The baby is 15 weeks in the womb. Possible deviations from the norm. When the baby starts to push

The 15th week of pregnancy is already the second trimester of the gestation period. At this period, everything proceeds quite well: there is no such pronounced toxicosis as before, the stomach does not interfere with work and household chores yet, and there is always time to carefully prepare for the upcoming motherhood.

This period is characterized by major changes in the development of the fetus. At this time, an ultrasound scan can easily determine the future man, since the fetus has already formed sufficiently and has outgrown the stage when it looked like a shapeless lump of life. The growth of the baby at 15 weeks is about 10 cm, the weight is around 40 g, the chest has grown in diameter to 25 mm, and the hips have already reached 1 cm in length.

By week 15, the belly has noticeably increased, so it's time for the expectant mother to think about changing her wardrobe to more spacious clothes.

By this time, the uterine fundus is located below the navel at a level of 7 to 10 cm.Other signs of pregnancy at this stage are:

  • The formation of age spots on the skin of the hands and face, this will be especially evident in women with dark skin. Occasionally, a brown line appears between the pubic region and the navel.
  • Infrequent nipple discharge of colostrum. It does not need to be squeezed out, as well as to switch to any special means for breast care.
  • Darkening of the nipples. This is due to the fact that the body begins to intensively produce melamine.
  • Frequent bouts of bloating. This stage of pregnancy is characterized by increased levels of the hormone progesterone, which affects intestinal muscle tone. The metabolism in them begins to proceed more slowly, which causes increased gas formation.
  • Heartburn. It is from this week that a woman begins to suffer from regular bouts of heartburn and indigestion, which will accompany pregnancy almost until the birth itself. This phenomenon is caused by an increase in the pressure of the uterus on the stomach. Along with heartburn, salivation periodically increases.
  • Inflammation and bleeding of the gums. Many women develop tooth decay and sometimes more serious dental disease throughout their pregnancy. Therefore, you should not neglect visits to the dentist.
  • Insomnia. Due to the increased size of the abdomen, it becomes uncomfortable for a woman to sleep in her usual positions. She can often wake up and stay awake for a long time. At this stage, it is very important to choose a position that will make you sleep comfortably without squeezing your stomach. The best option is on your side, with bent knees, between which you can put a pillow. In addition to convenience, this position is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.

Sometimes the temperature may rise in the evening. If it is less than 38 degrees, there is nothing to worry about, but if it is higher and lasts longer than a day, it is recommended to take an antipyretic, for example, paracetamol. Sometimes the temperature can indicate the development of infectious diseases, so it will not be superfluous to visit a doctor with such a symptom.

Week 15 is often characterized by the appearance of cramps and pain. Cramps that occur in the calf muscles, as well as crumbling teeth and peeling nails, are a clear sign of a lack of calcium in the body. At this stage, the child's skeletal system begins to actively form, while the fetus intensively consumes this element from the mother's body. Therefore, you need to introduce into the diet as many calcium-rich foods as possible.

Pain in the tailbone area is normal for 15 weeks of pregnancy. They occur due to the fact that the uterus begins to squeeze the nerve endings. To minimize these sensations, it is recommended that you sit less in the same position, choose only hard surfaces for sitting, and do simple exercises regularly.

Stomach pain is a very common problem this week. Depending on the nature of these pains, their causes may be different. Most often, the stomach hurts due to the growth of the uterus, in which the muscles are rapidly stretched. If the pain is pulling, radiates to the lumbar region, and periodically there are contractions accompanied by bloody discharge, an urgent need to go to the hospital, since such symptoms may indicate the threat of termination of pregnancy.

If you have back or lower back pain, especially if they are accompanied by an increase in temperature and painful urination, you should definitely consult your doctor. Such signs are characteristic of kidney disease, including pyelonephritis.

Headaches at 15 weeks are common in pregnant women. You should not immediately rush to the first-aid kit and take a handful of analgesics. Often, small walks in the fresh air, a warm shower, a good rest, or a cup of aromatic tea help relieve headaches. If these measures do not help, you can drink paracetamol.

Feelings of a pregnant woman

The second trimester of pregnancy is almost the quietest time. Emotional explosions are almost gone. Some women are more likely to feel sleepy, while others experience a burst of energy.

For the 15th week of pregnancy, the following sensations are characteristic:

  • Often a stuffy nose. This is caused by a restructuring of the hormonal background, in which due to rush of blood, swelling of the mucous membranes occurs, including in the nose. Sometimes nosebleeds occur. These phenomena are absolutely normal and there is no need to worry about them, as they will disappear over time.
  • Shortness of breath. The uterus grows, gradually squeezing the diaphragm more and more, which causes these attacks.
  • Dizziness. These are also natural phenomena typical for this period of pregnancy. If fainting occurs, it is best to see a doctor.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen.
  • Fetal movements - movements in the intestines, gurgling, discomfort. Such sensations are more often experienced by women with a lean physique and asthenic body shape.
  • Pressure surges. It is at the 15th week that the blood volume in the pregnant woman's body increases by about 20%. This can cause tachycardia attacks, arrhythmias, and pressure drops. Healthy women should not worry about this. But if there are any diseases of the heart and blood vessels, you should carefully monitor your condition, regularly consulting a cardiologist.

During this period, women often experience absent-mindedness, it is difficult for them to concentrate on any one thing. But this does not mean that a sedentary and recumbent lifestyle will be preferable. If there are no health problems, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, as before.

Discharge of the body at 15 weeks

Any bleeding at this time requires the utmost attention, although it does not always pose a threat to the child's life. In some cases, this problem occurs due to damage to the cervix, or an injury to the abdomen. It happens that blood begins to flow as a result of a bursting vessel or in case of erosive diseases.

Certain types of discharge require medical attention, as they may indicate a serious illness.

The following indicators should cause concern:

  • pungent unpleasant odor;
  • curdled consistency;
  • green or yellow tint, the presence of pus;
  • the discharge leaves marks on clothes or bedding.

If the discharge is accompanied by itching, pain and burning sensation when urinating, as well as redness and swelling of the genitals, you should definitely check with a gynecologist.

Fetus at 15 weeks gestation

At this time, the fetus already looks like a person. The skin on his body is reddish in color, it is still very thin and translucent, through it you can see the vessels of his circulatory system. The baby's heart is now actively working and almost 24 liters of blood passes through it per day, for the production of which the bone marrow is responsible.

A fluff forms on the baby's body, and on the scalp and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyebrows it is harder than on other parts of the body. It is at this time that an enzyme begins to be produced in the baby's body, which is responsible for the color of the hair on the head. Now the child's skeletal system is growing very actively, so at this stage his body needs a regular supply of calcium from his mother's body.

Baby at 15 weeks pregnant - ultrasound ultrasound - 15 weeks pregnant

The baby's body is gaining more and more flexibility and mobility. His hands are already well bent at the joints, and his fingers can clench into fists. Sometimes the baby brings his hand to his mouth and sucks his thumb - his body begins to prepare for future breastfeeding. He is already successfully swallowing, consuming amniotic fluid.

The kid can already distinguish sounds and can react to the noise coming from outside - the voices of people, loud bangs or clinking of dishes. His eyes have not yet opened, but a bright light directed at his stomach can provoke a reaction in him - the child begins to turn his head and move. Such activity of the fetus can cause discomfort in a pregnant woman, so it is not recommended to bare your belly under bright sunlight during this period.

By the 15th week, the kidneys of the child are already sufficiently developed to carry out the process of urination. The fluid from his body is excreted into the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus. The formed gallbladder is also included in the work. The lungs and digestive system continue to actively form.

The child's movements are chaotic, although he is already able to respond to touch and pain. Most deciduous teeth are already formed.

It is at this time that the child begins to develop sexual self-identification. His brain begins to work according to one of the programs - either female or male. The boy turns on the production of testosterone in the gonads, the girls' hormonal system will start working a little later.


At 15 weeks gestation, the growth of the fetus has already reached the stage when it lacks the reserves of the mother's body. Therefore, a woman at this time should receive at least 200 kcal per day more than before.

The choice of the correct and balanced diet is the most important issue for a woman at any stage of pregnancy. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of nutrition in the second trimester, when the child's potential for future health is laid.

First of all, it is necessary to take care of the intake of a sufficient amount of proteins into the body, which are used to build a developing organism. To do this, you should eat 150-200 g of meat daily. It is not advisable to buy meat products in large retail chains - there it is often treated with chemicals so that it is stored longer and does not deteriorate during transportation. These substances are not always safe for the baby's fragile body. Therefore, it is better to buy meat on the market, or directly from livestock breeders.

At least twice a week, you should eat fish instead of meat. Best if the fish is boiled, baked or steamed. Fried and smoked foods are often not recommended. It is also best to avoid very fatty fish.

Fermented milk products, eggs and, in particular, cottage cheese should become constant companions of a woman's daily diet at 15 weeks of gestation. A day you need to eat one egg, 50-100 g of cottage cheese, a little cheese and drink a glass of kefir.

Vegetables and fruits are equally important because they contain a lot of valuable trace elements and vitamins. Every day you need to eat at least 300 g of fruit and about half a kilogram of vegetables. It is desirable to buy vegetables and fruits at the market as well as meat. Ideally, grow them yourself on your site.

The diet should also be considered depending on the state of health.

If the pressure is low, it is necessary to consume a little more sugar, if it is high, reduce the amount of fluids and salt. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the diet should be gentle, and the food should be frequent and fractional. To avoid problems with constipation, it is recommended to eat more foods containing fiber, especially cereals.

If you have problems with excess weight, you should refrain from fatty foods and flour products. If the body weight is understated, it will be necessary to increase the calorie content of food, preferably at the expense of vegetable fats or meat products. The same advice can be given if a woman works a lot physically - the calorie content of the diet should increase accordingly with the load on the body, and decrease in the absence of physical activity.

Since the belly is already beginning to stand out and affect the skin, from this week of pregnancy you can start using special creams for stretch marks, which are usually localized in the chest, abdomen and thighs.

Dentist visits should become routine. Now the child is actively sucking out from the mother's body many elements he needs, especially calcium. Therefore, pregnant women often experience dental problems during this period.

With regard to sex life, at 15 weeks you should not limit yourself in anything. If there are no contraindications, you can have sex completely freely and at any time. It will even be beneficial for the body of the mother and the growing baby, as it promotes the production of endorphins. In addition, sex helps to maintain muscle tone. If spotting occurs after sexual intercourse, it is required to limit their number.

Do not forget about regular visits to the gynecologist. This week, the following tests and examinations are usually prescribed:

  • Ultrasound. Reveals pathologies in the development of the fetus and the structure of the uterus;
  • A blood test to determine the level of hormones;
  • Screening test;
  • Analysis of urine.

At this time, you should pay attention to your psychological state. Various stresses and emotional overloads must be avoided. It is not advisable to spend a lot of time watching TV, let alone watching shocking programs and intense films - thrillers, horrors or dramas. Exercise should become a daily routine. The main thing is not to overdo it. Simple morning exercises will help prepare for the upcoming birth, improve well-being and strengthen the nervous system. The good physical shape of the mother is the key to the good health of the future baby.

Video - 15 weeks pregnant what happens to the baby and mother, stomach sensations, rhinitis, doctor's advice

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 20 minutes


The fifteenth obstetric week corresponds to the development of the fetus. So, you are in the fourth month and in the second trimester, which means that all toxicosis is already behind. The second trimester is considered to be the most favorable period of pregnancy.

Feelings in the mother at 15 weeks

Week 15 is the most fertile time, since a woman is no longer tormented by such unpleasant phenomena as toxicosis, dizziness, drowsiness.

As a rule, women at 15 weeks feel a surge of strength and vigor, however:

  • Mild nasal congestion (rhinitis) appears;
  • Mild pains in the lower abdomen cause discomfort;
  • Urination is normalized;
  • The stool is relieved;
  • There is a slight suffocation due to the pressure of the rapidly growing uterus on the diaphragm;
  • Blood pressure decreases, and as a result, weakness and dizziness appear (if the pressure does not fall sharply, then the pregnant woman tolerates it easily, but if you notice a sharp drop in pressure, be sure to consult a doctor).

As for external changes, then:

  • The chest continues to grow; nipples darken;
  • The belly is already visible with the naked eye;
  • Weight increases (weight gain by week 15 is 2.5 - 3 kg);
  • Pigmentation appears on the skin (moles and freckles become more noticeable; the white line on the abdomen darkens);

However, the above applies to the average woman, but there are also deviations from the norm, what they give learn from expectant mothers:


I have 15 weeks, and such a lull. I already began to worry that the state of health was perfect (nonsense, but this is so). Vomiting is no longer nauseous, as I gained 2 kg in the first 9 weeks, so I no longer gain weight (although the doctor says this is normal). Only one "but" - at work constantly tends to sleep, if not for this nuance and would have forgotten that she is pregnant!


I also have 15 weeks. I used to have mild toxicosis, but now I have forgotten about it. Feeling like in a fairy tale. Only it happens that you want to cry for no reason. Well, I'll cry and then everything is fine again! And, it would seem, I would cry and go to the toilet less, but that was not the case - I often run, although by the 15th week the kidneys should already normalize.


I constantly attack the refrigerator, and I want to eat day and night, I will probably eat my husband soon (just kidding, of course), although everything is stable on the scales. And she also began to notice that she became very forgetful. Hope it goes away soon.


I am probably the happiest expectant mother. The only sign of my pregnancy from the first days is a delay. Now I understand that I am pregnant because I have a tummy. I have not experienced any unpleasant sensations for 15 weeks. I hope this will continue!


I have 15 weeks, but no one notices any external signs, and they are not, I gained 2 kg, but my stomach is still not visible. The mood is excellent, I flutter like a butterfly, only recently my appetite has woken up just brutal!


Week 15, and we are already moving! Especially when the husband strokes his tummy! I feel great, but very often I get angry and irritated for no reason. Already the employees get it. Well, not scary, soon on maternity leave!

What happens in the mother's body?

At 15 weeks, the woman has a surge of strength, a second wind opens. The body of the expectant mother continues to adapt to new conditions and prepares for motherhood.

  • The uterus increases and begins to stretch (now it still has a rounded shape);
  • Colostrum begins to be secreted from the mammary glands;
  • The blood volume increases by 20%, placing a great strain on the heart;
  • The uteroplacental (i.e. between the uterus and the placenta) and feto-placental circulation (i.e. between the fetus and the placenta) begins to function;
  • The hCG level gradually decreases and, as a result, mood swings disappear;
  • The formation of the placenta ends;
  • The functional system "Mother-Placenta-Fetus" is being actively formed.

Fetal development at 15 weeks

Fetal appearance:

  • The fruit grows up to 14-16 cm; weight reaches 50-75 g;
  • The skeleton continues to develop (the baby's legs become longer than the arms);
  • Thin marigolds are formed;
  • The first hair appears; eyebrows and cilia appear;
  • The auricles continue to develop, which already resemble the ears of a newborn;
  • The differentiation of the genitals ends (this week you can determine the sex of the baby if it turns the right side).

Formation and functioning of organs and systems:

  • The cells of the pituitary gland begin to act - the endocrine glands, which are responsible for metabolic processes and the growth of the body;
  • The cerebral cortex begins to form;
  • The body begins to lead the central nervous system (central nervous system);
  • The endocrine system begins to function actively;
  • The sebaceous and sweat glands come into play;
  • Bile is secreted from the gallbladder, which reaches the intestines (therefore, in the first days after birth, the baby's feces have a black-green color);
  • The kidneys take on the main function - urine excretion (the child empties the bladder directly into the amniotic fluid, which undergoes renewal up to 10 times a day);
  • In boys, the hormone testosterone begins to be produced (in girls, hormones are produced a little later);
  • The fetal heart pumps up to 23 liters of blood per day and provides blood supply to the entire body (during this period, you can determine the blood type and Rh factor of the future baby);
  • The heart carries out up to 160 beats per minute;
  • The red bone marrow takes responsibility for the function of hematopoiesis;
  • The liver becomes the main digestive organ;
  • Bones get stronger;
  • The baby is able to hear the beating of his mother's heart and voice, since at the moment the auditory system has already been formed.

Photo of the fetus, photo of mom's belly, ultrasound and video

Ultrasound 15 week

With an ultrasound scan at 15 weeks, future parents may notice how their child is actively moving his legs and arms.

The baby is about the size of an average orange, and since the fruit is still small, you may not feel its movement (but very soon you will feel its jolts).

Your baby can already hear her mother's heartbeat and voice. This becomes possible due to the fact that the ears of the fetus are already where they should be (you can see this using 3D ultrasound). The baby's eyes also take their usual place. In the fetus, the first hairs are colored and the eyebrows and cilia become visible.

On ultrasound, you can notice how the baby sucks fingers and swallows amniotic fluid, and also makes spontaneous respiratory movements.

By 15 weeks the fruit is completely covered with languno (vellus hairs), which warms it and makes it very pretty. The heart of the paunch makes 140-160 beats per minute. At 15 weeks, you can already see the sex of the baby, if, of course, he will allow it (he turns to the right side).

Photo of a woman's belly for a period of 15 weeks

Video: What happens at 15 weeks of pregnancy?

Regardless of the fact that all ailments are behind you, you need to continue to monitor your well-being and health.

  • Nutrition should be correct and balanced. Your diet should include fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Pay special attention to proteins, since they are the building blocks for the baby's body;
  • Eat at least 200 grams of meat daily; include fish in your menu twice a week;
  • Aim to eat 600 grams of raw vegetables and 300 grams of fruit every day. If this is not possible (winter season) - replace with prunes, raisins or dried apricots;
  • Pay special attention to foods high in calcium. The kid requires a large amount of calcium for the bones, and if your body does not receive a sufficient amount of it, then this is reflected in the nails, hair and especially teeth;
  • Always wear a bra to avoid stretch marks (it is advisable to sleep in it);
  • Don't ignore! New, and sometimes not entirely clear, desires are signals from the body about the lack of something;
  • Try not to get nervous or worry about trifles. Watch a comedy instead of a thriller, listen to calm music instead of rock, read an interesting book;
  • Choose more loose clothing that will not hinder your movements;
  • Talk to your child more often, sing songs to him, turn on music for him - he is already able to hear you;
  • Don't ignore exercise to keep fit and prepare for childbirth;
  • Take the correct body position while sleeping. Doctors - gynecologists recommend sleeping on your side, the lower leg in a fully extended position, and the upper leg bent at the knee. Special pillows are welcome to ensure maximum comfort;
  • Take a triple blood test for hormone levels (hCG, AFP, free estriol) to judge your health and the correct development of the baby in the womb;
  • A very good option for expectant mothers is to keep a diary in which you can enter the dates of the ultrasound scan and its results, the dates of the tests and their results, weekly record changes in weight, waist volume, as well as the date of the most exciting event - the first. Moreover, you can record your physical sensations. This will help the doctor in assessing your overall condition. And when the crumb is already growing up, you can return to that wonderful waiting time again and again!

The most detailed pregnancy calendar by week

How did you feel in the 15th week? Share with us!

15 weeks have passed since conception (17 obstetric), the second trimester of pregnancy continues. This period is quite favorable for a woman, since her condition is stable and with normal bearing of the baby, there are practically no unpleasant sensations. An exception may be a slight discomfort due to the increasing size of the uterus. What else is different about 15 weeks of pregnancy?

The abdomen can already be seen with the naked eye. An active lifestyle, balanced and nutritious food, adherence to medical recommendations are the key to the health of a woman and a future baby. All signs of toxicosis are long gone. From the table you can find out what changes occur with the body of the mother and fetus.

Table - Interesting facts

What happens to a baby at 15 weeks pregnant

At 15 weeks gestation, the size of the fetus is already comparable to a human palm. It is about 17-18 cm in length, weight is within 140 g. Almost all organs are formed, some complete this process. The baby begins to accumulate adipose (adipose) tissue, which is needed to maintain body heat. The baby is often active, but his movements are not yet coordinated. Mimicry is developed, he can yawn and smile. Some reflexes are improved, in particular sucking and swallowing.

The process of formation of the placenta ends. She is already able to deliver the necessary nutrients and oxygen to the crumbs, as well as remove metabolic products. The fetus and placenta are already a single whole. What happens to the baby at 15 weeks of gestation can be read in the table.

Table - Changes in organs and systems

Organs and systemsChanges
Digestive organs- The rudiments of 20 milk teeth were formed;
- the salivary glands begin to work;
- the original feces (meconium) is formed in the intestines;
- the process of digestion is started
The cardiovascular system- Completing the formation of the heart;
- the fetal heartbeat is clearly audible even through a stethoscope;
- active branching of blood vessels occurs
Respiratory systemBronchi develop, they already look like tree branches
Musculoskeletal system- The limbs are lengthened;
- ossification of the skeleton begins;
- soft cartilage is replaced by dense bone;
- developed ligaments, joints and muscles
Genitals- The uterus and vagina are formed in female embryos;
- the gender of the child is clearly defined
Nervous system- Myelination of nerves continues;
- the optic nerve is formed, the baby can distinguish between light and darkness
The immune system- The immune system develops;
- the fetus has its own interferon and immunoglobulin
Urinary organsThe formation of the kidneys ends
Endocrine system- The activity of the pituitary gland is activated;
- the adrenal glands are able to secrete hormones
Sense organs- Formed eyes;
- there is the ability to blink;
- superciliary arches protrude forward;
- the ears are pressed to the skull;
- the organ of hearing is actively developing - the external auditory canal has already been formed, the formation of the middle ear bones continues
Leather and derivatives- The subcutaneous fat layer is formed;
- a protective lubricant forms on the skin surface;
- the growth of eyebrows and hair continues;
- the sensitivity of the skin increases, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen and buttocks

The development of the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy begins to be determined by its own hormones, which are secreted by the brain and the sex glands.

How does mom feel

As the embryo grows, the uterus grows, especially intensively with twins and more fetuses. At the same time, she "pushes" those organs that interfere with her. As a result, discomfort may appear. Most often, the sensations in the abdomen at 15 weeks of gestation are as follows.

  • Pulls the lower abdomen... If the threat of miscarriage is excluded, such sensations can be given by the tension of the ligaments that hold the uterus. In this case, the woman needs to exclude sudden movements and rest more.
  • Concerned about heartburn and bloating... They arise due to the constant pressure of the enlarged uterus on the intestines. Correction of nutrition will help a little.
  • Movements are felt... Already 15 obstetric week of pregnancy can please the mother with the first shocks. However, it is believed that a woman can hear active movements closer to 17-18 during the second pregnancy, and during the first - only by 20. The sensations are comparable to strong intestinal peristalsis, for which some take the first timid movements.
  • Bladder pressure... The enlarged uterus presses, so urination becomes more frequent. Some women do not get enough sleep at night because of the frequent urge. In this case, you should also exclude the threat of miscarriage, especially if the feeling of pressure appears suddenly.

Changes occur with the breast - its sensitivity decreases, well-defined veins, white pimples of small size, increased pigmentation can be found around the nipples.

The intensity of sweating increases. Vaginal discharge becomes profuse - it is white, like cream or milk. This is the norm for this period and no treatment is required.

The mom-to-be may still be absent-minded or overly nervous. Picturesque dreams can often be seen at night. All this arises as a result of changes in hormonal levels in the body.

Possible complications

At 15 weeks of gestation, complications are associated with increased stress on the maternal body or with the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy.

Pathological discharge from the genital tract

This situation is the reason for going to the doctor. If, at the same time, the pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling character is still worried and there are traces of blood, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. Discharge at 15 weeks of gestation should also be alerted, which change color (become greenish, yellow, gray) or smell unpleasant. During this period, pregnant women may experience thrush. Already now, water may leak - abundant transparent discharge, in which you should immediately consult a doctor.

Frozen pregnancy

Usually, such a condition is diagnosed if it is not possible to listen to the fetal heartbeat or the size of the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age. The woman herself may not even know that pregnancy does not develop further for a long time, and the doctor reveals the problem during examination. But still, sometimes vaginal spotting is possible, more often of a smearing nature. An accurate diagnosis can be made using ultrasound.

Varicose veins and hemorrhoids

The growing uterus presses on the inferior vena cava. This increases pressure in the deep veins of the legs. Therefore, there is a discharge of blood into the superficial vessels. If they do not cope with their work, then varicose veins develop. The hormonal background only aggravates the situation. Multiple pregnancies, too active weight gain or being overweight before pregnancy, as well as a hereditary predisposition can accelerate the appearance of the vascular network or increase the degree of varicose veins. A similar mechanism of development in hemorrhoids.

Hypertonicity of the uterus

She seems to "turn to stone", there is pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. This condition is typical for the threat of termination of pregnancy. In addition, hypertonicity can accompany placental abruption. This is a serious condition, but with timely seeking help and adequate treatment, there is a chance that the pregnancy will continue. If the detachment is severe and accompanied by intense bleeding, the pregnancy is terminated. Fortunately, this complication is rare.

What examinations need to be done

In the normal course of pregnancy and the absence of complications, it is not necessary to carry out any general clinical tests. The need for their appointment arises when the expectant mother has extragenital pathology, for example, anemia, pyelonephritis.

Ultrasound at the 15th week of pregnancy from the moment of conception is not performed, except for serious indications. At this time, it is possible to conduct a "triple test". It includes the following indicators:

  • alpha-fetoprotein (AFP);
  • total human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG);
  • unconjugated (free) estriol.

A comprehensive assessment of indicators is being carried out. Thanks to this screening, it is possible to assess the health of the pregnant woman, detect the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the baby and make a further prognosis of gestation. In case of an unfavorable result, a detailed ultrasound scan becomes necessary, and indications for termination of pregnancy may arise.

At the 15th week of pregnancy from conception, the expectant mother already has the opportunity to feel well the changes taking place in her body. Therefore, it is important to follow the lifestyle. You should eliminate stress, revise your wardrobe and give up shoes with heels. You need to sleep on your side, for this you can use an additional pillow. The correct lifestyle and adherence to the doctor's recommendations will contribute to the safe bearing of the baby.

Physical exercise

Women find that they become awkward during this period. To improve your well-being, you need to perform special exercises for expectant mothers, walk a lot in the fresh air. But it is important to remember about the tendency to sprains and other injuries, so overloading should be avoided.

Sex life

With a successful pregnancy, there are no prohibitions for sex. During intimacy, it is worth choosing a safe and most comfortable position in order to eliminate pressure on the growing belly. Sexual rest is prescribed for conditions such as a threat of miscarriage, placenta previa, lack of water, or poor health of a woman.

Taking medications

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the placenta is practically formed, so the list of drugs that can be used is increasing. But self-medication is still strictly prohibited. Do not forget that there are medications that absolutely should not be taken at any stage of pregnancy. Alertness should always be, even if these are drugs for fever. For any problem, it is worth visiting a doctor and taking only the funds that he prescribed.

Features of the diet

The fetus develops and grows, so the need for nutrients increases. Expectant mothers at this time should slightly increase the daily calorie intake, mainly due to protein. Fats and carbohydrates should not be increased. Good sources of protein include fish, lean meats, dairy products, and legumes. It is necessary to limit the use of nuts and mushrooms, as they can provoke allergies and are digested for a long time. The diet must include fruits and vegetables (about 30%). Sweets are preferably natural: marmalade, marshmallows.

The baby needs calcium for the full formation of the skeleton and teeth. Therefore, a woman needs to eat foods that contain this element. Cottage cheese, cheese, sesame seeds, almonds, celery will do. Too fatty dairy products should be avoided, as this slows down the absorption of calcium. The daily intake of calcium for pregnant women is 1200 mg.

The assimilation of this microelement occurs together with magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin D. Therefore, you need to consume products containing them - fish and beef liver, shrimp, mackerel, seaweed. Vitamin complexes should be considered as a source of nutrients in the last place.

From this time on, it is necessary to limit foods that contribute to the increased formation of gastric juice. These include smoked meats, spicy and fatty foods, sour berries, coffee and strong tea. Due to malfunctions in the work of the digestive organs, the well-being of the pregnant woman can be disrupted. Proper nutrition will help avoid problems such as bloating, heartburn, and constipation.

Weight control

For 15 weeks of pregnancy from the moment of conception, the expectant mother should add up to 2.9 kg. But sometimes women do not fit into these parameters, and their weight can increase by 5-6 kg. This is typical for thin women who were underweight before pregnancy, as well as for older women. In the normal course of pregnancy, you should not panic, but you should definitely review your diet, exclude overeating, abuse of baked goods and sweets, especially with a tendency to be overweight.

During the waiting period for the baby, serious changes take place in the outlines of the female silhouette. With each week, the baby in the mother's womb increases in size, due to which the belly of the future mother also grows. In addition, the figure of a woman changes in a number of other parameters.

In this article, we will consider what size the expectant mother should have at 15 weeks of pregnancy, and what sensations she may experience during this period.

The size and appearance of the abdomen at 14-15 weeks of gestation

Since the baby has grown noticeably by this time, in most cases it also visually increases. This is especially noticeable in those women who are expecting the birth of a second or subsequent child. Meanwhile, do not be alarmed if the belly does not grow at all at the 15th week of pregnancy.

Until this time, many women have not seen any changes in their figure, except for the "disappearance" of the waist. Nevertheless, it is after the 15th week that the belly often bulges out instantly, after which its growth continues rather rapidly.

In some cases, on the other hand, women at 15 weeks of gestation have too large a belly. As a rule, it has a triangular shape, which is due to the peculiarities of the location of the baby in the uterus. If at the same time the abdominal circumference does not exceed 80 cm, the expectant mother has nothing to worry about. Otherwise, you should consult your doctor about polyhydramnios.

In addition, at the period of 15 weeks of pregnancy, a dark one often appears on the belly of the expectant mother.As a rule, at this time it is located closer to the bottom, but after a few weeks its size will increase, as a result of which it will be noticeable starting from the navel. It is not worth worrying about such changes - after childbirth, this strip will disappear by itself, and after it there will be no trace left.

Feeling in the stomach during 14-15 weeks of pregnancy

Multiparous women during this period can already notice the baby's movements. If the expectant mother is expecting the birth of her first child, she will have to wait long enough. Meanwhile, the vast majority of women at the 15th week of pregnancy note that they have a stomach ache or pull.

This is due to the stretching of the muscles of the uterus and, although usually this pain is quite bearable, it gives the expectant mother a lot of uncomfortable sensations. Meanwhile, if low-intensity contractions, spotting or aching pain in the lower back join it, you should definitely consult your doctor. Perhaps there is a threat of miscarriage, which can be very dangerous at this stage of pregnancy.