From whom Anna Sharkunova gave birth. Anna Sharkunova: “I am not one of the round-the-clock beautiful. - Those who know you well say: "Anna is not a fool and not a superficial blondie, she just feels comfortable in this image." Comfortable

My son's height is 52 cm, weight 3280 gr. And long dark hair like a rock star! You can braid braids! - Anna shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda.


The boy has not yet been given a name.

Anna said that the baby was not particularly in a hurry to be born.

There was no hot water in the maternity hospital for two weeks, so he apparently decided to wait so that his mother would not suffer, the singer laughs.

The singer talks carefully about the father of her child.

We signed quietly without noise one July day, but there was no wedding, - said the singer.

Photo Dmitry Rudenko, Komsomolskaya Pravda

It is known that Sharkunova's husband is the managing partner of the Silver Screen cinema chain. In an interview with TUT.BY, the singer told the details of their romantic acquaintance.

“- And in what period did you meet the husband of the future?

Ten years ago, when everything was just beginning for me on stage. I was perfectly fine - well, I thought so. In general, I didn’t think about anything, because the first successes had just happened ... Yes, everything was gorgeous in general!

We lived in Minsk, but met in Nice, at the show "Battle of the Cities" (something like "Great Races" with Nagiyev. - Editor's note), where there were tests with these terrible bulls.

Lyosha (Ani's husband's name is Alexei, he is the managing partner of the Silver Screen cinema chain) says that he noticed me a long time ago and specially came to Nice during the filming to get to know me. Well, I don't know if it's true or not, but the legend is beautiful!

From the very beginning, Lyosha's plan went downhill, because his friend was placed in the room next to me, and Lyosha himself was far away, in some barn. (Laughs.)

But we have a common friend Larisa Gribaleva, and - I think it could not have done without her - we still ended up in a common company.

What we talked about, whether we talked at all - I don’t remember now. But I remember exactly: when Lyosha came to cheer for us at the arena, for some reason I photographed him. For what? I have never done this before… And, you can say, I fell in love with this photo.

And then we said goodbye at the airport. Lyosha asked me for a phone - and I immediately gave it. And made the first mistake - it was necessary to pull the intrigue.

And then he still jokingly reproaches: “Are you handing out phones to everyone right away?” (Laughs.)

He did not call me - not a man, a rock! - three weeks. And when he called, he offered to meet after the “Song of the Year”. And I immediately agreed again. Moved at night from the car of producer Volodya Kubyshkin to Lyosha's car on some country road ...

Volodya also asked: "Are you sure?" "I'm sure!" - I answer. Without any fear and ulterior motive: what if she was a maniac? I was twenty-three years old, wind in my head.

In short, I made mistake after mistake ... Maybe that's why Lyosha checked me for 10 years?

Why do you think it's a mistake?

Well, because, probably, a decent woman by generally accepted standards cannot immediately give a phone, cannot transfer to a car at night with an unfamiliar man. It turns out that I behaved, according to Lyosha, frivolously. So he thought: a girl artist, nothing serious ...

He never told me about it, but when I analyze it, I understand it. And indeed there was a lot of eccentricity in me, I was such a fluttering butterfly ... Not a wife - a girl.

Probably, these 10 years were needed for this, in which we parted, then found each other again. For me to grow up, grow up.

Although then it seemed to me differently: I thought that he was testing me. That 10 years is too long to decide if I'm good enough for him...

- Offended?

Offended, so they parted. Sometimes for a long time, for eight months, they didn’t talk, didn’t see each other. I did not leave for him to return me, but for good.

Because relations should develop, and ours stood still. And I really wanted Lyosha to understand himself, make a choice, finally understand: am I the woman he needs.

Probably, even then I felt that the problem was in me as well ... "

However, everything worked out. And now Anna is a happy wife and mother. By the way, until the ninth month, Sharkunova danced and sang on stage.

True, at the last job before maternity leave, I felt that I was not feeling well - my stomach squeezed, as if my boy was offended by me. And I didn’t go on stage again before giving birth, ”the singer said.

The best definition of Anna Sharkunova, the most impetuous and promising domestic singer, was given by Ivan Aiplatov. “You know, she reminds me of a soldier. Small, fragile, but very strong inside, who is not afraid of adversity or trials.

Later, more than once I had to be convinced of the correctness of Vanya's words. I don’t know if this is her innate property or acquired over time, but for her today’s life, army health and endurance are vital for Anya.

Even in an interview, she resembles a groovy boxer who jumps up in her corner like a hero, pierces the air with a series of fast crosses and seems to warn me: “If you run into me, I’ll stock up to the fullest.”

However, we start the fight in my kitchen without gloves. But Anya herself gives the gong to the beginning. Effortlessly dealing with cookies and green tea, recently brought from Olympic Beijing, she remarks: “Well, you are ... come on too, otherwise I’ll eat alone, right?”

I'm waiting for it to boil. I can’t, like some, getting burned and blowing on boiling water ...

I just don't like strong tea. Do you want to not fall asleep later? Do you know that this is my only day off of the week? And how many concerts, filming and God knows what else?

You are like a tsunami - it's hard to argue with you. It seems that Anya is in great shape and if we had Star Fights among the representatives of show business, she could be safely declared in the featherweight ...

Yes Easy!

And who would you rather settle scores with?

Of course, I have few rivals, but I could look for it. ... We just don’t have show business, so there is no competition ...

This begs the question...

What am I still doing here?

No, why then do you drive yourself like that, if you are already ahead?

I want to develop. When a person records an album and then just stupidly mows money at concerts, the meaning of creativity is lost.

It feels like you were overwhelmed by our TV channels with their basically the same projects and the same stars. Do you have time to figure out what is needed and what is not?

The offers are really even too much, but you have to refuse a lot so as not to be torn to pieces. We used to be happy that we had at least something, but now we have to filter everything.

If so popular, why do you have so many critics on the Internet?

I rarely go online. The last time I visited the site of classmates in Doha was at the airport. It was 5 hours free. I changed my password and forgot it again...

What do they write there? The fact that our show business is r.. but? Well, it's clear that until it is adequately funded, nothing will change.

It's like: if you get more money, will you sing better?

And I sing so well. In the West, several hundred people work for one performer and their clips cost not 20 thousand dollars, but 200. But for some reason our audience wants the Belarusian artist to have the same clips. And from there comes a dismissive attitude, they say, there really are stars, and you don’t know who ...

You know, the neglect, in my opinion, is not from there ... It’s just that Belarusian “stars” often resemble a flock of serfs who are driven from one concert to another on command.

Are you talking about ordinary people? Yes, I am 100% sure that people from the same business, my colleagues, are sitting on these forums, trying to pry harder.

Nevertheless, our stage still lacks a personal civic position ... So that the star would do something, and we would be proud of her. Like, what a handsome man (beauty)!

Give an example.

But at least take it - what he wants, he does. It belongs to no one, does not look back at anyone, knows nothing about the Ministry of Culture and does not want to know. He does not ask anyone for money, he does all his projects himself. Respect and respect to the boy.

Let's start with the fact that the underground should not be shown on television or played on the radio at all. This is already a crime if the rock'n'rollers themselves want it. This is completely different music.

And I, for one, like it. Why should I watch on TV a bunch of primitive and gray performers who have neither voice nor talent, but only show-offs?

Okay, I agree: Mikhalok has the right. He can afford it. This is his style. But I wouldn't have thought of anything like that. I wouldn't even sing those songs.

I do what I like and I can't be what I'm not.

Anya obviously did not like the comparison with the legendary leader of the group experiencing a second youth. She ran a couple of circles around the kitchen and checked me with a "deuce" - in the body and in the head. It didn’t work - I calculated the combination and went on the offensive myself ...

They say you went to Beijing to support our athletes. Well, how did you distinguish yourself there?

For what purpose are you asking?

Yes, just the athletes were interested in why none of your trio pleased the champion ears with the delight of divine voices ...

Ask the organizers of the trip this question. I have no idea why I didn’t perform in front of the athletes. We don't belong here at all. I can’t stand on a plateau and start singing in front of our delegation myself ...

They say that at the opening you sang the anthem of Belarus ...

It is a crime?

No, basically. You like him?

We have very beautiful music compared to the rest. And the fact that our athletes do not know the words of their own anthem is really bad.

Well, they don't know and they don't know. So what?

Yes, you're crazy! When all the athletes from other countries, the same Russians sing their anthem in unison? Are we not ashamed of ourselves?

No. Love for the motherland is in no way measured by knowing the words of any song or verse.

So inside you are not a patriot ...

Let's assume not.

You see, it turns out that you are not a very patriot either, since you do not know such a wonderful person. A shame! Do these words evoke any emotion in you? At the next round of our heroic biography, it was necessary to get rid of the leading role of Rus' in the first lines. They gave the command - they did it ... But anyway, it doesn’t pull, it doesn’t touch the string in the soul, the lump doesn’t roll up to the throat! It’s good to fall asleep under this text along with the LAD channel ...

It seems that I pinned Anya to the ropes. She will never get out from under my historical and geographical references and testimonies of illustrious contemporaries. But she holds on, dodging jabs, tightly pressing her gloves to her body, and at the first opportunity she goes into a counterattack herself:

We only know how to criticize, and we do not like this, and that. And in general, if we consider on a global scale, then we are complete losers. Here you go out of your way (Anna made such a convincing movement confirming her words that I instinctively recoiled), but the people are still dissatisfied ... You help better, not trend. Since you are so smart, write a new anthem and let it be staged.

So they all sped up. We have everything and always decided in advance. We pretend to choose an artist for Eurovision, but everyone already knows in advance who will go. Is not it? It's the same with the anthem - if you announce a competition, neither Mikhalok, nor Volsky, nor anyone else will ever win.

You know, but I'm sure that good things will always make their way! The same can be said about show business. That it's impossible to get here if you don't have money and don't sleep with anyone.

But I know that it is not so. I'm sitting in front of you and I affirm with full confidence. A girl from a small town without a rich dad or mom can get through.

You are very lucky with the producer.

Lucky or was I ready for this myself? In life, everyone is given a chance for success and good luck. But one person can use it, and another cannot.

We have a division - there are artists who are engaged in show business, and there are those who are simply listed as them. In the same Variety Theater there are many people whose existence you, as an ordinary spectator, do not know anything about. And even well-deserved degrees have some ...

Well, it’s the feminine that plays in you, you are all ambitious ... Does Sharkunova have masculine qualities?

I have a lot of them. I heard more than once that I should have been born a boy.

-- … . Also a small one, purposeful ...

I'm taller than Khlestov! Do not hurt me…

Here's the headline for you... I'm not going to measure you at all, but it looks like you've been fed up with the question about him and his relationship with your producer Vladimir Kubyshkin...

It is. I’ll tell you this - Volodya is a good person, but if Lesha says nasty things about him and me, then ...

Well, let's say I haven't heard anything bad about you from his lips.

So he is not a scandalous person and knows how to hide his true feelings. But I'm not going to be friends with him, at least because of Vova.

And with which representatives of the stronger sex are you ready not only to be friends, but also ...

I've always liked the wrong men...

Do you know what the relationship with them is fraught with? The fact that one fine day they are put behind bars, and then the wrong women wear the wrong gear for them ...

Maybe ... In general, if a man is really handsome, then a lot of women wind around him. But it's up to you to achieve it. When a man himself is on his knees in front of you, then everything is too simple. The less they love me, the more interesting it is.


Maybe ... But I think everyone has it to one degree or another.

That is, a normal person who is touched by the words from the immortal hit: “I want to be next to you, live next to you for a thousand years” simply flies by ... You send him, because the client was seduced immediately and irrevocably ....

I don't send anyone. I am a smart woman and I know beyond what line humiliation begins. There is a feminine flair. It works, and you keep the man from this act.

Did you yourself fall on your knees before someone?

Lying is bad.

I'm afraid of this ... But in principle, I know this man. Now, however, (with sadness) he is very far away.

-- (laughs) I hope he is already resting by this time...

Well, yes, in the company of normal girls. He's also a brutal bastard. Would that suit you at all?

Doesn't work. My man is only my man! I will not give it to anyone.

She lifts the glove to my nose, and I can clearly smell fresh, unpearled leather. Earnestly…

And for his sake, you can later say to Kubyshkin: “In short, this is ... Vova ... There is such a topic ... My new brutal pretzel does not want me to sing ... "

I don’t know… I’ve thought about it many times, but the point and the point are two different things. I have grown so deeply into music that I am unlikely to become a housewife even in a golden cage.

Yes, sorry Vova. He would worry. Perhaps I would have written a very touching song on emotions.

I couldn't leave him. I love Vovka too much.

So maybe marry him?

He is married.

It's a pity ... Are you afraid that you will be suspected of having a relationship with someone?

Yes, I am constantly suspected about relations with Vova. At first it was annoying, then it didn’t matter, and now I’m smiling ...

But actually, I didn’t mean Kubyshkin.

And about Zhora the Sorcerer and about Bulka, you can say so. And about 15 more people.

She danced with everyone, but no one married ...

I don't want to get married.

What are the parents saying?

Never mind. They let me go a long time ago and I'm my own head.

What was the last piece of advice you asked?

- "Is it possible to kiss on the first date or not?" - “Daughter, what are you kissing already?” This is how I joke.

Jokes are jokes, but you kiss along the way well, enthusiastically ...

How do you know?

Yes, the newspapers wrote that on the set of the last video you kissed not like a child ...

So it wasn't really there.

Without pursing your lips?

Unclenching, of course, but ...

Wow, you artists have morals - and this is not for real ???

The boy was just very cute and good in his own right. And the actor is great. His name is Denis.

Did you call later?

Well, yes, he invited me to his performance.

Clear. A performance, dinner, and only then you will be overwhelmed by a sea of ​​​​memories and yeah ... By the way, you can always figure out with whom you will have something, and with whom - under no circumstances?

No, I can’t do it beforehand… It often happened to me – I consider this man the most beautiful, and my girlfriends say that he is not very… I cling to the human energy field. He opens his mouth, and I immediately understand everything. I will communicate with him or he is so uninteresting that he is a trend.

Of the representatives of those in power, do you have sympathy for many as interesting and multifaceted personalities?

There are smart and charismatic people actually sitting there. For example, I like Prime Minister Sidorsky. Even though I didn't talk to him personally. But he makes a good impression, I think he is a very intelligent person.

Is friendship with them important to you at all?

I have no friends among the mighty of this world. And I won't be friends with anyone. I am invited as a singer most likely. Or like a pretty girl. Or both together...

Do they not look after you after the concert? Anya, but we wouldn’t go ...

No, imagine.

This is weird. You are a beautiful girl, he is the boss, you can easily build some kind of lure. Do you think the mentality works?

Why do you think that I should definitely be dragged to bed? In fact, it’s already the 21st century in the yard, once it may have happened, but not now ...

Holy, truly holy...

Normal men don't need sex on their own. It can be easily found if needed. Live human communication is much more important. Selfless. It's always lacking...

Grasp - lack ... No, well, honestly, have they never even hinted at it?

Yes honestly! But why didn't you ever hit on me, huh?

And really, why? She looks at me panting like a pro after a twelve-round bout. When even with perfect protection, bruises and scars remain on the skin, and sweat pours down on a beautiful and flushed face. No, Anya, another time, especially since I also got pretty bad today.

It’s not my fault - most of my questions for you are from the Internet and from colleagues who don’t believe that you can so easily jump on the first steps of the national charts in a couple of years and go to the Olympics as part of the music team, which was selected by no one knows what the main trainers.

You fought back, not silently and fiercely, despite the difference in weight categories. And now you get a prize for it. At least the answer to that silent question that hangs in your eyes from the very beginning of our duel. I believe that it is very important and, having given the best singing blonde of the country a wet towel, I look into the very depths of these magnificent heavenly eyes ...

Anya smiles gratefully and, throwing an appraising glance at the rosette with cookies, asks me: “Listen, I keep thinking - is that one with white fondant delicious or is it better to take it with chocolate?”

Exactly 10 years ago, Anya Sharkunova first appeared on our screens in the program "Star Stagecoach" (analogous to "Star Factory"). Surprisingly, Dmitry Koldun, Dima Karpinchik (now German), Katya Ivanchikova (now IOWA), Lena Pishchikova and many others began their careers with her then. It was on the Star Stagecoach that producer Vladimir Kubyshkin saw Anya and decided to try to work with her. Songs written for Sharkunova at that time are still well known. And now, the other day, Anya is releasing a new (only second) album ...

Anya Sharkunova (far left) as part of the Star Stagecoach team

- Anya, the break between albums was as much as 7 years. What was global between them?

I didn't get married, I don't have children. Write about your inner growth. But in material terms ... well, yes. Car, apartment. But I earned it all with my own work.

- I remember, 10 years ago, when you first appeared in the "Star Stagecoach", you were with cheeks. And now they are gone.

Then I was on a diet, but now I am not. I was terribly getting better, because I ate only proteins and fiber, I did not know how to eat right. Volodya says that I used to be angry because I ate dog food (laughs - ed.). And now she has generally ceased to be driven about food - what she cooked, she ate. True, even now I have smoke from my head - somehow I bought mysterious diet pills. Did I need it?

- And what do they say that the oligarch Chizh gave you an apartment in the house on Troitsky?

Is that really what they say? Anna paused in silence. - Is it in the house where Daria Domracheva is? I don't have an apartment there. For all the time there was no case that we were presented with 100 dollars. Sorry, but it is. We had partners, and we worked, but sponsors did not. All earned themselves.

- But the apartment is still there, tell us about it?

A good three-room apartment, a large hall… But I still have to pay off the loan for it for another year. I am very proud of myself that I built it myself. I do not do repairs yet - there is no time at all. But the house is not yet fully occupied even. My neighbors will be the singer Marina Nekrasova and her husband, Dynamo Minsk goalkeeper Alexander Gutor. And my favorite apartment, by the way, was the very first in Minsk. Very small, demolished. My parents helped me buy it. Where do I live now? From your loved one.

- No. And who earns more - you or him?

Of course he is! But in general I am very independent.

- Another rumor is that the doctors forbade you to sing live because you have problems with your ligaments.

It’s good that it’s not with alcohol, - Anya laughs. - What nonsense! A couple of times in the winter I got it for not taking care of my throat. But in general, such rumors are spread by envious people.

I'm strong!

- What will the album be called?

- "I'm strong," right? (Anya looks inquiringly at her producer Vladimir Kubyshkin - ed.). Its name interests me the least. It is important to me what songs will be included in it. These songs were written in 7 years. Texts, mostly by Vova Kubyshkin, and one song each by Vladimir Pugach (J: Mors) and Elena Yarmolovich.

- Volodya, it has always been a mystery to me - how do you write poetry on behalf of a woman?

Songs and poetry are not the same thing. Songs are pure mathematics. I don't write as much as others. I “calculate” one song for at least a month - I get terribly tired. I have the opportunity to think about it, because I don’t write to order, for me it’s not a conveyor.

- I wrote a song for once! Anya interrupts. - I ask him: look, please, bring her to mind. And he refuses.

It’s just that I absolutely clearly understand what a high bar we have raised, and I simply cannot do something worse. But I am convinced that Anya Sharkunova will be the author of the music for the third album. All the latest songs have been greatly transformed under her influence, and some of them she even remade. I hope the new sound will be a pleasant surprise for songwriters.

10 years ago during the filming of Star Stagecoach. All three became famous artists: Katya Ivanchikova (IOWA), Dima Karpinchik (German) and Anya Sharkunova. Photo: social networks

Yes, it will be an orchestra and live sound. We will have a horn section, they will start playing - immediately goosebumps, complete delight! By the way, one of the 4 trumpeters - Vlad Senkevich from the Lyapis - is our old friend, and the drummer Alexander Storozhuk is also from there.

- And who else will sing?

Valery Daineko, Georgy Koldun, Theo, Herman, it will be both duets with me and solo performances.

Let's go to America to write songs

- Immediately after the concert at the Palace of the Republic, are you going to America? On tour?

“You have to understand that Russian-speaking viewers in America are older people,” says Vladimir Kubyshkin. - Young people are trying to assimilate as quickly as possible, and their parents go to Krutoy, Kirkorov. There was an attempt to organize a joint tour of "Pesnyarov", "Verasov" and "Syabrov" - and he did not materialize. Logistics, visas, tickets, travel for so many artists simply do not pay off.

- Then what?

We will record three songs in English, plus one more song that I composed myself. To shoot a clip with an American director, and the scenery has already been built. Two photo shoots are planned. We are only given a day to recover from the change of time zones, and then two weeks are scheduled from and to.

We didn't ask for anything. The Americans found us themselves, - continues Kubyshkin. -They are convinced that they have a niche for a singer like Anya. There are thousands of artists in the US right now that we don't know - but they're making millions of dollars. For example, once we drove past a huge stadium for 40 thousand people, filled to capacity. People came to the concert of a woman completely unknown to us. We ask who is this? We are told - this singer performed the soundtrack to the cartoon "Frozen" ... She is a superstar there.

- Volodya has a wife, Anya has a beloved man, and the two of you are going to America for two weeks ... Do your halves calmly let you go?

Well, we know each other, we visit each other, - Volodya is surprised. - It's a business trip. It happens that my wife asks when we will take her with us. I will answer when we earn money.

- And I don’t have a question like that at all, - Anya laughs.

Will we ever see the result of your stay in the US?

Of course, there is the Internet. We are not building castles in the air yet, but we do not want to refuse such a chance either. So far we see that they clearly know what to do. We are received very well. They are sure that Anya can be sold there. But the question is how interesting it will be for us. By Belarusian naivete, I want Anya to be as popular as Beyoncé. But that doesn't happen.

- Is there a prospect to leave for America for good?

So anyone has it! If real work starts there, the question of this may become. Let's see what happens.

And she could open the Olympics in Sochi ...

- Will you participate in Eurovision next year? If Anya sang in English ...

What for? Test fate? Return to yourself and try to use this chance? By the way, the Americans do not understand at all what Belarusian or Russian show business is, they do not talk about it without a smile.

- Just in case, I'll ask - do you, Volodya, have a contract with Anya?

We didn't sign any papers. We have a boy's agreement.

Anya is good, Anya will not leave Vova, - Sharkunova jokes. - He always slips me some papers, says - sign it. I don't even look, I believe him.

This is usually a cafe bill. Anya says all the time - I forgot my wallet, - Volodya laughs.

- You said that Anya had some other grand proposal?

There were at least two opportunities to get into the first echelon of Russian show business, Anya admits. - The last proposal is to open the Olympics in Sochi. Several times we went to Moscow to negotiate with people whom we only saw on TV. They have nothing to do with show business, they are very influential people. The budget was such that it simply does not fit in my head. They monitored the post-Soviet market, they needed a professional artist with a repertoire who could immediately go on stage and work. If I had been told about this 10 years ago, I would have been happy. And now I want to live for myself. I would have to work under the contract every day in a new city. In Russia, in fact, there is a shortage of new faces ...

- For example, the songs of Kubyshkin and Aleinikov are taken, sold to Russia ...

There was also such an option. We decided that we would find a blonde, very similar to me, and she would go to work, Anya jokes. - I want a family, children, and not live in airplanes!

Many want to take care of the singer, but she does not see worthy

Summer has always been a dead season for artists. And then the crisis hit. Therefore, our stars had no choice but to rest on the seas for a week or two, lock themselves up in their stuffy apartments, or, in extreme cases, move to summer cottages and wait. And if earlier they were waiting for autumn, now they are wondering when these notorious economic difficulties will end. But there are people on our stage who do not care. Among them are Anya Sharkunova and Herman. Even at this not the best time, they are touring their native expanses, collecting full houses. Real stars, what can I say! With whom else, if not with their producer Vladimir Kubyshkin (pictured), talk on the topic "How to become a star?"

— Is there show business in Belarus? Many copies have already been broken on this score. Vladimir, I would like to hear your point of view.

- Of course have. You just need to understand what a business is? If the money invested in a business makes a profit, it is a business. So: you can also earn money on music. Another issue is that this is a low-margin business. The economic feasibility of investing in this industry is not high. The main reason is the size of our small country. This is an objective reality, which must be treated calmly. We do not have many cities, or rather concert venues, where you can perform, and therefore earn money. Even the most beloved artist cannot sing several times in the same place. I am sure that even Valery Meladze could not gather a concert hall in Minsk every Friday. And automatically his fee from 30 thousand euros would fall to a thousand dollars, like ours. The money invested in Valery Meladze would never have been repaid on the territory of Belarus.

- Since you remembered the Georgian Meladze, tell us why Belarusian artists can’t break into Russian show business in any way?

- I do not agree with you. There are more Belarusians who have escaped to the post-Soviet space than Uzbeks, for example. Take Serega, Bianca, Lyapis Trubetskoy. All successfully work in Russia, Kyiv.

“Why don’t you, Anya and Herman try your luck in those parts?”

— I am doing the Belarusian show business and I want it to be more profitable in this particular territory. When we suddenly decide to declare ourselves in Russia, we will act in a completely different way.

“But today, ninety percent of Belarusian artists would like to get on the Russian stage. And this is natural: a higher level, other money ...

“It’s just that they can’t do anything here, so they want to leave.” It's unnatural. Someone has to do business here too. For promotion in Russia, completely different amounts are needed. Therefore, without an investor, we have nothing to do there. Finding it, as you know, is not easy. No matter how talented a singer you are, going to Moscow with a hundred dollars in your pocket is ridiculous. And until I find a person or a company that is ready to invest at least a million dollars in us, I won’t go there. We have something to lose here. My artists are the first in Belarus now. These are not just the words of an overconfident producer. Anya Sharkunova is one of the few who gathers halls in such a difficult time. Herman is on the rise too.

— Vladimir, do you know how to recognize a future star?

- I saw Anya and German in the STV project "Star stagecoach". But everything is not so simple. If Anya occupied a niche, then someone left there. There is fierce competition. And the best one wins and survives. I needed a young pretty girl. And I searched. The same situation with Herman. By the way, I was looking for two years. To make a business, I needed specific people. Everyone can stand beautifully on the stage, many can sing, but only a few can hypnotize people in the hall. After all, there are many examples when artists have been fighting like a fish on ice for ten years, but cannot achieve at least some popularity and audience love.

How much do you need to invest in a person to become a star?

— You have to invest your soul and intellect. I know examples when a hundred or even two hundred thousand dollars were invested in an artist, but he never became a star. Money in this situation is not the main thing, although you can’t do without it. Many girls argue: if Kubyshkin took up not Sharkunova, but me, then I would also become a star. This is wrong. Any businessman, investing money, expects a profit. All my expenses are reasonable. It is foolish for us to spend fifty thousand dollars on a video, as this money will not be returned. Please note that most of our popular artists have almost no clips. In our situation, the video does not bring additional work. It's just an image.

- If you don’t want to say how much Anya’s promotion cost you, tell me at least how much rich dad should pay so that you make a star out of his daughter?

- I repeat once again, it is not necessary to measure everything with money. By the way, we don't buy songs, we write them ourselves. Yes, we spend money on dresses, etc. Recording a song costs about two to three thousand dollars. So count, if there are twelve songs in the album, then it costs about thirty-five thousand. If dad and daughter come to me and say: “Here’s thirty-five thousand dollars for you, make a star out of her,” nothing will happen. First, a star must be born. Secondly, in order to maintain your popularity, you have to work and work. It is important that it be meaningful. Each movement should be a consequence of something and lead to the next step. Ninety percent of our artists work erratically. They have set a goal, but do not know how to achieve it.

- Since everything is so thought out and calculated for you, tell me, how long will your projects last?

— It should be noted that these are not projects. I do my best so that Anya and German are first of all perceived as personalities, heroes. And so it is. Anya is imitated by all girls. Moreover, the mothers of these girls love her. Because Sharkunova is a good role model. Anya is loved by almost all the men of our country. And not only because she is a beautiful girl, although this is important for an artist. She just has an image. And people go to concerts not only to listen to songs (it's enough to buy a CD or turn on the radio), they want to look at a person. It doesn't matter what songs Kobzon sings, the audience just goes to him, Joseph Kobzon. We have the same challenge. Anya and Herman will grow with their audience. I'm sure the number of fans will increase over the years.

Will it only be like this if you're around?

Now it is already possible without me. I have already done the main work. And now I'm just coordinating forward movement. Belarus has a ceiling. It is impossible to reach more than a certain level. And when we have nowhere to grow, we will have to go to other territories. Don't think we're bad here. We are very good! Even now I have offers to work in the third or fourth echelons of Russian show business. But I immediately reject them. If we go, then only to the highest level.

- Anya and German, indeed, are currently the most popular performers, but you also have a failed project - the Blueberry group ...

- The problem was that the girls were absolutely not ready for the stage. For them, this is a hobby that never became a job. Those two years are a bright period in their lives. They finished school, entered universities, priorities changed, and the girls fled. Now I want to turn the amateur group into a professional one. From "Chernika" there was a wonderful musical material. Since September, we have been launching a new project, which does not yet have a name. It will be a completely new girl band.

- Tell me, why are there so few rumors and gossip around your artists? After all, this is an integral part of show business?

- Rumors arise exactly as much as necessary. Everything's under control. There are no random gossip. If you read something nasty about an artist, it means that his PR manager considered that it was appropriate. In Russian show business, such things are well paid by the artists themselves. It just so happened that few people are interested in creative plans, dirty laundry is much more attractive. This does not work in Belarus. Moreover, Anya and Herman are now in such a position that they do not need dirty PR. We must also remember that any thoughtless shocking can bring the opposite result. An example of this is Polina Smolova. Having left for Moscow and having lost popularity in her homeland, she decided to attract attention in another way. I don’t understand what her team was thinking when they launched the news about the joint project of Polina and Paul McCartney?

- But Polina is happy with her next beloved person. And Anya Sharkunova is alone. They say that under the contract she is forbidden to marry? ..

We don't have a contract. We live in a civilized European country, we do not have slavery. We work together because we feel so comfortable. And if suddenly something changes in our friendly company, then we will part amicably and peacefully resolve all financial issues. In a word, we will find civilized ways out. But at the moment we are interested in each other.

Lack of privacy is the other side of popularity. What kind of man will like Anya's lifestyle? Who needs a wife who comes home exhausted after midnight? This must be a very wise and noble person. Until Anya met this. Although, in order to look after her, there is a queue to Vladivostok. I sincerely wish Anya that she has a personal life, that a man worthy of her appears.

Exactly 10 years ago, Anya Sharkunova first appeared on our screens in the program "Star Stagecoach" (analogous to "Star Factory"). Surprisingly, Dmitry Koldun, Dima Karpinchik (now German), Katya Ivanchikova (now IOWA), Lena Pishchikova and many others began their careers with her then. It was on the Star Stagecoach that producer Vladimir Kubyshkin saw Anya and decided to try to work with her. Songs written for Sharkunova at that time are still well known. And now, the other day, Anya is releasing a new (only second) album ...

Anya Sharkunova (far left) as part of the Star Stagecoach team

- Anya, the break between albums was as much as 7 years. What was global between them?

I didn't get married, I don't have children. Write about your inner growth. But in material terms ... well, yes. Car, apartment. But I earned it all with my own work.

- I remember, 10 years ago, when you first appeared in the "Star Stagecoach", you were with cheeks. And now they are gone.

Then I was on a diet, but now I am not. I was terribly getting better, because I ate only proteins and fiber, I did not know how to eat right. Volodya says that I used to be angry because I ate dog food (laughs - ed.). And now she has generally ceased to be driven about food - what she cooked, she ate. True, even now I have smoke from my head - somehow I bought mysterious diet pills. Did I need it?

- And what do they say that the oligarch Chizh gave you an apartment in the house on Troitsky?

Is that really what they say? Anna paused in silence. - Is it in the house where Daria Domracheva is? I don't have an apartment there. For all the time there was no case that we were presented with 100 dollars. Sorry, but it is. We had partners, and we worked, but sponsors did not. All earned themselves.

- But the apartment is still there, tell us about it?

A good three-room apartment, a large hall… But I still have to pay off the loan for it for another year. I am very proud of myself that I built it myself. I do not do repairs yet - there is no time at all. But the house is not yet fully occupied even. My neighbors will be the singer Marina Nekrasova and her husband, Dynamo Minsk goalkeeper Alexander Gutor. And my favorite apartment, by the way, was the very first in Minsk. Very small, demolished. My parents helped me buy it. Where do I live now? From your loved one.

- No. And who earns more - you or him?

Of course he is! But in general I am very independent.

- Another rumor is that the doctors forbade you to sing live because you have problems with your ligaments.

It’s good that it’s not with alcohol, - Anya laughs. - What nonsense! A couple of times in the winter I got it for not taking care of my throat. But in general, such rumors are spread by envious people.

I'm strong!

- What will the album be called?

- "I'm strong," right? (Anya looks inquiringly at her producer Vladimir Kubyshkin - ed.). Its name interests me the least. It is important to me what songs will be included in it. These songs were written in 7 years. Texts, mostly by Vova Kubyshkin, and one song each by Vladimir Pugach (J: Mors) and Elena Yarmolovich.

- Volodya, it has always been a mystery to me - how do you write poetry on behalf of a woman?

Songs and poetry are not the same thing. Songs are pure mathematics. I don't write as much as others. I “calculate” one song for at least a month - I get terribly tired. I have the opportunity to think about it, because I don’t write to order, for me it’s not a conveyor.

- I wrote a song for once! Anya interrupts. - I ask him: look, please, bring her to mind. And he refuses.

It’s just that I absolutely clearly understand what a high bar we have raised, and I simply cannot do something worse. But I am convinced that Anya Sharkunova will be the author of the music for the third album. All the latest songs have been greatly transformed under her influence, and some of them she even remade. I hope the new sound will be a pleasant surprise for songwriters.

10 years ago during the filming of Star Stagecoach. All three became famous artists: Katya Ivanchikova (IOWA), Dima Karpinchik (German) and Anya Sharkunova. Photo: social networks

Yes, it will be an orchestra and live sound. We will have a horn section, they will start playing - immediately goosebumps, complete delight! By the way, one of the 4 trumpeters - Vlad Senkevich from the Lyapis - is our old friend, and the drummer Alexander Storozhuk is also from there.

- And who else will sing?

Valery Daineko, Georgy Koldun, Theo, Herman, it will be both duets with me and solo performances.

Let's go to America to write songs

- Immediately after the concert at the Palace of the Republic, are you going to America? On tour?

“You have to understand that Russian-speaking viewers in America are older people,” says Vladimir Kubyshkin. - Young people are trying to assimilate as quickly as possible, and their parents go to Krutoy, Kirkorov. There was an attempt to organize a joint tour of "Pesnyarov", "Verasov" and "Syabrov" - and he did not materialize. Logistics, visas, tickets, travel for so many artists simply do not pay off.

- Then what?

We will record three songs in English, plus one more song that I composed myself. To shoot a clip with an American director, and the scenery has already been built. Two photo shoots are planned. We are only given a day to recover from the change of time zones, and then two weeks are scheduled from and to.

We didn't ask for anything. The Americans found us themselves, - continues Kubyshkin. -They are convinced that they have a niche for a singer like Anya. There are thousands of artists in the US right now that we don't know - but they're making millions of dollars. For example, once we drove past a huge stadium for 40 thousand people, filled to capacity. People came to the concert of a woman completely unknown to us. We ask who is this? We are told - this singer performed the soundtrack to the cartoon "Frozen" ... She is a superstar there.

- Volodya has a wife, Anya has a beloved man, and the two of you are going to America for two weeks ... Do your halves calmly let you go?

Well, we know each other, we visit each other, - Volodya is surprised. - It's a business trip. It happens that my wife asks when we will take her with us. I will answer when we earn money.

- And I don’t have a question like that at all, - Anya laughs.

Will we ever see the result of your stay in the US?

Of course, there is the Internet. We are not building castles in the air yet, but we do not want to refuse such a chance either. So far we see that they clearly know what to do. We are received very well. They are sure that Anya can be sold there. But the question is how interesting it will be for us. By Belarusian naivete, I want Anya to be as popular as Beyoncé. But that doesn't happen.

- Is there a prospect to leave for America for good?

So anyone has it! If real work starts there, the question of this may become. Let's see what happens.

And she could open the Olympics in Sochi ...

- Will you participate in Eurovision next year? If Anya sang in English ...

What for? Test fate? Return to yourself and try to use this chance? By the way, the Americans do not understand at all what Belarusian or Russian show business is, they do not talk about it without a smile.

- Just in case, I'll ask - do you, Volodya, have a contract with Anya?

We didn't sign any papers. We have a boy's agreement.

Anya is good, Anya will not leave Vova, - Sharkunova jokes. - He always slips me some papers, says - sign it. I don't even look, I believe him.

This is usually a cafe bill. Anya says all the time - I forgot my wallet, - Volodya laughs.

- You said that Anya had some other grand proposal?

There were at least two opportunities to get into the first echelon of Russian show business, Anya admits. - The last proposal is to open the Olympics in Sochi. Several times we went to Moscow to negotiate with people whom we only saw on TV. They have nothing to do with show business, they are very influential people. The budget was such that it simply does not fit in my head. They monitored the post-Soviet market, they needed a professional artist with a repertoire who could immediately go on stage and work. If I had been told about this 10 years ago, I would have been happy. And now I want to live for myself. I would have to work under the contract every day in a new city. In Russia, in fact, there is a shortage of new faces ...

- For example, the songs of Kubyshkin and Aleinikov are taken, sold to Russia ...

There was also such an option. We decided that we would find a blonde, very similar to me, and she would go to work, Anya jokes. - I want a family, children, and not live in airplanes!