Alphas and Omegas: the psychology of social groups. Who are Beta and Omega men

5 Today, Japanese cartoons are very popular, which are divided into many genres. We have already mentioned some of them on this site, but today we will talk about perhaps the most amazing, disgusting, and nasty genre that you can imagine, this Omegaverse.
However, before continuing, I would like to suggest that you read a few more articles on jargon. anime people. For example, what does Yaoishitsa mean, who is Yandere, how to understand the word Ohio, what does Chan mean, etc.
So let's continue what does omegavers mean? This term has the root "vers", from which such words as "Universe" (universe), "Multiverse" (multiverse) come from, that is, this is a universe called "Omega".

The first floor is Alpha.

Mostly represented by a man, and based on the name it is clear that he was brutal, strong and self-confident. At the same time, he has a distinctive flair that allows him to find his Omega at a considerable distance by smell.
Physiological feature Alphas lies in his member, he has a special knot, like that of wolves, which does not allow partners to disengage. Sexual intercourse can last from half an hour to several hours, while partners experience many orgasms.
Moreover, the knot works only during estrus, although occasionally the hitch can come out arbitrarily. Alpha, like alpha, is the leader and occupies the supreme position.

The second gender is Omega.

This creature is the complete opposite. Alpha He is weak and dependent. Omega can be both a man and a woman, and if the local babe is no different from ordinary girls, then the man has several physiological differences.
Their main distinguishing feature is anus, capable of producing a lubricant that is released when aroused and helps penetration.
When estrus sets in, the anus begins to actively produce a lubricant, while the smell increases noticeably, from which everyone goes crazy Alphas, and even the Betas are starting to get interested sniff. At the same time, Omega in heat is a honey bait for every Alpha, and therefore these poor fellows spend such periods behind locked doors, no matter what happens.
In addition, special blocking drugs are produced for Omega. estrus, which allows him to survive this period in relative prosperity.

Another, rather disgusting feature of the structure of the body of Omega, is the uterus, moreover, a full-fledged one, capable of bearing offspring. However, getting pregnant Omega can only during estrus, which somewhat reduces the overall intensity of passions.
It is worth noting that Omega has member, but it is not developed, and is not capable of fertilization. Some consider Omega to be a woman, but with male atrophied "principles".

The third gender is Beta.

These creatures are no different from ordinary people, and according to the creator of the world Omegaverse remained human only because they are unable to evolve. Although some see in Beta the underdeveloped features of Alpha and Omega. It is believed that Beta can smell the scent emitted by Omega during estrus, but it does not affect him with such force as on Alpha. The character of this subspecies is much weaker than that of Gamma (there are such in this world), they break down psychologically faster, and they are easier to manipulate.

The fourth is Gamma.

I won’t write about them especially, because they are not particularly interesting and are quite rare. Scales- these are universals in everything, this is a new stage of evolution, which has absorbed all the best from Alpha and Omega into their bodies.
All the best signs intertwine in Gamma Omegas and Alphas, and if from the first they got a developed uterus, then from the second they got a strong member with a knot and active spermatozoa.
Omega perceives Gamma as the same Alpha, although he is much sexier due to a more developed hormonal background.

Omegaverse is considered to be a nightmarish product of fanfiction, although inquisitive researchers boldly draw parallels with the work of recognized science fiction writers. For example, there is a novel called The Gods Themselves, which mentions a planet with three-sex inhabitants. In Sergei Snegov's novel-trilogy "People Are Like Gods", the idea of ​​​​six sexes slips through. Thus, the idea itself is quite old, but the omegaverse is a product of fanfiction.

The Supernatural fandom can boast of having enriched fanfiction with a new genre. This is a controversial phenomenon, which many evaluate sharply negatively, although it is worth looking at this topic with an open mind.

Special Genre: Omegaverse

First of all, it must be borne in mind that an omegaverse is understood as a separate Universe, which has a very distant relation to traditional human society. No author can claim the absolute correctness of the explanation, because the omegaverse is, first of all, a genre that has grown out of AU (alternative universe) and kink (oddities, deviations) warnings. Therefore, each author is free to change it at his own discretion.

If we take the first ever written omegaverses as a primary source, then we mean three sexes: alpha, beta and omega. Partially, the hierarchy is written off from a wolf or dog pack, but here the opinions of the authors differ. At the same time, the omegaverse can be written according to any fandom: from Supernatural to Bleach, because, first of all, this is an alternative universe.

Society structure

If you unbiasedly understand what omegaverse means, then it’s worth moving away from the usual concept: “humanity consists of men and women.” It helps to get rid of prejudice. So, the omegaverse society consists of three sexes. Alphas take an active position in life and sex, omegas, respectively, passive, betas are somewhere in the middle and in most cases do not take part in dramatic events associated with the physiological characteristics of opposites.

Some authors believe that the omegaverse is an exclusively male universe, where biological women do not exist, that is, everyone looks like men and has the corresponding primary sexual characteristics. Others argue that there are alphas, betas and omegas with female bodies. How valuable this is in the artistic sense of the work, of course, is a moot point, but many authors are not embarrassed by the presence of women and, with free fantasy, write out all kinds of relationships and adventures, taking into account the peculiarities of the canon.

Relationships in the omegaverse

Since the omegaverse was initially considered a kind of PWP (Porn without Plot), the significant emphasis of the genre falls on the description of sexual functions. A distinctive feature of omegas is the occasional estrus, when the omega begins to secrete pheromones that drive all nearby alphas and, possibly, bets crazy. Estrus is accompanied by the release of a large amount of mucous secretion, which is usually called "lubrication" - it acts as a natural lubricant. Considering that in the overwhelming majority of cases same-sex relationships between males are described, this is important.

The alpha's penis swells at the base after ejaculation, the so-called "coupling" or "gluing" occurs - for some time the alpha cannot extract the penis from the omega, which ensures fertilization. At this point, you usually have to remind readers that the omegaverse is a different universe, and the characters are not people, they have a different mating physiology that resembles that of wolves or dogs. In addition, the structure of the body of the omega should logically differ from the banal decision to "embed" the uterus in the male body, where, of course, only the anus and rectum are used as the genital tract. Another thing is that most authors do not think about it, and unprepared readers begin to suffer and spit.

Is a story possible in the omegaverse?

If you use the literary approach, once voiced by Stephen King: "what if you do it like this", then it would be a mistake to believe that this genre is written solely for the sake of PWP. Despite the fact that the description of sexual relations takes up a lot of space in the omegaverse universe, some authors are interested in building twisted and sometimes paradoxical plots. For example, you can deviate from the stamp, according to which the alpha is necessarily large and aggressive, and the omega is fragile and effeminate.

Many authors use such a plot twist as an attempt to fight with their own nature. Omega is trying to hide his status, using all sorts of tricks: from special medicines that suppress estrus, to attempts to escape. Alpha tries to keep a cool head and not succumb to the mighty power of pheromones. You can fight against a prejudiced society or extreme events. Readers agree on one thing: a good author can write the most interesting fanfiction about any universe, even if it is an omegaverse.

Incredible Facts

In the animal kingdom, an aggressive alpha male lures all females in order to produce offspring, while other males often get nothing.

In humans, things are a little more complicated in this sense.

In the modern world, a woman is not always looking for an alpha male, and her prince on a white horse may well appear in the form of a gamma male who is ready to take on a second role or become an exemplary father in her castle.

Even the strongest alpha males must develop beta qualities such as sensitivity and emotionality.

Do you think that women and men are really from different planets?

Not necessarily, considering classification based on the Greek alphabet We have a lot more in common with members of the opposite sex of the same personality type than we do with other personality types of our gender.

However, men and women in the same category often compete in relationships because they are too similar.

At the same time, opposite personality types can experience strong attraction to each other, but as soon as the honeymoon ends, conflicts begin due to irreconcilable differences.

There are 6 main personality types: alpha, beta, gamma, omega, delta and sigma. What type of personality are YOU?

At the end you can go through which will help you determine your personality type.

Determination of personality type


Alpha male

Alpha male is considered the most desirable man. This is a leader, a bad guy, a macho, confident, aggressive, demanding man who can be difficult to work with, despite the fact that he has charisma both in his personal life and in his professional field.

When such a man speaks, the rest are silent, and he is always in the spotlight.

He loves parties and meeting friends and always wants to be the star of the company. Alpha does not like loneliness and often feels a drop in energy when left alone. He values ​​his freedom and is not ready to exchange it for anything.

He is generally attractive, but not necessarily handsome, and has his own preferences for women. Although he enjoys being seduced, he prefers to woo a woman himself. He does not hesitate, but immediately approaches the chosen one he likes, not giving her time to refuse.

Women immediately fall in love with him and fall deeply in love.

His relationships before marriage are usually short-term, and a woman should not expect comfort and support from a typical alpha male. Women who live with other types of men often cheat and have affairs on the side with alpha males.

Alpha woman

Alpha Woman is an action heroine often portrayed by Angelina Jolie. This is a self-confident woman who, at first glance, does not need men.

This is the queen and the most attractive woman in your group. She copes well with any difficult situation, and knows her own worth.

She dominates other women and can be bossy, aggressive, and sarcastic when holding a high position or position.

Other women look at her with delight and try to imitate her. Alpha always thinks with his head, not listening to the rest.

Alpha women are sexy, even if they don't have much beauty, and don't get embarrassed in the presence of men.

They may lack sensitivity and empathy towards others. Although the alpha is very emotional inside, she never shows her weakness. In work, she is a real beast, and always achieves her goals, and in love she is not afraid to take the first step if a man is interested in her.

She always says what she thinks. Alpha women tend to get what they want, and even alpha men rarely turn them down.

It must be remembered that alpha women are born, and this is difficult to learn. If you have discovered these traits in yourself, you can only be congratulated.


beta male

beta male discreet, responsible and careful. This is a good guy, not very prominent, but quite inviting. Most modern men are of the beta type.

They are more sensitive, less aggressive, and better at reading people than alphas.

They get nervous or embarrassed easily and play second fiddle to their alpha friend. If you see a quiet guy who sometimes smiles while others tell stories and jokes, then you have a beta male. Beta become good friends, they are attentive to others and a bit idealistic.

He is often afraid to say something wrong in the presence of women, so as not to be embarrassed. With men, they also do not reveal their feelings, as they can make fun of him. Beta men are the least intimidated by stronger, smarter women than they are.

In operation, the beta is reliable, even if it is not in the spotlight. The boss may not see his potential, and therefore he often does not get the promotion and salary he deserves.

In romantic relationships, he is faithful, and women consciously choose beta men, as they make better husbands than alpha men.

He is more down to earth than an alpha male and it is much easier to build a stable relationship with him.

Beta Woman

The beta woman is the good sister of the alpha woman. She does what others don't want to do and always gets less attention than the alpha.

They become wonderful and reliable friends and good listeners. They are always ready to be near a loved one.

These are slightly imperfect girls, the prototype of which is the heroine Bridget Jones. Beta women are passive-aggressive and always go with the flow. They do not want to openly confront someone, because they strive for peace and tranquility.

They are caring and often do not consider themselves attractive. In a relationship, they are afraid to take the first step, and they are waiting for the man to achieve them.

If this doesn't happen, they get nervous about competing with other women and are often left alone or choose a fallback to avoid being alone.

In work, they are always ready to do more and, if necessary, donate their time.

In general, they have a very pleasant and friendly personality.

Human personality types


gamma man

This is the type of male introvert who wants his voice to be heard. He's smart, but doesn't look like either an alpha or a beta male.

He is trying to achieve his goals, but is not ready to put in more effort to complete what he started, even if he knows that he can earn the respect he craves.

This is the type of men who want to be successful but fail to do so. In business, he can act stealthily and wants to get results without much effort.

Gamma will always agree with the boss, but at the same time he will never say what he really thinks.

Relationships with such men can be difficult because they often become obsessed with some woman. He can follow the object of his passion if a woman refuses him or avoids his company.

Gamma prefers to be alone and does not care about the opinions of others. His relationships often fall apart because of his obsession. He usually falls deeply in love and is ready to trust a woman no matter what, not understanding when he is being used.

Gamma Woman

Gamma woman wants to be conquered. But only a strong enough man can persuade her to marry and start a family. The Gamma Woman is the complete opposite of the Alpha Woman in her clothes, lifestyle, partner and work.

She is always ready to cooperate and can help if needed.. She is one of those who feel great when she has all the information that will help her achieve her goals in her work.

She tries to lead a healthy lifestyle and feels comfortable in her own skin. She doesn't need a man to feel complete. The environment and nature are of great importance to her, and she always takes care of her home.

Gamma pays attention to faith and spiritual practices, and always trying to find inner balance. She is determined but willing to share her knowledge with those who deserve it. In business, she does not see difficulties, but believes that it takes a little more time to achieve what she wants.

In a romantic relationship, she will never be with someone with whom she did not have a connection. She will not settle for a man who does not deserve her. In the end, she gets what she wants, as she makes long-term plans in life and uses different tactics to achieve success.


omega man

An omega man often combines the positive qualities of alpha and beta. He prefers leading in relationships and love often sets boundaries that it never breaks.

These men are not easy to fool, but he can give a woman what she needs for a happy relationship.

He gives a woman a sense of security and comfort, but requires the same from her. This is the type of man most often attracted to omega women.

Omega does not like to work in a team, preferring to do everything alone.

When he succeeds, he is filled with pride and shares his joy with his colleagues, showing them his mental abilities. When things don't go the way he wanted, he tends to blame others for the troubles.

In business, he considers himself the smartest, believing that without him the whole system will fall apart. In a romantic relationship with him, it can be difficult. He has his own concept of love, and he wants his desires and needs to always be satisfied.

He is difficult to please, which is why not many women want to date him. Often he is left alone, because he does not know how to listen to his partner.

Omega Woman

Such a woman unsociable and spends most of the time alone.

She is very smart and is not afraid to show it to others. Like the omega man, she does not like parties and prefers to stay at home, coming up with new brilliant ideas.

The problem with omega women is that they are often underestimated even though they have many good qualities.

When things don't go the way they imagined, they may collapse or have a nervous breakdown.

Omega always emphasizes his individuality, and tries not to care about other people's opinions.

In love, the omega wants all or nothing. She wants to experience love like in the books and is not ready to enter into a relationship if it's not real. No matter how much she loves a man, she will always put herself first, because she knows that if she is not happy, she will not be able to give it to others.

It is always worth remembering that no matter how tough she tries to seem, inside she remains a little girl who is trying to survive in a world full of wolves.

Types of personality and character


delta man

A male deta is an ordinary guy who wants to become successful and wants to find someone who will understand him. He doesn't have the confidence of an alpha male, but he's close to that type.

He is not afraid to say what he thinks, regardless of whether there are women nearby. He loves to be admired and takes pride when someone says he can entertain. He loves beautiful women and expensive cars, knows his worth and always strives for something.

He does not know how to attract the most beautiful women, and chooses the second or third option. He considers women mysterious creatures and some of them may be afraid.

The main factor in a correct understanding of the dynamics of relations between opposite sexes is a clear understanding of the socio-sexual hierarchy that exists in the world of men. The behavior of a woman in relation to a particular man is clearly determined by one of the basic female instincts, which is most likely genetically determined and is not subject to change by upbringing, the influence of the social environment or public morality.

Within the framework of ethology, the existence of a hierarchy among men can be explained by the existence of genetic programs that were formed during the time of primitive society. Other social primates, such as chimpanzees, have similar male hierarchies.

Conventionally, men can be divided into several groups, according to how they interact with each other and how women treat them. At the top of the socio-sexual hierarchy of men are alpha males - the most aggressive and self-confident individuals, with whom all women without exception are ready to copulate. Children from an alpha are the most viable, therefore one of the basic instincts of a woman is an irresistible desire to receive genetic material from an alpha, of course, without any conditions on her part. In primitive societies that live strictly according to biological laws, most children are born precisely from alpha males. Beta males are next in the hierarchy - they are less aggressive, but reliable and efficient (almost all the work is done by them), they take good care of women and their offspring. In places of deprivation of liberty, beta males are called "muzhiks". With a beta male, a woman is ready to copulate conditionally: in exchange for resources and protection for her and her children. In a primitive society, the situation is standard when a woman gives birth to a child from an alpha male, and a caring beta helps her raise him. However, such a situation is not something out of the ordinary in our society either (it’s simply not customary to talk about it): for about 18% of children in families with two parents, the mother’s husband is not the father and often the mother’s husband does not suspect this. At the very bottom of the hierarchy are omega males: the weakest males. A woman will not want to copulate with an omega under any circumstances - even in exchange for resources. More details about the hierarchy of primitive society, which people have kept almost unchanged, can be found in Oleg Novoselov's book "Woman. A Textbook for Men". Novoselov conditionally divides men into three categories: high-ranking, middle-ranking and low-ranking.

If we carefully look at any "human cell", then we can easily determine who is who in it. Let's do that.

Alpha male

This is a tall, handsome man, always in the center of attention of both women and men. He is the captain of the high school football team, dating the most beautiful classmate, or a successful oligarch married to a beautiful, slender blonde. All women want his attention, while all men want to be just like him, or at least be his friends. At a party, an alpha can always be defined as a loud-talking, charismatic man who tells stories about himself to the beautiful women around him. Women listen to him with all the attention they can. It should be noted that alpha is interested in women insofar as they satisfy his physiological and psychological needs, more important for him is his social status. In the photo above you see a typical alpha male.

beta male

This is a rather attractive male, not being socially dominant to the same extent as an alpha. However, he is confident and attractive to women. Non-party beta males are alpha's friends who flirt with the most beautiful women, but are successful with those women who do not get attention from the alpha. Beta males love women, look at relationships with women with optimism. Those of them who are closer to alphas in their status do not have special illusions about women, while at the same time, betas that are closer to omegas (and this is the vast majority of beta males) tend to idealize women and. Betas are always ready to participate in any venture that the alpha organizes. When a beta male marries, then, as a rule, one of the former girlfriends of the alpha is his chosen one.

Omega male

This is an unfortunate, uninteresting individual, located at the very bottom of the social hierarchy. At the party... you won't see him: after all, no one remembered him or invited him. Omega spends his time at home playing video games or leaving malicious comments on LiveJournal. Omegas are either indifferent to women, or they are feared and hated with all their hearts. 90% male inhabitants of the community man_woman are omega.

It is very important to know that how you evaluate yourself does not matter, no one is interested in what you think about yourself. What is important is what is manifested in communication with other people and how you know how to present yourself. Further, the above classification is conditional and may not fully accurately describe all possible cases. Some authors also consider delta, gamma, lambda and sigma males. Some believe that there are alpha 1.0 and alpha 2.0 males. Perhaps we will talk about this in future posts.

Also, the socio-sexual hierarchy described above must be taken in context. For example, a man in one social environment can be an alpha male (for example, a gopnik in the area), and in another - his "alpha" is worth nothing, he is a loser and vice versa. Although certain traits of the alpha male are absolute, they often become stronger than social conventions. For example, provided that "no one finds out anything," a girl from a decent family may well be tempted by a gopnik.

Further, and this is important: the above classification is not "cast in granite", the social status of a man may change throughout his life. For example, a charismatic alpha can still get married, and if he behaves incorrectly in marriage, his wife, using constant psychological pressure (“sawing”), scandals, drama, ... will gradually turn him into a beta with all this, moreover, she is for him. this (i.e., for the fact that he allowed himself to be turned from alpha to beta) will quite rightly fall out of love. Conversely, certain dramatic events in the life of a beta (for example, divorce) can lead him to, after which, using maximum efforts, he will be able to increase his social status.

In conclusion, a few words about how women calibrate their behavior in light of the above hierarchy. Firstly, the main imperative for a woman is to sleep with alpha and a woman will never exchange "5 minutes with alpha" for "10 years with beta". For the sake of sex with an alpha, women are often ready to leave their husbands and children, or even commit malfeasance. Secondly, in the modern world, in which the institution of the family, traditional morality, and religion are practically destroyed, we are gradually returning to the primitive herd. As for sex with a man, a woman, within the framework of feminist theories and the realities of the primitive herd, is trying to choose a strategy in which she can get the best from both alpha and beta. In English literature, this strategy is known as "Alpha fucks, beta bucks" ("Fuck with alpha, and goodies - from beta"), namely: now it is not necessary for a woman to marry at a young age of maximum fertility for a man who would sustained and protected life. She can achieve all this herself - in any case, she believes in it. Now a woman can walk recklessly all her young years, copulating with numerous alphas (here it is a return to the primitive herd!), And when she hits 30, or even 35, she can start looking for a caring beta who is not only ready to marry her, but also take on herself raising her child or even children (from alpha). Everyone must have seen on dating sites many-read ladies of this age with traces of their former beauty in search of a "serious relationship." You always want to ask such ladies: why didn't you look for these "serious relationships" before, that is, 15 years and 30 kilograms ago?

A long time ago, zoologist David L. Meh came up with his theory about the human dominance hierarchy, and then invalidated it. But homo sapiens still like to divide men into alpha, beta and omega males. At the same time, women remember, dreamily rolling their eyes: “I had one alpha male,” and men beat their chests with their fists, proving that each of them is worthy of this honorary title.

Why do some men have more sexual partners than others, and still others seem feminine at all? We talked about the peculiarities of male sexuality with andrologist, sexologist, doctor of medical sciences of the Ukrainian Institute of Andrology and Sexology Yuriy Gurzhenko. Sexuality in men is determined by the male sex hormone testosterone. It is produced by the testicles, and only a small proportion of this hormone is produced by the adrenal glands. In the body of a man, there is also a share of the female hormone estrogen, but its amount in most men is very small.

The theory of David L. Fur was based on the hierarchy of males in a wolf pack. At the head of the pack is always the leader - the strongest, most agile and enduring male. They call him the alpha male. Further down in the hierarchy are the beta males. Omega males are the weakest and most unviable males, who are more often outcasts. In the human world, things are much more complicated.

Not all those alphas with muscles

Individuals from the Neanderthal tribe did not go far in development from the tribe of monkeys, therefore the hierarchy was distributed there more or less purely, as nature intended. At the top of the hierarchy are alpha males, the most enduring, strong, agile, courageous and, of course, the most arrogant and aggressive. The stronger all the listed qualities are expressed in the male, the more mammoths he will get, the warmer the cave will win back for his offspring. Therefore, females chose just such males for the birth of children. Now imagine such a Neanderthal in our time, when a warmer house and more skins are not in a masculine male, but in a more cunning, smart, dodgy one. Because nature is nature, and you cannot go far from socio-cultural attitudes. Therefore, it turns out that it will not be possible to achieve success in the modern world only with the help of strength, dexterity and arrogance, therefore, it will not be possible to break through to leading positions either. Moreover, an arrogant and aggressive male, entering into open conflict with other males for power, can achieve the position of an alpha male only in certain circles, for example, criminal or boy-yard ones. Otherwise, he will either have to deal with law enforcement agencies, or due to constant conflicts he will not be able to stay at any job, which will negatively affect his financial situation.

Modern Alphas, Betas and Omegas

"the modern alpha male is undoubtedly a dominant and polygamous man"

Despite the layering of cultural and social requirements, there is an opinion that the modern alpha male is undoubtedly a dominant and polygamous man. These are its two main characteristics. And they are due to the natural characteristics of this man. Like Neanderthal ancestors, by nature, such men have physical strength, endurance, willpower, the ability to adapt to environmental conditions, stress resistance and conflict resistance, the ability to go to the goal, high testosterone levels and excellent health. Nature endowed men with such qualities not in vain. The task of alpha males is the transfer of viable genes and the extension of the genus. And since we must not only reproduce, but also preserve as healthy genes as possible, then in order to impregnate us, unreasonable ones, such men are given to us - dominant, assertive, taking by the power of their charisma.

However, not all arrogant, brave and confident men are actually alpha males. Showy arrogance and self-confidence are often acquired qualities of bets, who either hide their complexes in this way, or try to compete with alpha males for a leading position in the hierarchy. In fact, beta males have a softer character, less stubborn disposition, but at the same time cunning and intelligence. These are the qualities that help them move up the career ladder and even “move” masculine alpha males on it, who have not been able to adapt to modern realities. Beta males are also successful in family life. There is even such a common belief that women become pregnant from unfaithful alpha males, and caring beta males raise their children. Although this is also a controversial statement, since modern alpha males can also be family men. Some alphas are just the stronghold of the outgoing traditional patriarchal family, headed by a man - strong, strong-willed, albeit authoritarian, but able to make strong-willed decisions and be responsible for their loved ones. There are alpha men who have two such families, as well as lovers, for whom they are also capable of being responsible. And there are those who, by virtue of educated moral convictions, are quite capable of being faithful to their wives, and they, in turn, give birth to 3-5 children each (which, again, is now very rare).

The last in the human hierarchy, just like in the animal kingdom, are the omega males. These are losers, old virgins, sluggish and uninitiated beer drinkers, inhabitants of the world of the sofa and TV. For a place in the hierarchy, as a rule, such individuals do not fight, but on the contrary, their lifestyle of outsiders is often elevated to a cult.

"Alpha males are few and far between"

Who do women choose

The consumer society imposes its standards on us, but our natural instincts are indestructible. Therefore, even now, as many millions of years ago, human females choose alpha males in order to give birth to healthy offspring. Only some do it wisely and choose the alpha males most adapted to life in modern realities, and some throw themselves at the external tinsel, giving themselves to the "bad guys" who "marry and leave." Still, alpha males are few and far between. Therefore, the vast majority of women choose permanent and reliable beta males. You can build a nest with them, and betas will help with children and pay attention. Powerful women, prone to dominant behavior, can choose an omega, and then nag him all his life because he is not capable of anything and complain that there are no real men left.

How to become an alpha male

The creator himself renounced the theory, but not the creators of the trainings on the topic "How to become an alpha male." As a rule, these are either business coaches with their own leadership trainings that make leaders and financially successful people out of outsiders, or pick-up artists with their own trainings to seduce women. Both those and others call for the development of certain qualities of an alpha male:

physical strength, health and high levels of serotonin and testosterone. This is developed through sports and dietary adjustments;

strength of will;


resistance to conflicts;

arrogance that does not go beyond socially acceptable behavior;

the ability to take responsibility for one's words and actions;

purposefulness. The alpha goes all the way to the end. And with girls, and with employers, and with clients;

courage. The alpha male has nothing to fear, he is already a winner;

the ability to take responsibility for one's environment. Whether the head of the family or the head of the company, the alpha is able to take responsibility for the people entrusted to him;

the ability to show your alpha maleness in deeds, not in words.

Avdotya Razgulyaeva

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Why do some men have more sexual partners than others, and still others seem feminine at all? We talked about the peculiarities of male sexuality with andrologist, sexologist, doctor of medical sciences of the Ukrainian Institute of Andrology and Sexology Yuriy Gurzhenko. Sexuality in men is determined by the male sex hormone testosterone. It is produced by the testicles, and only a small proportion of this hormone is produced by the adrenal glands. In the body of a man, there is also a share of the female hormone estrogen, but its amount in most men is very small.

Scientists: modern women suppress men

Tracey Cox, a British sex researcher, has come to the conclusion that modern women make excessive demands on men in bed. Tracey conducted a study that found a trend for more partners in women throughout their lives. In men, the opposite trend is observed, and therefore the self-esteem of the stronger sex falls. As a result, about 20% of men feel less attractive and prefer to have sex with the lights off.

Take control of the orgasm: how to enjoy with an inept partner

When a woman enjoys sex with a man, she looks happy, healthy, attractive. What should women do, who cannot afford such joy due to the lack of talent of their chosen one? Is it possible to change partners? Of course, change! - says Svetlana Kerimova, trainer and founder of the center of family sexual education "Love is". But not one on the other, but the same. While some women complain about men that they cannot please them in sex, others are able to have their orgasms and enjoy sex with any partner.

When gender equality comes

The 2014 Annual Global Gender Gap Report has been published. The information appeared on the website of the World Economic Forum and is presented in the form of a rating that reflects the level of well-being of women around the world. When compiling it, the accessibility of education and medicine for women, their quality of life and the number of women politicians were taken into account. Ukraine moved up to 56th place, leaving behind Russia (75), Poland (57), Romania (72), Slovakia (90), Hungary (93), but neighboring countries Belarus (32) and Moldova (25) turned out to be better than us. ).

Scientists compared male and female brains

Women use their brains more efficiently than men. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of California. It is known that the size of the male and female brains differ (in men, the brain weighs 100-150 g more). The results of a new study involving 59 women and 45 men showed that, despite their smaller size, women's brains work more efficiently. It was found that in order to achieve a similar result, the female brain needs to expend less energy and use fewer brain cells than the male.