Themselves a beautiful bouquet of roses. The most beautiful bouquets of flowers in the world: description, composition and features

Bouquets of garden flowers

Cool wedding bouquets (paper, knitted ....)

Such paper roses are made, by the way, very simply, a minimum of time. But how effective. Flowers made of paper in general can sometimes amaze more than even an outlandish orchid.

How to extend the life of a bouquet

How beautiful and expensive the presented bouquet! But, unfortunately, very often, the beauty of the presented flowers is short-lived. A photo of flowers, alas, is not very encouraging. If you want your flowers in a vase to stay fresh and beautiful for a long time, then a few tips, which will be discussed in the article, will help you with this.

Surely you know that flowers need to be re-cut before putting them in a vase.

Split gladioli, chrysanthemums and roses with a knife.

Dry the sticky juice of dahlias and peonies for several minutes over an open fire.

Often ordinary tap water is poured into a vase, from which the flowers die within a few days. It is better to use filtered or settled water.

The presented bouquet will be fresh much longer if you pour a special additive for flowers into the water. Buy it in a flower shop, dilute it with water and admire the bouquet for much longer.

Roses will be fresh for a week if the water in the vase is changed every day, having previously cooled a few degrees.

But for carnations, it’s better to heat the water to 20 degrees Celsius and dissolve an aspirin tablet.

For lilacs and tulips, add sugar to the water .

Daffodils secrete poisonous substances that kill other flowers, so they are good in mono-bouquets.

Wrapped in a wet towel and put in the refrigerator, a pre-purchased bouquet of roses will be just as fresh the next day.

From a bouquet of roses dear to your heart that has begun to fade, make a herbarium as a keepsake. Take the flowers out of the vase and hang them upside down. Dried roses will retain their original shape for a long time.

A beautifully composed bouquet of country or wild flowers can be a real gift for a loved one and tell him about the depth of feelings. Country flowers can be used to create unique masterpieces of floral art.

Flowers growing on your site are perfect for compiling: asters, chrysanthemums, dahlias, roses, hydrangea, echinacea, gladiolus, daisies and many others. It is enough to take 2-3 varieties of flowers.

They must:

  • vary in flower size
  • be different in stem height,
  • harmoniously combined in color or in theory).

The color scheme can be:

  1. contrast,
  2. monochrome,
  3. identical.

So, when compiling a contrasting bouquet, it is necessary to use 2-3 flowers of contrasting shades, for example, orange and purple.

In monochrome, flowers of the same color scheme should be present.

And a bouquet of plants of the same color implies the presence of related colors: for example, yellow, orange and red.

It is not necessary (unless you are a professional) to mix exotic with simplicity. For example, roses will not look harmonious with wildflowers. Cornflowers and chamomile are best combined with spikelets, but not with roses.

A bouquet will look more attractive if it combines closed buds and flowers that have already blossomed.

In the center should be placed the tallest flower, which will make up the "core". It can be a large rose, a gladiolus, or a sunflower. It is necessary to surround the “main” flower with smaller and more delicate flowers.

Each flower must be clearly visible, for this the flowers must be placed at different heights. Flowers in a bouquet should be placed freely, they should look natural, and not knocked into one shapeless pile.

You can complement the bouquet with cereals, fan palm twigs, fruit plants (apple, rowan), gypsophila or fern, and even matching artificial flowers made of paper.

To preserve the beauty for a long time, you need to take care of the flowers: change the water in the vase daily and trim the flower stems.

Fresh flowers are one of the most important components of any solemn holiday. Beautiful bouquets and arrangements can be both just a present and a stunning fresh decoration for any solemn interior. Lilies, roses, daisies, orchids, chrysanthemums - they are all beautiful, bright, unique creatures, and if you combine them wisely, you can create the most beautiful bouquets of flowers in the world using the floral art technique.

A bit of history

Flowers have served as an element of decor and design since ancient times. They add notes of freshness, comfort and amazing aroma. They can decorate both the room and the attire, hairstyles, transport and much more. Naturally, tastes and wishes have changed over time, but the custom of congratulating with bouquets of fresh flowers has remained to this day. There is a science that deals with the study and harmonious composition of bouquets, which is called floristry.

The most beautiful bouquet of flowers in the world

One of the most difficult and at the same time exciting questions: what treasure is recognized as the best bouquet in the world? For a long time, connoisseurs of beauty tried to impose the opinion that the most beautiful bouquets of flowers in the world for a loved one are necessarily insanely expensive.

In this regard, breeders have been poring over the creation of new plant varieties for many years, which they deliberately bred, resorting to expensive manipulations. The species that appeared were very valuable and quickly became fashionable and popular as everyone wanted to accept the best bouquet in the world.

What do the most beautiful bouquets of flowers look like? Their composition may include tulips, mimosa, irises, daffodils, roses and many other varieties. What is the basis for choosing the best one? There is an opinion that the most beautiful bouquets of flowers in the world are those that give the highest aesthetic pleasure.

Lack of beauty templates

For example, few people will be left indifferent by a weighty bouquet of rainbow roses. In appearance, these flowers seem unnatural, they are so colorful. And the secret is hidden in amazing art - in the skill of mixing diverse tones. This is how the most beautiful bouquets of flowers in the world are obtained, the composition of which is striking in its uniqueness and originality.

To find such a flower shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, breeders had to divide the stem into many channels. On them, a white rose absorbs water dyed with various dyes and eventually becomes iridescent.

Record holder: the largest and most beautiful

It's time to show the most beautiful bouquet of flowers in the world, the description of which we present in our article. The bouquet of 13 thousand 777 flowers is rightfully considered the most luxurious among those presented to this day. One guy in love presented it to his soul mate. In appearance, it was created in the form of an Egyptian pyramid. Its parameters: 15 m in height, area - 800 sq. m. And the weight of this beauty was 42 tons. If you were also inspired by such an act, you must remember: when you decide to present the most beautiful bouquets of flowers in the world to your beloved, find out what specific flowers she prefers!

plush bouquet

When it comes to bouquets, in our imagination we immediately create a composition of natural flowers for ourselves. But few people know that compositions can be made not only from them. It can also be a bouquet of plush toys. Today, such gifts are considered fashionable and unusual. With the talent of the compiler, they can be classified as the most beautiful. Very often they are given for birthdays or presented on a romantic date. Plush bouquets made from Teddy bears look especially bright and colorful. For such compositions, toys of various colors are selected, decorated with tulle, feathers, ribbons, beads, and artificial flowers. Bouquets of mice and cats look incredibly cute.

fruity bouquet

The composition of fruits is extraordinary and original. Quite often, they used to decorate the table with it during special occasions. The design and composition of such a masterpiece directly depends on the imagination of the one who decided to make a delicious bouquet. Figuratively cut fruits, berries are used, which are put on skewers. Sometimes they are drizzled with chocolate or creamy chocolate icing. In addition, pineapple bouquets are practiced. Bouquets of sweets are also popular - they can be used as an interesting gift and as decoration for a festive table.

The best wedding bouquet

Among the usual wedding ones, one can distinguish the most unique and beautiful, collected from ribbons, brooches, precious stones, rhinestones. The first bouquet for a young bride of rhinestones and brooches was made in America by a family firm, and now this fashion has spread all over the world. They can also use hairpins with rhinestones, beads. Bouquets of ribbons are created from satin ribbons of a wide variety of shades. Its huge advantage is that it will live forever, will never wither, will not lose its bright colors, it can be stored for a long time.

Beautiful top 5 best

  1. The rose is rightfully considered the queen among flowers, which is why roses are often taken to decorate solemn and wedding bouquets. These flowers are so versatile that they are combined with completely different plants and given to both women and men. They make compositions of any size and type. A bouquet of 100 scarlet roses will captivate the heart of any lady. Wedding versions will be attractive to brides.
  2. Lilies honorably stand in 2nd place after roses. Often they are taken for the composition of wedding bouquets, since white is a symbol of purity and innocence. However, our world dictates its own rules, and more and more brides are turning to pink, yellow, red and even blue shades.
  3. Orchids are constant competitors of lilies for a place in wedding bouquets. These delicate flowers symbolize sophistication, tenderness, natural beauty and wealth. A bouquet of them speaks of the wisdom and innocence of their mistress. Pink will tell about tenderness and playful character, red - about insane passion, and blue - about devotion and generosity.
  4. Freesia - spring flowers, have a large number of shades. There are white, yellow, red, blue, purple and purple varieties. Freesia bouquets are a symbol of complete trust and good intentions, which is why these compositions are usually presented at engagements or wedding celebrations.
  5. Gerberas - colorful sunny flowers, are among the top most popular when composing bouquets. They look great in different combinations and are suitable for absolutely every celebration. Moreover, when cut, they remain fresh for up to a week.

Until now, there is no competition in the world where florists would officially compete in the art of composing flower arrangements. Therefore, we can talk about the most beautiful bouquets according to the descriptions of eyewitnesses. But it is worth mentioning the most expensive flowers that can decorate any celebration. Breeders have been working on them for many years, and the cost of unique plants is estimated at tens of dollars. This is the Shenzhen Nongke orchid, "Kinabalu gold" and a flower with delicate pink clusters - medinilla.

Rose - the collective name of varieties and species of representatives of the genus Rosehip grown by man (lat. Rosa ). As a result of selection through numerous crosses and selection, most of the varieties of roses were obtained.

Russian name rose, wild rose, erysipelas, rozhan, ruzha through German Rose was taken from Latin rosa , which is borrowed from the ancient Greek language rhodon - rosewood. Armenian - vard - rose. Prairan - *ṷṛda-. And Persian. Gul is a rose. In Russian, dog rose hips are gulyaf, gulyaf water, rose water. The initial meaning of the word is borrowed from the New Persian ‎ guläb - rose water, gul - rose and äb - water. Azerbaijani guläbi - fragrant essence.

Roses were first grown in ancient Rome. Herodotus in the 5th century BC describes the gardens of King Midos in Macedonia and describes a double rose. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, gardening moved to the monasteries. In the garden of the Bishop of Eichstedt, 21 varieties of roses grew in the 17th century. They were brought from the east to Europe via Constantinople. Many varieties of terry park roses come from the Gallic rose Rosa gallica, common in France (Gaul).

AT Roses were first scientifically described by the ancient Greek naturalist, botanist and philosopher Theophrastus. He gave a description and detailed description of roses and substantiated the methods of their reproduction and cultivation.

The shape of the bush is from sprawling to narrow pyramidal. Height from 30 to 90 centimeters. Whip-like creeping - from 2.5 to 6 meters in length.

Roses are thermophilic, but varieties growing in a harsh climate are bred. Roses grow in well-fertilized soil with a neutral reaction with good watering.

Holidays are a great occasion to have fun, take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In addition, holidays are almost always gifts! Undoubtedly, it is very pleasant to receive surprises and various pleasant little things from relatives and friends. A gift that will always be relevant and that every girl and woman will like is a huge bouquet of roses.

Rose is the queen of flowers. She is popular all the time. Her beauty is inexhaustible, and the pleasant aroma is simply dizzying. You will definitely not lose if you decide to give your beloved girlfriend, wife, relative, friend or colleague a huge bouquet of roses. You can be sure that your gift will impress and be remembered for a long time.

When composing a bouquet, it is important to take into account the number of flowers, their color, shape and type of buds. Look great in a bouquet of roses with the same shape and size of buds.

Since ancient times, there has been a so-called "language of flowers", with which you can convey feelings and any messages. Roses have their own language and symbols.

White roses have always been considered a symbol of innocence and purity. They express sincere, pure, strong and true love. According to the myths of various peoples, all roses in ancient times were white and, over time, blushed from a kiss and turned purple from blood. A huge bouquet of white roses is a wonderful gift for the fair sex of any age. White roses are often given as wedding gifts. In addition, the bride's bouquet is often made up of white roses.

They symbolize love, loyalty and respect. Scarlet roses are given to people who are admired and loved. A fully opened red rose bud is nothing more than a declaration of passionate, strong love that knows no boundaries. A slightly opened scarlet bud speaks of tender, quivering feelings. A huge bouquet of red roses looks very impressive and elegant. You can present this as a gift to a person whom you love very much and passionately, to a person without whom you cannot imagine life.

It symbolizes sympathy, gratitude, a sense of admiration and tender emotions. Pink roses are a sign of hidden love. They also symbolize sophistication and elegance. The bud also affects the meaning of the hidden message. Fully blossomed rose buds are presented to people from whom they want complete trust. Unopened pale pink buds express sympathy.

The number of roses in the bouquet also plays an important role in the meaning of the gift. One red rose has long been a declaration of love. A huge bouquet of roses, of course, expresses special gratitude. Twelve roses are given as a sign of respect, love and gratitude. Twenty-five is a great holiday gift. Fifty roses symbolize eternal love.

A huge bouquet of roses is an exquisite, chic gift that any woman will appreciate. This is a universal present that will not look trite and will never lose its relevance. With a bouquet of roses, you can express your feelings and add happiness, sparkle and