Elevated progesterone during early pregnancy. All about elevated progesterone during pregnancy

Progesterone is one of the most important female hormones that contribute to the conception and bearing of pregnancy. Therefore, when managing pregnant women, doctors pay special attention to the level of progesterone in the blood. Normally, it is constantly growing.

What it is?

The body of a healthy woman is set up to conceive and carry a pregnancy. This is evidenced by the menstrual cycle, in various phases of which hormones are produced that affect the maturation of the egg, the attachment of the ovum to the wall of the uterus, the development of the fetus - up to the stimulation of labor.

One of these hormones is progesterone. Its name is translated from Latin as "to bear". This name was given to this hormone in the 30s of the last century, when the study of its function in a woman's body was begun. It was then that he was first associated with the ability to conceive and bear a child.

The production of the steroid hormone progesterone begins immediately after the mature egg leaves the ovary and continues until the onset of menstruation, if pregnancy has not occurred for some reason. Progesterone can also affect the central nervous system, and, according to some studies, be synthesized by it.

Thus, although the hormone was discovered more than 80 years ago, all of its functions have not been fully understood. But today it is precisely known about the significant role of progesterone for conception, gestation, childbirth and lactation.

How does it affect?

As soon as the egg begins its journey from the ovary through the fallopian tubes to the uterus, the corpus luteum begins to produce progesterone. From this moment until implantation, several days pass, and sometimes more than a week. During this time, the level of the hormone in the blood is already sufficient to ensure the normal functioning of all organs involved in this process.

The value of progesterone during pregnancy can hardly be overestimated. This hormone helps to facilitate the attachment of the ovum to the endometrium, which is lined with the inner cavity of the uterus, as well as to prevent spontaneous contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which can lead to rejection of the embryo. This is due to the fact that progesterone disrupts the transmission of nerve excitation between muscle fibers.

The fertilized egg carries a genetically alien material, therefore, the woman's immune system also needs to be properly tuned so that the carrier of foreign genes is not rejected. Progesterone is also responsible for this.

In addition, the role of progesterone throughout pregnancy is that it ensures the growth of the uterus in proportion to the development of the fetus, prepares the mammary glands for future lactation, during which a sufficient amount of breast milk will be produced for the newborn, affects the pelvic muscles of the woman to ensure normal flow generic activity.

Progesterone also affects the functioning of other internal organs of the expectant mother, including the gallbladder, slowing down the flow of bile through a relaxing effect. This not only gives the woman discomfort, but can also cause the development of toxicosis and cholelithiasis. Progesterone also affects the immune system, preparing the woman's body to receive the ovum, and the central nervous system. It is he who becomes the reason that the reaction rate slows down in pregnant women, absent-mindedness, drowsiness and often inability to concentrate appear. This allows a woman to become resistant to stress, strong emotions, which often helps to maintain a pregnancy.

Progesterone is responsible for the accumulation of body fat in a woman's body, as well as the production of sebum, so women, carrying a child, often get better, their skin and even hair become oily.

The effect of progesterone on a woman's body during pregnancy is manifested broadly enough that it can be said that the hormone fine-tunes the body of the expectant mother to create optimal conditions for the development of the child. In addition, progesterone affects the production of steroid hormones in the fetus, and also helps the development of certain tissues of the body.

Accordingly, the consequences of insufficient or excessive synthesis of progesterone before conception, as well as at various stages of pregnancy, can be quite serious.

Disruptions in hormone production lead to abortion or the development of various pathologies in the fetus.


To monitor the level of progesterone in a woman's blood, special tables are used, which indicate the norms of the hormone both during pregnancy by trimesters and weeks, and before its onset. Various units are used to measure the level of a hormone in the blood, but the most common is nanomole per liter (nMol / L).

Some laboratories issue analyzes in other units, but it is easy to convert them to nMol / L using special tables.

For a successful pregnancy, the rate of progesterone in the blood of women of reproductive age is in the follicular phase before ovulation from 0.33 to 2.25 nMol / L. On the day of ovulation, the hormone level rises from 0.45 to 9.45 nMol / L. After ovulation, if pregnancy has not occurred, the hormone content decreases to the values ​​of the pre-ovulatory phase, and after the onset of pregnancy, its level should be in the range from 6.9 to 56.6 nMol / L.

In the early stages - at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the value of the hormone content in the blood in the analysis of a woman increases. Now it is already from 38.15 to 69 nmol / l. Further, at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 weeks, its level reaches from 64.8 to 127.2 nMol / L.

The longer the gestation period, the higher the level of progesterone in the blood of the expectant mother. In the period from 15 to 24 weeks, the level of the hormone, even at the lower limit of the norm, becomes three-digit: from 124 to 247.1 nMol / L. In pregnant women, at 25–33 weeks in the blood, it is determined from 197.2 to 336.3 nMol / L, and in the later stages - from 34 to 40 weeks, from 381.4 to 546 nMol / L. For example, at 19–20 weeks, the corresponding norm will be a value from 121.7 - 187.8 121.7 - 187.8, nmol / l, at 21–22 weeks - from 140.6 to 220 nmol / l, and at 31 –32 weeks - from 323.1 - 402.8.

There is also a table showing progesterone levels by trimester of pregnancy. The first trimester lasts until the 14th week of pregnancy. The hormone levels at this time can vary from 8.9 to 468.4 nMol / L. In the second trimester, the level of the hormone increases: from 71.5 to 303.1 nMol / L. In the third trimester, which lasts from 27 weeks to delivery, normal progesterone values ​​are considered to be data that falls in the range from 88.7 to 771.5 nMol / L.

However, in the first month of pregnancy, the level of progesterone in the blood rises slowly, besides, not all women undergo a preliminary examination by a doctor, preparing for pregnancy, and know the level of the hormone in the blood before the possible onset of conception. That's why in the first month, the level of the hCG hormone is more informative- human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is produced by the ovum after implantation into the uterus, and its concentration doubles every two days.

It is much easier to track the onset of pregnancy using the hCG growth chart.

Of course, progesterone, hCG, as well as another important "female" hormone for pregnancy - estradiol, are produced by a woman's body in a certain ratio. So, the indicators of progesterone and estradiol also depend on the concentration of hCG in the blood. But only a doctor can correctly interpret the test results, depending on the data of the previous examination.

To determine the onset and development of pregnancy it is best to take a blood test for hCG. He will not only unmistakably show that pregnancy has begun, but also its development, as well as the presence of multiple pregnancies. If the level of progesterone is checked, then it is better to do this at the end of the cycle - on the 21st, 23rd or 25th day of the cycle, that is, about a week before the expected start of menstruation. At an earlier date, the analysis will not show significant changes in progesterone in the blood.

When does it start to be produced?

The corpus luteum, a temporary gland that appears after each ovulation, produces progesterone. While the ovum moves from the ovary towards the sperm, and in case of conception, the ovum into the uterine cavity, the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone.

If pregnancy for some reason did not occur, the corpus luteum dissolves and the level of progesterone in the woman's blood falls. But if the ovum is successfully implanted into the wall of the uterus and the development of the embryo first and then the fetus begins, the corpus luteum is preserved. During the first 16 weeks of pregnancy, this gland produces progesterone, the level of which rises in the woman's blood.

After 16-17 weeks, the placenta takes over the function of progesterone synthesis. By this time, it is already fully formed. For this reason, progesterone is sometimes referred to as the pregnancy hormone. It is impossible to bear the child without his "help": the pregnancy will either be terminated, or the child may have developmental defects.

In men and non-pregnant women, progesterone is also found in progesterone, but at a much lower concentration. In men and women outside of pregnancy, it is produced by the adrenal glands. There is also evidence that male testes can secrete it.

The fact is that this hormone, among others, performs another important function - it maintains hormonal balance in the body, being responsible for the synthesis of other hormones.

Rejection symptoms

Despite the importance that progesterone has for the normal development of pregnancy, not only a lack of it, but also an excess of it can harm the baby. Moreover, not only tests, but also monitoring the general condition of a pregnant woman can help to detect an excess or deficiency of progesterone. Although often a woman does not feel any changes and only a laboratory blood test can show a decrease in the level of the hormone.

The lowered level of progesterone is corrected by drugs containing hormones. But they can be used only as prescribed by a doctor, self-medication can lead to an overdose and, as a result, to problems of the course of pregnancy.

With an increased level of the hormone in the blood of a pregnant woman, she shows signs such as fatigue, apathy, visual impairment and even disorientation in space. In some cases, the doctor may decide to be hospitalized.

Before pregnancy, a woman's progesterone deficiency can be detected by monitoring the physiological symptoms. It can be painful menstruation, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including chronic constipation and flatulence, significant enlargement of the mammary glands and their soreness before menstruation, swelling of the legs.

Also, a sudden change in weight at the end of the menstrual cycle may indicate a lack of progesterone. Indirectly, the lack of this female hormone is indicated by a violation of thermoregulation, including sweating or, conversely, chills, cold hands and feet. Changes in behavior are also possible: emotional instability, rapid transition from sobbing to laughing. Progesterone deficiency can cause recurrent headaches, hair loss, and skin rashes.

The reasons for the lack of hormone can be constant lack of sleep, heavy physical activity, stress, as well as taking hormonal drugs or diseases of the genitals.

Therefore, in the presence of these symptoms, a woman needs to consult a doctor, get tested and, if necessary, undergo treatment, even if pregnancy is not planned yet.

How to maintain hormone levels?

Maintaining the level of progesterone in the blood that is optimal for the development of the child will help good nutrition, containing all the necessary elements, including protein and vitamins- red meat, fatty fish, dairy products - cheese, pumpkin seeds, wheat bran. These foods are rich in zinc, which is involved in the synthesis of progesterone.

To maintain the production of the hormone, traditional medicine recipes are also used, for example, an infusion of dry raspberry leaves, which is drunk in small portions throughout the day. This plant also has anti-inflammatory properties.

But you should not get carried away with this remedy, as this can lead to the onset of premature birth.

Good rest is no less important, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Oddly enough, even a woman's mood affects the level of the hormone. It was not in vain that doctors advised our grandmothers not to worry during pregnancy, as this could harm the child.

Modern science confirms this observation. A pregnant woman should try to avoid unnecessary physical and emotional stress. It is unlikely that, given the fast pace of modern life, they can be completely excluded, especially since the vast majority of expectant mothers work until the 30th week of pregnancy.

But, for example, you can refuse to drive a car. This will significantly reduce your stress levels.


Low progesterone levels during pregnancy can be caused by the presence of chronic diseases of the genital organs, but most often it is a sign of a threat of termination of pregnancy, missed pregnancy, fetal growth retardation, and ectopic pregnancy.

Lack of progesterone can prevent a woman from getting pregnant, but even if pregnancy has occurred, it can lead to a spontaneous abortion - miscarriage. Therefore, an analysis for progesterone is prescribed for a woman even at the stage of pregnancy planning, including in preparation for IVF.

In some cases, the level of the hormone decreases after IVF. Deficiency conditions are corrected with medication, since after embryo transfer, a lack of hormone will interfere with the implantation of the ovum, thereby preventing pregnancy.

After the transfer, doctors monitor the level of not only hCG, but also progesterone. The level of these hormones should begin to rise within a few days after the procedure. However, low progesterone levels are not necessarily a bad sign.

The level of the hormone in the woman's blood, which showed the analysis - 75, 80, 45, 26, 16, 47, 28, 40, 50, 60.22, 20, 32 nMol / l can only be interpreted by a doctor... In the table of progesterone values ​​by week or month, the average values ​​of the hormone level are shown, but for each woman it may be individual. In some cases, a normal pregnancy also develops with low progesterone levels.

A negative symptom is a decrease in the level of the hormone in the blood, and, on the contrary, high indicators indicate an excess of progesterone. This may be a consequence of the appearance of a cyst of the corpus luteum, disruption of the adrenal glands, pathologies of the development of the placenta.

How to do the analysis?

To check whether a pregnancy has occurred using a progesterone test, it is best to donate blood on days 22-23 of the cycle. At this time, the level of the hormone will already be high enough to give an accurate answer. If a woman regularly measures rectal temperature, then the reliability of the analysis will be relevant on the sixth day after its increase.

However, you can get the correct result if several conditions are met. First, a blood test is taken on an empty stomach - the latter can be eaten no later than 8-9 hours before the manipulation. It is better to take the test in the morning or in the morning, from 8 to 11 am.

Naturally, one should not take alcohol the day before, as well as in the previous few days.

If a woman is taking medications, then it is necessary to stop taking hormones, especially steroid and thyroid hormones, 48 ​​hours before. At least three hours must elapse after the woman has smoked her last cigarette. Nicotine can also smear the test result. Significant physical activity and stress can also influence the determination of the level of the hormone.

Blood for progesterone is taken from the peripheral, most often the ulnar vein on the right or left arm. If the ulnar vein cannot be punctured due to physiological characteristics, then blood is taken from the vein on the hand, and in some cases even on the lower leg. This does not affect the validity of the analysis.

How to increase or decrease?

The hormonal system of a person, and especially of a pregnant woman, is sensitive to any changes in the emotional background, nutrition, even the daily routine, for example, lack of sleep. Therefore, if the analysis for progesterone showed a deviation from the norm, then there is no need to be upset, aggravating the situation.

An experienced physician will refer the patient for a follow-up examination after a few weeks. During this time, the woman needs to calm down, rest, sleep and again properly prepare for the study. In some cases, this is enough to naturally raise progesterone levels too low in the blood.

But if the repeated analysis also showed a deficiency or excess of the hormone and its results are supported by monitoring the condition of the pregnant woman, then to correct the hormonal background, medication is prescribed.

Progesterone is called the main hormone of pregnancy, because it is he who provides all the conditions for the healthy development of the fetus, as well as the preparation of the body of the expectant mother for the upcoming labor. It is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries, and at a later date by the placenta. Hormonal imbalance can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and even lead to its termination or cause the development of severe malformations in the child. To prevent this, every woman should know what is the rate of progesterone during pregnancy by week.

The value of progesterone for the body of a pregnant woman

Progesterone during early pregnancy plays an important role in the body of the expectant mother, as it prepares the uterus for long-term gestation.

This hormone has a significant effect on the following physiological processes. He is responsible for:

In addition, progesterone is directly involved in the formation of some tissues of the embryo.

Progesterone during pregnancy is determined using a laboratory blood test using an immunofluorescence method. The indications for the appointment of such an analysis may be pain in the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman, the appearance of brown discharge from the genital tract. For those women whose pregnancy is proceeding normally, it is recommended to undergo the study only in the second trimester.

It is advisable to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach or at least six hours after a meal. 48 hours before the prescribed study, you should stop taking hormonal and other medications, try to avoid stress and nervous overstrain. It is allowed to drink non-carbonated water before analysis.

The rate of progesterone during pregnancy

When a laboratory blood test is carried out by the level of progesterone, you can accurately determine the duration of pregnancy. But in modern clinical practice, such a study is usually not prescribed if there are no abnormalities. If there are suspicions of hormonal imbalance, the woman takes an analysis, the results of which are then compared with the indicators of the norm.

The rate of progesterone during pregnancy increases every week.

At different times, it is:

  • 1-6 weeks - 38.15-69 nmol / l;
  • 7-14 weeks - 64.8-127 nmol / l;
  • 15-24 weeks - 124-247.1 nMol / l;
  • 25-33 weeks - 197-402.8 nMol / l;
  • 34-40 weeks –381.4-546 nmol / l.

Note: the norms may differ in each of the laboratories, therefore, you need to focus primarily on the reference values ​​indicated in the form of a particular laboratory.

Some laboratories indicate norms in other units - ng / ml. In this case, the rates of progesterone by week of pregnancy will be as follows:

  • 1 trimester: 11.2 - 90.0 ng / ml;
  • 2nd trimester: 25.6 - 89.4 ng / ml;
  • 3 trimester: 48.4 - 422.5 ng / ml.

It should be borne in mind that many factors can affect the change in the concentration of the hormone. The main ones include taking medications, especially hormonal drugs. So, the results of the analysis differ significantly in healthy women and patients who are forced to take medications to maintain pregnancy (for example,).

Low progesterone during pregnancy is a direct threat of miscarriage.

Also, a similar condition can lead to other serious consequences, among which a special place is occupied by:

  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • insufficiency of the function of the corpus luteum, placenta;
  • bleeding;
  • overmaturity of the fetus, which poses a threat to its health due to a deficiency of nutrients;
  • the birth of a child with low body weight, pathologies of internal organs.

Important! A woman can suspect a deficiency of progesterone on her own by external signs: dryness in the vagina, emotional lability, pressure drops, the appearance of unwanted pigmentation on the skin, a tendency to flatulence and constipation, pulling pain in the lower abdomen. On an ultrasound, a specialist can see signs of placental abruption.

If in the course of laboratory tests it turns out that there is not enough progesterone, appropriate drug therapy is prescribed. As a rule, hormonal drugs are shown that are synthetic analogs of the hormone in question (Duphaston, Utrozhestan, etc.). Similar medications are prescribed to women in the early stages when there is a threat of miscarriage.

In the opposite situation, when progesterone is elevated during pregnancy, there is also a serious cause for concern. This condition indicates that there are any abnormalities in the development of the placenta. At the same time, women may suffer from headaches, heartburn, minor bleeding from the genital tract, and nausea. In some patients, there is an increase in the uterus above normal. In order to correct the hormonal background with elevated progesterone, the doctor selects an individual therapy aimed at eliminating the main cause of the pathological condition.

Note: progesterone has a direct effect on the condition of the expectant mother. At the first signs of its deficiency or excess, we recommend not to postpone the visit to the doctor.

After completing the course of treatment throughout the entire period of pregnancy, you will need to periodically take a control test. In addition, pregnant women need to observe the daily regimen, fully rest, and eat right. This will help to carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

The norm of progesterone during pregnancy by week is important for those women who monitor their well-being and the health of their unborn child. However, if the female body copes with bearing a child, the fetus develops according to the timing and there is no suspicion of pathology, a woman may well do without an analysis for progesterone indicators during pregnancy.

But what is this hormone? Is it really that important to consider the value of progesterone?

A bit of female physiology

By chemical structure, progesterone is a steroid, which belongs to the group of sex hormones. In women, it is produced in the second half of the menstrual cycle by the corpus luteum, preparing the uterus for bearing the fetus: under its influence, the thickness of the endometrial layer increases and the production of cervical mucus is activated. The role of progesterone during pregnancy is invaluable: if fertilization has occurred, the corpus luteum continues to produce a hormone, thanks to which it becomes possible to implant the embryo into the uterine wall and carry the fetus as a whole. By relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus and genital tract, it prevents the onset of premature labor. Progesterone during early pregnancy reduces the risk of miscarriage. The hormone also stimulates the development of the mammary glands for future lactation, but suppresses it (lactation becomes possible after childbirth, when the level of progesterone falls).

This sex hormone also ensures skin health (it is because of a decrease in the level of progesterone in menopause that the skin condition worsens), sexual desire and is a "mediator" of the central nervous system, providing information transfer between neurons.

The role of the hormone by week of pregnancy

In the 1st trimester, the embryo goes through most of the critical periods of its development (periods during which the risk of termination of pregnancy is especially high). At 1 and 2 weeks, the embryo is implanted into the wall of the uterus. What's interesting: the first seven days coincide with menstruation and the woman cannot guess that she is pregnant. The hormone is normal these days.

At 3 weeks, the cells of the embryo are actively dividing, going through the stage of gastrulation (the formation of germ layers and axial organs). The "pregnancy hormone" is still normal.

Progesterone begins to rise slightly at 4 weeks of gestation. The embryo is still going through the gastrulation phase. It is during this period that the first signs of pregnancy begin to appear in women: delayed menstruation, nausea, mood changes.

At 5 and 6 weeks, the processes of histo- and organogenesis begin: internal organs are laid in the embryo, limbs begin to form, and the nervous system develops. The fifth week is characterized by a significant increase in the hormone - it ensures the preservation of pregnancy and the correct development of the fetus. Progesterone continues to rise at week 6.

At 7 and 8 weeks, the umbilical cord is already developed. At about 60 days, a "child's place" begins to form - the placenta, which produces hormones on its own, including the main "pregnancy hormone". Progesterone at the 7th week of pregnancy reaches 75 nmol / l, when in women not in position it can reach only 56 nmol / l.

From the 9th week, the reproductive system develops in the embryo. It is on these days that toxicosis appears.

10-12 weeks are characterized by the disappearance of toxicosis and the final restructuring of the mother's body. It becomes possible for the child to determine the blood group and gender. The growth of progesterone continues: its value ranges from 90 to 110 nmol / l.

13-14 weeks are final in the first trimester: most of the internal organs have already been formed, the body of the fetus produces its own hormones. The value of the hormone in the blood is increasing.

15-18 weeks: fetal heartbeat is heard, teeth develop. The development of the organs of hearing and vision continues. By the end of the 18th week, the formation of the fetal immune system ends. These days, the mother begins to feel the movements of the baby.

19-20 weeks: the fetus begins to swallow amniotic fluid, meconium accumulates in its intestines (waste products mixed with amniotic fluid, which will be excreted from the child's body after birth). The child distinguishes between the phases of the day, most of the time he sleeps. Progesterone in the second trimester is 3 times higher than in non-pregnant women, and reaches 190 nmol / l. From this point on, its main function is to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus to prevent premature birth.

21-24 weeks are characterized by the complete formation of the internal organs of the fetus. The lungs begin to produce surfactant (a substance that protects the lungs from collapsing during breathing), but there is still too little of it for birth, because the placenta continues to provide trophism to the fetus and the production of hormones that ensure the bearing of the baby.

At 25-26 weeks at the end of the second trimester, the fetal nervous system continues to form. Hearing is fully developed.

From the 27th week, the child is actively gaining weight. His brain continues to develop. The lungs continue to synthesize surfactant. The third trimester is considered the most difficult for the mother, as she has problems with the respiratory and circulatory systems.

From the 37th week, the fetus is considered to have completed its development. The child's weight reaches 3 kg. During this period, normal hormone levels are up to 500 nmol / l and above.

Indicators of luteal phase hormone in women

The level of progesterone is a temporary value: in the morning it can be one, and in the evening it can be different.

Its indicators change depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the timing of pregnancy and the state of the female body as a whole (the pathology of the adrenal glands can significantly affect the level of the hormone). Below are the values ​​for women of childbearing age (all information is given in nmol / L):

  • follicular phase - 0.3-2.2;
  • ovulatory phase - 0.5-9.4;
  • luteal phase - 7.0-56.6 (phases are determined by the days of the menstrual cycle).

Hormone levels by week during pregnancy

A blood test for progesterone by weeks of pregnancy is taken on an empty stomach: only purified water is allowed before blood sampling, and fatty foods should be excluded the night before. If the patient is taking any hormonal drugs, they should be stopped 2 days before the test. A blood test is performed by the method of immunofluorescence (RIF). This diagnostic method should be done if a hormonal imbalance is suspected; if there is an increased level, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

The growth of the hormone is observed throughout pregnancy, reaching its peak in the last weeks. Before childbirth, its level drops significantly, which serves as one of the signals for the onset of labor.

Progesterone during pregnancy, the norm by week (table, data are given in nmol / l):

Term (week) Indicators
1-2 38,15-57,8
5-6 59,1-69
7-8 64,8-75
9-10 73,1-88,1
11-12 92,1-110
13-14 96-127,2
15-16 124-177,1
17-18 111-189
19-20 121,7-187,8
21-22 140,6-220
23-24 188,9-247,1
25-26 197,2-277,8
27-28 251,2-340,9
29-30 270,2-326
31-32 323,1-402,8
33-34 336,3-381,4
35-36 321,7-433,1
37-38 356,1-468,1
39-40 421-546

Progesterone rates by week of pregnancy, given in other units of measurement (in ng / ml) (table):

Term (week) Indicators
1-2 12-18,2
5-6 18,6-21,7
7-8 20,3-23,5
9-10 23-27,6
11-12 29-34,5
13-14 30,2-40
15-16 39-55,7
17-18 34,5-59,5
19-20 38,2-59,1
21-22 44,2-69,2
23-24 59,3-77,6
25-26 62-87,3
27-28 79-107,2
29-30 85-102,4
31-32 101,5-126,6
33-34 105,7-119,9
35-36 101,2-136,3
37-38 112-147,2
39-40 132,6-172

The table of progesterone during pregnancy was given 2 times for a reason: if you received the results of the analysis in some units of measurement, and decoding in others (which happens extremely rarely), the calculation will not be difficult. In order to calculate the level of progesterone by weeks of pregnancy, there are some rules: you need to multiply the indicator in ng / ml by 3.1 and you will get a value in nmol / l, with which you need to compare progesterone by weeks of pregnancy from the table attached to the results of each analysis ... You don't even need a calculator to do this.

Does the level rise speak about even?

In a healthy woman, the level of the luteal phase hormone is increased after the period of ovulation (since this phase of the cycle has come) so that she can become pregnant, as well as when carrying a child directly. If a woman is not pregnant and has an increased production of this hormone, this may indicate an ovarian cyst, adrenal dysfunction, or cystic drift (a condition when an egg was fertilized by not one, but several sperm, or initially had a defective set of chromosomes). If progesterone is elevated during pregnancy, this indicates a pathology of the placenta (at the seventeenth week, the placenta becomes the main organ that produces progesterone, and this continues throughout the entire period of bearing the child).

When progesterone is lowered

A decrease in its indicator can be observed in any woman. In women who are not carrying a child, this condition is often observed when the second phase of the menstrual cycle is insufficient, during amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for a long time) or menopause. In pregnant women, a state of reduced hormone production can lead to the following consequences: a lack of progesterone in the first weeks of pregnancy poses a threat of miscarriage; since at 17 weeks the fully formed placenta becomes the main one for the production of progesterone, its lack during this period indicates the incorrect formation of the "child's place"; from 20 weeks - about a possible detachment of the placenta; in the 3rd trimester, this is a signal about prolongation of pregnancy (with this development of events, the placenta is aging and is no longer able to provide all the needs of the fetus, the child develops a deficiency in nutrients and oxygen).

Whatever the level of the hormone in your blood during pregnancy, any deviation can be adjusted with medication, which can only be prescribed by a competent gynecologist or endocrinologist. To do this, you just need to initially go through all the examinations.

A steroid hormone synthesized by the human endocrine system and affecting the performance of various processes in the body is called progesterone. It is present in both the male and female body. Progesterone is very important for the process of conception and the period of the entire period of pregnancy, and its deficiency can cause a disruption in the normal course of gestation.

Despite the fact that progesterone is a hormone inherent in both the male body and the female, it is still considered to be female. It is responsible for the regulation and normalization of the menstrual cycle, the process of conception, contributes to the development of your unborn baby, is responsible for relaxing smooth muscles, and prevents the appearance of uterine hypertonicity.

If the amount of progesterone in the body exceeds the norm, this does not cause any concern among doctors. But its lack in the body can lead to serious consequences, even as serious as the loss of a child.

Determining the presence of progesterone deficiency can be very difficult. This usually happens during the diagnosis and treatment of other diseases. However, infertility, irregular or absent ovulation, miscarriages, bloating, breast disease, and a drop in temperature may indicate a woman has progesterone deficiency.

Progesterone during pregnancy, what is it?

"Pregnancy hormone" - as it is also called, emphasizing the importance of progesterone. Its presence is necessary during conception, at the moment when the ovum is attached to the wall of the uterus. It affects the nervous system of a pregnant woman, prepares organs and systems for bearing a child for childbirth and breastfeeding.

If the ratio of progesterone in a woman's body is low, this may indicate the risk of termination of pregnancy, because it is he who is responsible for stimulating the growth of the uterus. It is he who prevents its premature reduction, prepares the immune system to prevent rejection of the fetus.

If progesterone levels are low, pregnancy can be terminated early.

The ovaries and adrenal glands are responsible for the production of progesterone. Its level in a healthy woman fluctuates. But when pregnancy occurs, fluctuations should be absent, and the degree of the hormone should correspond to the period.

The level of progesterone during pregnancy in the female body should increase in accordance with the duration of pregnancy. For each time period, doctors have established a certain rate. She is individual for every woman.

Table of the rate of progesterone during pregnancy by week

How to get tested for progesterone during pregnancy?

The progesterone level is determined by a blood test. If a woman at the beginning of pregnancy does not need to establish it (miscarriages, chronic diseases of the genital organs are not indicated in the medical record), then in the second half of the term, doctors strongly recommend that you take this analysis. This is necessary to diagnose the condition of the placenta and fetus.

Two days before the test, hormonal drugs are canceled. During the day, you should not smoke, do not strain, do not be nervous. The analysis is taken on an empty stomach.

Abnormalities: high and low progesterone during pregnancy

A reduced degree of progesterone during pregnancy may indicate a threat of miscarriage, a delay in intrauterine development of the fetus, or a non-developing pregnancy. In addition, this phenomenon indicates a post-term pregnancy or its complication. Also, a low level of this hormone may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

In the case when the degree of progesterone increases sharply, then this is no less dangerous: there may be violations in the placenta, with renal failure, problems with the activity of the adrenal glands, multiple pregnancies, etc.

Certain medications and hormones that a pregnant woman takes can also affect the test result - you should consult your doctor about this.

An analysis to determine the level of progesterone is a very important study of a woman, which helps to identify abnormalities in the development of the fetus and pregnancy in general, to prevent the consequences. Therefore, it is mandatory to take a blood test for the degree of progesterone in the second and third trimesters. Only a specialist can make any conclusions.

Signs and symptoms of a lack of progesterone during pregnancy?

There are several common reasons why progesterone deficiency can occur during pregnancy. Let's consider.
  1. When the functions of the placenta or corpus luteum are impaired, progesterone deficiency will not take long.
  2. If a girl has reached the age of puberty, and she does not ovulate, it is necessary to see a doctor - this may be the first signal of an illness.
  3. With prolonged pregnancy.
  4. Failure can also occur as a result of intrauterine growth retardation of the embryo.
  5. Unsuccessful abortion, hormonal imbalance are no less serious reasons for the appearance of a hormone deficiency.
  6. Recurrent significant uterine bleeding.
  7. In the case of a disturbed menstrual cycle, a woman must remember that such deviations require treatment. Otherwise, it will lead to progesterone deficiency.
  8. Kidney failure.
  9. Chronic diseases of the female reproductive systems of an infectious and inflammatory nature.
  10. Oncological diseases.
  11. Taking strong medications for a long period of time.

How to treat progesterone deficiency during pregnancy?

First of all, if you were able to diagnose progesterone deficiency, you need to immediately contact your doctor. Perhaps he will order additional tests for you. Treatment is selected taking into account your general health, gestational age, individual characteristics of the body. There is no single method, like a single panacea for progesterone deficiency.

Do not forget that this ailment is of great importance only in cases where there is a real threat of miscarriage in the period before the sixteenth or twentieth week. In this situation, you will need to undergo a second examination, pass urine, blood and vaginal smear tests, possibly some additional tests aimed at determining the content of progesterone in the blood.

Progestins are used to treat such cases. Most importantly, do not try to self-medicate, following the advice of progressive grandmothers from the yard and friends. Only you and your attending gynecologist can solve such problems.

Go through routine diagnostics, and do not forget to tell your doctor about the slightest deviations in the menstrual cycle. All this should happen even at the stages of pregnancy planning, then, having timely accepted treatment, you will be able to bear a healthy and strong baby.

How to normalize progesterone levels during pregnancy?

In the case when the degree of "pregnancy hormone" does not fit into normal indicators, the gynecologist prescribes therapy with hormonal drugs - these are, as a rule, pills and injections.

When the rate is severely lowered, the woman is urgently hospitalized to prevent termination of pregnancy.

After completing the full course of treatment, the pregnant woman can return to normal life, but do not forget to constantly monitor the level of progesterone until the very birth.

What is progesterone? It is a steroid hormone that is found in both the female and male body. This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands. But the female body is able to produce it and the ovaries. In addition, it is also known that the level of this hormone in women is much higher than in men. Especially it begins to rise during conception and fetal development, so progesterone has another name - "pregnancy hormone".

After ovulation and the release of the egg from the ovary, a corpus luteum is formed. It is it that produces progesterone so that a woman is ready to get pregnant every month. But if there is insufficient functionality of the corpus luteum at the first stage, then the hormone is injected every day or every other day until the risk of miscarriage completely disappears. In cases of spontaneous abortion, hormonal drugs can be taken up to the fourth month of pregnancy.

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    Delivery of analyzes

    The main task of progesterone is to protect pregnancy. He begins to adapt to the ovum so that it successfully anchors in the uterus. Also, progesterone lowers the contraction of the uterus, thereby saving a woman from miscarriage.

    Having learned about her pregnancy, a woman must definitely contact the female gynecology, where she will be registered and monitored over the course of pregnancy until the moment of childbirth. Naturally, during the entire period of pregnancy, you cannot do without a lot of tests. One of them is a progesterone test.

    The presence of progesterone in the female body is very important, but during pregnancy, its level should be much higher. This is especially important for the first trimester.

    Some rules for taking the analysis:

    • A couple of days before the tests, it is forbidden to take any medications, especially hormonal ones;
    • A few hours before the analysis, you must refrain from smoking;
    • After the last meal, at least 8 hours should pass, that is, the analysis must be taken on an empty stomach.

    All these nuances of pregnant women will be consulted by an observing doctor.

    Early indicators

    Progesterone during early pregnancy plays a very important role in conception, bearing a child and at the moment when the ovum is implanted into the uterine endometrium. Also, the general well-being of the pregnant woman, the state of the nervous system and the preparation of the body for childbirth and breastfeeding also depend on progesterone.

    Progesterone in early pregnancy is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. But at the same time, its level is unstable and changes periodically, adjusting to the situation. However, there should be no surges during pregnancy and the progesterone level should directly correspond to the current period.

    The longer the period, the higher the concentration of this hormone. It reaches its highest level towards the end of pregnancy.

    Hormone rate

    For the first two weeks, the body receives progesterone from the ovaries (1.5 ng / ml).

    During the third to fourth week, the ovaries begin to produce more progesterone (2 ng / ml and above). In other words, the inner layer of the uterus is stimulated and prepared for implantation of a fertilized egg. It is in the third week that this process occurs at some point, and the production of progesterone increases. Its level increases markedly from 2 ng / ml to 10-30 ng / ml literally the next day.

    During the fifth and sixth week, the hormone levels reach 30 ng / ml. From this period, the hormone begins to actively maintain the healthy state of the uterus, nourish the fetus and stimulate the growth of blood vessels and the work of the placenta.

    In the periods from the seventh to the fourteenth week, progesterone begins to be produced by the placenta, relieving the ovaries of this duty. Moreover, progesterone during pregnancy reaches a value of 15 to 60 ng / ml. Thanks to him, the muscles are gradually relaxed so that the body can easily succumb to the growth of the baby in the womb. In addition, it also reduces the risk of premature contractions early in pregnancy. If there is an increased progesterone during pregnancy at this stage, then this can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids, some abnormalities in the stomach, including indigestion, heartburn and constipation.

    Decrease symptoms

    If, after studying the analyzes, it is found that the body has low progesterone during pregnancy, then the doctor assesses this situation as an increased risk of miscarriage. It plays an important role in stimulating the growth of the uterus and preventing premature uterine contractions. If the concentration of the hormone is too low, then this increases the risk of spontaneous miscarriage.

    Causes of low progesterone levels can be associated with:

    • Delayed fetal development;
    • Non-developing pregnancy;
    • Ectopic pregnancy.

    These abnormalities may well explain the cause of low progesterone levels. However, there are also cases when progesterone decreases towards the end of pregnancy, but this usually happens if the pregnancy for some reason lasts more than nine months.

    In order to increase the content of progesterone in the blood, you can resort to the drug method. The doctor may prescribe one or more drugs:

    • Progesterone oil solution. It is applied at 10-30 mg every day or every other day until the risk of miscarriage disappears.
    • Ingesta is a solution that is injected in 0.5-2.5 ml of a 1% solution every day or every other day.
    • Utrozhestan - special progesterone capsules that are administered orally. It is recommended to take 400 mg by mouth every 8 hours. A maintenance dose is considered to be about 200 mg three times a day.
    • Duphaston - 10 mg is prescribed every 6 hours. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. The drug is used up to the fourteenth, maximum twentieth week of pregnancy.

    Of course, there are alternative methods of increasing the hormone of pregnancy, but the consequences can be very different and unexpected, so their use is based on a certain risk. Therefore, you can take various herbal infusions only after consulting a doctor.

    Certain diets can also increase your pregnancy hormone levels. It is necessary that a woman's diet contains legumes, dairy products, nuts, various types of meats, cheeses and eggs. And the most important thing is to try not to worry. After all, if a woman is worried and worried, then her child also worries with her.

    Whatever the result of the analysis of progesterone, you should not do something on your own and make hasty conclusions. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor and ask him all the exciting questions, and usually after that there is no reason to worry. There is no need to fear for the course of pregnancy, since the current level of medicine is able to normalize the level of hormones in order for the pregnancy to proceed successfully.

    Signs of excess substance

    The opposite situation may also occur, when, after examining the analyzes, an increased progesterone is found during pregnancy, but no special changes are observed. The reasons why it may be higher than normal may be:

    • Disturbances in the development of the placenta;
    • Renal failure;
    • Disorders in the adrenal glands;
    • Multiple pregnancy.

    Symptoms for high progesterone levels:

    • Rapid fatigue and persistent headaches;
    • Problems digesting food, which may be accompanied by heartburn or constipation;
    • Nausea;
    • The onset of flatulence;
    • Constant tiredness and sleepiness.

    You also need to know that in order to obtain the most accurate analysis results, it is necessary to take into account many factors that can distort the results. For example, taking certain medications may give the wrong result. And even after stopping the drug, some of the effects of the drugs may persist for two or even three months. Therefore, it is extremely important to inform the doctor who monitors the pregnancy.

    Progesterone for ectopic pregnancy

    The level of progesterone during pregnancy is an important component in the development of the embryo, its advancement and fixation in the uterus. However, there have also been cases when a woman may experience an ectopic pregnancy if the progesterone level is too low or too high.

    Studies state that if the hormone level in the blood does not exceed 5 nmol / l, an ectopic pregnancy is possible. But an excessive level can also cause this dangerous phenomenon. Therefore, as soon as there is a suspicion of such a pathology, a blood test is not enough, an ultrasound scan will also be needed.

    After diagnosis and confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment. In addition, the woman will be prescribed surgery.

    Several years ago, in cases of unsuccessful conceptions, doctors could diagnose infertility. However, today experts have learned to solve the problem of ectopic pregnancy with special progesterone preparations and, as a result, any woman can conceive, bear and give birth to healthy children.

    Despite the fears, you can be sure that the drug does not pose a threat to the expectant mother and her fetus. It does not negatively affect other hormones and does not replace them. The drug only increases their number. However, taking the drug should be prescribed only by a doctor, while taking into account contraindications.

    Methods for normalizing indicators

    Most often, when a low or high level of this hormone is detected, the doctor prescribes treatment with medications along with hormonal drugs.

    In some cases, with a critical hormone level, immediate hospitalization is required to prevent the possible threat of a miscarriage.

    In the course of treatment, careful monitoring of the general well-being of the patient is carried out, as mentioned earlier, there is a risk of fetal loss or premature and difficult birth.

    As soon as the hormonal background is normalized, a woman may well gradually return to normal life. But controlaboveprogesterone will continue until the time of delivery comes.

    Thanks to modern medicine, which can help to cope with a variety of problems that seemed insoluble before, a woman need not fear for the health of her unborn baby. Difficulties may not arise if she leads a healthy lifestyle, is attentive to her own well-being and does not worry about trifles.