Food during pregnancy. Raw eggs, meat, fish, seafood. Video "What shouldn't be eaten by pregnant women?"

The magical nine months of waiting give a woman a generous gift in the form of positive emotions and boundless joy. But this is not a reason to forget about the essentials. It is very important to choose the right one. early pregnancy diet to ensure the full development of the baby and keep the expectant mother healthy.For the formation and growth of an embryo, nutrients, minerals and biologically active elements are needed. Naturally, he receives them through the blood vessels that connect the fetus to the mother's body. That is why it is important to timely replenish their deficit in order to maintain the strength and vitality of the two organisms.

This does not mean at all that a woman needs to increase the amount of food eaten by one and a half to two times. The main thing that foods in early pregnancy provided a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals.

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Weight gain during pregnancy is considered a natural process. On average, in 9 months a woman gains from 10 to 15 kg. The norm is 11-12 kg. If the weight gained is below normal, gynecologists recommend taking a special complex of multivitamins for pregnant women.

With increased weight, swelling occurs, breathing becomes difficult, and heart rhythm disturbances may appear. In this case, it is recommended to refrain from eating fatty, saturated foods for some time and limit yourself to vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and fiber.

If you are thinking about how to eat right in early pregnancy , remember a few important rules:

  • the nutrition of the pregnant woman should be balanced;
  • the choice is given in favor of healthy food (exclude semi-finished products and dishes with high cholesterol from the diet);
  • it is necessary to adhere to a constant diet (at least three times a day).

What can a pregnant woman eat and in what quantities

Trace elements requiring special attention

During pregnancy, the female body experiences an increased need for trace elements such as iron and calcium.

Iron is responsible for. If, when taking tests, the hemoglobin level in the woman's blood is below 100 g / l, then the mother and the unborn child are automatically diagnosed with anemia. The reasons for the development of anemia may be a lack of folic acid or vitamin B12. Well, the consequence of a lack of hemoglobin is often a delay in the growth and development of the fetus, as well as premature birth.

Calcium is directly involved in the formation of all hard tissues: bones, teeth, nail plate. To prevent the expectant mother's teeth from crumbling, it is recommended to eat dairy products enriched with this component every day.

Many women are interested in the question, what does the embryo eat in early pregnancy? Until a direct blood supply to the placenta with the mother's body is established, the fetus receives nutrients from glycogen, which has accumulated on the inner walls of the uterus. It provides a complete and timely supply of amino acids - the main sources of vital energy.

Nutrition for toxicosis

Toxicosis is a common symptom that occurs in women in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is accompanied by such unpleasant reactions of the body as:

  • irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • dermatoses;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting (especially in the morning);
  • change in taste.

To reduce the manifestation of these symptoms to a minimum, you should choose the right nutrition for toxicosis in early pregnancy.

The activity of toxicosis will decrease if food is consumed not 3 times a day, but 6-7 small portions. In the morning (without getting out of bed) and in the evening before going to bed, you can eat a few white bread croutons, pieces of dried fruit or a couple of nuts.

Vomiting is reduced by warm mint tea with the addition of a lemon wedge. It is strongly recommended to replace powdered juices with dyes with herbal infusions, mineral water without gases or fruits containing a large amount of liquid (watermelon, melon, grapes).

Heavy foods for the stomach of a pregnant woman should be replaced with steam. For example, instead of fried potatoes or pork chop, it is better to give preference to a steamed fish or chicken cutlet with boiled vegetables for a side dish.

Vomiting is accompanied by another unpleasant symptom - dehydration. Therefore, it is very important to replenish fluid supplies in a timely manner. A pregnant woman should drink about 2 liters of clean water per day. But overdoing it on this issue is dangerous, as excessive fluid intake will lead to edema.

What is useful to eat

Let's define the better to eat early in pregnancy ... To compose food groups, first, let's figure out the calorie content of food. In the first three months, the norm of calories per day for a pregnant woman is 1800 kcal. Of them:

  • About 50% should come from carbohydrates. They are contained in whole grain pasta, potatoes, and cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, millet).
  • Only 30% of calories the body should get from fat. Moreover, this is not fatty meat or fish, but butter, dairy products,.
  • The remaining 20% ​​of calories belong to the protein group of foods: eggs, legumes, fish, poultry.

What does the diet of a pregnant woman look like for the day

During pregnancy, it is best to eat fresh food, steamed or over an open fire. A balanced menu for a pregnant woman for the day looks like this:

Recommended meals and appointment times Alternative
8 ocloc'k
Partially skimmed milk - 200 ml

2 pieces of biscuit

Coffee, with sugar (1 spoon)

Whole milk - 150 ml

Whole Yogurt - 1 Jar

Low fat yogurt - 2 jars

Tea - 1 cup

10 hours
Seasonal fruits - 150 g Orange juice - 1 glass

A piece of unsweetened biscuit

13 hours
Pasta (70 g dry) or rice with cheese (15 g), tomato and butter (1 tsp)

Lean meat (beef, veal, chicken, rabbit, liver) - 150 g

Bread - 1 slice

Fresh fruits - 100 g

Fruit drink - 1 glass

Stewed vegetables - 100 g with herbs (parsley, dill)

Fresh or frozen fish - 200 g (exclude eel, mackerel, fish in oil)

17 hours
Partially skimmed milk - 150 ml Whole milk - 170 ml

1 piece of unsweetened biscuit + tea

Low fat yogurt - 1 can

Orange juice - 1 glass

20 hours
Seasonal fruits - 150 g

Vegetable soup (no potatoes or beans)

Fish - 200 g

Orange juice - 1 glass

1 piece of unsweetened biscuit

Vegetable soup with potatoes or beans

Fresh grated cheese - 100 g

Boiled beef - 100 g

Lean meat (veal, chicken breast) - 150 g

Nutritional Leading Products

Now we will talk about what is good to eat in early pregnancy ... There are some foods that have the highest levels of nutrients and micronutrients. It is them that are recommended to be eaten with vitamin deficiency and low hemoglobin levels.

Fig. This sweet oriental fruit is rich in fiber, which helps normalize the digestive system. In addition, in 100 gr. the product contains about 25% of the daily value of calcium. It can be eaten fresh or dried, or added to homemade baked goods.

Artichokes. They are a valuable source of iron, fiber, and folic acid. Most often, soups and salads are prepared from artichokes. Very often this plant is used for cooking Italian dishes: pasta, pizza.

Pumpkin seeds. 100 g peeled seeds contain 5 gr. vegetable protein. They help to strengthen the muscles of the expectant mother and relieve stress on the back and abdomen. Also, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds contain magnesium, which normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.

Beekeeping products. Honey is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It can be safely used instead of sugar, added to fruit salads or desserts. 100 g contains 14 mg of calcium, 36 mg of potassium, 18 mg of phosphorus, 0.8 mg of iron, as well as B vitamins.

What is better to abstain from

So what shouldn't be eaten in early pregnancy? What can negatively affect the development of the unborn baby and the condition of the mother?

First of all, early pregnancy nutrition must be of high quality. Before eating, products must go through all sanitary standards for processing, including thermally. This is necessary so that bacteria, fungi and other harmful microorganisms could not interfere with the normal development of the child in the womb.

Raw fish and meat, including caviar and some Japanese food can cause helminthiasis that can affect the fetus.

  • Flour and sweet in large quantities will lead to rapid weight gain . In this regard, the diet should be adjusted already in the early stages of pregnancy, so that by 8-9 months a pregnant woman can easily move around without heaviness in the legs, fatigue and shortness of breath.
  • Smoked products (meat, sausage, fish), as well as canned food, contain substances that negatively affect liver cells. If these products are abused, a newborn baby develops "jaundice" (botulism).
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited for pregnant women ... Poisonous substances contained in alcohols can harm the health of the baby.

    When drawing up a daily menu, each woman independently chooses which products to use based on her own taste preferences. And, nevertheless, we advise you to heed our recommendations on how what to eat in early pregnancy ... Correct, healthy food, as well as a constant diet will help to spend all 9 months of waiting with great pleasure for mom and baby.

And also, which foods are best to abstain from, and which foods should be limited. Thus, we distinguish three types of food:

  1. Which cannot be taken categorically;
  2. From which it is better to abstain (that is, rarely, a little, you can);
  3. Foods that can be eaten, but there are strict restrictions.

Let's start with the first group.

Foods that should never be consumed during pregnancy

Note. There is an opinion that pregnant women can and should drink raw quail eggs, that quails do not tolerate salmonella. But, there are the same number of sources that claim that quail eggs can also be infected with this infection. Therefore, we recommend that both chicken and quail eggs are only boiled.

  1. Mushrooms (forest). If you really want to, then you can champignons (they are grown in a neutral environment). Mushrooms growing in nature are akin to a sponge, they absorb everything from the environment, they can accumulate toxic substances in themselves. That is why wild mushrooms are a product that often leads to severe food poisoning. This warning applies to wild mushrooms in any form (boiled, fried, stewed, canned, salted).
  2. Any fruits / vegetables that are not well washed. Or food in conditions where there is a possibility that they have deteriorated. This could lead to food poisoning. Why is it dangerous. With food poisoning, dehydration often occurs, this is very harmful for both mother and child. Treatment for serious food poisoning is usually based on antibiotics. To reduce the likelihood of food poisoning, it is better to give up on time an unwashed apple, a layered pie or expired kefir.

Foods to avoid

Foods that can be eaten with restrictions

  1. Coffee. It is not recommended to exceed 200 mg of caffeine per day (this is about 2 cups). If the norm is exceeded, the risk of miscarriage, or the birth of a child with a weight below the norm, increases.
  2. Black and green tea. These drinks also contain caffeine. The consumption rate is the same, 200 mg, as for coffee. Depending on the strength of the brew, this is 3-4 cups of black or green tea.
  3. Cocoa. No more than one cup per day, unless allergic. It also contains caffeine and can also cause allergies.
  4. Chocolate. It is possible, but a little (25-30g). Chocolate also contains caffeine, which can cause individual allergies.

Attention! Coffee, cocoa, black and green tea - for all these drinks the norm is no more than 200 mg of caffeine per day. That is, not 2 cups of coffee, and three teas, and a cup of cocoa, but either-or, one of your choice. Chocolate is also in the same norm.

  1. Table salt. In the first half of pregnancy, you can consume up to 10-12 g of salt per day, in the second half you should limit yourself to 8 g, and in the last two months of pregnancy - up to 5-6 g per day.
  2. Cod liver. It contains a lot of vitamin A, so it should not be consumed regularly. A small bite once a month, you can.
  3. Fatty fish. They must be taken during pregnancy as they contain beneficial omega-3 acids. But, you need to observe the volume limit - no more than 200-300 g per week. Moreover, it is better to exclude some varieties, which ones, see above.
  4. Seafood. Only fully prepared (boiled, baked). At the same time, they significantly lose their taste, unfortunately.
  5. Salty, smoked, dried foods and products. You can do it a little, once a week (100 g per week). But you can only if you did not have kidney problems before pregnancy. If there were, then it is better to completely exclude this group of products.
  6. Various sweets.

Pay attention to hypoallergenic, which are made specifically for pregnant and lactating women. You can always take them with you to the hospital or travel, eat at home or on a walk, even after the birth of the baby.

Note. Food and cosmetic products can only be returned if the packaging is intact.

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After reading this article, you may get the impression that pregnant women can not do anything. But it is not so. Rather, you need a sense of proportion and a normal sense of responsibility for yourself and the child. And then you don't even have to limit yourself too much. You can read more about what foods are recommended for pregnant women, how best to choose and prepare them, in the article.

The diet of a woman while waiting for a child is important throughout its entire length, because the formation of some organs and systems begins as early as the second week and continues until the baby is born. Substances that adversely affect its development can harm at any stage, leading to a deterioration in the well-being of the mother or fetal malformations. All harmful products can be conditionally divided into two groups: prohibited and requiring strict restrictions.

  • allergic reactions;
  • disruptions in the digestive tract, expressed in diarrhea, constipation, nausea, heartburn;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy, premature birth;
  • abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Raw fish and raw meat

Eggs are a source of protein necessary for the proper development of the fetus. But the eggs that the expectant mother can eat must be well boiled or fried. Eggnog, fried eggs with uncooked yolk, eggs "in a bag" during pregnancy cannot be eaten. Raw eggs are contaminated with salmonella, which dies during heat treatment.

Unpasteurized milk and products from it

You should refrain from consuming unpasteurized milk and products made from it. Often they become the cause of serious diseases, among which the most common is listeriosis, which is very dangerous for the unborn child. This also includes cheeses made from sheep's and goat's unpasteurized milk, as well as blue cheese and “crusty” cheeses.

Milk, even taken in tetra packets, must be boiled before use.


Wild mushrooms absorb all harmful substances from the environment and are capable of accumulating poisons. If you really want mushroom soup or potatoes with mushrooms, then it is better to cook cultivated varieties, for example, champignons, since they are grown in a neutral environment.

It should be remembered that mushrooms are a fairly heavy food. They are absorbed for a long time, can cause heartburn, cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Video: Products that threaten pregnancy in the Healthy Life program

Foods to eat with caution

Many foods, even those eaten before pregnancy, can trigger a reaction in a pregnant woman's body. This manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions, disturbances in the digestive tract, the development of certain diseases. The body, under the influence of hormones, begins to work in a different way, so the foods from the above list should be consumed in a limited way.

Potential allergens

Even if a woman has never experienced allergic reactions to food, during pregnancy, obvious allergens can lead to them:

  • seafood (especially caviar, crab meat, shrimp);
  • honey, chocolate, nuts;
  • citrus and exotic fruits;
  • some brightly colored vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers).

Allergy manifests itself not only in the form of skin rashes, but also in the form of difficulties in the digestive tract (constipation, diarrhea, flatulence). Potential allergens should be used with caution, monitoring the reaction to them.

Canned food

Purchased canned food contains preservatives that, in large quantities, harm the developing body. Homemade preparations should also not be abused, since the salt and vinegar that they contain retain fluid and provoke the formation of edema.

Canned food is dangerous for botulism. The consequences of infection are very deplorable: from the strongest intoxication of the fetus to its intrauterine death. Therefore, if you are not sure of the quality of the blanks, it is better to refuse the contents of the cans.

Salt and spices

Salt intake should be kept to a minimum. Salt retains fluid in the body and leads to the formation of edema, which, in turn, affects the increase in pressure. These symptoms are characteristic of gestosis, or late toxicosis, which is extremely dangerous for the mother, threatens the development of acute oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Small amounts of spices will not hurt. However, excessive passion for seasonings also provokes swelling. In addition, allergic reactions may occur.

During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to the drinking regimen. It is best to use clean water, but homemade fruit drinks, compotes, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices should not be neglected. However, there are a number of drinks that are best avoided:

  1. Alcoholic drinks. Should not be consumed throughout pregnancy. There is no safe dosage. Alcohol quickly enters the bloodstream, overcoming the placental barrier, adversely affects the development of the baby's central nervous system, including the brain. Often the occurrence of physical deformities.
  2. Lemonade and other carbonated drinks. The gas contained in them can lead to bloating, which increases the pressure on the uterus, provoking its contraction.
  3. Packaged juices. Preservatives and dyes have an adverse effect on the development of the fetus. Sugar, present in large quantities here, contributes to rapid weight gain. In addition, these juices have little to quench thirst.
  4. Strong tea and coffee, energy drinks. The caffeine contained in them causes muscle tone, including the uterus. This condition threatens the normal course of pregnancy.

The load on the body during pregnancy increases significantly, especially in the later stages, when the growing uterus presses on the organs, they shift. Therefore, nutrition must be monitored especially carefully, avoiding anything that can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Do not abuse fatty, fried, spicy foods. It provokes heartburn, causes an exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis. In addition, it contains a large number of carcinogens, which adversely affects the development of the fetus.

It is better to replace fatty meats with lean beef, veal, rabbit meat. Animal fat is poorly broken down and gives an additional load on the liver. Before preparing the broth, it is better to soak the meat in water.

You cannot eat legumes, radishes, cabbage of various varieties, radishes and other products that increase the formation of gases in large quantities. Flatulence creates additional pressure in the intestines. This condition threatens the course of pregnancy, leads to miscarriages and premature birth.

It is necessary to give up chips, crackers, instant products (brewed soups and cereals), fast food, as well as various sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup and the like. This group of products contains a large amount of preservatives and dyes that are harmful to any person, especially to a pregnant woman.

With the onset of pregnancy, the health of the unborn child depends on how a woman behaves. During pregnancy, all the organs and tissues of the little man are laid in the womb, his growth and development, therefore, it is very important that the baby receives a sufficient amount of nutrients and minerals in a timely manner. Unfortunately, the fetus cannot do this on its own - it receives all this from the mother's blood.

information That is why, during pregnancy, a woman should eat properly and fully, avoid various excesses and harmful additives that can prevent the child from developing normally.

If before conception you did not eat very well, then the time has come when you need to reconsider your views on gastronomic preferences for the health of your baby and your own.

What can not be eaten by pregnant women

This part will list foods that pregnant women should not eat:

  1. Raw, eggs, fresh milk, oysters, etc.... The danger is that all these products with a high probability may contain pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, helminths, listeria) and viruses (noravirus and rotavirus) that cause gastrointestinal infections. In general, any poisoning can be dangerous to human health (in particular, salmonellosis and noravirus infection), and during pregnancy, when a woman's body is under increased stress, this can negatively affect the fetus. Poisoning is dangerous because it causes fever, dehydration (which is especially dangerous for the fetus), exhaustion of the body. In addition, some pathogens (for example, salmonella) can disrupt the proper development of the baby's organs and systems;
  2. Products of questionable quality(spoiled fruits and vegetables, expired foods) can also cause intestinal upset, dysentery, typhoid and other illnesses.
  3. A separate group can be distinguished such products as
  • Citrus;
  • Strawberry;
  • Nuts;
  • Tomatoes.

The danger is that these products greatly increase the likelihood of developing allergies in a child in the future. There is a direct link between the use of this category of products by the expectant mother and the development of diathesis, dermatitis (nonspecific inflammation of the skin), allergic rhinitis and even bronchial asthma. The best way to avoid all this is during pregnancy to completely abandon this category of products;

  1. Salt. A common dietary supplement such as salt can also cause some complications during pregnancy. The fact is that salt retains an excess amount of fluid in the human body, can lead to an increased load on the heart (it needs to pump more blood). This most often leads to and. These conditions are especially dangerous for a woman in a position, as they can aggravate the course of pregnancy;
  2. Smoked meats... These foods during pregnancy should not only be limited, but generally excluded from your daily diet. The fact is that during smoking, carcinogenic substances (substances that can cause the development of cancerous tumors), for example, benzopyrene, can appear in products. In some cases, these substances cause various disorders in tissues that are actively multiplying. During pregnancy, the targets of such substances are the organs and tissues of the baby, which is actively developing;
  3. Canned food(canned food, even factory production). They contain large amounts of salt, vinegar. Separately, it is also worth noting there the content of various preservatives, the effect of which on the growing fetus is most often not clear. For example, we can name a substance such as sodium nitrite, which is widely used to preserve the fresh color of meat products and their long-term storage. For an adult, a small amount of this substance does not pose a great danger - but not for a small child, whose metabolism is several times higher than that of the mother. If you cannot refuse this category of products - carefully read the label with the composition to avoid possible complications;
  4. Margarine and substitutes it is not recommended for pregnant women to eat. They contain a large amount of "harmful" fats and saturated fatty acids (cholesterol and others), which can cause premature vascular occlusion and lead to the development of atherosclerosis;
  5. it is categorically impossible to use a pregnant woman. It has a teratogenic (disrupts the processes of normal development of the baby's organs and systems) effect on the fetus, affects the laying of the digestive tract organs, causes severe hypoxia of the baby's organs, primarily the brain and nervous system. Currently, there is a huge amount of popular science literature that describes in detail all the negative consequences of alcohol consumption during pregnancy;
  6. Refined sugar and other digestible carbohydrates(flour products, buns and various sweets). With the systematic use of these products during pregnancy, the blood sugar level rises sharply, which can disrupt the normal functioning of the pancreas. In some cases, unfulfilled simple dietary rules can cause the development of a dangerous condition. In about half of cases, this type of diabetes mellitus persists even after the pregnancy has been resolved;
  7. Fast food, fried food, convenience foods contain preservatives, stabilizers in large quantities, cooked in poor oil, contain carcinogens. Also, there are practically no beneficial nutrients in this food category.

Before you eat this or that harmful product, think, would you give it to your one-year-old child?

important There is a popular belief that a pregnant woman should eat for two. It is wrong. During the entire pregnancy, the expectant mother should gain no more than 8-14 kilograms (depending on the initial weight). All the weight gained that goes beyond these limits makes the woman's condition more difficult, the risk increases (a condition in which the organs and systems of the woman's body can no longer cope with the increased load), high blood pressure, edema, the birth of a large fetus.

The load on the heart, kidneys, joints also increases. And the likelihood that overweight can cause some negative cosmetic effects: stretch marks appear on the chest, thighs, buttock, abdomen, varicose veins.

Therefore, the main thing is to eat properly, fully, so that the food meets all the needs of the mother and the growing fetus, but does not harm both.

Maybe after reading these prohibitions a woman will have a question: what to eat at all? Do not worry, excluding these products, there is still a lot of delicious and healthy things. But this is a topic for a separate article.

Listen to your body, and it will tell you what you are missing at the moment. Usually our body sends itself to the signs, you just have to understand them.