Synopsis of the GCD "Christmas balls as a gift to the Fairy" (drawing in the non-traditional technique "Scratching"). Summary of the drawing lesson "Christmas balls" The purpose of drawing Christmas decorations in the preparatory group

Purpose: to continue introducing Christmas tree decorations (modern and antique); consolidate the ability to draw a Christmas tree branch and decorate it; develop imagination; connecting the drawings, get a big Christmas tree, then finish it together and complement it with decorations.



Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group "Christmas tree"

Program content:continue to acquaint with Christmas tree decorations (modern and antique); consolidate the ability to draw a Christmas tree branch and decorate it; develop imagination; connecting the drawings, get a big Christmas tree, then finish it together and complement it with decorations.

Material: Christmas decorations (modern and vintage); branches of an artificial Christmas tree; sheets of A4 paper in light green color; a painted top of a Christmas tree with a tip on a sheet of A2 paper in light green color.

Lesson progress:

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

Here comes the winter holiday

We have been waiting for him for a year.

Fairy tale, funny

New Year holiday)

"Do you like New Year's Eve? What do you like about him the most? What is the main decoration of the New Year holiday?(Christmas tree) How do you decorate a Christmas tree?

Today we have an exhibition of Christmas tree decorations and toys. These are the toys that decorate the Christmas tree these days, and such toys are produced by Christmas tree decoration factories. But Christmas trees were decorated with such toys before our grandmothers, when they were small. These toys are made of cardboard, paper, cotton wool, wire, fabric, wood. Here we see a fox on a sled, a bear skier, a crow, a hut on chicken legs and much more. These toys are not as bright as modern ones, but very interesting in content. Did you like them?

Look at the branches of the artificial Christmas tree! Do they look like the branches of a real Christmas tree? Branches are long, short, they have small branches. The longer the branch, the more small branches it has. The shorter, the less. We will draw Christmas tree branches and decorate them with toys.

Children sit two at a desk, one draws a long branch, the other a short one. One row draws a branch from left to right, the other from right to left. Children decorate the painted branches of the Christmas tree with toys.

Ready-made work is laid out by children with a teacher on a free table, picking up branches so that a Christmas tree is obtained. The middle can be glued with tape.

"Guys, look! We laid out the drawings, what did we get? What is missing from our Christmas tree? (Trunk) All together we draw a trunk. What else is missing from our Christmas tree? (tops)

The teacher attaches a pre-drawn crown.

“Now, to make our Christmas tree even more elegant, let's draw garlands, tinsel, beads. We got a big elegant Christmas tree. We will hang it in the corridor in front of the music hall to decorate the kindergarten for the New Year. All kindergarten children and their parents will admire the Christmas tree.”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the senior group Topic: “Towers of Moscow” Objectives: To arouse interest, a sense of admiration and pride in the beauty of the capital - Russia - Moscow. Expand children's knowledge about the Kremlin...

Summary of NNOD for drawing in the middle group "Winter's Tale"

In the presented summary, the tasks of developing children's interest in drawing, vision of the artistic image and design, the ability to create images of funny snowmen in the drawing, use a variety of ...

An open lesson in physical education in the preparatory group of a compensatory orientation for children with OHP. Purpose: to create conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of children....

Summary of NNOD on drawing in the preparatory group. Theme: "Autumn".

Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Socio-communicative development", "Cognitive development". Tasks: 1. Teach children to transfer in drawing to ...

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development",

direction "Fine activity", drawing

Theme: "Christmas toy"

Senior group

Educator Kontareva Elena Vitalievna


Mastering an unconventional drawing technique - painting with salt.


1. Introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - salt painting.

2. To form an interest in drawing in an unconventional way.

3. Develop fine motor skills.

4. To cultivate accuracy in work.

Integration of educational areas: NGO "Speech Development"

NGO "Social and communicative development"; NGO "Physical development"; NGO "Cognitive Development".

Dictionary: winter, New Year, tree, snowman, Christmas decorations, ball, circle, yellow, red, I took (a), paints, brush, glue, salt, we will draw.


1. A picture depicting the New Year holiday.

2. Preparations of Christmas decorations.

3.Salt red and yellow.

5. PVA glue.



Pictures, cards with speech material, Christmas toys, snowman toy, Christmas tree.

Preliminary work:

1. Drawing "Our beautiful Christmas tree."

2. Application "Snowman".

3. Considering pictures depicting the New Year holiday.

4. Reading a poem about a Christmas tree, about a New Year's holiday.

5.D / and "Collect a picture."

Stage 1 - Organizational

Psychological attitude to the lesson:

The teacher enters the group with the children. Let's say hello to our guests. Children sit on chairs, the teacher offers: Smile at each other.

Then he asks: Guys, what time of year is it?(winter) The teacher shows a picture of a New Year's holiday: There will be a holiday soon. The holiday is called New Year! There is a knock on the door. Do you hear someone knocking? Let's see who's there! The teacher brings a snowman toy to the group. Look who came to visit us. Who is this? (Snowman)

Stage 2 - Preparatory

The snowman brought you a gift. The teacher takes out the Christmas tree. What is this? (Christmas tree) Children repeat individually, then together.

Guys, now we will play the game "Collect the picture". Associated with the teacher, the children say: Let's play.

Didactic game: "Collect a picture"

The teacher distributes cut pictures to the children: Collect the tree. Children assemble a cut picture from six parts. What did you do (a) Eva, Masha, Senya ...? (I collected a picture).

Well done, now let's rest.


The teacher reads a poem, the children perform movements:

We warm up a little(rubbing shoulders)

We clap our hands(clap hands)

Let's stomp our feet(stomp in place)

And slap ourselves(slapping knees)

Stage 3 - Operational

The teacher invites the children to sit at the table. Points to the tree and asks: Guys, how do you decorate the Christmas tree?(shows a Christmas toy). What's on the tree? This is a ball. Lots of balls. Children repeat individually and then together . Let's decorate our Christmas tree, let's make such a ball. Shows a product sample.

Sample analysis:

What geometric shape does the ball resemble?(circle)

-What color is the ball?

-Show me, Senya ... (red, yellow)

-What is the name of this color? ( child picking up a sign )

The teacher invites the children one at a time to the board and offers to indicate the color of the toy by choosing from the suggested colors and placing the appropriate plate on them.

Workplace preparation:

- Now let's draw. Let's draw in an unusual way.

What do you think we need to work?

-What is this?(teacher shows paints, brush)

-Do you need paint?

- No, guys, today we don't need paints. We will paint with salt.

- It's salt. Let's say together what is it? Children repeat together and then individually . - What is it, Masha, Eva ....

Step-by-step production of a product with a demonstration:

-Look how I will do, then you will do the same (same).

The teacher shows the method of drawing with salt: he takes the blank, smears the stars on the blank with a small amount of PVA glue, then sprinkles them with salt. Shakes off excess salt. Then, the teacher distributes to each child a blank Christmas tree toy made of cardboard.

-Listen to what I'm going to say.

- Take a brush, Senya .... What have you done)?(I took a brush).

-Take the glue, Masha... What did you do?(I took glue).

-Do like me.

Children are included in the creative process - they smear with glue, sprinkle with salt the blank of a Christmas tree toy.

When the toys are ready, the teacher invites the children to tie ribbons to them and hang them on the Christmas tree.

Let's decorate our Christmas tree. Like this.

Stage 4 - Final

At the end of the lesson, the teacher sums up, praises the children:

-What did we do?(played, painted with salt).

-Well done boys! They spoke well, made beautiful toys, decorated our Christmas tree. She is so smart and beautiful now.

- The snowman liked visiting us. You love to draw, so the snowman gives you magic crayons.

Program content
1. Learn to decorate a Christmas tree toy using painting elements: lines, strokes, dots, using the non-traditional drawing technique “tamponing”, drawing with cotton swabs. Develop the ability to analyze and compare, draw conclusions.
2. To develop artistic and creative abilities, aesthetic taste, cognitive interest in the traditions and customs of their people.
3. Cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, comrades, to argue your answer.
preliminary work: making Christmas tree decorations from salt dough, talking about Christmas tree decorations.
Equipment.For the educator: projector, multimedia board , Christmas tree, Christmas decorations, illustrations of vintage Christmas decorations, a table with painting elements, schemes for painting toys, video "Glassblowers", music Jan A.P. Kaczmarek- Goodbye.
For children: dummy Christmas tree toy, watercolors, stamp pad, tampons with clothespins, brushes, cotton buds, wet and dry wipes, aprons.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.
- Hello, dear guests! We welcome guests as good news. Everyone will find a place, and a kind word.
- I want to invite you to a mini-museum, guess which one.
Though not bumps, not needles,
They hang on the branches of a Christmas tree.
(Christmas decorations)
2. The main part.
- That's right, these are Christmas decorations! How did you guess?
- Not a single New Year's holiday is complete without Christmas decorations.
- Who makes Christmas decorations? (craftsmen, artists, glassblowers)
- Toys are different. Let's take a look at them in our mini-museum.
Comparison of old and modern Christmas decorations.
What is the difference between vintage Christmas decorations and modern ones? (Not so bright, most often old toys were depicted in the form of animals, people)
- What materials can Christmas decorations be made of? (Glass, Styrofoam, Plastic, Fabric, Wood)
- And when there were no these materials, how could they decorate the Christmas tree? (ribbons, rags, sweets, nuts, gingerbread, candles, cookies, etc.) (Displaying photos on the projector)
- A few years later, the craftsmen learned how to blow multi-colored glass toys. What are these masters called? (Glassblowers)
- Let's see how glass blowers make glass toys? (Show video on multimedia board)
- What should be a Christmas toy? (Smart, bright, beautifully decorated)
- Decorating a Christmas tree toy is an art! I invite you to an art workshop where we will become real artists in decorating (painting) toys. We made preparations of Christmas decorations in advance. (Children wear aprons)
- They will help us in the design of New Year's toys of the scheme.
1. First: paint the toy. Choose a color from those offered. You have boxes on the table with a sponge soaked in gouache and with the help of tampons, we apply paint. The technique is called tamponing, from the word tampon. Let's say in unison! (Tamponing)
2. Second: with the help of a brush, a cotton swab and watercolors, we draw patterns and elements.
- Let's repeat, once again in order, how you will decorate the gingerbread. (Children speak)
- And what rules should we remember when working with a brush? (Each time after applying the paint, the brush is washed. Do not leave the brushes in a glass of water)
- There are wet and dry napkins on the tables, what do you need them for? (Wipe your hands, or remove some imperfections while drawing)
- Before we get started, let's stretch our fingers:
We're not masters yet
We are still learning.
(unclenching fists)
If we try
(connection of fingers starting with the thumb)
We'll learn a lot.
(we squeeze our hands into the lock, we raise our fingers up)
- And now move the chairs closer, straighten your backs, watch your posture, let's start painting the Christmas decorations, I'll help you a little. And for a good mood, we will draw to the music. (Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - Goodbye music sounds)
The children decorate the toy.
3. Final part.
- Guys, look how beautiful, bright and elegant your New Year's toys turned out to be. Now take them, put them on napkins and come to me.
- Well done, you are wonderful artists, showed all your creative skills! Now let's decorate our Christmas tree! You like? The Christmas tree turned out to be an elegant beauty! I think that you can do such miracles with your own hands for any holidays at home and in kindergarten.

Program content:

Generate interest in the upcoming New Year holidays.
Develop communication skills, improve the lexical side of speech.
Review Christmas tree decoration safety rules.
To expand the horizons of children: acquaintance with the ancient custom of making toys for the Christmas tree.
Raise the desire to participate in the design of the holiday tree.
Improve the technique of relief modeling from salt dough.
Develop creative abilities.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction on a winter theme. Examination of illustrations, postcards with the image of a Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations.

Vocabulary work:

Homemade toys, old custom.

Materials, tools, equipment:

Flat cardboard balls on a string, salty colored dough (red, yellow, green, blue, brown, white), stacks, caps from felt-tip pens, a rag, a glass of water, brush No. 2, beads, beads, a treat.

Introductory part:

Children enter under the New Year's melody, sit down at the tables. Knock on the door. The postman comes and delivers the letter.
Educator: Guys, and you have a letter: “To the children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten. From whom is it? Let's open it and find out what's in it (I print it out, take out a sheet of paper, read): “Hello, dear guys! The new year is coming soon. My faithful friend the snowman will bring a fluffy Christmas tree to your hall. I prepared toys for you for the Christmas tree, but an evil blizzard came and broke all the toys. How to decorate the Christmas tree now? Guys, help, make toys for the Christmas tree. Thank you in advance. Wait for me for the holiday. Your Santa Claus.
Educator: Guys, do you think we can help Santa Claus?
Children: Yes.
Educator: What can you decorate a Christmas tree with?
Children: Toys, crackers, garlands ...
Educator: Can you decorate a Christmas tree with lit candles? What can happen?
Children: Fire.
Educator: That's right, of course you can not decorate the Christmas tree with candles.
Educator: And here Korney Chukovsky dressed up the Christmas tree so beautifully, the poem is called “About the Christmas tree”: If the Christmas tree had Legs, She would run along the path. She would dance Together with us, She would rattle with her heels. Toys would spin on the Christmas tree - Multi-colored lanterns, Flappers. Flags from crimson and silver Paper would twirl on the Christmas tree. They would laugh on the Matryoshka Christmas tree And clap their hands with joy. Because tonight a merry New Year has knocked at the gate! New, new, young, With a golden beard!
Educator: Guys, do you know that there used to be such an old custom of making homemade toys: crackers, eggshell fish, foil stars, houses, huts, garlands ... Let's decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys too. To do this, we need: a flat ball on a string, colored dough, beads, beads, caps, stacks and your imagination. Look at these balls (showing cardboard balls) will they look beautiful on the Christmas tree?
Children: No.
Educator: Why?
Children: They are not beautiful…
Educator: How can you decorate them?
Children: Christmas trees, hearts, a snowman ...
Educator: Well done, indeed, our balls can be decorated in different ways, but in order for us to work well, let's stretch our fingers a little.

Finger gymnastics "Herringbone"

Before us is a Christmas tree: (fingers are intertwined, from the thumbs - the top of the "Christmas tree") Cones, needles. (fists, index fingers exposed) Balls, flashlights, ("balls" from the fingers - up, down) Bunnies and candles, ("ears" from the index and middle fingers; both palms are folded, fingers are clenched) Stars, little men. (palms folded, fingers extended; middle and index fingers are on the table).
Educator: And now let each of you think about how he will decorate his ball, what he will need for this and can get to work (I distribute balls).

Main part of the lesson:

I turn on the New Year's melody. I go up to each child and ask what he will sculpt. I give advice to children who find it difficult to plan.

Final part:

Children bring their work to view (put on the table).

Lesson analysis:

Educator: Guys, who remembered what toys they used to decorate the Christmas tree in the old days? Who likes to decorate Christmas balls today? And who had a hard time at work? Well done, you all got unusual New Year's toys. We still have a few days left before the holiday, so our toys will have time to dry, and then we will decorate the Christmas tree with them. I think your toys will look very nice on the Christmas tree. A knock on the door - a crow flies in.
Crow: Kar-kar-kar. Hello, friends! And I flew from Santa Claus to find out if you fulfilled his request.
Children: Yes.
Crow: Well done, what wonderful toys you made for the Christmas tree, how beautiful ... kar-kar-kar. For the excellent work, Santa Claus sent you a treat.
Educator: Thank you very much crow and Santa Claus for the treat.
Crow: Goodbye, guys. Kar-kar-kar. (Crow flies away).

Lesson summary

"Toys for the Christmas tree"

(second junior group).

The purpose of the lesson: to teach children to create an image of a festive Christmas tree based on an unfinished composition (the silhouette of a Christmas tree).

Tasks: to continue the development of form and color as a means of figurative expression; continue to introduce children to the non-traditional technique of drawing with cotton swabs; learn to distinguish colors; develop aesthetic perception, cultivate accuracy.

Preliminary work. Drawing a Christmas tree with gouache paints in collaboration with a teacher and children.

Equipment: a large sheet (drawing paper) with a silhouette of a Christmas tree, gouache, cotton buds, napkins, glue, an artificial Christmas tree, several Christmas balls, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.

Lesson content.

There is a Christmas tree in the group room.

Educator: Guys, today I came to kindergarten, and there is a Christmas tree on the threshold. Who do you think brought it? And here at the Christmas tree is a bag. Let's see what's in the bag: Multi-colored toys and the letter "Hello, girls and boys! I, Santa Claus, brought you a Christmas tree and toys. I'm just in a hurry about my business. You decorate the Christmas tree and wait for me with gifts. And so that you are not bored, I leave you a song. Goodbye! "Who brought us the Christmas tree? What song did Santa Claus send us? - Guys, how can you decorate the Christmas tree?

Examination of Christmas balls. - I have a few Christmas balls. What are they? (Round) What color? What is painted on them? How can you decorate a Christmas tree with them? (Hang on strings). Let's hang the balls on the Christmas tree. (children hang balls) - Do we have a beautiful Christmas tree? Only a few balls on it. Let's draw a Christmas tree and decorate it even more with balls. - Look at the tables. What are we going to draw? (In paints) And what else is on the tables? (cotton buds). Today we need them for decoration Christmas balls.

Finger gymnastics.

Our fingers will work now, let's do exercises for them.

This finger is the thickest, strongest and biggest! This finger is for showing it off! This finger is the longest, And it stands in the middle! This finger is nameless, He is the most spoiled! And the little finger, though small, But dexterous and daring! We will hide our fingers in fists: in fists, in fists. We wave our fingers: go away, go away.

Showing the teacher how to draw balls and decorate the balls with cotton buds. (We collect paint on a cotton swab and decorate the ball). -Choose the paint you like the most. What is color? (Children decorate the balls of the Christmas tree and draw patterns with cotton swabs.) The teacher monitors, provides individual assistance) -Guys, let the balls dry, and for now we will wash the hands.

Christmas tree decoration with balls. - Have we got a beautiful Christmas tree? Do you think Santa Claus will like it?

Summary of the lesson.- What did we do today? -Let's dance a round dance for our beautiful Christmas tree and sing the song "Yolka". (Children dance, sing).