How to make a do-it-yourself napkin holder out of cardboard. Napkins, hold on! Ten of the most unusual coasters for paper napkins. Newspaper napkin holder

Today I will show you how easy and simple it is to make a napkin holder from materials that are sure to be found in every home. For manufacturing, you will not need any additional skills, so if you wish, you can use a child.
What do we need at work?
- discs 2 pcs
- scissors
- ruler
- pencil
- marker
- colored paper
- thick cardboard
- PVA glue
- glue Moment Crystal
- glossy varnish
- (I have ribbons and butterflies)

If some materials are missing, then I think, having shown ingenuity, they can be replaced with something else.
Begin. The first thing we need to do is trim the disks. Fortunately, we use disks less and less, so I think that in every house there are a couple of old unnecessary disks. As you may have guessed, the disks will serve as the basis of our napkin holder, so carefully measure the height as you wish. We mark with a marker, preferably permanent, draw under the ruler.

We take scissors stronger and more. I took scissors from the kitchen set. Cut carefully.

We prepare scraps of newspapers of small size.

Using PVA glue, seal the holes in the disks on both sides. Apply several layers of newspaper, smearing each layer with glue. Leave until completely dry. Tip: The newspaper on the surface of the disc may ripple as it dries. If this happens, spread the newspaper with your fingers while it's still damp.

While the discs are drying, we will take care of the bottom of the napkin holder. To do this, we take cardboard, preferably dense, this will give stability to our napkin holder. Unfortunately, I did not have thick cardboard. Therefore, I cut three strips from the cardboard that I managed to find in the bins, dimensions 10x2 cm.

I glue them together with PVA glue.

Because my cardboard with an air gap inside, then it will be both unstable and soft. I decided to glue the resulting bottom of the napkin holder with scraps of newspapers and PVA glue. After drying, the bottom will become hard, like plastic. Leave until completely dry.

In the meantime, let's decorate the napkin holder. I chose colored gift wrapping paper for this. We cut out 2 parts exactly the same size as the walls of the napkin holder, and 2 parts 5 mm larger on all sides, leaving to bend.

Using PVA glue, glue the sides of the napkin holder.

We decorate. At this point, let your imagination run wild. Here you can use everything that is at hand: beads, beads, ribbons, lace, bows, in general, whatever your heart desires. I found the remains of decoupage napkins and cut out 4 butterflies, which, using PVA glue, took their place on the daisies.

When the bottom of the napkin holder is completely dry and hard, glue it with colored paper.

The moment of truth has come. We collect all the details in a heap. To do this, you can use a silicone gun. But somehow I didn’t work out with him, so my choice fell on the time-tested Crystal Moment.

We cover our napkin holder with 2 layers of varnish. I have acrylic gloss varnish. In principle, if desired, this stage can be skipped. Important: the varnish may streak slightly during application. Do not worry, after drying, the stripes will disappear and you will have a smooth glossy surface.

It is far from always possible to choose accessories that fit perfectly into the finished interior of the kitchen, living room or bedroom. However, if you make them with your own hands, this will not only bring the joy of creativity, but also allow you to create really suitable and beautiful furnishings. One of such practical and pleasing to the eye things can be a bright beautiful cardboard napkin holder.

Making a napkin holder: materials and tools

  • thick cardboard 2-3 mm thick
  • colored paper for interior and exterior decoration (approximately 2 A4 sheets)
  • thick pva glue
  • reliable glue for joining parts ("Moment-Crystal" or hot glue gun)
  • mounting tape (aka kraft tape)
  • sharp scissors
  • stationery knife (you can also use a roller knife)
  • ruler, pencil, compasses, glue brush
  • self-healing cutting mat (if you don't have one, take care of the table surface in other ways)
  • metal stationery clips or clothespins

How to make a do-it-yourself napkin holder

The template of the proposed napkin holder is very simple, but easy to use, and will help us get acquainted with some basic techniques of the cardboard technique, which allows us to create beautiful and practical boxes, organizers and boxes from ordinary cardboard.

We cut out 4 semicircular blanks and 2 rectangular bottom parts from thick cardboard.

You can resize the template to your liking and even vary the shape of the blanks.

Let's start connecting the parts. To do this, we need a wide mounting tape. We glue the details of the bottom and walls end-to-end, and the adhesive tape should fasten them both from the inside and from the outside.

Tip: you can decorate the napkin holder not only with colored paper, but also with bright cotton fabric. The algorithm of work in this case will remain exactly the same, however, before covering with a cloth, it would be desirable to glue the outer part of the napkin holder with a layer of plain white paper.

We circle the blank on colored paper, making allowances of at least 3 cm on all sides.

We bend colored paper and paste over the cardboard blank from the outside. We use PVA glue for this, trying to ensure that there are no swellings or wrinkles on the paper.

Now 4 cuts should be made in the "cover". To do this, with a pencil, we extend the line of the inner fold of the napkin holder for allowances and make cuts along it without reaching the end of the part 3-4 mm. We make small cuts diagonally to the edge of the napkin holder.

Glue the allowance to the inside of the napkin holder. After that, we cut the side parts of the “burning” in the same way. We put the napkin holder on its side, make a straight incision from the fold line, and step back 3-4 mm from the edge, complete with a triangular incision.

Now we make jagged cuts along the edge with scissors, not cutting about 4 cm to the edge of the cardboard part. Otherwise, sloppy gaps may form at the end.

Glue the cuts on the wrong side. To make the glue grab better, for a while the folds can be pressed with clothespins or stationery clips.

While the main part dries, we return to the remaining cardboard blanks. They should fit inside the existing napkin holder, so they should be slightly reduced by cutting off about 2 mm from the flat side of each of the semicircular pieces and from one of the edges of the rectangle. Do not forget to check how the blanks came up by putting them inside the napkin holder.

For the inside of the napkin holder, it makes sense to choose paper of a different color. We glue the blanks on paper, making allowances of at least 1.5 cm on all sides. We cut off the corners at 45 degrees and make zigzag cuts along the rounded edge of both parts, also not reaching the very edge of the template.

We glue the side parts of the bottom part, leaving the long parts free. On the side parts we bend and glue all the allowances.

Now it remains only to connect the outer and inner parts of the napkin holder. To do this, first glue the bottom part in such a way that the remaining non-glued allowances are fixed on the side walls. After that, we glue the side parts using Moment-Crystal glue for this.

When the glue has firmly set, our napkin holder is ready to take its place on the dining table and delight the eye!

A napkin holder is a must-have attribute of a festive and everyday table. It not only fulfills its function, but also serves as a decoration. This kitchen item can be purchased at the store, but it will look much more interesting if you make it yourself. Moreover, a do-it-yourself napkin holder can be made from any improvised means, be it ordinary cardboard, old disks or pencils. You will find a few simple options that will help you transform your kitchen and decorate the table solemnly in this article.

What materials can a napkin holder be made of?

In fact, there are many materials from which you can make a do-it-yourself napkin holder. It all depends on your flight of fancy and the availability of improvised means. The stand can be made from ordinary cardboard, sheathed with a beautiful fabric or pasted over with colored paper. Special craftswomen can use plastic bottles of detergents for this purpose. Napkin holders from clothespins or old pencils look beautiful. You can also make them from:

  • puff pastry (a great option for culinary craftswomen);
  • shells (or rather, from its wings);
  • unnecessary CDs;
  • plywood;
  • beads;
  • wooden blocks (they must first be cut);
  • napkins.

Cardboard napkin holder master class

Consider a master class on how to make a do-it-yourself napkin holder. For work, we need the following tools and materials:

  • thick cardboard;
  • 2 sheets of A4 colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • "Moment-Crystal";
  • kraft tape;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • stationery clips or clamps.

Here's what the whole creative process will look like:

  • At the beginning of work, we cut out 4 semicircles and 2 rectangles for the bottom from the prepared cardboard.
  • With the help of kraft tape, we butt the parts of the walls and the bottom so that the mounting tape fastens them from the outside and inside.
  • We circle the cut-out blank on colored paper, leaving about 3 cm for allowances on all sides.

Important! Please note that for decoration you can choose not paper, but bright fabric. The algorithm for working with it will be the same.

  • Using PVA glue, glue the cardboard blank on the front side with colored paper. We do this carefully so that there are no folds or swelling.
  • Then we cut the side parts of the “cover” and, bending them, stick them on the inside of the workpiece.
  • Next, we make cuts along the perimeter of the edge, not reaching the end of about 4 cm. We glue these cuts on the wrong side.

Important! In order for the glue to grab well, you can use clips or clothespins.

  • In order for us to get a do-it-yourself napkin holder, we leave the main part to dry, we return to the rest of the blanks, which should be located inside the already existing napkin holder. To achieve this, you need to cut about 2 mm on each side of the product. We check by putting them inside.
  • To finish the inside of our stand, it is advisable to choose paper of a different color. We glue the blanks on it so that there are allowances of at least 1 cm.
  • At an angle of 45 degrees, we cut off the corners, making zigzag cuts along the edge of the parts
  • We connect the side parts of the bottom, leaving the long parts free.
  • We bend on them and glue the left allowances.
  • Finally, you need to connect the inner and outer parts of the napkin holder by gluing the details of the bottom so that the non-glued allowances are fixed on the side walls.
  • Then, using the “Moment-Crystal”, we glue the side parts.
  • Wait for the glue to dry, and do-it-yourself cardboard napkin holder is ready.

Napkin holder from old CDs

If you want your kitchen to be decorated with a do-it-yourself napkin holder made from old discs, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Prepare materials: 2 CDs, scissors, ruler, pencil, colored paper, cardboard, PVA, Moment glue, varnish, stationery knife, decorative items.
  2. Cut the discs, first marking the cut line with a marker. It is better to do this with ordinary scissors, leaving small allowances in case they need to be aligned.
  3. Prepare small pieces of newspaper.
  4. Seal the holes on the discs. To do this, grease each layer of paper with PVA glue and, after waiting for them to dry, glue them onto the holes.
  5. To decorate the napkin holder, you can use gift paper. From it you need to cut a couple of parts of the same size as the walls, and a couple of parts that exceed this size by 5 mm.
  6. Tape the sides of the stand.
  7. Decorate the product to your liking - you can use beads, ribbons, lace, beads for these purposes.
  8. The bottom also needs to be glued with colored paper.
  9. Connect all the parts together with Moment glue or a silicone gun.

Important! If desired, cover the finished product with several layers of varnish.

Master class: Napkin holder "Strawberry Paradise"

Work description: this development is intended for children of senior school age, teachers and parents.

Appointment of the master class: original decoration of the festive table.

Targets and goals:

· To teach the simplest techniques of the initial stage of the Decoupage napkin technique.

· To acquaint the participants of the competition with the technological capabilities of salt dough and its use in the process of artistic creation (modeling).

· To interest and involve parents in joint leisure activities with children.

We all love to visit, and even more to meet guests ourselves. When laying a festive table, it is sometimes necessary to take into account everything from the tablecloth to the arrangement of tableware, including napkins. How to properly arrange napkins on our table?

Today we will show you a master class in creating an original napkin holder, which will be a great addition to your holiday table.

Master class on creating a napkin holder "Strawberry Paradise".

We will need:

Laser discs - 3 pieces

Napkin with strawberry ornament

· Scissors

glue for decoupage

Decoupage primer or water-based paint

Decoupage varnish

hot glue gun

· Rubber roller

· Modeling dough

· Acrylic paints

Brushes for glue and varnish

· Rubber gloves

· Working surface

1st step - create the base of the napkin holder:

1. We take two disks and mark the cut lines so that our napkin holder stands steadily.

2. For priming discs, we need a sponge. I make it from a sponge for washing dishes and so that my hands do not get dirty, I attach a clothespin to it

3. With the help of a homemade sponge and decoupage primer, we paint our blanks from disks using the “smacking” method. I painted the discs in two coats and let dry exactly 24 hours.

4. The next layer is the coating of discs with water-based paint.

Note: On the Internet, I read that instead of a special primer for decoupage, you can immediately use water-based paint. In this master class, I did not dare to apply this advice. I think that in the next master class, where the painting surface will be large enough, I will do so.

It is far from always possible to choose accessories that fit perfectly into the finished interior of the kitchen, living room or bedroom. However, if you make them with your own hands, this will not only bring the joy of creativity, but also allow you to create really suitable and beautiful furnishings. One of such practical and pleasing to the eye things can be a bright beautiful cardboard napkin holder. In this article we will tell you how to make a do-it-yourself napkin holder.

Making a napkin holder: materials and tools

  • thick cardboard 2-3 mm thick
  • colored paper for interior and exterior decoration (approximately 2 A4 sheets)
  • thick pva glue
  • reliable glue for joining parts ("Moment-Crystal" or hot glue gun)
  • mounting tape (aka kraft tape)
  • sharp scissors
  • stationery knife (you can also use a roller knife)
  • ruler, pencil, compasses, glue brush
  • self-healing cutting mat (if you don't have one, take care of the table surface in other ways)
  • metal stationery clips or clothespins

How to make a do-it-yourself napkin holder

The template of the proposed napkin holder is very simple, but easy to use, and will help us get acquainted with some basic techniques of the cardboard technique, which allows us to create beautiful and practical boxes, organizers and boxes from ordinary cardboard.

We cut out 4 semicircular blanks and 2 rectangular bottom parts from thick cardboard.

You can resize the template to your liking and even vary the shape of the blanks.

Let's start connecting the parts. To do this, we need a wide mounting tape. We glue the details of the bottom and walls end-to-end, and the adhesive tape should fasten them both from the inside and from the outside.

Tip: you can decorate the napkin holder not only with colored paper, but also with bright cotton fabric. The algorithm of work in this case will remain exactly the same, however, before covering with a cloth, it would be desirable to glue the outer part of the napkin holder with a layer of plain white paper.

We circle the blank on colored paper, making allowances of at least 3 cm on all sides.

We bend colored paper and paste over the cardboard blank from the outside. We use PVA glue for this, trying to ensure that there are no swellings or wrinkles on the paper.

Now 4 cuts should be made in the "cover". To do this, with a pencil, we extend the line of the inner fold of the napkin holder for allowances and make cuts along it without reaching the end of the part 3-4 mm. We make small cuts diagonally to the edge of the napkin holder.

Glue the allowance to the inside of the napkin holder. After that, we cut the side parts of the “burning” in the same way. We put the napkin holder on its side, make a straight incision from the fold line, and step back 3-4 mm from the edge, complete with a triangular incision.

Now we make jagged cuts along the edge with scissors, not cutting about 4 cm to the edge of the cardboard part. Otherwise, sloppy gaps may form at the end.

Glue the cuts on the wrong side. To make the glue grab better, for a while the folds can be pressed with clothespins or stationery clips.

While the main part dries, we return to the remaining cardboard blanks. They should fit inside the existing napkin holder, so they should be slightly reduced by cutting off about 2 mm from the flat side of each of the semicircular pieces and from one of the edges of the rectangle. Do not forget to check how the blanks came up by putting them inside the napkin holder.

For the inside of the napkin holder, it makes sense to choose paper of a different color. We glue the blanks on paper, making allowances of at least 1.5 cm on all sides. We cut off the corners at 45 degrees and make zigzag cuts along the rounded edge of both parts, also not reaching the very edge of the template.

We glue the side parts of the bottom part, leaving the long parts free. On the side parts we bend and glue all the allowances.

Now it remains only to connect the outer and inner parts of the napkin holder. To do this, first glue the bottom part in such a way that the remaining non-glued allowances are fixed on the side walls. After that, we glue the side parts using Moment-Crystal glue for this.

When the glue has firmly set, our napkin holder is ready to take its place on the dining table and delight the eye!