How to remove plaque tartar. Removing tartar: some important points. Special products for removing plaque and tartar

The enamel surface is inhabited by about ninety varieties of microorganisms, mainly streptococci and anaerobic bacilli. As a result of their vital activity, a characteristic plaque is formed. In the absence of proper care of the oral cavity, the presence bad habits, old age, certain culinary preferences over time have to look for a way to remove tartar.

What is plaque and calculus

If you carefully examine the enamel at home in front of a mirror, you can find specks near the gums, a characteristic brown coating. V dark color lime deposits forming tartar, stain colonies of microorganisms, salt deposits, particles of dead cells.

It is necessary to remove calculus on the teeth in places where it is difficult to reach with a brush or floss. It almost doesn't get there solid food that naturally removes dental deposits. The stone has to be removed from the teeth, which are almost not involved in chewing due to improper bite.

If tartar and plaque are not dealt with regularly, it may develop over time. periodontal disease.

As you know, teeth are connected to the jaw bones through the periodontal tissue. If microorganisms enter there, the gums become inflamed. Over time, the connective tissue becomes weaker. Ultimately, the gums flake off, teeth begin to loosen and fall out.

Causes of tartar formation

Plaque and stones on the teeth appear for various reasons:

  • using the wrong brush or paste;
  • eating mostly soft foods;
  • chewing habits on one side of the jaw;
  • special arrangement of teeth;
  • wrong bite.

The resulting soft plaque can be easily removed with a brush at home. If you neglect hygiene oral cavity, mineral deposits quickly accumulate on the enamel, microflora actively multiplies. In just a week, the plaque becomes denser, turns out to be in the gingival part, which is why a "real" stone appears on the tooth.

Prevention of the appearance of brown plaque and calculus on the teeth

In order not to have to remove tartar, it is worth adhering to simple home rules for oral hygiene:

  • clean the enamel surface with a brush, interdental spaces with a special thread;
  • brush your mouth with tooth powder once a week;
  • after eating, rinse the mouth with water or a special product. The procedure is especially effective when using an irrigator;
  • if there is no opportunity to rinse your mouth, eat an apple or chew gum;
  • to naturally remove plaque from teeth, strengthen the gums, include solid vegetables and fruits in the diet. For example, apples or carrots.

Removal of calculus with ultrasound

In a dental clinic, the formation is painlessly removed with ultrasonic cleaning teeth.

The surface of the enamel is cleaned of deposits by lightly touching the device. V difficult cases tartar is preliminarily softened with special preparations.

At the end of the procedure, you should ask to polish the enamel so that it is more difficult for microorganisms to attach to it.

Unlike whitening, ultrasonic cleaning of teeth does not lighten the enamel, only deposits are removed from its surface.

How to independently remove plaque from teeth with a special paste

Simple home way remove or prevent the appearance of dental plaque - clean the oral cavity in the morning with a paste with antiparadontosis effect, at night with fluorine... Perform a preventive procedure every six months for a month.

Deposits are also removed. The effectiveness of the procedure is determined by the composition, the presence of abrasive particles in the selected product, and the stiffness of the brush.

Smokers, amateurs strong tea or coffee has to remove plaque from teeth more often.

How to remove tartar at home

  • To remove plaque, clean your mouth with bark infusion walnut... Brew 30 g of dried and chopped bark in a glass of boiling water, simmer for ten minutes over low heat. Strain when the broth has cooled and infused. Brush your mouth for at least five minutes with a soft brush.
  • To remove plaque from the enamel, prepare an infusion celandine... Brew 1 tsp. herbs with a glass of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes, drain. Rinse your mouth several times a day.
  • It is possible to remove and prevent the appearance of stones honey... Dissolve 1 tsp. honey in a glass of warm boiled water... Rinse your mouth several times a day.
  • For oral use, prepare an infusion of 1c. L. roots burdock and 2sl. pods beans... Place the plant materials in a liter of water, simmer for four hours. When the infusion has cooled, strain. Take half a glass five times a day.

The appearance of a yellowish plaque on the teeth spoils the smile, becomes the reason bad mood... A person tries to smile less, in this way hides an aesthetic defect. In order to be less complex, it is possible to remove stones from the teeth at home, but first consult a dentist for advice.

How to remove tartar at home

The first step is to find out in detail what are the main reasons for the formation of plaque on the teeth. It is important to eliminate them in a timely manner, otherwise folk methods will be ineffective in practice. Productive disposal of dental plaque at home provides for high-quality oral hygiene, attraction folk recipes whitening smile lines. Before using them, it is important to find out the structure of the enamel, carry out home test on sensitivity. With absence side effects to deal with the pathological process is as easy as shelling pears.

Using a special toothbrush

Choice effective means for thorough oral hygiene is important for all dental patients. The health of the teeth, the timely suppression of inflammatory and infectious processes depend on this. Dentists report that plaque is more often formed on the inner surface of the lower and upper incisors, in hard-to-reach places in the chewing positions. For high-quality cleaning and oral hygiene, the first step is to buy a good toothbrush. The options are as follows:

  1. Mechanical brush: it performs translational movements, but the bristles are not able to clean the distant corners of the mouth, where over time they begin pathological processes fermentation of food debris. It is more effective to use a different model to remove tartar.
  2. Electric brush... Performs translational and rotational movements, has several removable attachments, is distinguished by its versatility, and ensures fast removal of plaque. At the right choice toothpaste whitening effect occurs immediately.
  3. Ultrasonic brush... It is considered a relatively recent development by dentists. Under the influence of ultrasound, it is possible to remove not only plaque from the enamel, but also larger deposits. Vibrations quickly break down any hardened formations on the enamel, whiten the dentition.

Using toothpaste

To achieve desired effect and a snow-white smile, one brush is not enough: it is important to be scrupulous about choosing another hygiene product... There are plenty of whitening toothpastes on the market, but it is better to discuss the final choice with a specialist in this field before buying. The chemical composition is critical. Below are those active ingredients that contribute to productive plaque removal:

  1. Triclosan is a synthetic antibiotic that helps get rid of pathogenic flora, quickly removes bacteria in the oral cavity, and regulates the acid balance.
  2. RDA level is an indicator of abrasiveness, which when sensitive enamel should not exceed 25 units, with normal sensitivity - 100 units.
  3. Fluorides are another important component of the paste, which, in addition to quick brightening, strengthens the enamel and lowers the sensitivity threshold. The allowable limit is 0.1-0.6%.
  4. Calcium carbonate effectively neutralizes the effect of fluorides, it is appropriate for use in a dosage concentration.
  5. Sodium lauryl sulfate is harmful in the chemical composition of the paste. For safe removal all deposits, its presence is optional.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can get rid of stubborn deposits on the enamel folk ways... There are several of them, but the most effective means called hydrogen peroxide. This solution is aggressive chemical composition, not suitable for sensitive enamel, thinns its structure. If you break the rule, the consequences can be irreversible - an unpleasant reaction to temperature changes only progresses. There are several methods of how to remove tartar quickly with the participation of hydrogen peroxide. It:

  1. Polishing. Combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in a 3: 1 ratio. Ready composition rub the enamel to remove tartar, then do not eat food, exclude liquid.
  2. Lotion. Moisten a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide on your own, then rub yellowed teeth at home to remove any hardening.
  3. Mask. Pour 1 tsp. baking soda 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide, 5 drops of lemon concentrate. Stir, apply the composition to the enamel, do not rinse for 2 minutes.

Removing plaque and tartar with folk remedies

You can get rid of hard deposits on enamel at home using time-tested recipes. Such alternative remedies have a minimum of contraindications, and it takes time to achieve the desired effect. Below are the most effective recipes... Before using them, you need to consult a dentist.

Nut broth

You will need:

  • walnut bark - 2 pcs.;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.
  1. Dry walnut bark, chop.
  2. Pour boiling water over, insist, strain.
  3. Use for daily mouth rinses.

You will need:

  • black radish - 1 head;
  • lemon concentrate - 1 tsp

Method of preparation and application:

  1. Grate the radish (it is better finely, so it will let in a lot of the necessary juice).
  2. Add lemon juice to the finished puree, mix.
  3. Brush your teeth with the composition, the whitening effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

Oil rinses

You will need:

  • butter tea tree- 3 drops;
  • needles oil - 3 drops;
  • fir oil - 3 drops.

Method of preparation and application:

  1. Combine all components in one container.
  2. Keep the oil composition in the mouth.
  3. Brush your teeth by cleaning the stone with high quality.

Home conservative dental calculus treatment is also effective, but it takes time and regular oral hygiene procedures, day in and day out, to achieve the desired effect. If you act according to the selected recipe, productivity is observed after 3-4 weeks, the enamel brightens by 3-4 tones.

Preventive treatment of dental calculus

It is better to prevent the disease than to cure it afterwards. Preventive procedures can be carried out independently, spending a minimum of time on this lesson. The basic rules are presented below.

Dark, unsympathetic plaque that appears on the surface of the teeth often causes dental problems and fundamentally spoils the beauty of your smile. From today's article, you will learn the reasons for its occurrence, and how to quickly and harmlessly remove tartar at home using folk remedies.

Dental calculus - what is it

This is not a disease, as many people think. You get hard plaque on your teeth, which occurs as a result of accumulation on the surface of the teeth and between them. The stone consists of epithelial cells, bacteria, natural mucus, food debris and mineral salts.
At first, it is soft, and soon the plaque sticks together into a common mass, attaches to the teeth, and over time becomes very dense and dark, which makes it difficult to remove.

At first, the stone is very similar to the occurrence of caries. The main difference from it is that the stone never appears on the chewing surface of the tooth. It always forms around the neck, then descends into the periodontal pocket or onto the crown.

In addition to stains, the occurrence of tartar is evidenced by:

  • Blood from the gums while brushing.
  • Bad smell.
  • Bluish color or excessive redness of the gums.
  • Pain or itching in the gums (if in addition there is inflammation).

Is it worth removing plaque

Yes, getting rid of dental plaque is necessary, as it often causes dental diseases, some of which can be very dangerous.

With daily attention to oral and dental hygiene, plaque can be prevented. But in case of a problem, it is imperative to get rid of it - delete it. Usually this simple procedure is done in a polyclinic, but at initial stage You can clean your teeth at home, on your own, without harm and rather quickly, armed with simple, but rather effective folk remedies.

Tartar - causes of occurrence in humans

The causes of dental plaque in humans can be physiological and associated with certain diseases. And now a little more about the factors that led to the appearance of hard plaque:

  1. Disregard for oral hygiene. This is the wrong brush and should be stiff enough. Toothpaste that does not have the required cleaning properties. But the main thing is not regular brushing of the teeth themselves. In addition, many people brush their teeth too quickly or make the wrong movements.
  2. Malocclusion. Twisted and improperly grown teeth contribute to plaque buildup.
  3. Diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Taking antibiotics can also cause tartar.
  5. Avitaminosis and lack of minerals.
  6. Excessive viscosity of saliva, which manifests itself with impaired water-salt metabolism. At the same time, an excess amount of mineral salts appears in the saliva, which help the plaque to quickly harden.
  7. The habit of using only one side of the jaw when chewing food. This distributes the load on it incorrectly, which also becomes the cause of calculus on the teeth.
  8. Absence in daily diet human solid food. Because you eat mostly bland, there is no natural mechanical cleaning of your teeth.
  9. Bad habits - alcohol and smoking.
  10. Constant consumption of coffee, tea, a large number of soda and carbonated drinks.
  11. Hereditary predisposition.

Tartar - Removal at Home

Before talking about how you can quickly and independently remove plaque from your teeth, I think you need to know what dental calculus can form in you. There are two types of them:

  1. Above the gum. It is located on the crown of the tooth, resembles clay in consistency - in this case, it is very easy to get rid of the stone yourself at home.
  2. Under the gum. Located at the root collar under the gum. Very dense and hard, it can only be detected and removed by a specialist.

And one more question is worth highlighting: is it necessary to remove the stone and why?

If you don't want dental health problems, get rid of plaque. The consequences can be negative - extremely unpleasant, and sometimes just dangerous:

  • In the very easy case you run the risk of not having an aesthetic appearance - dental plaque is very clearly visible visually, as well as hitting the interlocutor with an unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  • Diseases of the oral mucosa - necrosis of the mucous membrane, stomatitis, ulcers and erosion.
  • Inflammation and swelling of the gums - periodontitis, gingivitis. Plaque, consisting of bacteria and microbes, helps to trigger the inflammatory process, which leads to these diseases.
  • Destruction of tooth enamel - caries. When digesting food residues, hydrochloric acid, it then destroys the enamel, causing it to decay.
  • A stone not removed in time is capable of provoking an exacerbation chronic diseases, because harmful substances from plaque are absorbed into the bloodstream and spread throughout the human body.

How to get rid of at home

When I talked about the types of stone, I warned that at home you can quickly get rid of only its supragingival appearance, without harm to human health. It is still quite soft, resembling clay and is located in an accessible place for removal - above the gum.

Removal of stone with hydrogen peroxide

The most common tip for getting rid of dark plaque on your teeth. With the help of peroxide, you can make your own lotions, masks or polishing the stone. To do this, you need a 3% solution of the product.

  • Lotion. Dampen a cotton swab and place on problem place... After 2 minutes, the plaque will soften - try brushing it off with a toothbrush (do not add paste).
  • Mask. Mix a teaspoon, 5 drops of lemon juice, and 20 drops of peroxide. Apply this mixture to the teeth and hold for a couple of minutes, no longer. Make sure to rinse your mouth out well.
  • Polishing. Add one peroxide to three parts of baking soda and rub the cloves for 1 - 2 minutes, then rinse. The procedure is more convenient to do if you apply the mixture to a cotton pad.

How often to clean tartar:

Hydrogen peroxide can negatively affect the condition of the tooth enamel. To prevent thinning of the surface, do the procedure no more than once every 7 to 10 days.

How to remove tartar with walnuts

The next proven and very popular option for self-removal of dark plaque on teeth is Walnut... The shell and bark of the walnut are known for their powerful antibacterial properties, softens and perfectly removes plaque from the surface of the tooth. By the way. For sore gums, this broth is also a panacea, it perfectly removes .

Recipe number 1. For the procedure, you will need 40 grams. shells and a glass of water.
Cook the walnut shells for 20 minutes and let cool. Then you need to strain the broth and soak your toothbrush in it for 5 minutes. Use this brush to brush your teeth three times a day (soaking them again each time).
Alternatively, you can rinse with broth instead of cleaning for five minutes, the result will be the same.

Recipe number 2. Remove the bark from the thin branches of the tree and prepare a decoction from it, pouring 2 large spoons with a glass of unboiled water. Cook for a quarter of an hour and when it cools down, use it to brush your teeth twice a day. The entire procedure should last at least five minutes.

How to quickly remove plaque with folk remedies

Among the folk remedies for the quick removal of tartar, there are many recipes for their use at home. I will offer you the most common and proven ones.

  1. Black radish. The root vegetable will quickly soften dark deposits, and if you add lemon juice to it, its effect will increase. Make a mixture by rubbing one medium radish with a spoonful of lemon juice. This mixture should be chewed for as long as possible (it can be swallowed, but not necessary).
  2. Rinse with honey water. This procedure must be done for a long time, but its advantage is that it is absolutely harmless to the enamel. Rinse shortly before bedtime.
  3. Field horsetail. This recipe is from the category of grandmothers, those that have been used for a very long time. Among useful properties horsetail has its peculiarity to soften the dark plaque on the teeth. Brew two large spoons with a glass of boiled water and wrap for an hour. Rinse with strained infusion twice a day.
  4. Salt. Dip a wet toothbrush in salt so that the crystals adhere to it. Treat hard deposits in a circular motion at least three minutes. This procedure should be performed daily at first, then the frequency should be reduced. But dentists have a negative attitude to this method, since with such cleaning you can damage the gums and enamel, and this is a big minus.
  5. Oil rinse. This procedure is easy to carry out yourself, at home. Take any oil vegetable origin- olive, sunflower, flaxseed, sesame or others, put in your mouth and hold, rinsing your mouth, for 10-15 minutes. You do not need to swallow oil. Spend this procedure daily, preferably on an empty stomach.
  6. Tea tree oil. Apply a few drops of oil to your toothbrush and brush your teeth like a regular paste. Do this daily, and soon you will notice not only the absence of dark plaque - your teeth will, in addition, quickly whiten.
  7. Burdock root and bean peel. Combine the beans and a large spoonful of burdock and cook them for at least an hour. Rinsing your mouth several times a day will help prevent plaque build-up and gently remove it. Burdock root can replace burdock root.
    Celandine. To rinse, you need to insist in a glass of boiling water half a large spoonful of herbs.

In addition to the listed home folk remedies for quick release from calculus on the teeth, you can use a special toothpaste designed for this. The paste contains grinding substances in its composition, and also among its components there are substances that contribute to the dissolution of the stone, which simplifies its removal.

Found a video, it is possible that a different opinion about quick removal tartar at home. Health to you and your teeth. With love ... Galina Nekrasova.

A beautiful and healthy smile is an indicator high status person, so all people strive to get it. How to quickly remove calculus from teeth? V synopsis we will tell you about the causes of plaque and how to properly get rid of an unpleasant defect.

Tartar - growths from the inside

reference Information

If you run your tongue along the inner surface of the teeth, then you can feel a rough plaque. This is the stone that causes many dental problems. A person does not even think about how dangerous the presence of plaque is for health. By its structure, the layering is a hardened fine-pored sponge.

Saliva from food gets into these holes, so pathogenic bacteria multiply inside. The product of their vital activity is acid, which begins to actively corrode the enamel. The result is:

  • basal caries;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • periodontitis;
  • stench from the mouth;
  • loss of teeth.

Types of stone - supragingival and subgingival

How to recognize the presence of a stone? Discomfort while eating or drinking is the main symptom of an onset problem. Yellowish or dark brown sponge covers with a border inner surface tooth. By outward appearance the disease is divided into two types.

  1. Subgingival. The stone is hidden at the root of the neck, so it can only be found when the gum is cut.
  2. Supragingival. Plaque is clearly visible on the outer surface.

If you do not start treatment on time, then the healthy microflora of the oral cavity is disturbed, which threatens the emergence of foci of inflammation.

Tartar is hardened plaque

Ignoring the symptoms and visiting the dentist irregularly will lead to loosening and loss of teeth.

What is the catalyst for the appearance of the stone?

  • Improper hygiene. Violation of the rules for caring for the mouth or untimely procedures lead to the appearance of plaque, which eventually hardens and turns into a finely porous sponge.
  • Lack of harsh foods in the diet. These products are natural tooth surface cleaners.
  • Wrong brush. Too soft bristles will not remove accumulated bacteria. Disruption of work internal organs... The presence of certain diseases leads to the formation of plaque.
  • Uneven distribution of the load on the jaw. For dental problems, people often chew food on one side. But this method leads to the fact that the "free" part is covered with stones.
  • Certain foods. Carbonated drinks, coffee, as well as sweet and fatty food form ideal conditions for the appearance of plaque.
  • Bad habits. Nicotine gums adhere quickly to the enamel. Alcohol creates a favorable microclimate for the formation of stones.

Launched stone destroying teeth

"The reasons for its formation can be both improper and irregular cleaning, and individual factors such as the characteristics of saliva and genetic predisposition."


How can dental calculus and plaque be removed at home? In a neglected state or when a defect is located in the depth of the gums, we recommend that you immediately contact your dentist. In milder cases, you can try to get rid of the problem with available means.

Professional method

To remove plaque and clean your teeth properly, you need to purchase special brushes. It is not recommended to use them regularly, as their high abrasive ability and excessive human zeal can destroy the enamel.

Scaler for removing calculus on teeth

The ultrasonic device generates high-frequency vibrational waves that break the stone. The bristles perform more than one hundred million movements per second, which allows you to effectively clean even the most remote corners of the oral cavity. The device releases fluoride and calcium ions from the paste, which contributes to the maximum strengthening of the tooth surface. The blood supply to the gums is additionally increased.

Before and after professional cleaning cleaning

The technique has negative sides:

  • reduced service life of crowns, fillings and vinyls;
  • exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the roots, gums;
  • contraindicated in neoplasms;
  • prohibited for pregnant women;
  • not recommended for people with pacemakers;
  • high price.

Electric Toothbrush- this is a budget option, therefore, it is increasingly used in everyday life. Such a device has a round rotating head at the end, which performs reciprocating and pulsating movements. Thanks to huge choice replaceable nozzles, the patient adjusts the device both for cleaning teeth and for massaging the gums or polishing the enamel.

An electric toothbrush effectively removes plaque

The model cannot be used when:

To remove plaque, professional pastes are used. They contain abrasive components, as well as special enzymes that loosen the stone and microbial deposits.

The preparations help to get rid of minor formations on the enamel. Such substances should not be used regularly as they will lead to bone thinning and tooth sensitivity.

“In professional pastes, the plant enzyme bromelain, polydone and pyrophosphates are used to loosen dental plaque. These components are safe for teeth. "

Professional Toothpaste effectively removes plaque when using special attachments

Folk recipes

No matter how much dentists may warn, people will always use unconventional methods treatment. To keep patients safe, we propose to consider the most effective of them.

The most popular way to remove stones and plaque from enamel is baking soda... Add one pinch of the substance to a regular toothpaste and brush your teeth. This procedure should not be repeated more than once a week, since the abrasive properties of the drug are very aggressive, which will lead to the destruction of tissue and gums. We do not recommend using it for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Lemon juice is often used to whiten teeth and remove minor plaque. Citrus contains a huge amount nutrients, and also has good antibacterial properties... Chew the skinned fruit wedge slowly.

Folk remedies to remove calculus from teeth

Remember: prolonged contact enamel with aggressive acid is undesirable, as calcium is washed out and the structure becomes porous, so rinse your mouth thoroughly after a ten-minute procedure.

Plants will help get rid of plaque, which later turns into hard stones. Dry sunflower baskets with linden blossom simmer for half an hour. The resulting liquid is irrigated into the oral cavity after each meal.

Antibacterial infusion of celandine allows you to get rid of many dental problems. A decoction of horsetail is drunk in a third of a glass for a month. The herb restores the natural acid-base balance, and also promotes the healing of small wounds in the mouth.

The plant contains a lot of resins, so the drug only worsens the condition. The teeth are covered with dense, yellow bloom hard to get rid of in the usual ways, which in turn causes an increase in the number of stones.


Homemade plaque removal methods are less productive than dental plaque removal. Often times, people destroy the structure of their teeth and gums in an attempt to effectively remove annoying growths. We advise you not to self-medicate, but to contact your dentist. The specialist will quickly and painlessly clean the oral cavity.

To prevent relapse, you need to follow a number of recommendations.

  • Give up junk food... Carbonated drinks with a huge amount of dyes, fatty and sweet foods, as well as coffee and tea leave marks on the enamel.
  • Give preference to healthy foods.
  • Irrigation of the mouth after meals. Rinsing regularly, even with plain water, will reduce the risk of plaque.
  • Increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. The hard structure helps to clean the teeth, and the acids contained do not give the stones an opportunity to gain a foothold.
  • Get rid of bad habits. Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum. Smoking is dangerous not only for the mouth, so it is better to give it up.
  • Brush your teeth correctly. Each procedure should be at least three minutes long. During this time, the outer and inner parts of the teeth are thoroughly cleaned, not forgetting to use a floss.
  • Visit to the dentist. Regular observation by the dentist will prevent the occurrence of diseases of the oral cavity. Even if nothing bothers you, we advise you to be examined by a specialist once every six months. The doctor will detect the problem in the initial stages.

Proper dental care is the foundation of health. Compliance with our recommendations will help to avoid common mistakes, as well as get rid of plaque and stones on the enamel. Do not self-medicate, but see a professional.

The appearance of tartar is a common problem. He torments even those who carefully care for the oral cavity. What to do in such cases and how to deal with the problem - we will find out below.

Tartar and the reasons for its appearance

This unpleasant substance is nothing more than a hardened plaque consisting of food particles, microorganisms and salts. Since it looks rather unpleasant, they tried to actively fight the stone back in the Middle Ages, devoting whole books and treatises to the procedures. The reason for the appearance of tartar is most often the incorrect or insufficiently thorough cleaning of the teeth, rare toothbrush replacements, and poor-quality toothpaste. Often the problem affects the teeth of adolescents, subsequently undermining the health of the gums throughout adult life... Tartar can also appear on dentures if not properly cared for.

In addition, there are some other reasons for the problem:

  • excessive consumption of soft foods;
  • chewing on only one side of the jaw;
  • metabolic disease;
  • poor quality fillings or other medical constructions;
  • crooked, problem teeth.

Danger of tartar

The sooner you heal tartar, the less damage will be done to the gums and the mouth as a whole. This disease is eliminated by a qualified dentist very simply and almost painlessly, so you should seek the help of a specialist. Using home remedies can damage your enamel, gums, or the tooth itself, so proceed with extreme caution. Neglected cases of tartar cause bleeding of the gums, bad smell from the mouth can lead to tooth loss or even adjacent ones. Sometimes a person does not even know about the presence of tartar - it is hidden under the gum and is practically invisible to the naked eye. To prevent or stop the development of the disease in time, visit your dentist at least once every six months.

Removing tartar at home

Many people believe that tartar can be removed with your own hands, without resorting to painful and expensive procedures. One of the most simple ways for this - buy a special paste that removes stones and mineralized plaque. Positive effect is achieved due to the inclusion in the composition of abrasive components, polishing particles, enzymes, phosphates, polydone substance. However, one should not expect miracles from them - the stone will not disappear. Rather, it will partially dissolve over time and lose an unpleasant color. Recommended brands of toothpastes by dentists: PRESIDENT White Plus, LACALUT White.

Folk remedies for tartar

One of the most popular recipes is black radish pulp mixed with lemon juice until the consistency of puree. This mixture keep fresh and chew for 3 minutes before brushing your teeth. You can also brush your teeth with baking soda by simply applying it over the bristles. However, baking soda and peroxide treatments should be done at most once a week. An interesting healing method attributes special properties eggplant ashes. The vegetable must be burned whole, and the remaining powder must be rubbed into the affected areas before each brushing with toothpaste. Besides, frequent use citrus fruits will significantly reduce the risk of disease and reduce the old stone already present.

It should be remembered that smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee and tea can accelerate the development of tartar.