Original contests for the ransom of the bride. Funny and unusual options. Contests and tests for the groom for ransom

A rather important moment at the wedding, so it needs special preparation. But don't overdo it! It is necessary to select competitions for the ransom of the bride at the wedding in such a way that the groom can overcome them. Our site Wedding.ws is ready to help you with this.

"What where When? "

Members: the groom and his retinue.

Props: cards with questions.

On the steps of the flight of stairs, it is necessary to lay out cards on which to write questions about the bride and her family in advance. The essence of this competition is that it must climb the stairs, answering questions. In the event that the groom answers incorrectly or does not know the answer to the question posed, he will have to pay a fine.


Members: groom.

Props: chalk.

Bridesmaids should draw footprints on the stairs with chalk in advance in such a way that it would be difficult for the groom to walk along them. The task of the groom is to overcome the stairs strictly in the footsteps, he must pay for each miss. The groom's friends can carry him in their arms so that he gets only his feet into the painted footprints. But such advice should not be given in advance - let them guess for themselves.

"Words to Beloved"

Members: groom.

Props: chalk.

Letters must be written on the steps with chalk. In order to see his future wife, the groom must climb the "stairs with obstacles." So, he will be able to step onto the next step only if he calls the bride with tender words that begin in those letters that are written on the steps.

"Most most…"

Members: groom, witness.

Props: an apple with matches.

The essence of this wedding competition is that the groom must find a short match in an apple with matches. He must pull out the matches one by one. If he pulls out a long match, he must say affectionate words to the bride, thereby proving to the girlfriends how much he loves the bride.

"Whip and Gingerbread"

Members: groom.

Props: paper flowers in blue and red.

The witness or her assistants must lay out the prepared props on the steps. So, the groom climbing the stairs, stepping on a blue flower, it is necessary to scold her, and to praise her on a red one. In the event that the groom cannot find words to scold his future bride, he must pay a fine.

"For love"

Members: groom, witness.

Props: hearts with inscriptions (for love, for convenience, for flying).

Hearts must be laid out on the stairs in such a way that the heart with the inscription for love is farther than the others (on the highest step). The groom, without using the railing, will need to raise the upper heart. In this case, it is forbidden to step on hearts on which incorrect inscriptions are written. The groom can cope with the task if the witness takes him to the top step.


Members: groom.

Props: balloons, papers.

It is necessary to inflate several balloons, after which pieces of paper must be placed in them. On one of the pieces of paper should be written the cherished word - the key. The groom has to find the ball, which contains the necessary word. For each incorrectly chosen and burst balloon, the groom must pay a fine.

"Your name is precious"

Members: groom.

Props: banknotes.

The essence of this competition is that he must lay out the name of the bride with the help of large bills.

"Sugar Lips"

Members: groom.

Props: a sheet of paper with lip prints.

The groom is shown a sheet of paper with imprints of the lips of the bride and her bridesmaids, among which he must find the lips of his beloved.

"Portrait of a Bride"

Members: groom.

Props: sheet of paper, pencil.

The groom will be asked to close his eyes and draw a portrait of his bride from memory. To cheer up the guests at this ransom contest, you can bring an elderly woman to him and say that this is his future wife, judging by his drawing. If the groom does not want to marry this woman, he must pay money.

"And I know dear..."

Members: groom.

Props: photos.

Take a photo of a certain part of the bride's body in advance, for example, a finger on her right hand. Take the same pictures of other people. Print out the photos and give them to the groom. See how well he knows his beloved.

"Head of the Family"

Members: groom.

Props: hats, caps and other headwear.

As you know, the word "head" is derived from the word "head". Therefore, the groom is offered to prove that his head is bigger, i.e. he will be the head of the family. The groom is given a large number of different hats. In 1 minute, he must put on as many hats as possible, right on top of each other.

    Script for the ransom of the bride

    The tradition of the ransom of the bride is as old as the marriage ritual itself. And rarely which wedding in Belgorod dispenses with the ceremony of ransom of the bride. Even though at a modern wedding ransom of the bride- just a game, but, as a rule, this is a mandatory game, in which the bridesmaids and relatives of the bride take part - on the one hand, and the groom with his friends - on the other. So on the day of the wedding, the groom and his retinue go to the bride's house, where the bride's relatives and friends are already waiting for them. The latter are entrusted with the task of creating as many obstacles for the groom and his friends as possible in order to get the most bride price. If the bridesmaids are not too lazy to show imagination and come up with or find an interesting bride price scenario, then on the way of the groom's wedding procession they can build entire fortresses, which the groom will have to take with the help of resourcefulness and wit. That's why ransom of the bride accompanied by contests, riddles and comic tasks for the groom and his friends according to a pre-thought bride price scenario. And if the bride before the wedding is worried about how she will look, what emotions she will experience on the wedding day, how the celebration will go, then the bridesmaids are worried and prepare not only beautiful dresses, but also bride price scenario. Many want find cool bride price script some want to play themed bride price script but all are limited in time, and therefore one has to choose from a multitude. Which ransom of the bride will be yours, you decide. Our website contains interesting competitions for the groom which you can include in your bride price scenario. Choose those bride price contests that suit you best, and make your own unique bride price scenario. All the following contests were used at various weddings in different cities of Russia and deliver a lot of positive emotions to guests both during the wedding and after watching the wedding film that will create your videographer.

    How do they buy the bride? Usually flowers and sweets and a symbolic amount of money that the groom pays the bridesmaids if he does not cope with the tasks that they have prepared for him. So…

    Bride price scenario:


    There are a lot of guests

    From all distant volosts.

    At the parade, everyone is beautiful,

    It's a miracle, it's such a miracle!

    Come on, guests, do not grumble!

    May I ask you a question?

    Well, you are like this with the whole herd

    Surrounded by this house?

    What draws you to this place?

    Answer me...

    Guests :

    Bride !


    Oh bride, speak

    But then don't bother!

    Get ready to give a ransom,

    To take the bride.

    In the house of all the guests do not count,

    But the owner of the house is the father-in-law.

    So anxious, sick...

    If he does not drink, he will die!

    You, guests, for appearances,

    Yes, according to our custom

    Give him some vodka

    So that there is no grief in the house.

    Oh, and how the mother-in-law is crying!

    My daughter won't let me out of the house.

    But we will convince her

    If we give her champagne!

    The groom must pour champagne to the bride's guests.

    Redemption of the bride contest No. 1

    The witness offers three packaged bouquets - one contains a homemade broom, the second contains a bath broom, and the third contains wedding flowers. The groom points to one of the bouquets, if it is taken incorrectly, the witness demands a ransom.

    It can be seen, a little blundered,

    Kohl you took a bath broom.

    For trying for the second

    Give some money...

    Oh, and this one is no good,

    Know you have to pay.

    The groom pays some money ...


    Well, this bouquet is in place,

    The bride liked him.

    Now it's time to go -

    Just what's on the way?

    Redemption of the bride contest No. 2

    A sign is fixed on the door of the bride's house: "Cooperative for the issuance of brides"

    In our house, businessmen -

    Real talents.

    The chance was not missed -

    The cooperative was opened.

    You will be found by order

    Quickly , clearly , right away !

    The witness opens the door to the bride's house. Right at the threshold, two or three girlfriends are drinking tea ( chatting / lounging / peeling seeds). Or if it is possible to put a small table and on it is a sign “Lunch break from ... to ... hours" The time of arrival of the groom to the bride's house is indicated.

    Yes... Dinner... That's bad luck...

    A bribe is your luck!

    Give businessmen a bribe

    And choose a bride!

    The groom and the witness give the bridesmaids a "bribe". They put three bowls on the table, in which three "barrels" from " kinder surprises". Cards with the signs of the bride are hidden in them. Near each bowl there is an index “Height”, “Eye color”, “Name”.

    Girlfriends :

    Here is a computer - a pointer,

    Get it right here, buddy.

    It's clear, it's clear

    All information is paid.

    Witness, addressing the guests:

    Well, fiance, you try,

    Look, don't be mistaken.

    Help him -

    He became a beggar in our house!

    The groom chooses a "barrel" from the first bowl. Variants of inscriptions on cards (Growth): Eiffel tower, Forest opening, and the third indicating the height of the bride. If the groom is wrong, he pays.


    You do not judge us strictly,

    Do not need a tower - pay.

    Kohl is not needed and honey agaric -

    We are waiting for your money again!

    With growth, we figured it out.

    Well, fiance, buckle up.

    Let's look for the right color.

    Which one do you want to take?

    The groom chooses one of the "barrels". Options for inscriptions on cards with color: Gray-brown-crimson, black with yellow polka dots and the color of the bride.

    Girlfriends :

    We did not please with the color?

    But we are still waiting for payment.

    Oh, what a picky!

    Hurry, it's time for lunch!

    Well, the last task -

    Money to us, since failure.

    The groom chooses a "barrel", in which there is a card with a name. Variants of inscriptions : Traktorina , Olimpiada and the bride 's name .

    Do you need the Olympics?

    And you need money to work.

    What is your mine?

    Not satisfied with Tractorina?

    Do you still have money?

    We are waiting for the calculation, guys!

    The groom pays for mistakes.

    Redemption of the bride contest No. 3

    Next is the stairs. Three leaflets lead to the stairs or to the bride’s apartment, on each of which is written on the reverse side “By calculation”, “By necessity”, “For love”. The groom is invited to choose a piece of paper at random and say why he is getting married. If the groom chooses " By calculation" or " By necessity" - he must pay money.

    Bride ransom contest number 4 - very fun for liberated groom!

    When the groom passes one flight of stairs, a basin is placed in front of him. The witness says the words: “For the beauty of the bride, dance the groom on our pelvis!” And the groom must buy a basin and, climbing on it, dance a dance.

    You can use these words:

    “So that we give the bride, you would dance on the basin!

    After all, a basin is not a trifle, after all, a tradition, after all!

    And in order to buy a basin for you, you need to pay money!

    After the basin is purchased, the groom dances on the basin to the music.

    Bride ransom contest No. 5 - for a strong witness

    The next flight of stairs has been passed. The Witness says to the Bridegroom:

    You easily go, but that's bad luck - further without arms without legs overcome the flight of stairs. If the groom guesses that a witness or guests should carry him, they will pass, if not, they pay a ransom.

    Bride ransom contest number 6 - does the groom know his bride well?

    Bridesmaids are preparing a chamomile for the ransom of the bride, on each petal of which questions are written:

    Can you name the day you met your fiancee?

    Where was it?

    What color are the bride's eyes?

    What time of the year does she like the most?

    What flowers does she like?

    Where did you kiss her for the first time?

    Etc. Before that, the correct answers must be asked from the bride. If the groom answers incorrectly, he pays.

    Bride ransom contest No. 7 - guess the bride by kiss

    A pre-prepared sheet with various kisses of girls is glued on the wall or on the door, one of which belongs to the bride. The groom must guess which kiss belongs to his beloved. Doesn't guess - pays.

    And here is a piece of paper with a tricky riddle,

    Will you find the lips of your betrothed?

    Bride ransom competition No. 8 - for knowledge of the Russian language and attentiveness

    There is a sign on the door in the hallway

    "A grey-eyed girl languishes in this tower."

    The witness offers the groom:

    “If you find a mistake, you will immediately fall into the tower (you need to find a mistake in the inscription).”

    The catch is that the groom is likely to find a mistake in the word "languish", but is unlikely to notice that his bride was called gray-eyed, although her eyes are blue.

    Redemption of the bride contest No. 9 - how old? ..

    Put as many coins on a plate as you will live with the bride for years.

    Bride ransom contest No. 10 - three glasses

    The witness offers the groom and his retinue:

    "You can not get around, show your mercy,

    Fill the glasses so I'm not ashamed:

    In one, to rustle,

    In another, to ring,

    And in the third, so that the stormy foam hissed "

    The groom must put paper money, coins and pour into a third glass of champagne.

    Bride ransom competition No. 10 - vocal

    Here is the path ahead of you

    You follow it and sing

    Sing a song to the gate

    Then you will reach the gate.

    The groom must walk along a flight of stairs, for example, or along a pre-spread path and sing a love song.

    Bride ransom competition No. 11 - a promise ...

    The groom is offered an apple, in which matches are stuck in advance. The groom must take out a match from an apple until he finds a broken one and promise what he will do at home.

    "And now, my dear friend,

    Do not disdain our apple

    Think at your leisure

    How can you help your wife?

    You take a match from an apple,

    How can you help your wife tell me? .. "

    Redemption of the bride competition No. 12 - in memory of the groom

    On each step of the stairs there are leaflets with certain dates, for example, May 25, 2010. The witness addresses the groom:

    And now another question

    You, our dear groom,

    Break your head

    And guess all the numbers.

    Redemption of the bride contest No. 13 - at the door of the bride

    So the groom came to the room in which the bride was hidden. Three balls hang in front of the room, each of which contains a piece of paper in advance, only in two balls the words are written on the pieces of paper - “Pay money, look further!”, And in the third “You found the key !!!” The groom must guess the ball in which such a symbolic key to the bride's door is hidden. Doesn't guess - pays and searches further.

    Redemption of the bride contest No. 14 - shoe

    Often at weddings they make such a competition - when the groom has already entered the bride's room, the bride sits in one shoe. Nearby are closed boxes with various shoes. The groom is invited to put on the bride's shoes - to find the box in which the bride's second shoe is located. As a rule, suitors are found very quickly.

    After all the competitions, the script for the ransom of the bride ends beautifully with the following words of the witness:

    Well, everyone was pleased like ...

    We announce in front of the people -

    We have such a girl.

    Go straight ahead, turn left here.

    Here she is, her light,

    Here the bride languishes.

    Witness addressing the bride:

    Your fiancé promises

    Be gentle, be quiet.

    He won't forget this day

    Will carry bags of money.

    He will give everyone, please,

    Do not run away from worries.

    He took everything, as they say.

    How do you like the groom?

    The bride replies:


    Take care of the bride, groom,

    From adversity and dashing storms.

    To flourish, to bear fruit,

    Happiness in her is yours - take care of her!

    Well, we are here with the whole herd

    Let's pour some cups together!

    And the witness invites all the guests for the first small feast in the bride's house.

    The ransom can be carried out in different ways - with dances, tasks and money. The main thing is that the groom does not plan to avoid ransom and is not late. Below we have prepared some cool bride price competitions for the groom, which we hope you will want to take note of.

    Usually there are money tasks or fines in the ransom, and all the money collected is sent as a gift to the young. Thus, you can check not only the firmness of the groom's intentions, but also his generosity.

    At the entrance, on the wall or in front of the entrance to a private house, a paper camomile is attached, from which the petals can be easily torn off (glue them lightly or attach them with adhesive tape). On each petal is written one possible reason for the wedding:

    The bridesmaid invites the groom to tear off the petal and announce the official reason for the wedding. If the reason of the young guy does not satisfy, he pays the appointed fine and tears the petals further.


    Competition to test the strength of the groom and his friends. This competition has a deep history. Indeed, in jealousy, in order to take the bride, the betrothed had to cut a log on the way to her house.

    Today, more sophisticated methods can be used to test the groom's physical abilities. Forfeits with different tasks should be placed in the bag:

    • hammer a nail with one blow;
    • lift the weight as many times as possible;
    • push out 10 times;
    • pick up a friend;
    • break a thread or rope;
    • jump 10 times on one leg;
    • sit down 10 times on one leg;
    • pick up mother-in-law.

    While the groom is performing tasks, the friends should laugh at him and shout: “Look, the groom is holding a hammer for the first time”, “Oh, it’s hard for him”, “Well done groom!”, “He will be a good husband!”.

    The groom has the right to refuse to complete the task and pay for it or ask his friends to complete the task for him.


    In advance, you need to prepare props: a large drawing paper, on which various traces of lips are placed. To create props, you should walk through the bridesmaids in advance and ask them to kiss a piece of paper with painted lips.

    To diversify the competition, relatives of the bride, her mother or sisters can kiss the leaf.

    Well, to make it quite difficult - ask to kiss whatman paper and men. The task of the groom is to find the lips of his bride.

    If he is wrong, and the girlfriends must somehow mark the correct lips for themselves in advance, then the girlfriends will be forced to pay a ransom. Lipstick for kissing can be one or they can be different.


    Before entering an apartment or room, the groom is offered to freshen up and several cups of compote are placed in front of him. It is important that the compote was without berries. In one of the mugs, a carefully washed key to the front door or the door to the bride's room is placed in advance.

    If parents give young people an apartment, this may be the key to their door. The groom must find the key by drinking all the compote.

    To avoid further mishaps, the groomsmen can help the groom with the search and drink together or instead of him. Of course, an alternative option is a cash contribution to the bridesmaids, but it's more fun when the groom and his boyfriends are looking for the key on their own.

    Before going to the registry office, you should definitely give the groom and friends the opportunity to visit the toilet so that the further event goes without incidents, and the mood remains good.

    "Power of love"

    Props should be prepared in advance - a towel soaked in water. The bridesmaids give the groom a towel and say: “How much you love your bride, tighten the towel so much!” The groom tries to tie the towel as tight as possible.

    At the same time, he can turn to his friends for help. Together they tightly tighten the towel and give it to their friends. They inspect the towel and return it to the groom with the words: "Now untie it as quickly as you quickly put up with your wife during quarrels."

    The groom is trying to quickly untie the towel, a comical situation arises and, most likely, he will have to pay off the annoying girlfriends with money.

    "Call me"

    A sheet of paper should hang on the door to the bride's room. But it should be done in the form of an announcement - with several separate strips at the bottom. In the center of the paper there is an inscription - call me, and on tear-off sheets - separate letters.

    The groom must tear off each strip and call the bride with an affectionate name on the letter indicated on it. You can’t let the groom think for more than 5 seconds to add some complexity to the task. If the groom does not have time, he must pay with money. Girlfriends open the door when all the leaves are torn off.


    If the bride has a brother, then this competition must be. In front of the door to the bride's chambers, the brother stands up and says to the approaching groom: "What have you come for?" The groom explains why he has come, and the brother says: “I am protecting my sister, so turn away from the gate.” The groom replies that the bride is already his, to which the brother offers to prove it to him.

    The groom must say various reasons that show that the bride is already his by right: we love each other, we have a wedding and so on. The brother should listen and ask the guests whether to believe him in the groom?

    Most likely, the guests will shout “No” and the groom will have to open his wallet.


    Girlfriends prepare excerpts of musical works and write their name on pieces of paper. The leaves are folded into a bag, and the groom must pull out one of them. Having drawn out the name of the dance and music, the friends and the groom should dance together. In case of refusal, friends receive a ransom.

    A large hard apple is taken and matches are stuck into it, the more there are, the better. One of the matches should be broken so that it is smaller than the others. The friend holds the apple so that the small match is hidden as far as possible.

    The groom must pull the matches until he pulls out a small one. For each long match - he is obliged to come up with an affectionate nickname for his bride or just say a compliment.

    "Ingenuity Test"

    This competition is designed to test the groom for ingenuity and eloquence. In advance, random words are written on small sheets: car, bird, roof, Egypt, window and others. All pieces of paper are placed in a box or bag.

    As soon as the guests want to get into the house, the girlfriends offer the future spouse to pull the pieces of paper out of the bag and make up a story from the words written on them. The story may be about the bride, future family life or relatives.

    The more eloquent the guy gets, the better, otherwise - a fine. The story can turn out to be anything: by car we will rush to the registry office faster than a bird, and even Egypt will be visible from the roof of our future house, the house will be so high, etc.


    A girlfriend stands in front of the young man with an empty container (glass, bowl, etc.), she also says forfeits that he must do: put what rustles, what rings, splashes, etc. If the guy can't find a suitable item, the girlfriend offers to replace it with something rustling.

    There can be quite a lot of forfeits, and they must be complex so that a decent amount is collected at the end.


    After the guests still get into the apartment, the young man is led to a locked room. The bride is in the room with her grandmother and several bridesmaids. Each has a rope or thread in their hands, the end of which sticks out from behind the door.

    The future head of the family must pull the rope and pull the owner out of the room. If it is not the bride that comes across, then a fine is paid and the rope is pulled again. The leader can say at the moment of failure: "Marry or pay." The competition lasts until the guy finds his betrothed. Although he can choose his bride and girlfriend.

    Cool competitions for the ransom of the bride in verse

    The more fun the ransom is, the better. You can take the old rites as a script, where all the competitions are held in verse. It will be a little more difficult for girlfriends, because you have to learn everything, but positive emotions are guaranteed for all guests.


    When the groom tries to enter the apartment, the girlfriend says:

    “We have 3 bouquets.
    Answer this time
    What do you take and what do you bring as a gift?

    The girlfriend has 3 envelopes in her hands, each of which contains a piece of paper with inscriptions: a broom, a birch broom for a bath and a bouquet.

    The young man must choose one of the envelopes and receive what was written from the bride's friends.

    For example, he pulls out an envelope with the word "broom", then the girlfriend says again:

    “Something was badly chosen,
    If you gave a broom as a gift,
    It just doesn't fit
    And you have to pay"

    The groom continues to choose until he finds a bouquet of flowers, then he receives it from the hands of his boyfriend.

    This competition is made so that the guests get to know each other better and get to know the groom. Girlfriend turns to his friends and says:

    “Why are you silent guests?
    Praise our groom"

    Friends in response should tell everyone at least 10 good qualities of the groom, without repetition and as original as possible. If friends can't name 10 qualities, then they will have to pay.

    This competition has a second option. The witness asks:

    "Well, my friend, don't be silent,
    Talk about merits and name all 20,
    And if you don't get them all,
    From the gate you turn"

    "Sing bird"

    The bridesmaids meet the groom at the door and say:

    "What kind of fiance do you have?
    Is it pockmarked or crooked?
    Does it have power?
    Is it his voice?

    Come on, sing to us about the bride, about her beauty and become,
    And let my friends not be silent,
    Let them shout with you in unison"

    The groom must sing loudly about his love, he can use existing songs or just come up with. Maybe he just screams loudly with his friends about his love for the girl.

    A playful scenario for a wedding for the ransom of the bride in the stairwell

    The ransom scenario involves several contests that are held all the way to the bride, starting from the entrance and ending with the door to her room. It all starts at the entrance:

    1. In advance, girlfriends tie a thread between the doors of the access door. It cannot be torn or passed under it, in general it cannot be touched. The groom must figure out how to overcome the obstacle, or pay a fine. One of the correct answers would be to burn the thread;
    2. Immediately after the door on the wall of the entrance, you need to attach a drawing paper with a drawn large lock. Stickers should be placed on the lock so that little men are drawn on their hidden side and only one of them has a couple. Guests must tear off the leaves and find a pair, in case of failure - a fine.

    The procession then approaches the steps leading to the floor. Here, too, there are tasks:

    1. A paper letter should be placed on each step, and the groom should compliment his betrothed on each letter;
    2. Each flight of stairs should contain a heart on which the reason for the wedding will be indicated: calculation, hunger, clean socks have run out, mother does not let home without grandchildren, and others. If the young spouse does not agree with the reason, he must pay. Place a heart with the correct answer only on the last flight in front of the bride's apartment;
    3. On one of the stairs, place hearts of different colors on the steps, stepping on a step with red - you need to praise the bride, with blue - scold. There is a secret how to overcome the stairs quickly - a friend must carry a young man in his arms;
    4. Lay out paper traces with questions on the steps, the groom must answer correctly or pay for it.

    Questions may vary:

    On the flight of stairs of the bride, the host of the ransom or the bridesmaids also prepare tasks:

    1. Footprints are glued to the apartment, the groom, stepping into them, must say what household chores he will do. The fine will be if the guy gets around the traces or fails to come up with a case. In order for guests to be guaranteed to pay, it is worth sticking a mark on a wall or door;
    2. The leader needs to place a garland of balloons around the door and put a piece of paper in each balloon. All pieces of paper are empty and only one has the inscription "key". The procession must find the correct ball and only then receive the key to the apartment. By tradition, for a mistake - a fine;
    3. But the key to the apartment is also not easy to get, because it is frozen in advance in an ice cube, and the friends must warm it with their palms or lips;
    4. Opening the door, the groom finds 10 ribbons tied in the aisle. For each ribbon, the witness must name one positive quality of the groom.

    In the apartment itself, the groom also expects several tasks. The path to the bride will not be easy:

    1. A friend meets guests in the hallway with a tray. The groom must put on the diarrhea the name of his beloved with the help of coins or banknotes;
    2. The next girlfriend is holding a chamomile with detachable petals. Each petal contains a number that means something to the couple. The groom must explain all the numbers. You can take as an example the date they met, the time of their first date, the waist or shoe size of the bride, the number of best friends, the height or weight of the bride, the number of invited guests. For every failure, the friends must pay with money;
    3. The father of the bride meets the groom and offers him 3 glasses. In one - sweet water, in the second vodka, and in the third bitter water. The groom must drink all three. With what facial expression he drinks, so they will live together. Therefore, if the groom suddenly grimaced, he must justify this with a cash present to the future father-in-law;
    4. The mother of the bride holds a glass of water on a tray, while the groom must fill it with coins so that the water flows over the top. How much water to pour, the future mother-in-law decides;
    5. There are three shoes in front of the room with the bride, the groom must guess the shoes of his bride. Moreover, it does not have to be wedding shoes, it can be sneakers and slippers;
    6. Before the door, the groom will have to sing a song to his bride or shout loudly with his friends about how he loves her. Only then will the door open.

    Already in the room, the groom sees the table at which his bride is sitting, but her girlfriends are sitting next to her so that there is no way to approach her. Therefore, the groom is forced to pay again. Girlfriends shout to him to put a bill on each corner of the table and only then will they let him in.

    But when the groom puts in money, they can shout “Not enough! Few! Put more!”. The way to the bride opens only when the bridesmaids are satisfied with the amounts.

    When developing a script, you should think through all the details in advance and prepare the props.

    But having spare tasks on hand is sometimes useful, because when the bride's preparations are slightly delayed, and the groom has already arrived, you can gain more time by doing additional tasks. And, of course, you should warn your friends and groom in advance about contests and the required coins and banknotes.

    And there are some more original ideas about the ransom of the bride in the next video.

    Must be fun first and foremost. Leave the official part for the ceremony at the registry office. Choose unusual and truly creative contests for this event. Let the guests and heroes of the occasion have something to remember.

    sex symbol

    To run this competition, you will need a huge poster or full length image of a female idol or sex symbol. Johnny Depp, Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise, Dmitry Bilan or Sergey Lazarev - this is a rough list to choose from. If you want to turn the competition into a joke, then instead of the above characters, you can purchase a poster with the image of Igor Nikolaev, Mikhail Boyarsky or one of the political figures. The head of our state, Vladimir Putin, is perfect for this role. Girls and women who are present in the bride's house or apartment should put lipstick on their lips and kiss the star on the poster in any place they want. Already at this moment they will receive a charge of positive emotions and good mood. The groom will be asked to guess where the imprint of his bride's lips is.

    After several unsuccessful attempts, the witness or host of the ransom will have to shame the hero of the occasion, chastising him for allowing himself to admit the idea that his beloved was kissing someone else's man. Even on a poster, even a star.

    Gypsy prediction

    It's no secret that the essence of the ransom is to extort as much money as possible from the groom. A witness or one of the bridesmaids dressed as a gypsy can perfectly cope with this task. For entertainment, you can dress up a whole crowd of people - men and women. For one of them, as a joke, you can “lead” a large toy bear on a thick chain. A gypsy woman should offer the groom a traditional fortune-telling by the hand. She can roll her eyes and make a frightened face, intrigue the groom and then ask for money. You can say compromising things, for example, does your fiancee know that you were with a beautiful blonde last summer ... and so on. At the end of the test, she must say that the family of the bride and groom will be unusually strong and they will live together happily ever after. You can also predict the birth of a large number of children, there may be five, ten or even twenty - let the hero of the occasion grab his heart. You can complete this cool contest aimed at luring money from the groom as follows: a gypsy spreads a large scarf on the ground and demands from the groom decorate every corner of it with ringing, intoxicating, rustling and sweet. And for each donation, he must make a wish out loud. The gypsy assures everyone present that now, according to the old tradition of their camp, all the wishes will come true.

    tree of happiness

    It does not matter where the ransom will be held - in a private house or in an apartment building, in any case, the tests will begin on the street. For this contest, you will need any tree that should be decorated in advance with paper hearts and bows. Envelopes with photos of celebrities should be attached to several branches using satin ribbons. It can be Christina Aguilera, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie, Penelope Cruz. You can dilute the pleasant impressions of the groom with pictures of Alla Pugacheva, Larisa Dolina in her youth with incredible makeup or Boris Moiseev. The groom must be brought to the tree and invited to tear off any envelope with the image of his future wife. The photo chosen by him needs to be praised and offered to lead this candidacy to the registry office. For every wrong envelope torn off, he will have to pay. After the hero of the occasion discovers that there is no image of his beloved in the last envelope, he will naturally begin to resent. To this, the witness and other bridesmaids will have to reasonably state that brides don't grow on trees. And in order to achieve it, you should try hard.

    To whom what?

    For its implementation you will need a large sheet of cardboard or plywood and twenty printed pictures on the printer. Sheets of paper with images will be laid out on cardboard in four rows of five pieces. The first ten will contain photographs of the following relatives and friends of the bride:

    1. Father.
    2. Mother.
    3. Sister.
    4. Grandmother.
    5. Grandfather.
    6. Brother.
    7. Best friend.
    8. Aunt.
    9. Uncle.
    10. Neighbor grandmother.

    The other ten cards will show the items that the groom will have to give to these characters. You do not need to hand them over personally, just put them on an inverted card. Here is a list of items required for redemption:

    1. Wine.
    2. Vodka.
    3. Cognac.
    4. Box of candies.
    5. Champagne bottle.
    6. 100 rubles.
    7. 500 rubles.
    8. 1000 rubles.
    9. A handful of little things.
    10. Bottle of beer.

    The essence of the competition is as follows: the groom in turn opens the cards from the first two and third and fourth rows.

    Comparing the photo and the picture, he loudly, so that everyone can hear, announces how he will pay each person, for example: the grandmother-neighbor gets a bottle of beer, the father-in-law gets a box of chocolates, the mother-in-law gets a bottle of vodka and so on.

    Merry confession

    For this challenge, you will need balloons filled with helium. Everyone knows that helium, getting into the lungs, makes a person's voice funny, squeaky and cartoonish. The groom and his friends need to inhale this gas and take turns describing the bride, saying as many compliments about her as possible. The final joke will be a detailed confession of the groom about how much he loves his chosen one and about what he is ready to do to make her happy.


    For this competition you will need darts and darts. On the circle in which the groom will throw pointed devices for the game, you need to place small pieces of paper with fun tasks. Here is a sample list of them:

    • Hug your father-in-law.
    • Kiss your mother-in-law on the cheek.
    • Give the bride's aunt or grandmother a box of chocolates.
    • Carry the witness one hundred meters in your arms.
    • Drink a glass of vodka from your elbow.
    • Dance the dance of the little swans with your friends.
    • Eat a lemon.

    It is worth noting that any task for the groom can be performed by his faithful and devoted witness.


    In this competition, instead of the round component of the game of darts, there will be World map. The groom will have to throw a dart at her, look at the place he hit, and tell how he will take his chosen one there on their honeymoon. The witness or host of the ransom should ask him leading questions. Here is a sample list of them:

    • What will you ride?
    • What will you take with you?
    • How would you like to dress?
    • What places are you going to see?
    • What souvenirs will you bring to friends and relatives?
    • Where will you stay?

    Well, we will see the third version of darts in the next video, only the groom will use not darts, but a water gun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veWT9vayMb8

    Competition is touching

    This test should initially be positioned by the witness or host of the ransom as power. To do this, they hand the groom a pair of boxing gloves and take out his sparring opponent. For this role, you need to choose a man or woman of large build and high stature from the guests from the side of the bride. The sparring partner and the hero of the occasion are each given a candy or a banana and are offered to deploy them at speed without taking off their gloves.

    Unexpected replenishment

    A girl or woman should come out to the groom with a bundle in her hands. It must be wrapped baby doll. The girl tells the groom that she is tired of raising a child alone, hands him a package and retires in an unknown direction. The witness begins to groan about the fact that the groom is with a dowry, and then wrinkles her nose and says that the baby needs to be changed. She brings the hero of the occasion to the table, where they have already prepared:

    • diaper,
    • vest,
    • sliders,
    • diaper,
    • bonnet.

    The purpose of the groom is to dress the baby and swaddle it. A friend should help him with this. It is not surprising that young people, after a few minutes of ordeal, want to pay off.

    But the witness will not want to take money from them, veiledly hinting that when children appear, no money will help in this situation, but only connections will help. Groom and witness must guess ask for help from the future mother-in-law or the mother of the hero of the occasion. After the child is dressed, the girl who presented this unexpected gift should reappear, pick up the bundle and apologize loudly, saying that she mixed up the apartments.


    Before this competition, all guests from the side of the bride must sign on a large sheet of drawing paper. The bride must also do this, and sign already, taking into account the fact that very soon she will take the name of the groom. The witness will offer him to find the painting of his chosen one. The hero of the occasion will certainly look for the old name of his beloved on the paper. Every mistake will cost him money.

    Dish for the beloved

    This contest will require cards with an image or product name. They need to be put in a round cup or wicker basket and offered to the groom to pull out five at a time. After studying the images or inscriptions, he will have to say what dishes he will cook for his chosen one for a romantic dinner.

    Do not use all of the above tests, select several options from the list and use them in your scenario. A good mood before going to the registry office will be provided!

    The bride price is a hilarious performance performed by the bridesmaids at the very beginning of the wedding ceremony. The main characters are the groom, the groom's witness on one side and the bridesmaids on the other side. Neighbors and relatives of the bride can join the bridesmaids. Therefore, the groom and the witness must be prepared, have enough money, sweets and spirits with them.

    The selection of contests for the ransom of the bride is usually carried out by girlfriends. And, as a rule, they wander from one wedding to another, and rarely differ from each other. To select original contests for the ransom of the bride, you need to make an effort, but it's worth it. If the wedding is given a cheerful and friendly start, then the continuation will be the same. However, do not forget that the groom is in suspense and it is not necessary to delay the ransom ritual. Let it take 10-15 minutes, no more. You need two or three competitions, but different ones, you don’t need the groom to answer questions all the time or say kind words. We bring to your attention original, unhackneyed contests for the ransom of the bride.

    Bride ransom competition for the groom. On the wall near the front door or on the fence, if it is a private house, they hang a disc from the game "darts". Words are written in the sectors - these are the obligations of the groom, which he must fulfill in the first year of married life. In the first circle, the word “fur coat” is inscribed, then “apartment”, “car”, “travel to Paris”. And in the very center of the disk is the word "everything!". The groom, to the exclamations of the bridesmaids, throws a dart and chooses a gift for the bride.

    Near the entrance, the grooms and his friends are stopped, they are given musical instruments: a guitar, wooden spoons, a saucepan, tweeters, buzzers, etc. His task is to sing a serenade to the bride to the musical accompaniment of friends, and then he will receive a symbol of her love and location. Girlfriends demand a passionate and inspirational serenade. After the performance of the groom and his team, to the amazement of those present, the bride throws from the window ... a bunch of radishes.

    The original competition for the ransom of the bride, provided that the groom understands perfumery. The groom is offered five scented handkerchiefs; he must recognize the bride's handkerchief.

    On a large sheet of paper you need to draw the sun, grass, a river - symbols of a future wonderful life. The groom is given felt-tip pens and offered to complete the landscape. He can draw a house, a car, money, fruits, sweets... Draw how he sees life together.

    Competition for the groom to ransom the bride. "Make a sketch of the bride." From the elements of the face: lips, foreheads, eyes, noses, chins, you need to make a portrait of your beloved.

    The groom is offered tablets with various stupid words. His task is to confess his love to the bride using these words. Like in the game "Laughter without rules."

    To conduct a competition for the groom to buy the bride, you need to print photographs that capture the moments of their meetings. This is an acquaintance, a joint vacation, and so on. The groom must talk about each photo. One photo - one story, and the groom and his friends are let through to the next flight of stairs. Friends will learn new interesting information from the life of the newlyweds.

    A fun contest for the ransom of the bride. Toys are hung from a rope on threads: a small hippopotamus, a crocodile, a poker, a Barbie doll, a rose, a blue stocking. The groom is blindfolded, given scissors and offered to cut off the figurine corresponding to the bride.

    In this competition, the groom must prove that he is a knight and for the sake of a beautiful lady is capable of feats. He is offered a horse - a bicycle. It will be interesting if the bicycle is a tricycle for children, and children's knightly armor is also possible. Plan a route in advance with various funny obstacles. The groom must overcome the route.

    Original competition for the groom with lip prints. On a poster with a photo of Johnny Depp or another popular Hollywood actor, they leave kiss marks. The groom guesses the imprints of the bride's lips. After the groom goes through all the traces of kisses, the girlfriends say: “What a horror, how could you think that your bride would kiss a strange man! Pay money!!!"

    The original competition for the groom in the form of a raffle. The scenario provides for another groom, so you need to find a guy who can play such a role.

    The wedding car with the groom drives up to the entrance, they approach the bridesmaids waiting for them. At the same time, another wedding car drives up, another groom gets out of it with a bouquet. The dummy groom may be dressed in a military uniform. He also approaches the bridesmaids and in conversation calls the name of the bride and the number of the apartment. A real groom begins to defend his rights, to prove that he is a real groom, and this is an impostor. Bridesmaids with jokes ask questions about the bride to two grooms at the same time. The real groom answers correctly, the fake groom makes mistakes and constantly gets out. After some time, the second groom's mobile phone rings. And he says loudly: “Dear, I’m near the entrance, complete strangers don’t let me in, they say that you have another fiancé. I think I got the houses mixed up." After that, it quickly disappears, and the ransom of the bride continues.

    Competitions for the ransom of the bride.

    The height of the bride is measured with a thin satin ribbon, and the ribbon is cut off. Cut a few more ribbons of larger and smaller lengths. The groom guesses which ribbon is equal to the height of his bride.

    The bridesmaid meets the groom and tells the rules for the bride price. Only intuition can help the groom. He must answer questions, this gives the right to enter the apartment and approach the bride. The first question is easy: "What is the name of the witness?". Further questions are more difficult. Three women are standing nearby. Question: “Which of them is the aunt of the bride, who arrived from Kyiv yesterday?”. If the groom made a mistake, then he pays the money, if not, he moves on. There are five questions in total, the last of which is asked in the hallway and asked: “In which room did the bride hide?”. After that, the search for a bride in the apartment begins.

    We offer a cheerful, noisy competition for the ransom of the bride. A wall is made of balloons. Four balls are connected with threads and five such strips are made, fastened with adhesive tape. The wall is tied to the place of the front door. In order to pass the groom must pierce all the balls in 30 seconds.

    Groom competition. Three women are wrapped in scarves so that only their eyes are visible. The groom and his friend must guess which of them is the mother-in-law.

    The groom is blindfolded and given a bag. It contains various items: curlers, beads, lip gloss, cosmetic pencil, nail polish, clips, lipstick, eyelash brush, tweezers, blush. He must guess the object and tell what it is intended for.

    Competition for the ransom of the bride. The groom and the witness put on gangster hats, one is holding a diplomat, allegedly full of money. The brother or a good friend of the bride's family opens the door for them. A witness shows a poster that states that the girl is wanted for a reward of one million dollars. The groom is offered to play cards. They hint that you can do without money. They enter the room, drink whiskey and play. Bride against a million dollars. After the game is over, the bride is given to the groom, and the suitcase to the owner.

    Draw a simple maze on a large sheet of paper. The sheet is painted, instead of the finish, the name of the bride is written. They put a radio-controlled car on paper, a remote control for the groom. And they ask you to "drive" through the maze. With the words: “Now let's see how you drive a car. Trust you the bride or not.

    A comic competition for the groom to ransom the bride. The bridesmaids ask: “A strong groom or not. Will he protect his bride if she is attacked by hooligans? Put on boxing gloves. A tall, strong guy comes out of the apartment. Also wearing boxing gloves. Girlfriends provoke the groom, they say that he is weak against such a young man. And they offer to unwrap sweets for speed.

    When choosing contests for the ransom of the bride by the groom, remember that they should not take much time. They should be of interest to everyone present. And, probably, it is worth coordinating them with the groom and the witness, at least in general terms. Here are some not difficult contests for the groom.

    Leaves with letters are laid out on the steps. The groom, going up the step, says a tender word to the bride, which begins with this letter.

    Questions about the bride, her interests and family are written on pieces of paper. The groom answers questions and goes up to the next step. If the answer is wrong, you have to pay a fine.

    The groom is offered to put in a bowl what the bride loves the most. After much torment, the groom must understand that he needs to stand in the basin himself.

    Competition for the groom's witness. The witness is handed an apple studded with matches. He pulls out matches and says laudatory words to the groom.

    Another version of this contest. The groom is given an apple with matches. One match is short. Pulling out a long match, the groom affectionately names his bride. When he pulls out a short match, the contest is over.

    A fun bride ransom competition for the groom It is necessary to make several hearts and write the reason for marriage on each: “by calculation”, “out of stupidity”, “by flight”, “friends advised”, and so on. On the top step put a heart with the inscription "for love". The groom should not step on steps with incorrect inscriptions. Using the railing to jump over such steps, get to the top. If necessary, the witness must carry the groom in his arms.

    Daisies of two colors are laid out on the steps of the stairs. He stepped on a step with a red chamomile - the groom should say a kind word about the bride. He stepped on a step with a blue chamomile - he says how he will scold. You can pay for a step with a blue flower, or you can jump over it.

    Freeze the key to the apartment where the bride is hidden in an ice cube. You can freeze a few more keys from other apartments.

    Job for the groom. On the table, write the name of the bride in money.

    Competition for the groom at the ransom of the bride. Hang several children's photographs on threads, among them one photograph of the bride. The groom must recognize the bride in the old photo and jump up and kiss the photo.

    Caricatures and pictures from Playboy are pasted on playing cards, a photo of the bride is on one card. The groom draws a card, chooses a bride, if he did not pull out a photo of the bride, the next card is paid.

    When the groom comes to redeem the bride, you need to invite him to draw his beloved. The bridesmaids pre-select the grandmother, who is compared with the drawing and passed off as the bride.

    The groom must recognize the bride by the finger on which he will put on the ring. Several girls hide behind a sheet and show one finger.

    The competition for the ransom of the bride at the wedding for the groom is called "Wallpaper".

    Wallpaper is glued on the door to the room where the bride is, and they pretend that this is not a room, but a wall. The groom rips off the wallpaper. All those around begin to demand a ransom for the repair of the apartment.

    The original competition for the ransom of the bride "Chamomile".

    The bridesmaids make a camomile and on each petal they write the date of some event memorable for the newlyweds or other numbers. You can write:

    Date of the first meeting;

    Mother-in-law's year of birth;

    Bride's shoe size

    Bride's waist;

    Bride's height

    The heel height of her wedding shoes;

    Ring size.

    The groom tears off the petals and guesses the meaning of the numbers. For mistakes, the groom pays a ransom.

    Competition for the groom to ransom the bride "Find a shoe." The groom finds the bride in the room, but she is without shoes. There are many shoeboxes around. The groom must guess which box the shoe is in. In other boxes you need to put indoor slippers, men's shoes, boots.

    Competition "Pull the rope".

    In the bride's room are the bride, several bridesmaids, and grandmother. Threads or ribbons are tied to their fingers and their tips are visible from behind the closed door. The groom chooses one thread and pulls on it. A girl or grandmother comes to him. Everyone demands that the groom take her as his wife. If this is not the bride, the groom must pay off, or decide to marry anyone.

    Competition for the ransom of the bride "household chores".

    On the steps of the stairs, you need to put pieces of paper with written abbreviations of household chores. The groom guesses what the letters mean. Here's an example:

    Sat. - wash clothes;

    MP - wash dishes;

    XvM - go to the store;

    ZP - earn money;

    MO - wash windows;

    DR - make repairs.

    Competition for the ransom of the bride "Thread".

    At the beginning of the competition, a girlfriend, a peddler, comes up to the groom and offers the groom and the witness to buy all sorts of little things, including matches. If the groom does not buy, then he will pay dearly for them.

    The entrance to the entrance is tied with thread. You can't touch it, you can't jump over it, crawl under it. But the groom needs to get into the entrance. The thread can be burned through. If the groom did not buy matches at the beginning of the competition, then he buys matches very expensive.

    Competition for the ransom of the bride at the wedding "Tears".

    The groom is shown a glass of water, but the water is not filled to the brim. You can't touch the glass. The groom is offered to shed tears now so that the wife does not cry in marriage. He must put as many coins as possible into the glass.