How to invite a girl to meet. How to date a girl with rich parents and she is from a wealthy and wealthy family richer than you. Unsuccessful actions and phrases

How to invite a girl to date? This is the question that all guys invariably ask when they have problems or insecurities when dealing with girls. Also, the excitement of how to do it in the best way is characteristic of selflessly in love guys who want to be guaranteed to get a positive answer from the girl. The guy tries to make a beautiful proposal so that the girl appreciates how interested he is in her, how he loves her and how courteous to her.

How beautiful is it to invite a girl to date?

Let's consider three cases. The first is when a guy is nice to a girl, but she doesn't like him very much, or she doesn't realize that she doesn't like it at all. In these situations, when the first impression is ruined or the previous communication did not work out - the guy can hope that the first phrase with the proposal to meet now will change something, he makes a bet on this phrase. It is worth taking a sober look here. Practice shows that an uninterested darling will not change the relationship even when asked to become a couple. Such a proposal would even constitute pressure on her, imposing moral obligations on her. It may be pleasant for her only to communicate only as acquaintances, not closer, and it is inconvenient to refuse the fact that the guy is pinning his hopes on her. Here the girl will refuse, no matter how gorgeous a phrase or deed the guy may come up with.

The second situation is already better - when the guy and the young lady are already friends. Often, girls keep the guys in the so-called orbit around them, in the friend zone. The guy pays attention to the chosen one, looks after, maybe gives flowers, but at the same time the girl is not ready to go further towards rapprochement. By inviting a girl to date, the guy is likely to hear what a good, sweet person he is, but they should remain friends. She does not consider the guy as a man, a possible partner for love and relationships, maybe even has another object of her sighs. The guy's attention is still pleasant, and he becomes only a friend, remains in orbit. For a guy, it often looks like a transitional stage to a relationship. He is convinced that his chosen one has not yet considered him, did not understand how good he is, and, continuing to communicate in the format of friends, she will understand this and start dating him.

The third situation is when a guy is nice to a girl, and she is to him. A number of dates have already taken place, possibly kisses, while the guy is not in a hurry with actions, he is thinking about how to properly invite the girl to meet. However, you can look at it differently here. Why is it necessary to voice an offer to meet if the guy and the girl are already a couple in fact? If you can see that they are attracted to each other. It just remains not to spoil anything, and just an unsuccessfully sounded proposal to meet can turn out to be such a curiosity. After all, when relations naturally develop, flow in the right direction, there is no need to add such officialdom to them. A guy can even make some kind of rearrangement in his head - instead of thinking about how to properly invite a girl to meet, set himself the goal of a series of pleasant dates, which themselves will decide the question of starting a relationship, adding intimacy and strengthening communication. The fact that lovers have become a couple will become clear to them and to those around them, when there is already a series of meetings that gradually turned into dating, they constantly spend time together, go to the movies, come together to meet friends, meet new people, or even with parents.

However, if you still wish to make such an offer, we will analyze the ways how to do it beautifully.

The shortest way is to just go up to the girl and prove yourself, calmly, it is easy to say that you like her and offer to communicate. And then get closer to her - hug, try to kiss, not be afraid to be active. After all, a super technician or one hundred percent correct actions that must be done in order for a girl to fall in love, in fact, does not exist. Nothing can replace the natural presentation of oneself, one's pleasure from communication. You yourself are the main component of a relationship, and a beautiful proposal can only complement an already established pleasant image.

When you are successful in communication in general, then it will be easier for you to offer to meet that very only girl. Such characteristics of a guy as confidence, dominance, knowledge of what he himself wants, responsibility, the ability to evoke and switch emotions - in general, form a general picture, which causes attraction in the girl.

It would be a mistake to start doing too much for the girl or load her with gifts, only so that she finally changes to mercy and pay attention. A beautiful offer should not be a bribery, a cost disproportionate to your current relationship. The main thing is that the guy should bet on himself. If there is a feeling that oneself is not enough - you need to take care of yourself, become interesting to yourself first, raise your self-esteem. But do not try to start as if to pay the girl extra, compensating for your shortcomings with gifts and excessive servility. The most that a guy can give is emotions, and they are by no means proportional to the high cost of the gift.

How to evoke the emotions of a girl? The most important thing here is to test them yourself and be able to convey them. To trigger an emotion, you need to feel it or come up with some non-standard action that will launch it. Therefore, it is important to understand which proposal to meet will be beautiful for the girl herself, will cause her emotions. Understanding what a girl likes, what is happening in her head, in her soul is the key not only to a successful start of a relationship, but also to their harmonious development. Otherwise, the fact that the guy may seem beautiful and cost a lot of effort, the girl may not cause emotions, but, on the contrary, a simple act may amaze her.

When a guy himself feels an emotion, fully experiences it, he infects the girl with it too. Therefore, it is so important to enjoy yourself, to be calm and relaxed at the moment of the proposal. There is a guy who is worried, experiencing negativity - no matter how beautiful the proposal he has prepared, the girl will also experience negative emotions.

How to invite a girl to meet on VK?

How to invite a girl to meet on VK? This can be either an additional opportunity, a convenient channel for verbalizing your sympathy, or your main way of communication.

If you communicate in reality as friends or even just acquaintances - through the social network, you can arrange a date with her. Moreover, for him there may be some kind of business reason, and the date will look like an ordinary meeting for study, work or interests with friends. At such a meeting, you can once again understand for yourself whether you like the girl so much that you now want to become a couple. And then think about how to invite the girl to meet on VKontakte in the best way, the way she likes it. After a date, even after a couple of days, in a calm, comfortable environment for everyone, you can continue communication by voicing your proposal in writing.

Gone are the days of standard sentences, formulaic humorous or romantic messages. Therefore, let your message be author's, simple and sincere - this is exactly what a girl who is not indifferent to you will appreciate. Tell her that even though you know each other very recently, you are thrilled to meet her. That you are not going to look for some poetry on the Internet, but speak from the heart, as you reach for her, every day, literally thinking about meeting. And when you see, they are immensely happy. You can thank her for just being there and ask if she will be with you. For a girl who wants to date you, this will be the best recognition, open, sincere and sincere. Your emotions will not go unanswered.

However, you may want to be original or even impress the girl. Perhaps she loves surprises, or you think that with a spectacular invitation, you are guaranteed to win her and her friends' favor. Then use one of the means of social networks, of which, fortunately, there are many! You can record audio or video for her, make a mini-quest or a game, connect her friends, even making a flash mob! Such vivid confessions will remain for a long time in your emotions and even longer - in your memory and in your notes. Perhaps even in her advanced years she will remember this romantic moment.

It even happens that you have not communicated with the girl in reality, but so far only on the social network, but have already managed to get to know each other well, you are sure that you want to continue your relationship. Here it is worthwhile to carefully weigh everything once again, suggesting that you first meet and talk. If you are kilometers apart and there is no way to meet now, even though you are sure that you have met a kindred spirit - communicate via video link, get to know each other even better, discuss the possibilities of a relationship at a distance, and only then proceed to the proposal.

How to invite a girl to date so that she doesn't refuse?

A guy who is worried that a girl may refuse, or even, perhaps, who has already received a refusal from this or another girl, can be advised not to worry because, having studied the psychology of girls, he will be able to achieve almost anything with a high probability. If a guy really wants to build a relationship with his chosen girl, he can do it when he does not give up, stopping efforts. Even if the girl initially refuses, does not take it seriously, does not want to hear about the relationship. The only question is the number of trials, which is not a problem for a purposeful young man, who does not react to refusal, but continues courtship and manifestation.

Girls really like it when they are sought, and they may even specifically refuse at first in order to further inflame the guy or weed out insecure boyfriends. When a guy is actively seeking a girl, it causes strong emotions in her, and here it is no longer so important, positive or negative. In any case, at this stage, she already begins to become attached to the guy.

If you are experiencing an insurmountable refusal - use such a psychological technique as lowering the significance of the object. Imagine a girl you really like, without such a good make-up, in ordinary clothes, without status accessories and a retinue of friends, doing ordinary household chores - debunk her almost magical image.

Having broken it into parts, synergistically composing together a beautiful picture, which has such power over you, you will see in front of you an ordinary person who has the same fears and.

The offer to meet for you will not be so scary, and even sound much more natural, respectively, with great chances of success. The girl will like how you communicate with her on equal terms, and do not fawn in front of her, like the rest of the failed boyfriends. In an extreme situation of fear of rejection, it is even worth turning to the roots of this fear with the help of a psychologist - it will be found that the situation is not connected with the girl, but with personal destructive attitudes.

To overcome the fear of rejection, a guy needs to increase his own value, get evidence of success in relationships with girls. When you come up, and you are denied, you get opposite evidence, confirmation of your failure. Instead of being confident, you get the idea that even though I'm a good guy, girls don't like me.

You need to have something in your experience that will confirm your high self-worth, strong, which no one can take away. Based on your personal successes, knowing that the girl has something to love you for, you propose. Know your worth, find what exactly you respect yourself for, even to the point of writing down your merits on paper. Focus on the positive things in life. You will remember the girls you met, who you liked without noticing it. Ask your friends what attractive strengths they know about you. You will discover many new things for yourself, and this will add points to your confidence.

How to invite a girl to date in an original way?

Do you want to make an unusual offer? Today you have a lot of opportunities. If before there was even an inscription on the asphalt, today there are many means to express your feelings in an original, memorable way. Even professional agencies can help you make your dreams come true, they will quietly do most of the work, while you will be provided with the role of the main character.

You can organize the offer near the girl's house, which will enhance the effect thanks to the delight of relatives and neighbors. It can be an inscription made of candles or flowers, a serenade in your own performance in a comic amateurish style, or even with an invited accompaniment. Do you want to connect your friends to this? You can do a flash mob at her house or, if the girl loves riddles, even a quest with a twisted plot, created especially for her. Already this girl will definitely not forget!

Also, all technical and media tools will help you. You can shoot a video message for a girl or even just a cycle of photos with recognition, sing and present the girl with a song on the social network. You can even remain incognito if you are worried about the girl's reaction or do not know if she is free.

If you are looking for how to invite a girl to meet phrases, then an original and at the same time effective way to get closer will be to appeal to emotions, and not dry reasoning or an official proposal. Having become interested in how movie characters do it, you will see that an experienced boyfriend can simply note the beauty of the moon while walking, but do it in such a way that the girl will feel closeness to him, the desire to be with him, his ability to feel beauty and emotional sensitivity, which will automatically arrange it will be replaced by a positive answer to a question that has not yet been asked.

How to invite a girl to date phrases sometimes some guys still prefer to voice such as “let's switch to“ we ”,“ let's become a couple ”,“ will you be mine? ” They also have power, mainly for young girls or waiting to hear an invitation to start a relationship.

Let's give an example of a specific scenario for a creative proposal to meet. The guy had scheduled a meeting with the young lady for the transfer of books on the embankment and came in a suit with a tie and a boutonniere, which immediately alerted the girl, arousing her curiosity and perplexity. Without explaining anything, he hands her a player with headphones and asks to listen to music, turns on a romantic track and takes out a stack of prepared sheets from the books, on which he wrote a confession and an invitation to meet with his own hands, each word separately on a sheet and with design. It looked cute, especially against the backdrop of his serious suit. In the end, he wrote that if she refused, he would jump. If he agrees - too! And without waiting for her answer, literally without giving her her senses, he jumped into the water in a suit and swam away. He turned around, only having swum a little, and waited for an answer from the girl. Needless to say, the answer was yes.

In this example, the guy demonstrated self-confidence, willingness to act, creativity, ability to plan, control himself, create something with his own hands, not be afraid to be funny. After a positive answer, he swam out, tucked in a wet tie with an imperturbable face, and in boots full of water, went for flowers and sweets hidden right there in the bushes. The girl cannot fail to highlight such an original and courageous guy, discarding the courtship of the rest of the men.

Another example scenario might look like this. The guy calls or sends the beloved a message with an appointment for a specific time at an agreed place, being sure for sure that she will come. However, he himself does not appear at the appointed time, the girl waits, looks out at him and, already almost desperate, notices a poster with instructions to follow the white rabbit. She had noticed this strange man in a bunny suit nearby for a long time, and now she ran after him. But the rabbit runs away and gets into the car at the end. The car drives away literally in front of the girl's nose, but she sees on the asphalt at the place where the car was parked, an inscription with the name of a cafe familiar to both of them. The girl hurries there, and behind the glass of the cafe she sees a sign "closed", which is being turned over before her eyes, on the other side - an arrow. She follows in the indicated direction according to the clues posted on the walls of the streets, and comes to a beautiful place in the park, where a boyfriend in love awaits her with confession. The girl experienced an emotional upsurge and by completing the quest automatically proved her interest and desire to continue the relationship.

Not sure how to invite your girlfriend to date? Several rules and secrets that will not let her refuse you!

The moment has come when you found that one and do not want to let her go. Now is the time to find out if she wants to be your girlfriend.

If you are even afraid to imagine yourself in the role of the initiator, act without further ado: invite her to take a walk in the evening, walk her home, kiss her at the right moment, etc.

It is undoubtedly easier. However, if you want to make the right impression on her, then you cannot do without a special setting and the right words.

How to invite a girl to date

In contact with

If you do not know how best to present the cherished words, then keep in mind that the easiest way is to do it on the Internet. This option is especially relevant if you are teenagers (the concept is extensible: at 12 years old, at 15, 20 years old).

So, we go to the most popular and multifunctional social network "Vkontakte", we come up with a recognition. It can take place as a classic “I like you. Let's meet? ”And more original proposals, composed using photos, pictures, videos and music.

It is also considered a completely non-trivial way to send graffiti on her wall or even a very arrogant and bold approach - without her permission, change your status "Actively Searching" to "Dating (name of the chosen one)".

So that she does not refuse

To do this, you need to make sure that she just burned out from waiting for your offer to meet. Getting her to agree 100% is not so difficult if you do everything correctly.

This requires:


Get creative, think what she likes. Perhaps it will be:

  • poems of his own composition;
  • performance of the song;
  • an inscription on the asphalt in front of its windows;
  • the finale of a trip to romantic places or, on the contrary, entertainment in an amusement park;
  • soft toy, with a sound or graphic proposal to meet;
  • after a candlelit dinner / going to the cinema, etc.

Important: Not all girls are not indifferent to romance, therefore, if suddenly after your proposal you do not see a special sparkle in her eyes, do not be offended or irritated. Perhaps she would rather prefer a more discreet approach to the development of your relationship.

If she doesn't want

As rude as it may seem, it means that she is not interested in you. Then you need to act gradually and carefully.

  1. First, find out about her ideal man (ask through her friends, personally from her (you can do it anonymously), flip through her page on social networks, etc.).
  2. Further, while communicating with her, subtly demonstrate those qualities that she highlights (just first think, is it worth it?).
  3. However, don't be intrusive. If you do everything right, then after a while, perhaps, her interest in you will begin to wake up.

The former

Before asking her to start a relationship again, first analyze the reason for which you broke up. If you can fix it, then go for it!

Now your task is to convey to her that you are ready for a different relationship, but with her. For this, original methods of declaration of love, correspondence, conversations, practical assistance, etc. are suitable.

Choose the right words, reason out loud, inspire her that you can still be together again. You may have to prove the veracity of your feelings for a long time. Be prepared for this.

At school

On the one hand, everything is simple here, because a girl at the age of 11-13 is just forming ideas about the guy she needs. On the other hand, it is difficult, because at this age, shyness and fear of being rejected in public are the worst enemies (although this can occur both at the age of 14 and at 20).

That is why act on purpose:

  • walk her home;
  • invite her to walk with her friends in your company;
  • try to spend more time with her and talk more often;
  • make gifts (even if they are insignificant or those that you made yourself);
  • protect her from offenders, etc.


If you are wondering how you can offer to date a girl so that she will remember your beginning of the relationship forever, then show a little imagination.

All this will be very unusual. Surely you can find many ideas on the Internet by watching the video with the corresponding names.

If we are friends

Many people think that if you are friends, then you have no chance. But this is not the case. You just need to learn one rule: you don't need to be a girlfriend for girls, you need to show your masculine nature. By doing it competently, you will achieve even the girl you have known for a long time.

For this you need:

Following all these rules, after another week you will notice a significant change in her behavior: she will wake up a special interest in you.

However, in order for her to understand that she is in love with you, do not forget:

  • support;
  • laugh a lot with her;
  • it is interesting to spend time;
  • intrigue;
  • talk about topics that are interesting to both of you;
  • compliment her.

Tip: After a while, to awaken feelings in her, you will have to "disappear" for a while. Say that you are now extremely busy with important things, a blockage at work or the delivery of a term paper. Here she will have a chance to be left alone with thoughts of you, and then, perhaps, she will understand that she will not find anyone better than you.

: After your relationship begins to develop, do not give up your firm masculine position! Do not talk about how you have long dreamed of spending this night of love with her, etc. But, at the same time, do not pretend that you are indifferent. It is better if you hold her close to you and say thoughtfully: “And why did we hesitate with this? ..”.

By phone

It should be noted right away that such a proposal will be the least effective. However, if you decide to resort to it, then you need:

By sms

The main thing is not to propose to meet right away. We need to prepare her for this. For example, by correspondence, begin to admit how you feel about her, or in a personal conversation / during a conversation on the phone, hint to her about an important SMS that is waiting for her at a certain time.

And whether it will be a short sentence or a long prose is up to you.


First, you can hint, and with what words - or come up with something of your own or choose from the proposed:

Or a hint:

  • “I think we would be a great couple”;
  • "I think we are a good match for each other."

Important: Even if you are a cheerful and resourceful guy, you should not try to somehow coolly (with the help of humor) invite a girl to date, because she may think that you are just playing with her / joking and will not take you seriously.

  1. Be sincere. You don't have to pretend to be a tough macho man, if in fact you have a delicate and vulnerable nature. Firstly, it will look ridiculous, and secondly, pretending is always repulsive.
  2. Do not worry... Girls love confident guys. Remember: any ridiculous situation can be made winning, you just need to reduce everything to a joke. Your chosen one will not only receive a positive charge, but also note your resourcefulness and lack of fear. If you can't avoid your excitement, then tell her about it directly. Surely she will be flattered by the fact that this feeling in you.
  3. Prepare her... She should look forward to what you offer her. If you just, having met her once again on the street, immediately ask to become her your girlfriend, she will be confused, she will think that you are not yourself.
  4. Don't ask too much of her at once.... She might want to think. If you agree, do not drag her straight to bed: it will push her away from you.

Often, after meeting a girl, when there are some that can be called something more than just sympathy for her, the guys start to get embarrassed. After all, when the realization comes that here she is, the same girl with whom I would like to try to build a real relationship, it is worth taking a step towards the beginning of creating these very relationships and suggesting that she start dating. Of course, you can just gradually bring the matter to a kiss, which seems to say everything for itself, but in fact it is not. Any girl will be pleased to get from a young man to become his girlfriend. This change of status will become significant for the relationship, especially in the eyes of the fair sex. But what if there really is no limit to the guy's embarrassment and he can't even imagine how to talk about serious changes in relations with his chosen one? In this case, you can come up with, so to speak, workarounds. For example, you can think about such an option as to invite a girl to meet in VK.

How beautiful is it to invite a girl to meet on VKontakte?

The main thing is to understand what to offer to meet a girl on a social network or with the help of SMS messages, only adolescents and young people can afford. Even at the age of twenty-five, such a proposal to start a relationship will look rather ridiculous and completely frivolous. In general, in principle, at any age, when thinking about how to invite a girl to meet on VKontakte, it is worth remembering that such a proposal can be perceived by her as comic or simply not particularly serious. And if you really want to start building a real relationship, then the offer to meet should be taken seriously.

But, nevertheless, if embarrassment really does not allow a young man to just so easily approach his chosen one and offer to meet, a popular social network is an ideal way out of this situation. After all, hiding behind a computer screen, it is much easier to express your real emotions, openly and without any hesitation.

In this case, it is worth thinking about how best to invite a girl to meet in VK. The main thing: this proposal must be sincere, beautiful and original so that the girl understands that it is really serious and hides real romantic feelings underneath. Therefore, a banal message like “Hello. Let's meet?" it is worth immediately sweeping aside. This is what teenagers about thirteen write to the girls they like. For a more serious proposal, this is definitely not an option.

It is better to write a detailed and honest confession of your feelings. Since there is not enough courage to invite the girl to meet at a real meeting, then in the message it is definitely worth laying out everything that is in your heart. Girls like romantic declarations of love, reading which they can feel like the heroines of their favorite melodramas. But at the same time, you should not get too carried away and add theatricality, because there is no place for falsehood in love confessions.

If we talk about completely original ways of offering meet a girl on a social network, you can use the help of friends. For example, send all your friends a blank message that each of them will send to this very girl. A representative of the fair sex will surely appreciate such efforts, and she will also be pleased to be in the spotlight and receive so many messages with the love confession of one person.

When thinking about how to invite a girl to date, you should first take into account the girl herself. After all, all people are different and they are pleased with different things and events. Therefore, it is worth showing your chosen one that you understand her and her desires. This is important for any member of the fair sex at any age.

Ideal if you know the subject of your adoration and worship since kindergarten. In this case, willingly or unwillingly, you already have the basic primary information about her habits, preferences, character traits, strengths and weaknesses. With this knowledge, you will be able to behave so as not to get into difficult situations.

But if the girl is practically unfamiliar to you, you need to try to find out as much as possible about her before the first date. Otherwise, deciding to make a favorable impression on her and beginning to recite Blok by heart, you may fall into the category of "bores" in her eyes, since the pinnacle of poetry for her is the work of Timothy. Therefore, it is worth finding out her interests and preferences, then it will be much easier to conquer her.

Chat with those who know her well at work, study, who communicate with her constantly. Try to find common interests, no matter which ones: animals, cooking, sports or music. If you share her views, she will feel sympathy for you on a subconscious level.

Don't forget to find out which colors she prefers and which candies she loves the most. On the one hand, this will allow you to pleasantly surprise her once again, and on the other hand, it will not embarrass her if she does not eat sweets at all or is allergic to some flowers.

Main stage - forward to victory

Having found out all the useful information about the girl you like, you can proceed to active actions. First, you need to enter her social circle, mutual friends or similar interests will help you with this. For example, sign up for the same club where she goes. This will give you the opportunity to talk to her and invite her out on a date during the conversation.

Encourage her to walk after a class or walk home after a party. At this time, you can show her the similarity of your thoughts, your originality and charm. If the first date was successful, then build on your success.

Further events can take place according to a well-known scenario: cinema, cafes, flowers, walks under the moon, etc. Ideally, there should be a "zest" in your meetings. These are unexpected and pleasant surprises that will charm and win the heart of your lady.

After 2-3 such dates, you can move on to the most important question. But saying "" straight is not the best tactic. Better tell her a fiery speech, how pleasant it is for you to spend time with her, and then ask to be your girlfriend. You can kneel down to imitate a sentence. But do not forget that not everyone will appreciate such a gesture and it is worth choosing an option according to the girl's preferences.

Do not say that you are madly in love and cannot live without your beauty. But if this is so, you are very lucky: today you will find out how to offer a date to a girl.

Forget about silly phrases and other failures, because you need to do this without words!

Do not invite her to meet if ...

In fact, you don't always need to go up to a girl and tell her “let's date”. Even more, in 75% of cases it is simply not necessary. In order not to be mistaken and not to spoil the relationship with your lady, see if you belong to this category of men:

  1. You understand that the girl doesn't like you

Doing crazy things for women is beautiful and sometimes effective, but not in your case. If a girl does not pay attention to you at all, and she does not get out of your head, forget about offering her a relationship. She will refuse you and this will only hit your pride.

Read also:

If you think that such an act as an offer will make her look at you differently, you are mistaken. First you need to go through all the preliminary stages of a relationship: establishing contact, dating, seducing - and only then you can make her your girlfriend.

  1. On the first date

You met a girl and asked her out on a date. You communicate well and you understand that you would like to have a relationship with her. What are you doing? You say, “We feel so good together. Will you be my girlfriend? ”How does the girl feel at this time? She is just in confusion and confusion - you are the guy to whom she only recently drew attention, who has not yet earned much credit and has not yet become loved. Naturally, she will be afraid of such a sharp pressure and you will not only have no relationship with her, but you will not have a second date either.

The girl's reaction will be something like this:

  1. You are already together

If your relationship started by itself: now you already spend a lot of time together, kiss, trust each other. Maybe you already practically do not go for walks separately and cannot live without each other. But you didn’t offer her to meet - what to do? Nothing - you are already dating and your proposal after all this will seem to the girl at least strange or stupid.

Do you know what the girls expect in this case? Confessions! She already knows that you are together, but she does not yet know how serious it is. But your confession will put everything in its place - you are in the mood for a serious relationship.

  1. You're not 15 anymore

If you are already an adult guy who has experience in relationships and knows how to seduce girls - forget about the phrase “let's date”. This is the lot of schoolchildren, adolescents and some students who are not confident in themselves.

You can't do without an offer when ..

There are situations when it is simply necessary to offer to meet. And if you do not say these cherished words to the girl, you simply risk losing her, or you are constantly in agonizing uncertainty:

  1. There is no clarity in your relationship.

So you seem to have close body contact, and spend time together, and then she dumps you, goes to the club and flirts freely (or worse) with other guys. What's happening? It's just that your relationship has a very vague framework: you are not a guy with a girl, but you are not strangers either. In such a situation, everyone perceives this connection as it is convenient for him: you may think that you have a relationship, but she simply will not take it seriously, thinking that this is another affair. If this happens, go ahead and offer the girl a relationship. Express your desire to be with her, make her give a positive answer. Thus, she will silently promise to be faithful and loyal to you.

  1. Love works wonders

If you have strong feelings for a girl and want her to know about it, you can amaze her with a beautiful proposal. If you see that she also really likes you and you have already been on a date - act beautifully and original. Even an adult guy can make such an offer, because his goal is not so much to establish a clear framework in your relationship, but rather to evoke the best emotions in your beloved, associations with you and make the day when you become a couple special for her. This is such a symbolic touch in the development of your story.

  1. If you are teenagers

Finally, we come to the main thing - the proposal to meet is the most important and meaningful for teenagers. And if you are one of them, this article is for you. It is very important for school-age girls that you say the cherished "Will you be my girlfriend?" Perhaps for your beloved (and for you too) this will be the first relationship. And of course, you still do not know how to correctly understand each other's gestures, you do not know how to correctly capture energy messages, hints and other trifles. Therefore, it is especially important to express your feelings in words and deeds. And if she answers you "Yes", you should know that she is in love and is proud that she now has you.

A few tips from a professional: how to stir up a girl prettier than you, details in the video ...

Soil preparation

You can propose to a girl only when you feel a connection between you, when both of you are comfortable alone with each other. If the girl continues to avoid or ignore you, it is too early to act. The situation when you are getting closer and closer can happen by itself, but it can also require your deliberate actions.

When you see each other often

If you are in the same class or in the same group, then it is much easier for you to win her attention. But remember, before you propose to her, she must go out with you for at least a couple of dates. In order to get closer to a girl, you can try these maneuvers:

  1. Stand out for something good, like being highly praised, helping others, etc.
  2. Ask her to work on the project with you. It could also be any other school assignment that will help you to be with her.
  3. Try to chat with the girl, ask her some questions about herself. Also use praise: notice that she did a very good report today, for example, and tell her about it.
  4. Try to become her friend, but keep your distance so as not to get into the Friendzone.
  5. Flirt with her - you can compliment her, be interested in looking at her, even straighten her hair.
  6. If you are already close enough to communicate, you can accidentally touch her.
  7. Invite her to ice cream.
  8. If your walk was successful, you can try to sit next to her in class (preferably if she wants to).
  9. Now you can walk with her more often, trying to hug her.
  10. When you feel that she is ready - kiss her.
  11. Now you can offer her to meet, because you have already become close and she is just waiting for your cherished words.

When there is no way to cross often

If you are not around all the time, you must arrange the meetings yourself. By the way, psychologists say that a person who often catches your eye is able to build trust and earn sympathy much faster.

The first thing you need to do is visit the places where she is, as often as possible. You should try to get closer to her - for this you can add her as a friend on VKontakte, comment on her photo and try to communicate.

For more details on how to stretch it for a walk, read the article "". And if everything worked out for you and she went for a walk with you, make these meetings permanent. Let her get used to them. And when you feel that she is interested in you as much as you are - invite her to meet.

What date to propose on

According to statistics, a girl is expecting an offer on dates 5-7. If you delay too much, she may simply lose faith and be disappointed in you and in this relationship. But making an offer earlier is also not recommended, because the first 2-3 meetings will only help you determine the girl's attitude.

How to properly suggest a date

If a girl willingly agrees to meetings and leaves them happy and elated, then the moment of the proposal has come. In order to do everything right, pay attention to the following things:

  1. Your appearance

Even if you are not going to do anything special - you just want to hug her gently and say that you want to see her in the role of your girlfriend, take care of her appearance anyway. At such a crucial moment, you must be beautiful and well-groomed so that she does not doubt the correctness of her choice for a minute. You, of course, should not dress like a knight from old fairy tales - you are not going to marry. Be prettier than usual, but don't overdo it.

  1. Venue

The meeting place depends on how you want to propose to her. It can be a park, a cozy cafe, a trip to some beautiful or special place. But keep in mind that during the proposal, you should not be interrupted by loud noise, and the girl should feel comfortable.

  1. Flowers, gifts ...

Do not buy perfumes or other gifts that may simply not suit her. Get by with an inexpensive gift in the form of a flower, a small souvenir or candy. In fact, you can do without all this at all, but the girl will be more pleased if you decide to back up your proposal with a small gift.

  1. Your words

Remember that sincerity is the main thing. You must clearly and warmly explain to the girl what you feel for her and what you want from her. Girls just love specifics, when after a conversation you don't have to guess what you wanted to say by that. Underline what you like about her, speak gently but confidently.

If you choose poems or template SMS for her, do not forget to add something at the end of yourself. Let the girl feel that you did not just copy and paste this text without even reading it in full. For example, at the end of the verse, write: "I really feel all this for you, and I want you to be with me."

A few simple rules:

  1. Be confident and persistent

You should not give up immediately, as it seemed to you that the girl has cooled down a little to you. You must prepare her for the proposal using all your strength, charm and perseverance. Don't overdo it, but you can't do without it either.

  1. Follow the girl's requirements

If you are already in close contact and you are preparing to propose, pay attention to what the girl requires of you. If she is offended that you did not call her yesterday, it means that she requires you to call every day. And you must do this by showing her that she is really dear to you. If the girl doesn't care, chances are she's not that interested in you.

  1. Speak

Girls love with their ears and do not like to guess about your feelings. You are a man and you must be brave: say out loud all the good that you think about her and what you feel.

Say already these words: "Let's meet"

So, you decided to confess your feelings to her and invite her to date. You have already figured out where you will lead her and now you just have to decide what you say and wait for the right moment.


It is best to start talking when you are already standing next to her, she will be in your arms and you will kiss her. When you reach the peak of romance, just calmly tell her what you were going to. You can whisper it in her ear, but not so quietly that she doesn't even hear.

You can, holding her hands and looking into her eyes, confidently reveal all the cards in front of her.


Better not to say the phrase "Let's date" - it sounds terribly trite and somehow stupid. You just need to modify and embellish it a little. Combine the compliment, the offer, and the expression of your feelings together. You can say something like this:

“We are so close that I can’t imagine my life without you. Will you agree to be my girlfriend? "

“You are the first who made me be like this - worried, confused and in love. But I really like it. I want you to be my girlfriend. "

“The time we spend together are the best moments for me. I really want it to be as often as possible, so I would like to see you as my girlfriend. "

Of course, your phrase may be completely different ... and it shouldn't be that - you are a special person and your girl is also special. Just try to express what you feel in beautiful words.

Offer her to date beautifully

If it seems to you that this is nonsense, I will try to convince you otherwise:

  1. It will change the mind about you

Of course, if a girl doesn't love you and she doesn't even like you, whatever you do is useless. But if she has only a drop of doubt about you and you need to make the final blow, surprise her with a beautiful confession and she will surrender.

  1. It will make you special

If you are no longer a schoolboy or a teenager, a beautiful proposal may still be useful to you. No matter how old a girl is, she always expects concrete actions and beautiful confessions, and if you give it to her, your relationship will become especially important and valuable for her.

How to choose the right way

Everything is simple here: if a girl has a calm character, is a romantic and gentle nature, then the recognition should match her. It can be a variety of romantic dinners, rose petals, and more.

If a girl is distinguished by brightness, extravagance and activity, present her with recognition with the same set of characteristics. Let it be something fun and unforgettable. It could be a trip to another pride that she wanted to visit. Take her to a crazy ride, a huge dolphinarium, etc. And at the end of the entertainment, say that it was all for her and make your proposal.

Also note to you: don't use gifts as a way to get a girlfriend. This can easily affect a mercantile person, but a good decent girl will feel in debt and will not be very comfortable from this. You don't want her to walk with you just out of politeness?

How to propose a relationship to a girl - see the video:

If a girl suddenly refused, learn to work with refusals: