At what age the baby should hold his head. Better sooner or later? All is well on time! How and when the skill develops

In the first year of a child's life, parents are surprised and happy to see how rapidly he grows. But how to determine if the baby changes normally from month to month, is it lagging behind in development from his peers? Caring mothers and fathers want to know if their baby starts to hold its head, turn over, sit down on time. The answers to these questions are in our article. And here we had a simple infographic.

At how many months do babies begin to hold their heads?

The ability to hold your head on your own is the first serious body control skill a toddler learns. For about one and a half months, the child begins to raise his head from a prone position by about 45 degrees and holds it in this position for a minute. From two months, you can already observe the first attempts of the baby to keep his head upright. Normally, the child begins to hold his head well for more than a minute, when he is laid out on his stomach, by three months. Parents are often interested inhow many months do babies start sleeping on their stomach? When the baby is one month old, he can be put to sleep on his tummy. In this position, the muscles of the back and neck are strengthened, the digestive organs work more efficiently, gases leave faster. Important: The baby sleeping on its stomach should be under constant supervision, and there should not be soft pillows and blankets in its bed, into which it can accidentally bury itself.

After that, the umbilical wound will finally heal, lay the child on his stomach several times a day for 5-10 minutes.

Stimulate your baby's attention with rattles or musical toys, either showing them to the child or removing them from his field of vision. Surely, the baby will react: raise and turn his head, make other active movements.

Place the baby on the fitball (a large rubber ball) so that his head, chest, abdomen and hips are in contact with the surface of the ball. Then, holding the baby by the waist, roll him back and forth, then pulling towards you, then pushing away from you.

Useful video: Daily massage for 1-3 month old babies.

At how many months does the child begin to roll over on his stomach and back?

The baby will learn how to do a coup after the muscles of the neck and back are sufficiently strong. From about four months, the baby makes the first attempts to roll over from back to stomach. By the age of five months, he already confidently lies on his side and periodically turns over. The kid happily rolls over from his back to his stomach, lies for a long time, leaning against the surface with the palms of his straightened arms. At about six months, the coup on the stomach and on the back become commonplace. Important: As soon as the child has learned to roll over, do not leave him unattended on the changing table or on the bed for a second, hold it when changing the diaper.

Place your baby on his back. Throw one of its legs over the other so that the knee reaches the surface on which it lies. In such an uncomfortable position, the baby will try to roll over onto its tummy.

Get the kid on his back interested in the toy. When the child reaches for it, lay it on the side. When he tries to grab the toy and roll over onto his side, gently push him. Do the same with the baby on his stomach.

In mastering turns from the back to the stomach and back, the baby will be helped by massage, which consists of stroking the arms, legs, back with a change in the strength of the touch.

How to teach a child to roll over

At how many months do babies start sitting and sitting?

At six months, the baby can usually sit with support, at seven months - without support, and at eight months - easily sits on his own and can lie down from this position. You can plant a child when he knows how to roll from stomach to back and back. You should not rush things, creating additional support for the baby and holding him with pillows. The baby will sit by itself when his muscles get stronger.

In the supine position, holding the legs, pull the child up by one, then the other, then by both arms - this way he shakes the abdominal press.

Fasten small rings or a bar at the level of the baby's chest, he will gladly reach for this simulator, grab it and hold on to it with his hands.

Holding the child to you with your back, tilt him forward, let him bend over and try to pull himself up to the starting position. To do this, you can hold a toy over his head. This will help strengthen your back muscles.

Dr. Komarovsky on early sitting

Tatiana Petulko

The first sign of active development of motor skills is the ability of the baby to hold his head. When the child begins to hold his head on his own, it becomes possible to leave him for a short time in the position on his stomach and on his back. This skill manifests itself after 1-2 months of life, therefore, until this time, the head of the crumbs should be supported so as not to damage the cervical ligaments.

Already from 1.5 months, the neck muscles are strengthened, so the baby can hold the head for several minutes

The ability to hold the head without your help is a sign of strengthening the neck muscles. In the initial days after birth, all movements of the little man are purely reflex, so if you raise the baby, his head is thrown back. Too much overturning is fraught with sprains, leading to damage to the neck and spine.

Starting from 2-3 weeks, the child begins to raise his head from a prone position. For too long, the baby cannot hold it, but it can lift it for a couple of seconds. The main thing is to prevent the head from falling onto the nose, so as not to damage the soft tissues.

From 1.5 months, the neck muscles become stronger, so the baby can hold the head for several minutes. The position with the head up to 45 degrees allows you to consider objects in front of the baby, which significantly expands the baby's horizons.

Babies begin to confidently hold their head from about 3 months, when this happens earlier, perhaps the reason is increased intracranial pressure, which an experienced neurologist will help to eliminate. To eliminate this ailment, babies are prescribed massages, special warming up and other procedures. The development of the cervical vertebrae is directly related to the development of the spinal cord, therefore, muscle strengthening is approximately the same in all children.

When a child begins to hold his head in a prone position, he is not yet able to keep it straight in an upright position, so you should hold the baby's neck, lifting it. Only by the 4th month will the muscles become so strong that the baby will begin to hold his head on his own, then you can no longer worry about this.

Try to spread the crumb on the tummy as often as possible - this will stimulate the strengthening of the neck muscles

You can do specific physical activities with your baby to help them develop their muscles. For a start, you can recommend these simple activities:

  • spread the crumb on the tummy as often as possible... If you are wary of leaving it in this position overnight, try to lay it out more during the day. In this position, the baby often begins to lift the head up, thereby developing the cervical vertebrae;
  • you can sometimes use a special rollerto help keep your head level. Often the head of children is thrown to one side, which leads to a curvature of the neck. To avoid such a nuisance, it is worth using special pillows and foam rollers, the main thing is not to put the baby on them for a long time, so as not to disturb the correct position of the neck;
  • the fitball will help align the neck - putting the baby on the ball with the tummy down, you will provide the baby with an uncomfortable position, so the baby will begin to raise his head up;
  • if there are some distortionscorrective measures should be taken as soon as possible. Treatments for infants include injections and relaxing baths, as well as warming, rubbing and compresses;
  • if the child has stopped holding his head, the reason for this may be a decreased tone, however, in most cases, a prerequisite for this fact will be a change in climatic conditions or treatment with drugs. To normalize the work of all organs, you should definitely consult a doctor;
  • when the newborn begins to hold his head, do not rush to leave his neck unsupportedbecause the muscles are not yet strong enough to stay in one position for a long time. Hold the back of the baby's head when lifting it and do not let go of the baby abruptly when laying on a horizontal surface.

Timely assistance to the child to strengthen the cervical vertebrae will help avoid numerous problems later. By the way, when the baby starts to hold his head on his own, you can try to plant him in a reclining position on the pillows or in a special mode of the stroller, now you don't have to worry about rolling over on his side or “pecking with his spout”.

From the first days of birth, the child still does not know how to control his body, including the work of the neck muscles. The newborn is unable to hold his head, and the ability to independently hold it is the first serious skill of controlling his body, which is also the basis for the ability to sit and walk.

When does a child start holding his head?

Each child (as well as his development) is individual. The ability to keep a head comes to some children earlier, to others later. But there is a norm by which many are guided, and it is 3 months for a baby. From about 1.5 months of age, a child from a supine position begins to pull his chin to his chest. At 2 months, you may notice attempts to keep the head upright. By 4 months, the baby should hold his head confidently enough. By the age of 5 months, the baby, lying on its stomach, confidently lifts the upper body. In recent years, the ability to hold the head comes to infants much earlier, and some babies already at 2 months confidently control the neck muscles.

How to develop the neck muscles of a newborn?

From the moment the umbilical wound heals, the child can be laid out several times a day on the tummy. For the first time, one minute is enough, then gradually increasing the time. The more often you carry out such a procedure with the little one, the more he will train the neck muscles and, as a result, learn to control them faster. You will notice that in the prone position, the baby tries to lift the head and lay it on its side. This is an innate reflex of self-preservation, so that the baby does not suffocate. This procedure is also good in that it promotes the passage of gas from the intestines, which in turn will help in the fight against colic.

It is also useful to carry the baby in an upright position from the age of one month, supporting his back and head. In this position, the baby begins to try to independently keep his head on par with the body.

The child began to hold his head a month earlier

If the child begins to hold his head in a month, he should be shown to the doctor, since this phenomenon is not normal. And, as a rule, it has nothing to do with early development. This is often a sign of intracranial pressure or muscle hypertonicity. Symptoms: frequent crying, little sleep.

The reason to see a doctor is:

the child holds his head, but crookedly, at an abnormal angle;
lying on his stomach, the child does not turn his head to the side;
the child has hypotonia of the muscles of the neck or the whole body.

A child at 3 months is in no hurry to hold his head

Underweight babies, with low muscle tone, with neurological problems, premature babies, babies born with complicated childbirth, often begin to hold their heads a little later for their peers. If the baby does not hold his head in time for the child, he should be shown to a specialist who will take all the necessary measures.

Important!Until the moment when the child learns to confidently hold his head, you should support it in the back of the head and neck. If this is not done, the baby can injure the neck.

The child's ability to hold the head and control its movements is considered one of the first and important stages of development that the baby must go through. Mastering head control will help your child learn to sit, roll over, crawl, and walk properly later.

Obviously, newborn babies do not know how to hold their own head. But when does a child start to hold his head on his own? This can happen much earlier than you expect.

At what age does a child begin to hold his head?

When a baby is born, he cannot hold his head, as the muscles and imperfect motor skills that are responsible for controlling the neck movements are still too weak.

The baby will begin to move erratically, raising its head, four weeks after birth. Until then, he will need a lot of support. In the second month, you will find that the baby begins to hold his head in a wobbly manner while lying on his stomach.

Only after three to four months can the child hold / raise his head without additional support. At this time, the baby is trying to raise his head and even raise his elbows in the cobra pose. When the baby reaches six months of age, he already develops full control over the head and muscles and can look in different directions.

During the first 6 months, the baby will gradually try to develop control over his movements. There are various stages of control that the child gradually goes through as they grow up.

Here's what to expect during the first 6 months of a baby's life.

Newborn period

You will need to hold the newborn's head carefully, because at this stage he has little or no control over his own movements. The neck muscles are rather weak at birth, so babies have no control over them.

Babies rely on their mothers to support their head and neck while wearing. This is probably nature's way of helping mother and child by developing close face-to-face contact.

From 1 to 2 months, the baby raises its head

By the end of the first month, the child should be able to slightly raise his head and turn it while lying on his stomach. After about 6 to 8 weeks, if the baby is particularly strong and coordinated, he will raise his head while lying on the back.

When you carry your baby on your shoulder, he will have the opportunity to learn to raise his head briefly. The baby will also have enough strength to hold his head while sitting in the car seat.

Wait for the infant to learn to hold his head firmly without your support to use the stroller or kangaroo backpack. When carrying a baby in a sling, make sure that his face is visible, as the baby cannot easily twist his head to breathe freely.

Holding the head at 3 to 4 months of age

By this time, you will notice a definite improvement in the coordination of movements. The kid will be able to raise his head up to 45 ° from a prone position and constantly hold it.

A simple exercise to help your baby's neck muscles become strong: Place the baby on his back and pull his arms up to a seated position. Relax your back slowly. Do this several times.

At this age, the infant should keep his head in line with the rest of the body when he pulls up. You can probably carry it in a dedicated backpack.

Stable control from 5 to 6 months

Once your baby is about six months old, he will be able to keep his head upright at all times. This is the time when most children start to sit up and can keep their head upright at all times. Strollers can be put into use at this stage.

What to do when a child does not hold his head well at 3 months?

If a child at 3 months does not hold his head, many mothers give in to panic. Are there really reasons to worry?

If you find that a baby is not holding his head well at 3 months, just inform your pediatrician about it at the next visit. Remember that skills develop differently for each child, and that babies also reach certain developmental milestones at different times. Some can reach these milestones faster than others. The ability to keep your head in this regard does not differ from other abilities.

In addition, if a baby is premature, he may reach this stage a little later than a baby born on time.

Rarely do babies have their heads thrown back. This suggests that the baby has underdeveloped neck muscles.

Throwing back the head occurs for the following reasons:

  • at birth, the baby is very small;
  • childbirth occurred prematurely;
  • brain injury.

Thus, if a baby is not holding his head upright well enough at 4 months, see a doctor to make sure that the baby's neck muscles are developing correctly.

How can you help your child learn to hold his head well?

The infant will develop head control more quickly if you give him the opportunity to strengthen his neck muscles. Simple techniques can help your child develop this ability and keep the head in the midline, which is an important step for further physical development.

Let your child spend time in different positions, not just on their back. Do not put him in a car seat if you are not driving a car.

1. Laying out on the tummy.

Lying on your stomach is important to help your child strengthen the neck and back muscles. To do this, put your baby on his stomach when he is awake and give him attractive toys to make the lying time fun for the baby.

2. Laying out on the stomach along the knees.

If your baby is uncomfortable lying on the floor, it may be easier for him to lie on your hips with his chin between your knees. The child will also tense the muscles of the back, but he will enjoy it more, because it will be closer to you and the face will not be buried in the carpet when the muscles are tired.

3. Using the ball.

If you have a large, soft ball (fitball) that is often used in treatment programs, it will help strengthen your child's neck and back muscles. When you move the ball forward, the child must work against gravity to keep his head upright. It helps to develop strong neck muscles. You can also position your child in a sitting position and gently tilt him back so that he tries to raise his head.

4. Observation.

Sit on a chair and place your child on your lap with your back resting on you. This is a good way to develop head control as the infant matures. Change where you sit so your baby can see different things.

5. Classes in the pool and yoga for children.

When your child has a little head restraint, you can take the child to the pool.

Swimming in the pool will give your baby new sensations. When he spends time on his tummy, supported by you and water, he will be able to move his body and limbs more freely than lying on the floor.

Kids yoga also encourages a full range of movement, positions that the child will love. This will be conducive to his physical development and muscle control.

When a child holds his head well, he can move on to other developmental stages, such as sitting, rolling over, crawling and walking. To start eating solid food and sitting on a high chair, it is necessary that the baby can fully control movements in the neck and in the thoracolumbar spine.

Immediately after birth, the baby looks very helpless and practically does not know how to control his body. By virtue of his innate grasping reflex, he can cling with his arms to a support, for example, to the arms of his parents. The baby acquires the rest of the skills in movements and maintaining the position of the body during the next months of life.

And when does the child begin to hold his head? This question worries all parents: by this achievement of the baby, one can judge the development of his musculoskeletal system.

The formation of the skill in maintaining the position of the head is associated with the development of the neck muscles, the formation of a cervical bend of the spine (in newborns, the spinal column is absolutely flat) and occurs in several stages:

1 Parents may notice in the second or third week of a newborn's life that when laid out on the tummy, he begins to raise his head, but he is not yet able to hold the baby's position.

2 After a couple of months, the baby will be able to keep the head in an elevated position, only at an acute angle and no more than a minute. It is necessary to support the crumb so that he does not make sudden movements and “does not nod off”.

3 Approximately to the baby, he knows how to raise not only the head, but also the shoulders. A safety net on the part of adults is still needed, since with careless movements the baby can be injured.

4 At the age of about 4 months, many children confidently hold their heads, are able to turn it left and right, and in a prone position they raise the upper body.

Such a development scheme is not fair for all babies, it is possible to both accelerate the process and slow it down.

The pediatrician always controls how many months the child begins to hold his head and how long he can maintain the position. If the formation of a skill is delayed or occurs too quickly, he may prescribe special procedures.

Interesting! Educational games with a baby up to 6 months

When a premature baby starts to hold his head

Babies who were born prematurely are noticeably weaker in the first months than those who were born on time. This is understandable, because in their bodies the processes of preparation for independent life in a new environment have not yet been completed.

Such babies in the second month of life do not yet begin to raise their heads.

What time premature babies begin to hold their heads depends on the degree of prematurity. But on average, after 4 months, this skill already begins to manifest itself, and babies begin to fully maintain their position and turn left and right by about 6 months.

If the child starts to hold his head early

Some newborns begin to raise their heads on their own at a very early age. In this case, parents are concerned about the question: is it not harmful to the spine and, in general, to the musculoskeletal system?

The baby's head is too heavy for him to be able to keep it upright at such an early age. This means that a large load acts on the skeleton and muscles, which can lead to developmental disorders.

It turns out that children who begin to actively raise their heads as early as 4-6 weeks may have health problems. Often, doctors associate this phenomenon with an increase in intracranial pressure.

If parents notice that the skill appears too early, they should see a doctor. The baby can be assigned special procedures and massage therapy.

If the baby does not start to hold the head for a long time

The third, fourth month is coming, and the baby still hasn't started to hold the head upright? Then you need to go to a pediatrician, a neurologist. Doctors should examine the baby and determine the cause of the disorder.

The problem may lie in improper diet, weakness of the neck muscles, the presence of birth injuries.

The doctor may prescribe a special drug therapy, therapeutic massage, so that the child begins to hold his head. Orthopedic pillows can correct this situation. If the problem is a lack of nutrients, you may need to supplement with special infant formula.

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What to do for a child to start holding his head

Until the baby begins to control the position of the head on his own, it is supported when the newborn is taken in his arms.

Such safety measures are needed in order not to damage the cervical spine and not to pull the muscles if the baby accidentally throws its head back. Such injuries can complicate the formation of a skill and the development of the musculoskeletal system.

To help the baby train the neck muscles, doctors recommend putting it on the tummy from about the third week (when the umbilical wound heals). Once in this position, the baby reflexively begins to turn its head to one side (so as not to suffocate - the instinct of self-preservation is triggered). This process should always be monitored and helped by the newborn when it is still difficult for him to turn.

It is better to do such exercises on a more or less hard surface (for example, a hard sofa), covered with a blanket or a baby diaper. It is useful to spread the baby on the tummy before feeding and after bathing. After the baby has eaten, you need to wait at least an hour: in this position he will be sick.

Do not overuse classes, you should start from one minute, gradually increasing the time. If the baby is naughty during the exercise, he needs to be interested in the toy.

You can do simple gymnastic exercises so that the child begins to hold his head: lay the baby face down on a large ball and swing it slightly (preferably the participation of two adults to increase safety).

It is useful to lay the baby face down on your hand and lift it up in the air like an airplane. The main thing is not to make sudden movements that can frighten or injure him. Read more about gymnastics for babies in our article on