Cool congratulations to teachers. Cool congratulations on the day of the primary school teacher Cheerful congratulations on the day of the teacher from the students

Today you can not be afraid
Surveys of strict and control,
Today is such a day in the world
That all teachers are happy!

Today they bring flowers,
And they say how they respect
They ask for forgiveness for pranks,
In short, congratulations!

So let any teacher in the world
Today will be just happy
No wonder the people are celebrating
Teacher's good holiday,

Thank you teachers
For your knowledge and skills,
We wish you all the best
And gigantic patience!

The teacher is our friend and adviser,
And a strict little parent,
Will tell about everything in the world,
He is a good guardian of the mind.

No matter how our life changes,
Each of us is a little student,
We got all the best from the teacher,
Than everyone in his field is great.

Our dear Teacher! Today is your holiday - Teacher's Day. Thank you for your noble work, which you have been doing conscientiously and with love for many years in a row. You know how to infect your students with a thirst for knowledge like no other. We ask you to please as many generations as possible with your work, be happy and healthy!

They give you flowers today
Congratulations say
And wish everyone success
Dear teachers!
You bring knowledge to children
You prepare them for the journey
Long distances
To take a step in their life!

Congratulations to all who gave their hearts to children,
Who leads them through life by the hand.
The most important profession in the world
Teacher! Glory and honor to you!

We wish you happiness and health,
Patience, prosperity, beauty
And a lot of new knowledge,
After all, you will give them to us anyway!

It's an honor to be a teacher
It is not easy to teach children
We wish you countless blessings
And love your children.

For a double to try
Earn an honest five
And the director did not swear,
If all cola again.

So that everyone learns lessons
Did not hope to write off.
Engage to be loved
And I had a notebook with me.

Lessons, textbooks, folders, notebooks -
Put it all aside today.
Let someone treat you to chocolate
Let the nerves not be stretched with a ringing string!

Teacher, congratulations today
From the class, parents and superiors.
Accept gratitude for the mind, for the patience!
For the fact that outside of school you work often!

We wish you to always be an optimist,
We wish to solve all problems easily.
May your sky be bright and clear,
And your class will always be the best and first!

Stone Age School
Trained a man
stone sharpen axe,
And keep the fire going.

And in a medieval school
It was more wisdom
Latin was spoken
And they taught alchemy.

And now - the twenty-first century,
Passed the teacher nerves
"What a creepy class!"
He got angry with us.

Our dear teacher,
Don't break the pencil
And forgive the poor children
After all, today is your holiday!

your patience
You can envy
wisdom, skill
To educate the child.

Explain you clearly
All the basics of science
You are pleasant in communication

You stay like this
With us forever.
In good glory you bathe
Long years.

May any teacher, both the one who stands with a pointer at the blackboard, and the one who teaches children with the help of innovative technologies, receive sincere and well-deserved gratitude on this day. Let the students be obedient and gifted, and their parents understanding.

I congratulate you with all my heart
Happy World Teacher's Day
For an honest labor feat,
You are knowledge custodians.

Let success await at work
And the team is great.
And warmth, kindness and laughter
They will live in personal life!

Today is teacher's day
We congratulate you on him
We wish you happiness and good luck
Health strong baggage.

You give knowledge to children,
And prepare them for adulthood.
You don't take anything in return for this.
Protect them like family.

Congratulations on World Teacher's Day. I wish capable and talented students, worthy victories and awards in life. May everything that you have to fight for and everything that your heart aspires to come into your life without fail. I wish you health, all the best, brave ingenuity, comfort in the house, respect in the team and happiness in the soul.

There are many professions in the world
But only one is nobler than all.
On the pedestal the teacher by right,
As a gift bringing knowledge of grain.

There is a lot of patience in the teacher,
There is also severity, so that every lesson
To invest in us knowledge, skills, abilities,
Eradicate the harmful vice of laziness.

Wise Teacher, we wish you
Happiness and joy, many victories.
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
Prosperity and long life.

teacher's day today
The whole country celebrates
Let the work be hard
But especially needed!

We wish you, teachers,
Inspiration every day
Let the road be bright
And the shadow will not touch the heart!

Happy Teacher's Day! Happy most day
Great people.
Only by your labors
Seas of ideas are born.

Let them give with renewed vigor
Heaven is your inspiration,
So that patience does not cool down
And no doubts touched!

Mind and clarity combines,
Knows everything in the world
Knowledge of different lords -
This is our wise teacher.

We wish you patience
Wards - to the knowledge of zeal.
What else do you want?
To be all on the "five"!

Happy holiday, our dear teacher,
Our donor of knowledge and skills.
We respect you immensely
We wish you happiness and patience.

Let on a long life path
Good luck will always find you.
Good health, inspiration,
Creativity, success and luck.

world teachers day
Today celebrate -
Guardian Wisdom Day.
I congratulate you on it!

Thank you for your knowledge
What are you so generously giving,
For faith, understanding,
For not scolding!

Let the world smile at you
You be healthy.
Let it be performed more often
Cherished dreams!

May your day begin with a smile,
And only warm words in a postcard will sparkle.
We wish you creative victories on Teacher's Day,
Let your authority grow stronger every day.

We wish you happiness on a great day without borders,
And in life - only bright and colored pages.
May joy and good luck always accompany you.
Wealth, prosperity for many years!

Autumn generously stirred the ocher in crimson,
Rowan scarlet blazes everywhere color.
And now the wind of October, noisily, carries:
"Know, ignorance is darkness, learning is light!"

For this light that you pour into the souls of many children,
For the illuminated million big roads,
For the shoots of new goodness on the whole planet
Hearts are beating now: “Thank you, teacher!”.

Thank you! Love, victories, in the work of accomplishments!
Take care of your health, because it is the most important thing!
Let it be found more often in the genius class,
To easily learn at least one...

Children are not easy to raise!
It needs work, warmth, attention!
It's not enough just to know a lot
It's not the position that matters, it's the vocation!

Thank you for the warmth
For tenderness, affection and care,
For sincere kindness
For your hard work!

Teacher, we all love you
And we value knowledge.
You teach life to our class,
We firmly believe in your words.


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Create a postcard

Teacher's Day, a solid holiday,
Drowning in a sea of ​​flowers.
Thanks for the obvious work
I am ready to tell the teachers.

I wish you success in your work,
And good luck in noble work,
inspiration, joy, laughter,
And, of course, happiness in fate


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Our kind and glorious teacher.

Our kind and glorious teacher
We heartily congratulate you
You are the guardian of young minds
And we wish you today

Health, good luck, patience
In a difficult but righteous deed
Fun, kindness, inspiration
To make your heart warmer.


Purchased and owned by the site.

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You have your calling
Give education to others
Give away a piece of your heart
Don't forget alumni.

Working in a school is very difficult
She is like a ship in the ocean.
Always riding the waves
Flying forward at full speed.

Thank you for being
Always right in learning.
We wish you new victories,
Health, happiness for a hundred years!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Happy Teacher's Day! Teacher, congratulations!
Your hard work - we understand and respect!

Disciples - it is known - a recalcitrant tribe,
Capricious, lazy, and sometimes absurd.

How to keep discipline in the classroom and silence,
Here you need to know secrets and, obviously, not one.

We wish endurance, health, resourcefulness and patience,
Let luck accompany you in your work! Success, inspiration!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

I wish you happiness

Congratulations on Teacher's Day!
On this joyful day I wish you
Long days and good luck
So that peace reigns in life!

You gave me your heart
And the mysteries of the earth opened.
May your destiny be beautiful!
I wish you great happiness!

Funny congratulations on Teacher's Day

Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Friends are impossible without a teacher!

friends without a teacher
In life we ​​can't
He teaches us to sew, sculpt
love your homeland


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Teacher's Day

Dear Teachers
sincere and holy
We give this verse to you
From winged hearts!

Everyone in the world knows -
The school is very interesting!

A lot is taught in school
Sometimes strictly

It's so hard
It's for growth!

Read, count and draw
Diligently, competently write,
Plus owning a calculator -
Yes, and in general from the numbers to get crazy!
And without it, it's easy to count
And also think deeply.
Not a day they teach there and not a year -
After all, everyone needs an approach
Special but understandable
To learn nice!

In textbooks - a different life,
There everything is easy and simple,
But do not hold on to the textbook:
The textbook is just an island.

He is an island in the middle of the life of countries,
And life is a salty ocean
Where there are so many "fish"
What not to catch them only
One continuous study -
No! We all need to
The boys themselves knew
How to swim between the waves!

Help find a calling
Here is the main task
And on this path
The teacher is almost crying...

Working with us is not easy
After all, we are such "things"
To give you all milk -
You are tormented by our harmfulness!

For you - wizards in everything
We write these lines
Your care will save us
After all, we are all your children!
You give us hearts
Time and health
But your souls are endless
We are spoiled with love!

Learn (if you're lucky)
With a teacher, of course)
We are ready all year round
And after - just forever!

But for the second to stay a year -
You will be upset
And that's why we, here,
Ready to go public.

Ah, our school! We are to you
Bound by hearts
Even if life goes on in struggle,
Let mothers and fathers
From us will turn out later,
Or maybe even soon
But let's not forget
Effort your mountains!

We will never forget
Goodness, love and faith,
We will build cities
You can believe in us!

May Teacher's Day be for you
Shines bright, bright
May every day and every class
Pleases you with a gift -
Giving effort along the way
To the heights of light knowledge!
We can definitely get to them.
After all, you are with us on the way!

May inspiration, beauty,
And joy and fun -
Let them give days not to waste,
And peace and housewarming!

And even for decades
caringly beautiful
The light does not go out in the windows of the school -
Tall, kind, clear!



Funny and comic congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse

"Cool congratulations on Teacher's Day"

We respect you very much
We love your item.
Congratulations, we love it!
Be happy 100 years!

"Comic congratulations on Teacher's Day"

I wish you always
Stay the same
Build - sometimes.
And smile more often.

become a teacher
Suddenly you decided
We want to flourish
So that the children love you!

"Cool congratulations to teachers"

Again Vasya at the blackboard,
Again the lesson does not know
He is outside the windows of the raven
Thinks from longing

Just won't get a deuce
Vasya is ours in the end
Teacher's Day today!
Happy teachers!

"Cool congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse"

Congratulations to our beloved teachers!
We want to look awesome, flawless,
Let there never be buttons on the chair,
They will cruelly pierce delicate cotton!

We wish you obedient, very cute children,
And hooligans - only the best and favorite,
Let the pranks end only with laughter
And the report card will become pride, success!

"Cool congratulations on Teacher's Day from colleagues"

I congratulate teachers
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
Let your lessons be
Just a miracle good!

To study "excellent"
Every third student!
To whatever you want
Done at the same time!

"Cool sms congratulations on teacher's day"

Teacher's day has come
We congratulate you!
Great guys
We sincerely wish!

To study well
To not be naughty
So that always, everywhere, in everything
They were smart!

Lagging behind - helped,
Weak - rescued
And difficult questions
Boyko answered!

To respect elders
You weren't upset
And with bouquets of flowers
We met on this day!

"Cool Poems for Teacher's Day"

Happy teacher's day!
Millions of roses
Let the students give
Jokingly and seriously

Let them not upset
They study well
Compliments are different
Give every hour!

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Congratulations to all teachers
We are happy today.
The calling is to teach children
There is no nobler deed.
Your life choice is
And you can't help it
Good students to you
Health, happiness and good luck!


You have invested in us more than anyone,
You were able to give us a craving for knowledge,
Thank you very much for this
We want to say on Teacher's Day.
We wish you new achievements,
Great pedagogical victories,
Attention, care, respect,
Good health and long years!


No matter how many years pass
We will not forget teachers
And lives in everyone's heart
Holy feeling for these people.
And on teacher's day for them
Words of love and care are heard.
We wish you all the blessings of the earth,
For your hard work!


Being a teacher is not easy
And all the costs of the soul cannot be measured.
Not everyone is given to love students,
Worry about them, believe in their success.
And you are just such a teacher.
We sincerely congratulate you today
Love and gratitude of the people,
We wish you success and health!


We all want to tell you today
That you are a true professional
Treat your students with respect
You do brilliant work.
For the fact that you are not more patient,
For wisdom, kindness, love, participation.
For the fact that you carry the light of knowledge,
We wish you happiness on Teacher's Day!


For you there can be no mediocre children,
You can find talent in anyone
For this we are very grateful to you.
Good luck on your life journey.
To treat the profession with love,
You gave us solid knowledge of light,
Harmony to you, joy, health,
Prosperity and long years!


We don't have many teachers like you.
And you proved with your work more than once,
What a teacher, as they say, you are from God.
We sincerely congratulate you today.
We wish you even more successful work,
To have an excellent result always, in everything,
Students so you can be proud.
We want you to know that we won't let you down!


You are a teacher, thank you for this,
The most important job right now.
Everything for you today is words, bouquets,
And on your holiday, we congratulate you!
May dreams and plans come true
And on this holiday every time
We want to remember the most important thing -
How many students do you have!


You give everything to the students:
Your experience, wisdom, knowledge and strength,
And on Teacher's Day we wish you
So that everything is always perfect for you.
Health to you, warmth,
Good luck in everything, happiness in personal life,
So that life at school is interesting,
And the house was great too!


We take the kids to school
To be a mentor.
To teach our children
Love, beauty and kindness.
Let them be happy with the result
Inspiring to the feat and work.
We congratulate you on the holiday!
Thanks for our guys!


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