Flip from back to stomach. Circular hand movements

Already knows how to sit independently without support, sit up from an upright position, stand near the support, crawl on all fours, take steps near the support. Children at this age do not yet know how to walk without support, but they have already felt the beauty of an upright position and therefore confidently demand their mother's hands for support. An upright position for a child is an opportunity to explore not only the surface of the floor, but also what is above. When babies begin to walk, even with support, they will certainly fall frequently. You should not be very afraid of this, everything is inherent in nature, and these falls are mostly safe. But without testing them, the baby will not get the proper experience for walking on his own. In order for the baby to fall less and not get injured, be sure to prepare your apartment or house for this period.

Remove everything from the floor regularly. The little one played on the floor, and then asked to walk, take everything off the floor... After all, not only he can catch and fall, but also the one who drives him, and this is even more dangerous. After all, an adult can cover the baby with his weight. All dangerous, expensive, easily breakable and brittle objects should be removed higher or hidden in the mezzanine, high cabinets, because the baby can now reach them. If a small child broke an expensive vase in the house, the parents are to blame for not taking care of removing this vase. The kid is still foolish and does not understand that the object is valuable and cannot be taken, his goal is to explore everything that falls into his field of vision and arm.

The task of gymnastics and massage at 9 months is to strengthen the child's body, prepare him for independent walking, diversify the baby's movements.

A set of exercises and massage for a child of 9 months

1. Sliding step... The child is in a supine position. Legs are bent at the knees, perform alternating sliding movements with your feet on the floor, bending and unbending the baby's legs.

2. Raising the legs... If you used to raise your child's legs, now ask him to raise his legs on his own. Hold a stick or toy on the weight and ask the baby to touch the legs of this object.

3. Crossing and raising arms... We will complicate the usual exercise by giving the baby rings in the hands of the baby, and it can be performed not from a lying position, but from a sitting position.

4. Boxing... Perform the exercise by placing the ring in the handles of the child, you can perform from a lying, sitting and standing position.

5. Torso bends... The initial position of the child, standing, the adult fixes it with one hand, clasping the baby by the stomach, and the other fixes the straightened knees. Now ask your toddler to bend over and take out a stick or toy. Perform several of these bends (2-3).

6. Back massage according to the usual scheme. You can read it. Clause 5.

7. Abdominal massage according to the usual scheme. You can read it. Clause 7.

8. Now let's complicate the "hover" exercise.... Sit on a chair, put the baby on your knees with your stomach so as to fix his legs and buttocks with your hand, while the shoulders and chest of the child sag. Place the toy on the floor. Now ask your baby to lean forward to get the toy and raise his body to its original position, bend his back.

9. Bridge... You are sitting on a chair, the baby lies on your knees on your back, you fix the position of his legs and hips, the shoulders, the head and chest of the child sag, ask him to bend as if into a bridge and reach with his hand to an object that is below or on the floor, and then return to the previous position. This exercise is great for strengthening your back and abdominal muscles.

10. Crawling on all fours... Even if the baby is no longer crawling, but walks along the support, do not forget that this is an excellent exercise for strengthening all muscle groups. Therefore, ask the baby to crawl. You can do this with him in a race. You can arrange obstacles for the kid in the form of a tunnel or a ring through which you need to crawl.

11. Standing up with support from a sitting position - 3-4 times.

12. Walking with support.

Video of massage and gymnastics for babies:

At the age of 9 months, the child can crawl freely, sit, and make the first attempts to walk both with the help of adults and independently. This makes it possible to complicate many gymnastic exercises, to introduce gymnastic equipment into constant use, for which you can use a wooden stick, a large inflatable ball, children's plastic rings, rattles with a round or oval handle, etc.

Since the child can already sit and stand on his own with the help of a support, the exercises can be performed from the original sitting or standing positions, which in itself will help to strengthen the muscles of the legs and abdomen.

At 9 months, the child makes the first attempts to walk independently. Parents should encourage this aspiration of the child. At first, you should lead him by the hands, let him lean on any moving object, for example, on a stroller. However, the child can also move with the help of immovable objects such as a crib, playpen, etc. Do not be alarmed if the child suddenly falls. This is not dangerous. In the process of a child's fall, his musculoskeletal system develops. You should not immediately run to his rescue. He himself must gradually learn to rise on his feet. It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the child to walk independently, so that he does not receive any injury when falling. Parents should help him only if it is still difficult for the child to stay on his feet and he constantly falls.

In order for the baby to develop a sense of distance and confidence when walking, it is recommended to step back 2-3 meters and call him to you. If the child does not go, you need to pick up his favorite toy and beckon again. The distance can be gradually increased up to 5 meters.

When the child is 11-12 months old, parents should give him the opportunity to walk barefoot. This procedure will not only harden the baby's body, but will contribute to the correct formation of the foot. In addition, by this age, more exercises should be introduced that strengthen the child's musculoskeletal system.

For a faster development of the walking skill, it is necessary to carry out exercises that strengthen the muscles and ligaments, and to prevent violations of the formation of the foot, practice walking barefoot more often: in the summer - on the sand and grass, in the winter - at home on an uneven board.

Like gymnastic exercises, massage has a beneficial effect on the physical development of the baby. It helps to improve blood circulation, increase muscle tone, etc.

When massaging a baby in the first year of life, it is recommended to use such techniques as rubbing, kneading, stroking, vibration and light rocking. These types of massage affect the child's body in different ways. For example, stroking has a good effect on blood circulation, improves cardiac activity, has a vasodilator effect, etc.

Like massage, many gymnastic exercises have a beneficial effect on the child's body. With constant gymnastics, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, blood circulation and respiration are improved. Such exercises not only develop the child's motor skills, but also help to regulate the processes of nervous excitement and inhibition.


Sliding steps

The methodology for performing this exercise is described in detail in the previous sections. During the specified period, it should be performed 6 times.

Simultaneous and alternate flexion and extension of the legs

The exercise described above is complicated by the fact that the child must independently bend and unbend his legs at the command of an adult. The exercise is performed 6 times, first slowly, and then at a faster pace.

Raising straightened legs to a stick

Exercise helps develop the muscles and joints of the legs. To perform it, you should use a gymnastic apparatus - a wooden stick.

Raise the stick to the height of the child's straight legs and invite him to reach it with his toes or the entire feet. This exercise should be repeated 7 times.

Alternate and simultaneous flexion and extension of the arms

Starting position: sitting or standing.

Exercise helps develop the muscles and joints of the hands. The child grasps the ring-shaped toys and, with the help of the masseur, alternately bends and unfolds

beating hands. In this case, you can keep a 2-bar count and accompany each movement of the child with counting: one - two, one - two, etc. This exercise must be repeated 6 times (3 times with each hand).

Hand rotations

The execution technique is described in detail in the previous sections. From 9 months to 1 year old, the child should repeat this exercise 6 times.

Forward bending of the trunk with straightened legs
Starting position: standing with his back to an adult, whose right hand holds the child's knees so that they do not bend, and the left hand is on his stomach. This exercise helps to develop and strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs. To perform it, you should use the child's favorite toy, which should be placed at his feet. The adult should then ask the child to bend over and reach with his fingers. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the baby's legs do not bend and are straight. This exercise must be repeated 3 times.

Flip from back to stomach

The methodology for performing this exercise is described in detail in the previous sections. Due to the fact that the child can already move consciously, he must perform this exercise on his own at the command of an adult. This exercise should be repeated 2 times: 1 time to the right side and 1 time to the left side.

Raising the torso from a prone position

The technique for performing this exercise is described in detail in the previous section. For a child 9 months old, it should be complicated. Now, when performing it, you should use round plastic rings or rattles with a round handle, which should be placed in the palms of the child, and then gently raise his hands through the sides up. The child will first raise his head, then kneel, and then to his feet. Repeat this exercise 2 times.

Back massage

Starting position: lying on your stomach.

This procedure is associated with alternating stroking, rubbing, sawing and gripping.

The massage begins with a few strokes. Then you should start rubbing. It should be done with your palms and fingertips. After rubbing, you should return to stroking. After the next stroking, you need to go to sawing, which is performed with the edges of the palms. After a few strokes, the baby's skin should turn slightly red. The sawing procedure must be finished with stroking. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to do several forceps-like kneading of the buttocks and long muscles of the back, which, like the previous massage techniques, should end with stroking. All massage techniques should be repeated 3 times.

Abdominal massage

Starting position: lying on your back.

The implementation of this procedure consists in the alternate application of circular stroking, counter stroking, stroking the oblique muscles of the abdomen, rubbing and pinching.

At the beginning of the procedure, you should make several circular strokes. Then go to the oncoming strokes and only after that to stroking the oblique abdominal muscles. This massage technique should be performed using the palms of the hands. After stroking, you need to start rubbing with your fingertips. After rubbing, you need to make several stroking movements.

At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to do a few tingling around the navel, which must be completed with several stroking movements. As has been repeatedly noted above, the tingling technique helps prevent the development of a hernia in a child.

All massage techniques should be repeated 3 times.

This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back and arms. To complete it, you need to use the child's favorite toys.

Starting position: lying on your stomach. The masseur puts the child on his lap so that his chest and shoulders sag, and asks him to take the toy from the floor or touch it with his hands. At the same time, the baby's legs must be held.

Then you should transfer the child from the abdomen to his back, and his shoulders and back should still hang from the knees of the masseur, put the toy on the floor and ask the baby to reach it or touch it with his hands. The child should bend back, complete the adult's task and straighten again.

Squat and stand up with support

Starting position: standing on a hard surface.

To perform the exercise, you should use rounded rings.

Give the child rings, pull them down slightly, as a result of which the baby should sit down. Then hold the child in this position for 1-2 seconds and, again pulling on the rings, help him rise. You can force the baby to stand on tiptoes, for this you need to take his hands and slightly raise him. Repeat the exercise 2 times.

Walking on all fours

Starting position: standing on all fours.

This exercise strengthens the muscles in the back, abdomen, arms and legs. It should be done with the child's favorite toy. Put the toy at some distance from the child and ask him to pick it up. To get to the toy, the baby will be forced to move on all fours. As the child approaches the goal, the toy should be moved away from him.

Walking with hand support

Starting position: standing on the floor.

To perform the exercise, you need to take the child by the wrists and ask him to walk a certain distance. During the exercise, the baby must be supported.

9 months old babyknows how to crawl freely, sit, makes the first attempts to walk both with the help of adults and independently. This makes it possible to complicate many gymnastic exercises, to introduce gymnastic apparatus into constant use, which can be used as a wooden stick, a large inflatable ball, children's plastic rings, rattles with a round or oval handle, etc.

Since the child can already sit and stand independently with the help of the support, the exercises can be performed from the starting positions, sitting or standing, which in itself will help to strengthen the muscles of the legs and abdomen.

It is important to know!

The duration of the massage and gymnastics should be about 30 minutes.
... Keep your hands warm and clean and keep your fingernails trimmed. Watches, rings and bracelets must be removed as they can injure the baby's skin.
... During the exercises, sing, talk, play with the child - thereby evoking positive emotions in him.
... Since the baby can already actively respond to the voice of an adult, he, in an affectionate form, can be given commands: lie on his back, on his stomach, sit down, roll over, etc.

Massage techniques and gymnastic exercises should gradually become more complex. But, necessarily, taking into account the individual and physical characteristics of the baby. In addition to stroking, rubbing, vibration and tapping, it is recommended to use forceps, kneading, felting, pinching and light tapping.
... Do not grip and squeeze the tissues and joints of the child strongly, as this can cause pain. All techniques and movements must be performed with care.
... It is very important in the course of massage and gymnastics to observe the child, highlighting those techniques and exercises that give him positive emotions. Subsequent massage and gymnastics sessions should begin with them.
... Gymnastics and massage should be carried out at least half an hour after the baby has eaten.

Massage and gymnastics technique for children 9-12 months

Sliding steps

... Sliding steps (with vibration)
I. p. - lying on your back.
This exercise has a beneficial effect on the development and strengthening of the muscles and joints of the child's legs.
Take the baby's shin in your hands so that your thumb is on the outside of the shin, and the rest of your fingers are on the inside.
Straighten the child's left leg and shake it lightly. Then bend it again so that his heel slides smoothly on the table without lifting off from its surface (see fig.). Repeat this with your right leg.
Repeat 6 times with each leg.

Simultaneous and alternate flexion and extension of the legs

The exercise described above is complicated by the fact that the child must independently bend and unbend his legs at the command of an adult.
Repeat 6 times slowly at first, and then at a faster pace.

Raising straightened legs to a stick

Exercise helps develop the muscles and joints of the legs.
To perform it, you should use a gymnastic apparatus - a wooden stick.
Raise the stick to the height of the child's straight legs and invite him to reach it with his toes or the entire foot (see fig.). Repeat 7 times.

Alternate and simultaneous flexion and extension of the arms

Starting position: sitting or standing.
The child grasps the ring-shaped toys and, with your help, alternately bends and unbends his arms.
Repeat 6 times (3 times with each hand).

Hand rotations

I. p.: Lying on your back.
Exercise helps develop the muscles and joints of the hands.
Place your thumbs in the baby's palms and gently squeeze the fists so that he can hold onto your fingers on his own.
Carefully spread the child's arms to the sides and gently lift them up. Then extend your arms forward and gently lower.
Now repeat these movements in reverse order.
Repeat 6 times.

Forward bending of the trunk with straightened legs

Starting position: standing with your back to you.
This exercise helps to develop and strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs.
Support the baby's knees with your right hand so that they do not bend, and with your left hand under his tummy.
Place your child's favorite toy at their feet. Then ask your child to bend over and reach with his fingers.
Make sure that the baby's legs are straight and not bent (see fig.).
Repeat 3 times.

Flip from back to stomach

Due to the fact that the child can already move consciously, let him complete this task on his own at your request.
Repeat 2 times: 1 time to the right side and 1 time to the left.

Raising the torso from a prone position

I. p.: Lying on his stomach, with his feet towards you ..
Exercise helps develop your back and abdominal muscles.
Place your thumbs in the baby's palms and gently squeeze them into the fists. The rest of your fingers need to support the child by the wrists.
Raise the baby's arms through the sides up and pull slightly. In this case, the child's head will reflexively rise up, and his heels will rest against your stomach.
You need to pull up the child until he gets on his knees (see fig.). You can complicate the exercise using rings.
Repeat 2 times.

Back massage

Starting position: lying on your stomach.
... Start your massage with a few strokes.
... Then start rubbing. It should be done with your palms and fingertips.
... After rubbing, return to stroking.
... Move on to sawing with the edges of the palms. After a few strokes, the baby's skin should turn slightly red.
... Iron again.
... Pinch your glutes and long back muscles.
... And pat again.
Repeat 3 times.

Abdominal massage

Starting position: lying on your back.
... At the beginning of the procedure, several circular strokes should be done.
... Then go to the oncoming strokes and only after that to stroking the oblique abdominal muscles.
... Gently rub your tummy with your fingertips.
... And pat again.
... Pinch around the navel
... Finish the massage with a few stroking strokes.
Repeat 3 times.


This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back and arms.
To complete it, you need to use the child's favorite toys.
Starting position: lying on your stomach.
... Place the child on your lap so that his chest and shoulders sag, and asks him to get the toy from the floor or touch it with his hands (as in the figure).
At the same time, the baby's legs must be held.

... Then move the baby from the belly to his back, with his shoulders and back still hanging from the massage therapist's knees, place the toy on the floor and ask the baby to reach it or touch it with his hands.
The child should bend back, complete the adult's task and straighten again.

Squat and stand up with support

Starting position: standing on a hard surface.
To perform the exercise, you should use rounded rings.
Give the rings to the child, pull them down slightly, as a result of which the baby should sit down.
Then hold the child in this position for 1-2 seconds and, again pulling on the rings, help him to rise.
You can force the baby to stand on tiptoes, for this you need to take his hands and slightly raise him.
Repeat 2 times.


Just let the child crawl more, for a toy or just like that.

Walking with hand support
Starting position: standing on the floor.
To do the exercise, take your child by the wrists and ask him to walk a certain distance. During the exercise, the baby must be supported.

At the age of 9 to 12 months, the baby grows and develops especially quickly. He has already formed the musculoskeletal and muscular systems, so sitting, crawling, standing and trying to walk are natural phenomena (we recommend reading :). However, it is the first steps that are the most responsible and dangerous. Many young parents make the mistake of overprotective and not allowing the child to walk and fall on their own, since falls are an integral part of trying to get to their feet. It is important during this period not to convey your fears and fears to the baby, not to discourage the desire to take the first steps. For peace of mind, you can simply free the room from unnecessary items, cover the sharp corners of tables and cabinets with something soft, lay a carpet on the floor.

The first steps are very important for the child, but there is no need to take care of the baby, so as not to interfere with his development of independence and curiosity.

At the age of nine months, children are restless and curious. At this age, you can develop fine motor skills and tactile sensations using toys made of various materials (wood, paper, rubber, plastic, rags). It is better to refuse glass, as kids love to scatter and break everything.

By this time, you can gradually move away from massage and pay special attention to gymnastics. If meetings with a masseur can be reduced to 1-2 times a year, then gymnastic exercises should be done regularly.

At 10 months, a variety of movements, maximum mobility, independence are important for a child. Swimming will be a great addition to your basic activities.

Tenth month

Basic exercises

Now, the main compulsory classes include:

  • Exercise "Boxing", 8-10 times. From the name it is clear that movements should be performed with hands back and forth. At the same time, the muscles of the shoulder girdle are actively working.
  • Flexion and extension of the legs, 8-11 times. You can bend two legs at the same time, or alternately.
  • "Kucher movements", 7-8 times. Everyone remembers the wavy movements of the coachman from top to bottom or bottom to top? For fun, you can put your child on a toy horse.
  • Turns the pelvis with legs bent at the knees, 6-8 times. Starting position: lying on your back.
  • Squat with spinal flexion, 4-6 times. From a prone position, gently lift the child into a sitting position. Additionally, you can raise to your feet, and then perform the exercise in the reverse order: standing, sitting, lying.
  • Torso bends, 4-5 times. After placing an object on the floor, ask the child to bend over and pick it up. To prevent squatting, you can hold your knees and back with your hands.
  • Ball swing, 4-5 times. Place your baby on a beach bouncy ball with his belly and slowly rock it back and forth. Later, you can try to turn over and on your back.

The exercise must be done slowly and very carefully so that the baby does not slip and bump

Timed exercise

  • Massage of the buttocks and back. Straight or circular rubbing with fingertips. The movement of the right hand is clockwise, and the left is counterclockwise. The lesson should not last more than 10 minutes. Massage to a child at 9 months old can be performed according to video lessons in order to do everything exactly right (see also:).
  • Crawling on all fours. As a motivation, you can offer your baby to crawl to a toy or for candy. You can also include a video with educational cartoons so that the baby tries to parody, for example, a dog or a cat, crawling on all fours, barking or meowing (we recommend reading :).
  • Exercise "Wheelbarrow", 2-3 minutes. In a way, this is walking in his arms, that is, the parent holds the child by the legs and helps to move forward.
  • Belly massage. Circular stroking, pinching around the navel and rubbing the rectus abdominis muscles. The main thing is not to press hard.
  • Hovering, 1-2 minutes. The exercise is similar to the game of "Airplane", when the baby, holding the tummy, is lifted into the air. Reflexively, the muscles tense, and the head rises. You can also train the vestibular apparatus by circling the crumb.

And, of course, don't forget about daily walks. At first, you can hold the child by the hand, and when he begins to walk more or less confidently, let him go for independent knowledge of the world and his body (musculoskeletal system).

Back and abdominal massage is good for the health of the child, and the baby himself really likes

Eleventh month

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The older the child, the more difficult and interesting gymnastics becomes. For an 11-month-old, the above exercises are also suitable, however, in addition, experts recommend:

  • "Bridge" (or wiggle on the ball). Instead of beach equipment, you can use the parent's knees, placing the child so that the chest and shoulders hang down. If the crumb is on his stomach, then scatter toys in front of him for which he will reach. In the supine position, stretching occurs naturally.
  • "Fish", 2-3 times. Starting position: lying on your tummy. We pull the baby by the handles slightly upward, gently bending the torso.
  • Squats, 4-5 times. Squatting down, the baby should independently try to stand on straight legs. If it is still difficult for him to do this, then you need to help the baby by taking him by his outstretched arms.
  • "Corner", 3-4 times. From a supine position, the child should simultaneously raise both legs at an angle of 90 or 45 degrees. For motivation, you can attach a toy to your feet and ask to follow it.
  • Ball exercises, up to 6 times. Throwing and rolling the ball will help develop fine motor skills and coordination. Offer, for example, to get into a basket or a wall. Turns from a seated position will become interesting if you have a toy in your hands. Or throw the ball into mom’s hands at every turn.

The rest of the exercises “Boxing”, “Soaring”, “Kucher”, “Wheelbarrow” and, of course, massage for a child after 9 and 10 months has not been canceled either. Together, all this is an excellent workout, thanks to which the baby will be strong, enduring and healthy.

Twelfth month

By the year, developmental activities are mainly included in the daily routine. Nursing, massage and gymnastics are becoming more complex. If parents are not able to devote a lot of time to exercise at a time, then the whole complex can be performed throughout the day as soon as a free minute appears.

Approximately 60-120 seconds will take:

  • traditional exercises "Boxing", "Wheelbarrow", "Bridge", "Soaring";
  • crawling on all fours or "like a dog";
  • squats with or without support for the arms;
  • exercise "Bicycle" (you can twist both legs and arms);
  • throwing or rolling the ball;
  • walking with and without support;
  • climbing and crawling stairs or from couch to couch.

Each exercise is performed no more than 6-10 times. If necessary, a course of restorative massage is possible (usually 10-15 sessions) (we recommend reading :). Massage for a child at 1 year old is no longer just in the form of stroking and pinching; now these are simplified techniques applied to adults.

9 months old babyknows how to crawl freely, sit, makes the first attempts to walk both with the help of adults and independently. This makes it possible to complicate many gymnastic exercises, to introduce gymnastic apparatus into constant use, which can be used as a wooden stick, a large inflatable ball, children's plastic rings, rattles with a round or oval handle, etc.

Since the child can already sit and stand independently with the help of the support, the exercises can be performed from the starting positions, sitting or standing, which in itself will help to strengthen the muscles of the legs and abdomen.

It is important to know!

The duration of the massage and gymnastics should be about 30 minutes.
Keep your hands warm and clean and keep your fingernails trimmed. Watches, rings and bracelets must be removed as they can injure the baby's skin.
During the exercises, sing, talk, play with the child - thereby evoking positive emotions in him.
Since the baby can already actively respond to the voice of an adult, he, in an affectionate form, can be given commands: lie on his back, on his stomach, sit down, roll over, etc.

Massage techniques and gymnastic exercises should gradually become more complex. But, necessarily, taking into account the individual and physical characteristics of the baby. In addition to stroking, rubbing, vibration and tapping, it is recommended to use forceps, kneading, felting, pinching and light tapping.
Do not grip and squeeze the tissues and joints of the child strongly, as this can cause pain. All techniques and movements must be performed with care.
It is very important to observe the child during massage and gymnastics, highlighting those techniques and exercises that give him positive emotions. Subsequent massage and gymnastics sessions should start with them.
Gymnastics and massage should be carried out at least half an hour after the baby has eaten.

Massage and gymnastics technique for children 9-12 months

Sliding steps

Sliding steps (with vibration)
I. p. - lying on his back.
This exercise has a beneficial effect on the development and strengthening of the muscles and joints of the child's legs.
Take the baby's shin in your hands so that your thumb is on the outside of the shin and the rest of your fingers are on the inside.
Straighten the child's left leg and shake it lightly. Then bend it again so that his heel glides smoothly on the table without lifting off from its surface (see fig.). Repeat this with your right leg.
Repeat 6 times with each leg.

Simultaneous and alternate flexion and extension of the legs

The exercise described above is complicated by the fact that the child must independently bend and unbend his legs at the command of an adult.
Repeat 6 times, slowly at first, and then at a faster pace.

Raising straightened legs to a stick

Exercise helps develop the muscles and joints of the legs.
To perform it, you should use a gymnastic apparatus - a wooden stick.
Raise the stick to the height of the child's straight legs and invite him to reach it with his toes or the entire feet (see fig.). Repeat 7 times.

Alternate and simultaneous flexion and extension of the arms

Starting position: sitting or standing.
The child grasps the ring-shaped toys and, with your help, alternately bends and unbends his arms.
Repeat 6 times (3 times with each hand).

Hand rotations

I. p.: Lying on your back.
Exercise helps develop the muscles and joints of the hands.
Place your thumbs in the baby's palms and gently squeeze the fists so that he can hold onto your fingers on his own.
Carefully spread the child's arms to the sides and gently lift them up. Then extend your arms forward and gently lower.
Now repeat these movements in reverse order.
Repeat 6 times.

Forward bending of the trunk with straightened legs

Starting position: standing with your back to you.
This exercise helps to develop and strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs.
Support the baby's knees with your right hand so that they do not bend, and with your left hand under his tummy.
Place your child's favorite toy at their feet. Then ask your child to bend over and reach with his fingers.
Make sure that the baby's legs do not bend and are straight (see fig.).
Repeat 3 times.

Flip from back to stomach

Due to the fact that the child can already move consciously, let him complete this task on his own at your request.
Repeat 2 times: 1 time to the right side and 1 time to the left side.

Raising the torso from a prone position

I. p.: Lying on his stomach, with his feet towards you ..
Exercise helps develop the muscles in your back and abdomen.
Place your thumbs in the baby's palms and gently squeeze them into the fists. The rest of your fingers need to support the child by the wrists.
Raise the baby's arms through the sides up and pull slightly. In this case, the child's head will reflexively rise up, and his heels will rest against your stomach.
You need to pull up the child until he gets on his knees (see fig.). You can complicate the exercise by using rings.
Repeat 2 times.

Back massage

Starting position: lying on your stomach.
Start your massage with a few strokes.
Then start rubbing. It should be done with your palms and fingertips.
After rubbing, return to stroking.
Move on to sawing with the edges of the palms. After a few strokes, the baby's skin should turn slightly red.
Iron again.
Pinch your glutes and long back muscles.
And pat again.
Repeat 3 times.

Abdominal massage

Starting position: lying on your back.
At the beginning of the procedure, several circular strokes should be done.
Then go to the oncoming strokes and only after that to stroking the oblique abdominal muscles.
Gently rub your tummy with your fingertips.
And pat again.
Pinch around the navel
Finish the massage with a few stroking strokes.
Repeat 3 times.


This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back and arms.
To complete it, you need to use the child's favorite toys.
Starting position: lying on your stomach.
Place the child on your lap so that his chest and shoulders sag, and asks him to get a toy from the floor or touch it with his hands (as in the figure).
At the same time, the baby's legs must be held.

Then move the baby from the abdomen to his back, with his shoulders and back still hanging from the massage therapist's knees, place the toy on the floor and ask the baby to reach it or touch it with his hands.
The child should bend back, complete the adult's task and straighten again.

Squat and stand up with support

Starting position: standing on a hard surface.
To perform the exercise, you should use rounded rings.
Give the child the rings, pull them down slightly, as a result of which the baby should sit down.
Then hold the child in this position for 1-2 seconds and, again pulling on the rings, help him to rise.
You can force the baby to stand on tiptoes, for this you need to take his hands and slightly raise him.
Repeat 2 times.


Just let the child crawl more, for a toy or just like that.

Walking with hand support
Starting position: standing on the floor.
To do the exercise, take your child by the wrists and ask him to walk a certain distance. During the exercise, the baby must be supported.

in the original there are pictures-examples! anyone interested in the link below))