Stages of skin care - the correct sequence of applying cosmetics. Morning and evening face care


Facial care in the morning is a must for velvety and radiant skin. After all, you need to put yourself in order and preserve the beauty for the whole day. During the night, many processes take place with our skin, so in the morning we need to rebalance and bring it back to normal.

In just 8 hours of sleep, the top layer of the skin loses moisture, and the middle and bottom layers are saturated with it. In addition, as the activity of the body systems decreases and blood flow weakens, our face becomes pale, circles and bags under the eyes appear, and all imperfections become more noticeable. Do not worry about this - everything can be fixed if you do the right facial in the morning.

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Face care in the morning:

Step 1 - Washing

Wash your face with cold water and then alternate room temperature water with cold water. This will invigorate and serve as a kind of gymnastics for the face.

Step 2 - Purification

Cleanse your face with special products - gel, foam or mousse that suits your skin type. Do a special mask 1-2 times a week, which should be used only after cleansing, otherwise the effect will be just the opposite. Also, 1-2 times a week, do a deep cleansing of the face with scrubs. As a result, you can alternate between regular cleansing / cleansing with a mask / cleansing with a scrub.


Step 3 - Toning

Toning is a must in skin cleansing. It is this process that helps to refresh it and complete the process of morning care. Excellent tonic - folk remedies. Prepare decoctions of herbs and, alternatively, freeze them in cubes. You can also freeze tonics from your favorite brands. Ice invigorates and refreshes well, so a frozen tonic is doubly useful!

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Step 4 - Moisturize

The whole process of facial care in the morning should be completed with the application of a moisturizer, selected according to your skin type. Our advice - if after a couple of days of using the cream you experience discomfort - change the remedy.

A woman's face is perhaps the most unprotected part of the body, it is subject to almost all external influences. In addition, the internal malfunctions of the body are immediately reflected in its condition and become visible to others. That is why the skin of the face needs careful daily care, which will help restore its healthy and radiant appearance, give elasticity, and preserve youth. Like any cosmetic procedure, home care should be not only systematic, but also correct.


Determining skin type

For the correct selection of care and cosmetic products, it is necessary to know the type of skin in order to direct care in the right direction, solving a specific problem. Here, a consultation with a cosmetologist will not hurt, who will not only determine, but also tell you how to properly care for the skin of a certain type of face. However, this can be done independently, knowing some features:

  1. Dry skin is given out by narrowed pores and tightness, it is prone to premature aging, the appearance of wrinkles, therefore, it needs intensive moisturizing.
  2. Enlarged pores and oily sheen accompany oily skin prone to inflammation, acne and comedones. Proper cleansing will help to avoid many problems with such skin.
  3. Normal skin is distinguished by the absence of these shortcomings, but it also needs daily care. The wrong choice of cosmetics can provoke various skin diseases.
  4. Sensitive skin reacts to any external or internal exposure with redness and peeling. Special products for sensitive skin do not contain aggressive substances, fragrances and other components that can lead to such manifestations.
  5. Combination skin type is considered the most difficult in terms of the selection of care products. It is important to correctly distinguish between problem areas and select cosmetics in accordance with the identified problems. It should be remembered that products labeled "for combination skin" are just a marketing ploy.

In addition to the above, one can single out such a problem as the manifestation of a capillary network, which gives out weak vessels. Couperosis is not just a cosmetic defect, but also a serious disease, if you find it, you should consult a doctor. Flabby or aging skin is not only an age-related problem, it is quite common in women after 30 years of age with improper or irregular care. Timely measures taken will restore skin elasticity.

Video: Cosmetologist's advice on determining skin type and selecting cosmetics.

Principles of proper care

The rules of daily home care are based on cleansing, moisturizing, toning and nourishing the skin of the face. Only such an integrated approach will achieve the desired effect and prolong the youthfulness of the skin, preserving it and protecting it from negative influences, both external and internal.


The first and, perhaps, the main stage in facial skin care is daily cleansing. During the day, dust settles on the skin, harmful substances from the environment and sebum accumulate. Here we add foundation, powder, other decorative products. This cocktail not only clogs pores, leading to inflammation, the formation of blackheads, comedones, blackheads and other troubles, but is also perfectly absorbed by the skin, causing its intoxication. That is why facial cleansing should be correct and regular.


Before washing, makeup and dirt accumulated during the day are removed with special skin cleansing products. It can be lotion, milk or micellar water. For lovers of natural home remedies, a recipe that many actors use when removing makeup is suitable. Heat any vegetable oil slightly, apply a thin layer, remove it from the face after a minute. The oil will not only cleanse the skin, but also moisturize it.

For direct washing, it is better to use purified water, since the skin tends to absorb the substances contained in the liquid. Rain or melted water is ideal, but filtered tap water is fine too. At the same time, cosmetologists advise to abandon soap, since the alkali contained in it has a detrimental effect on the water balance of the skin. It is better to give preference to gel, milk or foam for washing.


Peeling is carried out once or twice a week with a specially selected scrub. This procedure is designed to exfoliate dead cells, even out the relief, and deeply cleanse the pores. Scrubs are applied to wet skin and rubbed with light movements, without much pressure. It is worth remembering, however, that with severe rosacea, severe inflammation or skin irritation, the peeling procedure is contraindicated.

It's easy enough to make homemade face scrubs. To do this, use fine sea salt, sugar or ground coffee, mixed with heavy cream or sour cream in equal proportions.

Honey also has a cleansing effect. To do this, it is applied to the face with light massage movements, after thickening it is removed with a damp cloth or cotton pad dipped in a warm decoction of herbs. This procedure removes dead skin cells and softens the skin. In addition, such peeling is indicated for inflammation, unlike store scrubs, because honey is a natural antiseptic.

Purifying masks.

Cleansing face masks are obligatory in home care, which must also be done once or twice a week. Before applying the mask, experts advise making a steam bath using essential oils or herbal decoction. This procedure will open the pores and remove toxins. However, some skin problems, among which rosacea occupies the first place, are a contraindication to such a procedure.

The most effective in cleansing is considered a mask made of cosmetic clay. When choosing clay, skin type is taken into account. So, white clay is chosen by owners of a mixed skin type, blue and green - oily, and red clay is ideal for dry skin.

After applying the cleansing mask, the skin is soothed with a tonic. It will remove the remnants of the product, close the pores, give the face an even color and a fresh look.


After cleansing, the skin needs hydration, which can be achieved with special creams selected according to skin type and age. For young skin, a light gel with a moisturizing effect is preferable. For more mature skin, it is better to choose not just moisturizing, but complex care, where nutrition and skin elasticity will play an important role. Moisturizer is usually applied in the morning.

Moisturizing masks are much more effective. Use them 1-2 times a week. It should be borne in mind that store masks, in addition to useful components, contain such undesirable substances as preservatives, flavors, dyes, which are also absorbed by the skin. You can avoid their adverse effects by using homemade masks for facial skin care.

During the day, toners or a recent development, thermal water, are used to additionally moisturize very dry skin.

However, remember that hydration is not only about using moisturizers, but also about drinking enough fluids. You may notice that dehydrated skin becomes thinner and wrinkled, and begins to peel off. In this case, the establishment of a drinking regimen will help.


Tonics and lotions help to care for the skin of the face. How to use these products correctly, you can learn from the instructions on the packaging of each of them. It is better to choose such products on a natural basis, without alcohol content. Some women prefer products from the children's series. There are advantages to this: baby care products contain only natural ingredients, they are hypoallergenic and non-addictive. You can prepare the lotion yourself from a decoction of herbs. Such a tool is stored in the refrigerator and slightly warmed up before use.

Home cryotherapy can also be attributed to the skin toning procedure, which helps restore freshness and elasticity. To do this, it is enough to wipe your face in the morning with an ice cube prepared from a decoction of herbs: chamomile, nettle, sage, thyme and others. This procedure perfectly tones the skin, eliminates swelling and signs of fatigue, and tightens pores. Sharp cooling helps to establish microcirculation, strengthens blood vessels, which is an excellent prevention of the appearance of a capillary network. The skin becomes more elastic, and small wrinkles are smoothed out quickly enough.


Any skin, especially mature skin, needs nutrition, which it receives, as a rule, from creams and nourishing masks. The nourishing cream is applied at night, it is advisable to slightly warm it up in your hands before use. After 10-15 minutes, excess cream is removed with a napkin, otherwise clogging of the pores may occur, leading to the formation of comedones.

As in other cases, nourishing masks can be purchased at the store. However, most women prefer self-made masks. So, foods such as egg yolk, honey, sour cream or cream, potatoes, cucumber, aloe pulp and others have excellent nutritional properties. The composition is selected depending on the type of skin and the desired effect. The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes, washed off with running water or a decoction of herbs. After the mask, the face can be wiped with an ice cube.

Facial skin needs not only proper care, but also seasonal protection, because the sun, frost, wind, temperature changes significantly affect its condition. So, before going out during the day, even in winter, it is better to use a day cream with UV filters that will protect the skin from the effects of sunlight, leading to the appearance of age spots. In summer, the protection indicator should be higher - at least 30, while in winter 15 is enough. If you cannot buy a day cream with high UV protection, you can additionally apply sunscreen before going outside.

At low temperatures, a protective cream is used to prevent the harmful effects of frost. Use moisturizing products in winter should be at least an hour before going outside.

Video: Proper protection of the skin of the face in winter in the program of E. Malysheva “Live healthy!”

Any cream is applied along the massage lines with light tapping movements, avoiding strong pressure, which leads to stretching of the skin and the appearance of premature wrinkles. After a while, if the cream is not absorbed, its excess is removed with a napkin, simply by blotting the face.

Vitamins are of great importance in nourishing the skin, improving its appearance and general condition. Vitamin complexes taken orally, food enriched with minerals will help restore her health and beauty. In addition, you can enrich any cosmetic products with "vitamins of beauty and youth" - A and E, adding drop by drop to a cream or mask before applying to the face. Also important are the B vitamins and the most powerful antioxidant, vitamin C.

As you can see, maintaining the beauty and health of facial skin requires enough time and effort, however, the result will not be long in coming. A radiant appearance and enthusiastic looks will be a worthy reward.

Not every time we are satisfied with our reflection in the mirror in the morning. Paleness, puffy eyes and a dull complexion - all this suggests that the skin has not yet woken up. We have several ways to wake her up.

Contrasting wash

After washing your face, rinse your face alternately with warm (but not hot) and cold water. A change in temperature activates blood flow and lets the skin know that a new day has come and it’s time for her to wake up. Start and end the treatment with warm water.

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If your skin is prone to rosacea, you can skip this step. And immediately after washing, move on to the next one.

Moisturizing mask

The first thing to do after waking up is to drink a glass of water to speed up the body's metabolism and quench the body's morning thirst. This will invigorate the skin, and it will perceive the subsequent care with greater willingness and gratitude.

Apply a moisturizing gel mask with antioxidants. A good option is a sheet mask that fits snugly around your face, which means it won't get in the way of your business while it's working. The cool, refreshing texture that distinguishes moisturizing masks will serve as an additional source of vigor.

Our choice:

    Soothing and moisturizing face mask with calendula and aloe, Kiehl's- Based on aloe vera extract with marigold petals, this treatment takes just 5 minutes to hydrate and invigorate the skin. Has a cooling and soothing effect.

    Hydration & Freshness Super Hydrating Cleansing Sheet Mask, Garnier, will give normal and combination skin everything you need to make the morning good and cheerful: the mask is impregnated with a moisturizing composition with hyaluronic acid and green tea extract, which narrows the pores. The effect of "compress" helps to quickly get rid of morning puffiness.

    Exfoliating face mask Énergie De Vie, Lancôme, with lemon balm, ginseng and cranberry brings the skin to life in 3 minutes, and soft abrasive particles polish it during rinsing. As a result, the face wakes up, shines with freshness and purity. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Eye Caffeine Treatment

Morning bags and circles under the eyes give the face a haggard and rumpled look. But, fortunately, there is an ingredient that will quickly solve this problem. Caffeine acts on the skin as well as on the whole body - it awakens. And the area around the eyes is also provided with a lymphatic drainage effect, which relieves puffiness and disperses blue.

Here are some decent examples:

  1. 1

    Eye contour cream Idéalia, Vichy- the awakening effect of a cocktail with caffeine, vitamins C and B3 is complemented by radiant particles that visually transform the skin of the eyelids.

  2. 2

    Eye care Revitalift Laser, L "Oréal Paris, contains caffeine and hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the skin and “straightens” wrinkles. Another advantage is the tube with a built-in cool metal applicator that creates an “ice cube effect” to get rid of swelling as soon as possible.

  3. 3

    Intensively moisturizing cream-gel Hydraphase Intense Yeux, La Roche-Posay, It features a refreshing texture as well as a moisturizing and draining action that makes for the perfect morning cocktail with hyaluronic acid and caffeine.

Here are a few more hacks to help your skin wake up and energize in the early hours of the morning.

Ear massage

Place your index and middle fingers on either side of your ears and vigorously rub these points: cheer yourself up, wake up your skin, get rid of morning pallor.

Eye mask

To quickly “open” your eyes and relieve puffiness, use a proven method - apply cotton pads soaked in a cool tonic to your eyelids.

Cheek exercise

Fix the lips with your fingers and puff out your cheeks at a fast pace. This is a simple exercise:

  1. 2

    improves blood flow

  2. 3

    stimulates drainage

  3. 4

    serves to prevent the formation of nasolabial folds.

  4. 5

    Takes a maximum of 30 seconds.

Stage 1: wake up right

This is important not only for the skin, but for life in general!

Don't jump out of bed right away.

You need to lie down a bit, enjoying the morning and enjoying the new day.

Ideal to start the day with meditation.

Stage 2: wash properly

Then comes the washing step. It is necessary to wash with clean water of summer temperature. The eyes are not strongly rubbed - the skin around the eyes is very delicate. Water must be clean - filtered, you cannot wash your face with ordinary tap water unless a special filter is installed.

A water filter must be installed - both for the beauty of the skin of the face, and for the beauty of the hair and the whole body.

We wash ourselves using special cleansers (foam, mousse, gel, etc.). We select the product individually to match your skin type. Such means for skin care in the morning should not contain alcohol.

Stage 3: how to wipe a wet face

Beauticians recommend not wiping your face from water after washing at all (provided that the water is clean, filtered), but wait until your face dries naturally. This is not a very pleasant procedure, but you need to get used to it in order to preserve youth and beauty of the skin of the face in the morning.

Another option is to gently blot your face with a non-rough cloth (a terry towel is not suitable), such as silk. Under no circumstances should you rub your face. Note: an interesting fact is that our grandmothers advise to wipe your face with a shirt to preserve the beauty of the skin at night after washing.

Stage 4: tonic is a mandatory morning attribute

After the skin is dry, apply an alcohol-free facial toner. Tonic also needs to be selected individually. Be sure to read on the package - is this tonic suitable for the skin around the eyes.

If the application does not mention that this tonic is suitable for the skin around the eyes, then it should not be applied to this area. In this case, for the skin around the eyes, you need to buy a separate tonic.

Note. If you have a problem of swollen eyes in the morning - see the article: (cosmetologists advice).

Step 5: Face cream in the morning

After applying the tonic, wait 7-10 minutes for it to be absorbed. Then apply the cream around the eyes and the main cream.

Eye cream

Cream (gel) around the eyes in the morning should be applied separately and preferably before the main application of the cream, and not after. Apply the cream around the eyes first on the fingertips, then rub it lightly. If it is a gel, then, as a rule, it is necessary to rub it, in any case - carefully read the method of application. Next, apply to the area around the eyes with tapping movements. Do not overdo it with the amount, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

Try this amazing cream Origins - GinZing Refreshing Eye Cream to Brighten and Depuff 0.5 oz.

Basic cream

What cream to apply? It is clear that we select the cream specifically for our skin type, but there are a few general rules.

Firstly, the cream should be just a day cream and suit your age type. Do not smear anything on your face. Secondly, the cream must be selected depending on the season. Cold weather is a nourishing face cream, warm weather is a regular moisturizer. If severe frost - a special protective winter cream. If we go sunbathing - sunscreen with at least SPF-30 protection.

It is very important - any cream, whether it be spring, summer, winter or autumn, must contain SPF protection. Like it or not, ultraviolet adversely affects the condition of the skin of the face. The only plus is that the sun dries out pimples, but it's not worth it, remember one single fact - the sun ages the face.

The main cream is not applied to the skin around the eyes, it will dry it out!

Done: you can paint!

After applying the cream, be sure to wait 15 minutes, carefully remove the remnants of the cream with a napkin and apply decorative cosmetics.

The so-called "morning ritual" is very important for maintaining a youthful face. But do not forget that the most important thing for the beauty of our skin is this.

Fresh look in the morning: a little trick

Makeup artists advise in the morning to paint over the mucous membrane of the eyes with a beige pencil to reduce redness.

The effect of a natural clear look! You can also add white eyeliner to the inner corners of the eyes in a V shape. This combination lifts the eyes and makes them look more open. It makes you look really fresh in the morning.

It will be useful for you: