Development of fine motor skills of fingers in younger preschoolers through artistic and creative activities. The development of fine motor skills in preschoolers through creativity

Marina Vasilievna Grinyukova
Development of fine motor skills of hands in children through artistic creativity

Development of fine motor skills of hands in children through artistic creativity

Target: The development of fine motor skills in children preschool age in different types artistic activities

Tasks:1. Activate the movement of the fingers, show an emotional attitude to the result of their activities, form a positive attitude in the classroom. 2. Develop memory, Attention, creative imagination, speech, cognitive processes. 3. To develop various forms of organization of productive activities aimed at development of fine motor skills... 4. To cultivate perseverance, accuracy, benevolence, the ability to work in a team and individually

Great value for children playing the development of fine motor skills... She promotes development of speech thinking

1. The main task is develop the ability to express your impressions in speech, develop aesthetic feelings. 2. To form the ability to independently create artistic images in different activities. 3. Create conditions for development of speech and thinking in children through the development of fine motor skills by introducing the child to artistic creation. 4. Develop fine motor skills hands in a variety of activities - modeling, applique, drawing, design

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that purposeful and systematic work on development of fine motor skills of hands in children preschool age contributes to the formation of speech activity, and most importantly, the preservation of mental and physical child development

Work on development of fine motor skills through artistic creativity was conducted in several directions

Productive activity

Makes the kid's hand skillful, easy and free to control the tool

Develop visual control over hand movement

Helps the formation of a hand-eye connection.

All this will be an assistant in the school.

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MBDOU "Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 1, Zavyalovo village"

The development of fine motor skills in the process of manual labor

Position: educator

Work experience: 8.5 years.





Motility is the sphere of the body's motor functions and associated physiological and psychological phenomena. Distinguish between fine motor skills (movement of hands and fingers) and gross motor skills (body movement, walking).

Fine motor skills is a magic phrase that is probably already known to everyone.

Fine motor skills are the development of small muscles of the fingers, the ability to perform fine coordinated manipulations with them.

Of great importance in the development of a child is the development of fine motor skills of the hands. At the same time, motor coordination improves, stiffness and stiffness are overcome. Fine motor skills are interconnected with thinking, observation, attention, speech, imagination, optical-spatial perception (coordination, visual and mobile memory. Throughout the preschool age, the development of fine motor skills is of great importance for the development of children's creativity. in the use of precise and coordinated movements of the hands and fingers.Now it is already known that at the initial stage of life it is fine motor skills that reflects how a child develops, testifies to his intellectual abilities.Children with poorly developed hand motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon, pencil, cannot fasten It is difficult for them to assemble the scattered parts of the constructor, to work with puzzles, counting sticks, mosaics. They refuse modeling and appliqué, which are loved by other children, do not keep up with the children in the classroom. Thus, the possibilities of mastering the world for children are impoverished. often feel They make themselves incapable of elementary actions available to their peers. This affects the emotional well-being of the child, his self-esteem. Over time, the level of development of complexly coordinated hand movements in children with speech disorders, insufficient for mastering writing, forms school difficulties. And, of course, in preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of the development of children's speech, the formation of self-service skills and preparation for writing. His further development depends on how cleverly the child learns to control his fingers. Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and also vocabulary develop.

The most favorable period for the development of human intellectual and creative abilities is from 3 to 9 years, when the cerebral cortex has not yet been completely formed. It was found that the level of speech development in children is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. And if the development of finger movements lags behind, then the development of the child is also delayed, does not allow him to fully communicate and play with his peers, complicates the knowledge of the world around him, burdens the emotional and mental state of the child. However, if you help the child in time, constantly use all the methods of development, activation of speech, these serious problems can be successfully solved. Skillful fingers take a while. Games, exercises, finger warm-ups, design, drawing, modeling, manual labor help children to confidently hold a pencil and a pen, braid their braids and lace up shoes on their own, and make gifts for their loved ones.

"Hand - develops the brain" - this statement has already been proven many times. The development of fine motor skills of the hands is of great importance for successful schooling. The problem of hand preparation in preschool children has occupied one of the most important places in psychological and pedagogical research for more than a decade. It is still relevant today. It is alarming that studies by a number of authors indicate a decrease in indicators of the level of development of manual skill in children who are on the verge of schooling. Seeing that most of the children in the group have great difficulties: the fingers are inactive, the movements are not accurate.

Therefore, I chose the topic: "The development of fine motor skills of hands in the process of manual labor." The value of labor education in the development of fine motor skills of a preschooler.

The purpose of my work:

The development of fine motor skills in older children through the organization of manual labor - origami, ribbon embroidery.

Building my work, I set myself the following tasks:

To select and analyze the literature on the problem of the development of fine motor skills;

Collect practical material on manual labor;

Improving the knowledge, skills, and abilities of children.

Expanding their understanding of arts and crafts.

Development of mental cognitive processes such as imagination, perception, memory, attention.

Development of personal qualities - perseverance, patience, diligence, accuracy, hard work.

Develop fine motor skills of fingers, hands;

Develop the accuracy and coordination of hand movements.

Ability to bring the work started to the end.

At present, a lot of attention is paid to the problem of the development of fine motor skills. But every creative teacher tries to introduce into his correctional work both traditional and non-traditional methods and techniques for the development of fine motor skills in children.

The relevance of my work lies in the fact that purposeful and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills of the hand in the process of manual labor in preschool children in interaction with the family contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, speech activity, and most importantly, the preservation of the child's mental and physical development.

Understanding by teachers and parents of the importance and essence of modern diagnostics of hand motor skills and pedagogical correction preserves not only the child's physical and mental health, but also protects him from additional learning difficulties, and helps to formulate writing skills.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the development of fine motor skills in preschool children

1.1 What is fine motor skills and why is it important for children?

A wonderful teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that "the origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips, from them, figuratively speaking, the thinnest rivulets that feed the source of creative thought go."

Fine motor skills are differentiated and complexly coordinated movements of the hands and fingers when performing actions. The child's ability to correctly distribute muscle efforts during the work of the hands and thumb in relation to the rest is an important condition for the successful mastering of motor skills of educational activity. Therefore, special attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills during preparation for school.

The development of fine motor skills is also important because the entire future life of a child will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write.

The development of fine motor skills of the hand is of enduring importance for the general physical and mental development of the child throughout preschool childhood. Psychologists, physiologists, doctors, teachers constantly emphasize that the level of formation of fine motor skills largely determines the success of a child's mastering of visual, constructive, labor and musical performance skills, mastering the native language, and the development of initial writing skills. Fine motor skills of various household and educational activities are coordinated movements of the fingers, the child's ability to "use" these movements: hold a spoon and a pencil, button up, draw, sculpt.

The clumsiness of the fingers "says" that fine motor skills are not yet sufficiently developed.

First of all, the development of a child's fine motor skills is associated with his general physical development. Scientists' studies have shown that each finger has a fairly extensive representation in the cerebral cortex. The child's motor activity, his subject-manipulative activity, which contributes to the development of fine movements of the hands and fingers, has a stimulating effect on the child's speech function, on the development of his sensory and motor aspects of speech. Thanks to the development of fingers, a projection of the "scheme of the human body" is formed in the brain, and speech reactions are in direct proportion to the fitness of the fingers. In parallel with the development of motor skills, all types of perception develop, for example, vision, touch, the sense of muscles and joints. This is a condition for the child to be able to understand what is in his hands. Fine motor skills help the child to explore, compare, classify the things around him, and thus allow him to better understand the world in which he lives. They help the child to take care of himself.

Fine motor skills help the child to express himself through creativity - play, plastic, help to increase the child's self-esteem. They make it easier for him to participate in games and (at school age) in work, i.e. provide an opportunity to gain social experience, the ability to look, grab, put and put an object in the right place, manipulate objects, draw, handle a book; pick, sort and select; form an idea of ​​the immutability of the existence of objects.

The hand gives rise to the development of thinking. In the process of activity, the muscles of the hands perform three main functions: organs of movement, organs of cognition, energy accumulators (both for the muscles themselves and for other organs). If the child touches any object, then the muscles and skin of the hands at this time "teach" the eyes and brain to see, touch, distinguish, remember.

The grip using the fold between the thumb and forefinger develops at age 5. Movement is now increasingly limited, and includes only the forearm, wrist, and fingers. At first, this grip is quite high, but as it develops, the movement drops down and the pencil is held low with the help of the thumb, index and middle fingers. A child at this age can cut zigzags, circles and waves; draw with a brush without pressing hard on the paper.

Thumb opposition develops last, at about the age of six: the thumb must be able to touch the tips of each of the other fingers. The thumb becomes so mobile that with its participation you can make a ring and you can bend it (finger) across the palm with your fingernail up. If the thumb cannot stand "opposite" the tips of the other fingers or turn, as described above, then the child does not develop a grip with "forceps".

At the age of 7, a child can use both hands for the first time in a coordinated manner, such as eating with a knife and fork. He has an adult external grip when drawing, writing and holding a spoon. The child can cut food by himself, cut out shapes in the form of letters S, Z and spirals, and can also freely hold a pen while writing.

Older preschool children are happy to work with paper and cloth, unlike younger preschoolers, they already have practical skills and master basic techniques.

Particular attention must be paid to training movements of increased complexity, that is, those that our fingers do not do in everyday life. It is this training of the fingers that gives a visible and quick effect. After two months of training the fingers, the hand is completely ready for writing. Finger movements become precise and coordinated. Then, under the guidance of educators, children perform work in writing-books.

Thus, scientists have noticed that systematic work on training fine movements of the fingers, along with a stimulating effect on the development of speech, is a powerful means of increasing the performance of the cerebral cortex, children improve attention, memory, hearing, and vision. The development of fine motor skills in preschool age is also important because the child's entire future life will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform a variety of household and educational activities. The upcoming educational activity will require the child to have a certain level of readiness for fine movements of the fingers to perform small, precise, varied actions. His musculature must be sufficiently developed, his movements must be coordinated and precise.

1.2 Problems of the development of fine motor skills

The problems of the development of fine motor skills have been studied for a long time. Many scientists have shown in their research the role of the motor-kinesthetic analyzer in the development of speech and thinking, and also proved that the first and main congenital form of activity is the motor one. I.P. Pavlov believed that speech is muscle sensations that go from the speech organs to the cerebral cortex. Many scientists, including modern scientists, believe that all the abilities of children are at their fingertips. The development of fine motor skills of the hands is important for the speech development of the child. Currently, a lot of exercises have been developed that help develop digital motor skills, we will look at them a little later.

The famous book by M.M. Koltsova "The child learns to speak" (MM & MS, 2004), it emphasizes the importance of the development of fine motor skills of the hands for the development of the child's speech. A number of observations and studies led the author to the conclusion that there are age-related characteristics. For example, the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then the development of speech is also within the normal range, but if the development of fingers lags behind, the development of speech lags behind. In his book, M.M. Koltsova talks about such studies as the relationship between the function of the hand and speech. They turned out to be related, and finger training is a powerful physiological stimulus for the development of speech in children. (M.M. & M.S., 2004)

1.3 Age features of the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children

Development happens gradually. As mentioned above, this happens sequentially, starting from the neonatal period. We stopped at the fact that the child, starting to take and hold the object, transfers the object, for example, some kind of toy from hand to hand. Begins to recognize objects at a distance. When grabbing an object, the thumb and the terminal phalanges of others are involved. In play, the child begins to explore objects in different ways. At the age of 1.6-3 years, the child develops visual perception of objects. And also a dominant hand appears, which can change over time. At the age of 3-4 years, the child should be able to circle around the kennels, take the ball well. At the age of 4-5 years, the child should paint over simple shapes. Copy block letters. Draw different circles, squares, diagonals, etc. For example, drawing a little man. At 5-6 years old, you should have the skills to accurately paint pictures, write letters and numbers.

The development of hand motor skills can have its own age characteristics. At the age of 1-2 years, a child can hold two objects in one hand, draw various scribbles with a pencil, turn the pages of a book. At the age of 2-3 years, a child can open various boxes and take out their contents, play with sand, string beads, sculpt unpretentious figures from plasticine or clay. At 3-4 years old, he clearly holds a pencil or pen with his fingers, collects and builds various buildings from cubes and much more. At 4-5 years old, he draws with pencils, identifies objects in a bag by touch, sculpts several parts from plasticine, i.e. e.g. arms, legs, head, etc. Knows how to lace up shoes.

Normally, by the age of 6-7 years, the maturation of certain areas of the brain, which are responsible for fine motor skills and the development of speech, ends. Accordingly, they begin to develop fine motor skills long before entering school. This means that parents and employees of child care institutions should be actively involved in this. In general, it is necessary to develop fine motor skills from an early age, for example, in babies of newborns, you can massage the fingertips, everyone knows such games as "Magpie" and much like that. All this has a beneficial effect. A lot of time should be devoted to games, exercises, etc. all this will help develop the child intellectually, and generally spend time in a pleasant game with the baby. And in the future it will have a favorable effect on school education. Parents should notice all the "little things" in the child's behavior in games and hobbies. Also, kids need to instill self-care, for example, learn how to fasten buttons, lace up shoes, hold a spoon, etc. In preschool age, the development of motor skills is the main and integral part.

For the development of fine motor skills of the hand, many interesting methods and techniques have been developed; a variety of stimulating materials are used. In preschool institutions, teachers use the accumulated experience in this area and the basic principle of didactics: from simple to complex. The selection of games and exercises, their intensity, quantitative and qualitative composition varies depending on the individual and age characteristics of children. It is believed that for the versatile harmonious development of the motor functions of the hand, it is necessary to train the hand in various movements - for compression, for stretching, for relaxation.

For this, the following techniques are used:

The systematic nature of games and exercises. You should not expect immediate results, since the automation of a skill develops by repeating it many times.

Sequence (from simple to complex).

All games and exercises should be conducted at the request of the child, against a positive emotional background. Any achievement of the child must be judged.

There are a huge number of games and exercises that develop small muscles. They can be roughly divided into several groups: games for the development of tactile perception, games with water and sand, folk finger games, exercises with objects, laying out games, stringing games, games with constructors, etc.

Productive activities are widely used in the development of fine motor skills - drawing, modeling, applique, design, embroidery. It is necessary to instill in children a love of natural materials, clay, plasticine. This is a very difficult and painstaking work, which also develops the strength of the hand and fingers, provides a change in the tone of the musculature of the hands. Exercises using paper are no less interesting and useful for the development of fingers. It can be crumpled, torn, smoothed, cut.

Drawing plays a special role. Children draw with tools that are similar in shape, holding and action to the pen, which is used to write at school. The drawings show how fine motor skills develop, what level it reaches at each age stage. Parents are often involved in this process: weekend work, drawing contests, exhibitions of family works, etc. Of course, mastering drawing, modeling, embroidery, paper-making, a child cannot learn to write. But all these types of productive activities make the child's hand skillful.

So, starting work with children and setting a goal for themselves, parents and teachers confidently and purposefully move forward towards achieving it. Having developed their own methods and techniques for this and using them in working with children, positive dynamics will certainly be noticeable, and most importantly, the ability of children to use cutlery (a cup, spoon) correctly, dress and undress independently, wash and dry their hands thoroughly will develop, children quickly learn to use scissors, a brush, a pencil. By creating in the group the necessary developmental environment conducive to the development of fine motor skills, taking into account the age characteristics of children, having received the support and help of parents, teachers continue to achieve their goal.

Thus, purposeful, systematic and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands in preschool children in interaction with their parents contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, positively affects the speech zones of the cerebral cortex, and most importantly, contributes to the preservation of the child's physical and mental health. And all this directly prepares him for successful schooling.

Chapter 2. Manual labor as a means of developing fine motor skills of hands

2.1 Manual labor in the development of preschool children

Manual labor is closely related to cognitive development, which helps to enrich the consciousness of children with new content, to systematize the accumulated and received information, to develop artistic and creative abilities and a positive-emotional perception of the world around them. The varieties of manual labor are repeated in age groups, only the content, the amount of cognitive material, the complexity and duration of the study change.

Through manual labor in the preschool period, psychological processes are actively developed, voluntary attention and memory, creative imagination are formed, new feelings are born (friendship, duty, etc.). Preschool age brings the child new fundamental achievements. Manual labor has a beneficial effect on the psyche of the child, as it calms and relaxes it. Doing a favorite and interesting thing, be it sewing, embroidery, or applique work, a child can throw out emotional tension outside, he has a break in tension, and calms down. This allows adults to track the inner state of the child. The lesson helps to adequately express the emotional state of the preschooler: anger, resentment, pain, joy.

2.2 What does manual labor develop in children?

Manual labor contributes to the development of sensomotor skills - consistency in the work of the eyes and hands, improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making crafts, a system of special skills is gradually formed. The development of creative constructive abilities takes into account the individual capabilities of each child. Promotes the development of thinking, attention, visual perception, imagination of children, fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements. Perseverance, independence, the ability to bring the work started to the end are brought up.

Engaging the child with manual labor, we help him in the development of fine motor skills of the hands. The reasons for the lag in the development of fine motor skills of hands must be associated with the current level of scientific and technological progress. This is due to the fact that it is easier for parents to put a child at a computer or TV, turning on cartoons for several hours, then the child will not distract from adult affairs. It is more difficult to engage in useful work with children and in the form of manual labor - this requires attention, care, patience, and time.

The development of the hand is closely related to the development of the child's speech and thinking.

In the younger preschool age, manual labor consists of a variety of objective activities:

Fastening and unfastening buttons;

Lace-up shoes;

Lacing on special frames;

Stringing rings on braid;

Mosaic games;

Sorting mosaics by cells;

Games with constructors;

Sorting out cereals, grains.

Manual labor can help relieve stress, help express feelings and engage unsociable children in social activity.

Practice has confirmed that the level of speech development in children is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. As a rule, if the movements of the fingers are developed in accordance with age, then the speech development of the child is within the age norm.

Therefore, training the movements of the fingers and hands is the most important factor that stimulates the child's speech development, contributes to the improvement of articulatory movements, the preparation of the hand for writing and, no less important, a powerful tool that increases the efficiency of the cerebral cortex, stimulating the development of the child's thinking.

Through manual labor, it is possible to determine the level of development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements, which is an indicator of intellectual development and, therefore, readiness for schooling. Children often have severe difficulty learning writing skills. Lack of preparation for writing, insufficient development of fine motor skills can lead to a negative attitude towards learning, an anxious state of the child at school. Therefore, at preschool age, it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate practical motor experience, to develop the skills of manual skill.

Manual labor will have a beneficial effect on the overall development of the child, help him to become more independent and self-confident. By the end of preschool age, the child's hands become more mobile and flexible, which contributes to the successful mastering of writing skills in the future.

2.3 Analysis of work on the development of fine motor skills of hands

Having started working with this group and observing the children, I noticed that the children did not hold a pencil correctly, they did not hold a spoon well, they had difficulties when performing the first work on appliqué, sculpting, and drawing. They did not develop self-service skills. Fine motor skills are poorly developed. At the beginning of her work, she conducted a diagnostic examination of the state of fine motor skills in children with the aim of identifying the level of development of fine motor skills of the hands. For diagnostics, I used tasks of varying degrees of difficulty.

At the first stage, I diagnosed the coordination work of the left and right hands.

For this, the children performed the following exercises:

1. The child is invited to put his hands in front of him - one clenched into a fist, and the other - straightened, then he must simultaneously change the position of both hands (slowly).

2. "Walk" with your fingers (on the table alternately with the index and middle of both hands)

3. "Bending the fingers" (alternately bend the fingers, starting with the little finger).

4. "Pinch-palm" - "palm-pinch" (connect all the fingers of the left hand, depicting the beak of a woodpecker (pinch), tap on the right, vertically open palm and transfer these movements to the other hand).

5. Make a movement - alternating fist-rib palm, repeat with the other hand, and then with both hands at the same time.

6. "Jump" (with the fingers of both hands, starting with the little finger In addition to finger exercises, I also used various graphic exercises. At the second stage of diagnostics, I used the following methods:

1. The child was asked to sketch the image of the house as accurately as possible. After finishing the work, offer to check if everything is correct. Can fix it if he notices inaccuracies. This technique allows you to identify the ability to focus on the sample, to accurately copy it; the degree of development of voluntary attention, the formation of spatial perception.

2. Children were asked to circle the glomeruli and other drawings by points, while it is necessary to remind the child not to take the pencil off the paper. Connect the dots with one line.

3. Children were asked to shade the figure with straight lines, without going beyond its contours. We used different types of hatching: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, wavy lines, etc.

Diagnostic results: At each stage, various errors were identified when performing tasks. Stage of finger exercises: When performing the exercise, the child cannot smoothly transition from one movement to another; the movements are severed, isolated.

When performing the 2nd task, the inaccuracy was noted in the fact that not all fingers that were specified in the sample were included in the movements. Some children, when repeating this movement, walk with their ring and middle fingers or middle and index fingers, attaching the ring finger from time to time. A significant error was observed when the child did not differentiate the movements of the fingers, acting all at the same time.

In the course of completing the third task, it turned out that some children find it difficult to differentiate hand movements without resorting to external help. In some cases, a retest is required to show the adult movement and movement is performed with enhanced visual control, with tension spreading to other parts of the body. Many children, after re-showing, were able to bend their fingers themselves, but in some cases the children were not able to perform the movement at all on their own. In the course of performing the 4th task, difficulties arose in changing the phases of movements and grouping fingers into a pinch. Similar difficulties arose when performing the fist-palm-rib movement. Fulfillment of the 6th task caused difficulties in almost all children: the children either tapped with all their fingers at the same time, or made movements very slowly, incorrectly performed movements with both hands at the same time. The stage of graphic exercises: 50% of the children who needed little help from the teacher coped satisfactorily with drawing the house, for the rest of the children the task caused very great difficulties: they could not hold the pencil correctly, did not at all correlate the sample and what they did. The mistakes were: replacement of one element with another; absence of an element; gaps between lines where they should be connected; strong skewing of the pattern. When drawing by points, children often tore off a pencil, did not understand in what sequence to connect the points, and could not draw a line correctly. But, nevertheless, 60% of the children successfully completed the task, the rest did it with my help, 10% of the children needed to be guided over the paper, since they could not do it on their own. Hatching also caused great difficulties for the children: they did not understand in what sequence to place the lines, they simply tried to "paint". In addition, they very often crawled out of the contour of the drawing. After several repetitions, 40% of the children successfully completed the task, the rest - with my help.

The performed diagnostics of the development of fine motor skills showed that 70% of children have a low level of development of fine motor skills, and 30% have an average level.

Considering the importance of the problem of the development of fine motor skills, I decided to carry out in-depth work with the children in this direction, working in contact with parents.

Before starting work, I identified several directions for myself:

The first direction is the development of fine motor skills of the hands through finger gymnastics, hand massage using a variety of objects, didactic games. Finger gymnastics contributes to the development of the speech centers of the cerebral cortex. The technique and meaning of finger gymnastics is that the nerve endings of the hands affect the child's brain and brain activity is activated. In other words, the formation of a child's speech is carried out under the influence of impulses coming from the hands.

Finger gymnastics helps the child learn to be a real master of his fingers, to perform complex manipulations with objects, and therefore, to climb one more step of the steep staircase leading to the heights of knowledge and skills.

To solve this problem, it was decided to create a mini-center "Fine motor skills" in the group. For the content filling of the center, it was necessary to study the existing experience in this direction. It turned out that many games and manuals can be made by hand. Today the mini-center is equipped with factory games: different kinds constructors: magnetic, soft, wooden, "Small Lego"; magnetic games, lacing; Voskobovich's games: "Miracle - crosses", "Miracle - flower"; Nikitin's games: "Fold the Pattern", "Fold the Square"; and games made by parents: "nuts" "Cinderella", didactic games.

The card index of finger games and exercises has become a great help in working with children. Parents also took part in its preparation - they shared their experience of family education. This variety of games allows children to develop different muscle groups in their arms. In addition, such games develop perseverance, attention and other mental processes necessary for successful schooling. The mini-center is replenished regularly, depending on the age characteristics of the children.

The second direction is working with paper. I often use origami in my work with children. The guys and I often make crafts using the origami method. Children give their "toys" to their parents for the holidays. Origami acquaints children with methods of transforming geometric shapes, develops constructive and creative abilities, fine motor skills of hands, spatial orientation, the ability to analyze, plan, create a structure according to a model, and educate children to be industrious. Children are very attracted by the opportunity to make paper crafts that can be used in games, dramatizations - this is origami. Designing from paper presents some difficulties for preschool children, since paper is a flat material and must be converted into three-dimensional forms. Therefore, it is necessary from the very beginning to teach children the simplest techniques of working with paper. Reproduction of actions shown by an adult is not just a mechanical operation for a child. He has to constantly think, measure his actions, make sure that when bending, opposite sides and angles coincide.

The third direction is working with plasticine.

Children love to sculpt. Sculpting is one of the most exciting, interesting and favorite types of children's activities. Such activities are interesting and varied. Children are happy to complete tasks. motor skills preschool manual labor

The fourth direction is working with fabric. One of the ways to improve your finger motor skills is embroidery. Accuracy and coordination of movements develops in the child during the embroidery process. This work requires more complex hand movements, dexterity of the fingers. Children learn to coordinate the movement of their hands and eyes.

When planning manual labor, I always take into account the age-psychological, individual characteristics and physical capabilities of children.

To achieve positive results in the development of the child, it is impossible to limit ourselves only to the work carried out within the walls of the kindergarten. It is known that not a single task of raising and developing a child can be solved without the participation of parents. Parents are the most interested and active participants in the educational process. In my turn, when interacting with parents, I use movable folders, regularly conduct individual conversations: I recommend parents to give more independence when dressing: to button and unfasten buttons, buttons, zippers on their own, as these actions form manual skill. For parents, I held a series of consultations on how to organize this activity. Parents can see their children's works at exhibitions. The stands are regularly updated for the holidays. Also, parents are actively involved in the manufacture of handicrafts.

Working on the development of fine motor skills in children, you can achieve certain results. Based on the work done, I was able to convince myself that manual labor labor education is an effective method for the development of fine motor skills of the hands. According to my observations, the coordination of the articulatory apparatus improves in children, the general coordination of movements improves. Systematic work in this direction made it possible to achieve the following positive results: children became more attentive, assiduous, communicate more with the teacher and their peers, the vocabulary of words was replenished, the hand acquires good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, pressure changes, which further helps children easily master the skill of writing.


The work carried out has yielded positive results.

Experience has shown that systematic work on the development of hand motor skills in the kindergarten group and the family contributed to:

Improving fine motor skills of hands

Improvement of spatial representations (orientation on the sheet, in space on the example of your own body);

Improving active speech, vocabulary;

Improving thinking, memory, attention, visual and auditory perception;

Improving the skills of educational activities.

But on this, I think, it is not necessary to stop. It is necessary to look for new interesting forms of interaction with children and their parents.

1. Continue to work together with parents on the development of fine and general motor skills, which positively affects the development of children's speech.

2. Continue to replenish the card index of games for the development of fine and general motor skills.

3. Continue to introduce children to various techniques of productive activity;

4. Monitor new developments, manuals, literature in the development of fine motor skills in children;


1. Artemov A.V. "Decorative and applied art", ed., M., 1990

2. Navitskaya OP "Mind at your fingertips. Fun finger games. Little tips for parents." M., 2006

3. Aksenova M.N. "The development of fine hand movements in children with speech impairments."

4. Koltsova M.M. "Development of motor skills".

5. Strogonova I.A. "Preschool education, the development of fine motor skills of the child's hand."

6. Fine motor skills in the psychophysical development of children. Magazine "Preschool education" No. 1, 2005

7. Gatanova N.V. I develop fine motor skills. S.-P., 2000

8. Development of fine motor skills of hands in children 5-7 years old. Magazine "Preschool education" No. 3, 2005

9. Exercises for the correct development of fine motor skills of the hands. Magazine "Preschool education" No. 9, 1998

10. Solovyova N.G. "Acquaintance of preschool children with the outside world with the help of paper plastic technique" Iris Press 2004.

11. Gorunovich E. "The content and methods of teaching children 5-6 years of age decorative activities and manual art work." - Minsk, 1989.

12. Davydova, G.N. "Plasticineography. Floral motives". - M., - 2011

13. Koshelev V.M. "Artistic and manual labor in kindergarten". - M .: - "Education", 2002

14. Sokolova S. V. "Origami for preschoolers". - S.-P., 2001

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"Development of fine motor skills of hands in children through artistic creativity."

Slide 1 The development of fine motor skills is of great importance for children. It promotes the development of speech and thinking

Slide 2 The main task is to develop the ability to express their impressions in speech, express judgments, assessments; develop aesthetic feelings, emotions, experiences; To form the ability to independently create artistic images in various activities;

to create pedagogical conditions for the development of speech and thinking in children through the development of fine motor skills by introducing the child to artistic creativity; develop fine motor skills of hands in a variety of activities; manual labor, modeling, design, applique, drawing.

Slide 3. And also the development of fine motor skills is influenced by: finger games, gymnastics, finger exercises, theater at the fingertips, educational activities directly, especially artistic creativity. Therefore, I have developed a cycle of complex unconventional drawing lessons on pasta.

Slide 4. Have you ever noticed how beautiful and varied in shape pasta are on store shelves?

So many small and rather large sculptural details you will not see in prepackaged bags. It seems that they are not made of dough, but molded from white clay or smooth translucent plastic.

I just want to not only cook a delicious dish out of them, but also create something original for decoration, because openwork circles, graceful shells, as if raised from the seabed, as if specially made in order to lay out ornamental compositions from them.

For children's creativity, special sets of plastic and other materials are sold (children can make beads, bracelets, mosaics and many other things from them).

But why buy special kits when you have pasta? Modern production offers a huge selection of pasta.

Slide 5... They all differ in shape: stars, spirals, bows and rings! A huge number of crafts can be made from them.

At the first stage, I introduced the children to various types of pasta. And what was their surprise when I offered them not to cook pasta, but to make beautiful, unusual applications from them.

Slide 6. I bring to your attention a number of ideas, inspired by which my pupils not only have fun, but also enjoy the results of their creativity!

Slide 7. We started out simple. They made a fur coat for a lamb, and then complicated the work, turning them into small plots.

Slide 8. All works were made of small and large vermicelli, PVA glue, gouache. If the child is still small, then the adult alternately draws the elements with PVA glue. For example, fireworks, grass, a boat, and the child sprinkles vermicelli on the glue (this is good for the development of fine motor skills). After the work has dried, you can start painting it with gouache.

Slide 9 - 16. Children participate with great enthusiasm in making the applique and enlivening the picture with bright colors and are looking forward to the next activities with great interest. After the cycle of the conducted classes, I noticed that the children became neat, diligent, they choose colors on their own, express their opinions and suggestions.

We also have lost the problem with the purchase of gifts, because it is not a shame to give such beauty to your family and friends.

And in the future, I plan to create a mini-museum "Pasta" in the group and combine it with an exhibition of children's works. Slide 17



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The project "Development of fine motor skills of hands in children through artistic creativity"

Purpose: The development of speech and thinking in children through the development of fine motor skills of the hands through the introduction of children to artistic creativity.

Project objectives: to form ideas about artistic creation in the form of people's creative activity; develop the ability to express their impressions in speech, express judgments, assessments; develop aesthetic feelings, emotions, experiences; teach to independently create artistic images in various activities; foster interest in artistic creation; contribute to the formation of an attitude towards obtaining a high-quality result and overcoming partial failures that are inevitable in the process of obtaining it. to create pedagogical conditions for the development of speech in children through the formation of fine motor skills of the hands by introducing the child to artistic creativity; develop fine motor skills of hands in a variety of activities

SYSTEM OF WORK FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF FINE MOTOR Finger games Finger gymnastics Finger exercises DEVELOPMENT OF MOTORICS theater classes applique modeling construction manual labor drawing fabric finger puppet table

"Types of pasta"

We make from vermicelli All works were made from small and large vermicelli, PVA glue, gouache. Have an adult alternately draw the elements with PVA glue. For example, fireworks, a wave, a boat, and the child sprinkles vermicelli on the glue (this is good for the development of fine motor skills). After the work has dried, you can start painting it with gouache.

Lamb These are simple crafts and you can connect even the smallest children to them. At 2-3 years old, the child will be happy to take part in the manufacture of the applique. In addition, making pasta crafts is good finger gymnastics. Did you know that developing fine motor skills helps the development of the brain?

Photo frame In addition, making pasta crafts is good finger gymnastics

Photo frame In addition, making pasta crafts is good finger gymnastics. The development of fine motor skills helps the development of the brain.

winter All works were performed by children of the middle group “Flower - seven-flower.

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You need to start work on the development of fine motor skills from a very early age. Already an infant can massage fingers (finger gymnastics), thereby affecting the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. At an early and junior preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises accompanied by a poetic text, do not forget about the development of basic self-service skills: buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying laces, etc.

And, of course, in preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and hand coordination should become an important part of preparing for school, in particular, for writing. If you do not want problems with writing in a first grader, or delayed speech in an older preschooler, you need to start appropriate developmental activities as early as possible. Such classes should be carried out regularly, in a system, without pressure and coercion.

Why is the development of fine motor skills of hands so important for children? The fact is that in the human brain the centers responsible for speech and movements of the fingers are very close. By stimulating fine motor skills and thus activating the corresponding parts of the brain, we also activate the neighboring areas responsible for speech.

In my work, I use various games and exercises to develop fine motor skills of hands:

  1. Modeling from clay and plasticine. This is very useful and has a great effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands, and you can sculpt not only from plasticine, clay and salt dough. If it's winter in the yard, what could be better than a snow woman or snowball games. And in the summer, you can build a fairy-tale castle from sand or small pebbles, twigs or cones.
  2. Drawing or coloring pictures is a favorite pastime for preschoolers and a good exercise for developing fine motor skills of the hands. An important role of the teacher is to pay attention to the variety of children's drawings and drawing techniques used.
  3. Making paper crafts. For example, cutting out geometric shapes with scissors yourself, drawing up patterns, making appliqués. Your child needs to be able to use scissors and glue. Based on the results of such work, it is possible to assess how developed the fine motor skills of the hands and the movements of the fingers of the preschooler are.
  4. Making crafts from natural materials: cones, acorns, straw, seeds and other available materials. In addition to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, these activities also develop the child's imagination and fantasy.
  5. Construction. Develops imaginative thinking, imagination, fine motor skills of hands.
  6. Fastening and unfastening buttons, buttons, hooks. A good workout for fingers, dexterity is improved and fine motor skills of the hands are developed.
  7. Tying and undoing ribbons, laces, knots on the rope. Each such movement has a huge impact on the development of fine motor skills of the baby's hands.
  8. Twisting and unscrewing can lids, bubbles, screws, nuts, etc. also improves the development of fine motor skills and dexterity of the baby's fingers.
  9. Suction and squeezing out water with a pipette, foam, straws, rags, etc. develops fine finger movements and improves general hand motor skills.
  10. Stringing beads and buttons. In summer, you can make beads from mountain ash, nuts, pumpkin and cucumber seeds, small fruits, etc. An interesting activity for the development of imagination, imagination and fine motor skills of hands.
  11. Weaving braids from threads, flower wreaths, etc.
  12. All kinds of handicrafts: knitting, embroidery, embossing, etc.
  13. Bulkhead croup, buttons, beads, etc. For example, put peas, buckwheat and rice in a small saucer and ask the child to sort it out. Development of touch, small movements of the fingers.
  14. Ball games, with cubes, mosaic, constructor.

One of the close and accessible types of work with children on the formation of fine motor skills is visual, artistic and productive activity. Iso activity brings a lot of joy and is inherent in children at the genetic level. But, as a rule, classes in a preschool institution are more often reduced to a standard set of materials and traditional methods of transmitting the information received.

The visual activity of preschoolers as a type of artistic activity should be emotional, creative. And the teacher must create all the conditions for this: first of all, provide an emotional-figurative perception of reality, form aesthetic feelings and ideas, develop figurative thinking and imagination, teach children how to create images by means of their expressive solution. A small child has a special acuity of perception. What is emotionally perceived in childhood is remembered for a lifetime.

Probably, everyone could give examples of the bright talents of young children, which delighted and amazed adults. In preschool and even primary school age, the creative manifestations of children are quite noticeable and interesting. Therefore, it is necessary at preschool age to expand the child's experience in order to create solid foundations for his creativity.

The creativity of the preschooler is inextricably linked with the work of the imagination, cognitive and practical activities. The freedom of creative expression of a preschooler is determined not only by figurative representations and the desire to convey them in his work, but also by how he owns the means of representation.

The assimilation by children in the learning process of various options for images, techniques will contribute to their creative development.

The motivation for success when using non-traditional iso-techniques is preserved due to the peculiarities of their use: the speed and relative ease of obtaining silhouettes or details of the desired shape, their proximity to real-life forms and textures, and, finally, the novelty of the method as a factor in retaining attention.

As an example, I present a presentation for the lesson “Pasta Fantasy”, in which the children chose pasta as the material for the applique. Alternatively, different materials can be used for the same work: natural materials, seeds, small buttons, sequins, beads, cereals, sawdust, etc.

Klyuchnikova Elena Vasilievna
Proskurina Natalia Egorovna
MBDOU DS No. 61 "Sevensvetik"
Starooskolsky urban district

In the course of observing the activities of children of the first junior group in direct educational and independent activity and analyzing it, the teacher identified the need for the development of fine motor skills. Because the kids had poorly developed visual-motor coordination. Preschoolers got tired quickly and had low working capacity. Not everyone has developed self-service skills. Before starting the practical part of her work, the teacher studied the following provisions: younger preschoolers feel an increased need for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers through visual activity. Thanks to her, visual-motor coordination develops, the hand functions develop; productive artistic and creative activity arouses pleasant feelings and emotions in children, which have a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills; in the visual activity, preschoolers show creative activity, to which a variety of components of the psyche are attracted: sensation, perception, memory and attention, thinking and coherent speech. This means that there is an activation of all cognitive processes.

The practical part of the teacher's work was carried out in the form of cooperation between the teacher and the children. For this, a long-term plan was developed for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers of younger preschoolers through artistic and creative activities. Starting from the first junior group, the teacher gradually implemented technology for the development of fine motor skills in children through visual activity through a series of successive stages: creating motivation for the acquisition of artistic and creative skills; familiarizing children with the means and methods of developing fine motor skills through visual activity; creative application in productive activities. The teacher began her work on the development of fine motor skills in preschoolers with the normalization of the tone of the hands. For this purpose, massage of the palms, games and exercises, finger warm-ups are used, which are carried out systematically ("We stroke our hands with brushes", "Rolling balls, pencils, felt-tip pens, etc. between palms). Children especially like finger gymnastics. It provides good training for finger movements ( "Buds", "Butterfly", "Walking Men", "On a Visit to the Big Thumb ...", "My Family", etc. )

The use of playful self-massage, accompanied by easy-to-remember verses, allows you to organize funny and emotional moments of relaxation and at the same time increases work efficiency. For a more effective solution to the problem of the development of fine motor skills of hands in children, the teacher in the group created a subject-developing environment. In the public domain there are many games, manuals and toys for the development of fine motor skills. The corner of artistic and creative activity is perfectly equipped. Selected sets of paints, felt-tip pens, colored and wax pencils, watercolor crayons and soft plasticine. Stencil templates for lexical topics for tracing, coloring, shading. There are colored and white paper, cardboard, wallpaper, paper of different tones and textures, stickers, self-adhesive film. A large number of non-standard equipment (pokes, blowing tubes, cotton swabs, stamps, brushes, foam rubber, seals). A variety of materials for classes with non-traditional techniques of visual activity: colored napkins, corrugated paper, candy wrappers, natural material, cereals, etc. All material, manuals and games are freely available for children. Based on the variety of drawing techniques in visual activities and taking into account the capabilities of children, the teacher enriched the technical side of children's drawing by a variety of ways of working with traditional and new materials, as well as combining different materials and techniques in one drawing. This contributed to the development of fine motor skills of hands and tactile perception in preschoolers, spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eye and visual perception, attention and perseverance, visual skills and abilities, observation, aesthetic perception and emotional responsiveness.

Introducing children to non-traditional art techniques , the teacher teaches them to hold a stick, a piece of foam rubber, other material, pleasant to the touch, with three fingers, achieving free movement of the hand during the activity. For two years, the teacher has been working on the introduction of methods for the development of fine motor skills of hands and mental functions of children of younger preschool age in the process of mastering elementary techniques of working with paper in the technique of napkin application on an adhesive basis. Children are happy to do this applique, getting satisfaction in the form of finished work that decorates the group. ("Butterfly and Spring", "The First Snowdrops" "I Was Born!" Children are given a choice of paper color, texture. The teacher with the students ponders the topic and comes up with a plot. ( "Eternal Flame", "Tie for Dad", "Fairy Clouds", "Fluffy Chicken", "Elegant Dress" ). The artistic technique of creating appliqués is very useful for the development of fine motor skills of hands and creativity. By constructing various works out of paper, the child finds their use in games, uses them in everyday life. Children give their masterpieces to their families, decorate a group with a teacher, a reception. The teacher associates the main activity of preschoolers with the examination of objects. Pupils love to play with sand, drawing zigzag and circular movements on it, create prints of bizarre patterns on the surface of the sand: the sun, grass, bunny, clouds, cars, line the drawings with pebbles, seeds. In activities that develop fine motor skills, the teacher found application for cereals (peas, semolina, buckwheat, millet, etc.) The teacher offers preschoolers boards with a rolled layer of plasticine for laying out different cereals. Children like to make a path from peas for a bun, a sun from millet and pasta, clouds from beans, snow from semolina, etc. ( "Cheerful Snowman", "Breakfast for the Birds", "The Sun and the Clouds", "White Snow Falls" ). These exercises are fun for toddlers.

In independent activities, the pupils lay out patterns from bottle caps, plastic sticks, geometric shapes, etc. Children practice by tracing squares, circles along the contour, stencils of all kinds of animals and birds. A good workout for developing fine motor skills of the fingers is to trace the finished drawings. In order to develop the manual skill of children of primary preschool age, the teacher devotes a lot of time to such creativity as plasticineography. This technique brings novelty to the activities of kids, makes working with plasticine more fun and interesting. Children are happy to "draw with plasticine" funny animals, marine life, nature. ( "Favorite animal", "Fish in the aquarium" ). The teacher pays special attention to the individual characteristics of each child, his age, mood, desire and capabilities. There are children who feel bad about their body, cannot sit for a long time, get tired. The teacher is constantly in contact with the child. Game tasks, thanks to which the child's hand became more flexible, obedient to the eye, were voluntary, and the result was discussed only positively. Not a single task of raising and developing a child can be solved without the participation of the family. That is why working with parents is one of the most important areas in this area. Only systematic work on the development of fine motor skills can achieve positive results. Therefore, the teacher has drawn up a long-term plan of work with parents, in which a series of events has been developed on the topic of experience.

Thus, purposeful, systematic and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills of hands in children of primary preschool age in interaction with parents gave good results: increased interest of preschoolers in joint productive activities and experimentation with art materials; the individual pace of work ensured the output of each child to his own, higher level of development for him; parents have developed a need to take an active part in the creative activities of children at home.


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