Aquamarine is a sea water stone for travel and beauty. Description and properties of aquamarine stone

Aquamarine is a stone, at first glance, discreet. The saturation of its color is low, and a glance thrown with chalk will determine the blueness of the crystal as whitish, blurry, watery. It is worth, however, to take a closer look at a transparent stone, and it becomes clear: aquamarine is not simple, its dull appearance hides the virtues inherent in the most noble of semi-precious minerals.

The silvery inner radiance of the stone was appreciated in ancient times. Pliny wrote about the high cost of crystals, the color of which coincided with the color of the sea wave. Paustovsky, fascinated by aquamarine, characterized it as a stone of the color of stars.

The aristocracy and the nobility of the whole world have used and continue to use aquamarines with pleasure as a distinctive sign of their chosenness. The scepter of the Polish autocrat, completely carved from aquamarine, is kept in the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. Britain, as mistress of the seas, set the sea-colored stone into the imperial crown. Many finely cut aquamarines are kept in private and museum collections in many countries.

Physical and chemical properties of aquamarine

  • The chemical formula is Al2Be3.
  • The shape of the crystals is elongated-prismatic.
  • The color of aquamarine is blue, bluish-green.
  • Transparency - translucent, transparent.
  • Luster - glass.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale - 7.5.
  • Density - 2.7 g/cm3.
  • Light refraction or refraction period - 1.574-1.580.
  • Cleavage: absent.
  • Fracture: conchoidal, uneven.
  • Syngony: hexagonal.
  • Is the mineral brittle: Yes.

aquamarine color

Not every aquamarine has the color of the sea water. Stones mined in the middle Urals and beyond Baikal are blue. South Ural aquamarines, found in the Ilmensky mountains, are greenish.

Mined in South America, aquamarine crystals can have a very deep blue color. About a hundred years ago, a sapphire-blue aquamarine deposit was discovered in Brazil.

Unfortunately, the color instability of these stones turned out to be even more phenomenal than the color itself. Even a short exposure to bright sun caused the crystals to fade. In a few days of "acquaintance" with daylight, the crystals changed color from blurry blue to dirty yellow, yellow-brown, and even earthy.

Instability to intense electromagnetic radiation of the visible spectrum and neighboring ranges is inherent in all aquamarines. In some specimens of the stone, as noted by Fersman, there is a fuzzy color zoning. The peripheral areas of the crystalline body of aquamarine have a bluish-blue color, the central area shines with yellowness. It is the mixture of the yellow color of the inner zone of the crystal and the blue color of the outer layers that gives the green tint to the overall color of the stone.

Weakly colored blues resemble aquamarine, but in terms of gem quality they cannot be compared with the famous gem. Spinels are characterized by gaseous inclusions in the stone mass, visible as tiny bubbles. Aquamarines do not have such defects.

Similar to aquamarine and. However, topaz shines brighter and gives a much richer play of refracted light. From a certain angle of view, in the thickness of a flat-faceted aquamarine, a silvery reflection is noticeable, shaped like a chrysanthemum flower. Topaz is not capable of such “arts”.

The high (up to 70%) content of quartz in natural aquamarine gives scammers hope to imitate natural stone with glass fakes. But glass tinted with cobalt salts does not have the dichroism effect inherent in aquamarine. A precious crystal (this is especially noticeable in artificial lighting) is seen differently when the angle of incidence of light changes. Tinted glass is the same for any type of observation.

Natural aquamarines of low color intensity can be thermally prepared before sale. Heating the stone to 400˚С in a muffle furnace “thickens” the color, intensifies the natural blue of the mineral. Irradiation of pale aquamarine with X-rays leads to similar results. "Improved" stones, however, often "show holes", acquiring unattractive color zoning or dirty tones in a uniform color.

In addition, such a stone is even less resistant to sunlight than.

Artificial cultivation of beryls of light blue color and gem quality is not practiced.

The magical properties of aquamarine

The high optical properties of natural aquamarine were used by ancient craftsmen: lenses were machined from large stones. Needless to say, in the minds of the people, aquamarine was considered, if not magical, then at least a slightly supernatural mineral.

The mystical perception of bluish crystals thickened as much as possible by the Middle Ages, when aquamarine began to be considered the lord of the water element. Every captain of a serious sea vessel was supposed to own a piece of jewelry with high-quality aquamarines. Repeated sea failures were explained by neglect of the stone.

The magical properties of aquamarine are considered powerful today. The distinctly blue color of the crystal testifies to the transparent and bright prospects in the life of the owner. An unexpected change of color towards green warns of possible troubles. A decrease in the transparency of the stone is a warning of inevitable personal troubles.

Wearing or daily tactile communication with a precious mineral makes a person bolder. The owner of an aquamarine finds it easier to learn complex humanities - philosophy, political science, sociological disciplines.

The healing properties of aquamarine

Looking at a stone illuminated by fire or an incandescent lamp helps improve vision. However, aquamarine plays the main lithotherapeutic role in the anesthesia of the entire digestive tract. It is equally effective for dental, and hepatic, and hemorrhoid pain.

Reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings, aquamarine helps to calm the nervous system as a whole. The beneficial effects of the stone help to stabilize emotions and increase mental endurance.

The noticeable healing properties of aquamarine are also manifested in the fight against thyroid diseases. Faceted blue crystals collected in beads enhance the effect of drugs, balance the synthesis of hormones, and prevent the development of thyrotoxicosis.

Aquamarine for zodiac signs

Water signs can count on the full help of aquamarine. The stone is especially effective in relation to Pisces and Cancers. Air zodiacal signs may wear aquamarine jewelry from time to time, but Geminis should refrain from purchasing aquamarine jewelry.

Active Taurus has no right to expect help from aquamarine: in the presence of such an energetic personality, the stone closes, becomes spiritually inert. Aquamarine can bring disappointment and failure to Sagittarians.

Aquamarine talismans and amulets

Since ancient times, aquamarine has been the talisman of watermen. Whatever you work in the sea or river fleet, buy a few aquamarines and keep them at your workplace or in your cabin!

Aquamarine amulet is the first assistant in getting rid of smoking. Less, but the blue stone also helps in the fight against alcohol abuse. Among other things, aquamarine amulets support in creative and research activities. A stone, mentally tuned to good luck in solving complex scientific problems, helps to find the most rational way to solve the mysteries of nature.

Aquamarine - photos of individual stones, crystals and jewelry

Silver ring with natural aquamarine in the shape of a cabochon.

aquamarine stone
A polished piece of natural aquamarine.

Aquamarine is a stone of "noble blood", one of the most beautiful varieties of beryl. Its closest "relatives" are emerald, sapphire, ruby. Perhaps this fact explains the nature of the divine beauty of the mineral.

Sky blue stone. Charming, very clean and perfectly transparent. In nature, aquamarine is much more common than emeralds and rubies, so the cost of the mineral is significantly more affordable. An interesting property of aquamarine is its two-color nature. If you change the angle of view, the shade of the stone changes and becomes either bluish or greenish.

Another curious fact: aquamarine has the ability to change its hue when the weather changes. Just like the sea changes its color in clear weather and in a storm. The pale blue color of aquamarine turns pale, acquires a greenish tint before rain or a storm. It was for this quality that aquamarine was highly valued by medieval sailors. In whatever part of the world they went, they always took aquamarine talismans with them, which prompted them the right way and protected them from storms, which were a mortal danger in the open ocean. Ancient sailors believed that aquamarine is the materialized soul of the sea. It was believed that aquamarine was able to tame and pacify sea storms!

Since then, aquamarine has become one of the best talismans for travelers, in the modern sense - tourists. Recovering on vacation or a business trip, be sure to take this wonderful stone with you - it will not bother you! By the way, it was the travelers who noticed that aquamarine relieves the condition during pitching and saves from “seasickness”.

Romantic, gentle, light, brilliant! In nature, bluish-green, greenish-blue or gray-blue aquamarines are found. Absolutely all shades of aquamarine are light and airy. This mineral radiates the finest vibrations, and its energy, in principle, is never “heavy”. His aura is light and "fragile", but fragile only at first glance. Aquamarine is a durable, wear-resistant mineral. The high strength of the stone eliminates the appearance of scratches and other defects on the surface, preserving for decades its excellent vitreous luster, which is liked by women and enchants men.

Whatever pebble of aquamarine you consider, it will remind you of either a clear sky or the sea surface. The aristocratic pale blue hue of the mineral is born due to the iron content. The richer the shade of aquamarine, the higher its price. In the jewelry market, aquamarine is most valued for its deep blue color, reminiscent of the shade of sea water of tropical latitudes. Such water that washes the shores of the fabulously beautiful island of Mauritius or the island of Bora Bora. The name of the magic mineral is translated as “sea water”. The name of the stone is composed of two Latin words "aqua" - which means "water", and "mare" - "sea". It is believed that the name of the stone was given by the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder, who, describing beryl, noted: “The most valuable of them are beryl, similar to the pure green of sea waters.”

Probably, there is no woman in the world who would remain indifferent if an aquamarine jewelry fell into her hands. The most delicate subtle shade of the stone suits any eye color and appearance color type! It awakens in us the warmest feelings and pleasant sensations. Gives harmony, peace and happiness. Shades of water and sky give vitality, the brightest and purest thoughts. It is the color of divine height.

"Santa Maria", "Don Pedro", "Martha Roja" and other Brazilian aquamarines

Among the various shades of aquamarine, one variety stands out, widely known in the jewelry market under the name “Santa Maria”, the stones are rare, intensely colored and so beautiful that they have received special attention. Aquamarines "Santa Maria" are mined in the Brazilian town of the same name Santa Maria. Stones similar in hue are found in African deposits, which are also called "Santa Maria Africana".

Espirito Santo is another shade of aquamarine that stands out in a sea of ​​aquamarine splendor. True, its shade is not as blue as that of Santa Maria, but it is peculiar and conspicuous. Espirito Santo is also mined in Brazil. Today, the stone is in great demand in the global jewelry market.

"Marta Roja" is also a variety of aquamarine from Brazil, named after the Brazilian beauty queen of 1954.

As you might guess, today Brazil is one of the main suppliers of aquamarines in the world. The richest deposits, as well as the amazing shades of the natural mineral, have formed a giant aquamarine market in these places. The largest, crystal clear sky blue aquamarines are born in the land of South America, the best of which become museum exhibits and worthy decorations of private collections.

One of these is "Dom Pedro", a twenty-six kilogram aquamarine that was found in Brazil in 1992. This crystal is considered the largest aquamarine in the world to be cut. Today, the handsome aquamarine is exhibited at the Washington National Museum, delighting all visitors. But it is not the largest aquamarine. In 1910, in the same place, in Brazil, in the city of Marambaya, an aquamarine weighing 110 kilograms was found! The color of this giant is no less remarkable - in the center of the crystal is sky blue, golden rays come out of it, turning into a light greenish hue at the ends of the mineral. The stone is fantastically beautiful.

But not only the Brazilian land gives birth to large aquamarines. Russian expanses make them quite worthy competition. The largest Russian aquamarine was found in 1796 in Transbaikalia. The weight of the crystal was 82 kilograms. Quite large aquamarines are regularly found in Altai and in the Ilmensky mountains.

Record-breaking large aquamarines, of course, did not go unnoticed by the royal courts and entered the royal jewelry collections of many European countries. The Polish king Stanislav even wished to have an aquamarine scepter. By his decree, a scepter 30 centimeters long was cut out of a large crystal, which is now stored in the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin. Loved aquamarines and English kings. In the museum of the Petersburg Mining Institute, you can see an aquamarine of amazing beauty with a diameter of 125 cm.

The “sea” aquamarine stone resembles a small crystallized piece of the ocean. No wonder this mineral has been considered the talisman of sailors for many centuries. According to an ancient ritual, an aquamarine pebble must be lowered into the water in the light of sunlight, and then the stone's power is activated to the maximum.

Also, aquamarine has always been considered a stone of matrimony. Talismans were worn with him to marry well and attract material well-being. In the old days, it was believed that this stone preserves the unity of spouses, harmonizes relationships, sets them in a good mood. Aquamarine amulets are the best helpers, cooling ardent debaters, preventing conflicts and quarrels, cooling raging passions. An excellent stabilizer of the emotional and mental sphere.

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A full-fledged "relative" of rubies and emeralds has the most powerful magical and healing properties. A truly unique gift of nature will certainly be felt by every owner of jewelry with aquamarine.

The favorite stone of magicians, aquamarine has been used in sorcery since the earliest stages of human civilization. This divine mineral was considered one of the most powerful stones, with which they defended themselves from the strongest astral attacks. Therefore, it was very early used to create amulets and amulets. A stone of crystal clearness and a divinely heavenly hue helps its owner to open and develop inner vision, the so-called "emotional mind", which allows you to see and understand much more, feel deeper and stronger, helps to "decipher" the secret signs and messages of the Universe. For example, in India, aquamarine has been revered for many centuries as a mineral that strengthens the spirit, helping to expose deceit and deceit. Indians believe that such a pure stone with a divine hue can only be worn by crystal-clear honest people who never lie. If a dishonest person uses the stone, then all his deceptions will certainly be exposed! This is a stone of high energies, capable of accurately correcting the thoughts and actions of its owners, imperceptibly redirecting attention from some primitive material things to higher spheres of our universe. No wonder aquamarine has become the talisman of scientists and philosophers. The stone disposes to intellectual work and sets in a serious mood. The light and positive energy of aquamarine significantly improves mood, enlivens the mind and banishes laziness.

Aquamarine is both a helper, a protector, and a wise "teacher" Soft and delicate color radiation, as well as subtle vibrations of aquamarine, calm the quick-tempered, cool the aggressive, educate the immoral, inspiring them with positive thoughts. By the way, it has long been noted that aquamarine is able to protect its owner from bad company and bad habits, "wean" from alcohol, help quit smoking, etc.

From the history of aquamarine
Aquamarine has been known to mankind for a very long time, but worldwide fame came to this luxurious stone only in the Middle Ages. As mentioned earlier, seafarers and travelers noticed the amazing properties of aquamarine - changing the shade in bad weather, warning of storms, treating seasickness, etc. The connection of aquamarine with the sea and ocean was determined by medieval sailors only as mystical. It was believed that it is best to wear aquamarine in the form of pendants, necklaces or beads, so that the "soul of the sea" is closer to the heart. In the aristocratic environment, it was fashionable to combine aquamarines and diamonds in one product, symbolizing the elements of Water and Air. Bohemian beauties and insidious intriguers of the royal courts of Europe carefully observed the color of the stone of their rivals: if the sky-blue aquamarine became cloudy and acquired a greenish color, then the lady was in a bad mood and in a disorder of feelings. It was believed that aquamarine is able to reflect the mood and well-being of its owner. Also, a crystal clear stone warns its owner about a lie or an insidious plan directed against her - the stone changes color, loses transparency and darkens.

Aquamarines from India were especially highly valued in medieval Europe - large, perfectly clear crystals of a stunningly delicate, heavenly hue. The jewelry collections of the British royal house today contain a lot of jewelry with luxurious Indian aquamarines.

Modern jewelry designers and jewelers adore aquamarine. It is difficult to find a stone that, in terms of cutting, would be processed in such a different way and in such a diverse way - this is both a classic that has been tested for centuries, and modern avant-garde cuts. Whatever form the master gives to aquamarine, the stone always looks amazing!

Imitations and similar stones
Aquamarine is often counterfeited or simply confused with stones of similar colors. Spinel blue shades are very similar to aquamarine saturated tones. It is quite difficult for a non-professional to distinguish these stones. Spinel is an inexpensive mineral, so it is often passed off as a more valuable aquamarine. Experts to determine the name of the stone, bring it to the lamp - under artificial lighting, spinel noticeably gives off red hues, which is completely uncharacteristic for aquamarine.

Aquamarines of dark shades are very similar to blue topazes. It should be noted that the brilliance of aquamarines is somewhat inferior to the brilliance of topaz in intensity. Another marker of difference is that topazes never have snow-white crystal-like inclusions, which can often be seen in aquamarines.

Very often, aquamarine is confused with pale varieties of sapphire. But do not forget about one unique property of aquamarine - two-tone. If you change the angle of view, then the shade of aquamarine changes, but sapphire does not!

Place of Birth

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The most significant deposits of aquamarine are in Madagascar and Brazil (it is in Brazil that the largest specimens were found). Aquamarine is also mined in Russia - in the Urals and in Transbaikalia. Aquamarine is found in smaller quantities in Australia, USA, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Ukraine, Namibia, Mozambique, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania.

magical properties
Aquamarine belongs to the element of Water. Carries Yin energy.
Talismans with aquamarines protect their owners from dangers and deceptions, make them more reasonable, capable of making informed decisions. The stone helps to extinguish anger and negative emotions, relieves stress and fears. Most actively "works" in the ring on the little finger, index or ring fingers. A good option is a pendant or pendant with aquamarine.

Do not forget to look closely at your aquamarine and note the change in its color - in clear weather, the aquamarine stone shines with a pure blue tint. In gloomy weather, the stone becomes cloudy, filled with green colors, like the sea before a storm. Perhaps this weather change indicator will one day serve you well.

Jewelry with aquamarines can be worn without restrictions by Aquarius, Libra, Pisces, Cancers. Astrologers recommend wearing aquamarine with caution to Scorpios and Gemini. With overly active people, aquamarine works worse than with the owners of a calm and moderate disposition. The vibrations of the stone are very subtle, and violent energy can simply neutralize them. You should never forget that aquamarine is able to reveal the deceptions of dishonest people, bringing them to clean water.

Most of all, aquamarine favors Pisces, whose positive traits and abilities are greatly enhanced by the energy of this mineral. Harmonizes the interaction of spirit and body. Aquamarine protects representatives of this sign from negativity, reduces their reaction to everything negative, helps to develop intellectually and spiritually, to be a faithful and devoted friend, to protect love and good relations with loved ones and relatives. Aquamarine adds Pisces courage, courage, strengthens and enhances self-esteem, a sense of justice. The magical power of aquamarine helps the representatives of the Pisces sign to neutralize one of their main shortcomings - uncontrolled outbursts of emotions. The energy of the stone helps to avoid breakdowns, eliminate stress and do without vain exhausting experiences.

Medicinal properties
Aquamarine, with its ability to change color, is considered an indicator not only of the weather, but also of the owner's state of mind, its corrector and stabilizer. People who instantly flare up emotionally, losing control of themselves, are advised to always have this divine mineral with them. This is an excellent natural biostimulant that works regardless of the horoscope and the physiological state of the body. Aquamarine helps with various disorders of the nervous system - eliminates anxiety, anxiety and unreasonable fear, calms the psyche, relieves overexcitation.

Indian yogis have been using aquamarine for thousands of years to activate the throat chakra of Vishuddhi - this is one of the main energy centers of the human body, associated with the thyroid gland, responsible for controlling emotions. Therefore, lithotherapists recommend that all women regularly wear aquamarine pendants and beads.

The famous Tibetan and Mongolian medicine describes aquamarine as one of the best bio-regulators that relieves tension and helps to find peace of mind. The healing mineral helps to heal from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney diseases. Optimizes the work of the stomach and liver. Contributes to the treatment of colds, runny nose, asthma.

Aquamarine can significantly relieve toothache and headaches. Contributes to the treatment of common eye diseases. With regular examination of the stone and a high concentration of attention, vision is sharpened.

Stone jewelry has a positive effect on the work of the endocrine glands and adrenal glands, normalizes the body's water metabolism, helps to remove excess fluid from the body, which speeds up the process of weight loss.

Lithotherapists advise wearing aquamarine to strengthen the immune system, as well as to cleanse the body of toxins. The mineral normalizes the salt composition of the blood, which is a valuable and rare property.

It is believed that rings with aquamarines help get rid of various skin diseases, including allergic rashes. Aquamarine as a whole noticeably softens allergic reactions.

Aquamarine is an ancient stone. The gem is transparent and resembles both a clear blue sky and an emerald sea. For this, he is very popular with jewelers. Aquamarine jewelry amaze the minds of even the most sophisticated ladies. Therefore, you can buy an aquamarine in a decent cut and present it to a woman as a gift even on the occasion of her anniversary.

Talisman and amulet

As a talisman, aquamarine is ideal for sailors, travelers and people involved in scientific work. Sailors always took him on trips, considering him a protector on campaigns. This stone helps with bouts of seasickness. Aquamarine is a symbol of friendship and love. It will help to maintain purity in relationships, as well as fidelity in love. Will give more strength to establish family ties. It is advisable to purchase a stone for single people. With it, they will find friends or a soulmate. It is believed that aquamarine as an amulet protects against damage and envious people.

The magical properties of the stone

Aquamarine has the ability to change its color. If it becomes cloudy or turns green, then there will be bad weather. Very responsive to the condition of the person who wears it. If the owner feels bad or suffers from unrequited love, then the aquamarine darkens. In ancient times, people believed that only an honest person could wear this stone. Liars and deceivers did not like the gem, because with them it immediately lost its attractiveness and remained forever dark. If something bad was planned against the owner of the stone, then he helped to uncover evil intrigues.

Healing properties

Aquamarine is considered a stone for eye diseases. Helps relieve pressure and fatigue after a hard day's work. To do this, you need to look at a transparent crystal for some time. Treats thyroid disorders. A necklace with an aquamarine pendant relieves inflammation in the throat, and earrings with this stone are great for headaches. A ring with an insert "drops of the sea" treats skin diseases well. Lithotherapists recommend purchasing it for people with weak immunity. The stone is considered “water”, therefore it helps to relieve swelling and normalizes the salt balance of the body.

Who is aquamarine for?

Suitable for people who were born under the sign and. First, he helps to overcome his indecision and control emotions. Libra, thanks to aquamarine, will become calm and reasonable. The stone will help smooth out mood swings.

Care and wearing

It should be stored separately from other jewelry, wrapped in velvet. Aquamarine is a fragile stone, so it is afraid of strong blows and scratches. Avoid exposure to detergents, cosmetics. Burns out when exposed to direct sunlight. Wash with a soft cloth.

Aquamarine has long been valued by different peoples for its extraordinary beauty - it was compared with the azure sky and crystal clear sea water. Translated from Latin, its name means "sea water" - in ancient times it was believed that it was a frozen piece of the endless sea. However, he gained his fame not only for his amazing appearance, but also for his magical and healing qualities.

Origin of the stone

Aquamarine is a precious stone, although some believe that it is still semi-precious. To finally be convinced of its nobility, it is enough to study the pricing policy for this mineral - it is far from cheap.

Aquamarine is a variety of beryl that can range in color from the crystal clear blue of the skies to the deep, even hazy, blue of the underwater depths. Sometimes there are greenish shades in the azure color.

The origin of the beautiful mineral is shrouded in as mysterious legends as he is. According to one of them, this stone was found in ancient times by sailors among the treasures guarded by a mermaid. And since then, it was he who became a talisman for them and everyone who ever wanted to go to sea. Aquamarine protected travelers from bad weather and storms, and could also prevent seasickness. The sailors believed that this stone was a gift from the sea god Poseidon himself, and they always took it with them on long and dangerous voyages.

According to another legend, this stone is a reflection of the Cosmos itself, immense and incomprehensible, and the planet Neptune patronizes it.

The history of the origin of the name is no less interesting. The ancient Roman sage and philosopher Pliny the Elder called the mineral aquamarine. In his time, this stone was called imperial and in different countries figurines and medallions were cut out of it, one way or another connected with the rulers of states. Many products made of this stone have survived to this day. Pliny himself, by the way, appreciated the crystals of a greenish-transparent hue.

Physical and chemical properties

The variety of shades of aquamarine is due to the varying degree of content of iron particles in it. This mineral, although quite hard, resistant to scratching, is at the same time very light and brittle due to its crystalline structure. The physical characteristics of this stone are as follows:

  1. Hardness on the Mohs scale - 7.5−8.
  2. Density - 2.75 g/cm.
  3. Refractive indices - 1.60.

Aquamarine is similar to glass and, in principle, can be faked, but in fact, synthetic production is so problematic and energy-intensive that it is not used on an industrial scale. The crystal, which has received a high-quality cut, glistens and shimmers well, outwardly resembles sapphire, sometimes topaz and other minerals of a similar shade.

Under the influence of sunlight fades and loses its attractiveness. High temperatures can make it much darker than the natural color.

Its main chemical constituents are oxides of silicon, aluminum and beryllium. And also in the composition there are minor inclusions of cesium, vanadium, rubidium, lithium, potassium and sodium, and in rare cases - chromium

. Depending on the place of origin, the percentage of all these elements varies., which gives the mineral different shades.

Mineral deposits

There are quite a few deposits around the world. The most famous and largest of them:

They also find these minerals in Ukraine, India and other countries. Most often, aquamarine crystals are found in coarse-grained granites.

The largest aquamarine in the history of its extraction was discovered in Brazil at the beginning of the last century. Its mass exceeded 100 kg. After processing this giant, jewelry for 220 thousand carats was made from it.

And a little earlier in the same Brazil they already set a record for the production of the largest aquamarine. But at that time, the giant weighed only 18 kg and gave life to 30 thousand carats of precious material. He was even given a name - "Jacket".

The most famous and stunningly beautiful products made from this stone, as well as magnificent natural samples, have survived to this day:

Russian minerals most often have blue hues, but crystals of a rare sapphire blue color have been found in Brazil. It happened in 1917. But as soon as the finds were pulled out of the mine into the light, the unexpected happened - their color changed beyond recognition and became reddish-yellow, almost brown in places. Scientists have found that this is how aquamarine was affected by solar radiation. Therefore, this stone is not recommended to be kept in the sun for a long time, no matter what color it is.

Aquamarine in lithotherapy

As for the treatment of various diseases, here this mineral of the color of the sea depths has established itself as an excellent remedy for solving problems with the thyroid gland, as well as for toothache, pneumonia and various dermatitis. A green stone is able to cope with cardiovascular diseases. In addition, many owners of jewelry with this precious mineral noted its positive effect on immunity, vision, and the functioning of the secretory glands and adrenal glands.

Aquamarine is closely associated with the respiratory system, so it is recommended to wear it to people with poor health in terms of colds: sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and a tendency to sinusitis. When worn regularly, this crystal frees the sinuses and nasal cavity from unwanted accumulations of pus and mucus. If there is a sore throat, perspiration or pustules on the tonsils, you need to wear aquamarine around your neck in the form of a necklace or simply as a natural crystal with a cord threaded into it.

In lithotherapy - treatment with minerals - the cut of the material does not matter. This is purely an aesthetic perception of the stone. For treatment, a piece of a natural-shaped crystal, unpolished and asymmetrical, is quite suitable.

Mineral magic

The magical properties of aquamarine have been used since ancient times, but even in our time of rapid development of technological progress, interest in aquamarine does not fade away - amulets and talismans are still made from it for various needs.

For example, since ancient times and to this day, people who are deceitful, vile and prone to betrayal are afraid to wear this mineral, fearing exposure. The fact is that for these individuals, the stone will quickly become dull, cloudy and lose all its beauty, thus betraying the deceiver.

Moreover, if the owner of the jewelry with this stone communicates with a person who wants to deceive or outwit him, then the stone will become unclear for a while, indicating the bad intentions of the interlocutor.

Since the time of ancient Greek and Roman navigators, aquamarine has been used to guarantee good weather for those going to sea. Sailors believe that an amulet with this crystal will protect their ship from the storm., and themselves - from death in the depths of the sea.

And also the stone is considered a talisman of love and friendship. Lovers give each other jewelry with this stone to live in love and fidelity for many years. For example, a guy can give a girl a ring, earrings or a necklace with a faceted "sea stone", and a girl can present cufflinks, a ring or a bracelet with aquamarine to her beloved man.

The stone has the ability to relieve laziness, blues and anxiety, drive away fears and insomnia, as well as improve performance and cheer up. The mineral gives vivacity and gives a surge of strength for the whole day.

Sorcerers adhere to such a point of view, according to which the stone is able to control the energy flows of a person, directing him into the mainstream of virtue and justice. This brings to its owner such qualities as eloquence, the ability to convince and find a compromise, but only if his cause is just.

Well, and, of course, you must, first of all, believe in the magical qualities of your talisman, then he will definitely show all his strength.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

According to the horoscope, the aquamarine stone is not suitable for all representatives of the zodiac circle. Some signs are especially interconnected with this mineral. Astrologers believe that it is most suitable for wearing by representatives of water signs.

Lunar subjects - Pisces- blue aquamarine will help to identify people in their environment who shamelessly use their kindness. And also with the help of a stone, you can enhance your positive qualities by gently smoothing out negative character traits.

crayfish but they will find their love and be reconciled to their beloved, if before that they were in a quarrel with them. In addition, the constant wearing of a stone on the chest will give Cancers peace of mind and protect them from anxiety and a tendency to depressive states inherent in this zodiac sign.

Thanks to the aquamarine talisman, Aquarius will be able to find harmony both in love affairs and in business and friendships. For more fruitful professional work and quick career advancement, they are recommended to wear a ring with this crystal on the index finger of the leading hand - that is, the right-hander should be worn on the right, and the left-hander on the left.

Taurus they can get little help in business, but this stone does not have such a strong influence on them as it does on the signs of the water element.

Lviv the crystal will force a calm manifestation of emotions and restraint of its violent nature, which this zodiac sign is unlikely to like. However, if a representative of the fire element wants to curb his tough temper, then he can safely use the properties of aquamarine.

Gemini stone allows you to easily solve internal problems. And Libra will warn against impending dangers, but it is better for them to use an amethyst as a talisman.

The rest of the signs of the zodiac series that are not included in this list do not claim the positive influence of the aquamarine stone, and it is even dangerous for some to wear it, for example, Sagittarius and Scorpio. The serpentine is more suitable for virgins, and Aries prefers stones of the fire element - ruby, carnelian or amber. Capricorns usually choose dark stones - onyx or agate, they contribute to them in gaining knowledge and improving intellectual abilities.

Thus, before buying jewelry with this mineral, it is necessary to study the properties of the aquamarine stone and to whom it suits, from the point of view of astrology.

Features of care

Any stone requires special handling, regardless of the purpose for which it is purchased. If this jewelry is designed to emphasize the beauty of its owner, then it is necessary to regularly clean the frame with special products for precious metals, and wipe the stone itself with a soft cloth. And if the emphasis is primarily on the magical properties of the stone, then the care will be slightly different.

Any stone used as a talisman loses its properties over time - the clogging of the energy field of the mineral with the negative emotions of the owner and the negative biocurrents of others affects. Therefore, in order for aquamarine not to lose its magical power, it is enough to know how to properly clean it from the accumulated wrong energy.

The talisman or amulet must be placed in running water for a while. If it is possible to use clean, spring water, it is very good, but in urban conditions, tap water is also suitable for lack of another. When cleaning, do not use any chemical cleaners or detergents. After washing the stone, you need to wipe it with a soft natural cloth and leave it alone for several days.

As a result of such a “rest”, aquamarine will restore its strength and again be able to protect its owner on his difficult life path.

The name of the mineral "aquamarine" already speaks for itself. "Aqua" - water, "marina" - sea. In color, it is similar to sea water, conveying its most different shades - from pale blue to greenish. Aquamarine is a difficult and whimsical stone. For the gentle discreetness and nobility of color, he gained special respect and popularity. Even the imperial crown of the British Empire is adorned with an aquamarine crystal.

Blue dim aquamarine is mined in the Ural Mountains and Transbaikalia. But in the Southern Urals they find light green aquamarine. The deposits of South America give blue aquamarine, but there is information that the extraction of rare sapphire-blue minerals was discovered in Brazil about a century ago. There are also deposits on the peninsula of Sri Lanka, in Pakistan, in Ukraine, India and Australia - minerals of different colors are mined there.

By the way, the Brazilian aquamarine is the largest. Samples of this stone are sometimes heavier than 100 kilograms.

Counterfeits and analogues