A touching letter to a guy for his birthday. Beautiful words of congratulations for your beloved man happy birthday

Congratulations to your beloved man in prose (in your own words)

My beloved, dear person! I want to say a huge thank you to this day, this world and, of course, your parents for giving me you. I do not want beautiful and loud words, I just want to tell you: thank you for being there. You are the highest happiness for me. ©

My beloved, good and dear. Without you, my world seems to go out, becoming dull and impersonal, like a gray rainy day. You fill my life with light and warmth, you are like air, which is vital for me to live. Your happiness is my happiness. Your grief is my grief. So be happy - and I don't need anything else. ©

You know, for so long in my life I was chasing some kind of ghostly happiness, I was looking for so long and I was so often mistaken that I simply forgot about it and did not notice how it entered one beautifully quietly and without words. It entered my fate with a thin thread - and only then I understood, understood by the way my heart trembled that this is it ... My happiness. So long-awaited, so fragile, but so own. And you gave it to me, my beloved. Your love, your care, your warmth. From birth. ©

M Many lovely ladies, getting ready to congratulate this or that man on the Day, are seriously considering what is better to choose - in prose for a man or beautiful tender verses? At the same time, a distinctive feature of congratulations in prose is often considered to be their deliberate "formality" - therefore they are chosen by women who think that reading a poem to a man with whom you have not yet had any particularly close relationship is not too tactful. But congratulations in prose are remembered a little worse than rhymed wishes, which means that you will have to spend some time to memorize them ...

O However, stop thinking in templates! Looking at us on coolsen.ru, you will understand that congratulations to your beloved in prose can sound as gentle and intimate as poems, and they are remembered no worse (after all, these convey your personal feelings and sensations, and even if you forget part of the text, then easily replace it). In addition, choosing texts written in prose, you can say congratulations to the man in your own words - and this will immediately bring you closer to the "hero of the occasion."

H the same applies to poetic congratulations, then among them you can find quite serious and official texts that will not look frivolous, even if you dedicate them to a man with whom you are not yet close. Just learn to choose the right congratulations, and the representatives of the stronger sex around you will not cherish the soul in you!

Birthday greetings to your beloved in prose

My dear, I wish you a happy birthday! I wish that every year you have lived will be remembered only by good events, and the onset of a new year of your life meant the anticipation of new victories and achievements! I love you and really want to spend many more years with you!

Darling, today is the Day of your name. Let my rays touch your heart, always fill it with warmth and brightly illuminate your path, and the wind of desires will easily bring you my strong embraces and tender kisses. Happy Birthday!

I love you so much that sometimes I cannot express it in words. I want you to know that your birthday is the day my significant other appeared in the world. I wish you great friends, success in your favorite business, and me by your side, because I cannot be away for a long time.

You left your mark on my heart. Even though we are not together now, I will always remember the past and rejoice in all the good moments that we had. I hope you do too. Let there be more such meetings and people in your life that you will remember with a smile. Happy Birthday!

Dear and beloved (name), happy birthday! You are sweet, romantic and funny. I envy myself - having such a guy is a real success! When I communicate with you, I forget about everything in the world. It's so good with you! I want to wish you to remain who you are, because you are the best! Good luck in all your endeavors. I love you!

(Name) Happy Birthday! Now we have an important period when we are learning to be independent. We learn to make decisions and take responsibility for any of our actions. It is not easy, because there are so many temptations and temptations in life. Also, life creates many obstacles and traps for us. I sincerely wish you to choose the right path, and so that nothing prevents you from going along the chosen path. May everything work out for you in the best possible way.

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved guy in prose

Dear, I want to wish you a happy birthday and wish you that you always want and can. To always be where and with whom. To never be enough. Let everything be only "ok" and I will help you with this. Happy Birthday.

Do you know why today is such a sunny and bright day? Yes, because today you were born - the best man in the world. Happy Birthday.

I wish that your future is not just bright and interesting, but that there must be a beautiful, slender, smart and wonderful girl in it, that is, me. Happy Birthday.

There is joy in my heart today because today is a wonderful holiday - your birthday. I congratulate you and wish you everything, everything.

Happy Birthday to the most handsome, smartest and generally the best guy on Earth. And I am proud that this very guy is dating me. I wish you to be the best always and in everything and still get the maximum from life. Happy Birthday.

Birthday is a special holiday. It is filled with a mysterious sacred meaning. After all, what could have more magic than the birth of a new life, the birth of a baby? .. Every year we look forward to this day with inner trepidation. In childhood, we expect mountains of various colorful gifts. Time passes, and we begin to appreciate more the attention of our family and friends, who bring into our life a sense of peace, joy, harmony and love. So let this bright feeling of the holiday continue to live in you, dear birthday man, and we will help you in this!

It's your birthday today. And I would like to wish something special, something warm and pleasant. I wish on the path of my life neither to meet, nor sorrow, nor with sadness, nor with disappointment. Meet only the kind in life. Take from life all the joys, bright colors, and bright days. And when you stray from your path, lift your head, look to the sky, and ask the Lord for help. May all your dreams, one after another, come true. The family is always happy. Let all difficult situations turn into invaluable experience. And only pleasant memories are kept in memory. And know that you are a good person, and there will always be people who will help you in any situation. Happy Birthday to You!!!

They say that when a person is born, at the same moment his star lights up in the sky. That shines through his life until his last breath. On your birthday, I wish this star to help you in life. So that with her bright light she inspires you to act. Let her bright light add energy to overcome difficulties. And when there is no one to talk to, just go out, look at the sky, and tell her everything that hurts in your soul. I wish you, if you cry, then only for joy. If you laugh, then only sincerely. If you love, then with all your heart. If you are disappointed, then only in those people that you do not need next. If you jump, then from happiness. If you dream, then achieve what you want. if you believe, then with all my heart !!!

Happy birthday to you. I wish you a bright, bright, vigorous and wildly cheerful life. Regret nothing. To clearly believe in your success, and go through life with your head held high, looking only forward. Always achieve your goals. So that all life flows like a holiday. Never go with the flow. To love only those who deserve it. So that all the problems, over the years, turned into an acquired experience, which you then pass on to your children and grandchildren. I wish you wake up every day with a smile on your face. To be happy with all the little things, and not to be taken seriously as a problem. To love, and to know that they love you !!!

I wish you a happy birthday with all my heart. And I wish you a lot of joy. Let fate give only pleasant surprises. No matter what happens, never give up and keep your nose down. Love life and thank the Lord for each new breath. May your Guardian Angel protect and help you always. Let relatives and friends surround you with care and affection. Enjoy each new day. Do not be lazy to seek happiness. And always keep your luck on a short leash. Choose the path that the heart points to. God bless you !!!

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved man in prose

"You are the best man on the Earth!"

Honey, happy birthday! I want to say "thank you" to your parents for giving this world such a charming person! You are the best man on the Earth! I wish you all the best, the fulfillment of your plans and the green light everywhere! Always be the same worthy, decent and reliable man!

"I have been looking for my happiness for so long"

I have been looking for my happiness for so long, chasing it and making mistakes again. And it quietly entered my life, and only then I realized - this is it. And even the rainbow seemed to me black and white compared to my happiness. You gave me this happiness. And his name is love. Happy birthday, my best and most beloved man in the world!

"Beloved man"

My joy, I thought for a long time what to give you. At first I wanted to give myself, tied with a red ribbon with a large bow, but then I remembered that you cannot give a person something that already belongs to him completely. Therefore, you will have to think further, but for now - happy birthday to you, darling!

"Happy Birthday, my Dear!"

Happy Birthday, my Dear! Happy holiday to you! Probably not very good that after the first glance at you, my roof went on a long-term vacation. But undoubtedly just wonderful and undeniably very wonderful that true love came to me. So, in principle, the roof may not come back ...

"My dear man"

Beloved, my dear man, I wish you victories, worthy deeds, reliable friends, a smooth road and a cloudless sky overhead. I will give you comfort and tenderness, I will hide you from bad weather and sorrow, I will dispel doubts and anxieties, I will faithfully walk with you through life, rejoicing and sad, laughing and crying with you.

"Wonderful holiday"

I want to congratulate you, my beloved! Happy birthday, happy birthday! And I hasten to wish you good luck in your endeavors, success in business, colleagues and respect from friends! Be a kind and good person, a million times, yours forever!

"A palette of good qualities"

I am impressed by a whole palette of good qualities in you and a pronounced masculine magnetism, your confidence in yourself and in the future! An optimistic outlook on life situations and a positive assessment of real events. I appreciate your company and the opportunity to spend time with my beloved and bright person!

"My dear"

My dear! I want to wish you a happy birthday! Always be the same sporty, humorous and creative! I am so pleased to be with you, to feel the warmth of your body and to hear your voice. I'm not afraid of anything when we are together! I kiss and hug you tightly, your baby!

"There are so many tender words in the world"

Darling, there are so many tender words in the world that you can drown in this tenderness. And so much in love that it will last for many centuries to come. But these are just words. I want you to bathe in the tenderness of my eyes, could not enjoy the taste of my lips, and would like to always be in captivity of my arms. Happy birthday to you, darling!

"It's already midnight"

Of course, I understand that it is already midnight and it is at least not good to write to a soundly sleeping person at such a time and wake him up with this. But you have no right to forbid a girl in love with you to wish you a happy birthday first. Therefore, I congratulate you, my beloved Kitten, be happy! You can sleep on.

"I thought"

At first I thought I was in love with you. Then it seemed to me that love could not be so strong and I was just slowly going crazy. Then I realized that I love you so much that I do not mind being crazy, just being close to you. And today I am ready to lose my head from love, congratulating my man on his birthday!

"I am glad"

I am glad that we met with you, that Her Majesty Fate brought us together and we love each other! On your birthday, I wish you only the best, you undoubtedly deserve it! Never be discouraged, strive forward to victories, both in your career and in relationships. Happy birthday!

"Wonderful person"

Today, with great joy, I hasten to congratulate this wonderful person on his birthday! You are a real man, just an ideal: handsome, intelligent, sensitive, kind ... The most-most! I am glad that we are together, and I wish you only happiness, but also health and financial well-being!

"I want to congratulate"

I want to congratulate my beloved boyfriend on the day of jam! Thank you for being there, for being there no matter what! I wish you to celebrate your holiday really fun, unusual and interesting! Let only faithful friends and close people come to visit you! I love you and miss you very much!

"Open your eyes and smile!"

Open your eyes and smile! Keep it simple and you will see how everything and everyone around will appear in a completely different light! You are one year older and you must match! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you not to grow old in soul, not to lose friends, not to get sick and not to despair! I'm with you!

"Beloved guy"

You know, recently I noticed that looking at you I understand that not all princes on white horses have died out in this soulless world. At least one real one has definitely remained, and believe me, my dear, I will never give it to anyone. And today is his birthday. Happy holiday, my dear prince!

"The sun is shining"

Oh, what a day it is! The sun is shining, the air is filled with freshness, and the birds are singing tirelessly under the window ... What happened? And a real holiday happened - the birthday of the most beloved and desired man, who has no equal in this world, on this planet, in the entire Universe! Congratulations, kisses passionately many times!

Declaration of love to a loved one in prose

Declaration of love to a loved one in prose

My unshaven sun! My gloomy breeze! My thorny cloud! All the words of all the languages ​​of the world cannot contain the depth of my feeling for you. When you are with me, it takes my breath away. When I'm with you, I breathe often, often. When we are near, I want to bury my nose in your strong shoulder and not pay attention to the whole world.

But this is unfair: after all, it was this world that gave me you, your strong hands, your smart eyes, your gentle words ... I can no longer imagine how I would have lived without you! I am grateful to fate for giving me the opportunity to love, and happy that this opportunity is to love you, my unshaven sun!

Do you know what happiness is? Happiness is love and complete reunion with a loved one. I dream of you every night, and I can no longer keep my feelings for you! I love you! I love you the way you can love only once in a lifetime, so selflessly and deeply, with a pure heart and soul! Believe that I will always be your support in all your deeds, successes and failures. I will always be there no matter what happens and no matter what! I can give you joy and great love, without which life loses its meaning! Should we try? I love you, do you understand? I love so that you occupy all my thoughts. You are in my dreams and they are all dedicated to you! My dear, I will never betray you and will always help you in everything! I love you very much!

My clear sun, boundless joy, boiling ocean! I'm cold, painful and sad without you. You fill my life with meaning, paint the world in all colors, launch a rainbow into the sky, scatter the clouds over my head. Thank you, dear, for everything! I love you. Highly! Your unruly hair, radiant eyes, kiss-hungry lips, courageous hands.

My heart beats in unison with yours - do you hear? And this thrill cannot be drowned out by anything - neither adversity, nor difficulties, nor problems. I will overcome everything when you are near! I will endure everything! And then our great love, like a ball, will lift us to heaven, and the rest of the world with its mortal affairs will lie at our feet. It will cease to exist for us! There will be only me and you, my love! Forever and ever. Forever.

Ever since I met you, it seems to me all the time that this was already in my life, only many millions of years ago. You won my heart with your seriousness, restraint and true masculinity. You made me the most devoted member of your "sect", you never cease to amaze with your views on life, in you somehow everything is harmoniously combined: tenderness, and strength, and audacity, and timidity. What are we on this island of the Universe called the Earth ?! We are just like Adam and Eve, the discoverers of the most real, sincere, human feelings called love! I am made of your rib, I am your half, and that is why I am so happy to see you, to feel you, to live by you and your interests, I accept whatever you come up with, and whatever else you come up with - it is nice to feel one with you whole! Therefore, I can tell you with complete confidence that I love you, I love you to the very depths of my soul, I love with every fiber of my being, and may this love make us happy!

The world has an infinity of human lives, a chaos of threads woven by Fate. And in this tangle it is so difficult to find the intersection of lines, it is difficult to unravel resentments and misunderstandings, indifference and random knots of relationships. But one day, in this chaos, light appears. And then the inspiration comes:

The world does not live without your smile, without your eyes. The world does not want to rejoice when you are not around. The world freezes when it hears your steps and voice. The world shines when you appear on the doorstep ...

My world is you. The thundering heart is you too. Happiness, hopes, dreams, inspiration ... The desire to live, fly, sing and dance. And listen to the beating of the pulse: you, you, you, you ...

It is so difficult to convey all the colors that fill the soul. But you see: I love you. I pronounce this word aloud in order to express in one breath all my feelings, all my desires: I love ...

A long time ago, a very proud beauty lived in the Caucasus. Once she said to a young man in love with her: “Climb high into the mountains. There, on the steepest rock, a beautiful flower grows - a symbol of eternal love. Bring this flower to me, and then I will give you my love. " This is what an old Caucasian legend says.

But you don't need to climb mountains for me. Because the flower of love has bloomed in my heart long ago. His timid sprout hatched the day I first saw you. And it began to grow day by day. Each meeting made him more and more beautiful, and each separation stronger and stronger. I love you, my dear man! And I want your eyes to be the sun for our love, and your hands to be faithful support. I am happy that you are by my side!

Since we met, I have become really happy. Every moment spent next to you is a fairy tale for me, about which I dreamed from a young age. You are my hero, with whom I am always calm and comfortable, fun and good. When we are together, I am ready to make mountains, to shout to the whole world about the happiness that fate gave me. Yes, I am the happiest woman on earth, because I have you. I love you! I breathe you, I am ready to follow you to the ends of the earth, because I will be happy only when you are near. Look into my eyes, and you will see a whole world there, in which only you and me will be. Look into my heart and there you will see a place where you will be warm and comfortable. Look into my soul - it is open to you. Darling, our destiny is destined to be together for us and I will do everything to make you the happiest man on earth.

When a girl is asked a question about the ideal of her man, you can often hear the answer: to be kind, honest, and so on. I have always assumed that it is really possible to be guided by such criteria in life, until ... Until I fell in love with you. Now it seems to me that all this does not matter at all, because a loved one completely absorbs love and care. He is both protection and support in life, and a strict father, and an attentive friend, and just your whole integral world. I feel very good and comfortable next to you, I believe that together we can overcome a lot. I like to close my eyes and imagine that you are near, and when you are near, I just do not think about anything. To be yourself, to love, to give you happiness - this is what my life found when you appeared in it!

Confessions: a girl in poetry, a loved one in poetry

girl in prose, beloved in prose

Happy birthday words

To whom


Happy birthday words

Hey! Congratulations! Today is your birthday, which means that I have a great holiday too. Why, you ask, and I will answer: how else? Can anyone imagine you without me?

You know, I have been preparing for your birthday for a very long time. I thought: how can I congratulate you in an original, unusual and memorable way? flowers? Exclusive bigboard? Writing on the asphalt under the windows? No, it's not that ...

And I thought - why all this? Indeed, only genuine manifestations of feelings bring true joy. So I just wish you a happy birthday. And that's it!

Oh, No. Not all. Usually, it is customary to congratulate on birthdays with verses - both of your own composition and taken from reliable sources. But I want this prose to be the only prose in your life.

On a birthday, it is customary to wish what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy - and with all my heart I wish you good health for many years to come. Everyone wants to be loved, and I wish you this with all my heart. I want to always see you joyful, warmed by mutual love, with a happy gleam in your eyes. Of course, for happiness to be complete, you need to do what you love, feel needed and successful. I wish you that your work always brings you not only decent income, but also pleasure. There is nothing more enjoyable than seeing successful, happy people. So forgive me selfishness, and please me - be happy, loved, successful, healthy, cheerful, young in mind and body. I want to see you like this always, both on holidays and on weekdays! Happy birthday!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I sincerely wish that life would fully make you happy with its gifts: both material and non-material. Let him never bother and the addresses of pharmacies and hospitals will be forgotten. Let work bring not only money, but also pleasure: let the first be in your wallet in abundance, and let the second be drawn from everywhere: let your family and friends bring pleasure, the weather outside the window and many pleasant little things. I wish you to live in a constant sense of harmony with yourself and with the world and refute the assertion that happiness is a moment. May this happy moment for you be a lifetime, and life will be long, long, until the most round and solid dates!

May this wonderful birthday bring the fulfillment of cherished desires, and may all the goals set noticeably come closer and be defeated by a well-aimed hit of a professional. Let the golden steps of a career not be steep and tough, but on the contrary, submit to a quick and bold ascent to the very top! Let the wonderful splendor of the bright colors of life always fill the daily palette with freshness, and let the fleeting clouds boldly disperse the lightning rods of your family and friends. Do not forget about your friends in your pursuit of the joy of success and prosperity, because the most valuable thing a person has is enduring values ​​that cannot be bought: sincerity, love, compassion and support. Be happy, loved and cheerful - happy birthday!

Dear mommy, listen: flowers bloom today on the flower beds of all the capitals of the planet; in the morning all the birds of the world are singing and all its singers are ready to sing all the songs in the morning so that you can hear it. Dear mommy, today, on your birthday, we bring you our smiles and kisses and hugs alone, and we ask you for forgiveness for all your sorrows, mom. After all, we are the reason for them, but we will not allow you to be upset anymore, believe us. From now on there will be only joy, from now on there will be only the sun, from now on there will be only birds, and you will only listen to the songs of the Lord's birds every day. May your every day be a hundredfold better than the previous day. Let the word that you hear only bring you joy. May the forces of the sky protect you from unpleasant looks, and may the sad autumn leaf touch your hair late.

If cadres decide everything, then the head of the personnel department is a unique person because she decides EVERYTHING! Among us there are also those "cadres" with whom we need to be treated more strictly. But (name and patronymic) is a condescending person, so he forgives us a lot. On this festive day, I would like to sincerely wish our respected birthday girl that all the hardships, sorrows and failures remain behind the scenes. We wish you success, success and success again! Our team will repeat this wish very often, so that, similar to the effect of the 25th frame, it will definitely come true! We set you up for success! Happy Birthday!

My dear, I am happy to congratulate you on your birthday. I wish your parents health and longevity. After all, only such wonderful people could have such a wonderful child.

I wish that life was favorable to you, and the people who meet on your life path were kind and sincere. Let your professional career go up smoothly and rapidly, giving you moral and material satisfaction.

I also really want to wish you happiness. Let your eyes be clear and your smile radiant. I wish you an all-consuming love that makes you want to sing and fly. Life-long love. Happy Birthday!

To whom: woman, man, friend, girlfriend, girlfriend, sister, brother, mother


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Congratulations to your beloved in verse, prose, SMS congratulations

To beloved, beloved

These lines are for you, my beloved and dear little man. I love you, my little man, I love you and I cannot live without you. I love to be with you, to live with you, I love to forget about everything with you, I want to be with you for a long time. I love you when you are near, I love when you are somewhere far away, I love to caress you with a glance, although you do not know anything, I love you when I am alone with you, I love to be with you in silence, I hug you more tightly to me, I love you more than all the guys in this world, I do not want to lose you, deceive, scold and drive away, I only want to love you, be with you and so that no one can separate us.

Congratulations in prose to your beloved happy birthday

There was a time when we did not know each other, how lonely I was, it was empty. But a scarlet sail appeared on the horizon, and overnight everything changed. Your appearance changed my gray boring life. Illuminated her with a wonderful light. May your eyes, like stars, always shine brightly for me!

You are the sweetest, most desired, most beloved, my most important! Always: now and in the future, you are my one and only! My passion and love for you grows every day I spend together! Happy birthday my god!

My one and only favorite! I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday! I thank Providence for meeting that April (January, February, etc.) day, because in the hustle and bustle of me you might not have noticed. But our gazes met and never parted. Thank you for being with me!

Favorite! On your birthday, I want to give you these warm words: I love you more and more! You have grown a year older and my love has grown! I will always be by your side, in any situation and at any time! Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Sunny, happy birthday! - song

Happy birthday to you, my dear!

Happy Birthday, my Dear

My beloved and I are not afraid of anything in life, together we will be able to overcome any path, because it is safer to find a person in the world. Your ardent loving heart is able to save you from all troubles and hardships. Thank you for your loyalty and dedication, I love you very much.

Darling, today is your birthday, that's why I congratulate you! And I want to thank your parents from the bottom of my heart for having you with me! Happy Birthday!

I wish you on this day that my love will warm you and your life path. And I also want to wish that only I am always present in your plans in life, may our paths never diverge, and that the bright sun shines only for the two of us. Happy Birthday to You!

I want to tell the whole Universe about my unearthly love, I live for you, I breathe you, you occupy my whole life, because without you the world becomes faceless and dim for me. Be happy, because your happiness is my happiness, because we are one whole.

My very man! Only with you I am so warm and light, only with you I feel so good and joyful! Happiness to you, my beloved, my only one!

Darling, how could you? How could you do that? Why do you eclipse the sun with yourself? Why are you taking the air from me when you leave? But I am grateful to you for these torments, because not everyone has such an Angel! Happy Birthday!

Thank you for being in the world. Thank you for your tenderness and affection, for your fiery love. Thank you for your sweet adorable smile that drives me crazy. And know that there is only one man in the world for me, that is you. I love you.

You are kind, reliable and sensitive, the most dear person to me. Stay that way always! Happy Birthday sweetheart!

My beloved person, dear and irreplaceable. It's your birthday today. Congratulations. Today many warm and sincere words will be said in your address: wishes of health, success, love, happiness and wealth. And I will not say anything like that, I will just say that you are my life, you are the sun, to which I reach, like the first snowdrop that reaches for the first rays after winter. You are the air, without which it is simply impossible to live. I love you!

Darling, happy birthday! I wish you to be always loved by me and unloved by other girls. Why do you need someone else if you have me! It is myself that I want to give you ... Congratulations!

My beloved and dear man! It's your birthday today - the day that gave you to the world. I congratulate you! I will not say loud and beautiful words, I will only say thank you for being with me and that I love you madly.

My dear, beloved person. I am grateful to fate for bringing you and me together, and for the fact that we are together. I wish you a happy birthday and I want to wish you a positive attitude, constant expectation of a miracle, euphoria from life. May Lady Luck accompany you in all your affairs, may you succeed with ease and joy. So that your life is filled with harmony, and that you always achieve your goals. And I will give you a reliable rear, love and care. Be happy, dear!

Beloved, dear, dear! I wish you a lot of happiness! I wish you love with me, huge, pure, like spring water! And so that your eyes always shine with happiness!

May your life be as beautiful as a full-flowing river in spring. And your wisdom helps you to solve the most difficult and difficult problems. Live beautifully and cheerfully, love passionately and selflessly, because only for this is life given to us. Happy Birthday!

My beloved, you and I are like two halves, and what a happiness that we were able to meet each other on the path of life. And may our happiness be precious and eternal. And our love and happiness shines on us for many years and does not go out. Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Life is short, but hours are in debt. May the happy hours of our life be long! And I want to tell you that I am happy that fate brought me together with you. May our future continue to be only common, and a black cloud will never come into our relationship.

Happy Birthday, my unique, my one and only and desired! May the warmth of your soul continue to warm me at any moment. I wish you that you have many more holidays, and your life was smooth and smooth, like a rolling road.

My dear wonderful person, on this happy day for you, your birthday, I want to wish you: may spring bloom in your soul. May the sunrises give joy, and in the gardens, the nightingales sing a love song only for you. You are my God!

My beloved loved one! Happy Birthday to you! I wish you all the very best! Health, good luck and success! So that you are always so attentive and caring! I love you!

My beloved, my good and the most dear, today you have become a year older, and accordingly - wiser! I wish you that the years only give you experience, knowledge, wealth and nothing in return! I love!

Congratulations pages in prose

Happy birthday congratulations in prose

My favorite! With you I want to dance in the rain and watch the sunset; holding your hand, I'm ready to go even to the ends of the world! On your birthday, I am so sincerely happy to be with you and talk about how I love you, and also how much I want your life to be a series of only good events ... and very good ones! May you succeed in everything conceived, may you never be visited by either sadness or sorrow! Smile and enjoy the sun in the sky, and let me be your personal sun! ©

Love stories, those booklets in covers with couples in love in hot arms - until recently they were funny to me ... But when I met you, I felt like the heroine of the most exciting love story! When I am with you, my head is spinning and my heart beats, one touch of yours - and I melt ... My beloved! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you always to be the same courageous, kind and affectionate, my hero, who came from a fairy tale! And, as a real hero of a love story, may good luck and a perky, almost sly smile leave your lips! ©

The most beautiful thing that can happen to a girl happened to me ... I fell in love ... you won me over at first sight, and I trustingly followed you ... On your birthday, I am especially happy, because it is so nice to be with your loved one on his most important holiday! Be happy, my dear, may the music of happiness always sound in your soul, and any desire will be fulfilled at the same moment! ©

Once, in distant childhood, you approached me, and very seriously offered to be friends ... how little you were! But, as a real man, soon you gave me a chamomile and said that you will marry me when we become big ... Many years have passed, everything happened in our life, but apparently our fate was decided in childhood! We are not married yet, but already together, we give each other love and tenderness, and you are still serious and give me your favorite flowers ... On your birthday, I want to promise you that I will be with you even when we become old ... But you stay young at heart all the time, be cheerful, cheerful and never be sad! ©

We celebrate the birthday of a loved one for several years, I know his tastes and preferences very well, but still every time I spin like a squirrel, trying to guess how best to arrange a celebration, what delicious to serve, and, of course, what to give my love ! And for me there is no reward for troubles more valuable than his gentle look and the word "love." Happy Birthday sweetheart! Be always happy with everything, do not be painful and smile about it and just like that, and I will always be by your side. ©

My only one! I wish you a Happy Birthday from all my heart burning with love, and I wish you every moment to be the happiest man on earth! Always be as you are now ... affectionate like the sun, boundless in your kindness and magnanimity, like the ocean, and brave like a tiger! But if you wish to change, become even better, because there is no limit to perfection - and you are my perfection! ©

How good it is when there is a man in the world behind whose strong shoulder you can hide from all adversity, the one who picks up in his arms if it becomes difficult to walk, and says an affectionate word in time ... Finding your happiness turned out to be so easy, and today my happiness is celebrating Birthday, and I share his joy on this day, when it seems that even the birds chirping on the tree congratulate you! Happy birthday, my beloved! Let there be no worries and worries in your life, let them be replaced by joy and peace of mind! ©

To love and believe, to wait for a new meeting and, bored, to remember the best moments together ... and when he comes back - not to notice the flying hours, to melt under the gaze ... This is how I live every day - and I do not wish myself a better life! My beloved is with me, and the whole world is open to us, we will still build our happiness, and it will be as high as heaven! Happy birthday, my only one! I wish you not just happiness, but special happiness, created from all your dreams and cherished desires! ©

With such a sweetheart as you - paradise in a hut, but here's what is surprising: our love will turn even a hut into a palace in an instant! Believe what I will say sincerely on your birthday: be my star, and I will become your moon! Be my pure key in the desert, and I will become your first spring flower ... May your happiness, my dear, dear, be impossible to measure, may it be limitless, and at every step you meet a fulfilled desire, then a reason to smile! ©

When a loved one celebrates his birthday only with you, as if you are joining a secret ... On this day, you are dearer to him than everyone else, only he hugs you tightly and kisses you tenderly ... This day is for two, dividing the only such day of the year in half. Congratulating you, I want to once again confess my love and, having read the desired answer in your eyes, add that I wish you to always remain just as cozy, gentle and affectionate as now. May you not be touched by worries and vanity, may all your plans be brilliantly fulfilled, and your friends will be the most loyal and good! ©

There are so many people in the world, so many roads and accidents, so how did it happen that we met? We not only met, but also fell in love, found in each other what we lacked so much in life - loyalty, tenderness, care, attention and love. On the birthday of the main person in my life, I want to wish him not to stop at anything on the way to his dreams, remember that I will always be with you, and just be happy! ©

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved

Agree, for a loved one I want to wish all the best, pleasing, amazing. I would like to give him a fairy tale, to fulfill his desires. A great occasion for the implementation of all ideas, of course, the birthday of your beloved! On this beautiful day, you are ready to give him a sea of ​​the most tender words. Happy birthday greetings to your beloved bring joy and happiness not only to him, but also to you - his soul mate. You shouldn't think for a long time about what to say to your beloved man. Your heart will tell you all the words! Speak sincerely, talk about your feelings for him, it is these birthday greetings that will be the most valuable for your beloved! Since you and your loved one are practically one whole, you have every right to include yourself and your loved one in your birthday greetings. That is to say, and do not forget about your beloved! Congratulating him, say "we" so that your beloved will remember that you are together, that you are there forever! If you love poetry, and your loved one is an incorrigible romantic, then poetry will be wonderful birthday greetings for him. You can compose them yourself, or you can order from the poets. Another great helper in the choice of poetic congratulations to loved ones is the Internet. Go to the sites of gifts and congratulations, and there you will definitely be lucky to find exactly that one happy birthday that you will give your beloved!

Several years ago a wonderful person appeared in my life, whom I fell in love with from the very first sight. I myself have never believed in this, but it was me who managed to fall in love in the first minute of our acquaintance. Darling, we have been together for so long that it seems that we have known each other all our lives. Today is your birthday, for which I have been preparing for so long, because I decided. That this holiday should be the most unforgettable in your life. My beloved, my dearest man, I want to wish you good health. And we'll make the rest together. You can not even doubt that we will have everything the way we want, because we both make every effort to ensure that everything works out for us. Know that you are the strongest man, the most responsible and serious, who is not afraid of anything. I'm always comfortable with you. I love you!

I want to congratulate my beloved young man, my soul mate, without which I simply cannot imagine my life. I am incredibly lucky to have you, my beloved. Because you are so caring, gentle and romantic. You will always figure out how to surprise and please me. My beloved, I want to wish you exclusively health. Everything else will not be so important if you are not healthy. I want all your plans and ideas to come true. You are so hardworking and purposeful that you simply cannot fail to achieve your goal. I am proud of you and your endurance, my beloved. Hardly anyone else could withstand what you face every day. I congratulate you on the holiday, my dearest! Be sure that all the fun is yet to come. You and I will succeed. I love you!

In my life there is one extraordinary person with whom I am going to live my whole life. I want to share all the joyful and sad moments with him, I want to wake up and see him next to me. I am ready to support him in everything, help and just be there when he feels bad or sad. I was incredibly lucky with this incredible man, because he is exactly what I imagined my future husband to be when I was little. I am always so comfortable with you, darling. I know that wherever you are, you are always mentally with me, you support me when I am afraid. Remember when I took my exams at the university? You sat and studied all this with me until the morning, and then you did not go to bed until you called and said how much you received. You are so sincere and real, so I want you to always remain that way.

My beloved, I know that you were not going to celebrate your birthday, but I thought and decided that I could not leave you without a holiday. You've worked almost seven days a week, so you deserve to celebrate your holiday. All your friends and relatives have gathered here, but before the holiday begins, I want to say a few words. My beloved, over the years of our relationship, I realized that true love exists. You and I have built such a relationship that can be considered exemplary, and this can be confirmed by many. I was there when you had problems at work, you were there for me when I was sick. We never fight because we think it wastes time for both of us. I want to wish you health, my beloved, and good luck in all your endeavors. I am sure that you will achieve everything, because you are doing your best for this.

My dearest and beloved man, I want to congratulate you on your day! Every year on this day I start with the same, today will be no exception. I want to congratulate your parents, and I also want to thank them so much for being in my life. I wish you health, strength and energy - you need all this so that you can achieve all your goals, all your plans and dreams come true. I am sure that you will succeed, you just need to wait a little and make an effort. I promise on my part to provide all the support and assistance. Be sure that you are not alone, because you have me, there is your family, your relatives and friends. We all love you very much, we are proud of you and your perseverance. Everything will be just fine, my darling. The most important thing is that you and I are together, that we support each other, and everything else will be.

Darling, your birthday is my favorite day of the year, because today you can not run anywhere, not invent anything, but you can only enjoy your vacation. You deserve it, because all year you do everything only for others, but today is that exceptional day. I want to wish you all the best and brightest that can be. You are so incredible that I sometimes envy myself, because any girl would be happy to meet just such a person. I appreciate your every advice, every minute spent with you, every our event. We still have so many interesting things ahead, so you can not even doubt. I will do my best to make our life bright and eventful. We will have everything the way we want, it remains only to wait a little. Everything will be of the highest order, my beloved.

I want to congratulate my beloved, unique and only young man with whom I am going to connect my whole life. You and I have gone through a lot, my dear, but the most important thing is that we have gone through all this together. I know how hard a lot is for you, but be sure that fate will be favorable to you, because it sees how hardworking and purposeful you are. I want to always see you happy, so I will do everything to make it so. Do not even doubt that we will succeed, because you and I definitely deserve it. My beloved, I also want to congratulate your parents, whom I love very much. They raised you to be such a serious and responsible man who is not afraid of any difficulties. I know that you will not let any of us down, and we, in turn, will be there and help you.

I love you just because you are in my life. I don't need expensive gifts, restaurants, dresses and phones, I need you with all my problems, unresolved issues. I love your explosive nature because it complements my calm nature. I like to walk with you just through life, together to reach certain heights. This is much more interesting than being content with a ready-made life. Thank you for everything you do for me. I am very pleased with your attention gesture, because you know how to be so romantic. I congratulate you on your personal holiday. Just stay the same fun, joyful and upbeat. Let everything in your life be as you want, because you deserve it, my beloved. I wish you good health, good luck in everything. I am sure that we will still hear about you as one of the most successful people.

I want to congratulate my dearest person, who burst into my life a few years ago and just turned it upside down. But I want to say that this is how I like my life more. I want to live all of it just with you, because you and I complement each other. I want to spend my whole life next to a person who knows how to please me even when I feel very bad. My beloved, I will never tire of thanking fate for the fact that you are in my life. In addition, first of all, of course, I want to congratulate your parents, who raised such a strong and serious man. Despite the fact that you are still so young, you are already so serious and responsible that many adult men may envy you. I want all your dreams and desires to come true, and ideas and plans to come true. Just be happy and healthy.

Our birthday boy today occupies a special place in my life and plays the most important role. It was he who taught me to accept this life with all its advantages and disadvantages, it was he who taught me to appreciate and enjoy every moment. I love you, my best man! I can no longer imagine my life without you, without your constant ideas and plans. I am very interested with you, and every time you come up with something new for me. My beloved, I congratulate you on the holiday, may this day be remembered by you as one of the best days in your life. I hope that I will be able to create an extraordinary atmosphere here. Just enjoy this day, because during normal working hours you do not even have the opportunity to rest, and today is only your day, which means that you have every right to rest. I love you, the best guy in the world!

I want to congratulate my dear and beloved boyfriend on his birthday. This man completely changed me and my life, because he brought a lot of bright colors into it, saturated it with events. I have never felt so good, calm and comfortable, but for several years now, my man makes me happy. My beloved, I want to wish you good health. Believe that nothing is more important than this simply cannot be. The most important thing is to be healthy, and we will achieve everything else ourselves. I congratulate your incredible parents, who have already become like family to me. They raised you as a real man who is not afraid of anything, who knows how to overcome difficulties. I congratulate you, my most extraordinary man. Today you have every right to rest, so you can rest in peace and enjoy every moment. Darling, I will do everything to make you happy.

Today is one of my favorite days of the year, because today is the birthday of my second half, my one and only. To begin with, I want to congratulate your parents, who are proud of you, like all of us. They made every effort to ensure that you grow up to be such a courageous and strong person, and now you are already making every effort to take care of your parents. My dear, I want to wish you health and inspiration, because this is what you lack for a fulfilling life. You either complain about your health or your lack of imagination, which is why I want to wish you exactly that. I hope that you will enjoy the holiday that we have decided to arrange for you, because you should have a good rest at least once a year. I congratulate you, my very best! I promise you that our life will be full of interesting and bright events.

Happy birthday to the guy:
In poetry |

Very soon your loved one will celebrate his birthday, and you want to express your attitude towards him, show your love?

There are many ways to demonstrate your feelings: serve him breakfast in bed, present the desired gift, a pleasant addition to which will be your birthday greetings for your beloved man, expressed in your own words.

Favorite! I was incredibly lucky in life, because for many years now the most extraordinary, kindest, most gentle person is my only man. Today is your bright holiday - your birthday. I would like to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this wonderful event. May your life be long and happy, may you be surrounded by reliable friends, may the house be a full cup and all your dreams will certainly come true.

My wonderful, my dear and most beloved man, I wish you a happy birthday. May your desires always coincide with opportunities, may every day of your life bring great luck, success and prosperity. Darling, you give me your tenderness, you give me a real fairy tale. Know: no matter what happens, I will always be with you!

My beloved, you are the dearest person for me, the closest one on the whole planet. Thank you for making my life better and more interesting! I wish you fortitude, patience, good health and good luck. Let nothing be impossible for you, and let you overcome all the obstacles that arise easily and simply.

But even if you do not have special talents or you simply do not have extra time on the eve of the holiday, you can easily write warm congratulations for your beloved man on his birthday, taking as a basis the texts presented on our website.

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved man in your own words

My dear, I wish you a happy birthday! I wish you well, prosperity, success, health, loyal friends. You are strong, smart, beautiful, affectionate - the best in the world. I am so happy to have you in my life. May everything work out for you, all your dreams come true. I love you!

Happy birthday to my wonderful, my beloved man. I wish you, my dear, that courage and courage are manifested in each of your actions, that success and luck await you in every business, that happiness and luck await you every day. And also - so that our love never loses its strength and sincere feelings, so that I always remain loved and desired for you.

Darling, we have been together for so long that it seems as if we have known each other all our lives. Today is your birthday, for which I have been preparing for so long, because I really want this holiday to be unforgettable for you. I believe that we will have everything the way we want, because we both make every effort to ensure that everything works out for us. I love you!

My dear! You are the most reliable, most loyal, the best man on earth. Only next to you I feel happy. On your birthday, accept my most sincere congratulations. Let everything that you have conceived come true. Long and happy years of life to you, luck and good luck in everything. May faith and hope, like two faithful wings, accompany you in life, may a kind angel always protect you. Happy Holidays!

Darling, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I sincerely wish you good health, joy, good mood. May every day give you wonderful moments, may luck always accompany you. May everything that you have conceived come true, may failures pass you by. Smile often, enjoy life and never hang your nose. May my love protect you from adversity, my dear and only one.

What can you wish a real man on his birthday? Of course, good and faithful friends, success in work, courage and bravery. Do not grieve about the past, it is already behind you, and new opportunities open up in front of you. And you must be strong and courageous in order to move forward relentlessly. I am very glad that we are together and can always support each other.

Happy birthday to my magnificent, unique, desired and only beloved man. I wish you, dear, prosperity in business and great happiness in life, love in your heart and fun in your soul. Always remain the same ideal for me, self-confident and respected by those around you.

Are you separated from a loved one by distance? No problem. Congratulations expressed in your own words on the occasion of your birthday to your beloved man can be sent to him in the form of SMS or in an e-mail. Choose a suitable wish and send it to your beloved anywhere in the world.

My dear, beautiful, most beloved person in the world, I wish you a happy birthday! With all my heart I wish you great happiness! Let everything in your life turn out in the best way. I wish you reliable and devoted friends, development and brilliant prospects in your work, harmony in your soul. I sincerely love you and wish you the very best!

My beloved, it is with great joy that I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - your birthday! I want you to know that only with you I became truly happy and felt like a real woman. Having met you, I found the meaning of my life. Know that only when you are happy, I gain wings. I love you madly and really want there to be many more days of your birth ahead, which we will celebrate together.

For you, beloved, today all the congratulations and compliments. You are my most beautiful, smartest, strongest and best man on earth. On your birthday, I wish you everything, everything and much, much. I wish you success at work and in life, true friends. Let your life flow like a full-flowing river, let a kind angel protect you from all troubles. Be happy!

My best, kindest, most beloved guy on earth, accept my best wishes on your glorious birthday. I wish you good health, success and prosperity in everything. May every day give you only pleasant moments, may luck open the doors for you. All the best to you, my desired one, prosperity, prosperity and all the best. Always be so affectionate, gentle. May your cherished dreams come true, and the Lord protects from troubles and evil. May only good news please you, my beloved.

My beloved, only, faithful protector and affectionate friend! You have become my life, and on your birthday I really want to give you half of my own happiness! I wish you to be strong not only in body, but also in soul! Believe that everything will be fine, that only luck, fulfillment of desires and, of course, our love await you!

Several years ago a wonderful person appeared in my life, whom I fell in love with from the very first sight. I myself have never believed in this, but it was me who managed to fall in love in the first minute of our acquaintance. Darling, we have been together for so long that it seems that we have known each other all our lives. Today is your birthday, for which I have been preparing for so long, because I decided. That this holiday should be the most unforgettable in your life. My beloved, my dearest man, I want to wish you good health. And we'll make the rest together. You can not even doubt that we will have everything the way we want, because we both make every effort to ensure that everything works out for us. Know that you are the strongest man, the most responsible and serious, who is not afraid of anything. I'm always comfortable with you. I love you!

Darling, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I sincerely wish you good health, a lot of joy, always a great mood. May every day give you wonderful moments, may luck always accompany you. I wish you reliable, loyal friends. Let everything that you have conceived come true, let the bad weather sweep past you with great speed. Smile often, enjoy life, and never hang your nose. May my love always be a talisman for you, my only one.

I am so glad that I have you, my most beloved and most desirable boyfriend on earth. You are the most beautiful and the best for me. Today is your personal holiday. May he bring you good luck and good mood. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you great happiness. May hope, faith and love always accompany you, may fate always smile at you. Let every ordinary day turn into a holiday for you. Good health to you, big bright, beautiful love, luck and success in everything.

My most beloved person on earth, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May today's holiday bring you a lot of joy and good luck, may your cherished dream come true. May life give you inspiration, may all problems be on your shoulder. Good health to you, dear, sunny days, luck in everything. Always be so beautiful, courageous, strong. May a kind angel protect you from all troubles. Always be the master of your destiny, let success accompany you in all your endeavors.

Darling, I am lucky in my life that I met you. You are a real man. Only with you I feel the happiest, only you give me love and affection. It's your birthday today. Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the holiday. May today be better than yesterday. I wish you great success at work and high career growth. Be loved and desired, may my love always protect you. Always go forward, and do not be afraid of any obstacles on the way. Let spring always live in your heart.

For you, beloved, today all the congratulations and compliments. You are my most handsome, smartest, strongest and best guy on earth. On your birthday, I wish you everything - everything and a lot - a lot. Let your life flow like a full river, let a kind angel protect you from all troubles. Honey, be happy always, I wish you great fun. I wish you success in your work, life and business. Meet your friends with a kind word and cheerful laughter. Always be desired and loved.

Beloved, on your birthday, I wish you a lot of happiness and joy. May every day give you only good news. May your life be fabulous, and cloudless happiness. Let all your dreams come true, never be discouraged, and never face trouble. Let hope, faith and love be your faithful companions. I wish you good health, good mood, faithful beautiful love. May you be surrounded by reliable friends, may everything go well with you. Happiness and good luck to you in everything.

The most important and strongest feeling is love. I was convinced of this when I met you, my most beloved person on earth. When you are around, everything around seems blooming and joyful. Darling, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May all your dreams come true without fail, may luck open the door for you. I wish you good health, many happy days a year. Be always kept by fate. Let the road of life be bright and long - long. May a kind angel always protect you.

My dear, beloved and best guy in the whole earth. Only with you I am happy and inspired by love. Today is your birthday, please accept the warmest, best congratulations on this wonderful holiday. I sincerely wish you new ups and success in all your endeavors. May you always be lucky in everything, may luck be your companion in life, may everything go well with you, and things go like clockwork. Always be energetic, cheerful, kind. Let the lucky star illuminate your life path.

I am so lucky in my life that I met you - my best boyfriend on the whole planet. You are so reliable, so kind, so considerate. Next to you, I just melt with happiness. Today you have a wonderful holiday - your birthday. Please accept my most sincere congratulations on this solemn day. I wish you the best in all your endeavors. May every day bring only good news, may fate smile at you, and may happiness be cloudless. May my love be a talisman for you, my unique one.

Happy birthday to you, my beloved and only boyfriend. You are the best on earth, the kindest, the most reliable. Only with you I feel like the happiest girl in the world. I wish you good health, good luck in all your endeavors. May every day be filled with bright events, may everything go well with you, may life seem like raspberries. Let hope, faith and love always walk side by side. Be energetic and confident in yourself, may optimism never leave you.

I am very lucky in my life, because next to me is such a sweet and reliable guy. Today is your birthday. I sincerely congratulate you on your personal holiday. May there always be a white stripe in your life, may every day give only pleasant moments. Good health to you, my joy, success and luck. May luck always smile at you, may every new day give you a lot of joy. Be always so cheerful, cheerful, never lose heart. May the Lord always keep you.

Darling, you are the dearest to me, the most important guy on earth. I am always looking forward to meeting you. Sometimes I envy myself that I have such a guy. Today is your birthday. Please accept my warmest, most sincere congratulations. May your every day be filled with joy and wonderful mood. I wish you good health and success in all your endeavors. All the best to you, good luck in all your affairs, peaceful sky, prosperity and prosperity. May a kind angel always protect you.

Today marks the birthday of my dearest, most beloved boyfriend on earth. I sincerely congratulate you on such a wonderful event. May good luck always be next to you, may good news delight you every day. Be the master of your destiny, never lose heart. Let all the obstacles be of no concern to you, let all things go like clockwork. All the best to you, my beloved, luck and success in all your endeavors. Let all your dreams certainly turn into reality, let all bad weather pass by.

Beloved, I congratulate you on your birthday, with all my heart I wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, good health and all the very best. Let every day be the happiest, let life flow like a full river. Always be energetic, self-confident, May fate be supportive, and true luck. Let reliable and loyal friends surround you, let all problems be solved easily and simply. I wish you long life, peaceful victories, optimism. Love and be always loved and desired.

I am so glad that I have you, my most important person on earth, my beloved. Today is your birthday, let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on such a wonderful event - your birthday. May every day bring you only good news, may you be appreciated and respected. I wish you, my dear, quick advancement in the career ladder, new victories in life. May all dreams come true, and our love will be the purest and most beautiful. Good luck, my beloved one.

Beloved, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you great happiness, great love, success in everything. May everything go well with you, may every day bring only good news. Always be confident in yourself, never lose heart. May the Lord bless you for good deeds, may luck open the doors before you. Let everything that you have planned come true. You are the best on the planet, and always stay that way. All the best to you, excellent mood, and all the best.

You always give me love and happiness, affection, hope, warmth. I am very lucky with you, my unique one. Today is your holiday, let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your personal holiday. Good health to you, peace, mutual love. May all your dreams come true. May you always be successful at work and in various endeavors. All the best to you, prosperity and family warmth. Live easily and enjoy every day. Let you be lucky in everything, always. Reliable friends to you and everything, everything. Always be the favorite of fate.

Today you, my beloved, have a wonderful holiday. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May all your desires become reality, may each new day be better than yesterday. Good health to you, all earthly blessings and always excellent mood. Always be so sweet, kind, attentive. May good luck accompany you in all your affairs. May all life be filled with happiness, and let all bad weather fly by at the speed of sound. All the best to you, my only one, prosperity and prosperity.

Darling, happy birthday to you. Always be cheerful and happy. May every weekday turn into a holiday, may luck knock on you every day. I wish you good health, a peaceful sky over your head, and all the very best. May your life be like spring water, may all dreams come true without fail. Always be loved and desired. Let your house be a full cup, let the dearest guests always gather in it. Let my love be a reliable amulet for you.

My dear, from the bottom of my heart I wish you a happy birthday. May a personal holiday give you good luck and good mood, may life flow like a full river. I wish you great happiness, a clear conscience, great beautiful love. Good health to you, a peaceful sky over your head, long - long years of life. Let spring always bloom in your soul, let bad weather pass by, and let success and luck knock on your house. I wish you well-being, fun, joy, energy and enthusiasm. God bless you.

It's midnight, your birthday. A reminder worked for me. But I don't need it: I always remember this date. Because it's hard to forget good people. I wish you that all that you have good, multiplied a hundredfold, and all bad crumbled into dust with the onset of this new midnight. May happiness and good luck accompany you, money creeps at your feet, and your beloved women will never upset you. Happy birthday, now you can sleep.

Happy holiday to you! May there never be a wall of misunderstanding between us and always only good relations warm us. Open your eyes and look around: the world is full of wonderful people and great ideas. And if you ever need my help to implement them - I am always there. You have become a year older, so be 200% happier, be loved both by fate and by those around you.

My dearest, gentlest and beloved! I don't know what to wish you - you have everything that a person can only dream of: sensitivity, masculine charm, love, respect, recognition from others. ... On your birthday, I wish everything that you have, not only save but also multiply! Walk through life with your head held high and know that if you don't have enough faith in yourself, I will believe for the two of us. I know you will conquer more than one peak!

Happy birthday to you! And I wish you a bag of good luck! Never be sad in your life! Never be sad my friend. May the sun always shine clearly! And I wish you true friends and girlfriends! And let it be just a fairy tale every day. Let everything come true. All bad things will pass and be forgotten. And every moment is just a dream and caress! And may love never leave your heart! She lives, blooms forever! Happy birthday to you, dear! Happy Birthday sweetheart!

I see my best qualities in you. I am pleased to be with you and borrow new ideas, inspiration, new strength. Whoever we are to each other, I always feel courage and wisdom in you, and I strive to learn them. Therefore, I wish you to spend today and your whole life with such people, learning even more from them and constantly improving. Congratulations and a kiss on the cheek, your friend.

My dear and dear! I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday. I wish you long and beautiful dreams! I wish you many happy nights. And my beautiful fiery eyes! I want to open the door to happiness for you. Believe me, dear, believe me ... I wish to attract your good to the house and my efforts will not be in vain. With all my heart, I wish you to save everything, joy, happiness and good luck! May you never meet troubles, parting in the sea of ​​boundless life. Live and rejoice in all the novelty! I wish you a lot of joyful only meetings!

Perhaps this wonderful holiday could mean more to us. Maybe we could have it in Monte Carlo or the Bahamas. But what difference does it make where to give you my love, if we are everywhere light and warm near? You are the same prince they write about in fairy tales. And I am the very lucky woman who managed to meet this fairy tale. Let's write our fairy tale together, let it have a little laughing continuation. Happy birthday, my prince.

Open your eyes and smile! Keep it simple and you will see how everything and everyone around will appear in a completely different light! You are one year older and you must match! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you not to grow old in soul, not to lose friends, not to get sick and not to despair! I'm with you!

I wish that your soft ears always hear only pleasant words, your fluffy paws hold the most precious gifts, and your perky tail was always a pistol. Happy birthday, bunny!

May only pleasant accidents await you in life and all that has been planned will come true, presenting you with only positive moments! Happy Birthday!

I wish you a stellar life! Let the stars grow on your shoulder straps, and over the years their number increases on the cognac you drink and on the hotels where you have to stay. And let the starry sky above us be a witness of the same tender and trembling love of ours!

Darling, today is your holiday, you have a birthday! I want to congratulate you and wish you fulfillment of your desires, wonderful mood and the brightest victories in life! May all emotions be only positive, and the celebration of this day will be remembered for a long time!

My favorite! On your birthday, I would like, first of all, to remind you of your merits, which, of course, you have a lot, and I will name only a small part ... You are kind and attentive ... you forgive me women's weaknesses and do not laugh that I am afraid of mice. You are caring and patient, we do not quarrel over trifles, and you are always ready to take on your strong male shoulders the lion's share of all the troubles. You love me, and for me the greatest happiness is to reciprocate! I congratulate you on the holiday, I wish you to be always first and best in everything, to laugh sincerely and not be sad - and life will be wonderful!

My beloved, you and I are like two halves, and what a happiness that we were able to meet each other on the path of life. And may our happiness be precious and eternal. And our love and happiness shines on us for many years and does not go out. Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Darling, happy birthday! I wish you to be always loved by me and unloved by other girls. Why do you need someone else if you have me! It is myself that I want to give you ... Congratulations!

I want to tell the whole Universe about my unearthly love, I live for you, I breathe you, you occupy my whole life, because without you the world becomes faceless and dim for me. Be happy, because your happiness is my happiness, because we are one whole.

My favorite! If only I were a sorceress, I would instantly fulfill all your desires, but I do not have a magic wand, so I will just always be there. And on your birthday, having said how much I love you, I wish you health and festive mood, inspiration and luck, and may every moment of your life be unique and amazing!

My dearest and dearest, I wish you a Happy Birthday! I wish you health, success, good luck and luck, easy roads! So that friends never give you away! You are my most beautiful and most desirable!

Dear, unique, beloved! On this day, I have only one wish - that nothing darkens your eyes. May joy always shine in them, and such a dear, tender, desired smile on their lips! I can’t help but kiss you!

On your birthday, I wish you love and harmony, understanding and stability, health and vigor. And also addictions! Let everything in your life depend only on you! Wise decisions to you!

Darling, today is your holiday. As they say, there are two most important days in a person's life - the first is when he was born, and the second, when he understood why. The day you were born has already arrived! Therefore, I want to wish you as soon as possible to find the meaning of life, to do what you love and appreciate what you have!

I want to congratulate my beloved young man, my soul mate, without whom I simply cannot imagine my life. I am incredibly lucky to have you, my beloved. Because you are so caring, gentle and romantic. You will always figure out how to surprise and please me. My beloved, I want to wish you exclusively health. Everything else will not be so important if you are not healthy. I want all your plans and ideas to come true. You are so hardworking and purposeful that you simply cannot fail to achieve your goal. I am proud of you and your endurance, my beloved. Hardly anyone else could withstand what you face every day. I congratulate you on the holiday, my dearest! Be sure that all the fun is yet to come. You and I will succeed. I love you!

In my life there is one extraordinary person with whom I am going to live my whole life. I want to share all the joyful and sad moments with him, I want to wake up and see him next to me. I am ready to support him in everything, help and just be there when he feels bad or sad. I was incredibly lucky with this incredible man, because he is exactly what I imagined my future husband to be when I was little. I am always so comfortable with you, darling. I know that wherever you are, you are always mentally with me, you support me when I am afraid. Remember when I took my exams at the university? You sat and studied all this with me until the morning, and then you did not go to bed until you called and said how much you received. You are so sincere and real, so I want you to always remain that way.

My beloved, I know that you were not going to celebrate your birthday, but I thought and decided that I could not leave you without a holiday. You've worked almost seven days a week, so you deserve to celebrate your holiday. All your friends and relatives have gathered here, but before the holiday begins, I want to say a few words. My beloved, over the years of our relationship, I realized that true love exists. You and I have built such a relationship that can be considered exemplary, and this can be confirmed by many. I was there when you had problems at work, you were there for me when I was sick. We never fight because we think it wastes time for both of us. I want to wish you health, my beloved, and good luck in all your endeavors. I am sure that you will achieve everything, because you are doing your best for this.

My dearest and beloved man, I want to congratulate you on your day! Every year on this day I start with the same, today will be no exception. I want to congratulate your parents, and I also want to thank them so much for being in my life. I wish you health, strength and energy - you need all this so that you can achieve all your goals, all your plans and dreams come true. I am sure that you will succeed, you just need to wait a little and make an effort. I promise on my part to provide all the support and assistance. Be sure that you are not alone, because you have me, there is your family, your relatives and friends. We all love you very much, we are proud of you and your perseverance. Everything will be just fine, my darling. The most important thing is that you and I are together, that we support each other, and everything else will be.

Darling, your birthday is my favorite day of the year, because today you can not run anywhere, not invent anything, but you can only enjoy your vacation. You deserve it, because all year you do everything only for others, but today is that exceptional day. I want to wish you all the best and brightest that can be. You are so incredible that I sometimes envy myself, because any girl would be happy to meet just such a person. I appreciate your every advice, every minute spent with you, every our event. We still have so many interesting things ahead, so you can not even doubt. I will do my best to make our life bright and eventful. We will have everything the way we want, it remains only to wait a little. Everything will be of the highest order, my beloved.

I want to congratulate my beloved, unique and only young man with whom I am going to connect my whole life. You and I have gone through a lot, my dear, but the most important thing is that we have gone through all this together. I know how hard a lot is for you, but be sure that fate will be favorable to you, because it sees how hardworking and purposeful you are. I want to always see you happy, so I will do everything to make it so. Do not even doubt that we will succeed, because you and I definitely deserve it. My beloved, I also want to congratulate your parents, whom I love very much. They raised you to be such a serious and responsible man who is not afraid of any difficulties. I know that you will not let any of us down, and we, in turn, will be there and help you.

I love you just because you are in my life. I don't need expensive gifts, restaurants, dresses and phones, I need you with all my problems, unresolved issues. I love your explosive nature because it complements my calm nature. I like to walk with you just through life, together to reach certain heights. This is much more interesting than being content with a ready-made life. Thank you for everything you do for me. I am very pleased with your attention gesture, because you know how to be so romantic. I congratulate you on your personal holiday. Just stay the same fun, joyful and upbeat. Let everything in your life be as you want, because you deserve it, my beloved. I wish you good health, good luck in everything. I am sure that we will still hear about you as one of the most successful people.

I want to congratulate my dearest person, who burst into my life a few years ago and just turned it upside down. But I want to say that this is how I like my life more. I want to live all of it just with you, because you and I complement each other. I want to spend my whole life next to a person who knows how to please me even when I feel very bad. My beloved, I will never tire of thanking fate for the fact that you are in my life. In addition, first of all, of course, I want to congratulate your parents, who raised such a strong and serious man. Despite the fact that you are still so young, you are already so serious and responsible that many adult men may envy you. I want all your dreams and desires to come true, and ideas and plans to come true. Just be happy and healthy.

Our birthday boy today occupies a special place in my life and plays the most important role. It was he who taught me to accept this life with all its advantages and disadvantages, it was he who taught me to appreciate and enjoy every moment. I love you, my best man! I can no longer imagine my life without you, without your constant ideas and plans. I am very interested with you, and every time you come up with something new for me. My beloved, I congratulate you on the holiday, may this day be remembered by you as one of the best days in your life. I hope that I will be able to create an extraordinary atmosphere here. Just enjoy this day, because during normal working hours you do not even have the opportunity to rest, and today is only your day, which means that you have every right to rest. I love you, the best guy in the world!

I want to congratulate my dear and beloved boyfriend on his birthday. This man completely changed me and my life, because he brought a lot of bright colors into it, saturated it with events. I have never felt so good, calm and comfortable, but for several years now, my man makes me happy. My beloved, I want to wish you good health. Believe that nothing is more important than this simply cannot be. The most important thing is to be healthy, and we will achieve everything else ourselves. I congratulate your incredible parents, who have already become like family to me. They raised you as a real man who is not afraid of anything, who knows how to overcome difficulties. I congratulate you, my most extraordinary man. Today you have every right to rest, so you can rest in peace and enjoy every moment. Darling, I will do everything to make you happy.

Today is one of my favorite days of the year, because today is the birthday of my second half, my one and only. To begin with, I want to congratulate your parents, who are proud of you, like all of us. They made every effort to ensure that you grow up to be such a courageous and strong person, and now you are already making every effort to take care of your parents. My dear, I want to wish you health and inspiration, because this is what you lack for a fulfilling life. You either complain about your health or your lack of imagination, which is why I want to wish you exactly that. I hope that you will enjoy the holiday that we have decided to arrange for you, because you should have a good rest at least once a year. I congratulate you, my very best! I promise you that our life will be full of interesting and bright events.