Congratulation baptism postcard. Greeting card on video. Download congratulations on the baptism of the lord for free

One of the most important Orthodox holidays is the Epiphany of the Lord, which is celebrated on January 19. Many years ago, Jesus was baptized in the waters of the river Jordan.

Orthodox Christians inherit Jesus, and they perform the rite of immersion in water. Baptized water gives a person spiritual strength and purification. They also invite guests to the Epiphany, arrange fun and congratulate everyone with warm words.

If you do not have the opportunity to present congratulations to your friends and relatives in person, use the postcards in electronic form. This is the best way to show the addressee that they do not forget about him and want God's blessing. It only takes a couple of minutes to download and send postcards, but you can cheer up the recipient for the whole day.

In our selections you can find many graceful, warm and symbolic cards that are full of beautiful and sincere congratulations.

Every year more and more people join the habit of submerging in water. This ritual makes it possible to strengthen the body and soul, it is also a protection from adversity.

It is customary to design postcards using images of angels, Jesus Christ, the church and other Christian paraphernalia. The postcard, together with congratulations, brings a particle of the light of faith, which illuminates the path and gives the warmth of hope. Traditionally, it is customary to desire spiritual cleansing, faith and protection.

We present to your attention a collection of postcards that stand out among others with their beauty, light and correspond to the image of this holiday of light.

Postcards with congratulations in verse

If you can't meet all your friends and family, then you will definitely need a greeting card. Wishes written in poetic form are the best way to congratulate. Reading warm words in this form is pleasant to any person.

As a rule, congratulations are made out in 5-7 lines, they describe the most sincere words and feelings.

Congratulations in prose

Internet users love such postcards no less than others. You can do it yourself - just find a suitable picture and choose a graphic editor with which to add text.

And you can make it easier - download a ready-made postcard with the words of congratulations. For users who prefer the second option, we offer a selection of the best postcards with beautiful words.

Animation cards with congratulations

These unusual pictures of biblical characters stand out from others thanks to animation effects that attract attention with their depth, beauty and creativity.

Here are the original greeting cards. They are the best way to beautifully congratulate your relatives, friends and even colleagues.

Congratulations on the holiday in the "video" format

The words in congratulations on the arrival of this holiday have always been distinguished by their warmth and sincerity. Greeting cards in the "video" format will seem to you not only beautiful and original, they are also able to give a feeling of celebration thanks to the musical accompaniment along with the sound of poems and congratulations.

Greeting cards with the Baptism of the Lord are able to please the eye with incredibly bright colors, very touching scenes and plots. With our selection of greeting cards, you can always please the recipient with the best congratulations, give warmth and comfort.

One of the most important Orthodox holidays - the Baptism of the Lord has been celebrated in Russia since ancient times. For a long time, winter holidays are a time of fun, carols and fortune-telling. And Epiphany is a day of grace, purification and sincere wishes that touch the brightest notes in the soul. You can express them to relatives and friends with the help of a postcard with Epiphany 2018. We have selected beautiful postcards with the Baptism of the Lord on January 19 with congratulations and verses, which can be downloaded for free.

Postcards for January 19, 2018 with the church holiday of the Baptism of the Lord

It is believed that Jesus Christ, at a fairly mature age of thirty, was baptized on the Jordan River. At that moment, God said that Jesus is his beloved son, and the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a white dove. Since then, people have been celebrating a clean holiday, blessing the water in churches, swimming in the ice hole and exchanging good wishes. In order for the congratulations to be more atmospheric, postcards for January 19 with the church holiday of the Baptism of the Lord can be downloaded from our selection.

Options for beautiful cards for January 19, 2018 with the Baptism of the Lord

Beautiful cards with congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord free download

The good tradition of exchanging beautiful Epiphany postcards with elements of church symbols, images of a flying dove and snow-covered ponds has become fashionable relatively recently. Previously, they always said their congratulations orally on the way from the service. Now you can quickly and for free download beautiful postcards with congratulations and verses with the Baptism of the Lord. This option for sending wishes is suitable for those who are separated by distance. It is best to meet with loved ones and relatives at a gala dinner, sprinkling the house with a shrine.

Ideas of beautiful postcards for the Orthodox holiday of Epiphany with congratulations

Original postcards with the Baptism of the Lord on January 19, 2018 for free

After visiting the church on January 19 for Epiphany, it is customary to exchange kind words and wishes. On the way home from the church, you need to congratulate all your friends, and those people who, unfortunately, cannot meet in person, can send original postcards with the Baptism of the Lord on January 19 free of charge. Now we no longer have to wait at the post office, and in order to send wishes to our relatives, it is enough to send postcards over the Internet and add original words to them. So you can convey to people a piece of your joy, remind them of the bright traditions of the holy winter holiday.

Variants of original free postcards with the church holiday of Epiphany

Free postcards with the Baptism of the Lord with verses

For believers, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is associated with fun and laughter, icy frosty air and fresh water. Those who observe Orthodox traditions are waiting for this day in order to return from church with a feeling of pure joy, and, after praying, drink holy water. The Russian people from time immemorial celebrate this day in fun, carefree dressing up for Christmastide and swimming in icy reservoirs. For a modern person, it is important to have time to do a lot of things at the same time, so the priority is the speed and convenience of sending congratulations. Fortunately, now you can sincerely and cordially congratulate all your friends on the Internet. And you can find free postcards with the Baptism of the Lord with verses on our website.

Ideas of cards with the Baptism of the Lord with congratulations in verse

Postcards with the Orthodox holiday of the Baptism of the Lord with congratulations

On one of the most important Orthodox holidays, the Baptism of the Lord, it is customary not only to say wishes for family members, but also to send postcards with congratulations to friends and distant relatives. On church holidays, the emphasis is traditionally placed on the sphere of the human soul, therefore, in Baptism, one can emphasize the sensitivity of people, their decency, generosity and responsiveness. Postcards with the Orthodox holiday of the Baptism of the Lord with congratulations can be decorated with traditional Orthodox symbols, the image of a dove or an ice cross, which, according to an amazingly beautiful and great custom, is erected near an ice hole. The atmosphere of this design is given by the special shape of the ice-hole itself, in the form of a cross. It is no wonder that such a wonderful bathhouse looks marvelous on postcards and photographs, especially if there are candles in the decoration. You can find beautiful traditional postcards with blessed words from the depths of your soul and images.

Options for postcards for Epiphany on January 19, 2018 with congratulations

May the Epiphany postcards 2018 add a little warmth, and sincere wishes bring people happiness, blessing and hope. We wish that after downloading beautiful postcards with poems and congratulations for free for your loved ones and relatives, on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord on January 19, you would like to say as many kind words as possible to your loved ones.

The Baptism of the Lord (Epiphany) is one of the most revered and long-awaited church holidays. So, in 2018, Orthodox Christians are preparing to celebrate the celebration on January 19 - according to the calendar, this day falls on Friday. According to biblical legends, the history of the holiday dates back to the Baptism of thirty-year-old Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River. Those present during the performance of the Sacrament witnessed a real miracle - the Voice of God was heard from heaven, announcing that Jesus was His beloved Son and the Savior of the world. At that moment, everyone saw the Holy Spirit in the guise of a white dove descending upon the newly baptized one. Since then, believers began to inherit Jesus, carrying out the rite of baptism - translated from Greek, this word means "immersed in water." Thanks to the miraculous baptismal water, a person is purified from all sins and a new spiritual life is born. On such an important day, it is customary to have fun, visit, and also host relatives and friends. If it is not possible to meet with loved ones at the festive table, you can congratulate them with an original postcard or a bright picture. Here you will find the most beautiful postcards with the Baptism of the Lord-2018 with congratulation verses - just select a picture, download it for free and send it to your e-mail. Happy Epiphany and God's blessings to you!

Original postcards with the Baptism of the Lord on January 19, 2018

In the Christian church calendar, the feast of the Epiphany is considered the third most important after Christmas and Easter. In addition, the date of the celebration is timeless and falls on the same date every year - January 19. On this frosty winter day, all Orthodox people get a wonderful opportunity to spiritually cleanse themselves by plunging into an ice hole or simply washing themselves with holy water. Every year more and more believers join the ancient tradition of Epiphany bathing - it is believed that such a ritual helps to strengthen physical and mental health and protect from hardships. To congratulate family and friends, we have selected original postcards with the Baptism of the Lord-2018 depicting the characteristic scenes of the Old Testament associated with this Sacrament. The selected picture or postcard can be downloaded for free and sent for Epiphany in a "virtual" letter. Peace and grace to you!

A selection of original postcards

Beautiful postcards with the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord (free download for congratulations)

With the approach of the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the souls of believers are filled with light, joy and hope for the best. After all, it is no secret that baptismal water heals from diseases, gives strength, energizes with vigor and energy - it is enough to cross yourself three times, say "In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit" and plunge into the ice-hole. On such a great holiday, it is important to congratulate all relatives, friends and just good acquaintances - it is best to do this with the help of colorful postcards and pictures with poems and inscriptions in prose. We bring to your attention the most beautiful postcards with the Baptism of the Lord to download for free for congratulations on this wonderful light event.

Free greeting cards to download

Holiday cards with the Baptism of the Lord on January 19, 2018

On the eve of Epiphany, Epiphany Christmas Eve, each hostess prepares traditional lenten dishes, and with the rising of the first star, the whole family sits down for an evening meal. Since tradition, first of all, you need to say a prayer and taste sweet kutya - with honey, poppy seeds and nuts. The next day, January 19, believers are happy to treat themselves to delicious, quick meals, sharing the joy with family and friends. So, our collection contains the best holiday cards with Epiphany-2018 - such touching pictures will warm the heart on the frosty day. When sending a postcard to the Epiphany of the Lord, do not forget to add a few sincere words of congratulations "from yourself" personally. Happy Epiphany Holidays!

Collection of beautiful postcards

Postcards with the Orthodox Baptism of the Lord with verses

The feast of the Epiphany of the Lord-2018 is an excellent occasion to send a beautiful postcard with congratulations in verse to all relatives, friends and colleagues at work. If there is no opportunity to meet on January 19 and enjoy the light celebration together, our postcards with Orthodox Baptism with verses will definitely come in handy for free download to your computer. Any of the proposed postcard pictures will appeal to the believer and will remind you of an important event - the first Baptism of Christ in the waters of the Jordan.

Choosing a postcard with congratulations in verse

Video cards with beautiful congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord are always distinguished by extraordinary warmth and sincerity - give your loved one beautiful postcards on video. Undoubtedly, such a musical postcard will delight and set you in a festive mood, and you can enjoy the sound of poems and congratulations even after Epiphany.

Greeting card on video

So, postcards with the Baptism of the Lord-2018 delight the eye with bright colors and touching subjects - cute angels, winter landscapes, the image of Jesus Christ in the sacred Jordan River. How to download a beautiful postcard with verses for Epiphany on January 19 for free? With our original pictures you can always please the addressee with “virtual” congratulations on this bright church holiday. Good luck and happiness to you!

On January 19, the most revered feast of the year is the Epiphany of the Lord. The second name of this holiday is Epiphany. On this day, it is customary to swim in an ice-hole, washing off all sins from oneself, drink consecrated water, and of course, congratulate all Orthodox friends, relatives and friends on the holiday. Postcards with the baptism of the Lord on January 19 will help to congratulate you on the holiday in an original way and give a piece of your soul to the addressee.

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord fills the souls of people with good thoughts, love and peace. Beautiful postcards with the baptism of the Lord will make the holiday brighter and more fun. The image of Jesus Christ will help convey the whole atmosphere of the holiday and will be the best option when choosing a postcard. To baptize Jesus was the destiny of the Baptist John. Since then, all the main traditions on this holiday have been associated with water.

The feast of the Epiphany begins with Hungry Kutya or Epiphany Christmas Eve. This kind of Christmas Eve is very similar to Christmas Eve. Before the appearance of the first star, they did not eat, and the evening meal began with Kutia.

On January 19, it is customary to set the table on a grand scale. It is better to cook as many dishes of meat, poultry, cereals as possible. Traditionally, the liver is baked in the shape of a Cross the day before. If the cookies are successful, then the mistress of the house will be successful and grace in the coming year.

In addition to visiting the church on the feast of Epiphany, it is customary to swim in the ice hole. Water on this day has healing power and can heal not only bodily diseases, but also spiritual ones. If you wash children with blessed water, they will grow healthy and strong, and if girls wash with such water, they will be beautiful. It is customary to sprinkle holy water on all corners and dark places in the house. This procedure will cleanse the room and get rid of evil spirits.

To stock up on Epiphany water for the whole year, you can leave the collected water in containers open at night, and such water will be considered healing, or you can go with your water to the church, where the priest will consecrate it. On the day of Epiphany, as well as on the eve in the churches, long queues line up from those wishing to consecrate the water and pray.

You can also consecrate the water on the evening of January 18th. Such water will be called Jordanian, and will also have healing powers.

Epiphany and Jordanian water has healing power all year round. It helps with diseases, evil eyes, damage and desecration, soothes children.

Recently, it has become common to send holiday greetings via social media and emails. Pictures with the baptism of the Lord on January 19 will help fill the words of congratulations with colors and transfer the recipient of the congratulations to a special atmosphere. When choosing congratulations, it is advisable to select sincere words, pleasant wishes and colorful images of Jesus Christ, angels, an ice hole and beautiful winter nature.

Whichever postcard is chosen, and what image will be applied on it, does not matter so much, the main thing is that the congratulations are sincere, sincere and from a heart filled with love.

Epiphany is one of the most significant and revered religious holidays. In 2017, the entire Christian world will celebrate it on January 19. On this day, bells will ring in churches, cathedrals and temples, and priests will hold solemn services, praising the great event - the Baptism of the Lord.

Those people who can in no way be called zealous champions of religion are also treated with respect to the light celebration. They send each other congratulations in verse and prose for Epiphany, send their friends and family festive SMS and beautiful, short texts with kind, sincere and sincere wishes.

Young people also keep up with the older generation. Even students and schoolchildren honor the bright day of Epiphany and give their classmates and classmates funny congratulations and colorful cards with bright thematic pictures on this blessed holiday. Each person, young and old, is imbued with the atmosphere of a wonderful, good holiday and experiences the Baptism of the Lord in the most joyful and lofty feelings.

Cards and congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord 2017

The most touching and inspirational congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord 2017 are dedicated to close friends, acquaintances and relatives. It is appropriate here to memorize a few beautiful verse couplets or come up with your own text of congratulations in prose and pronounce the selected words at the right moment. But you can approach the issue with imagination and pick up bright and catchy congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord 2017 for dear people. For older people, classic postcards depicting a church scene of Baptism are suitable. Young people will definitely like the baptismal greetings written on postcards with winter landscapes, cute snow-covered churches and other subjects that do not have exclusively religious significance. Children will be delighted with a few words of Epiphany greetings printed on postcards with angels, forest animals, Christmas tree decorations and traditional characters of folklore.

Postcards with congratulations are usually presented to friends, relatives and acquaintances on the eve of Epiphany in person, supplementing them with the most sincere and warm wishes, sent by mail in bright, colorful envelopes or posted on pages in popular social networks. Such pleasant and touching signs of attention resonate in every soul and make even the most severe and restrained hearts, usually not prone to sentimentality, become a little softer and kinder.

Baptism 2017 - funny short SMS congratulations in verse

When good friends, close relatives and old friends live in other cities or even countries, communication is difficult due to natural life circumstances. But on solemn and significant days, people forget about the problems and difficulties with communication and look for any opportunities to convey congratulations to each other and remind loved ones about themselves.
Someone on a significant day, according to tradition, calls relatives and on the phone says the kindest, most sincere and friendly congratulations dedicated to the bright Christian event - the Baptism of the Lord. Others limit themselves to sending friends short cool SMS congratulations on Epiphany in verse and in this way make dear people experience joyful, bright and vivid emotions associated with the holiday.

In addition, SMS congratulations on the day of Epiphany are sent to colleagues at work, business partners, clients, classmates and classmates, former colleagues and even neighbors at the entrance. Despite the fact that these people do not belong to the closest circle of friends, it will be more than pleasant for them to receive SMS congratulations for Epiphany. And if you add congratulations with good wishes for love, happiness and family well-being, then distant acquaintances will feel your warm feelings even across a distance and will remember this small, but very sincere and touching sign of attention for a long time.

Congratulations on the holiday of Epiphany,
I wish the best for your family
To celebrate how this day should be,
Despite the hustle and bustle.

In the family I wish you light and love,
With friends of kindness and understanding,
Find solutions in Baptism,
So that the Lord appreciated your efforts.

Open something new for the holiday,
And the charge in full, power, get it,
Let the Epiphany water touch you
And longing with sadness - chase away.

Beautiful congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord 2017 for relatives in verse

The most beautiful and tender congratulations on Epiphany 2017 are dedicated to the closest, dear relatives, family members and loved ones. They can be sent as an SMS to your phone, but it is best, of course, to memorize the congratulation and say beautiful words at the moment of a personal meeting. Such an unexpected performance will make an indelible impression on any person and will cause the most pleasant and joyful emotions on the day of Epiphany.

People of the older generation will really like the poetic congratulations on Epiphany 2017. Grandmothers, grandfathers, elderly aunts and uncles will be very happy that young people honor Christian traditions and respect the wonderful, pious and bright holiday of Epiphany.

A sacred holiday has come
Our Lord is baptized,
On this holy water night you
You will give up all your sins!

Feel free to plunge into the hole
You are with your head today
Gain strength, health
You are in icy water!

Once upon a time God
Cleansed our land,
Water is purgatory
Blessings bowl!

Let us be cleansed by prayer!
Let's wash with water!
Let's start our dinner tonight
Hungry booze.

All thoughts are good,
From now on we will have
For righteous thoughts
Christ will not forget us!

It's cold January outside
Frost is bursting outside the window
That you don't look free
Freeze your nose right away.

And today is such a holiday
Look where you don't look
That different people are in a hurry,
Plunge into the Jordan.

Plunge into the water boldly
All will be healed,
The spirit and body will be tempered,
Baptism is in the yard!

Funny congratulations on the feast of the Epiphany 2017

People with extraordinary thinking try to approach all issues creatively, and even on such a holiday as the Baptism of the Lord, they find funny, perky, mischievous and cool congratulations for friends and acquaintances. They are cheerfully and with expression recited aloud at corporate parties or intimate office gatherings dedicated to the Epiphany holiday, sent in the form of SMS or MMS messages to the phones of business partners and clients and write on colorful thematic postcards, and then sent by mail to relatives and friends in other cities and countries. Funny, joyful and a little frivolous lines cause a kind smile in everyone who reads or hears them and create a festive mood in their souls.

Epiphany -
Our sacred holiday,
Everyone rejoices, good ones,
There is a quiet courage in my soul.

From love to neighbors
My head is spinning
Good luck everyone
God keep them forever!

Don't yawn at baptism
Dip your body into the water
So that until the new baptism
The sensations remained.

Let the song play in your heart
It will be hot in my soul
And baptism with interest,
You will celebrate in the family.

Orthodox greetings in verse with the Baptism of the Lord for believers

A deeply religious person who sacredly reveres the traditions and customs of Orthodoxy should not send sms of a cool nature or hand over postcards with a frivolous image on the day of the Baptism of the Lord. Signs of attention of this kind will not raise the mood, but rather, they will offend the most reverent and lofty feelings of a convinced Christian. It is better to choose for such a friend or relative a beautiful congratulation on Baptism in verse, memorize it and recite it aloud, for example, in the morning when the faithful returns from the festive church service. Such a manifestation of attention and respect for the religious aspects of life will be enthusiastically accepted by a believer and will make the relationship between you more cordial and trusting.

On the bright holiday of Epiphany
Ask God for forgiveness
He is merciful and hears everyone in the world,
After all, both adults and children honor him.
He will save you from any trouble
It will bring both peace and joy to your house.

Epiphany, an ancient rite ...
Everyone is happy to congratulate on the event.
The frost is strong in Epiphany,
Let him not give a reason to hang up his nose.
Let the water wash the body
May all diseases go away forever
Thoughts, soul, will become light,
Your life will be good too!

They say the sky opens up on this night
You can even think of whatever you want.
On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, the bells will ring,
All will be blessed from great to small!
Let the water cleanse the soul, resurrect faith in the heart,
And the Lord will hear us all and forgive us for mistakes

Beautiful and touching congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in prose

A beautiful congratulation in prose is a universal holiday greeting that sounds appropriate in any situation and is well received by every person, regardless of age and social status. On Epiphany, congratulations in prose for family and close friends are usually said in the simplest and most sincere words, without resorting to too sophisticated and pretentious phrases. Dear people should feel your utmost sincerity and sincere impulse. On the day of the Epiphany of the Lord 2017, this will be the best and most pleasant gift for them. If you are embarrassed when speaking in public and do not like it too much when the whole family looks only at you, you can write the words of congratulations on Epiphany on colorful thematic postcards and give each of your family and friends in a more intimate atmosphere.

In no case should we forget about those who are at work or away on a holiday. These people need to call by phone or send a short cool SMS congratulations on Epiphany and supplement it with good wishes. Let the loved ones feel that, despite the distance, they are remembered and loved very much.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the Baptism of the Lord! What can you wish for? Let your love warm your loved ones, your smile inspires that everything will be fine, and you will not hear sad or rude words from your lips. Let the joy of life become your queen and success the king! Let gossip, envy and misunderstanding pass by!

Today is the greatest, divine holiday - the Baptism of the Lord! I sincerely want to wish you only the best, joy, many happy moments, luck, excellent mood! On this day, pray to God and ask him for health for yourself and your loved ones, and may your faith grow stronger every day!

I congratulate you on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, and although this is a holy feast, I wish you quite material things. After all, we are just people and do not pretend to be saints ... So, let you have a lot of money, a luxurious car and a villa on the seashore. Believe me, in this situation there will be love, and there will be enough money for health too!