The old cat pees with blood. Blood in the urine of a cat, is there a reason for alarm? Clinical signs of the disease

The trouble does not come alone: \u200b\u200bfeline cystitis often occurs in tandem with urethritis, and the symptoms of both disorders are equally severe. They differ in localization: the first sore targets the bladder mucosa; the second attacks the inner lining of the urethra, or urethra.

Where do both misfortunes come from and how to protect your pet from them? The answers to these troubling questions are from connoisseurs and lovers of furry creatures.

According to veterinarians, cystitis does not spare anyone from the cat family: individuals of all breeds of different ages are susceptible to it. True, "boys" suffer from them more often because of the structural features.

Unlike the wide, straight and small urethra of cats, in males this organ is long, sinuous, tapering in two areas. Therefore, urine in cats encounters salt blockages or mucous plugs on its way. Places of urine stagnation are a fertile environment for inflammatory processes.

Causes and conditions of cystitis

Among the pathogenic factors, the main positions are occupied by the following:

Clinical picture

The following signs of cystitis in cats will tell you about the problems with the bladder:

  • more frequent visits of the pet to the toilet "on small need", after which it can crawl out of the tray on bent legs;
  • reduction - sometimes to drops - of urine volume, periods of its complete absence;
  • soreness of the process of urine excretion, as can be judged by the pet's moaning meow;
  • putrid amber urine, the appearance in it of blood clots, mucous lumps, purulent discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, forcing the cat to gently lie on its side and get rid of human hands;
  • the apathy of the animal, refusal of favorite dishes, irrepressible thirst;
  • jump in temperature to levels above 39 ° C.

Traces of blood in the cat's tray cannot but cause anxiety among its owners. And, indeed, this symptom most likely indicates the presence of pathology in the pet. Urination, which occurs with the release of blood, or hematuria, may be accompanied by other manifestations that indicate damage to the genitourinary system, or it may be completely haphazard. Even if the cat "does not complain" about anything, but his urine continues to turn reddish, the animal should be shown to the veterinarian. Unfortunately, some fillers can hide traces of blood, delaying the correct diagnosis. Why the cat pees with blood and what diseases it can be associated with, we will talk further.

Normal urine in cats is almost colorless or has a slightly yellowish tinge. Its smell depends on the physiological state of the animal, as well as on its age. In kittens and neutered cats, urine has a faint smell, while in non-castrated individuals during the period of sexual activity, it can be smelled a mile away. The appearance of a pungent odor in urine, which was not characteristic of it before, indicates the multiplication of bacteria in the urinary tract or inflammation of the internal organs.

A change in the consistency or odor of urine is one of the first symptoms of urinary tract pathologies

Signs of hematuria

It is very naive to think that blood in urine can be easily seen with the naked eye. Yes, this method certainly works in certain situations, but it is not universal. In some cases, it is possible to detect the presence of red blood cells in the urine of pets only with the help of a special blood test, since the number of red blood cells can be very small.

This method allows you to avoid many diseases of the genitourinary system, but it is not at all utilitarian. Rare owners come with their pets to undergo general tests at least once a year. Therefore, the only method for identifying red blood cells in urine is their accumulation in such an amount in which it becomes impossible to ignore them.

Dark urine does not always indicate blood stains. It can be the result of a special diet, medication or pet's elemental love for beets.

Preconditions for blood in the urine of cats

Blood in urine manifests itself not only with internal pathologies, but also with mechanical damage, poisoning and clotting disorders of the blood itself. But if we take the urinary system itself as a starting point, then there are several main diseases that are "guilty" of the appearance of blood impurities in urine.


This disease is an inflammation of the bladder that manifests itself both "alone" and in a group with other symptoms. Often, cystitis is accompanied by an already existing inflammation of the kidneys, which did not make itself felt until the last moment.

The reasons


Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis or urolithiasis develops due to the accumulation of sand, crystals and salts in the bladder, which prevent the free excretion of urine from the body. In the process of enlarging, stones can injure the walls of the bladder, leading to traces of blood in the pet's tray.

The reasons

  • unbalanced diet. The dominance of protein in food or a lack of protein leads to an increase in the concentration of urea in the urine and the formation of stones;
  • lack of vitamins. The lack of vitamins of group A negatively affects the epithelium lining the walls of the organs of the genitourinary system;

  • hormonal disruptions. The surges in blood calcium levels due to dysfunction of the parathyroid glands affect the concentration of blood in the urine;
  • features of anatomy. In some animals, changes in the structure of the urethral canal are found, which impede the free flow of urine from the body;
  • gastrointestinal diseases. MKD often comes in the company of gastritis, dysbiosis and other ailments of the digestive system.


Urethral obstruction

Urethral obstruction is rare in cats. Its symptoms are in many ways similar to those of ICD, since the cause of the obstruction is an increase in the plug in the urinary tract, which makes every pet's trip to the litter an extremely unpleasant experience.

The reasons

This pathology is mainly common among males due to the fact that their urethral canals are much longer.


Urinary tract infections

Normally, the urinary tract of cats is sterile, while the pathogenic growth of bacteria in this area is accompanied by the appearance of symptoms characteristic of inflammation of the bladder. Infections can enter the body as a result of exogenous exposure (as a result of the installation of a catheter or an unsuccessful operation) or endogenous (movement of pathogenic bacteria within the body itself).

Infection can occur after animal surgery

The reasons


Other prerequisites for bleeding

In addition to the above most common reasons, there are other prerequisites for the appearance of blood in the urine of a pet:

Video - Why does a cat pee with blood

Blood in the urine of pregnant cats

Throughout pregnancy, right up to the birth, the appearance of blood impurities in the urine of a pregnant cat is an alarming sign. If such a symptom is found, the animal should be immediately shown to the doctor so that he can prescribe an ultrasound scan. Pregnancy-related bleeding can be caused by miscarriage or threatened miscarriage.

The main danger hiding behind the blood secretions of a pet is miscarriage.

During the birth itself and a week after it, blood clots leaving the vagina are a variant of the norm. The cat's body regenerates and cleanses itself by removing the last parts of the placenta and other flesh associated with carrying kittens. You should pay attention to purulent impurities or a pungent odor of discharge, indicating a possible disruption of the pet's genitourinary system.

Preparing urine for analysis

One of the main stages in passing the tests is the correct sampling of material. Any violation of urine storage or incorrect collection of urine significantly affects the final result and complicates the correct diagnosis. can be read on our portal. Now we will briefly dwell on the main methods of urine collection, depending on its physical condition and your preferences.

Table 1. Methods of collecting urine from a cat for analysis


Use this method if the cat is unable to empty the bladder on its own. The veterinarian inserts a syringe through the abdominal wall into the animal's bladder and draws urine. At home, such a procedure is unacceptable and can entail negative consequences, up to a rupture of the animal's bladder

A catheter is also inserted in extreme cases and helps the cat to remove urine from the body. Outwardly, it resembles a thin tube that penetrates into the bladder. The procedure is carried out both under anesthesia and without it. Upon completion, the pet is prescribed a number of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents that support the health of the cat. One of the side effects of catheter insertion is the penetration of infections into the bladder.

To collect urine, special bags are sold, which can be purchased both in a veterinary pharmacy (especially for cats) and in a regular pharmacy (the children's version is also well suited for animals). In order to collect urine, you need to wait for the pet's morning urges and attach the urine collector between the anus and genitals using a special adhesive. In case of resistance of the cat, it is allowed to put on a diaper on it to fix the urine collector and protect it from the encroachments of the animal

One of the easiest ways is to get urine from the litter box, which your pet is already familiar with. Be prepared for the cat to be reluctant to empty the bladder without filler, which will have to be removed to maintain sterility. In case the animal refuses to empty the tray, purchase a special test kit, which includes balls made of a special material that do not absorb urine, as well as a syringe without a needle that allows you to move urine into a container. The balls are reusable, rinse them thoroughly enough

If your pet is addicted to human plumbing, then urine collection will be preceded by a series of manipulations. Before carrying out the procedure, clean the bath or toilet with soda (the use of aggressive chemicals is unacceptable). Next, block the drain with a plastic bag or plastic wrap. This completes all the main efforts - it remains to wait for the animal's bladder to empty and move the urine with a pipette or syringe into a container

What can a host do if blood is found in urine?

If hematuria is found, all the owner can do to help his pet is to take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible, until more serious complications make themselves felt. Not all people are able to respond quickly to alarming symptoms. In the event that at the moment an examination by a veterinarian is not possible, provide the animal with the most comfortable conditions:

There is a list of folk remedies that help alleviate inflammatory processes in the urinary system. Some of these recipes are presented below.

Remember that all of the above measures will alleviate the condition of the pet, but will not lead to its recovery. The correct course of treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian, based on urine analysis, biochemical blood test, ultrasound and other tests prescribed if necessary.

Frequent urination in cats is an alarming symptom and can signal both a serious illness and a bacterial infection. In any case, delay in treatment can lead to the death of your pet. Factors such as urine odor, age, gender and general behavior can help you determine what is causing urinary disorders. Here are 5 possible causes of frequent urination and what you can do if you experience them.

1. Do not panic if your no longer young cat often walks "small". There is no cause for concern because this is common in older cats. Frequent urination of the cat in this case is associated with a weakened sphincter of the bladder. Do not be upset or angry when you see that your elderly cat is peeing on the carpet or in other inappropriate places, because she does not do it intentionally. Take care of your pet's health and strengthen the bladder sphincter with homeopathic medicines.

2. Frequent urination in cats can be caused by behavioral problems. Cats can mark their territory in this way and this behavior can be eliminated by castration.

3. Also, frequent urination in a cat may be associated with a bladder infection. This circumstance can cause a fetid odor of urine. Take the cat to the veterinarian and do the necessary diagnostics. The veterinarian will take a urinalysis, do some tests and, as a result, will likely prescribe antibiotics. At first, try not to use such serious drugs, but try to cope with this disease with plenty of drinking (be sure to make sure that the cat drinks exclusively pure water) and homeopathic treatment. This treatment will not work as quickly as antibiotics, but it is safer and more effective in relieving pain and bad urine odor. Homeopathic remedies are great at fighting mild infections. Never ignore these treatments because they are harmless.

4. Frequent urination can also be a sign of serious medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer or Cushing's syndrome. Only after the examinations are carried out will the veterinarian be able to identify the disease. In addition to any treatment the veterinarian specifies for your pet, you can again include a homeopathic medicine, it will help your cat get better faster.

5. Blockage of the kidney, bladder or urethra caused by a stone or salt crystals can also be one of the causes. The blockage prevents the bladder from emptying completely and, as a result, the cat will have frequent urge to urinate.

Keep these reasons in mind when you find your cat going to the bathroom a lot. If your cat is peeing very often in unusual places, or she does it more often than usual, you should check her as soon as possible. Check with your nearest veterinarian to determine the cause of your cat's frequent urination. Know that whatever the problem, homeopathic treatment is the safest solution.

If a cat pees with blood, it means that you urgently need to seek help from a veterinarian. Such a deviation directly indicates serious illness or injury. It is almost impossible to independently determine the cause of hematuria, so you do not need to ignore a visit to a specialized clinic.

It must be understood that hematuria is only a symptom, not a disease. Therefore, without finding out why the cat pees with blood, it is useless to start any treatment. Two types of hematuria are conventionally distinguished: microscopic (when blood cells in urine will be visible only under a microscope) and macroscopic (urine has a characteristic scarlet color).

The main reasons that provoke the deviation:

  • stones in the kidneys;
  • tumors of the genitourinary system;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • injury, fall from a great height;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • rat poisoning;
  • infectious diseases;
  • the presence of malignant or benign tumors;
  • taking certain medications.

If the cat falls down and pees blood, then it is likely that the bladder is damaged. A particularly dangerous situation is in which thick bloody mucus flows from the urethra. This condition can result in the death of the pet, so you should immediately seek veterinary help. You can also notice that the cat pees with blood "a little" after the removal of the urethral catheter. The problem usually disappears after the first spontaneous urination of the animal. Otherwise, suspicion of a bacterial infection should arise.

About 20% of feline hematuria cases have an unknown cause. If the veterinarian was unable to identify the actual trigger, then the diagnosis is made of idiopathic cystitis.

Diagnostics and symptoms of hematuria

To find out why a cat is peeing with blood, the veterinarian will conduct a complete examination of the animal, and also ask to describe the symptoms that arose when the abnormality appeared. Very often hematuria is accompanied by:

  • pollakiuria (frequent flow of small amounts of urine);
  • manifestation of obvious discomfort during urination (meow, trembling in the limbs, tail);
  • constant licking of the genital area;
  • lethargy;
  • restless behavior;
  • loss of appetite.

It is almost impossible to independently determine the cause of the deviation. One can only assume the localization of the trigger. For example, if blood clots come out, then the problem lies in diseases of the lower urinary tract, minor injuries. If the urine is evenly colored scarlet, then most likely the cat has problems with the kidneys, ureters, or bladder.

The veterinarian will definitely prescribe several diagnostic tests that will help make the final diagnosis.

  1. Analysis of urine. The presence of leukocytes in urine may indicate an infectious disease. But protein is a sign of kidney disease.
  2. Blood test (biochemical and complete). Additionally, blood clotting tests may be done.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. It is carried out to assess the size of the kidneys, as well as to identify sand, stones, tumors.
  4. Intravenous pyelography and urethrography. This is a contrast x-ray examination of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. At the beginning of the procedure, the animal is injected with contrast material, which is collected in the kidneys and urinary tract. This allows the veterinarian to take an image with darkened areas in place of possible abnormal areas.

Conservative methods of treating hematuria

As mentioned above, veterinarians usually select treatment based on the diagnosis. And hematuria, as a symptom, disappears by itself. If an infectious disease has been identified, then antibiotics are prescribed. If the infection is accompanied by inflammation, steroids may be prescribed additionally.

Since there are many reasons for the appearance of blood in the urine, it is necessary to know at least the most basic methods of treatment. So, if during the analysis a violation of the urine pH level was revealed, then it is necessary to transfer the cat to a special dietary food, and also to increase the amount of water consumed. In rare cases, supplements are prescribed to the animal to increase the acidity of urine. However, this therapy is a short-term measure, because in the long term, supplements will do more harm than good.

A fairly common cause of hematuria can be accidental ingestion of poison by a cat. Most often, pets eat rat or mouse poison. Intoxication can be recognized by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • general lethargy;
  • increased salivation;
  • the appearance of foam at the mouth.

Even if there is complete confidence that there are no rodenticides in the house, it is necessary to give the cat plenty of water with absorbents to drink. After the veterinarian confirms the poisoning, the animal is given droppers with saline, and high doses of vitamin K are prescribed.

If the cat pees with blood after a fall, then as a first emergency aid, you can immobilize the animal, as well as apply a cool heating pad to the lower body. Since, in addition to damage to the organs of the urinary system, the consequences of a fall can be fractures, dislocations, concussions, it is necessary to entrust the main course of treatment to a specialist.

Surgical treatments

Veterinary surgery may be required to remove stones or tumors from the bladder. You also need to consult a surgeon if blood in the urine appears in a cat that has recently undergone a difficult birth, complicated by ruptures. But cats may need the help of a surgeon after an unsuccessful ureostomy. However, we must not forget that the expansion of the urethra does not guarantee that the problem will not recur.

You will also have to undergo hospital treatment for those animals in which a cancerous or benign tumor was found. Unfortunately, cancer in veterinary medicine is diagnosed at a fairly late stage, after the animal has been treated with antibiotics, but continues to suffer from hematuria.

How to help your pet with home remedies

The presence of blood in the urine of a cat in any case requires the attention of a veterinarian. Even the most effective folk recipes will eliminate the unpleasant symptom, but will in no way affect the root of the problem. Therefore, the following means should be considered only as temporary assistance to the animal.

  1. Apple vinegar. If you are sure that hematuria appeared as a result of inflammation of the bladder (for example, there is another relapse of the disease), then you can give the cat a weak solution of apple cider vinegar. It is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that eliminates almost all unpleasant symptoms. The easiest way to give your pet vinegar is by pouring half a teaspoon into 200 ml of water. If the animal does not want to drink a harsh-smelling home medicine on its own, then you will have to pour in the vinegar solution with a syringe.
  2. Cranberry extract. Numerous scientific studies have proven that cranberry juice contains special compounds that prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the bladder. That is why sour berry extract can be found in the composition of many "super-premium" feeds. To help your cat fight off an infectious disease, it is recommended to add 3-4 cranberries to the daily diet. If the animal spits out berries, then you can add a few grams of natural juice to the water into the drinker.

Note! Cranberries acidify animal urine. Before starting home treatment with this remedy, it is necessary to conduct a simple test for the level of acidity of urine.

Despite the fact that blood in the urine is a rather dangerous symptom of diseases of the genitourinary system, with timely diagnosis and correctly selected treatment, it will not be difficult to cope with the problem.

You can also ask a question to the in-house veterinarian of our website, who will answer them as soon as possible in the comment box below.

    Hello! The cat is 9 years old, to urinate with blood, was taken to the veterinarian, underwent systems and injections. On ultrasound, a stone 4 mi, was treated for 5 days in the clinic. We are buying, the doctor has just said purina pro plan urinary. We give medicines to healthy kidneys. And after 3 days, blood in the urine again. They also prescribed just injections 2 times a day with popavirin and some kind of hemostatic, they took 2 days and went to the toilet 7 times with blood today. What to do? Can it come out like that? What measures to take? How can you help an animal?

    • Hello! Yes, blood is evidence that the mucous membrane is injured by the sharp edges of struvites (stones). T.K. it is large, the process will be lengthy. It may be better to have surgery to prevent the stone from blocking the ureter. I do not see the prescribed antibiotics in the treatment regimen. No-shpu can be taken in tablets (1/4) 3 times a day to relieve spasms and it was easier to empty the urine. Dicinone can be used as an antiseptic. But with such a disease, treatment will not take 5 days. Follow the prescribed treatment regimen completely, without skipping the administration of medications.

      Svetlana 22:50 | 01 Feb. 2019

      Continuing the story, the operation was carried out, it turned out that there were no stones, but there was an overgrowth almost along the entire perimeter of the urinary bladder, the doctor said that this was the first time he had encountered this, said that it looked like polyps, but definitely not them. Tell me, please, what can it be? And what should we do?

      Daria is a veterinarian 23:36 | 02 Feb. 2019

      Hello! A tissue histology would be carried out, a biopsy. Exclude neoplasia, neoplasms. Did you have a general blood test? there is no suspicion of neoplasms in the body (lymphocytes and platelets are normal?). I myself did not come across this, so I would send it to an oncologist so that they would be excluded in their narrow specialty of pathology. If they do not find work for "themselves", then they will have to think together with more experienced specialists.
      To be honest, if you have a familiar human urologist or surgeon, you can ask him (in fact, the structure of tissues is the same). Human doctors have more patients (people feel sorry for themselves and go to doctors, but they bring pets less often, so many clinical cases remain unexplored or veterinarians do not encounter them). Maybe the human doctor will suggest something else besides my options.
      And by the way, the pet was not examined for a viral infection?

Do you want to know why your pet has pollakiuria or frequent urges for small? This can be the cause of serious inflammation and other disorders of the body. If you find bloody urine or just frequent urination, do not try to diagnose yourself, be sure to contact your veterinarian to avoid death. Fluffy may develop bladder inflammation, kidney stones, diabetes, enuresis or extreme stress, which leads to malfunctioning of the urinary system. The doctor will conduct a series of studies (various tests, ultrasound, x-ray), after which he will identify the cause and prescribe treatment.


Why does the animal urinate often?

If you notice that the animal urinates frequently, this is a signal of some malfunctioning of the body. Desires can be caused by diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, urolithiasis), stressful situations. In this case, the cat runs to the toilet often, but only slightly and possibly with bloody discharge. Also, the reasons for frequent urination can be the fact that the animal drinks a lot of water due to heat or diabetes, as well as marking the territory and urinary incontinence. In such a situation, the animal also often goes to the toilet, but without bloody discharge and with a normal amount of urine.


One of the reasons for the frequent urination in a cat with a little bloody discharge may be cystitis, that is, inflammation of the bladder. This disease occurs in cats aged one year and older, can be acute (several days) or become chronic (for months). Cystitis is rare, however, the disease is fraught with the fact that it can cause toxicosis, inflammation of other systems and even death.

The main symptom of cystitis is that the cat often goes to the toilet in small small portions, possibly with blood or pus. During urination, the pet may meow painfully, twitch. Also, a four-legged friend can write past the trays, walk hunched over, often lick the crotch.

What are the causes of cystitis and frequent visits to the toilet by a cat? It:

  • improper metabolism;
  • sand and kidney stones;
  • mineral imbalance;
  • improper nutrition (lack of protein, lack of fluid, overfeeding with dry food);
  • genital infections;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • cold, draft, etc.

Urolithiasis disease

If the cat often goes to the toilet on a small one, this may be a signal of urolithiasis. It consists in the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys of the cat.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • urine is released in drops, little by little;
  • a cat or kitten often runs to the litter box;
  • in the toilet, besides urine, you can find traces of blood;
  • persistent vomiting;
  • heat;
  • lethargy.

Your cat or kitten may get sick if:

  • have viral or bacterial infections;
  • the animal receives an excess of food;
  • sterilization has been carried out, which provokes appetite, which leads to overeating of the kitten or cat;
  • poor heredity or vulnerable breed of cats and cats, for example, Scottish Fold, Persian, Siamese, etc.;
  • improper drinking regime (a lot of water).


Does your cat or kitten often want to go to the toilet? Perhaps these are the consequences of stress! Stress lowers the immune system, which leads to inflammation of the organs, in particular the urinary system. Stressful situations take place in the following cases:

  • smells, atmosphere in the apartment have changed;
  • a new litter box for an adult pet or kitten;
  • change of bed;
  • switching to another cat food;
  • violation of relations with the owner (if there is not enough attention and care, or vice versa - an overabundance);
  • the emergence of a new pet, the struggle for territory;
  • moving;
  • if a cat or a cat wants to “walk”, but cannot;
  • irregular cleaning of the tray, because cats are clean animals.

The main symptom of stressful situations is that the pet often goes to the toilet in small portions with blood or without urine at all. There is also a kitten's anxiety, aggressiveness or apathy, a piercing meow. If the pet is stressed and often goes to the toilet, this can cause a blockage of the urinary tract, which threatens the pet's life.

Drinks a lot of water

An adult and a kitten may often go to the litter box due to increased thirst. This may be due to heat (drinking a lot and often) or diabetes. In both cases, the pet drinks a lot of water and, accordingly, goes to the toilet more often.

If the heat is the cause, it is a temporary seasonal phenomenon. However, if the ambient temperature is normal, and the cat is thirsty and drinks a lot and then, this may be a signal of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by a sharp jump in blood glucose levels.

Most often, adults suffer from diabetes (sometimes it also affects a kitten) and overweight pets. Also, the cause may be hormonal disruptions, pancreatitis, estrus, pregnancy. If you notice that your pet has begun to walk on the little one more often, you should know that this is one of the primary signs of diabetes. Also, the symptoms of the disease are:

  • the smell of acetone;
  • apathy;
  • weight loss;
  • vomiting;
  • increased appetite or lack thereof;
  • the animal drinks a lot and often.

Territory marking

Your pet may walk in or past the litter more often, not only because of any illness, it may be due to behavioral features. Cats and even kittens love to mark their territory, especially if they are not alone in the house or the owner has brought replenishment. In this case, they often go to the toilet in small portions and in different parts of the house. In the next video, you will learn how to wean your pet from tagging.

Urinary incontinence

The urge to small can become more frequent due to urinary incontinence (enuresis), due to which the bladder weakens and urine often leaks, which looks like a constant urge. The reason for this can be both age-related disorders and spinal injuries, stressful situations. Urination occurs as soon as the pressure in the bladder rises. This problem is especially true for older and spayed pets.

How can I help the cat?

To help a fluffy pet, you first need to determine the cause of frequent urges. Don't try to diagnose yourself! In any case, especially if there is bleeding, immediately consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment. In the early stages, diseases of the urinary system are quite curable. Going to the clinic in time is the most important thing that you can do for an adult pet or kitten!

If there is a suspicion of diseases of the urinary system, the veterinarian will prescribe a number of tests and other studies:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • hormone analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • for the presence of acetone and the level of acid-base balance;
  • the ratio of the amount of urine and fluid you drink;
  • x-ray;

If, according to the results of the diagnosis, cystitis is detected, the doctor may prescribe

Calculus and pleurisy on x-ray

If the cat has urolithiasis, you need to go to the clinic immediately as soon as you notice the symptoms, otherwise the death of the animal may occur in 3-5 days. If you contact late, when your pet no longer walks and refuses to eat, even a qualified specialist will hardly help. Remember that urolithiasis is characterized by relapses, so the animal needs constant medical supervision. With timely referral to a specialist, the development of the disease and repeated outbreaks can be avoided.

If the frequent urge to use the restroom is caused by stress, you need to eliminate the source of stress. To do this, try to remember when the symptoms began and what changes occurred in the pet's life at that time. If possible, reduce the impact of the source of stress. This can be an ingrown toenail that needs to be trimmed, flea dermatitis, which is treated with special sprays, and other situations that are unpleasant for the cat. However, to be sure that the cause of the urinary disorder is stress, and not a physical illness, you need to show your pet to your veterinarian.

When diagnosing diabetes, the form of the disease is important: insulin-dependent diabetes and insulin-independent. In the first case, the cat will most likely be given insulin injections 1-2 times a day. In the second case, it is recommended to reduce the weight of the cat and follow a special diet that excludes foods containing a lot of sugar. Also prescribed drugs that stimulate the pancreas.

Video "Feline cystitis"

In the video you will see how a doctor diagnoses and treats cystitis in a cat.

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