Social rehabilitation of orphans: problems and solutions. Rehabilitation of children from an orphanage

According to various estimates, in our country there are from two to four million homeless children, 620 thousand orphans (moreover, 95% of them are so-called “social orphans”), that is, orphans with living parents.

OGUZ “Specialized Children's Home is the only medical and prophylactic institution in the Amur Region, in which there are children - orphans and children left without parental care, from 0 to 4 years old.

Early age is a very special period in the formation of all organs and systems, and, as Vygotsky quite rightly wrote, “early age is sensitive in everything”. And if the necessary conditions for the optimal course of the child's development are not created and the necessary functions of the sensitive period are not formed, this has a negative impact on the further development of the child.

According to the results of the All-Russian prophylactic medical examination of children, 100% of inmates of orphanages have one or another deviation in their state of health and need comprehensive rehabilitation. Most often these are premature babies with a history of an unfavorable course of intrauterine development and childbirth, diseases of the neonatal period, and dysfunctional heredity. Children of orphanages are characterized by instability of the emotional state, a slow pace of learning, decreased motor activity, insufficient coordination of movements, and a delay in the development of fine motor skills. Considering that the OGUZ “Specialized Children's Home” in Blagoveshchensk is specialized for children with organic lesions of the central nervous system with mental disorders, the need to organize a comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation is obvious. According to the preventive examination of the inmates of the OGUZ “Specialized Children's Home”, when children enter the institution, the lag in the mental and physical development of children is in the first place. Over the past three years, 95-98% of children have been admitted to the orphanage with the V group of psychophysical development. Mental retardation among all pupils, on average, 14 children per year (12% of the total number of children).

In the OGUZ “Specialized Children's Home”, a comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of inmates of the orphanage is carried out, which involves the introduction of a model of joint work of all specialists of the institution.

For the implementation of rehabilitation measures, the institution has special equipment and trained specialists (neurologists, exercise therapy doctor, physiotherapist, orthopedic traumatologist, massage therapists, teacher-defectologists) with an emphasis on the rehabilitation of children with lesions of the central nervous system and combined pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

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In the rehabilitation of children in a children's home, in addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy methods are widely used (galvanization and electrophoresis of drugs, amplipulse therapy, ultrasound and phonopharesis, magnetotherapy; electrosleep, darsanvalization, ultratonic therapy, UHF therapy; UFO, laser therapy, DENS therapy, paraffin therapy, mud applications, hydrotherapy, aerosol therapy, reflexology, "salt path"); remedial gymnastics (individual and small group); position treatment using orthopedic laying, abduction splints, plaster splints, positioning equipment); massage (including vibration massage; cryomassage); elements of hippotherapy. Taking into account the complex combined pathology (neurological, orthopedic, somatic) diagnosed in children, these methods of treatment in some cases are the main ones, and sometimes the only ones.

The pedagogical staff of the orphanage, working in close cooperation with the medical staff, strives to achieve the optimal level of physical, intellectual and personal development of children, to weaken the influence of unfavorable factors, to provide children with a sense of comfort and security, to enrich children's lives with bright, joyful impressions, and to expand their contact with the outside world and help the pupils find a family.

There are 65 teachers in the Children's Home, including 8 teachers-defectologists. Have higher pedagogical education - 23 teachers. They have a category of -38 teachers. In 2009, 100% of educators attended advanced training courses at the Amur Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Pedagogical Personnel on the topic: “Medical, psychological and pedagogical support of children in the conditions of the Children's Home”.

In the children's home, a comfortable subject-developing environment and living space have been created to ensure a variety of activities for children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics and tasks of pedagogical influence. Moreover, in the group room there is no abundance of materials. The specifics of age dictate this asceticism, justified by the fact that children have a very low concentration of attention, fast switching from one type of activity to another; abundance will provoke absent-mindedness, chaotic behavior. Materials and some interior elements are dynamic; if necessary, the space is reorganized and replaced or supplemented with other games and equipment. The spatial organization of the environment simultaneously ensures safety and stimulates the physical activity of children. In the center of the groups there is enough free space for riding on cars, gurneys, rocking chairs, rolling down slides, building modular structures, sensory paths, ribbed mats, water and sand play centers, etc. The equipment is changed once a week.

Teachers help children to establish positive contacts with peers, organize productive and creative activities of children, show respect for the personality of each child, a benevolent attitude towards him, develop in pupils the rudiments of curiosity, activity, initiative.

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In the orphanage for pupils, there are various developmental zones (depending on the age of the children): a center for playing with sand and water, a center for developing games (didactic material, didactic toys, various types of constructors and toys for playing around), a zone of physical activity (soft modules , slides, dry pool, caterpillar tunnel, rocking chairs, sensory balls, etc.), dressing up corner, “Play the theater” corner, “Little Artists” corner, “Little Musicians” corner, “Hello, Book” corner, corner “We play” (material for display games and games with plot elements).

A room for motor and psychological relief functions in the orphanage. In the playroom, conditions have been created for the free motor activity of children, which contributes to the correct and timely development of the central nervous system, and, consequently, the mental and motor development of children. In the room, pupils can climb the labyrinths represented by soft modules, ride on rocking chairs, slide down a low slide, play with colorful balls in a dry pool, and sometimes just lie on relaxation pillows while singing birds, noise of foliage, sounds of the sea, calm music recorded on music disks.

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In the orphanage for children, every month there are holidays, entertainment, sports activities that charge the kids with joy and fun. In recent years, concerts of children's groups in the Amur Region have been organized annually for children in the orphanage: the O, Kay ensemble, the Yunye Variety Stars choral studio, the Kotovasia pop studio, and the Sonata Rehabilitation Center for children.

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The scenarios of the holidays for children include theatrical performances: puppet theaters, playing songs by children, fun. In the festively decorated hall, the pupils are happy to sing, dance together with the characters of the holidays: Parsley, a hare, a bear and other heroes. An ensemble of folk instruments has even been created in the orphanage. Children play with great joy on spoons, maracas, enjoy the sound of bells.

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All groups have developed long-term planning in all areas of upbringing and educational work with pupils, which makes it possible to methodologically correctly determine the system of working with children, ensure its purposefulness and effectiveness.

The schedule of classes with pupils of the orphanage in all groups is approved annually (in accordance with state standards for orphanages), the schedule of musical and physical education classes. Recommendations for conducting classes, independent activities of children in the conditions of a child's home have been approved. Systematic control over the conduct of classes is carried out according to the schedule of classes. Each group has 4 lessons daily.

For 1 g. teachers pay close attention to the formation of visual and auditory orientations, the expansion and enrichment of the sensory experience of children, the development of the ability to understand the speech of an adult and the implementation of the preparatory stages for mastering active speech, the development of movements. For 2, 3 g. In the classroom, teachers expand the experience of orientation in the environment, enrich children with a variety of sensory standards, develop children's speech, improve the grammatical structure of speech, develop and improve the motor skills of children.

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When organizing the upbringing and educational process with pupils of the orphanage, teachers use the optimal selection of methods, means, forms of training and upbringing, planning, gradual complication, multiple repetition, taking into account the individual and mental characteristics of children.

Various methods of complex rehabilitation of pupils are widely used in the orphanage.

Music therapy - as a method of complex rehabilitation of pupils. Music therapy is successfully used in work with young children, starting from 2 years old, when other forms of psychological influence are not yet available. The purpose of the lessons with the use of music therapy: creation of an emotional positive background of rehabilitation, stimulation of motor functions; development and correction of sensory processes. In the orphanage there are: technical means for playing musical works: audio and video equipment, synthesizer, music center, digital piano, children's instruments: bells, triangles, tambourines, pipes, wooden spoons, K. Orfa, costumes for children and corresponding attributes for performance songs.

Teachers (music director, teachers - defectologists, educators) use various elements of this technique in their work with pupils of the orphanage: listening to classical works, rhythmic movements to music, staging songs, playing to music, combining music and performance.

A great place in correctional and pedagogical work during the year is given to play activities, since games give children a lot of joy, are accompanied by positive emotions. Play is the way for children to learn about the world around them. Game therapy - the use of different types of games, contributes to the personal growth of pupils, the establishment of their own "I", the development of self-confidence, self-esteem increase. Teachers in their work with pupils of the orphanage use: subject-play activity; correctional and developmental games, reflective activity, elements of a plot-role-playing game.

In correctional and pedagogical work with pupils of 3 years. successfully applied puppet therapy - the use of puppet dramatization. Adults act out a puppet show, accessible in terms of content to the pupils of the orphanage, into which they introduce conflict situations that are significant for the child, inviting him, as it were, to evaluate them from the outside. Musical director, teacher-defectologists, educators use picture theater, puppet theater, toy theater, life size puppets in their work with pupils. In the orphanage there are: a multifunctional screen, a plywood house, life size puppets, a theater of toys, pictures, bi-ba-bo dolls, costumes for children and adults for carrying out this type of correctional and pedagogical work.

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Art therapy - therapy by means of art. The teachers of the orphanage, together with the pupils, perform tasks on a specific topic when working with a given material: drawings, modeling, application elements, without limiting the creativity of children. In working with children, elements of this technique are used, which are largely unconventional: drawing in the air, on the surface, with fingers, palms, blotting, using a stamp, a foam sponge, etc.

Home teachers use sensory exercises recommended by M. Montessori and Jackie Cook's system of educational games in practice. The main directions of correctional and pedagogical work according to this technique: the development of sensory functions, the development of speech, the development of fine motor skills, the development of interest in the world around. Kids learn to dress, pour water from one vessel to another, pour grain from one vessel to another with a spoon, fingers. They work with clothespins, paper clips, choose the same size and color. Natural material is sorted - cones, pebbles, acorns, beans, peas, beans. Various floating objects are caught with a strainer, water is collected with a sponge, the foam is whipped with a whisk, etc.

Agrotherapy is one of the new modern corrective methods of complex rehabilitation of children with neuropsychiatric disorders. Teachers in an accessible form show children that everything in nature is in a certain connection, dependence, form the first ideas about the phenomena of living nature, about the most common bright, flowering plants, teach the first simple labor skills. For this, various methods, techniques are used, incl. elementary search activity. To expand ideas, clarify and concretize knowledge, for the development of observation, classes and targeted walks, excursions, "ecological paths" are held. On the territory of the institution there are: a garden with fruit and berry trees and shrubs, a vegetable garden where vegetables are grown, flower beds with flowering plants. In winter, teachers decorate Christmas trees with ice floes, lanterns made of colored water, and delight pupils with snow structures.

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In the orphanage, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated January 24, 2003, a medical-psychological-pedagogical commission was created, which carries out comprehensive diagnostics of children, evaluates the dynamics of the state of health of inmates in accordance with the established deadlines, develops an individual comprehensive program of rehabilitation, treatment and social adaptation children and monitoring the effectiveness of corrective measures.

To date, there is a sufficient amount of diagnostic material developed by both domestic and foreign authors. Teachers-defectologists at OGUZ “Specialized Children's Home” carry out a system of monitoring the psychophysical development of young children based on the diagnostic material developed: at the Department of Polyclinic Pediatrics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (RMAPO); at the Department of Neuro- and Pathopsychology, Moscow State University. Lomonosov; at the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy, Russian Academy of Education.

Assessment of the level of development of children in a child's home is of great practical importance, monitoring the dynamics of neuropsychic development allows timely identification of children with developmental delays. The detected developmental lag is a signal of the need to take urgent measures, to develop an individual comprehensive program for the rehabilitation, treatment and social adaptation of the child. Medical-psychological-pedagogical meetings are held quarterly in all groups. Information about the dynamics of the psychophysical development of children is announced and recorded on a quarterly basis.

Thus, comprehensive timely diagnosis of pupils, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with developmental disabilities when drawing up a comprehensive rehabilitation program, introducing modern methods of complex rehabilitation of pupils into the correctional and pedagogical process are aimed at the prevention of secondary defects, the development of compensatory functions, the implementation of reserve forces and capabilities. foster children and allow to ensure positive dynamics in the psychophysical development of children.

Correctional and pedagogical work, carried out in cooperation with the staff of the pediatric, neurological, physiotherapy service, exercise therapy service, annually provides positive dynamics in the development of children with deep retardation of psychophysical development. As a result of the work carried out, it is possible to improve the psychophysical development of the pupils by 1-3 epicrisis terms within a year. Over the past three years, on average, 95% of children are admitted to the V group of psychophysical development. When leaving the child's home, on average, 30% of children have development group II, 30% - development group III, 20% - development group IV, 20% - remain in development group V (these are children with disabilities and children with persistent health disorders .).

The result of the comprehensive rehabilitation of children in the orphanage is a decrease in the percentage of children with cerebral palsy (from 31 in 1991 to 9 in 2010), a decrease in the percentage of children transferred to social protection institutions (from 35 in 1990 to 6 in 2009), as well as an increase in the share of children placed in families (over 50%).

On the basis of the orphanage, the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Amur Region works annually, which carries out comprehensive diagnostics of the inmates of the orphanage and makes a decision on determining the type of institution and the form of education for the inmates of the orphanage upon reaching the age of 3. Over the past three years, 88 inmates of the orphanage have been examined. Specialists of the PMPK of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Amur Region note the steady positive results of the educational process at the OGUZ “Specialized Children's Home”.

The institution is doing a lot of work on organizing continuity in the work of the children's home and other state institutions, to which pupils drop out upon reaching the age of 3. Upon retirement, a characteristic of psychophysical development is attached to each child. Continuity promotes faster adaptation of former orphanage inmates in the new state institution, allows orphanage employees to correctly predict and conduct the educational process, and promptly continue the correctional and pedagogical work begun in the orphanage.

In our institution, children have bright, warm rooms, the life of children is as close to home as possible. But no institution can replace a family for children. No matter how strong and effective the efforts are to replace the child's family, he still needs it. Timely rehabilitation of children left without parental care makes it possible to more effectively exercise the right of children to be adopted - to live and be raised in a family. Over the past three years, 119 children from the orphanage have been adopted and placed under guardianship.

The institution has its own traditions, which are aimed at stimulating a purposeful continuous increase in the level of professional competence of employees, promoting and disseminating best practices. A system of pedagogical work with personnel has been organized, including the holding of medical, psychological and pedagogical meetings, training seminars, consultations, open views, creative reports, presentation and defense of experimental work.

Over the past three years, teachers have been particularly interested in the presentation of materials related to the cognitive interests of educators, teachers - defectologists and other specialists, such as: "Analysis of educational programs for preschoolers", "New approaches to planning educational work with pupils", “Organization of a subject-developing environment in a child’s home”, “Organization of work of educators on self-education in a child’s home”, “Organization of experimental work in a child’s home”, “Presentation and defense of research activities”, “Certification procedure. Variable forms of certification ”,“ Modern scientific data on the patterns and standards of development of young children. The system of monitoring the psychophysical development of children ”,“ Organization, content of the activities of PMPK teachers. The effectiveness of the work of the PMPK at the orphanage "

The methodological office of the orphanage is equipped with sets for working with modern technologies. There is a constant selection of publications in periodicals covering the problems of education and training at an early age. Materials on the diagnosis of psychophysical development, materials on urgent problems of prevention and correction of deviations in psychophysical development in pupils, recommendations for organizing a subject-developing environment in a child's home have been systematized. In the methodological room, the best pedagogical experience of teachers-defectologists, educators of the institution is formalized, a portfolio is a set of materials that demonstrates the ability of teachers to solve the problems of their professional activities, choose a strategy and tactics of professional behavior and is designed to assess the level of professionalism of an employee.

For the period 2005-2009, a video library was created with 70 open views of the work of educators and teachers-defectologists of the children's home: classes, holidays, entertainment. Video recordings of open views allow everyone to see how colleagues work, use their positive experience, and realize their shortcomings.

Every year, the administration, the trade union organization OGUZ "Specialized Children's Home" holds a competition for the best preparation for the new academic year, which includes an analysis of the organization of the subject-spatial environment in groups, analysis of documentation in groups, presentation of materials on self-education of teachers, work performance, results of the summer health period ...

The orphanage teachers systematically improve their professional competence, take advanced training courses, and are active listeners of methodological associations. On the basis of OGUZ "Specialized Children's Home" for many years, city and regional methodological associations of educators, senior educators, teachers-defectologists have been held. Teachers present their experience in continuing education courses at the Amur Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Pedagogical Personnel, acquaint students of methodological associations with the organization and effectiveness of the pedagogical process at OGUZ “Specialized Children's Home”. They present systematized materials on the coverage of methods of psychological and pedagogical research of children of early and junior preschool age, materials on topical problems of prevention and correction of deviations in psychophysical development among pupils of a children's home.

Thus, the indicators of the success of the pedagogical process at the OGUZ "Specialized Children's Home" in collaboration with the staff of the pediatric, neurological, physiotherapeutic services, and the exercise therapy service are:

  • Implementation of regulatory documents governing the educational and upbringing activities of OGUZ "Specialized Children's Home",
  • stability of work,
  • ensuring the protection, restoration and strengthening of the health of children, the creation of favorable, comfortable conditions, close to those of the home, contributing to the normal development of pupils,
  • creation of favorable conditions that ensure the physical, intellectual and personal development of the child, successful indicators of the psychophysical development of pupils,
  • creating an atmosphere of creativity, cooperation in the team, increasing the level of professional competence, participation of teachers in methodological events of the city, region.

Psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation involves overcoming and correcting the child's disorders: motor, speech, intellectual, behavioral disorders, communication disorders, insufficiency of higher mental functions, for example, spatial disorders; connection of compensatory possibilities.

The rehabilitation process includes a wide range of measures. “Rehabilitation is a system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic measures aimed at eliminating disabilities. The goal of rehabilitation is to restore the social status of a person, to achieve material independence and his social one ”.

Department of Psychological and Pedagogical assistance in the Institution conducts psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of disabled children for the most complete adaptation to life in society. Provides psychological assistance and pedagogical correction of developmental disorders associated with the disease.

Tasks of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation:

  • Assessment of the rehabilitation potential through the use of various diagnostic techniques;
  • Conducting correctional and developmental work with disabled children, reducing the existing social insufficiency;
  • Development of cognitive abilities and intelligence;
  • Formation of communication skills and behavior correction.

In order to implement measures to provide computer Internet classes for orphanages for mentally retarded children and children with physical disabilities, the social protection system of the population, in 2009 the orphanage received a full set of equipment for the Internet class. Premises were allocated for the organization of work, special furniture was purchased. In November 2009, on the basis of the State Institution "Bazarnokarabulak orphanage-boarding school for the mentally retarded", specialists were trained in the use of equipment and software. Currently, disabled children of middle and older age are engaged in the office. Classes are conducted according to the approved schedule and plan. In the process of conducting classes, children receive initial knowledge about the computer and its capabilities. With the opening of the Internet class, the motivation for knowledge increased in children, discipline and curiosity improved. Working on a computer for children living in stationary conditions is a socializing means of communication. With the help of working on a computer, children with disabilities develop writing skills, develop attention, perseverance, and fine motor skills of the fingers.

Classes are held in subgroups, the teacher has the opportunity to take into account the characteristics of the child, to set the optimal work time by experimental means, to distribute physical education pauses according to the physical condition of the pupil, to find his spatial position at the computer, when the child feels comfortable and is most efficient.

Particular importance in the development of mentally retarded children of preschool age (4-8 years) in an orphanage is attached to the formation of play activities. The main attention is paid to the development of the cognitive sphere with the obligatory reliance on a specific visual situation, on the formation of objective actions. In the process of playing, acting with toys, the child achieves discharge of emotional stress, through objects he expresses his goals, desires, feelings. The equipment of the premises, the presence of attributes for role-playing games are of great importance for the conduct of games, game activities.

To conduct classes on teaching young children to play, the boarding house has a classroom for a subject-developing environment. This is the favorite place for kids. Together with the teacher, children play out game situations, put puzzles, mosaics, construct from soft modules.

Particular importance in the development of mentally retarded children of preschool age (4-8 people) in the orphanage is attached to the formation of play activities. The main attention is paid to the development of the cognitive sphere with the obligatory trampling on a specific visual situation, on the formation of objective actions. In the process of playing, acting with toys, the child achieves a release of emotional tension, through objects he expresses his goals, desires, feelings. The equipment of the premises, the presence of attributes for role-playing games are of great importance for conducting games, playing activities.

To conduct classes on teaching young children to play, the boarding house is equipped with a classroom for a subject-developing environment. This is the favorite place for kids. Together with the teacher, children play out game situations, put puzzles, mosaics, construct from soft modules.

In accordance with the agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Chechen Republic and the Ministry of Education of the Chechen Republic on the organization of education for children with mental disabilities who are in the BU "Kugessky boarding school for mentally retarded children", on the basis of the decision of the Republican psychological, medical and pedagogical Commission in 2009 opened two special classes for children with moderate mental retardation.

For the implementation of educational activities, the necessary conditions have been created: premises for training sessions (classes) have been identified and equipped in accordance with the state standard of the Chuvash Republic "Social services for the population in the Chuvash Republic" disabilities in physical and mental development from 06.03.1986, № 4076-86.

The curriculum was developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of general education and education of persons with mental disabilities. The curriculum consists of three parts: federal, regional, school and compensatory components. In connection with the somatic state of health of children, the duration of the lessons is 35 minutes, and for individual and group assignments, 20 minutes. A mark-free system for evaluating learning outcomes has been introduced. Methods of teaching children: a game form of carrying out most types of work; the leading role of the subject-based method of teaching based on specific didactic material, detailed division of the educational material into elements and its gradual generalization, individualization of teaching, etc.

Children learn to read a text that is simple in its structure, answer questions asked, distinguish between vowels and consonants, they can write simple sentences and texts. , perform arithmetic operations.

Along with the traditional academic subjects, the study of specific, corrective-oriented integrative classes, as well as individual and group classes for the elimination of deficiencies in speech and physical development, is carried out. The integrative type of correctional classes include the development of verbal speech, speech therapy, rhythmics.

An in-depth speech therapy examination makes it possible to distinguish several groups of children with varying degrees of severity of speech impairment. Speech therapy work with speechless children is carried out in small subgroups (2-3 people) in the form of play situations, which helps to gradually form the motivational basis of speech. For this, characters of the puppet theater, bright toys, flannelegraph, etc. are used, we develop independent speech based on imitative activity. Children learn to call loved ones, simple names, make a request accompanied by a gesture.

Corrective speech therapy work with children of secondary school age is carried out with all the components of speech:

Intensive work on the development of understanding of speech, aimed at distinguishing between forms of words;

Mastering the correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds by ear;

Systematic work to expand the passive and active vocabulary;

Distinguishing between words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning;

Extensive use of short poetry.

The main tasks of correctional work with children of senior school age are:

Practical assimilation of the lexical and grammatical means of the language;

Formation of a full-fledged sound side of speech (education of articulation skills, correct sound pronunciation, with a logical structure and phonemic perception);

Preparation for literacy, mastering the elements of literacy;

Further development of connected speech.

Psychological and pedagogical examination children with disabilities are conducted by a special psychologist. The study of mental characteristics is carried out taking into account the dynamics of development. It has an analytical, synthetic and complex character. The study draws attention to an individual approach to children, which is based on strict consideration of the capabilities and characteristics of a particular child in the real conditions of his life and activity.

One of the main methods of studying the psyche of a disabled child is observation. Observation takes place in the process of various types of activity: play, educational,

Another important method of studying the psyche of a disabled child is observation. Observation takes place in the process of various types of activity: play, study, work.

In the conditions of an orphanage-boarding school, classes are held in a specially equipped sensory room. Psychological and pedagogical examination is carried out at the beginning and at the end of the academic year.

Psychological, pedagogical, medical and social rehabilitation is considered as a sparing means of including a special child in the social space, in a group of peers, providing him with conditions for self-determination, personal growth, and in general are directed to restore personal status.

The main task of the rehabilitation of a child with disabilities:
- expanding the scope of itsindependence, which is understood as overcoming their own isolation, acquisition of communication skills and the ability to master and apply knowledge and skills without direct outside help to solve everyday problems.



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Psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of special children Gordeyko Tatiana Alkesandrovna, educator of the 1st category, MADOU DS No. 3, Blagoveshchensk "Nadezhda"

Special children - who are they? children with disabilities (disabled or not having a disabled status), children with disabilities in development, behavior, socialization; this category can include children living in a family (native, foster), as well as outside it (in residential institutions, etc.), all of them are united by the fact that they are in a difficult life situation

Psychological, pedagogical, medical and social rehabilitation is considered as a sparing means of including a special child in the social space, in a group of peers, providing him with conditions for self-determination, personal growth, and in general are aimed at restoring personal status

The main task of the rehabilitation of a child with disabilities is to expand the sphere of his independence, which means overcoming his own isolation, acquiring communication skills and the ability to master and apply knowledge and skills without direct outside help to solve everyday problems.

Key components of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of special children 1. Diagnostic: determination of the rehabilitation potential; methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of cognitive, emotional-volitional, activity spheres of personality are applied; 2. Organizational and technological (correctional and developmental): involvement of specialists, the use of rehabilitation technologies 3. Analytical (identification of dynamics by the main indicators in the process of rehabilitation), determination of key areas, selection of forms and technologies of rehabilitation work

The main stages of the integration of children with disabilities into the children's team 1. Adaptation (individually, in a small group) 2. Development of prerequisites for communicative activity together with a specialist (communication skills, the ability to perceive other children, adults); result - the emergence of interest in joint activities; 3. Participation in group classes 4. Work in pairs (working out communicative behavior) 5. Involvement in the work of a large group (games, holidays, etc.) Note: inclusion in group activities should be timely

The main characteristics of children with complicated (deviant) behavior Aggressiveness Emotional instability Weakened volitional sphere Conformity, secrecy Inclination to vagrancy, illegal actions Lack of responsibility, value attitude to their health

The view of the children under guardianship on the problem of rewards and punishments Child's age, years The most desirable encouragement The most terrible punishment 3-5 "To love", sweet When they shout, "knock" 5-8 When they praise Stand in the corner. When they don't talk to me. 9-11 Going for a walk, visiting with (foster) parents. When they are not allowed to go out with friends. When they don't trust me 12-13 The best reward is trust. The best encouragement is to grant my wish. The worst punishment is when they don't talk to me. The worst punishment is if they don't let me go out with my friends. 14-15 Praise, they say "well done", give gifts. The worst punishment is to leave the family. If they send him back to the orphanage.

Functions of correctional and rehabilitation work: restorative, involving the restoration of those positive qualities that prevailed in a teenager before the appearance of difficulty in education, an appeal to the teenager's memory of his good deeds; compensating, consisting in the formation of the adolescent's desire to compensate for this or that lack with success in activities that captivate him; stimulating, aimed at enhancing the positive socially useful activity of a teenager; corrective, associated with the correction of negative qualities of a teenager and involving the use of various methods of behavior correction (encouragement, persuasion, example, etc.).

Individual complex rehabilitation of a teenager with deviant behavior. Determination of the initial rehabilitation potential (in the areas of rehabilitation): social, household, medical and physiological; medical and psychological; psychological and pedagogical; social and labor. Drawing up an individual comprehensive rehabilitation program (with the participation of the rehabilitated person): social and household rehabilitation (development of a plan for the formation and development of self-service skills); medical and physiological rehabilitation (development of a medical rehabilitation program); medical and psychological rehabilitation (development of a medical and psychological rehabilitation program); psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation (development of a plan for individual training and education); social and labor rehabilitation (development of a vocational training plan).

Implementation of the developed program and its correction: social and domestic rehabilitation (adaptation of the child to the living conditions in the institution; social and domestic education and upbringing); medical and physiological rehabilitation (periodic medical examination, treatment; spa treatment according to indications); Medical and psycho-pedagogical rehabilitation (psychodiagnostics, psychotherapy and psychocorrection of detected disorders; individual psychoconsultations); educational work, additional education; social and labor rehabilitation (vocational guidance; identification of professional abilities; labor training and education of a positive attitude to work). Issuance of recommendations to a rehabilitated teenager (in areas / areas of rehabilitation). Supervising the life of a teenager together with his family (if any)

Thank you for the attention.

The article highlights the features of the implementation of an individual approach in the rehabilitation system for preschool children brought up in an orphanage. In an institution for orphans and children left without parental care, an individual approach is implemented by creating adaptation environments (psychological, social, etc.) aimed at solving the specific problems of each child. Classes in these environments are focused on taking into account the originality and individual characteristics of each child.

Once in an orphanage, preschool children experience stress, deep mental trauma as a result of the negative experience of life in an asocial family and from the fact of a break with the family. To overcome these traumatic consequences, a properly organized rehabilitation process, focused on the restoration of abilities and mental functions, as well as lost social ties and replenishment of the living environment, is of paramount importance. This process aims to remove an acute condition that hinders the process of normal development of the child.

Preschool age is a period when a child is especially sensitive to social influences and is focused on cognition of the world around him (all his senses are involved in this process); when the foundations of the personality components, as well as the cognitive and affective spheres, are laid, intense sensory, physical development occurs. It is not for nothing that this period is considered a key period in a person's life.

The uniqueness of preschool age, on the other hand, and the stressful state of a child who finds himself in an orphanage, on the other, dictates the need for urgent help, urgent inclusion in the system of rehabilitation work of the orphanage.

The most important condition for the implementation of the process of rehabilitation of a child of preschool age is the implementation of an individual approach, which is a system of psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at creating optimal conditions for rehabilitation for each child.

In the orphanage, an individual approach is implemented through the creation of adaptation environments aimed at overcoming the problems of each preschool child. These environments are created by specialists of the Rehabilitation Service operating in the orphanage (psychologist, pediatrician, defectologist, speech therapist, etc.). Each specialist implements a certain direction of rehabilitation work; accordingly, each of these environments has its own goals and objectives, its own equipment, aimed at individual work with the child. In individual lessons, specialists solve problems that are characteristic of this particular child and are associated with the originality of his psyche and personality, as well as with individual characteristics:

Working with the past (acceptance of the past: why the child ended up in an orphanage, what will happen to him next);

Removal of the consequences of cruel treatment, violence;

Development of speech, cognitive needs, play skills, etc.

An important role is assigned to a social teacher who organizes a social environment that includes a methodological study (where educators and teachers get the opportunity to get acquainted with new technologies and new trends in the upbringing of children left without parental care), a playground, etc. The social educator, who collects information about the child's past life and family history, thus creates the basis on which the efforts of all specialists are based. So, it is during the collection of information about the family that the psychologist works through the life experience of the preschool child and outlines an approximate model of his real life.

In the process of rehabilitation, it is difficult to overestimate the role of a psychologist. Having a variety of diseases, the child primarily experiences mental trauma. If it is not overcome, it is almost impossible to rehabilitate the baby. The psychologist implements the activities of the psychological environment aimed at the formation of self-perception, normalization of behavioral reactions, psychotherapeutic work, etc. The task of this environment is to create a favorable atmosphere for psychological prevention, correction and development of preschoolers.

Particular importance is attached to psychotherapeutic work associated with the leading type of activity - play: it lays the foundation for the further development of the preschooler. It is in the game activity that the development of memory, attention, the development of the communicative sphere takes place.

Play, being a leading activity in preschool age, becomes a powerful means of rehabilitation for orphans. In rehabilitation work with preschoolers brought up in an orphanage, play activity has the character of play therapy and is used for various behavioral disorders, neuroses, fears, anxiety, and communication disorders. The use of games in work by preschool children is only one of the means in the process of rehabilitation and correction of the personality of a preschool child.

Tasks solved in the course of gaming activities:

1. A child's awareness of the events of the surrounding world through imitation, socialization, perception of the norms of behavior that exist in society.

2. Expression in the game of any feelings and affects, forbidden motives without fear and their expression outside the game.

3. Compensatory satisfaction of a sense of independence and other needs that cannot be satisfied outside the game.

4. Resolution of internal conflicts.

5. Emotional overcoming of the consequences of unfavorable family experiences.

6. Modeling the unborn child.

7. Reflection of his growth and development.

The psychologist uses play as a therapeutic tool for two reasons:

a) play can be used as a tool for studying a child (classical psychoanalytic technique, in which desire is repressed, one action is replaced by another, lack of attention, slip of the tongue, stutters, etc.)

b) free repetition of the traumatic situation - "obsessive behavior".

The use by a psychologist of various games and specially developed programs of rehabilitation and psychocorrection with the use of games is an effective means of overcoming experiences that traumatize a preschool child. Removal of mental stress, traumatic experience, fears in the game occurs through the formation of the ability to perceive new impressions and transfer of children's fantasy to topics not related to violence, trauma experienced, which contributes to the development of self-confidence, self-esteem, and trust in the adults around the child. Example. Ilya K., 5.7 years old

The boy was taken from a family where he was mistreated. He was closed, did not play with children, did not come into contact with adults. Everywhere he went with a toy (hare), which he brought from home. Taking advantage of this, the psychologist began to replay various situations with the "hare" and toys from the orphanage: how the hare got to know them, how it plays, etc. Gradually, such activities brought results: the child developed a desire to communicate with a psychologist, he began to "open up", to tell some details of his life. After classes conducted by a psychologist in a sensory room, Ilya himself sought contacts with both the children and the teacher.

In addition to playing methods in working with older preschool children, the psychologist uses art therapy, animal therapy techniques, which help them to relax, feel protected, needed by someone.

An important means of psychotherapeutic work is the use of the so-called "Kishi of Life" (chronological and therapeutic work with a child's life history), which is aimed at maintaining old and forming new attachments. Together with the child, the psychologist creates a "Child's Life Story", which is entered into an album, which contains drawings, photographs, notes about important events in the child's life. This album is placed in a safe but accessible place for the child to use when needed. This album helps the child to realize the events that happened to him. The Child's Life Story is a tool for the psychologist and other specialists of the orphanage to work with each specific preschooler. Example.

Anton I., flying

He entered the orphanage from an asocial family (drinking parents are deprived of parental rights), where he was subjected to cruel treatment. He categorically did not want to communicate with anyone until he was returned home. He said that his parents love him and will soon take him back, that everything will be fine. In the process of working as a psychologist, the "Book of Life" was not interpreted, in which the events of his life were recorded together with the boy. Anton made drawings in this album, which made it possible for the psychologist to determine what kind of abuse the child was subjected to and how to organize work with him. Gradually, more and more often referring to his "Book of Life", Anton began to understand why he ended up in an orphanage, that there are people in this house who need him.

For a preschooler placed in an orphanage, developing games that help develop various mental processes are of particular importance. Often, senior preschool children admitted to institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, there is a significant lag in cognitive activity, they do not form the prerequisites for readiness for school. In this regard, the teacher-defectologist, speech therapist organize games aimed at developing memory, attention, thinking, etc. The activities of specialists in the development of mental functions are carried out within the framework of the pedagogical environment, the structure of which includes an office of correctional pedagogy, a speech therapy office, a music hall, a living corner (there is in each group), a play corner, a workshop "Craftswoman" (embroidery circles, weaving from beads) , a circle for working with wood, etc.

Teachers conduct individual exercises with the child, choose training programs (general education, correctional, individual training; class in accordance with biological age or level of knowledge, etc.). The distribution of the educational load takes place taking into account the psycho-emotional state and in accordance with the actual capabilities of the child. Understanding the role of reducing motivation to learn in connection with the loss of intellectual control and at the same time its gradual restoration and the subsequent transfer of this ability to the emotional sphere - this is the "supporting", therapeutic effect of learning. Experts constantly monitor the dynamics of the development of the child's cognitive sphere, suggesting that children's social workers organize an additional developmental environment for this child (circles, sections).

Educators who spend most of their time with children realize the task of organizing a "living" environment for the child. On the one hand, this is building boundaries in communication, helping in learning the rules of behavior and developing self-service skills, and on the other, emotional support and acceptance, taking care of meeting the child's physical and emotional needs in everyday life. Experience shows that it is extremely difficult to control the behavior of a child who has not formed an attachment to someone from the people around him. Why? Restrictions and prohibitions operate to a certain extent, and self-control can be based on voluntary obedience, the source of which is trust in adults and a positive relationship with them.

Educators inform the specialists of the Rehabilitation Service about the current state of the child, make “targeted” requests for help to various specialists and follow their recommendations. New positive experience in relationships, socially significant achievements in everyday life organized by educators, academic success achieved with the help of teachers, building new relationships with relatives in cooperation with a child social worker, working with inner experiences and rethinking past experiences during classes with a psychologist - all this is necessary to restore the child's self-esteem and his trust in other people.

The medical environment is acquiring a special role in the rehabilitation process. Children entering the orphanage have numerous chronic diseases of various body systems that slow down their full development; they are characterized by neurotic manifestations requiring immediate medical intervention. Treatment, medical rehabilitation is carried out by the following specialists: a doctor organizing the activities of this environment, and a nurse. The doctor conducts observation, prophylaxis and medical appointments in case of severe neurotic manifestations and affective outbursts, somatic and psychosomatic problems; makes recommendations to educators, provides information to all specialists. The medical environment includes a treatment room, a doctor's office, a gym, exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapy rooms, a phytobar, a dry pool, etc.

For a child of older preschool age, physical development is of fundamental importance: during this period, the general motor skills are improved and the fine motor skills of the hand and fingers develop.

The combination of the possibilities of therapeutic environments, depending on the needs of a particular child, is designed to help solve the specific situation of each preschool child who is brought up in an orphanage. Thus, the implementation of an individual trip and the implementation of an individual rehabilitation plan takes place.