs occur, symptoms of intoxication appear: fatigue, lethargy, lack of appetite, nausea, thirst, dryness and yellowness of the skin ...
      • Chronic colitis - inflammation of the colon mucosa. The disease is characterized by frequent stools, which eventually leads to weight loss of patients, they feel weakness and loss of strength. As a result of dehydration and hypovitaminosis, vision is impaired, dryness of the epidermis and mucous membranes develops.
      • Hypothyroidism - decreased function of the thyroid gland. In addition to dry skin, it is accompanied by brittle hair, swelling, drowsiness, hypotension, and constipation.
      • Diabetes - an endocrine disease, which is characterized by a violation of several types of metabolism: water-salt, carbohydrate, protein, fat. One of the main symptoms of diabetes mellitus is polyuria (increased urine output). As a result, the body rapidly loses fluid, patients experience excruciating thirst, secondary symptoms gradually develop: dryness and itching of the skin and mucous membranes, weakness, visual impairment, soft tissue infection due to a high level of trauma against the background of ongoing changes in the body.
      • Stress - when they occur in the body, the level of cortisol (hydrocortisone), a glucocorticoid hormone that causes dry skin, rises.

    How to deal with dryness

    To effectively combat dry skin, you first need to visit a dermatologist. If the cause of the problem lies not in skin diseases, the doctor will refer you for consultation to other specialists: gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neurologist. Treating underlying conditions may be sufficient to improve skin condition.

    In other cases, symptomatic treatment is required:

    • Revision of diet and drinking regime... Nutrition for dry skin should be thought out in such a way that the products contain an increased amount of vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins, vegetable fats.
    • Use of cleansers with a minimum amount of surfactants that dry the skin... If you are prone to allergic reactions, soaps and shower gels are best purchased at pharmacies. For example, Losterin shower gel and Oylatum soap are specially formulated to care for dry and sensitive body skin prone to allergies.
    • Dry skin care should be carried out only with the help of special cosmetics.... Additionally, homemade masks are recommended for dry skin, containing natural moisturizing and nourishing ingredients.

  • Dry scalp is treated with special shampoos, masks, menu adjustments, refusal to use a hair dryer and devices for hair styling.
  • Treatment of cracks begins with a visit to a dermatologist, cracks in the heels require an endocrinologist's consultation, as they are often a sign of the development of diabetes mellitus.
  • In residential and work premises, it is necessary to provide a microclimate with a normal level of humidity (average rate - 45%), for this they put special devices - humidifiers. You can also resort to such methods of air humidification: in winter, put a wet towel on the batteries, install a decorative fountain, spray the air with clean water from a hand spray.
  • To moisturize the skin during the day, use thermal water with a neutral pH level: the product is sold in the form of a spray, it is recommended to spray it in the air, and then "enter" the cloud of water particles.
  • To improve the condition of the skin, take vitamin preparations: Aevit, Vitrum Beauty, Special Dragee Merz, Vitrum Beauty Q10, Vitrum Beauty Elite.
  • The use of an integrated approach in the treatment of dry skin, the simultaneous use of various methods helps to get rid of dehydration of the skin, restore its firmness, elasticity and health.

    Dry skin is primarily expressed in a violation of water and lipid metabolism, changes in the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands. In order to understand the causes of dry skin, we will take a closer look at what the skin actually represents and what is their role for humans.

    The skin is the outer layer that protects the human body from external influences, participating in thermoregulation, respiration and metabolic processes. The area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of an adult reaches two square meters, and the weight is about one-sixth of the total body weight. The skin acts as a barrier between the human body and the external environment, performs multiple important functions, participates in the regulation of body temperature, and protects internal organs from various mechanical influences (pressure, jolts, friction).

    The presence of an antiseptic environment on the skin protects the body from the effects of pathogenic microbes. As long as the skin remains healthy, it maintains the required level of moisture and protects a person from the influence of sunlight. Negative effects of the environment, chemicals, cosmetics, ultraviolet radiation, peridose of medications, as well as nervous overloads greatly disrupt the balance. As a result, peeling, redness, irritation, early formation of wrinkles and dry skin appear.

    The skin consists of three layers. The first is the epidermis, the second is the dermis and the third subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue. The epidermis is the outer layer, reaching a thickness of 0.03-1 mm. The eyelids have the thinnest epidermis, and in those places where the strongest effect is manifested, the epidermis thickens up to 30 times. Peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis is a normal physiological process, since the skin surface each day separates up to two billion keratinized skin scales. And the cells of the epidermis are renewed every four weeks. The restoration of the skin is carried out by cell division of the basal and deepest layers of the epidermis. In the basal layer, creatine is involved in the synthesis of young cells. This is done at night. People do not notice the renewal of the skin. The exfoliation process is noticeable when the separation of keratinized cells occurs in large groups. The basal layer of the epidermis also plays an important role in determining our tan. It contains melanophores (pigment cells) that are involved in the formation of the melanin pigment in the sun. Pigment cells on the skin surface are unevenly distributed. For example, the face area has twice as many melanophores on each square centimeter as on the inner side of the arm. Therefore, the face is able to sunbathe much faster and stronger. If the skin is not able to produce melanin after exposure to the sun, then this phenomenon is called, and people are referred to.

    Under the upper layer of the epidermis is the dermis, which is much thicker (up to 2.4 mm). The dermis itself is a dense, connective, fibrous tissue and a base substance containing elastic and collagen fibers. These fibers are responsible for the condition of the skin and for whether the skin is dry, loose, or taut and firm. Collagen fibers absorb and store moisture under certain conditions. When filled with moisture to failure, the skin visually looks elastic and smooth. The second important task of the dermis is to provide the epidermis with nutrients: trace elements, vitamins, oxygen, proteins, minerals and amino acids. The dermis is able to maintain a constant body temperature within 37 degrees. Temperature control is automatic. Blood, tiny capillaries narrow when feeling cold, and expand in heat. When vasoconstriction is noticeable on the surface of the skin, it is called "goose". If the body overheats or is physically strenuous, the sweat glands actively secrete sweat. Sweat evaporates as it protrudes onto the surface of the skin. Thus, the skin is cooled and the whole body is protected from overheating.

    The last is the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which is the deep skin layer. It is capable of reaching a thickness from a millimeter to several centimeters. The composition of the fiber includes loose connective tissue, which is deposited primarily on the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Subcutaneous adipose tissue acts as a protection against impacts, an energy "depot", as well as a thermal layer. The thickness of the fat layer is directly dependent on nutrition, age, sports load, the work of the hormonal system, and heredity. The fiber tissue contains nerve endings, as well as hair roots.

    So, we figured out that the skin is one of the large human organs of the body, performing numerous as well as diverse functions. The appearance of the outer cover immediately speaks of the state of the whole organism.

    But what signals dry skin and how dangerous it is, we will now try to figure it out. Dry skin or dry skin (xeroderma) is one of the signs of a lack of moisture in the upper layer - the epidermis. A small amount of water accumulates in the epidermis (up to 20%). At the first signs of a lack of moisture, the following occurs: the lower layers of the skin intensely evaporate water, and a slowdown in metabolic processes is noted, leading to their tarnishing.

    Dry skin is a very common phenomenon that occurs in middle-aged and older people.

    Dry skin causes

    In medicine, there are two types of dry skin. The first type is acquired dry skin. The second type is caused by constitutional conditioning. The acquired dry becomes so under the influence of external factors. These factors are ultraviolet rays, frost, high temperature, wind, low air humidity. Often, excessive dryness of the skin is the result of therapeutic measures or exfoliation procedures (peeling), or a method of rejuvenation (dermabrasion). Dry skin is also likely with azelaic acid, retinoids, and other medications.

    Constitutionally, dry skin occurs physiologically or by genetic characteristics. Often it appears in children from two to six years old. This is due to a physiological decrease in the synthesis of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Constitutionally conditioned dryness can also manifest itself in a number of skin pathologies such as ichthyosis.

    Dry skin of the hands, back, legs, face is often found in women with thin and snow-white skin.

    Modern medicine identifies such a concept as senile xerosis, which is understood as a clinical symptom with excessive dry skin during aging. Often, the skin becomes dry before menopause and also during menopause itself.

    There is another classification of dry skin: good tone and reduced tone.

    Good dry skin tone is characterized by an elastic, smooth and matte surface. This happens when there are no wrinkles on the skin, but there is a high sensitivity in response to external stimuli. Therefore, the skin needs regular, cosmetic care, since the absence of such will lead to a loss of tone. Often this feature is characteristic of young people.

    Reduced tone of dry skin is characterized by thinning. This becomes very noticeable around the mouth, as well as the eyes, since the first wrinkles and folds appear in these places. Owners of reduced skin tone need to use modern methods of skin care in order to improve the condition.

    Dryness of the skin of the legs and its causes are as follows: mechanical stress as a result of wearing narrow, uncomfortable shoes, which leads to squeezing and thickening of the stratum corneum, followed by dryness.

    Dry skin signs

    How to determine dry skin on your own? When you press on the skin with your fingers, traces of dry skin remain.

    Signs of dry skin include peeling, flaking, itching, red spots, discomfort, roughness and inelasticity, lack of pores, tightness after water procedures, roughness, deep cracks, rare bleeding cracks.

    Water is essential for the skin. In the absence of a sufficient amount of moisture, the skin cannot function normally. The moisture level affects the appearance of the epidermis. Moisture is capable of giving elasticity and firmness. Moisture also supplies the skin with all the essential nutrients.

    Lack of proper hydration will thin and dry the skin. In addition, it rapidly becomes covered with wrinkles, turning into hypersensitive to external influences. There are two mechanisms of regulation to determine the degree of skin moisture. The first is the general condition of the stratum corneum; the second is the total amount of sebum. Horny cells, like sebum, form a lipid layer that protects the skin layer from moisture loss. The function of the lipid layer is also in preventing the penetration of pathogenic microbes, allergens and toxins. Dry skin threatens inflammation and also leads to premature aging.

    There are many other possible causes of dry skin: bathing in hot water, physiological aging, frequent washing, seasonal changes, medication, climate change, dehydration, inflammation, allergic reactions, wounds, irritations, scratches, cuts, dry air at home , craze for alkaline soap, as well as cosmetics, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Dry skin treatment

    Dry skin often appears a couple of days after the vacation. The reason for this is exposure to the sun for a long time and climate change. To restore the skin, it is necessary to humidify the air in the house. For this purpose, fresh flowers or vessels with water help well. Set the air conditioner to 85% humidity.

    Moisturizing procedures under polyethylene are effective for the skin. These procedures help to increase sweating, as well as the absorption of water by the skin. Enough 3 procedures and dry skin will recede.

    Dryness of the skin of the hands, face, head and all skin integuments is treated with baths with starch, soda, salt, special ointments based on urea or salicylic acid. After frequent visits to the pools, knees, elbows, and forearms suffer from dryness, so it is necessary to rinse the body with cool water after visiting them.

    During the period of hormonal changes, the skin is rapidly drying out. This applies to women over 45 years old. The skin of the feet and palms becomes especially problematic. In such cases, complex treatment is prescribed.

    During the period of weight loss, the skin is susceptible to the greatest dryness of the skin, since micro and macro elements leave the body with water, and their replenishment does not occur (a person deliberately limits himself to food and water), but this cannot be done. Dehydration of the skin leads to increased desquamation.

    How is this dry skin treated? It is important to drink up to two liters of water every day. Low-fat fermented milk drinks and juices replenish moisture well, but tea and coffee dehydrate the body even more.

    This risk group includes people over 65, lovers of hot baths, living in cold climates or with low humidity.

    Complications can join dry skin: phlegmon, eczema, folliculitis. If you find any incomprehensible signs (redness of certain areas, itching, sleep disturbances, ulcers, peeling), you should consult a dermatologist.

    Dry skin during treatment includes special nutrition: rich in vitamins and minerals. Mostly these are B vitamins. For this, eggs, fish, brown rice, green vegetables, dairy products, liver, nuts, brown bread and fruits should be included in the diet. Vegetables and fruits activate the production of collagen, supply the body with vitamin C, A, the liver will act as a source of protein, dairy products will provide the body with amino acids.

    Dry skin in a child

    Most young mothers are worried about the dry skin of babies. This phenomenon is considered normal, since after birth the sweat glands function poorly and over time everything spontaneously improves.

    If the child's skin remains dry for a long time, then in this case there may be a number of reasons: frequent bathing, early artificial feeding, hard water, violation of the mother's diet, intestinal pathology, early introduction of complementary foods, contact with household chemicals.

    Dry skin in a child occurs rapidly due to a quick response to external causes. A harmless talcum powder can dry out your baby's skin.

    Dry skin in a child can cause pain, redness, itching, peeling, cracking of the skin.

    Dry skin during pregnancy

    This is the main problem of all expectant mothers. During this period, there is an acute shortage of fluid in the body. This dehydration often affects the feet, upper limbs, and the skin of the face.

    How to remove dry skin? With the help of special products that will not harm the fetus. Do not use hydrocortisone or cortisone as they will further dehydrate you. Use simple tips: wash your face with moisturizing foam, use a moisturizing mask and vegetable oils when bathing, drink non-carbonated mineral water, use a humidifier and scrubs with small particles, do not get carried away by baths.

    Dry scalp

    This phenomenon is quite common, especially in winter. With an imbalance of the sebaceous glands, flakes with a yellowish tinge fall off the skin of the head.

    Dry scalp is treated with diet. Include fatty acids in your daily diet. Eat avocados, oily fish, perfumed conditioners, and shampoos. Finish each shampoo with an apple cider vinegar rinse. Get a humidifier. Use a head mask: honey combined with olive oil.

    Dry scalp in the presence of diseases such as psoriasis requires complex treatment by specialists.

    Dry skin of the hands

    This condition is caused by a variety of factors. This includes hand care, general condition of the body, living conditions, nutrition. It is the hands that give out the age of a person. To keep your hands attractive, follow these tips: after washing, dry your hands thoroughly, complete the washing procedure in cool water, never go outside with wet hands, and in frost without gloves, use softening hand creams, apply sunscreen on your hands in summer, homework do it with gloves, use a hand scrub. In the evening, after smearing your hands with cream, wear plastic gloves on them.

    Apply masks and compresses from mashed potatoes; yolks with honey and vegetable oil; sour cream, yolk and lemon juice. After the masks, apply the cream to your hands to moisturize. All these recommendations will help keep your hands well-groomed and beautiful.

    Dry skin of the face

    If you cannot cope with dry skin on your own, seek the help of cosmetologists, since proper care will preserve youth and prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. It is better to wash your face with melt water or special lotions, you can use milk diluted with water and herbal infusions. Be sure to apply face masks after cleaning the skin. Masks made from oatmeal, dairy products, and warm cereals are good. Gymnastic procedures and, of course, a balanced diet give positive results. The habit of smoking and the abundance of cosmetic decorative means are very bad for the face. At the same time, the skin around the eyes loses its elasticity and becomes dry. To prevent such problems, moisturize the skin with special moisturizing creams around the eyes, avoid ultraviolet radiation, enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits, and drink plenty of fluids. At home, apply the juice of the aloe plant to problem areas.

    Dry lips

    This condition occurs after licking the lips, which leads to evaporation of moisture and the appearance of dryness not only on the lips, but also around the mouth.

    Dry lip skin is often found in cold as well as windy weather or under direct sunlight. Sometimes the reason is a lack of moisture, as well as nutritional components.

    The best treatment for dry lip skin is to keep it dry. Every exit from the house should be accompanied by smearing the lips with hygienic lipstick or balm. And in the summer, you need to use sunscreen balms, for example with oils. Masks for softening are good to use: curd, apple, creamy, carrot.