Benefits of cucumber juice for face. Ice from fresh juice. Cucumber mask for oily skin

Fresh cucumber face mask is easy to prepare, has an immediate effect, relieves tension and is absolutely indispensable for modern women living in eternal time pressure. Simple recipes are extremely effective. Suitable for oily skin, eliminate increased dryness, remove signs of fatigue - in general, they are almost universal.

The Secret of Efficiency

It's all about the composition of this uncomplicated vegetable. It is 80% water, but the remaining 20% ​​contains a lot of substances useful for the skin. Cucumber pulp is a real treasure trove of elements that transform the skin:

  • vitamin A is very important for dry skin - it moisturizes, eliminates tightness and flaking;
  • riboflavin restores proper skin respiration;
  • thiamine rejuvenates, protects the skin from external influences;
  • folic acid eliminates acne and pimples;
  • pantothenic acid helps to smooth out small wrinkles, and makes deeper ones almost invisible;
  • pyridoxine stimulates cellular metabolism;
  • tocopherol promotes cell renewal;
  • ascorbic acid restores skin elasticity;
  • phylloquinone helps relieve redness, eliminates swelling, relieves age spots;
  • biotin accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • Niacin gives the skin a fresh look.

The incredible effect that a cucumber face mask has is also due to the content of mineral salts, enzymes, organic acids in it, which are widely used in cosmetology for skin rejuvenation. There are no irritating components in the composition of cucumbers, therefore products based on them are even suitable, which are distinguished by a particularly delicate and fine texture.

The benefits of masks

How useful is a cucumber mask? The juice of these fragrant vegetables moisturizes, refreshes, tones, soothes.

  • A whitening mask based on them is considered one of the most effective: regular application of such a composition eliminates freckles, evens out complexion, making areas with increased pigmentation less noticeable.
  • Due to the fact that the pH level of cucumbers is equal to the acid-base balance of the skin, the products prepared on their basis have a beneficial effect on the skin and do not lead to an allergic reaction.
  • A cucumber mask at home is an excellent way to eliminate excessive oiliness, prevent inflammation and tighten pores. Especially effective is the use of a product made from cucumber and protein.
  • Dark circles under the eyes, bags - the problem is quite common. A very popular way to eliminate them is to apply cucumber slices to the eyes and around the eyes. The juice of fresh vegetables can get rid of even small bruises.
  • Will cucumber mask help with acne? With their strong severity, you will have to use medications, but with a minor problem, it will be enough to wipe clean skin with a slice of fresh cucumber.
  • With increased dryness, cucumber juice is no less effective than an expensive moisturizing mask.
  • At the first signs of wilting, cucumber can be used as a tonic and restore skin elasticity.
  • Hyperpigmentation and reduced pigmentation lead to the appearance of unaesthetic spots. With such a problem, this wonderful vegetable will become the first assistant, especially in case of a tendency to allergies, when the use of medicines is impossible.
  • Acne, areas of inflammation, skin irritation - in the presence of these problems, it is also recommended to use cucumber juice.

Are there any contraindications?

A cucumber face mask at home should be prepared without chemical ingredients and the addition of medicines - in this case, its use cannot lead to side effects. Ready-made cucumber masks can cause unwanted effects if they contain aggressive components or allergens.

Proper preparation and use

How to make a cucumber mask to get the maximum effect?

For its preparation, it is better to take a pre-chilled vegetable. It must be washed, cut into thin slices, cover the skin of the face with them. During the procedure, it is recommended to take a horizontal position: relaxed muscles will better absorb nutrients, moreover, the slices will not fall all the time.

If you only need cucumber juice, it is easy to get it using a juicer or simply grating cucumbers and squeezing them, placing them in a piece of clean gauze.

Another option: pour the mashed cucumber with plain water and use the resulting solution as a means for washing or rubbing your face.

It is also important to know how much to keep the cucumber mask:

  • When applied to the eyes, a quarter of an hour is enough.
  • If slices are used, keep them longer - 20-25 minutes.
  • Cucumber juice should not be washed off - it is perfectly absorbed.

Best Recipes

Recipe 1

Grind or grate a small fresh cucumber, mix with clay (preferably white, about 1/2 spoon), add boiled water. The mass should resemble thick porridge. Cover the skin with an even layer and leave to dry slightly. Wash off with cool water.

Recipe 2

Refreshing face masks are suitable for tired skin. They perfectly tone up, smooth fine wrinkles, eliminate flabbiness. One of the most effective recipes: you need to mix rose water with cucumber juice in equal proportions, add a little cream and beat into a light foam. Cover the skin with a mass, hold for about a quarter of an hour, then remove with a paper towel. To get the best effect, you can wipe the skin with rose water.

Recipe 3

Cucumber juice saves even from edema and eye fatigue. The vegetable must first be placed in the freezer and removed just before the start of the procedure. After cutting off a few thin slices, you need to put them on your eyelids. After 15 minutes, swelling will subside, signs of fatigue will become less noticeable, fresh skin color will be restored.

Recipe 4

The mask of cucumber and lemon will get rid of bags under the eyes, smooth out crow's feet, and moisturize the skin. To prepare it, you will need half a cucumber or one small vegetable, a few drops of lemon juice. Citrus juice is added to the grated cucumber, kept in the cold for several minutes (possible in the freezer), after which cotton swabs are moistened in the resulting mixture and applied to the skin under the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, the eye area should be rinsed with cold water.

Recipe 5

The composition based on cucumber and parsley is effective both for the eye area and for other parts of the face. It has a whitening, toning, rejuvenating effect. To obtain the mixture, you must first prepare parsley infusion. To do this, chopped greens are poured with boiling water for half an hour. 50 ml of the strained product is added to the grated cucumber and the entire skin of the face is smeared with gruel.

Recipe 6

The composition of cucumber and oatmeal moisturizes, soothes, tones, restores skin elasticity and gives it a beautiful healthy look. Finely grated cucumber is mixed with a glass of oatmeal and yogurt. You should get a homogeneous thick mass. After the procedure, you can cleanse the skin with cucumber lotion.

Recipe 7

For a thorough moisturizing of the skin of any type, a mask of cucumbers and sour cream is suitable. The ingredients must be taken in equal proportions. The best result is the addition of a small amount of rose water to the mixture.

Recipe 8

Redness and age spots can be eliminated using a remedy prepared from a mixture of cucumber and honey with parsley infusion.

Cooking cucumber face masks at home

Cucumber is an unsurpassed vegetable in terms of vitamin composition, due to its rejuvenating qualities, it has long been used in home and commercial cosmetology. Macronutrients in its composition contribute to:

  • refreshing effect on the skin;
  • removal of inflammation and acne;
  • softening and removing irritations;
  • skin whitening.

What are the benefits of cucumber for the face

Cucumber is 80% water, so it perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin. The remaining 20% ​​of the composition are useful substances and trace elements, which have an extremely beneficial effect on different skin types. Therefore, leading cosmetologists recommend applying cucumber masks on the face regularly.

The constituent macronutrients will help protect the skin and will nourish it with everything it needs:

  • vitamin B1 increases the protective functions of the epidermis;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) helps maintain skin elasticity and softness;
  • vitamin E stimulates the renewal of the cell layer;
  • biotin helps in the regeneration of damaged skin areas (due to this effect, masks are applied not only to the face, they help tighten scars and postpartum stretch marks on the abdomen);
  • pantothenic acid produces a wonderful rejuvenating effect, removes fine wrinkles around the eyes (it is this quality that is valued by women all over the world, and therefore mugs of fresh cucumber are applied to the eyes).

This vegetable also contains phylloquinone, thanks to which this remedy is recommended for skin whitening and evening complexion (also used for uneven tanning and skin defects).

Cucumber masks at home: recipes for skin rejuvenation and treatment

There are many recipes for healing and vitamin remedies, but in order for cucumber masks prepared at home to be more effective, other components should be added to them that enhance the beneficial properties of cucumber.

Cucumber masks with sour-milk additives

For skin elasticity

Grind a medium-sized cucumber, turning it into a pulp. Add to it 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh sour cream (preferably homemade), mix thoroughly. Apply to face, leave for 20 minutes, then wash with warm running water. This mask is well suited for dry, tight skin, making it more elastic, moisturized.

For acne and inflammation

A combination of fresh cucumber juice with cottage cheese will help get rid of inflammation and acne. It is necessary to mix the components to get a homogeneous mass, apply to the problem area, rinse off after 15-20 minutes. If this problem is relevant, it makes sense to repeat the procedure regularly.

For skin rejuvenation

As an anti-aging agent, you can prepare the following mixture based on cucumber. Grate a small vegetable on a fine or medium grater, separate 2 tbsp. tablespoons of gruel, add homemade milk, low-fat cottage cheese and finely chopped parsley to it - only 1 tbsp. spoon. Mix well, then pour in a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply to face, do not rinse for 20 minutes.

To moisturize dry skin

If the skin urgently needs moisturizing: peel half a medium cucumber, cut into large pieces. Beat in a blender until smooth with natural yogurt (1 tablespoon). Apply to the skin, rinse with cool water after 15 minutes.

For shine and natural color

By adding rose water to cucumber pulp and homemade cream, you can get a great mask that gives the skin radiance and improves complexion. Gently apply the mixture on the skin, after a quarter of an hour, remove with a soft cosmetic tissue.

Cucumber face mask with vegetables and fruits

For skin elasticity

Over time, the skin loses elasticity, looks gray and unkempt. In this case, as an express method, you can use a mixture of cucumber and parsley. To do this, prepare the infusion in advance - pour chopped parsley with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. After measuring out 50 ml of infusion and mix it with a small cucumber grated on a medium grater. Also, instead of infusion, you can use fresh herbs, apply for 20-30 minutes before bedtime.

For uniform color

To improve and even out the complexion, it is good to periodically make the following mask at home: grate a large cucumber, squeeze a teaspoon of lemon juice, mix with cucumber gruel. Add a few drops of thyme oil to it. Apply for 10-15 minutes, after rinsing off the mask with water, it is recommended to additionally wipe the skin with herbal ice cubes.

For wrinkle smoothing

A combination of cucumber and red apple will miraculously help to remove circles, swelling and fine wrinkles under the eyes. Peel 1 medium-sized cucumber and a medium apple, remove seeds, cut into small slices. Grind in a food processor or on a grater, mix well. Keep on face for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Fresh cucumbers on the face: the benefits of mixtures with various ingredients

For velvety skin

To become the owner of soft, velvety skin, we periodically recommend making the following mask: grate a medium cucumber, squeeze the juice out of it. To 3 tbsp. spoons of juice add 1 tbsp. tablespoon of almond oil, mix well until smooth. Apply on face for half an hour.

For oily skin

It is very easy to get rid of the unpleasant shine of oily skin with the help of a cucumber mask: for this, it is enough to mix vegetable gruel with a teaspoon of honey (preferably light) and one egg white (apply once a week, for 20 minutes).

To get rid of acne and skin diseases

Cucumber-clay mask will cleanse the skin epidermis, prevent inflammation and acne. For cooking, you need to grind the cucumber to a gruel state (without peel), add 2 tablespoons of white clay to the pulp (sold in pharmacies and specialized stores), mix gently. It is best to apply on the face with a special wide brush, leave for 15 minutes.

How to use cucumber masks correctly

As you can see, the benefits of cucumber for the face are simply invaluable. And most importantly - to make funds with its use is very simple and fast. What is important - it is best to use small and medium-sized fruits for masks, if the seeds are very large - they can be removed, leaving only the pulp. Also, it is better to cool the vegetable before use.

There are no preferences in the varieties used in home cosmetology, but do not forget that cucumber masks are a seasonal remedy, and it does not make sense to cook them from vegetables bought in a store, since the content of nutrients in them is in question. You can use grown in winter in greenhouses and hotbeds.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, then before applying the finished mixture to your face, test it on the back of your wrist: just apply a small amount and leave for a couple of minutes. If there is no reaction, feel free to use it for its intended purpose.

The mask should be applied with light movements, without rubbing into the skin. It is very convenient to do this with a special cosmetic brush. After the mask is applied, it is better to lie down at least for a while. In this position, the muscles of the face will relax, and this will enable the skin to better absorb nutrients.

You can keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, after which you need to rinse your face with running water at room temperature or mineral water.


Cucumber is not only a culinary ingredient, but also a great helper in home cosmetology. Using our cucumber face mask recipes, you can get rid of many skin problems, it will look fresh and young, wrinkles will smooth out, and rashes and acne will disappear forever.

Ekaterina Bekhaeva

Cucumber face masks

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Cucumber face mask brightens the skin, slightly whitens it, helps to remove spots and freckles, perfectly moisturizes the skin, smoothes it and makes it more elastic, it also helps to get rid of acne and remove irregularities.

Homemade face masks are the most popular and effective skin care product. Of course, they are not as effective as Sculptra injections. But still ... Consisting only of natural ingredients, they perfectly cleanse, nourish, moisturize, improve skin elasticity. In addition, homemade masks are always fresh and do not contain preservatives.

If used regularly, they will become one of the most effective skin care products. The topic of this article is cucumber face masks, they moisturize, soften and make the skin smooth. They also provide a tightening effect.

Cucumbers have the same pH as our skin, so using them in home care products is beneficial for the skin and does not cause allergic reactions. Cucumber juice soothes, moisturizes, tones, refreshes and softens the skin, it also has a noticeable astringent and whitening effect. Cucumber masks and lotions are often used to lighten freckles and combat any changes in complexion. Cucumber masks are especially recommended for people with oily skin prone to acne.

Bags under the eyes are unfortunately a fairly common problem. We often hear that it is enough to make a compress of cucumber slices on the eyes so that bruises and swelling subside, and the skin becomes fresh and radiant. And this is true if the appearance of bags is not associated with kidney problems, vascular diseases or allergies. Cool chamomile tea bags and a light massage also help in the fight against bags under the eyes. To get rid of bags under the eyes faster, avoid smoking, irregular sleep, and a lot of fatty foods or fast food.

How to make a cucumber mask

The classic cucumber mask does not require much effort to make. First you need to wash the cucumber well (it is better to take it chilled from the refrigerator). Cut it into slices and apply on the face, leave for 20 minutes. You can also squeeze cucumber juice and gently blot the skin under the eyes or soak cotton swabs in the juice, put them on your eyes and hold for 15 minutes. Do not rinse with water. Those who have very dry skin are advised to mix grated cucumber with fatty cottage cheese.

But if you are too lazy to lie still for 15-20 minutes (it is absolutely impossible to move with cucumber slices on your face - they constantly fall), you can just take a slice of cucumber and lightly rub your face with it. You can also grate the cucumber on a coarse grater, put the resulting mixture into water, and then wash your face with this water.

Dark circles under the eyes give us a tired and exhausted look. Cucumber slices will help to cope with this problem. Take a cucumber from the refrigerator, cut a couple of slices and place them over your closed eyes. A cool cucumber will constrict the blood vessels, this will reduce puffiness under the eyes. You can also use cucumber juice for compresses.

Cucumber and Lemon Mask


  • Half a cucumber (if the cucumber is small, use a whole one)
  • Juice of half a lemon


  1. Grate the cucumber, this makes it easy to separate the cucumber juice
  2. Put the cucumber juice in the refrigerator for one hour
  3. Add the juice of half a lemon to the cucumber juice, mix
  4. Put two cotton pads in the resulting mixture and, squeezing lightly, place them on the eyes.
  5. Leave for 15 minutes

This compress allows you to get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes, smoothes and moisturizes the skin around the eyes.

Apple Cucumber Eye Mask


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 red apple


  1. Peeled cucumber and apple
  2. Grind the ingredients in a blender or grate on a fine grater
  3. Mix well and apply on the under eye area
  4. Hold for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water

Cucumbers naturally reduce puffiness under the eyes, and apples are a great source of alpha hydroxy acid, which works as a natural skin lightener. In addition, alpha hydroxy acids also smooth wrinkles under the eyes. You can increase the effectiveness of such a mask if you place it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes before use. The cold mask helps reduce under-eye circles caused by exhaustion or stress.

Cucumber mask for acne

Few people know that ordinary cucumbers are a good treatment for combination skin and oily skin prone to acne, because they contain ingredients that reduce pores and relieve irritation.


  • 1 egg
  • half a cucumber


  1. Separate the protein from the yolk (we do not need the yolk)
  2. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater or grind in a blender
  3. Mix cucumber gruel with protein and apply to cleansed skin. This must be done immediately so that the protein does not have time to settle.
  4. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes


  • half a cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1-2 tablespoons of powdered milk


  1. Peel the cucumber and grate it on a fine grater or chop in a blender
  2. Mix aloe juice and honey with cucumber gruel, and then add enough milk powder to get a fairly thick consistency.
  3. Apply to clean face and leave on for 15 minutes until dry.
  4. Rinse gently with cool water

Note: This mask is not intended for storage, it must be used on the day of preparation.

Cucumber mask for freckles

The main components of this mask - aloe and cucumber are widely used in cosmetology. This mask will help not only get rid of freckles to a certain extent, but also make the skin softer, brighter and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.


  • A few aloe leaves
  • 1/3 small cucumber
  • A raw egg
  • 2-3 grams of pearl powder


  1. Wash and peel the cucumber, grind together with aloe in a blender.
  2. Pierce the egg and separate about a quarter, mix with cucumber gruel
  3. Add pearl powder
  4. Gradually add flour in small portions until a mixture similar in consistency to a paste is obtained.
  5. Apply the mask on a clean, dry face and leave for 15-20 minutes
  6. Wash off with cool water
  7. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Cucumber mask for oily skin


  • 1 st. l. cucumber soak
  • 1 egg white
  • A few drops of lemon juice
  • 0.5 tsp cosmetic clay


  1. Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained
  2. Apply to face, avoiding eye area
  3. Leave for 10-20 minutes
  4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water

Note: This cucumber mask is suitable for both oily and combination skin. It should be used once a week, preferably in the evening, as the lemon juice in it makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight.

Cucumber and honey mask

This mask cleanses the skin and relieves inflammation. The lactic acid found in milk is an excellent natural cleanser that restores the pH balance of the skin. Honey is rich in micronutrients, while cucumber juice moisturizes and reduces inflammation.


  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 2 tablespoons honey


  1. Peel the cucumber and remove the seeds (if they are large)
  2. Grate the cucumber or chop in a blender, squeeze the juice.
  3. Mix 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice with honey, add milk and mix again
  4. Apply the resulting mixture evenly on the face with a cotton pad.
  5. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water

Note: This mask can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 hours.

This mask is ideal for sensitive skin. Refrigerate before use for maximum soothing effect.


  • 1 tablespoon brewer's yeast
  • 1 tablespoon finely ground oatmeal
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream or white yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon honey


  1. Mix yeast and oatmeal in a small bowl and set aside
  2. Cucumber peel and chop in a blender or grate on a fine grater
  3. Drain the cucumber juice and add honey and sour cream to it, mix well
  4. Mix the resulting mixture with yeast and oatmeal
  5. Apply to cleansed face and neck, leave for 15 minutes
  6. Rinse thoroughly with water

Cucumber and oatmeal mask


  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1 cup finely ground oatmeal
  • 1 egg white


  1. Wash cucumber and cut into small cubes
  2. Place the cucumber and egg white in a blender and blend for 30 seconds
  3. Add oatmeal to mixture and stir.
  4. Continue adding oatmeal until your mask is thick enough to not run off after application.
  5. Apply the mask on your face and leave for 10-20 minutes
  6. Wash off with warm water

Do you work in the beauty industry?.

Remove make-up from face, wash and pat dry. Apply the mask with a cotton swab for 25-30 minutes. Remove the rest of the mask with warm water using a cotton pad. Instead of tonic, wipe your face with mineral water or sprinkle with thermal water. Do not wipe with a towel. Do not apply cream.

Frequency of application– 1-3 times a week

Cucumber Moisturizer

Cucumber puree - 4 tbsp
White beeswax - 3 tbsp.
Almond oil - 2 tbsp.

Prepare cucumber puree: grind the cucumber in a blender until smooth. Melt beeswax in a water bath and cool slightly. In a ceramic or crystal bowl, mix white beeswax, cucumber puree and almond oil. Mix thoroughly and leave in a water bath for 3 hours, stirring occasionally.
Cool, strain and beat into mousse. Store in a cool dry place.

Moisturizes, nourishes, tones, saturates with microelements, improves complexion.

For all skin types.

Apply the prepared cream after cleansing the face or after the mask.

Frequency of application– daily

Mask with cucumber whitening

Cucumber puree - 2 tbsp
Boiling water - 1 stock.

Prepare cucumber puree: chop the cucumber in a blender, after removing the peel. Put the cucumber puree in a fireproof bowl and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 4 hours. Drain the water, and collect the wet cucumber gruel in a separate bowl.

Whitens, nourishes, mattifies, improves complexion

For normal, dry and combination skin.

Remove make-up from face, wash and pat dry. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 15-20 minutes. Remove the rest of the mask with warm water. Wipe your face with mineral or thermal water and apply cream.

Frequency of application- 2-3 times a week.

Mask of cucumber, honey and cottage cheese

Cucumber juice - 2 tbsp
Honey - 1 tbsp.
Cottage cheese - 1 tbsp.

Prepare cucumber juice. Melt honey in a water bath and cool to room temperature. Grind cottage cheese in a blender and beat until a light mousse consistency. In a ceramic or crystal dish to prepare the mask, mix honey and curd mass, add cucumber juice and mix thoroughly.

Nourishes, tones, saturates with microelements, improves complexion, removes redness, heals

For thin and sensitive skin.

Remove make-up from face, wash and pat dry. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 10-15 minutes. Remove the rest of the mask with cold water using a cotton pad. Instead of tonic, wipe your face with mineral water or sprinkle with thermal water. Do not wipe with a towel. Do not apply cream.

Frequency of application– 1-3 times a week

Cucumber mask for oily skin with apple and cream

Cucumber puree - 2 tbsp
Applesauce - 2 tbsp.
Cream 15% - 1 tsp

Unpeeled cucumber, grate on a fine grater. Peel the apple, remove the seeds and also grate on a fine grater. In a bowl for preparing the mask, mix apple and cucumber puree, add cold cream and mix thoroughly.

Nourishes, tones, saturates with microelements, mattifies, tightens pores

For oily skin.

Apply a thick layer on washed and dry skin for 10-15 minutes.
Remove the rest of the mask with cold water using a cotton pad. Instead of tonic, wipe your face with mineral water or sprinkle with thermal water. Do not wipe with a towel. Apply a light cream.

Frequency of application– 1-3 times a week

Acne cucumber mask with honey and calendula

Cucumber puree - 3 tbsp
Honey - 1 tbsp.
Calendula tincture - 1 tbsp.

Prepare cucumber puree: chop the cucumber in a blender, after removing the peel. Melt honey in a water bath and cool to room temperature. In a ceramic or crystal bowl, mix honey and cucumber puree, add calendula pharmacy tincture and mix thoroughly.

Mattifies, dries, tones, improves complexion, removes redness, heals

For oily and problem skin.

Remove make-up from face, wash and pat dry. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 10-15 minutes. Remove the rest of the mask with cool water using a cotton pad. Instead of tonic, wipe your face with mineral water or sprinkle with thermal water. Do not wipe with a towel. Apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

Frequency of application– 1-3 times a week

Cucumber mask for sensitive skin with herbs

Cucumber - 1pc
Mint leaves - 2 pieces
Basil leaves - 2 pieces
Chamomile tincture - 2 tbsp.

Pharmaceutical chamomile pour boiling water and let it brew for about half an hour. Strain through cheesecloth. Peel the cucumber, chop and put in a blender. Add mint and basil leaves to it and grind. Put the resulting slurry in a bowl for making a mask and add chamomile tincture. To stir thoroughly.

Moisturizes, tones, improves complexion, nourishes

For dry and irritated skin.

Remove make-up from face, wash and pat dry. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 15-20 minutes. Remove the rest of the mask with warm water using a cotton pad. Instead of tonic, wipe your face with mineral water or sprinkle with thermal water. Do not wipe with a towel. Do not apply cream for two hours.

Frequency of application- 2-3 times a week

Purifying face mask with cucumber and oatmeal

Cucumber - 1pc
Oatmeal - 2-3 tbsp

Prepare cucumber puree: chop the cucumber in a blender, after removing the peel. Put cucumber puree in a ceramic or crystal dish (do not drain the juice) and, stirring, add oatmeal until the mixture looks like a thick gruel.



Remove make-up from face, wash and pat dry. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 15-20 minutes. Remove the rest of the mask with warm water using a cotton pad. Instead of tonic, wipe your face with mineral water or sprinkle with thermal water. Do not wipe with a towel. Apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

Frequency of application– 1-3 times a week

Cucumber mask for oily skin with potatoes

Cucumber - 1pc
Potato (small) - 1 pc.

Prepare cucumber puree: chop the cucumber in a blender, after removing the peel. Peel and grate the potatoes as well. Put cucumber puree in a ceramic or crystal dish (do not drain the juice) and add grated potatoes. To stir thoroughly.

Nourishes, mattifies, improves complexion, tightens pores

For oily and combination skin.

Remove make-up from face, wash and pat dry. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 10-15 minutes. Remove the rest of the mask with warm water using a cotton pad. Instead of tonic, wipe your face with mineral water or sprinkle with thermal water. Do not wipe with a towel. Do not apply cream.

Frequency of application- 2-3 times a week

Whitening mask with cucumber and parsley

Cucumber - 1pc
Parsley - 50 gr.
Yogurt without fillers - 4 tbsp.

Sort the parsley and separate the leaves from the large stems. Peel the cucumber, chop and put in a blender. Add parsley leaves to it. Grind. Put the resulting slurry in a ceramic or crystal dish for making a mask and add yogurt. To stir thoroughly.

Moisturizes, tones, improves complexion, whitens, mattifies

For skin with pigmentation and freckles.

Remove make-up from face, wash and pat dry. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool boiled or mineral water. Instead of tonic, sprinkle your face with thermal water. Do not wipe with a towel. Apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

Frequency of application– 1-3 times a week

Mask of cucumbers, honey and brewer's yeast

Cucumber puree - 3 tbsp
Honey - 1 tsp
Brewer's yeast - 1 tbsp.
Oats - 1 tbsp.
Sour cream - 2 tbsp.

Mix beer yeast with oats, cover and put in a dark place for 20-25 minutes. Prepare cucumber puree. Melt honey in a water bath and cool to room temperature. In a ceramic or crystal bowl, mix cucumber puree, honey and sour cream, mix well. Then add oats with yeast and mix thoroughly again.

Moisturizes, improves complexion, removes redness, heals, tones.

For sensitive and dry skin prone to redness

Remove make-up from face, wash and pat dry. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool boiled or mineral water. Instead of tonic, sprinkle your face with thermal water. Do not wipe with a towel. Apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

Frequency of application– 1-3 times a week

Mask with cucumber, oatmeal and mint

Cucumber puree - 3 tbsp
Oatmeal - 3 tbsp
Yogurt - 1 tsp
Cream - 2 tsp
Mint leaves - 4-5 pieces
Lemon juice - ½ tsp

Prepare cucumber puree. Steam the oatmeal with boiling water, cover and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then cool down. Remove the yogurt and cream from the refrigerator in advance so that they are at room temperature. Chop the mint leaves very finely. In a ceramic or crystal bowl, mix cucumber puree, prepared mint and oatmeal. Mix well and add yogurt and cream. Stir until smooth and carefully pour in the lemon juice. Mix well again.

Moisturizes, improves complexion, tones, nourishes

Suitable for all skin types

Remove make-up from face, wash and pat dry. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 20-25 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Instead of a tonic, sprinkle your face with thermal water or wipe it with mineral water. Do not wipe with a towel. Apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

Frequency of application- 2-3 times a week

Cucumber and Lanolin Facial Mask

Cucumber puree - 3 tbsp.
Lanolin - 1 tsp

Prepare cucumber puree: chop the cucumber in a blender, after removing the peel. In a ceramic or crystal bowl, mix cucumber puree and lanolin. You will get a thick and oily mass. Drain the excess juice and use the remaining gruel as a mask.

Lightens pigment spots, whitens, improves complexion

For dry skin

Remove make-up from face, wash and pat dry. Apply the mask in a thin layer for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Instead of a tonic, sprinkle your face with thermal water or wipe it with mineral water. Do not wipe with a towel. Do not apply cream.

Frequency of application- 2-3 times a week

Nourishing cucumber, carrot and oatmeal mask

Cucumber puree - 3 tbsp.
Carrot puree - 3 tbsp.
Sour milk - 1 tbsp.
Oatmeal - 1 tsp

Prepare cucumber puree: chop the cucumber in a blender, after removing the peel. Peel the carrots and grate on the smallest grater. In a ceramic or crystal bowl, mix cucumber and carrot puree, add sour milk and oatmeal. Mix everything very carefully.

Lightens age spots, whitens, improves complexion, moisturizes, nourishes

For dry, normal and combination skin

Remove make-up from face, wash and pat dry. Apply the mask in a thick layer for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Instead of a tonic, sprinkle your face with thermal water or wipe it with mineral water. Do not wipe with a towel. Apply the lightest cream, if there is none, it is better not to use the cream.

Frequency of application- 1-2 times a week.

Cucumber season is in full swing. Cucumbers are salted, canned, salads are made and used for food almost daily all summer until late autumn. Oh yes, many more know that you can wash your face with cucumber water.

Something there to nourish and moisturize the skin of the face. Meanwhile, cucumber juice for the face is the most effective remedy for female beauty and skin freshness. A little trick with amazing results. Shall we try?

Let's collect some valuable recipes for beauty and health using fresh cucumbers. For different skin types. This point must be taken into account when you decide to clean or nourish your face with cucumber juice, masks or lotion.

Wiping your face with cucumber juice is beneficial

  1. Freckles can be lightened or made completely invisible if you wipe your face with cucumber juice daily.
  2. After washing, a face with oily skin should be wiped with an infusion of fresh cucumbers. To prepare it - take a couple of medium cucumbers and grate them. Pour a glass of vodka, leave for a week in a dark place. Strain and use to your health.
  3. In a teaspoon of fresh unboiled milk, hold a few slices of cucumber for half an hour, strain the infused milk and use to care for dry skin.
  4. Sweaty facial skin is very useful to wipe several times a day with a slice of cucumber.
  5. Cucumber masks heal the skin, smooth and whiten.
  6. Tighten pores. Highly recommended for tired skin with enlarged pores, aging and wrinkled skin.

Cucumber water for dry aging skin

When peeling cucumbers, leave most of the pulp on the peel, and then cover your entire face with such a juicy peel.

  • Grate a cucumber, put the gruel on a cotton cloth, and cover your face with it
  • Beat the protein, pour 2 tablespoons of fresh cucumber juice into it and mix everything gently. Apply to the face as you apply all masks. But with a protein on your face, you should not talk or laugh. Such a mask tightens the skin on the face to narrow the skin pores and make the skin more elastic. Don't stop them from making you younger. Shut up. Lie down.
  • Dry skin. Mix oatmeal and grated cucumber until gruel is obtained. If the skin is very sensitive, add sour cream to the mixture. Apply to the face for 20-25 minutes and remove with a cotton swab dipped in water at room temperature.

To cleanse normal skin "Cucumber Water"

Let's prepare the lotion, (get the so-called "cucumber water")
- mix 8 parts of fresh grated cucumber and 2 parts of vodka. You need to insist for about a week in a dark place and dark glass dishes. Then strain and pour into a bottle (also preferably made of dark glass), from which you will take this face care lotion throughout the year.

It is perfectly stored, perfectly cleanses normal skin. But remember that vodka dries the skin. Consider this moment and feed it with good nutrients.

As you can see, everything is very simple. Consider the characteristics of your skin and use cucumber in all forms for facial care and rejuvenation. Beauty tricks growing in the beds - it's great! Take advantage of the moment when there are a lot of cucumbers.

Make masks from fresh cucumber and be sure to prepare yourself cucumber water for facial skin care all year round.