Chamomile wishes templates ready to print. Gift with a daisy of wishes. Materials for making

Probably, everyone is familiar with the situation when a dear person - mom, dad, beloved husband, sister, girlfriend or friend - wants to say so many warm wishes that words are not enough :)

We offer to use our templates to make an original gift - a flower of wishes. The materials can be downloaded for free at the following link:


The photo shows the step-by-step process of making a wish flower. The petal templates with wishes are printed on a black and white printer, and the core is made of colored paper. The diameter of the resulting flower is 23.5 cm.

The materials contain instructions for making a flower and templates for 80 petals with the following wishes:

Excitement in all matters!

Cloudless happiness!

Priceless taste of life!

Well-being in everything!


Great success!


Faith in good!

Feelings exciting the soul!

Magic sunrises!

Delightful sunsets!


Daring plans!

Kindness and tenderness!


Wealth in everything!

Sincere warmth!

Peace of mind!

Desires to go forward!

Love of life!

Great friends!

Interesting conversations!

Interesting acquaintances!

Fulfillment of dreams!

Comfort and coziness!

Beauty and youth!

Career growth!

Good health!

Travel around the world!

Easy attitude to life!

Maximum of positive!

Material well-being!

Peaceful sky overhead!


Perseverance and perseverance!

Of real friends!

Don't worry about trifles!

Inexhaustible energy!

No boring everyday life!

Never lose heart!

Fire and enthusiasm!


Have a great mood!

Excellent shape!

Understanding your uniqueness!

Support of loved ones!

Have a nice surprise!

Excellent health!

Nice people around!

Have a nice surprise!


Joy and smiles!



Family well-being!

Shining sun!

Fabulous moments!



Creativity and creation!

Warm relationships with loved ones!

Respect for others!


Enjoy communication!

Good luck in all your endeavors!

Smiles of Fortune!

Good luck in job!

Cozy home!

Fantastic luck!

Fireworks of emotions!

Financial well-being!

Good films and books!

Smile more often!

Sense of humor!

Have a wonderful mood!


Ample opportunities!

100 words of wishes ... Chamomile with wishes. Gift decoration.

May your holiday be wonderful
good afternoon!
And not a hundred, but a million wishes will come true !!!

1. Cloudless happiness!
2. Good health!
3. Understanding and warmth!
4. A clear smile!
5. Bright destiny!
6. Fresh wind!
7. Glory and recognition!
8. Fantastic luck!
9. Kindness and tenderness!
10. Crystal hopes!
11. Self-confidence!
12. Great mood!
13. Warm attitude of others!
14. Great success!
15. Optimism!
16. Attentions and concerns!
17. Enjoy your life!
18. Enjoy your discoveries!
19. Wonderful friends!
20. Fulfillment of desires!

21. Eternal youth!
22. Sensitivity!
23. Have more free time!
24. Magic sunrises!
25. Great meetings!
26. Faith in good!
27. Comfort and coziness!
28. Shining sun!
29. Maximum of positive!
30. Not boring everyday life!
31. Interesting ideas!
32. Feelings of flight!
33. Fascinating memories!
34. Rainbow Dream!
35. Gifts + and more!
36. Beautiful feelings!
37. Bright sensations!
38. Interesting conversations!
39. Nice people around!
40. Understanding and support!
41. Good luck in all your endeavors!
42. Easy attitude to life!
43. Amazing surprises!
44. Amazing sunsets!
45. Great news!
46. \u200b\u200bTravel around the world!
47. Prosperity!
48. At home, where they love and wait!
49. Sense of humor!
50. Nice minutes!
51. Kind words!
52. Well-being!
53. Selfless friendship!
54. Inspiration!
55. Cheers!
56. Stability!
57. Creativity and creation!
58. Lots of great fun!
59. Important and welcome events!
60. Love of life!

61. Love!
62. Good health!
63. Fulfillment of all desires!
64. Have a good mood!
65. Peace of mind!
66. Well-being in everything!
67. Prosperity!
68. Good luck in your work!
69. The joys of life!
70. Real friends!
71. Fabulous moments!
72. Accomplishments!
73. Opportunities to relax more often!
74. Understanding your uniqueness!
75. Daring plans!
76. Excellent shape!
77. Active and busy days!
78. Blooming gardens and birdsong!
79. Only happy occasions!
80. Wisdom and experience!
81. Mental beauty!
82. As much money as you want!
83. Clear sky!
84. Smiles of Fortune!
85. Fire and enthusiasm!
86. Fascinating communication!
87. Good films and books!
88. Excellent health!
89. Persistence and perseverance!
90. Desires to go forward!
91. Affectionate song of the surf!
92. Respect!
93. All the best - and for the highest class!
94. Fireworks of emotions!
95. Happy and tasty feasts!
96. Priceless taste of life!
97. Caress and care!
98. Ample opportunities!
99. Longevity!
100. Have a wonderful holiday!

Author: Lucia

Tatiana Profyeva

For my birthday I decided to make postcard do it yourself as a gift. Very lightweight and simple.


cardboard for the base,

stencils of words, poems, inscriptions,

felt-tip pens,

colored paper,

decoration (butterflies, flowers).

Stroke work:

First of all, I prepared the base - I glued colored paper to the embossed cardboard. This was done for beauty, since the cardboard on one side is gray. And for durability. Then she bent the base in half and cut off the sharp corners, giving the shape of the future postcard.

Then, putting the blank aside, I got busy with the inner filling. For this felt-tip pens casually painted the inscriptions, and also made contrasting edging along the edge. The inscriptions are taken from the vastness of the Internet. Alternative could serve: poems or congratulations.

Then I laid out the prepared blanks on the base. I didn't like one of the inscriptions, it turned out to be small, I had to replace it.

After replacement, I liked the folded composition and glued it.

It's time to issue postcard... For this I took the inscription "Happy Birthday!" and chamomile with wishes. Master class and stencil for"Chamomile with 100 wishes"can be found on the Internet. To a greater extent, it is used as decoration for gift wrapping. I decided to make it the main one in my postcard... Applying, looking, gluing.

It seemed to me that there was a lack of clarity and separation in the inscription. I circled the inscription felt-tip pen... All, postcard ready.

Such postcard can be made as a gift for "Mother's Day" or "March 8". I think the kids in the kindergarten can handle it. You just have to do it in advance chamomile... Difficulties can arise with it, during assembly, since there are many petals. Or make it easier by simply reducing the number of petals themselves.

Thanks for your attention! I hope it will be useful to someone.

This detailed DIY paper craft workshop with a photo and description will teach you how to make a daisy with wishes.

This detailed DIY paper craft workshop with a photo and description will teach you how to make a daisy with wishes.

And such an original gift can be a do-it-yourself paper craft - this is such a bright daisy flower with wishes that each petal carries. Moreover, special skills are not required to create it.
To work on a souvenir, we need: - five sheets of colored office paper of different colors (this chamomile is made of blue, yellow, pink, orange and green paper), - scissors or a stationery knife, - glue stick, - double-sided tape, - a small piece cardboard, - silk ribbon, - half beads or rhinestones, - templates. For wishes on a camomile, you can use ready-made templates with inscriptions. Or come up with congratulations and wishes yourself, which will be very personal and sincere for the birthday person.

2 flower templates should be placed on one A4 sheet.
We print them and cut out with the tool we are used to (scissors or a knife). It turns out 10 blanks for future chamomile. The flower petals must be bent up much.
Now they should be connected together. To do this, cut out a circle of cardboard, the diameter of which will be slightly less than the diameter of the center of the flower.
First, we attach a silk ribbon to it, which can be used as a pendant. We use double-sided tape for this. Then we begin to glue the blanks layer by layer so that the petals are staggered. We additionally coat the places near the tape with glue.
As a result of our actions, we get such a multi-layered chamomile with an empty center, which can be decorated with a small origami flower. To do this, we cut out 8 squares with a side of 3.5 - 4 cm from the remains of colored paper.
And we make a petal module. We fold the square along the diagonals, then turn it over and outline the middle line.
Using the resulting folds, fold the workpiece into a shape called a "double triangle".
And bend up both edges of one of the sides. The petal is ready!
In total, you need to make 8 pieces.
We connect and glue the petals in a circle.
And we glue the resulting flower into the center of our chamomile, decorating the middle with a large rhinestone.
And our flower, on the petals of which 108 unique wishes are located, is ready!
It turned out to be very bright, positive and really summer!
And such an original souvenir will surely cause joy and a kind smile!
And the wishes written on its petals can be used as toasts at the festive table.


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