Everyone has different ideas about friendship. What is true friendship

Since childhood, we have friends, but, unfortunately, not everyone understands what friendship is. Friendship is a very close relationship, which, as a rule, is based on mutual trust, common interests and affection. Friendship is a deep connection between people, while it involves not only mutual assistance and loyalty, but also inner closeness. Quite often we change the meaning of the words "pals" and "friends".

What is friendship really?

There are never many friends in our life, there can be 2 - 3, well, a maximum of 4. If you have a couple of friends at work, the same number in the yard and 3-4 from school, and you treat all of them the same, then most likely your friends.

After all, we treat a close friend a little differently, he is close to our hearts, we can consult with him, tell everything that has accumulated inside. It is with a friend that we can express our thoughts aloud. That's what friendship is.

With friends it’s a little different, yes, they can support you in difficult times, experience different stages of your life with you, you can share your experiences with them, But you will never trust them with everything.

You are afraid to tell them about your personal experiences, about your problems with the opposite sex. After all, you are not sure that your words will be kept secret. Based on the above words, you can determine who the person with whom you are now on good, friendly terms is to you.

So, we have determined that friendship is a feeling, it is not something external, it lies deep in the heart. And, as a rule, friendship arises spontaneously. In addition, friendship is based on a number of factors, they are needed not only for the emergence of friendship, but also in order to maintain it. Let's look at the main factors:

Mutual respect

This means that it is necessary to treat each other with respect, to reckon with his opinion. It should be noted that respect for each other is manifested both in words and deeds. Showing respect for a friend, you thereby say that you value him as a person, respect his dignity. Without this, friendship is impossible.


By this word, we mean confidence in the integrity and sincerity of your friend, that is, we are confident that he will never intentionally deceive and will not betray in any situation.

These are the two main factors influencing friendship, keeping them, you can only strengthen it. Now you know what friendship is and how to distinguish a friend from a friend.

Is there true friendship between people

Many people are deprived of attention and suffer because of its lack, they are upset by the absence of a loved one nearby. Every child in childhood always runs to his mother if something suddenly happens or some kind of trouble occurs. After all, mom will always help and understand. Over time, a person becomes an adult and relations with his mother become different, she can not always be there and help, and the need for someone to support you only grows. In this regard, every person is looking for a true friend.

Friendship is both a selfless and personal relationship that people build between themselves. Friendship is based on sincerity, trust, common hobbies and interests, mutual sympathy. One of the prerequisites for the emergence and development of friendship between people is the absence of any competition and at least an approximately equal position on the social ladder.

What is friendship? This feeling is very similar to love, it is just as strong and unites hearts. In today's world, such friends are very difficult to find, as people put forward so many demands on their supposed friend. And, if you think about it, making friends is a pretty strange thing to do. You should not deal with them, over time, friends will be found on their own. There will come a time when you need help.

The help of a friend should be of a spiritual nature, this is sympathy or practical advice, care and understanding, such help cannot be compared with support in material terms.

Any person, albeit to a small extent, but feels the physical need for help and they are of great importance to him. Most of all, the help of a friend is needed for people who are depressed, in a stressful situation.

True friendship has no rules, only friends themselves can set their own rules. Because it's their personal relationship. In friendship, you need not only to use help, but also to provide help and support in return. This is what true friendship is.

There are many songs, sayings and stories about friends. On many portals you will find a lot of tips to get to know a real friend. But still, the content of friendship, like many other feelings, is beyond human understanding. There are many definitions of them, but they cover only a part, losing the main points. Is it really possible to find out true friendship only in sorrow, or is there an opportunity to check it in advance?

True friends love you just like that, not for something, not for some achievements or connections, but simply because you are. It is to you in which case they will turn for help, and vice versa, they will be able to support you in a difficult situation and help you figure it out.

A true friend will never leave you alone. You will feel bored in his absence, and when you meet him you will be very happy.

If you don't know who you consider a true friend in your social circle, decide on your views on friendship. After all, each person has his own special interpretation of this feeling. Someone describes friendship with daily meetings with funny conversations, for someone a friend is that person with whom you can not see each other for months, and when you meet you forget about a long separation.

Do not be lazy and come up with as many questions as possible and be sure to write them down. Think about the exact answer to each of them to find out a real friend. Trust not so much the analysis of sensations as your intuition and your heart - they don’t know who your real friend is. When you finish your work, look again, is there perhaps something that you forgot, something very important, without which you cannot imagine a real friend?

Think of all your friends. Do they have all the qualities described? All in a complex or some one? You will be surprised or disappointed to see that not all of your friends meet the created portrait of a true friend. Do not rush to be upset, because this is not the end of a kind of training.

Listen to what your inner voice is telling you. One more feeling will allow you to recognize a true friend - unquestioning trust. With the list above, we made you artificially disappointed in your friends, but perhaps not in all of them.

Feelings for real friends are much stronger than any records and conclusions. And if among those people whose friendship you are testing, there is at least one to whom your attitude has not changed in the process of analysis, he is a true friend.

Your friendship is above all conventions and attempts to impose rules, it exists in spite of everything, and nothing can destroy it. And remember that a true friend is someone you always have confidence in. So before you start such a check, think about whether you really need it.

People have been trying to define the word friendship for a long time. In the name of friendship, feats and disinterested deeds were performed, for the sake of friendship they fought and died. But it is almost impossible to characterize this word in a few sentences, because each person puts something of his own into its meaning.

Friendship is, first of all, the similarity of views and thoughts, feelings and needs of two people. We put into this word fidelity and the desire to always come to the rescue, empathy and joy for the happiness of a loved one, as for ourselves.

A friend must be sincere in his feelings, there is no place for flattery and hypocrisy. Even when the truth can hurt, only a friend will find the strength to say it in person, without concealing anything.

Between friends there is no place for envy and rivalry. Only a true friend will be happy for another as well as for himself.

But friendship is a fragile crystal bowl. It must be protected from careless offensive words, from outbursts of irritation and anger. Of course, true friendship cannot be broken by a simple quarrel or quarrel, but it is also not necessary to triple the tests for strength. After all, having a true friend is an amazing gift. It is a miracle to know that you are not alone in the world and there is someone who will always lend his shoulder and stand next to you, will not turn away in the face of trouble or difficulties.

Is it necessary to try to be better for the sake of a friend, because a true friend will accept us for who we are? Of course, it is necessary. Still, friendship is based on mutual assistance and mutual bestowal. If one side only gives, and the other only receives, without contributing anything in return, then such a relationship is very far from true friendship. For the sake of a friend, you definitely need to become better, kinder and more attentive. A friend is a mirror of ourselves. You should not expect loyalty and devotion from a friend if we ourselves cannot boast of such traits.

True friendship is a great value in life, and happy is the one who has a friend.

Option 2

Friendship - this word occupies one of the first places in the life of every person. In our life, different events occur and different situations develop, which are not always happy. It is in moments when you feel bad and need support that we recognize people who are nearby and call themselves best friends. But for different people the concept of friendship is different.

However, in the modern world, sincere and pure friendship is not so common, or rather, extremely rare. For many, self-interest and the acquisition of benefits from friendship with a particular person are more important. Such people constantly pretend to be your friend, and after they get everything they wanted from you, they almost immediately disappear from the circle of friends, and sometimes become enemies. In order to avoid such situations in life, you need to carefully choose your friends.

True friendship will endure all trials, it is not afraid of years. On the contrary, over time, friendship becomes stronger, and faithful, reliable friends are closer to each other. Even if there was a quarrel or contention, true friends will always find a way out of this situation and make up, no matter what.

Friendship - strong, sincere, real - is one of the most unusual and kind feelings on earth that a person can experience. If you have friends, then you are a happy person. Between people who are connected by friendship, there are invisible threads that cannot be explained in words. It is necessary to value friends as the most precious treasure in the world, one must respect the feelings of friends, because not everyone is given the opportunity to experience a feeling of friendship. Words from the Bible: “A true friend is a strong defense; whoever finds it has found the treasure."

Composition reasoning Friendship

John Chrysostom: "Better to be in darkness than without a friend."

I believe that a person in life has always had at least one true friend. Yes, lives diverge and it is not always possible to be close to each other and support, but in the heart this person is always with you. And even if you do not communicate for a very long time, due to certain circumstances, you involuntarily ask yourself the question: “What would my friend advise me, what would he do?” Why is this happening? It seems to me, because he can be trusted with a lot, all the most intimate, even his life. A friend becomes a part of you, and without him you no longer feel the way you are now.

Friendship is a wealth that many people want to own. She makes you understand that you are not alone, that you will not be left alone with your misfortune, and sharing the joys with someone is even greater happiness.

If the friendship is real, it will never go away. It will go along with you for many years and everything will be the same as it was 10 and 20 years ago. Your friend will be happy to communicate with you, support, advise and worry about you, even if you are far from each other.

The quote from John Chrysostom, which is given at the beginning, fully answers the question: “Why is friendship important and necessary?” After all, for the sake of a friend, you can sacrifice everything. It is impossible to live without a friend, because this person is a reflection of yourself. You know everything about him, and he knows about you - this is a trust that is hard to win.

Also, it is worth noting that friendships cannot be considered only in this framework. Of course, there is also love, but love for the person himself on a spiritual level; respect, that is, some kind of equality and recognition of each other. There is no perfect friendship, there will always be disagreements, without them it is impossible to build good relations. Therefore, it has been tested for years, and if the test is passed, then you are a happy person.

What is Friendship reasoning Grade 9

At certain points in their lives, many people think about friendly participation, which saves them from loneliness. Our subconscious is tuned to the desire to make friends with cheerful people who are able to do good, striving to come to the rescue at any moment. The person who is able to provide real help is a true friend.

We are surrounded by many people, but true friends are very few. And so, the main quality of a friend is to be honest, sympathetic, sympathetic, ready to provide all possible assistance at any moment. A true comrade will give the last, not regretting it later.

Friendship is a feeling of giving warmth and support.

The ability to find the right words for a friend. Help in difficult times. And find a way out together.

If you have a friend, then you need to maintain a relationship with him for life. Many different proverbs about friendship. For example: “Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!”, “Friendship is known in trouble!”. We appreciate the positive qualities of character in a friend, and we try to help ourselves. Friendship is not one-sided. Try to trust each other and do not skimp on any help.

Friends are easier to make at a young age and harder to make later. It is necessary to value, protect friendships, personal secrets, not to betray friendships. Not all friends' conversations are only about “pleasant” things in life, it is a real friend who reveals the truth to you on certain circumstances, not to flatter, to admit if you did something bad. Can forgive if a friend made a wrong step, stumbled! In time, it will stop and turn in the other direction.

Many people think that there can be no friendship between a man and a woman. But, in fact, this is possible and depends on the moral qualities of both sexes and goals in life. In the work "Dinka" by V. Oseeva, the main character Dinka confesses to "Khokholk" that she has more than friendly feelings for another guy. She did a real act, like the best friend. Her friendly deed is commendable. Although hearing these words, the friend felt pain.

I want everyone to be friends with each other. And there were friendly relations between countries and states. Then there will be peace. And peaceful relations are the preservation of natural resources, families and the pursuit of peaceful affairs and the development of modern technologies.

Option 5

A lot has been said about friendship. Writers and poets, artists and composers praise true friends and true strong friendship in their works.

What does the word "friendship" mean? The explanatory dictionary says that friendship is such a relationship that is based on mutual trust, on common interests and on affection for each other. But friendship is not always the same. It all depends on the person. The famous philosopher Aristotle identifies several types of friendship. The first type is based on mutual benefit, the second is the relationship between the boss and subordinates, the third type is the most disinterested - these are relationships based on common interests.

I would like my friends and I to have a third type of friendship. It's so wonderful when your friends understand you perfectly. People who have a lot in common and are willing to sacrifice their interests for the sake of another are true friends.

I think that a true friend should have the following qualities: honesty, kindness, willingness to help another, disinterestedness. It often happens that one of the friends is ready for anything for the sake of the other. The second friend just takes advantage of his kindness. Such "friendly" relationships cannot last forever. There will come a time when a person who always makes concessions will get tired of sacrificing everything for a friend without getting anything in return.

Someone will say that you should not expect better support than from a family. It really is. But, unfortunately, in the modern world, relatives do not always live nearby. Most often, the closest people are in a distant city or even in another country at the very moment when you need support or help. As a rule, friends are work colleagues or neighbors who live somewhere nearby and can always come to the rescue.

Maintaining a friendship is not easy. If you want your friends to treat you well, pay them the same. It is not in vain that they say that good and evil return like a boomerang. Therefore, before you send negativity into the world, think about what will then return to you.

Friendship is not easy, but life without friendship is even more difficult. Friendship brings the happiest moments in a person's life, which help him in difficult life situations.

Sample 6

The concept of friendship is multifaceted. She follows the path of life with every person. She occupies an important place. From time immemorial, disinterested and selfless deeds have been committed in the name of friendship. She made people for the sake of dear people throw themselves under bullets or even die. Therefore, it is impossible to explain what friendship is, since each person has his own understanding.

Friendship is what brings people together. In parallel lines we draw fidelity and mutual understanding. For example, from birth, mother is our true friend who will never betray or offend. Such a friend is ready to lay down his life for the well-being of his child throughout life. A little older in adolescence, we find people with the same thoughts and needs. This makes us feel like a soul for this person and there is a desire to come to the rescue at any moment. Gradually getting older, many friends stay with us for the entire period of life. Often such a sincere and strong friendship causes a storm of emotions that make you empathize and rejoice for such a close and dear person.

In such a concept as friendship there should be no hypocrisy and lies. The ability to make friends is not available to everyone, as there are individuals who are used to walking the path of life alone or profiting in a material sense from those around them. Thirst for profit or self-interest greatly spoil such relationships. Recently, the younger generation understands the word friendship as an interesting pastime without any obligations. Therefore, only a true friend will rejoice in the victories and successes achieved by his own person. Such feelings are tested not only by time, but also by actions. In friendship there is no distribution between the poor and the rich, there is no status component. It is not known what awaits us tomorrow, so it is necessary to treat everyone as well as yourself. That is why friendship is so important in today's world. We can entrust secrets or problems only to our friend, which, after sitting and solving together, can be corrected. The person who has friends is truly happy.

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  • Friendship is a very versatile and complex concept. Every person in the world can give completely different definitions to this word.

    People have evolved since the beginning of time. When someone is surrounded by his close friends, it seems to him that he is not alone in this world, there is always someone to rely on, who can help in difficult times in word and deed, to listen. Comrades are ready to come to the rescue, they stand on their side even when they are wrong.

    Very often people confuse the definition of "friendship" with some other type of interpersonal relationship, expect other unusual actions and words, which often leads to mutual disappointment. It is important to be able to distinguish friendly interaction from all other types of communication. Understanding and realizing what it means will help not only to be and remain real, true, but also to adequately evaluate the words and deeds of others, those whom we call friends.

    The essence of friendship

    What is friendship? According to the definition given in Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, friendship is a relationship of a high degree of closeness, which is based on deep trust, mutual affection, common interests and views. A real comrade is deeply connected with a friend, can always count on mutual assistance, provide support, be faithful, honest in words and deeds.

    This word always implies a large amount of warmth, a high level of affection, trust and intimacy.

    In psychology, friendship is classified as an attraction. This word means "attraction, emotional attraction to another person." It includes:

    • A person's need for communication and interaction, which encourages him to choose different partners for himself.
    • Various qualities of a partner that contribute to attraction and interaction.
    • Features of building relationships that encourage further communication, trust, the search for meetings and the desire to connect life and destiny with a person.

    There are some of the most popular features of its manifestation:

    • Understanding the sensations, feelings and needs of your friend.
    • Deep similarity of interests up to the same perception of material objects, such as art objects.
    • Complete separation of the emotional, mental, moral, physical state.
    • The ability to partially or completely substitute for another psychological help, conversation or just a touch to bring significant relief from mental pain.

    Sometimes empathy can reach such an extreme that people become almost identical attitudes, thoughts and feelings. Such a perception not only helps to get to know your friend better, but also brings high pleasure from closeness, the feeling of a kindred soul in this infinite Universe.

    What is meant by friendship?

    The word “friendship” has different meanings for many people. This may depend on how close the person wants to let people in. One is able to call fifty acquaintances real friends, the other will count his comrades on the fingers of his hand. The third will say that the word "friend" he is not able to call anyone.

    In ancient Greece, this concept was divided into two, highlighting:

    • friendship, which was based on mutual interests and common goals of the team;
    • the friendship that was called "noble" could only arise between two people as an attachment of high purity.

    Today, most often erroneously called friendship:

    • Communication with friends. However, the most secret desires and deepest needs of such people, as a rule, are not trusted.
    • Expression of solidarity and common interests of the team.
    • The similarity of work or political functioning.
    • Showing sympathy for another person because of its isolation, uniqueness, manner to stand out. You can call the word “friend” just a nice person, but such connections are usually very unreliable, as people change often.

    In those relationships in which there is no trust, sincerity and love, the concept of "friendship" simply has no place.

    Friendship types

    In cases where the level of mutual affection and the depth of understanding between comrades are great, it is possible to classify the feeling of friendship that has arisen according to some criteria:

    • Creative. Preservation, understanding, acceptance of the personal qualities of another, approval of manifestations of self-expression and fantasy, a fruitful union of two actively self-expressing people.
    • Spiritual. mutual development of each other. Each is able to receive a significant share of the enrichment of his individuality at the expense of the other, complete mutual understanding. They say about such people: "They talk without words."
    • Everyday. It starts with territorial proximity. People say: "We are friends from the school bench (army, sandbox, university)." Often this interaction is reinforced by mutual reasons to meet. Sometimes the development of this type of friendship can be work - people prefer to be friends with representatives of their profession.
    • Family. When entire communities become universal friends.

    It is important to remember that the one whom we call the word “friend” is always sincere, loves and is loved. He does not need a flurry of questions after a long separation to understand how the one with whom he is close is doing. He can express everything that is in his heart now and is able to accept the same confession himself.

    A friend is a person who causes boundless respect and a desire to take care of him. He is always ready to help and be there. True friendships are always mutual. It is often said: "Friends are a family that we choose ourselves."

    And how it manifests itself will be discussed in this article.

    Definition of friendship

    Friendship is multifaceted, so it is not easy to give an exact definition of the concept. Philosophers, psychologists, sociologists interpret it in their own way. The main definitions of the term are as follows:

    • Friendship is a relationship between people, which is based on help, trust, common views and values.
    • If we consider it as a union based on affection, common interests, joint leisure, trust and selfless help, then this will be a complete definition of what true friendship is.

    camaraderie and friendship

    The concepts of partnership and friendship are similar, they are often confused. What is the difference between partnerships and friendships?

    Partnership is understood as communication based on common interests, support. Often it becomes the basis of friendship. The main difference between one type of communication and another is the degree of trust. Friends trust each other, are ready to share the most intimate. Comrades are united by common interests and goals.

    An example is students in the same group of students who are united by the desire to pass the session successfully, or colleagues working on the same project. Their interaction takes place within the walls of the university or office.

    Comrades do not share their personal experiences, they do not pour out their souls to each other.

    True friends are united not only by common goals, they are connected by some kind of spiritual kinship.

    What is true friendship based on?

    Often they say about true friendship - "do not spill water." What lies at its basis? In psychology, the following components of friendship are distinguished:

    • union and affection;
    • common values, joint or similar plans, goals;
    • altruism;
    • confidence;
    • lack of competition.

    Union and affection

    A union is understood as a long-term relationship based on joint problem solving, mutual joy for the success of another.

    Attachment or the need for communication is one of the main criteria for friendship.

    It is important to understand the difference between friendship attachment and codependency (emotional dependency). In the case of co-dependent relationships, we can’t talk about friendship.

    If it is with this person that you want to share everything - both joys and sorrows, without receiving depreciation or envy in return, then this is a true friend.

    True friends are not manipulative, they are sincere and do not belittle each other's successes. If the so-called friend has a negative influence, dissuades from any undertakings, then he is not one.

    Common values, joint plans

    To understand what true friendship is, it is necessary to consider one more criterion - common values, goals and plans.

    People with similar outlooks on life find a common language more easily. It doesn't matter what unites you: love for sports or computer games, the desire to know your inner world or earn a million, the main thing is that common values ​​and interests unite on a spiritual level.

    Such a criterion as joint plans and goals follows from the previous one.

    It is easier for people with the same worldview to make joint plans, to go towards similar goals. They become support and support for each other.

    Often different plans for life alienate friends, turning them into friends or good acquaintances.

    Altruism and trust

    The answer to the question: "What is real friendship based on?" - will be: "On altruism." Without selfless help and a certain amount of self-sacrifice, there can be no true friendship. After all, a friend is helped not for the sake of profit, but at the behest of the soul. True friends are always ready to come to the rescue, without requiring gratitude.

    With a true friend, they share their most intimate thoughts and experiences, receiving support in return, without fear of condemnation. True friendship is built on such trusting communication.

    Lack of competition

    Lack of competition is the basis of true friendship. Loyal friends do not envy, do not seek to "outdo" each other. A friend will rejoice in success. The achievements of one motivate the other without causing rejection. True friendship is a kind of field for personal growth.

    How do you know if friendship is real?

    In the life of every person there comes a moment when he reconsiders his views on the world and the people around him. Faced with problems and not finding understanding and support, a person wonders if he has friends? How to understand what kind of friendship is real, where is mutually beneficial communication?

    • Friends accept you for who you are, with flaws and virtues. They may not agree with you on everything, but they will never encroach on your individuality. A friend will always help find something good in a difficult situation.
    • True friends are near and in sorrow and in joy. They will not turn away if you fall from the pedestal, they will not envy success. It is the sincere joy of achievements and support in difficult times that determine true friendship.
    • It is comfortable with a real friend, with him you are not afraid that personal secrets will become public.
    • Friends don't gossip about each other behind their backs. They tell the truth to their face, even if it is unpleasant. A friend will not put pressure on you, constantly remind you of mistakes.
    • A true friend is interested in you as a person.
    • A real friend does not limit your freedom, does not try to control communication. You always have something to remember, something to laugh at, something to be silent about.

    The answer to the question: "What is true friendship?" - will be: communication in which you can be yourself, without fear of condemnation, always counting on support.

    Why is friendship needed?

    Friends are a reliable rear, support in a difficult moment, people with whom it is pleasant to share joy. Life without them would be lonely and gray.

    Does true friendship need arguments in its favor?

    More likely no than yes. Still, it's worth mentioning a few.

    According to psychologists, a person can achieve success in various areas of life due to several criteria: 20% is due to personal experience and knowledge, type of thinking, and 80% is the environment. True friends do not pull down, they strive for development.

    For example, a young man decides to quit smoking, a real friend will never offer him a cigarette, will not smoke in front of him, will accept his choice and support him.

    A person who has a true friend will never be alone. He has stronger immunity, and he is less prone to depression and neuroses.

    Friendship Examples

    In history, the relations between Pushkin and Pushchin serve as examples of true friendship. The friendship that began between the lyceum students lasted a lifetime, despite various vicissitudes of fate.

    The friendly relations between Anna German and Anna Kachalina (music editor of the Melodiya studio) helped the Polish singer gain popularity in the Soviet Union.

    There are many examples of strong friendship among Hollywood stars, here are some of them.

    The friendship of Jared Leto and Matthew McConaughey began while working together on the film "Dallas Buyers Club", which brought friends well-deserved Oscar statuettes.

    Another stellar example of true friendship is Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire. Their friendship has been going on for 25 years. Actors can be seen together at basketball or football games.

    Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are an example of how friendship works. Their joint film works are always successful, and friendship lasts for more than one year.

    In Russian cinema, an example of true friendship is the relationship between Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Porechenkov, which began in their student years.

    But friendship happens not only among people, but also among our smaller brothers. An example is the amazing story of two dogs - the basset hound Fubi and the retriever Tilly. When Fubi fell into the well, the friend stayed by his side, and that's how the volunteers were able to find the animals.

    Examples of friendship in literature

    Friendship underlies many novels, short stories, plays.

    Below are examples of true friendship from literature that do not leave readers indifferent.

    The most striking and dramatic example of friendly relations is Remarque's novel Three Comrades. The story of three friends (Robert Lokamp, ​​Otto Kester, Gottfried Lenz) who went through the war and survive in difficult years for Germany. Friends are together in joy and in sorrow, and even death is not able to destroy their friendship.

    The main characters of Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" - Frodo and Sam - are an excellent example of friendly mutual assistance, when a true friend remains close to the very end.

    “The Tale of Friendship and Not Friendship” by the Strugatskys is an example of how you can pass any test for the sake of a friend.

    Dumas and his "Three Musketeers" tell about friendship, honor and nobility, which are not afraid of years.

    "The Little Prince" by Saint-Exupery in simple words tells about love and friendship. And the relationship between the Fox and the Little Prince captivates with simplicity and touchingness.

    True friendship is priceless, it is she who makes a person happy. It is for the sake of friends and loved ones that a person is capable of much.

    How do you understand the meaning of the word "friendship"? After all, there is also a definition of friendship, which has long been derived by philosophers and placed in textbooks. Friendship is a personal relationship that is based on sincerity, trust, sympathy, common interests and hobbies.

    What is the foundation of friendship?

    • One of the first building blocks in the foundation of friendship is mutual respect and sympathy. That is, we are ready to recognize the fact that this person is “equal” to us in some significant parameters for us. We are ready to recognize his interests, we do not put forward any demands to give up a set of moral values ​​and principles. And we, of course, expect that they will also show respect for us, that they will listen and give way in some ways, without trying to remake us.
    • The second building block of the foundation of friendship is trust. It is impossible to be friends with someone who does not show goodwill and decency towards us. Also, a friend must be sincere, otherwise we will never be able to trust him.
    • The presence of fidelity is essential for friendship. This means that we can exchange any information with a friend and know for sure that confidentiality will be respected. Although it happens that in some cases the conditions for exchanging information with other persons (parents, other relatives) must be specifically agreed upon.
    • Let's talk about mutual understanding, because without it, friendship will not work out. We can be friends only when we are aware of the interests, points of view, principles of behavior of another person and agree to accept them. Speaking in general, we should understand the views, close and distant goals of a friend. We can communicate verbally and non-verbally, while concluding friendly alliances of the highest degree of strength, only if we reach mutual understanding.

    • Such a concept as a community of interests and hobbies is associated with friendship. The conversation that “friendship knows no age” just starts with the manifestation of common interests and hobbies. Is friendship between an old fisherman and a boy with a cheap fishing rod possible? Yes, of course, everyone knows this. There are many examples when people in friendly friendship are united by some common hobby. Friendship within labor collectives is a vivid example of unity based on common interests, but not hobbies. Age does not become an obstacle to such friendship.
    • For friendship, such a concept as value-oriented unity is important, because we pay a lot of attention to the coincidence of assessments of other personalities, events, entertainment, and even food. Of course, it’s hard to imagine friendship based on the attitude to dumplings as to other food, but a break in relations due to a lack of perception of gastronomic addictions is quite possible. The friendship between a vegetarian and a meat eater may not work out.

    • We undoubtedly consider openness to be a necessary sign of friendship. The one who does not hide his beliefs, passions, is inclined to share his thoughts and experiences, we may well call our friend. At the same time, a friend sometimes does not require reciprocal frankness, which means that you are connected by other reasons for friendship.
    • Summing up the conversation about friendship, it should be especially noted that disinterestedness should be considered the main thing in these interpersonal relationships. We do not expect gifts and money from a friend, otherwise neither equality nor community is obtained. We have been friends all our lives since childhood, from youth or from a later age, relying not on a material, but on a spiritual foundation.