New Year's compositions: do-it-yourself winter floristry and festive decor

compositions with candles

another attribute of the New Year holidays

Arrangements with candles are the most win-win option in order to create a special Christmas cosiness in the house. Soft lights of candles will set everyone in a romantic mood, and lovely compositions with winter berries, pine needles and glass candlesticks will make the atmosphere truly festive.

Remember the main thing - having bought just a few candles, rummaged through a box with New Year's toys and armed with a small spruce branch, you can decorate your window sill or table with a stunningly beautiful New Year's composition! Is it possible to miss such a chance? Show your imagination! How about a composition in white? For her, you will need a medium-sized spruce branch, which you need to cut into small branches. However, artificial needles are also suitable, but nothing compares to a real, delicious-smelling spruce paw.

Sprigs of pine and spruce, mossy branches, dry branches of larch and linden, decorative branches of berry bushes with preserved fruits, dry roots, flowers and herbs, dried fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as fresh flowers - cut or in pots, are perfect for arranging, moss.

How about natural decor? Place candles in straight-walled glass goblets and decorate their walls with thuja sprigs. Branches can be glued or simply wrapped with red thread - in any case, the composition will look very New Year's.

Another option is special candlesticks on a sawn wood knot. You can buy ready-made compositions with flowers and berries, or you can make them yourself using needles, mountain ash, or any other winter fruits.

Cinnamon sticks tied around candles look spectacular. In addition, cinnamon heated by a candle flame will begin to exude a pleasant aroma. You can tie the cinnamon with both a "Christmas" red ribbon and a simple twine - it looks equally stylish.

The basis for the New Year's composition can be dry branches, bark, decorative pieces of roots, cuts of tree trunks, knotted vines, metal pallets and trays, ceramic and glass vases, a frame made of wire or twigs, pieces of foam.

Use transparent glasses or vases, bright mountain ash and artificial snow! If you pour artificial snow into a glass candlestick, the composition will become incredibly New Year's! Install several candlesticks at once and surround them with lush spruce twigs or rowan branches. Red has always been considered the main color of the Christmas holidays!

An interesting idea for New Year's decor is candles in glassware (glasses, glasses or medium-sized jars). Wash and dry the dishes so that there are no streaks and dust on the walls, buy simple white candles and glue them to the bottom of impromptu “candlesticks” using melted wax. Decorate the glass with plain confetti or paper-cut masks, musical notes, stars or snowflakes. Candles will beautifully highlight the paper, and paper figures will cast a fancy shadow on the walls.

Use colored candles for compositions! Of course, they are more expensive than white ones, but they also look much more spectacular. The most Christmas colors are blue and red. If possible, complement the composition with accessories of the appropriate color - for example, pastel blue Christmas balls on a silver platter look great with blue candles, and red candles are effectively complemented by red winter berries, ribbons and even leaves. Combine shades of the same color - for example, soft lilac and light blue, light blue and bright blue, red and dark pink.

If a tall candle is light and discreet, then it is likely that it will simply be lost against the backdrop of a festive table and a snow-white tablecloth. But low white candles, immersed in a luxurious spruce frame, will contrast very well with the green coniferous background.

Figures of animals are appropriate in New Year's compositions - symbols of the coming year according to the eastern calendar. Soft toys with a long pile do not go well with fluffy needles, but porcelain, plastic, glass, stone and clay figurines will be very useful. The central element of the New Year's composition can also be a beautiful Christmas toy - a bell, a bird, a fish, a golden cone ...

Of the additional materials, glue, nails, plasticine, sand, thin wire, needle holders, a floral sponge, test tubes, small containers, Christmas decorations and candles, satin ribbons, serpentine, rain and other tinsel can be useful.

It will not be superfluous to stock up on spray cans with silver, gold and white paint for New Year's chic-shine. You can gild and silver branches, cones, nuts, which, as if by magic, will instantly turn into something fabulous and magical.

So that you can include fresh flowers in the New Year's composition - hyacinths, freesias, carnations or rosebuds, buy a piaflor floristic sponge or green floristic flasks in a flower shop, into which you can pour water and insert live flower stems or branches so that your the composition remained fresh for as long as possible and delighted you with its original appearance.

You can buy candles in different shapes, colors and scents, or you can make your own with the scent you like.

New Year and Christmas table compositions will bring a real atmosphere of magic into the house, and the warm flickering of candles will emphasize the mystery of waiting for a miracle. And let your dreams come true in the New Year and Christmas, and a miracle will definitely happen!

There are many options for using candles in the decoration of a festive interior: they can be placed on the fireplace, placed in the fireplace, placed on the windows, on the floor, on the steps - it looks elegant, festive, romantic and magical.


You already need to think about the New Year's decoration of the house in the same way as buying a New Year's gift or booking a house in the mountains for New Year's Eve. Time is catastrophically short and every day it becomes less and less. So, let's start with the design of the New Year's table, if everything is clear with the design of the room. And if you don’t know how to decorate your home for the New Year, then we have a lot of interesting articles. The same material will be devoted to various interesting compositions that will decorate your table.

Candles, fir branches and other decor

Now we will create beautiful compositions from spruce branches with candles and various New Year's decor. For example, you can twist a wreath from branches, leave a place for a candle and decorate all this beauty with cones, bows, ribbons, Christmas decorations, beads and even fresh flowers. The composition in the photo lacks one large white candle or several thin colored candles.

But a more delicate option: three white candles, a minimum of decor. Everything is designed in country style with a slight touch of chic.

For the composition, you can use various glass vessels, earthenware, wicker baskets, and so on. This will even make it easier for you to assemble the composition itself and it will be more stable.

Choose from multi-colored candles in different sizes to add variety to your arrangement.

Also use tablet candles, which can be carefully decorated with lace, rhinestones, natural material.

The combination of fresh flowers, fir branches, cones and Christmas balls looks very unusual and beautiful!

Compositions on the table with glasses

New Year's compositions on the table can be created using glasses. It can be glasses of different formats, there can be several of them. The decor that you want to choose for decorating the composition can also be very different: fresh flowers, dried buds, branches, acorns, chestnuts, tinsel, ribbons, lace. Use tablet candles or, conversely, large candles for contrast. Look at examples and connect your imagination, we are sure that there are many interesting ideas lurking in your head.

Multi-colored sweets as a design option for the New Year's composition for the table.

Large candles and real winter decor using ordinary glasses. It is easy to create and looks chic on the table.

As an option for decorating the New Year's table. Warm, cozy, slightly reminiscent of warm days, but does not distract from the festive theme.

Well, this is an option for lovers of everything traditional: glass, fire, gifts of nature.

Christmas compositions with fruits

Citrus fruits will look especially beautiful. Bright tangerines, oranges and lemons against the background of green fir branches will draw attention to the table and give the room warmth, brightness, sincerity.

Note that some citrus fruits are decorated with carnation flowers. A wooden box is perfect for such a composition. Use a floral sponge as a base, it is convenient to attach branches to it, and citrus fruits can be strung on wooden skewers and also strengthened in a sponge.

If you want to serve fruits beautifully, then this can be done in this form: both beautifully and in an original way, and decoration, and an appetizer.

Fruits can also be stylishly laid out in the form of a Christmas tree, or rather, create just such a design.

Natural materials and again natural materials

While there is still at least some opportunity, then collect twigs, moss, cones, chestnuts, driftwood, acorns and other natural materials. After all, a very beautiful composition on the table can come out of a glass vessel, branches and other objects. Several such compositions can be made. Let them be different, but in the same style. Then you can put one main composition on the table, and disperse the rest throughout the house.

A shell Christmas tree can be made using a foam base, a glue gun, and many different beautiful shells.

The same procedure for creating a composition is in the case of halves of nuts, acorns, chestnuts and other natural materials.

If the amount of materials allows, then you can make a floor Christmas tree. Use rods, cones, berries and other decor.

It's simple: nuts, candles and glass vessels:

Christmas decorations for the table

You can not create whole large compositions, but simply decorate the table with various beautiful New Year's decor elements that you will make yourself.

For example, from thin twigs, twine, burlap, small Christmas balls or beads, you can make such cute stars that you can put near each guest.

By a similar principle, you can make such stars, it is advisable to create a whole composition from them or give them to guests as a present.

With the help of twine, you can create such cute souvenirs. You will need patterns on which you will wind the thread, use thick cardboard.

At the initial stage, your work should look something like this:

Similar toys can be made with knitting thread or sewn from felt.

Such beautiful little things can decorate not only the festive table, but also the New Year tree.

Beauty is in the details

It is not necessary to create some kind of large composition if there is not too much space left on the table. You can create some New Year's details, for example, napkin clips, beautiful cutlery decorations, and so on.

These napkin holders are easy to make. A little imagination and you will succeed.

Candles, small spruce twigs, Christmas decorations and other decor can also be scattered around the table.

You can knit these cute boots and put cutlery in them if you have the time, resources and skill.

New Year's decoration of glasses

Since we went into details, it would be useful to talk about the design of glasses in the New Year's style. For this you will need:

  • stained glass or acrylic paints;
  • felt;
  • scissors;
  • tassel;
  • cotton pad;
  • degreaser (you can use alcohol).

First you need to degrease your surface - wipe the glasses with alcohol. Then, using stained glass or acrylic paints, you need to apply a drawing on the glass.

Now you need to cut a rectangle out of felt or any other fabric, cut a fringe around the edges and decorate the stem of the glass. It should come out something like this:

You can decorate not the stem of the glass itself, but the cup. Tie with a beautiful braid, use twine, beads, a small sprig of spruce or cypress, and so on.

A few more ideas for the original design of New Year's glasses:

Bows look very touching, do not overdo it so that the glasses do not look like wedding glasses.

We continue the theme of New Year's decor elements for the table. We offer to make cute Christmas trees from cones that can be placed near each guest or near each dish, in general, as you wish.

Cones can be decorated with beads, glitter, painted green or left in their original form, cones can also be silvered or gilded.

Such cute details can be placed throughout the house: in the kitchen on the shelves, in the bedroom near the mirror, in the bathroom around the perimeter of the bath itself. It will be very nice and pleasant to go into different rooms and see such knick-knacks. After the end of the holidays, do not forget to put all the crafts in a separate box so that they do not get dusty and are preserved until the next New Year's Eve! Although... we will come up with something else for the next New Year holidays!

For improvised Christmas balls, you can use plasticine or plastic, bead parts, or even real glass toys. Details made of wool or felt are also suitable.

And for the next Christmas trees, you will need threads and different materials to sew Christmas decorations. You will also need a well-opened bud.

A small Christmas tree for the table can be made in the following way. But first, let's collect the necessary materials:

  • dense threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • cardboard cone;
  • beads.

First you need to dilute the PVA glue with water to get a homogeneous suspension so that the glue does not come in lumps and the solution is not too sticky.

Now your threads need to be soaked in the solution and randomly wound around a cardboard cone, if there is a plastic cone, it will be even better, because it will be easier for you to separate the frame.

When the design is dry, you can try to separate the Christmas tree from the base and you should get the following composition:

Don't forget to string beads or other embellishments. You can also make a Christmas tree out of many fir cones. Glue the cones onto the conical base using a glue gun and fix the tree on a thick branch, which must first be installed in a flower pot.

It is not necessary to make a cone and the cones can be glued on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern. Just take a wooden round block as a base, glue the first row to it, and then just stack the cones on top of each other. You can decorate such a Christmas tree with different decor that is in the house. Do not buy special materials, use what you already have or what you can make decor from. Recycling of resources is our everything! And we will save the planet from pollution, and we will create beautiful things!

And our unchanging tradition is a video master class. We offer you to look at a beautiful composition that can be created in a short period of time, which does not require large expenses and will fit in very well with the New Year's table setting:

New Year's holiday - this does not mean that you need to limit yourself to a Christmas tree, cute figurines, snowflakes on the windows, garlands and a festive table. On the eve of the 2019 meeting, you can come up with and create chic New Year's compositions with your own hands. In addition, to make them you do not need to run to a trendy decor store. You can use whatever you have on hand.

We make blanks

The creation of New Year's compositions begins with the preparation of suitable material and tools. You don't have to go or drive anywhere. Just look around:

  1. Most often, cones are used (both pine and spruce). It is with the help of them that you can set the desired tone. The cedar cones look great.
  2. Dry and live branches of viburnum and mountain ash are also popular. They allow you to give the composition bright accents. Small pomegranate fruits are also used for this purpose.
  3. The main symbol of the Christmas and New Year holidays are coniferous paws. They look especially advantageous as the basis for Christmas wreaths.
  4. To create a composition, you can take the bark of various trees, a wooden saw cut, pretty roots, polystyrene, vine, vases.
  5. As an additional material, flowers, berries, fruits, moss, a floristic sponge and wire, containers of various shapes are used.
  6. For decoration, tinsel, rain, sequins, various ribbons, scraps of fabric, nuts, and even buttons are used. In a word, everything that your eye looks at.
  7. Silver and gold paint in spray cans, sparkles, beads, decorative snow will add charm.

All this will help you create unique and magical compositions with your own hands and meet 2019 in high spirits.

Master class for the perfect masterpiece

Fantasy is limitless, so you can create a wide variety of creations for the New Year holiday with your own hands. For example, it can be an exotic tree, a Christmas wreath, ikebana, etc. Consider what are the basic steps you need to go through to create a miracle.

Composition with a candle

Making a New Year's composition allows not only to decorate the room, but also to get a lot of memories and emotions. Compositions with a candle look spectacular on the table. In addition, it is not at all difficult to make it.

To create a masterpiece you will need:

  1. Large paraffin candle, preferably red.
  2. Cones.
  3. Gold leaf.
  4. Floral wire.
  5. Flower flasks (usually used for single orchids).
  6. Raffia (as an option - organza).
  7. Coniferous branches.
  8. New Year decoration.
  9. Decorative satin ribbon.
  10. Checkered Christmas fabric.
  11. Tennis balls.
  12. Flowers (both artificial and live can be used).

Step by step production:

  • The tennis ball is wrapped with wire, and on top with foil and organza. Each blank is decorated with a decorative chiffon ribbon.

  • An elastic band for money is put on the candle and flower flasks are stuck between them around the entire circumference. For reliability, all this can be fixed with tape. Then water is poured into the flasks, and then coniferous branches and flowers are installed and fixed. At the same time, make sure that their height is the same.

  • The candle is installed in a bag made of checkered fabric, in which cardboard is first inserted for stability. If you don’t have time to sew, you can simply wrap a candle with flasks in a cloth and fix it with tape. Then Christmas decorations and cones are attached to the wire.

  • Putting the composition together.

Composition in a basket

The basket is the perfect basis for creating any New Year's composition for 2019. Well, let's start creating a New Year's masterpiece with our own hands?

You will need two main components: in fact, the basket itself and a floral sponge.

Additionally, prepare:

  • fir branches;
  • wire;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • citrus dried fruits;
  • bright flowers (for example, roses);
  • fresh foliage (since it's winter, you can buy it at a flower shop).

If desired, you can use a variety of decor at your discretion.

  • A floral sponge is moistened with water and placed in a basket. If it does not fit, the edges should be trimmed to the appropriate size. Do not forget to put some kind of plate or container at the bottom of the basket into which water will drain. Now spruce branches are beautifully arranged, sticking them into the sponge.

  • Do the same with decorative branches and leaves. Queue for flowers. The composition can be made both with them and without them. Everything depends on your wishes.

  • Prepare another decor. For example, pre-dried dried fruits are securely attached to the wire. Christmas balls are strung on branches and fixed.

  • You can make roses from citrus peel in advance. To do this, cut off a long peel from the fruit and twist it spirally into roses. Fix the resulting flower with a toothpick.

  • Dried citrus rose.

  • Place the decor according to the composition. The result is such beauty with buds.

  • And here is a variation with Christmas balls.

Christmas flower arrangement

Such a New Year's composition can be used to decorate a room on the eve of 2019, as well as crafts for kindergarten or school. In addition, children will be very interested in crafting with their parents. To create a craft you will need:

  • whatman;
  • stapler;
  • scotch;
  • plaster bandage;
  • coniferous cones;
  • sea ​​salt or loose artificial snow;
  • glue (including for a thermal gun);
  • decor in the form of decorative gifts, Christmas balls, tinsel, etc.
  • Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Its radius will correspond to the height of your future Christmas tree. Cut the circle to the middle and turn into a cone. The edges are fastened in a convenient way: with glue, a stapler or tape. Now they take pieces of a plaster bandage, soak it with water and glue it to the base. This approach will help to give the tree strength and stability. Let the base dry well.

  • Now start gluing the cones. Sort them by size. The largest ones are glued in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base. Glue firmly so that the bumps do not come off.

  • Cover the entire base with cones, reducing their size with each row. After that, the cones are smeared with a brush and sprinkled with salt or artificial snow. As a result, you should get a Christmas tree wrapped in snow.

  • Now start decorating the spruce. In principle, strewn with "snow" it looks very nice and can be left in this state. But if you want more, you can glue spruce twigs, Christmas decorations, bows, tinsel, fruits into the space between the cones.

Tinsel wreath

Decorating an apartment or house with Christmas wreaths is the lot of Catholics. But they are so beautiful, why not adopt the tradition for us and make the same New Year's creations for 2019? Moreover, it is done very simply.

To create a wreath you will need:

  • newspaper sheets;
  • tinsel at least 1.5 m long (the amount is such that you can tightly wrap the wreath);
  • napkins;
  • transparent fabric (for example, organza);
  • various New Year decorations (cones, balls, bells, snowflakes, beads);
  • scissors;
  • glue (PVA, for a thermal gun);
  • double sided tape.

Now you can create a masterpiece.

  • Newspaper sheets are unfolded and rolled into a tube.

  • Continuing to add sheets, make a tube of the desired thickness and desired length. This will determine the size of the wreath. The ends of the finished tube are glued together. Can be connected with adhesive tape. Don't worry if the oval is clumsy. In the course of further work, it will level out.

  • Now the newspaper base should be wrapped with napkins. Instead, you can use kitchen paper towels or good toilet paper. The latter option is much more successful, because it is convenient to wrap the wreath spirally continuously in several layers, and then securely fasten the ends. If you use napkins, then they should be "planted" on the glue.

  • As a result, you should get such a snow-white base.

  • The ends of the napkins are fixed with double-sided tape. This will keep the next fabric layer from getting dirty.

  • Start decorating with fabric. One of its ends is fixed with adhesive tape, and then the wreath is wrapped around the entire circumference. The color of the fabric depends on your preferences. You can also use nylon ribbons, which are usually woven into the hair. They will be even more comfortable to work with. The end is also fastened with double-sided tape.

  • As a result, the base acquires such a pretty look.

  • The next step is attaching the tinsel. One end is glued to the adhesive tape, and the other is carefully wrapped around the base along the entire length. It is necessary to place the turns so that there are no gaps between them, through which the base is visible. The color of the tinsel depends on what toys and decor you have chosen. By the way, you can use not only shiny colored tinsel. If you take matte green, you can imitate spruce branches.

  • Using both garlands, their ends are securely fastened with tape. This beauty came out of a very unattractive newspaper.

  • Start decorating. As planned, the wreath should be in blue and silver tones. Therefore, we used cones painted with silver paint. They were "put" on a wire and securely fastened to a wreath. In the course of work, some decorations are attached to adhesive tape, as they are light.

  • Also, a garland with bells was used, which was simply wrapped around a wreath in a circle. As for the toys, they were also chosen in blue and silver colors. A wire was taken as fastening. Gracefulness of the wreath can be added with bows made of silver ribbon. You can make them yourself or buy them at the store. A large blue bell was chosen as the main toy on the wreath. Here is such a beauty.

  • To fix the wreath, the center is visually determined and a wire or a strong thread (not contrasting) is attached in that place. Such a wreath can be hung on the door or placed in the center of the table.

Christmas boot

Another tradition of European countries, which began to take root in our country, is the hanging of a Christmas boot. It is there that Santa puts sweets for children and gifts. They can be different: sewn from felt, embroidered, decorated with various colorful applications and even knitted. It doesn't matter what they're made of. The main thing is to make them fun and enjoyable.

And now a master class on making a beautiful boot.

You will need:

  • any thick fabric (drape is ideal, you can use felt);
  • thin fabric (used for lining);
  • various colorful New Year applications;
  • scissors;
  • chalk for cutting;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  • glitter gel;
  • additional decor to taste;
  • fantasy and perseverance.

All this should be sewn on a typewriter. If you don't have one, you can do it manually. The main desire.

  1. First of all, they make a boot pattern on paper (you can use various templates from the Internet), and then transfer it to the fabric using a special crayon or bar of soap. By the way, if you didn’t find a suitable fabric, but an old coat of a pleasant color was lying around in the closet, which you can’t wear, but it’s a pity to throw it away, use it. This is exactly the "THAT" case. Please note that you will need two parts. Don't forget to add a centimeter to the seam.
  2. Now it's up to the application. If you have difficulty choosing a design, you can cut it out of a suitable handkerchief or kitchen towel. As a rule, New Year's options are rich in beautiful figures.
  3. The applique should be stitched to the cut out details on the front side. But not to the end. Leave a small "window" through which you should place a little cotton wool or synthetic winterizer to give the figure volume. You should also sew the heel and toe to the boot and the edging-lapel at the top of the shaft.
  4. Do not forget, when working on a sewing machine, to attach a pattern, you should set not a line seam, but a special mode.
  5. Now embroider snowflakes all over the boot using a thick white thread. Snowflakes can be made in different sizes and any shape.
  6. The same two boots are cut out of a thin fabric and sewn to the wrong side of a dense fabric.
  7. Now fold both boots so that the front sides touch and sweep. Next, all the details are sewn on a sewing machine or sewn by hand. In the second case, work very carefully, trying to make the same and even stitches. The finished boot is turned on the front side and the quality of tailoring is checked.
  8. It remains only to put the name of the child. To do this, with the help of chalk, write the name on the front side of the boot. Then proceed in several ways. For example, letters can be circled with a special glitter gel, or you can go more creative and embroider them. It remains only to sew a loop for which the boot will be hung.

And don't forget to include a gift!

You can also use a different pattern and make a Victorian boot in the same way:

And these are options for the development of your imagination. These are the masterpieces you can make yourself with the help of video:

Creating compositions with your own hands for the whole family is not only an exciting activity, but also an opportunity to spend time cheerfully and warmly.

They say that the expectation of a celebration, especially when it comes to preparing for the New Year's festivities, is even better than the holiday itself. In kindergartens and schools, everyone is preparing for matinees, decorating classrooms, creating New Year's compositions with their own hands and holding competitions. So what are DIY New Year's compositions: TOP 10 ideas with photos you can come up with.


Crafts dedicated to the New Year are especially loved by the smallest pupils of kindergartens, because you can use all the most brilliant, beautiful and in unlimited quantities.
Top 10 Christmas Craft Ideas for Kindergarteners

“Well, where are our pens?”

Let's start with the nursery group. It's hard to imagine what a baby can do, who also speaks with difficulty? And these kids will have something to do.

Draw a small palm with a pencil on colored paper or cardboard and cut it out. From such blanks you can make a large Christmas tree on the wall of the group. Each kid must be sure to glue his own palm or several. A paper Christmas tree can be decorated with cardboard toys. On paper Christmas balls, you can stick a photo of the pupils of the group.

From the palms you will also get a Christmas wreath, which can be decorated with decorative berries, ribbons. White and red blanks will make a wonderful Santa Claus or a snowman.

Is there a free wall in the band or music hall? It can be decorated with your own hands as a large New Year's composition from the palms. From the blanks you can make houses, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, animals and everything that is enough for imagination.

"Christmas trees rush around the city ..."

Roll the paper sheet into a cone. What happens next is all that fantasy is capable of. Quite crumbs can anoint a green cardboard Christmas tree with glue and sprinkle with sparkles and sequins.
With older kids, you can make Santa Claus. Draw a black belt on the red cone, make a beard out of cotton, draw a face.

Snowman, snowman, appeared in the yard

Kids love to sculpt snowmen and not only from snow ... Cotton wool, cotton pads, threads, plastic cups will do.
You can create a winter composition from a family of snowmen with your own hands from cotton wool, a cardboard box, glue, sparkles, ribbons, pencils and paints.

You can try making big snowmen out of plastic cups.

It is very easy and very fun to make snowmen out of thread. The technology can be viewed on the Internet.

Salt dough crafts

There is no limit to creativity here. The recipe for the dough can be easily found on the net.
Kindergarteners are invited to create a Christmas composition from candles with their own hands. To do this, knead the dough of different colors. Give the kids tubes from disposable kitchen towels. Let them roll sausages and make striped candles or completely cover the base of the candle with dough.

Older children can create real New Year's pictures from salt dough in the company of their parents or a teacher. As a basis, you can take thick cardboard in a frame or a plate.

Threads and cardboard

Prepare balls of thread of different thicknesses, cardboard, glue, paints and cookie cutters. Older children will cope with this type of New Year's crafts almost on their own. We circle the mold on cardboard with a pencil, cut out the blank. We wind the threads on cardboard, fix it with glue at the beginning and at the end. If necessary, paint the toy and decorate it with sequins, semi-beads or rhinestones.

A miracle the size of a button

Buttons of different shapes, colors and sizes are a chic material for creating New Year's crafts with children.
With the guys from the older group, they are no longer afraid to trust the needles, you can make exclusive New Year's balls as a gift to your relatives. For the toy, you will need a foam or rubber ball (any that can be pierced), a thin beautiful ribbon, a figured hole punch with small flowers. The ball is completely wrapped with tape. Cut out miniature flowers with a hole punch. Using a hairpin with a head, we fix the flower to the Christmas tree toy.
Flowers can be exchanged for colored buttons.

With very young kindergarten students, you can make simple, but very stylish postcards and give them to your relatives or send them to Santa Claus. We need three buttons, a blank for a postcard or a sheet of beautiful double-sided cardboard folded in half, acrylic paint and a thin brush or felt-tip pens, glue. The kids will make a snowman out of buttons, and an adult will help to finish the hat, carrot and hands.

"I love pasta..."

From pasta, you can cook not only a hearty dinner, but also a Christmas tree, angels, and everything that is enough for the imagination of the teacher and the kids.

Second life for broken CDs

Disks for CD players are an excellent basis for DIY Christmas compositions. Children 5-6 years old can be introduced to the elements of decoupage. This does not require special materials: a disc, a themed napkin, PVA glue and a wide brush.
You can also make Santa Claus, any animals, gnomes, a snowman, etc. from disks.

natural material

Well, what do-it-yourself New Year's crafts without natural material. Squirrels and snowmen, from cones, Santa Claus from acorns, a snowman.

fluffy pom-poms

You can also make pompoms from threads and thick paper. From the latter, you can make a fluffy Christmas tree, funny snowmen, animals.

photo snowman from pompoms!

Compositions for the New Year for the competition for schoolchildren
On the eve of the New Year holidays, schools usually hold competitions, exhibitions or Christmas markets.

Top 10 New Year's compositions for school competitions
Christmas wreaths

One of the simplest and most spectacular DIY Christmas crafts. As a basis for a wreath, they usually take a circle of very thick cardboard or polystyrene, you can also cut branches of the vine and roll them into a circle with wire. Then it all depends on the imagination and the presence of decor. The wreath can be made entirely from natural materials: cones, nuts, acorns, dried lemons, cinnamon sticks. Options from New Year's spheres are possible.


Tilda-style dolls are a huge success among needlewomen. Beginning craftswomen are better off sewing from fleece or felt. On New Year's Eve, you can sew Snowmen, Santa Clauses, deer and other holiday characters.

Christmas cupcakes

There are a lot of recipes for small personal cakes the size of a cup on the net. You can decorate them with sugar mastic, cream. The theme of decorations, of course, is New Year's.

Decorating your home DIY Christmas compositions, we bring a sense of celebration, fairy tale and magic of the winter holidays. And, by the way, nothing will prevent us from making such not only in the December cold, but in quite the July heat. Might be a great way to cool off a bit in the heat.

Beautiful New Year's compositions with your own hands

Creation tradition beautiful Christmas compositions with your own hands Unfortunately, we are only just beginning to develop. Prior to this, only the New Year tree could be called the central composition with a New Year theme. Well, or a few branches of needles inserted into a beautiful vase. But there are a lot of ideas for excellent examples of design ideas, you can see a small part of them in today's article, along with brief recommendations for doing crafts with your own hands. Let's look at a few examples of classic compositions, New Year's wreaths, topiaries, and, of course, we can't do without examples of the use of suite design -.

The first composition that you see in the photo is made on a basis woven from a vine. It can be a small basket or just a circle. For decoration, you need to take a metallized tinsel, at the base of which a thin wire is inserted. This will make it easy to wrap around our base without the involvement of other fasteners or glue. For the central figure, we need three pyramid-shaped sweets. Their long tails need to be cut off to make it easier to glue together with hot glue. It turns out a figure resembling a shamrock. You can add any decor that you have, the example uses golden petals, which can be easily found at Christmas markets and in the departments of New Year's decor. As you can see, they can even look very elegant and expensive. A basket can be an excellent New Year's present, for example, for work colleagues.

Winter cone crafts can be wonderful compositions. At first glance, it is not even clear what such beauty is made of. But in order to make such beautiful flowers from large cones, you will have to try a little and arm yourself with good scissors. They cut off the lower large scales so that only one or two lower rows remain, such beautiful cups will turn out. Also cut the scales, we will glue them separately to make beautiful flowers. To turn your composition into an original lamp, use a Christmas tree garland with flower-shaped bulbs. In the cone cups, make a hole through which you pass the light bulbs, and wrap the wire at the bottom with thin wire to make it look like a stem. Make some light bulbs without framing cones in the same way. Place all the resulting "flowers" in a shallow vase. In order for the bundle not to crumble and hold together, wrap it several times with electrical tape. To give the composition more splendor, it must be diluted with small bumps. To place them, each bump is glued with hot glue to a piece of wire, and then stuck in the required amount.

A Christmas decoration can be an excellent flavor for rooms, you just need to use ingredients that we primarily associate with New Year's holidays when creating it. These are fragrant needles, cinnamon sticks, citrus fruits. If everything is more or less clear with spices, then in order to dry orange slices beautifully, you will have to tinker. A small orange is cut into circles with a sharp knife, put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, and put in the oven. We do not need strong heat, it will be enough to hold the baking sheet in the oven for 3-4 hours at a temperature of 90 degrees. Do not forget to turn the circles over to the other side from time to time. We remove the hard oranges from the parchment and put them to dry in the turned off, cooling oven. After drying, you can use them for your Christmas compositions. In this way, you can get an unusual decor of different colors: orange circles of oranges, yellow - lemons, green - limes.

DIY Christmas compositions master class

Beautiful New Year's presents often confuse us, because during the holidays we need to congratulate a very large number of people, these are colleagues or business partners, friends, friends, and closest relatives. We bring to your attention one of the ideas do-it-yourself New Year's compositions (master class they are simple), which will be wonderful gifts.

In the wonderful box that you see in the photo, you can actually put anything you want. Since it is sparkling wine that is an indispensable attribute of the New Year in our country, in this example it was used, but you can also use a beautiful box of coffee or tea, a bottle of perfume. The whole tsimes of the composition on a scale is a whole box filled with prettiness and goodies. For the base, we need a small box, in which fruits are often packed in stores. In order for the box to become presentable, we paint it with white paint, preliminarily (if it was wooden) we sand it so as not to injure our hands. We pass the mail twine through the upper edge of the box, wrapping it diagonally, at the end we tie it with a magnificent bow. We cover the bottom of the box with artificial needles from the Christmas tree bazaar, or, if you are going to give soon, real. We form bows from thin paper strips, pin them to the tops of oranges with buttons. We tie a twine with small postcards tied with wishes for the New Year to the tails of bright red bulk apples, tie the twine with bows. We place everything on a coniferous pillow in random order.

New Year's wreaths in the countries of North America and Western Europe have long been an integral attribute of the holidays, the most traditional among all New Year's compositions. Classic wreaths made of holly and pine needles are very good, but many people think that it is no longer interesting to make the same compositions and invent more and more new types of these decorations. Among the photos on the net you can find a wreath of citrus slices, sweets and gingerbread, fabric, cotton boxes, nuts and cones, Christmas balls, pieces of branches, wine corks, etc. Consider one of the most original - a wreath of acorns

For work, we need a base made of bast. You can buy a tree whitewash brush at the hardware store, it's cheap and enough for one wreath. Untie it and disassemble it into fibers. Form a circle out of them, wrap it tightly with threads around the perimeter across. Meanwhile, our acorns are preparing to become an original decoration. They are separated from the hats and washed. Often insects can live in acorns, and this will be very harmful to us. Therefore, acorns are recommended to be calcined in the oven for 15 minutes at a high temperature. At the same time, they will lose the rest of the moisture and will be stored longer. Glue acorns to the base in one direction, in tight rows. When the entire wreath is covered with acorns, paint it with spray paint in light green (or any other) color. For fastening, tie a wide satin ribbon to the wreath. will look very unusual and bright on your front door.

How to make DIY Christmas compositions

Even if you think you know how to make Christmas compositions with your own hands, then all the same, some ideas may seem curious and unusual to you. For example, large-scale, decorated with cones and Christmas tree decorations.

For such do-it-yourself Christmas compositions, photo one of which you see above, you will need sprawling thin branches of a tree or shrub, small pine cones, silver Christmas decorations and the same silver or white paint. This shade was chosen to create the effect of a snow-covered tree. Using a brush, apply paint to each of the cones, it will be convenient to cover the branches themselves with spray paint. We insert the branches into a small beautiful vase, glue the colored cones on the branches. Add Christmas balls, beads or any other decor.

Not only needles can be a good material for a Christmas tree. New Year's crafts will be unbanal if you use green laurel leaves and juniper twigs for making. A tropical Christmas tree will also perfectly scent your home.

DIY Christmas compositions ideas

Making a variety of topiary is often equated with creating works of art. These trees of happiness can be performed on many topics, one of which is New Year's. Let's look at one such example. DIY Christmas compositions, ideas which can be quite original.

The presented topiary is made of sisal, which holds its shape well, Christmas balls and walnuts. We will install the tree in an ordinary flower pot, after placing the stick, the pot is poured with a solution of building gypsum. Until the plaster hardens (this will happen quickly enough), you will need to hold the branch with your hand so that it does not move. We make a hole in the foam ball according to the size of the branch and plant it. Prepare the nuts, separate them into shells and wash them. From sisal we roll up dense balls the size of Christmas balls that you have prepared for crafts. We glue the halves of the shells onto the foam ball, alternating with sisal balls and Christmas tree decorations (remove the fasteners from them). Those joints that remain unfilled can be decorated with flowers or other similar ones.

DIY Christmas compositions for children

Christmas trees will always be the most loved DIY Christmas compositions for children. Still, because it is under the spruce branches that they are waiting for the desired gifts. If you are not a fan of the classic Christmas tree, then you can build a similar New Year's composition from thick wire and branches of natural needles.

Nothing better for kids than candy crafts is simply impossible to come up with. When making a composition as a gift for a family with children, it is better to choose a decor so that after unwrapping the sweets, the overall picture does not suffer, because you have no doubt that the sweets will be eaten very quickly.

But such a small topiary in the form of a Christmas tree reliably hides its chocolate riches with the help of a net. However, even the Christmas tree itself looks very elegant. Similar ones are made. It is cut into strips and gathered with an accordion, and then glued onto a paper or cardboard cone, starting from the bottom.

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