Colitis on the left side under the ribs of pregnancy. Causes of pain in the left side. What to do if the left side of the abdomen hurts

Almost every woman in the world aspires to become pregnant and give birth to a child. Pregnancy is definitely a wonderful moment.

But along with this, a number of problems arise. A woman may be interested in the question: why does the left side of the lower abdomen hurt during pregnancy?

Lower abdominal pain

The emerging situation can increase the load on the body and reveal hidden problems.

Pregnancy is uncomfortable, there are some changes inside, and sometimes the feeling of pain is quite considered natural.

Pregnancy is a responsible process and pain, especially in the abdomen, should make a woman think and once again visit a gynecologist.

A woman should not ignore pain. Under strict attention, control by doctors should also be carried out.

The belly is the main and special place where a new life is born and nurtured. There are also many important organs around the child.

It is they who can report the problem through pain. It is likely that problems existed even before the start of pregnancy, and an interesting situation only provoked them to appear.

During pregnancy, there is a significant load on the entire body and especially on all closely lying organs. The entire part of the abdomen can be divided into 4 parts. The left side implies a division into bottom and top.

Often a woman cannot determine the exact location of pain. By nature, the pain is blurred, sharp, aching or pulling.

Due to the blurred sensation, it seems that the entire left side hurts, but this is not so.

Depending on the location of the pain, the cause of its occurrence is also determined. Pain in the lower left side of the abdomen is most likely caused by bowel problems.

Unpleasant sensations in the upper part of the left side are caused by disturbances in the work of the stomach, pancreas, and spleen.


Flatulence is a large formation of gases. Excessive gas formation causes:

  1. Stagnation of food in the intestines. This problem arises due to high pressure from the growing embryo.
  2. Wrong diet.
  3. Violation of intestinal motility. This is due to the high level of progesterone, which relaxes the muscles of the uterus and intestines.

Proper nutrition is one of the main conditions that must be observed.

You can not overeat or starve, the intake of food should be frequent, but in small portions. The approximate menu should be divided into 5-6 meals.

It is advisable to avoid foods that can cause gas. Nutrition should be balanced and full of vitamins.

The gas problem cannot be ignored. Despite its harmlessness, flatulence can harm pregnancy.

Inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis

Very often, women are faced with the problem of kidney disease - pyelonephritis. This is a common disease that appears as a result of neglect of cystitis.

Young ladies in search of their halves strive to look beautiful in any weather.

If a woman was not careful to chill the genitourinary system, and then cured her incorrectly or generally let everything take its course, then during pregnancy this will definitely remind her of herself.

With pyelonephritis, the left side hurts. In this case, the pain will necessarily be given to the back of the body.

In no case should you self-medicate. The doctor must diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

For diagnosis, you will definitely need to pass a general urine test and according to Nechepurenko, as well as conduct an ultrasound of the kidneys.

The main problem is that many drugs for the treatment of pyelonephritis are not suitable for pregnant women. Antibiotics can only be prescribed by a doctor.

This takes into account all the features of the course and progression of the disease.

Pain in the left side during pregnancy in the lower abdomen

During pregnancy, a woman has to experience various sensations, many of which can hardly be called pleasant. They can occur early or late, but one way or another, they overshadow the joyful expectation of the child. Many are worried about nausea and frequent urination, some suffer from constant heartburn, and sometimes women have pain in their left side during pregnancy. Why this symptom appears and whether it is worth worrying about discomfort in the abdomen, the doctor will say. And the main thing for the expectant mother is to notice incomprehensible signs in time and immediately contact a specialist.


When pain appears in the left side, you need to find out what caused it. After all, the reason for this can be not only banal phenomena that are well explained during pregnancy, but also quite serious situations that create a risk to the life of the fetus. And since the health of the unborn child is the most important thing for a woman in position, any pain should be taken seriously.

Among the causes directly related to pregnancy, one can note a violation of the intestines. Functional changes are due to hormonal changes (increased progesterone levels) and the pressure of the growing uterus. Because of this, flatulence and constipation are observed, the intestinal wall is stretched, provoking pain. And a woman's dietary errors can play an additional role.

Much more serious obstetric pathology, which pulls the left side. As a rule, we are talking about such conditions:

  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Spontaneous abortion.
  • Premature detachment of the placenta.

They inspire significant concerns about the condition of the fetus and the woman herself, and therefore require prompt diagnosis and timely treatment. Any delay is associated with additional risk.

If the left side is colitis, then you need to think about the reasons that do not have a direct connection with pregnancy, but that arise against its background. Such conditions include the following:

  • Diseases of the digestive tract (pancreatitis, colitis).
  • Diseases of the urinary organs (pyelonephritis, cystitis).
  • Gynecological problems (adnexitis).

Each pathology has its own characteristics, which are well known to the doctor. Therefore, any pain in the left side during pregnancy should be regarded as a signal of a possible danger and a reason for consulting a specialist.

The causes of pain in the abdomen lie in conditions associated with pregnancy, and those that occur independently of it.


To understand why the left side hurts, you must first find out all the symptoms that a woman has. Only a complete clinical picture will make it possible to establish the source of the problem. Therefore, the doctor first interviews the patient, paying attention to her complaints, and then conducts an examination, trying to identify objective signs of pathology.

Much can be said by the nature of the pain itself. In some diseases, it has a special localization and appearance. So, in a pregnant woman, pain on the left can be:

  1. Stitching, aching, pulling.
  2. Localized at the top or bottom of the abdomen, behind or in front.
  3. Weak, moderate or strong.
  4. Periodic or permanent.
  5. Short term or long term.
  6. Aggravated by movement, after eating or against the background of other factors.

As a rule, there are additional symptoms necessary to determine the cause of the pain. They also need to be detailed, an important aspect of the primary diagnosis, which allows narrowing down the search for probable pathology.

obstetric pathology

If during pregnancy the left side of the lower abdomen hurts, then first of all, obstetric pathology should be excluded, which is associated with a risk to the life of the child, and in some cases to the health of the woman herself. In the early stages, it is necessary to think about the ectopic localization of the fetal egg or spontaneous abortion. In both cases, he can sip on the left side of the abdomen against the background of reddish discharge from the genital tract. But if an ectopic pregnancy has a threat of internal bleeding after a rupture of the tube (and, as a result, hemorrhagic shock), then an abortion in the course is accompanied by the opening of the cervix and the expulsion of the fetal egg.

In the later stages, whining or pricking in the left side can be due to placental complications - premature detachment. Then the following signs are present in the clinical picture:

  • Local pains at the site of attachment of the placenta.
  • Scanty bleeding.
  • Violation of the condition of the fetus.

If detachment of 50% of the surface occurs, then the child dies, since acute hypoxia is observed. Otherwise, it is still possible to restore utero-fetal blood flow.

Obstetric pathology is observed in early or late pregnancy, often accompanied by a risk to the fetus and woman.

Diseases of the digestive tract

Pain in the upper abdomen on the left may indicate pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas. During pregnancy, exacerbations of chronic pathology occur, when among the symptoms the following are noted:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Flatulence.
  • Relaxation of the stool.

Such signs are included in the structure of dyspeptic syndrome. Some of them can also be observed in colitis, when the intestinal wall becomes inflamed. In this case, against the background of pain in the left side, there is bloating, constipation or diarrhea, pathological impurities (mucus, pus, blood) are determined in the stool.

Diseases of the urinary organs

Stinging and aching pains in the lower abdomen (suprapubic region) occur with cystitis. In this case, other signs may be observed:

  • Dysuric disorders: pain at the end of urination, frequent urge.
  • Urine discoloration: cloudy, reddish tint.
  • Temperature increase.

Similar symptoms occur with pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys. It must be said that pregnancy is considered a risk factor for such a pathology (taking into account progesterone influence and uterine pressure). But with pyelonephritis, pain is localized in the left half of the lumbar region, the symptom of tapping (Pasternatsky) is positive, and the general condition of a woman often suffers more. In addition, the prolonged existence of chronic inflammation impairs kidney function, leading to organ failure.

Pathology of the urinary tract is a common cause of pain in the abdomen during pregnancy.

Gynecological problems

When a woman's left side tingles in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, one should not forget about gynecological diseases. Such a picture can give inflammation of the ovaries and uterine appendages - adnexitis. And although during the bearing of a child, its frequency is lower, it is still not worth discarding such a reason. In addition to pain, on the one hand, there may be discharge from the genital tract, but most often chronic adnexitis occurs with erased symptoms, which complicates its diagnosis.

Additional diagnostics

To find out exactly why the side colitis during pregnancy, a woman needs to undergo an additional examination. Clinical and gynecological examination does not provide all the necessary information about the disease. Depending on the preliminary conclusion, the following studies are recommended:

  1. Ultrasound (uterus, appendages, kidneys, abdominal organs).
  2. Fetal cardiotocogram.
  3. General analysis of blood and urine.
  4. Blood biochemistry (indicators of inflammation, creatinine, urea, alpha-amylase, electrolytes).
  5. Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky.
  6. Coprogram.

Having received all the necessary results, the doctor establishes a diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate therapy for the woman. Treatment is aimed at maintaining pregnancy and eliminating the pathological process. For this, of course, the safest methods are used that are not capable of harming the unborn child.

Why does a woman have pain in her left side during pregnancy?

Pain in the abdomen and lower back

During the period of bearing a child, a woman has many unusual sensations. One of these is the condition when the left side hurts during pregnancy. As a rule, for every woman, this special period brings many positive and joyful moments. However, if you experience any discomfort, you should definitely seek the advice of a doctor. In practice, there are many reasons why a woman has colitis on the left side and lower abdomen during pregnancy.

The manifestation of any pain signal in the body of a future mother in some cases may mean the presence of pathologies of a different nature. However, very often the occurrence of such situations is directly related to the effect of hormones on the woman's organ system. These substances fully regulate blood circulation in the pelvic area, placenta, digestive area and in the process of muscle relaxation. In this regard, a woman during pregnancy can often feel uncomfortable and, in some cases, painful sensations in different parts of the body.

Manifestations in the early stages of pregnancy

In the very early stages of bearing a baby, the answer to the question of why the left side hurts during pregnancy is always associated with the effect of hormonal substances on the body. During this period, it is very important for the expectant mother to understand this fact and not to overdo it with unnecessary studies of her body. The main muscles of the digestive system of a woman under the influence of hormonal changes are always greatly weakened. In this regard, there may be pain in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium and epigastric part of the body. This situation is often also associated with the fact that during pregnancy the left side of the lower abdomen hurts. At the same time, the digestive system is greatly slowed down and the secretion of peptic juices is suppressed. As a result, it will be difficult for a woman to eat food at a fast pace, since in such a situation pain is always manifested.

To eliminate the problem that has arisen, the expectant mother should eat very small portions and often. Improves the condition and the transition to lighter food, containing a small amount of protein. Pain in the left side during pregnancy is often stabbing and pulling. In some cases, the problem may be more intense, and sometimes it can be manifested by the presence of weak aching sensations. These conditions, as a rule, are always associated with a weakened peristalsis of the intestinal tract. Such pain is accompanied by the presence of constipation and flatulence. To eliminate discomfort, it is recommended to normalize the mode of eating and lead a more active lifestyle.

At the initial stage of pregnancy, the presence of acute aching and pulling pain from below under the left rib is considered an alarm signal. The nature of such sensations, which only intensify over time, may indicate the fact of an ectopic pregnancy. In this situation, you should definitely seek the advice of a specialist. Otherwise, the fallopian tube may rupture. This, in turn, will lead to significant negative consequences.

Pain in the later stages

In the later stages of bearing a child, a woman also often feels uncomfortable feelings in various areas of her body. During the 2nd trimester, the expectant mother can get very sick or whine in the left side of the lower abdomen. This is primarily due to a significant increase in the size of the uterus, which compresses and displaces the pelvic organs. Often the consequence of such processes is the presence of severe pain in the hypochondrium. These sensations arise when the digestive organs are displaced. The pain is accompanied by severe constipation, but after a while after defecation, it completely disappears.

At the end of the 2nd trimester, a woman may feel acute discomfort when urinating. This is primarily due to the increase in the uterus. It creates strong pressure on the ureter on the left side. At the same time, a large amount of fluid will accumulate in the kidneys and bladder, and its outflow will become difficult. In this case, it always pulls the left side during pregnancy. Stagnation of fluid in the kidneys provokes unpleasant, aching sensations, which are always reflected in a feeling of discomfort in the back.

To prevent the problem that has arisen, it is recommended that the expectant mother wear a special antenatal corset, often take a knee-elbow position and lie only on the opposite side from pain. With such actions on the part of a pregnant woman, the pressure of the uterus on the ureter will be weakened and, accordingly, this will lead to the normalization of the natural cycle of removing fluid from the body. It can also be stabbed on the left at the end of the period of bearing a baby. At the 3rd trimester stage, the lower part of the uterus rises much higher than usual.

This leads to displacement of the spleen, stomach, pancreas and provokes the process of squeezing the diaphragm. To normalize the condition, experts recommend adhering to the basic principles of proper eating and wearing a prenatal corset. At the same time, small loads of a physical type should be included in the daily mode. After 35-36 weeks, a woman may feel cramping pain in the left side. This always signals the beginning of the birth process.

The presence of possible diseases

During the 9 months of pregnancy, a woman's body always undergoes significant changes. During the period of bearing a baby, expectant mothers feel pain of varying degrees. However, in some cases, a woman may experience symptoms of an exacerbation of the disease. The occurrence of such a situation is also affected by a strong weakening of immunity during pregnancy. This, as a rule, leads to the appearance of signs of fungal and infectious pathologies.

Practice shows that in the presence of pain on the left side, a pregnant woman may experience exacerbations of such diseases as:

  • pancreatitis;
  • acute or chronic gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • acute pathologies of the spleen;
  • infectious diseases of the intestinal tract;
  • pinching of the stomach;
  • pathologies of the inflammatory and infectious form in the kidneys, ureter and left-sided uterine appendages;
  • diaphragmatic hernia.

You can determine the severity of pain in the process of monitoring your condition and when contacting a doctor for advice. In case of diagnosing a more serious pathology during pregnancy, the specialist will prescribe an appropriate course of further treatment. As practice shows, doctors try first of all to eliminate problems in a non-drug way. However, in case of urgent need, the specialist will select the best variant of medicines, which eliminates any possibility of a negative impact on the health of the pregnant woman and the unborn baby.

Common symptom pattern

The occurrence of discomfort on the left side during pregnancy can manifest itself in different ways. In some cases, the pain is very strong and aching. In other situations, the discomfort is minor and passes quickly. Practice shows that the nature of pain and the presence of certain of its symptoms plays the most important role in diagnosing the main causes of its occurrence.

If a pregnant woman feels that she has a strong pull in her left side, this may mean the presence of a number of serious pathologies. With this manifestation, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her condition and, if discomfort worsens, be sure to consult a doctor. The pulling nature of pain can occur when there are problems with the intestinal tract, pleurisy, pneumonia, inflammatory processes in the left appendages of the uterus. In the event that pain processes are accompanied by fever, a woman should immediately visit a specialist. This situation may be associated with the presence of an infectious disease in the body.

The stabbing nature of pain is often caused by disruption of the intestines and spleen. The cause of such sensations may be intense physical exercise. More acute and severe pain in the left side during pregnancy always occurs when there are serious pathologies in the body. These can be manifestations of gastritis, ulcers, rupture of the spleen, renal left-sided colic, ovarian cysts and volvulus. A strong and acute pain sensation also appears during an ectopic pregnancy. It is usually associated with a ruptured fallopian tube. In the presence of each of the above symptoms, a woman should urgently seek help from a doctor.

Diagnosis and prevention options

During the period of bearing a child, any manifestation of pain in the left side can cause a lot of questions and worries from the expectant mother. However, in the normal course of pregnancy, all the feelings of discomfort and discomfort that have arisen are, as a rule, completely natural. They do not negatively affect the body of the mother and child. The main reason for their development is the presence of a large number of pregnancy-related changes.

The danger arises if the pain in the left side is pathological. The reason for their appearance is the presence of some disease in the body of the expectant mother. In the case of the duration of certain symptoms, a woman should definitely contact a specialist. Only he will be able to correctly and efficiently diagnose a possible pathology and prescribe a further course of treatment. In such situations, it is categorically not recommended to use traditional medicine procedures. This can lead to more serious consequences in the future. In order to prevent the onset of pain, every pregnant female individual should normalize her daily routine and increase the activity and dynamics of motor functions.

Causes and pathologies in which the left side hurts during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body changes. In this case, various pain and discomfort may occur.

In this article, we will analyze why there is pain in the side during pregnancy.

It is worth noting that the reasons for this can be both physiological and be symptoms of various diseases, which the doctor should establish and prescribe treatment.

Why does the left side hurt during pregnancy?

The following organs are fully or partially located on the left side:

  • Above: stomach, spleen, pancreas, intestines. There is also a part of the diaphragm
  • Below: intestines, uterus, left ovary.

After a new life was born and began to develop in the body of the expectant mother, hormones come into play, which leads to a large number of different changes, the purpose of which is to ensure the normal course of pregnancy.

At the same time, digestion is regulated, muscles relax, more blood begins to flow to the placenta and pelvic organs. Such changes may be accompanied by unusual symptoms, pain.

Pain in the left side in early pregnancy

The cause of discomfort during this period is most often hormonal changes in the body, exacerbation of gastritis and early toxicosis.

Pain in the epigastrium and hypochondrium

A similar symptom occurs due to the weakening of the muscles of the organs that make up the digestive system. There is a decrease in the secretion of digestive juices, digestion slows down, and when overeating or fast eating, pain in the stomach appears.

To get rid of such symptoms, it is necessary to include easily digestible food in the diet, switch to fractional meals (eat more often, but in small portions), and drink enough liquid.

Side pain

Usually the sides hurt during pregnancy due to a decrease in intestinal motility. Pain sensations can be pulling, aching, sharp and stabbing; weak and intense. Perhaps the appearance of constipation, flatulence, which become stronger after 2-3 hours after eating, relief comes after defecation.

Pain in the side from below

This symptom occurs most often with digestive disorders, constipation. But there is another reason that can provoke pain at the very beginning of pregnancy - this is an ovarian or left-sided ectopic pregnancy. Its symptoms are aching, pulling, cramping pain below. Over time, the pain becomes stronger, and if you do not seek medical help in time, the pipe will rupture. This is accompanied by acute and severe pain, vomiting, profuse sweating, weakness and a rapid deterioration in well-being.

An ectopic pregnancy is a very dangerous condition in which a woman's life is threatened. Therefore, if the symptoms described above occur, you should immediately visit a medical institution.

Second trimester

During this period, there is a rapid increase in the uterus, which begins to displace and squeeze the nearby pelvic organs, which can also cause pain in the side. Sometimes pain on the left side can occur due to squeezing of the left ureter by the uterus, while fluid accumulates both in the bladder and in the kidney. The enlarged pelvis provokes a pulling pain, sometimes quite strong, radiating to the back.

To relieve pain, it is recommended to wear a prenatal bandage, rest on a healthy side, regularly stay in a knee-elbow position, in which there is a decrease in uterine pressure on the ureter and restoration of normal fluid excretion.

third trimester

The growing uterus continues to increase pressure on the organs, displaces the stomach, pancreas, spleen, presses on the diaphragm, which can lead to diaphragmatic hernia.

  • Proper nutrition (refusal of fatty, fried, salty and sour)
  • Wearing a bandage
  • Light physical activity

Cramping pain in the side during pregnancy at 37 weeks may be a sign of the onset of labor.

During the bearing of a child, especially in the later stages, pain may occur during movement, in the lower back. This is due to problems of the spine, tk. there is an increase in load and a shift in the center of gravity.

Pathologies in which the left side hurts during pregnancy

Due to reduced immunity in women bearing a child, chronic diseases may worsen, cases of infection with infections (accompanied by fever) and fungi may become more frequent.
Pain in the left side can be a sign of the following pathologies:
  • Gastric ulcer in the acute stage
  • Exacerbated chronic or newly emerging acute gastritis (discomfort occurs under the rib)
  • Disease of the spleen (hypochondrium, left flank)
  • pancreatitis
  • Diaphragmatic hernia
  • Pinched stomach
  • Infections and inflammations:
    • stomach
    • kidneys
    • Appendages of the uterus
    • ureters
    • Intestine

The nature of pain in the left side

They can be pulling, sharp, weak, intense. The nature of pain and associated symptoms suggest the presence of a particular disease.
  1. Pulls the left side during pregnancy with the following diseases:
    • Indigestion
    • Stomach cancer
    • Left-sided pyelonephritis
    • Left sided pneumonia
    • Pleurisy
    • Inflammation of the uterine appendages
  2. If the left side pricks during pregnancy, the reasons may be:
    • bowel problems
    • Diseases of the spleen
    • Increased physical activity
  3. Sharp and severe pain in the side:
    • Perforation of stomach ulcer
    • Gastritis in the acute stage
    • Incarceration of the stomach
    • Spleen rupture
    • Renal colic
    • In an ectopic pregnancy, a rupture of the fallopian tube
    • Rupture of a cyst
    • Volvulus

What to do with pain in the left side during pregnancy?

As we found out, both natural and pathological factors can cause pain. With a natural character, it is enough to change the diet, including fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, sour-milk products, wholemeal bakery products. It is also recommended to increase physical activity, more rest.

But if the pain in the side does not go away, it becomes stronger, you need to see a doctor. During pregnancy, self-medication is prohibited, because. many of them are contraindicated during this period.

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What to do if the left side hurts during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a period that brings many unforgettable moments. But there is another, less pleasant side, namely pain during pregnancy. Expectant mothers often complain of arising pains of a different nature and origin, which can be a symptom of all sorts of diseases.

For correct diagnosis, it is necessary to clarify the nature of the pain and the place of its localization. Indeed, in the abdomen there are many different organs, tissues, structures, and so on. And every organ in it can get sick. Conventionally, the abdomen is divided into four parts: the right side above and below, the left side above and below. Pain in the side during pregnancy can be evidence of many diseases. If a sharp pain in the side arose suddenly, this is a very alarming sign, especially if it lasts more than 30 minutes. It is necessary to immediately call a doctor or move to the clinic. After all, it is possible that a pregnant woman needs urgent medical care. Especially if her left side hurts.

In the left upper abdomen are the stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestinal loops and the left side of the diaphragm. Pain in this part may be due to the spleen, which lies very close to the surface of the body. The main job of this organ is to remove red blood cells from the blood. The spleen seizes them and destroys them. After that, their components pass into the bone marrow. New blood cells are formed there.

With a number of diseases, the spleen enlarges, which causes pain. Due to its proximity to the surface of the body, it is prone to rupture. The causes of rupture can be injuries and various diseases, such as infectious mononucleosis. In this condition, the spleen becomes larger and softer, making it more likely to rupture. A signal sign of a ruptured spleen is also cyanosis of the skin around the navel (due to accumulation of blood).

In this case, you need not to overdo it with physical activity, as well as with the weights that you lift.

Pain in the left side from above during pregnancy can also cause diseases of the stomach, for example, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) or functional dyspepsia. Most often it is a pain of a aching nature and can often be accompanied by nausea, vomiting. Remember that the cause of pain in the stomach can be more terrible diseases - peptic ulcer or cancer. In most cases, a woman knows about the presence of ailments even before pregnancy. But very often in the process of bearing a fetus, many diseases become aggravated.

Pain in the upper left side is caused by diaphragmatic hernia. We must not forget that the pain in the left upper abdomen can give the pancreas, affected by various diseases and toxins. But with this diagnosis, there is a very sharp pain that comes from the inside, is girdle in nature, radiates to the back. Pancreatic disease can be suspected if the pain is accompanied by fever, nausea.

The cause of pain in the left upper side may also be the intestines slightly shifted in this direction due to the daily growing fetus. As a result, food moves through it unevenly. In addition, due to the relaxing effect of pregnancy hormones on the muscles of the uterus and the muscles of the intestine, peristalsis is also disturbed. This leads to the formation of stagnation of food in different parts of the intestine and, as a result, to constipation.

To avoid such complications, you should eat more often, but in small portions, avoid foods that contribute to the formation of constipation, bloating. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, dried fruits, wholemeal bread. If the feeling of heaviness in the left side continues and is accompanied by prolonged constipation, you should consult a doctor. In no case should you take a laxative without a doctor's prescription. After all, most of these drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy.

If the gestation period is short and pain occurs on the lower left, then most likely this is due to the uterus, which grows and presses on adjacent organs. Very often, pain in the lower abdomen is an alarming symptom of the threat of premature termination of pregnancy (miscarriage). Therefore, this kind of trouble requires an urgent trip to the doctor.

The causes of pain in the left side from below during pregnancy may be those conditions that also cause pain in the right lower abdomen (with the exception of appendicitis). Namely, infections that are sexually transmitted, with ruptured cysts and ovarian tumors. In the early stages, pain in this area may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman has a sore left side, in no case should she be treated on her own.

Remember that only a doctor can determine the real cause of the pain. If there is pain in the side, you should contact the specialists: gastroenterologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, surgeon or infectious disease specialist.

Every caring future mother, of course, is very worried about her baby. Therefore, in order not to worry about trifles, you need to take timely measures necessary to protect your health.

Especially for - Olga Zima

Side colitis during pregnancy, what to do?

Pregnant women now and then something hurts, in some cases the pain really is, in others it is far-fetched. Expectant mothers, especially in the last trimester, often complain that they have side pain during pregnancy, but abdominal pain can be different, it is very important to find out the cause, localization and nature of the pain. Pain may result from infection or allergies, medication, or food poisoning.

The appearance of pain indicates problems in the body. Pain can be especially dangerous during pregnancy, as it can cause disturbances in the development of the unborn child. In general, pain during pregnancy is not dangerous. They can be caused by uterine growth and hormonal changes. But still, it is better to consult a specialist: only he will be able to determine whether pain is a danger to a woman and her child.

If abdominal pain occurs suddenly, and does not subside for more than half an hour, and especially if it grows, then this can be quite an alarming bell, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor.

In order to better explain your condition to a specialist, you should understand that the stomach is conditionally divided into 4 parts: the right side from above, the right side from below and the left one in the same way. When a side colitis occurs during pregnancy, the doctor needs to be clearly told about the symptoms, and about the segment of the abdomen in which pain is observed.

The right side from above may stab due to a disease or injury to the intestines, liver, kidneys, gallbladder or diaphragm. Sometimes the cause of acute pain can be renal pathology, pancreatitis and hepatitis. Liver problems can be caused by heart failure. If the pain is caused by the accumulation of kidney stones, then the pain occurs not only in the side, but also in the back.

Colitis can be acute or chronic. In the acute form, stomach cramps, diarrhea, loss of appetite appear. The infection is often accompanied by fever.

For pain in the upper part of the right side, it is required to abandon the products that lead to the formation of gases: peas, beans, cabbage. It is also recommended to exclude fresh bread, sweet, too cold and hot dishes, spicy, fatty and smoked foods from the diet. But at the same time, it is necessary to be examined by a gastroenterologist.

Pain in the right side in the lower segment may be the cause of an inflamed appendix. If this is really appendicitis, then the pain lasts more than 8 hours and is strictly localized in the navel area. If appendicitis is suspected, one should not hesitate: peritonitis may develop, the belated treatment of which causes death.

If a woman has a pain in her right side from below at the initial stage of pregnancy, then this may be one of the signs of an ectopic pregnancy or the presence of various infections. With an ectopic pregnancy, pain resembles contractions and becomes intolerable over time. Pain below may indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted infection, a ruptured cyst and an ovarian tumor.

Pain in the left side in the upper segment may indicate diseases of the spleen, stomach or pancreas. Often the pain goes away if you switch to frequent meals in small doses.

If the pain is accompanied by loss of consciousness, bloody stools, nausea, a rapid increase in body temperature, a drop in blood pressure, then you should immediately call an ambulance. Often, pain in the upper left side of the abdomen indicates an ulcer or stomach cancer.

If colitis during pregnancy in the left side from below, then the causes of pain can be the same as with pain in the right side from below, except for appendicitis. In addition, pain can be caused by the growth of the uterus. In this case, if the tests are normal, do not worry: the pain will soon subside.

If the cause of pain is the growth of the uterus, then they mainly appear with sudden changes in position and quickly subside during rest. But the pain can also be caused by the threat of a miscarriage. The active movements of a growing baby can also be the cause of pain.

You should immediately call an ambulance if the pain:

  • distinguished by strength and constancy;
  • combined with high temperature;
  • accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

You can wait for a scheduled visit to the doctor if the pain:

  • weak and periodic;
  • not accompanied by any symptoms.

The exact cause of the pain can only be determined in the hospital. To do this, you may need to consult several doctors: a gastroenterologist, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a surgeon, and even an infectious disease specialist. In any case, if the pain worries, does not go away for a long time - this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor, because only he can assess the condition of a pregnant woman and prescribe the correct treatment.

Every mother, expecting the appearance of a baby, reacts sharply to any signs of discomfort, the occurrence of pain, carefully monitors how the pregnancy proceeds. In case of any problems, he seeks the answer to the question, consulting with his friends, mother, sister.

Often expectant mothers complain of abdominal pain. And often it is not related to pregnancy at all. Internal organs are located in the abdominal cavity, and without consulting a specialist it is difficult to figure out the cause of the pain yourself. But in no case should any discomfort be ignored, regardless of the nature of its origin.

Why does the left side hurt during early and late pregnancy

In early pregnancy, pain in the left side of the abdomen can be triggered by the growth of the uterus. Another cause of cramps in the lower abdomen in the early stages may be an ectopic pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage. The doctor in this case prescribes to the patient a drug that helps to reduce the tone of the uterus.

Another possible cause of pain in pregnant women on the left side may be a hernia of the diaphragm.

If you feel a spasm in this side of the abdomen in the later stages, this does not mean that there is a threat of miscarriage. Such signs can occur when the abdominal muscles are overstrained during physical exertion, fast walking. You should not worry, rather relax and rest, do not overload your body.

At later stages of bearing a child, due to the constantly growing fetus, the intestines may move to the side, which can also be the cause of discomfort in the abdomen on the left. In addition, pregnancy hormones have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the intestines and uterus, as a result of which peristalsis is disturbed. This causes the formation of stagnation of food in the intestines, which provokes pain. It is important to pay attention to your diet, diversify your diet with “light” dishes, vegetables and fruits. Limit your intake of "heavy" foods. Divide the portion into small parts, eat more often, but in small portions. Eliminate carbonated water from your diet as well to avoid gas formation in the intestines.

Stitching, aching, sharp, shooting, cramping, throbbing, pressing pain in the left side during pregnancy: above, below, under the ribs, under the breast, while walking.

Let us consider in more detail the nature of pain during the period of expectation of the child.

If you feel pulsating stabbing spasms under the left hypochondrium, then this may be the cause of the initial stage of deformation of the spleen capsule. The pain usually gets worse with physical activity. It is also possible that the cause of stabbing attacks may be osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.

The most common cause of a nagging attack under the ribs is gastritis. It all depends on the concentration of stomach acid. If it is large, it provokes irritation of the gastric mucosa. Accompanying symptoms may include heartburn and vomiting.

Pain under the breast can serve as signals of disease of the spleen or stomach. If you feel a dull pain that is aching and intermittent, then it should be assumed that the spleen is most likely inflamed.

Diaphragmatic hernia will give a sharp pain under the rib on the left side, which intensifies with breathing and movements of the torso. When walking and light running, pain also increases significantly.

In case of displacement of the gallbladder, pain will also be given under the rib to the left side.

Heart pain is burning in nature, it can even pass into the arm or shoulder.

If you feel a spasm under the left rib, which gives to the back shoulder blade, neck, left side, then this may be a sign of myocardial infarction. But remember that this diagnosis is characterized by shortness of breath, the appearance of sticky sweat, nausea and dizziness.

If a pregnant woman develops dull, aching and periodic attacks in the lower abdomen, which are given to the left rib, it can be assumed that these sufferings are provoked by the kidney. If, in addition to this, your temperature has risen, chills have appeared, weakness is felt, then you can be sure that this is pyelonephritis. If you have these symptoms for more than two days, contact your doctor immediately.

If, when walking, there are attacks of pain in the abdomen on the left, it is possible that the fetal head creates pressure on the organs. Doctors recommend walking slowly, slowly, and preferably in a bandage.

What to do if the left side of the abdomen hurts

It is important to remember that the expectant mother is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of the unborn baby.

In the event of discomfort in the abdomen of any nature that does not stop for 30 minutes or more, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

You should be examined not only by a gynecologist, but by a gastroenterologist and even an infectious disease specialist. The cause of the disease may be different. Only consultation of a competent specialist will protect you and your child from undesirable consequences.

Especially for - Elena Semenova

Stomach pain like during menstruation sign of pregnancy

Expectant mothers usually monitor their well-being very carefully, immediately identifying warning signs of developing diseases. If a woman has colitis on her left side during pregnancy, the symptom should not be ignored, since it may indicate a whole range of developing complications. Why is colitis in the left side, and how should the problem be dealt with?

Tingling in the side on the left can greatly disturb a pregnant lady, but often they are caused by natural and not dangerous causes. Why does tingling occur, and how to deal with this problem?

The first trimester of pregnancy turns out to be one of the most difficult periods in a woman's life, because now her body is actively rebuilding, and due to the growth of hormonal effects, the expectant mother usually suffers from mood swings. Unpleasant pain on the left can accompany a woman for several days, or it can appear and disappear suddenly.

What do such unpleasant sensations in the first trimester say?

  1. If the pain occurs in the left hypochondrium, it can be attributed to the weakening of the digestive secretion caused by the action of hormones. A woman needs to switch to a lighter, balanced diet so as not to experience flatulence or constipation.
  2. The growth of the uterus very often causes unpleasant tingling from the bottom left, and in such cases it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan. If the doctor does not reveal any anomalies, then the discomfort will have to be endured, since it is caused by natural changes in the body.
  3. Aching pain on the left in the middle very often worries expectant mothers, and it is associated with a weakening of intestinal motility. Usually, the sensations become sharper during a bowel movement, and the pains themselves disappear if a woman changes her daily diet.
  4. Pulling and aching pain, accompanied by tingling on the left, may occur due to an ovarian or tubal ectopic pregnancy.

Important: An ectopic pregnancy is an extremely dangerous condition that directly threatens a woman's life. Gradually, the pain will intensify, and if a woman does not seek help from a specialist, the tube may burst.

If a woman has a colitis on her left side in the early stages of pregnancy, you should not panic much. In cases where the discomfort is of a variable nature and sometimes disappears for several days, we are talking more about hormonal changes and malfunctions in the digestive system. If pain and tingling accompany a woman every day and increase over time, you should immediately contact a specialist for help.

Second trimester

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the woman's uterus begins to increase greatly in size, which causes compression of the internal organs. It is because of this that most often there are unpleasant pain sensations on the right or left.

For what other reasons can the left side be pricked during pregnancy in the second trimester?

  1. Pain on the left in the region of the ribs may occur due to displacement of the intestine and difficulty in digestion. Such discomfort often accompanies a woman during a bowel movement.
  2. Tingling on the left may occur due to the fact that the enlarged uterus presses too hard on one of the ureters, retaining fluid in it, which causes stagnation of fluid in the kidneys.
  3. Very often, discomfort occurs due to colitis. Allergies and infectious diseases can cause it, and one cannot do without the help of specialists in such a situation.
  4. Tingling in the upper abdomen on the left can be caused by problems with the spleen. Due to hormonal changes, the spleen may stop working normally, which will cause a gradual increase in pain, and as a result, rupture of the organ.

Attention: On the left is not only the spleen, but also intestinal loops, stomach, left side of the diaphragm. Due to the growth of the uterus and the fetus itself, complications may arise in the work of these internal organs, which causes discomfort.

Usually during this period, women are advised to rest as much as possible, sleep on a healthy, right side and monitor the nature of the pain daily. If suddenly they begin to progress, you should immediately contact a specialist. Perhaps a medical examination will become stressful for a lady, but she will be able to identify serious problems in the body in time.

third trimester

In late pregnancy, the uterus continues to grow in size, strongly squeezing the internal organs. Often this process is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

If a woman has colitis on the left side in the last stages of pregnancy, this may be due to the following problems:

  • the occurrence of diaphragmatic hernia due to constant compression of the diaphragm by the growing uterus;
  • increased load on the spine due to an increase in the weight of a woman can also result in tingling and pain from the bottom left;
  • disruption of the digestive system due to too heavy food very often turns into increased pain on the left;
  • if at the 37th week of pregnancy a woman feels a slight tingling on the left, which is growing every minute, then she has started contractions and must immediately go to the hospital.

Important: In late pregnancy, experts recommend eating only light, non-greasy foods, as well as minimizing physical activity. Otherwise, unpleasant tingling will occur more and more often.

In late pregnancy, many women complain of aching pain in the left side of the back, and slight tingling under the ribs. Very often, such sensations are associated with increased stress on the spine.

The expectant mother needs to rest as much as possible, spending the maximum amount of time in a sitting or lying position. Excessive load on the musculoskeletal system during this period will only worsen the woman's well-being.

How to get rid of tingling and pain?

Stitching pains in the left side in 90% of cases indicate problems in the digestive system. The first thing to do is change your diet.

What foods should a lady include in her daily diet during pregnancy?

  1. Vegetables and fruits that are easy to digest and do not hinder the process of defecation.
  2. Dairy products that significantly improve digestion.
  3. Coarsely ground bakery products, which are rich in a variety of microelements and vitamins.
  4. A steamed poultry meat that is an easy and healthy alternative to a fatty steak.

Important: During pregnancy, not only fatty, but also excessively salty or spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. Such an unbalanced diet will only worsen the woman's physical condition, causing regular constipation and indigestion.

From about the second trimester, experts recommend wearing special bandages for pregnant women, which will significantly reduce the load on the back and spine. Such a bandage is an indispensable tool in cases where the uterus grows very quickly, squeezing the internal organs. It should be used only during the day, but at night it must be removed.

Unpleasant tingling in late pregnancy often occurs due to an overly active lifestyle. In the eighth and ninth months of pregnancy, a woman needs to spend more time in bed and rest. In this case, the level of pain will begin to decrease markedly.

If the pain and tingling do not disappear, despite all the efforts of the expectant mother, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since we can talk about very serious pathologies in the work of internal organs.

Tingling on the left may indicate the development of the following pathological diseases:

  • rupture of a cyst or spleen (usually the pain is sharp and severe);
  • left-sided pneumonia and inflammation of the uterine appendages are accompanied by pulling pain and severe tingling;
  • strong tingling may indicate serious problems in the intestines;
  • pinching of the stomach and the appearance of a hernia of the diaphragm are accompanied by strong tingling under the ribs and pain, growing every minute.

Important: Self-administration of medications without consulting a specialist is unacceptable, since this can harm both the health of the woman and the development of the fetus. Many pain pills are prohibited during pregnancy.

Unpleasant tingling can greatly alarm the expectant mother, who is used to taking care of her health. Usually such unpleasant sensations are caused by elementary changes taking place in the body, but sometimes they can have very serious reasons. That is why with frequent and severe pain, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Every mother, expecting the appearance of a baby, reacts sharply to any signs of discomfort, the occurrence of pain, carefully monitors how the pregnancy proceeds. In case of any problems, he seeks the answer to the question, consulting with his friends, mother, sister.

Often expectant mothers complain of abdominal pain. And often it is not related to pregnancy at all. Internal organs are located in the abdominal cavity, and without consulting a specialist it is difficult to figure out the cause of the pain yourself. But in no case should any discomfort be ignored, regardless of the nature of its origin.

Why does the left side hurt during early and late pregnancy

In early pregnancy, pain in the left side of the abdomen can be triggered by the growth of the uterus. Another cause of cramps in the lower abdomen in the early stages may be an ectopic pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage. The doctor in this case prescribes to the patient a drug that helps to reduce the tone of the uterus.

Another possible cause of pain in pregnant women on the left side may be a hernia of the diaphragm.

If you feel a spasm in this side of the abdomen in the later stages, this does not mean that there is a threat of miscarriage. Such signs can occur when the abdominal muscles are overstrained during physical exertion, fast walking. You should not worry, rather relax and rest, do not overload your body.

At later stages of bearing a child, due to the constantly growing fetus, the intestines may move to the side, which can also be the cause of discomfort in the abdomen on the left. In addition, pregnancy hormones have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the intestines and uterus, as a result of which peristalsis is disturbed. This causes the formation of stagnation of food in the intestines, which provokes pain. It is important to pay attention to your diet, diversify your diet with “light” dishes, vegetables and fruits. Limit your intake of "heavy" foods. Divide the portion into small parts, eat more often, but in small portions. Eliminate carbonated water from your diet as well to avoid gas formation in the intestines.

Stitching, aching, sharp, shooting, cramping, throbbing, pressing pain in the left side during pregnancy: above, below, under the ribs, under the breast, while walking.

Let us consider in more detail the nature of pain during the period of expectation of the child.

If you feel pulsating stabbing spasms under the left hypochondrium, then this may be the cause of the initial stage of deformation of the spleen capsule. The pain usually gets worse with physical activity. It is also possible that the cause of stabbing attacks may be osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.

The most common cause of a nagging attack under the ribs is gastritis. It all depends on the concentration of stomach acid. If it is large, it provokes irritation of the gastric mucosa. Accompanying symptoms may include heartburn and vomiting.

Pain under the breast can serve as signals of disease of the spleen or stomach. If you feel a dull pain that is aching and intermittent, then it should be assumed that the spleen is most likely inflamed.

Diaphragmatic hernia will give a sharp pain under the rib on the left side, which intensifies with breathing and movements of the torso. When walking and light running, pain also increases significantly.

In case of displacement of the gallbladder, pain will also be given under the rib to the left side.

Heart pain is burning in nature, it can even pass into the arm or shoulder.

If you feel a spasm under the left rib, which gives to the back shoulder blade, neck, left side, then this may be a sign of myocardial infarction. But remember that this diagnosis is characterized by shortness of breath, the appearance of sticky sweat, nausea and dizziness.

If a pregnant woman develops dull, aching and periodic attacks in the lower abdomen, which are given to the left rib, it can be assumed that these sufferings are provoked by the kidney. If, in addition to this, your temperature has risen, chills have appeared, weakness is felt, then you can be sure that this is pyelonephritis. If you have these symptoms for more than two days, contact your doctor immediately.

If, when walking, there are attacks of pain in the abdomen on the left, it is possible that the fetal head creates pressure on the organs. Doctors recommend walking slowly, slowly, and preferably in a bandage.

What to do if the left side of the abdomen hurts

It is important to remember that the expectant mother is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of the unborn baby.

In the event of discomfort in the abdomen of any nature that does not stop for 30 minutes or more, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

You should be examined not only by a gynecologist, but by a gastroenterologist and even an infectious disease specialist. The cause of the disease may be different. Only consultation of a competent specialist will protect you and your child from undesirable consequences.

Especially for - Elena Semenova

Pregnancy is not only a moment of painful, but promising expectation of the birth of the most important little man, but a serious test for the body. During this period, a serious hormonal and physical restructuring takes place inside a woman. Therefore, very often at the stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother experiences some discomfort. One such inconvenience is a strange tingling sensation in the abdomen. This symptom sooner or later appears in every pregnant woman, and usually it does not lead to any problems. However, tingling in the abdomen can be a sign of various diseases and threats. How to determine if your pain is dangerous - read on.

Why do you feel tingling in the uterus in early pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body of any woman experiences serious stress. Therefore, at this stage of life, various unfamiliar sensations may arise. Including lumbago in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the tummy during pregnancy can have various causes. Usually they do not lead to any deviations.

A woman's pregnancy is divided into trimesters. And at each stage, periodic tingling of the abdomen has different causes. Depending on the factor that led to the fact that the lower abdomen of your colitis, the way to alleviate them is chosen.

For the first time, tingling may begin to disturb a woman a few days after a successful conception. By this sign, as well as by the swelling of the mammary glands and the delay in menstruation, one can judge the occurrence of an interesting situation. If you feel similar symptoms, do not worry, there may be completely natural reasons for this. Let's see what.

Why women are concerned about tingling in the uterus in the earliest stages of pregnancy:

  1. In the first trimester, it tingles in the lower abdomen due to the fact that the shape of the uterus is changing. Vessels fill with blood and round it.
  2. Also, pain in the uterus can be caused due to changes in the cervix. It softens, and pains arise on the right and on the left side.
  3. At this stage, the stomach may prick. Such sensations are caused by toxicosis.

Usually pain does not cause severe discomfort in a woman. But sometimes they can be accompanied by pulling pains, similar to menstruation. Often, pain in the neck and uterus appear with sudden movements, coughing and sneezing.

Every woman wants to get rid of the sensations that disturb her. To do this, you need to change your posture, taking a lying position. You can also try to perform several exercises on the fitball.

Colitis in the lower abdomen in the second and third trimester of pregnancy

It happens that a woman's stomach aches in the later stages of pregnancy. In this case, it is also not worth sounding the alarm; there may be quite natural reasons for this.

In many ways, the comfort of a woman while waiting for a child depends on her lifestyle. During this period, it is important to monitor your diet and avoid excessive exercise.

If the stomach pulls or aches in the second stage of pregnancy, then the growth of the uterus is possible. The growing uterus puts pressure on the intestines and stomach. Therefore, such pains can be associated with colic in the stomach and intestines.

A slight tingling in the abdomen in the second part of pregnancy can be eliminated by following a few simple tips. First of all, it concerns nutrition.

How to get rid of abdominal pain in the second part of pregnancy:

  1. The first step is to abandon products that contribute to the formation of gases. These include cabbage, grapes, wheat bread, legumes, nuts, and potatoes.
  2. It is very important to prevent stagnation in the intestines. This can be facilitated by walking in the fresh air and performing special exercises for pregnancy.
  3. You also need to listen to your feelings. Perhaps the rumble and sudden movements in the abdomen are caused by pushing the child.

If it shoots in the center of the abdomen in the third trimester of pregnancy, then perhaps the whole thing is in preparing the body for childbirth. At this time, training bouts begin, which cause similar discomfort.

If the pain has become unbearably strong, then you may have started labor. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

When to see a doctor for tingling in the lower abdomen

Usually pain in the lower abdomen is a completely natural process throughout pregnancy. However, sometimes these symptoms can indicate the presence of serious complications. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your feelings in this period of your life.

Do not try to fix the problem by self-treatment. This can lead to the most serious problems during pregnancy and even to the loss of a child.

Usually, abnormal pain is accompanied by other characteristic signs. Therefore, you need to carefully listen to your body and not disregard uncharacteristic symptoms.

What are the symptoms that accompany abdominal pain, suggest that you need to immediately visit a doctor:

  • Diarrhea, vomiting and other signs of poisoning;
  • Fever and severe fever;
  • Very severe pain for a long time;
  • Intolerable pain in the lower back, ovaries and navel;
  • Abundant vaginal discharge, may have bloody streaks.

These signs, coupled with abdominal pain, may indicate serious complications. It can be both problems in the body of a woman, and the threat of a miscarriage. With any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a competent specialist will be able to identify the true cause of discomfort below the abdomen.

Tingling in the left side of the lower abdomen

Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be triggered by a variety of reasons. We have described most of them to you. However, there are other factors that cause such sensations.

Such pain may not be related to pregnancy. They can be caused by organ problems.

A delay in menstruation within a week does not always indicate pregnancy. Such a problem can be caused by problems in the female part or simply by a cycle failure.

With the appearance of acute pain in the abdomen, it is urgent to contact a gynecologist, or even call an ambulance. However, if you are worried about small goosebumps and a chill, you should not worry. Pain in the abdomen on the left can be caused by physiological changes during pregnancy. However, it can be a symptom of serious inflammation of the internal organs.

Why can there be severe pain in the left side:

  • Such symptoms may indicate problems with the spleen;
  • Also, pain on the left side can be caused by pathologies in the intestines;
  • Sometimes pain in the left side means the presence of an inflammatory process in the left kidney;
  • Diseases of the diaphragm can also cause severe pain in the left side;
  • Diseases of the ovaries, adhesions and cyst in the left side of the body;
  • An ectopic pregnancy also causes severe pain.

As you can see, the causes of pain on the left side of the abdomen can be not only serious, but also life-threatening. Therefore, if it hurts badly, do not delay going to the doctor.

Where does the tingling in the right side of the abdomen come from

Sometimes sharp pains occur in the right side of the abdomen. This can also be a symptom of organ diseases unrelated to pregnancy.

Possible causes of sharp pains on the right side of the abdomen:

  • Acute appendicitis;
  • Problems with the liver and pancreas;
  • Pathology of the intestine;
  • Cyst, inflammation of the ovary and adhesions in the left side of the body;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Right kidney problems.

If your stomach hurts on the right side, this does not always mean the development of serious complications. However, the organs located there require special attention.

Why during pregnancy colitis in the lower abdomen (video)

Abdominal pain during pregnancy is usually physiological in nature. However, it happens that they are a symptom of serious diseases that can lead to severe complications or even the loss of a child. Therefore, report all your new sensations to the gynecologist and be healthy.

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful times a woman goes through. But there are moments when not very pleasant sensations are felt. Pain during pregnancy, unfortunately, can also be a companion during this period.

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Women often complain of discomfort in the lower part of the body. There are many different organs in the stomach, which, with the process of transforming the body in order to grow a new life, change, and something can go wrong.

When the left side hurts during pregnancy, this can be the cause of various diseases. With a sharp incessant pain for more than twenty minutes, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to a specialist on your own.

Urgent care is required for the following symptoms:

  • a sharp pain on the side occurs against the background of an excellent state of the whole organism;
  • sensations only intensify over time;
  • bleeding begins;
  • pale skin;
  • state of weakness.

Such pain may indicate a premature threat of termination of pregnancy (miscarriage). It can be sharp, stabbing, similar to contractions. If the gestation period is short, the pain is pulling or pressing, but not intense, then most likely the reason is the growing uterus, which puts pressure on the organs from the inside.

Better check with a specialist

Perhaps pain from the left side suggests that the growing fetus slightly shifts the intestines, so food is unevenly distributed. Hormones that are produced during pregnancy that allow the uterus to contract can affect peristalsis. For the same reason, constipation can form.

On the upper left side of the abdomen is the stomach, pancreas, spleen, left side of the diaphragm. Pain may be associated with one of these organs. Approach of the fetus to them or incorrect functioning.

Back discomfort

The body of the future mother is under a huge load, so all the weaknesses in the health of a woman begin to manifest themselves with a vengeance. The center of gravity often shifts, and the entire load falls on the spine, lower back.

The main reasons why the side on the left side of the back can hurt during pregnancy are:

  • kidney disease;
  • damage to the spleen;
  • pathological processes of the digestive system;
  • spine disease;
  • pancreatic lesions, inflammation, pancreatitis;
  • disease of the musculoskeletal system;
  • intestinal lesions (inflammatory processes, colitis);
  • myositis (usually localized along the spinal column).

Sometimes the cause of pregnancy pain that focuses on the back can be a disease of the urinary system.

Kidney complications

Pain localized under the ribs on the left side may indicate that this is due to pathological processes that affect the spleen. It is an organ that helps to recycle damaged blood cells. Therefore, if leukemias are formed, any damage, it increases and its capsules stretch, because of this, unpleasant sensations can occur.

This is unlikely to harm the health of the baby, but it can bring many unpleasant moments to the expectant mother, since it is rarely possible to relieve pain, so you often have to endure until birth.

The ribs begin to hurt usually in the last months of pregnancy. This happens all for the same reason - the uterus increases and gradually shifts, the internal organs move with it. It becomes difficult to sit, stand and walk.

The main causes of pain in the side.

Pain in the epigastric regionIt occurs due to the fact that the muscles of the digestive system are weakened. Digestion slows down, there is pain in the stomach, it can give to the left side. Sensations can be stabbing or pulling.15%
Indigestion, constipationSharp sharp pains, can be intense from the beginning of pregnancy. With such sensations, it is better to be observed by specialists.25%
The left side of the diaphragmA muscle located in the abdominal cavity. Due to the increase in the fetus, it stretches, causing discomfort.15%
Bowel loopsThere are colic, the uterus presses on the hinges with an increase.30 %
PancreasIn a chronic disease, it gives a dull pain throughout the lumbar space.From 10 - 15%

Folk recipes for calming

If you experience acute discomfort, which intensify over time, you need to contact a specialist. But if the pain is pulling, which appears from time to time, then you can use traditional medicine recipes.

The occurrence of acute pain

For the first you will need:

  • burdock leaves;
  • vinegar;
  • vegetable oil.

With aching pains in the left side or lower back during pregnancy, the method of application is as follows.

  1. It is necessary to take three leaves of burdock.
  2. Soak in water with vinegar diluted there (1.5 / 1).
  3. Lay the leaves one on top of the other.
  4. Apply to the side for an hour, securing on the body with a light bandage.
  5. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

For the second recipe you will need:

  • immortelle;
  • corn silk;
  • rose hip;
  • artichoke;
  • nettle;
  • plantain.

Mode of application.

  1. It is necessary to mix all the herbs, after crushing them.
  2. Pour in boiling water.
  3. Leave for at least an hour.
  4. Take before meals several times a day.
  5. Plantain juice can be used to wipe sore spots.

Necessary preventive measures

The course of preventive measures will depend on what kind of pain you are experiencing. Often, to maintain pregnancy, doctors recommend taking hormonal drugs - Duphaston, Ginipral, Utrozhestan, and so on. They help the uterus fight the tone, and the baby develops fully in the womb.

But these drugs can only be taken in combination with other drugs and strictly on the recommendation of a doctor.

In the second semester, aching pains in the left side may appear due to the fact that the load on the veins of the spleen, which overflows with blood, increases. It is necessary to exclude weight lifting, reduce physical activity, do not get involved in fitness. But physical exercises will be useful if the doctor does not forbid.

It must be remembered that some physical labor is completely contraindicated - this applies to those who have high blood pressure, with its increase, the pain gives to the left side. The specialist prescribes the necessary drugs to:

  • normalize pressure;
  • reduce pain;
  • get rid of the discomfort.

A little later, pain in the side occurs due to the intestines. The baby is already growing up, gradually shifting the intestines, the expectant mother begins to experience discomfort about this. In this situation, you need to reconsider your diet, give up any fatty foods, fried, spicy. It is better to divide the meal into several small ones. It is better to eat less, but more often. Overeating in this case will only worsen the general condition.

Seek advice from a specialist

Still pains in the side during pregnancy appear when the child begins to constantly move around. There is not enough space for him, he alternately stretches his arms, legs, and discomfort may also appear on this occasion.

Often there are cases of pain due to infection in the body that occurs in the genitourinary tract - chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, ovarian cyst. It requires only taking medications prescribed by a doctor.

So it is necessary to monitor your health and the health of the unborn child. Pain cannot appear on its own, you need to find out the cause and eliminate it.