Registration of marriage in Denmark. Marriage in Denmark with an easy step into family life

Getting married in Denmark is now very, very popular - especially among those who want to get married or get married in Europe, and, moreover, do not want to collect mountains of documents. Quite often the following problem arises - a woman from Russia wants to marry a German, but this is hindered by bureaucratic difficulties. If you get married in Russia, then difficulties arise with family reunification - and, as you know, feelings are spontaneous, and not everyone is ready to wait for months. And in order to, you need to get.

In this case, the Russian bride is a foreigner before visiting Germany, that is, before arriving in Germany, she will need to confirm her level of German language proficiency.

Sometimes this task looks impossible - a girl must be able to answer questions about her personal life, family and place of residence, as well as write correctly and read more or less well. If for some reason this is impossible to do, many men offer their chosen ones the following scenario - they get married officially in Denmark, where this can be done in just three days. The Danish marriage is then recognized in Germany.

You can get married in Denmark almost anywhere - any commune provides such services. The bride and groom must pay a fee - in the amount of five hundred Danish kroner. The list of documents is minimal, namely:

  • passports;
  • papers that confirm that neither the groom nor the bride are married;
  • information about the place of residence or place of birth.

All papers must be in one of the following languages:

  • Danish;
  • English;
  • German.

Documents must be apostilled. It should be noted that the document confirming the absence of marital relations should not be older than four months.

What to do

First of all, you will need to write to one of the communes - you can write a letter in English, in which you should clarify whether they can register a marriage between a citizen or citizen of Russia and a citizen of another country. Usually the commune responds within a week - most often the response contains information about the possible date of registration (some time after receiving the documents or even on the day the documents were received).

A marriage registered in Denmark must be legalized - in this case it will be recognized in any European country, as well as in Canada, the USA, China, the CIS, Australia and Vietnam.

Legalization of the document is carried out with the help of tripartite certification of the original marriage certificate. The Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of Denmark must confirm the legality of the marriage.

An apostille is also required - this is the certification of the original, which is done at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This is what an apostille looks like

Remarkably, Denmark is one of the few countries that recognizes same-sex marriages, and registers them not only for the local population, but also for foreign citizens. Also same-sex couples have the right to get married.

In the case of registering a marriage with a Dane or a Dane, it should be noted that the procedure for registering a marriage is also simple - a foreigner or a foreign woman will need to provide several documents translated into English and certified by an apostille, and otherwise the registration procedure is much faster and easier than in Russia and other countries.


  • a passport with an active Schengen visa;
  • birth certificate;
  • statement of marital status;
  • if a person is divorced or widowed, this should be documented;
  • certificate from OVIR on registration.
Recognition of a marriage that took place in Denmark

Marriage immigration is a burning issue for Europe, especially in the current economic, social and political conditions. Migration rules are only getting tougher from year to year, and intercultural couples get divorced much more often than families in which all members belong to the same nationality and nationality. For example, in Germany, special attention is paid to the degree of knowledge of the German language. The government, signing another requirement for the language literacy of visitors, expresses the hope that the ability to speak colloquially will help achieve harmony and peace in the family.

On the other hand, the language barrier has become very strong - girls from Russia do not have time to learn the language at the proper level, so they have to get out. Marriage in Denmark with a citizen of another country is common, but not exactly approved by the authorities.

Moreover, there is such a mistake. Very often, Russian women who have married a citizen of another country in Denmark believe that now they can legally enter the country of their future residence. However, this is a terrible mistake. German laws unanimously believe that after marriage and the expiration of the visa, the girl should go home, file, and then.

Under Russian law, Russian citizens have the right to enter into marriage relations with both their compatriots and citizens of foreign states. However, the procedure for entering into marriage with a foreigner and divorcing such a spouse have distinctive features in each individual case, which must be taken into account both before entering into marriage and if you wish to divorce a foreigner.

In this publication, we will try to consider in detail all the pitfalls and features of divorce with a foreign citizen within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

What regulates the dissolution of marriage with a foreigner

In Russia, the issues of dissolution of a marriage concluded with citizens of a foreign state are regulated by the following legal acts:

  • Minsk convention.
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • the Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • Family and Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation
  • Federal Law "On acts of civil status"

For the dissolution of marriages between citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners, precedents of judicial practice, the practice of consular and diplomatic missions can be used, since such structures are competent in divorce proceedings in certain cases.

Divorce with a foreigner in the registry office

To dissolve a marriage with a foreign citizen through the civil registry offices, the following conditions are sufficient:

  • The couple reached a common agreement
  • No property dispute
  • Spouses do not have children
  • Additional reasons may include:

    • The existence of a court verdict against one of the spouses, according to which he is deprived of liberty for a period of more than 3 years

    If such conditions exist, it is enough for the spouses to apply with the appropriate application to the registry office. The divorce procedure will take no more than one month. You can apply at the place of residence or at the place of registration of the marriage union.

    Along with the application is submitted:

  • Receipt of payment of duty
  • Passports of each spouse
  • Marriage certificate
  • If additional grounds serve as a divorce, then a corresponding court decision is attached to the package of documents.

    In a month, it will be possible to obtain a certificate of dissolution of the marriage union at the registry office.

    Dissolution of marriage with a foreigner in court

    Divorce with a spouse - a foreigner through the court is possible in the cases specified in Articles 21-23 of the RF IC:

    • The spouses have children under 18 years of age
    • Husband does not agree to divorce
    • Husband evades divorce
    • There is a property dispute

    To apply to the court, you will need to prepare a statement of claim. The claim states:

  • The name of the judicial structure in which the claim is filed
  • Information about the plaintiff and defendant
  • Circumstances that caused the divorce
  • Requirements
  • List of attached documents
  • If the spouses live in Russia, then a lawsuit is filed with the district court at the location (in the world court, if there is no dispute about children and the amount of the property issue does not exceed 50 thousand rubles). If the spouses live outside the Russian Federation, this will not be an obstacle to applying to the Russian court.

    Applications to the claim will be:

    • Confirmation of fee payment
    • Certificate of marriage, birth of common children
    • Evidence to support your claims

    If the defendant does not live on the territory of the Russian Federation, then the documents can be filed at the place of his residence, if abroad, then it is allowed to file a claim at the place of residence of the applicant.

    After the court evaluates all the papers provided, the plaintiff will be issued a decision that will need to be presented to the registry office to obtain the appropriate certificate.

    Spouses will have to pay a fee of 650 rubles.

    How to dissolve a marriage without the presence of a foreign citizen

    Dissolution of a marriage with a foreigner without his presence is a legally complex procedure. This is due to the following circumstances:

    • There is no notarized consent of the spouse, respectively, there is no way to dissolve the marriage through the registry office.
    • There is uncertainty about the venue of the trial.
    • Difficulties may arise with the notification of the place and time of the trial, thus, it may be delayed.

    Despite this, a divorce without the presence of one of the spouses is quite realistic. If the spouse does not mind, then having received his notarized consent, you can apply to the registry office. The main thing is that the spouses should not have disputes about children and the division of common property.

    The claim should be filed at the place of residence of the defendant, if the foreign spouse left the Russian Federation, then the claim in any case is filed at his last place of residence.

    Alternatively, you can initiate a lawsuit at the location of the property of a foreign spouse.

    The main difficulty may be the notification of the spouse. According to the rules, consideration of the case without the presence of one party is quite acceptable if all the requirements for notifying it of the exact time and place of the trial are met.

    In some cases, consideration of the case without the presence of a foreign spouse is allowed by a power of attorney issued in a notarized form.

    As soon as the court decision is received, you can contact the registry office to obtain a certificate.

    The package of documents includes:

    • Confirmation of fee payment
    • Marriage registration certificate
    • Applicant's passport
    • Other documents relevant to the case

    The moment of completion of marital relations will be considered the making of an appropriate entry in the acts of civil status.

    If the litigation procedure was carried out in a foreign country, then an independent trial in the territory of the Russian Federation will be required.

    Divorce with a foreigner outside Russia

    In certain cases, divorce is allowed outside the Russian Federation:

  • Dissolution of marriage with an American. If for Russia the dissolution of a marriage is a completely normal procedure, then in foreign countries such a fact may be perceived more negatively. For example, if a woman is married to an American, then divorce is possible only in court. The main condition is residence on American territory for about a year, in some cases a six-month period is allowed. To go to court, there must be evidence, even if it was their mutual consent. It is worth noting that a fictitious marriage in America can result in deportation to your homeland and a denial of citizenship. After a divorce, the spouse is obliged to pay maintenance to his wife and common children, if any.
  • Divorce from a French citizen. It is allowed for various reasons, for example, when mutual agreement is reached. Both or one of the spouses can act as the initiator. An explanation of the reason for the divorce is not required. After six months of cohabitation, you can apply for a divorce in court, which in turn can give three months to reconcile the parties. If the interests of the children are involved in the divorce, the court may refuse.
  • Divorce from a German citizen. Divorce requires valid reasons. The desire of one of the spouses is not enough, you will need to prove to the court that the divorce will be beneficial to both of them.
  • Divorce from a Danish citizen. In this state, there are special institutions that have jurisdiction over the consideration of divorce cases. Divorce in Denmark is problematic if the spouses have no special reasons.
  • Divorce in Italy. It is especially difficult to get a divorce in Italy. The divorce process can take up to a year, and in some situations more. The grounds for divorce can be the most unusual, for example, the commission of a crime by the spouse or the infliction of moral harm.
  • Thus, for a divorce in a foreign territory, sufficiently weighty arguments may be required, otherwise the divorce may drag on for a long time or may be refused altogether.

    Divorce between foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation

    Termination of a marriage union between citizens of Russia and foreign persons, including stateless persons, is allowed by the competent authorities, subject to compliance with all legal norms. All documents related to divorce issued by foreign countries are valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    In most foreign countries, it is not required to confirm the dissolution of marriage in other bodies, a court decision will be quite enough.

    When re-entering the barque in the Russian registry office, foreign citizens should not be required to provide other documents on divorce, except for a court decision.

    Is it legal to divorce by proxy?

    If a foreign person is not located on the territory of the Russian Federation at the time of the divorce, then he can transfer the necessary documents through his representative. To do this, you will need to provide a notarized power of attorney. The document must specify all the powers that a trustee can exercise on behalf of the principal.

    Divorce in diplomatic missions and consulates

    According to the law, divorce is allowed outside the Russian Federation in consular offices and diplomatic missions, if such a marriage in Russia could be dissolved in the registry office. If divorce is allowed only in court, then these institutions do not have the right to dissolve the marriage.

    Many conventions concluded by Russia with foreign countries may contain their own specific restrictions on the dissolution of marriage in consular or diplomatic missions.

    Recognition of divorce - in the Russian Federation and another state

    Article 160 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation indicates that a divorce from a citizen of another country on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with local law. But outside of Russia, the divorce of a foreigner with a Russian citizen is carried out according to the laws of a foreign state, and such a divorce will be recognized in Russia.

    If the spouses do not have the opportunity to apply to the authorities that carry out the divorce process on the territory of another state, then they can apply to consular or diplomatic institutions both on the territory of the Russian Federation and in the country where the spouses who have decided to dissolve their marriage currently live.

    Hi all! My name is Lyudmila Saunina and I'm glad to see you on my channel. The topic of today's conversation is rather sensitive. It is dictated by a letter that I received yesterday. I'm going to read it now so you can understand why I decided to respond to this letter so quickly.

    “Hello Ludmila! I am Russian, my man is Dane, he lives in the suburbs of Copenhagen. Please advise how to build a relationship with a foreign man.” I want to say right away that I once had such fears too. You understand how dramatically your life is changing, you understand that there is a problem with the language, you cannot communicate with a person as deeply in a foreign language as you communicate in your own, you cannot express the versatility of your personality, your nature, in order to understood you correctly. To be properly understood in general is very important in a relationship between a man and a woman.

    The same is true here, it turns out a very delicate situation that neither your man nor you speak your native language. Your man speaks to you in a non-native language, and you speak to a man in a non-native language. Naturally, there is some sensitivity in such a moment when you risk being misunderstood or misunderstood, and your man may also be misunderstood by you. You can misunderstand something only because the language barrier plays a decisive role. This also stopped me for a very long time, I was afraid to move into a deeper relationship, because I perfectly understood that when the relationship was already so deep, I would have to move. Nevertheless, I am now in Denmark, which means that there was a big process with myself, when I tried to understand myself, set all priorities, there was a reassessment of values ​​inside me, which, in principle, is normal and corresponds to my age. And I want to tell you that, firstly, you need to be prepared for the fact that the language barrier will affect you especially at first, and you need not think about what you can do without language, gestures, explain how deep you are nature, how much you like something or not. You need to understand that after all, these are two completely different mentalities. The Scandinavian mentality is fundamentally different from our Slavic one.

    Cultures, mentalities, personal characteristics, upbringing and education are mixed here. There is such a huge mix that will have to be unraveled over time. Therefore, you need to set yourself up for the fact that in the future you will have to learn such a difficult, so difficult to pronounce, but so necessary for building family relationships, Danish.

    How to build relationships? What can be advised? Ask, especially at the first stage, as many questions as possible, there is no need to be shy about anything. I know that some are embarrassed to ask questions about religion, politics. This is a huge misconception, ask as many questions as you can. The thought immediately came to me, I think it is very important. I know girls who, having married, initially accepted all the conditions of a foreign husband. She is accommodating, good, helpful, homely, she does everything, and 2-5 years pass, and a person changes, that is, she feels strength, wants to be independent, and she begins to win back her space. The man, of course, does not like it. He proposed the rules of the game at the very beginning of family life, and the woman accepted these rules. Therefore, of course, a man will rebel against changes and his wife’s desire to act in her own interests, because time has been lost, and it is necessary to set boundaries from the first steps of family life - my territory / your territory.

    I am exaggerating, of course, not the territory, but the boundaries of what is permitted should be set from the very beginning of relations between a man and a woman. Then there will be no misunderstanding divorces, then the man will know what to expect from you. And to play a role and put on the mask of a poor lamb, and then after some period to reset, believing that the man will reckon with you. Will not be! Because a man gets used to a certain role in the family, a man gets used to solving certain issues, and in the future, if you want to win something back, then it will be wars, sometimes it is a bloody war, reaching a divorce. Therefore, it is smarter and wiser to build your relationship, setting priorities from the first minutes of living together.

    What questions might these be? About his family. Be sure to ask about his relationship with his parents, how to treat his mother, sister, brothers, what family traditions they have, how often they visit each other. This is very important, because this part of the relationship will also show you the essence of a man. I want to say that in the Russian mentality they say that you need to see how your husband treats your mother, so he will treat you. It's about the same here. You need to look at how a man treats his family, how he develops relationships with relatives, how close he is with his parents. The family here, as elsewhere, has a prevailing position, so do not miss this moment.

    The second point is money. It is too important point to be marked. Firstly, at first you will not work, because without a language it is quite problematic to get somewhere if your work is not remote, which you can do while living in Denmark. In any other case, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will need to study for the first 3-4 years. This is a language school, this is a confirmation or receipt of a new education, that is, for some period of time you will not work. Initially, this situation should be discussed honestly and straightforwardly with your man. In Denmark, depending on the income, it is problematic for one person to pull life on himself if you have two or three children and two adults.

    You need to bring him to this, and you calm down internally, ask the right questions in order to understand that the person really offers you what you are counting on. So that it doesn't turn out that you set up sand castles for yourself without asking questions. That is, you came up with fantasies for yourself, having arrived in the country, you understand: “Oh!” And it turns out that the economy in your family In Ukraine or Russia was much better. So that there are no disappointments, collapses, it is better to discuss these monetary issues immediately. Will you have any pocket money, how much will you be given, will you have a general budget, will you enter into a marriage contract. If you do not plan to work here, then you need to be prepared for the fact that in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine it is not a shame to be a housewife, it is not a shame to say that my husband supports a family, and I am a housewife. It's embarrassing here. There is a different attitude towards a non-working woman here, and I think that you are unlikely to like it. Among other things, you limit yourself in many things, for example, in softer integration.

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    The new author of the magazine "V zagranke" - Nelli Hjelm 51 years old, originally from Estonia. Immigrated to Denmark in 1997. Prior to that, she lived in St. Petersburg for 12 years, where she managed to catch both perestroika and the dashing 90s. Thus, this is her second immigration, and Nelly admits that immigration to Denmark was not the most difficult of them.

    Nelli is a lawyer with two higher legal educations, she graduated from St. Petersburg and Copenhagen Universities. In 2010, Nelli Hjelm established her own law firm in Copenhagen, which specializes in family and immigration law. Among her clients today there are people from 27 countries of the world.

    I bring to your attention the first article by Nelly Hjelm

    About marriage, divorce and living in Denmark

    Getting married in Denmark is not difficult at all. Even to foreigners who do not live in Denmark. But that's not what we're talking about. Marriage is easy to conclude, but it is even easier to dissolve it. All that is required of you and your spouse is to go here and complete the Skilmisse application using your personal NemID.

    After a week or two, you will receive a certificate of divorce by e-mail.

    If one of you does not agree to the dissolution of the marriage, then a decision will be made on separation, or separation - Separation. After 6 months, you can already apply for a divorce.

    A very logical question - what is the difference between separation and skilmisse ?

    The only difference is that during separation, neither spouse has the right to remarry. Everything else - economic, property, housing and "children's" issues - will now be resolved in the same way.

    There is still an opinion that separation or dissolution of a marriage can be obtained or “given” only if all higher issues are resolved in advance. It's not like that at all. In fact, only two questions need to be clarified - whether one of the spouses will pay alimony to the other (do not confuse with child support), and who will get the right to continue living in housing if it is rented.

    The division of property is a completely independent proceeding, which is carried out here if the spouses cannot reach a common agreement on the division of property in connection with separation or divorce.

    The next question is joint children. That is, the rights to joint children, the place of registration of children and dates with the children of the parent whose children are not registered. If the parents cannot come to a common agreement, then the state will help them - the necessary information.

    The third question is child support, for which a separate application must be made to the parent whose children will be registered.

    Thus, all these processes, interconnected by only one thing - an application for separation or divorce - can run in parallel and will not depend on each other in time. For example, you may already be divorced, even already married to another man, and the process of “dividing children” from a previous marriage may still be ongoing.

    I will end with a small but very important clarification. I am approached literally daily by foreigners living in Denmark and in the process of divorce. Many of them are sure that if their residence permit due to family reunification expires only after a year, and separation or divorce has already occurred, then they will not face the loss of a residence permit for a whole year.

    No, it's not. Statsforvaltning, the government agency that makes separation or divorce decisions, is required to send the information to the Immigration Service on the same day the separation or divorce decision is made.

    The Immigration Service (Udlændingestyrelsen), in turn, will send you a letter - maybe after 2 weeks, maybe after 4 months - where they will ask you a not very pleasant question. The text in these letters is standard. It consists in the fact that you will be informed that “You live in Denmark in connection with cohabitation with citizen Jensen or Hansen, and you no longer live with him. Please send your explanations within 2 weeks. A standard scheme will be attached to the letter, which will need to be filled out.

    And here the bill will go not for weeks, but for days. You will have time to prepare for the fact that the Immigration Service will inform you in the next letter that you must leave Denmark no later than such and such a date.