Safe facial rejuvenation. The most effective modern cosmetic procedures

In recent years, the popularity of anti-aging cosmetic procedures has increased significantly. This is due, first of all, to efficiency, safety and a wide variety of services offered. Which technique is best, the advantages and disadvantages of each - worries women when choosing a procedure for facial rejuvenation. This is what will be discussed next.

Ways to rejuvenate the skin of the face

The face is the main weapon of a woman, so it is very important for her to constantly preserve its beauty. Fortunately, modern cosmetology offers a wide variety of methods, the use and combination of which will fully satisfy the desires of patients.

Anti-aging procedures for the face are divided into the following types:

  • Plastic surgery is a cardinal method for skin rejuvenation. A quick and effective result is opposed to a long rehabilitation period, pain and the risk of complications.
  • Beauty injections and fillers - according to most experts - this is the second most effective way to restore the former elasticity and beauty of the epidermis. It is painless, the recovery period is short due to the low invasiveness of the method. Along with this, the rejuvenating components of the preparations are directly delivered to the inner layers, where they immediately begin to actively act. The main effect of the technique is to improve the skin and accelerate the mechanism of natural restoration of tone and turgor of facial tissues.
  • Botox, Dysport injections are a direction of injection cosmetology that rejuvenates by relaxing facial muscles. It does not provide a healing effect, but the instant smoothness of the relief is guaranteed.
  • Hardware cosmetology is an effective technique for rejuvenating the dermis of the face, aimed at stimulating and accelerating the formation of new collagen building fibers. Under the action of electric current, ultrasound, laser, light and heat rays, pulses, old and fat cells are partially destroyed, the places of which will later be occupied by newly formed elastin tissues. The procedures are painless, without special restrictions and can be easily combined with other rejuvenation techniques. One of these methods is rf face lifting - an innovative method to combat aging.

It is worth noting that hardware cosmetology has stepped forward so much that you can carry out your favorite procedures on your own at home. It is only necessary to purchase the appropriate device for facial rejuvenation and study its effect. This is convenient and saves a lot of time and money.

  • Facial massage is a pleasant option for correcting age-related defects. Regular and proper impact on tissues strengthens them, smoothes, enhances lymph and blood flow. The action of the method is able to delay the earlier withering of the skin and is absolutely harmless to the body.
  • Cosmetics - care products necessary for daily use. Masks, scrubs, lotions, serums and face creams help not only rejuvenate, but also maintain tissue in good shape, protect against external influences and premature aging. These are indispensable helpers for everyone who is not indifferent to the appearance and condition of the skin. In addition, homemade masks and creams from folk remedies will give confidence in naturalness and harmlessness to the epidermis.

Salon anti-aging methods

The most effective procedures for solving age-related problems of the face without surgical intervention are:

  • Laser skin rejuvenation – the procedure for rejuvenation includes deep cleaning of the surface, removal of old fibers for the appearance of young, elastic ones. You can evaluate the effectiveness of the technique in a couple of weeks, but the growing effect will please for a long time. The types of laser rejuvenation include fractional procedures, laser resurfacing, photorejuvenation and laser biorevitalization. The procedure is carried out by a qualified specialist on the appropriate equipment, in compliance with all safety standards and precautions. Before the treatment with a laser beam, a special gel is applied to the skin. It enhances efficiency and at the same time protects against burns.
  • RF-lifting is the most demanded method of hardware cosmetology. The essence of the method is the effect of radio wave radiation on the inner layers of the dermis, warming them up. Heat stimulates the intensive production of new collagen and elastin fibers and the destruction of old ones. The procedure is allowed from the age of 25, but is more suitable for mature skin (about 40 years). Such age-related changes as flabbiness and ptosis of tissues, loss of clarity of contours and wrinkles, thanks to RF lifting, will remain in the past. The resulting lifting effect can be supplemented and consolidated with mesotherapy.
  • Contour plastic - refers to injection methods for solving age-related problems. The essence of the technique is the subcutaneous injection of preparations containing hyaluronic acid. The composition of the drug and dosage is determined individually. Thanks to contouring, you can correct the shape, volume of the face, cheekbones, cheeks, smooth out wrinkles and get rid of scars. The procedure for modeling and rejuvenation of the face is actively used with hardware cosmetology.
  • Mesotherapy is a way to improve the skin, after which the overall effect of youthfulness of the face is achieved. The composition of the drug for mesotherapy includes vitamin, nutritional components, minerals and trace elements, if necessary, hyaluronic acid. After the procedure, the tone of the face is evened out, the skin shines with health, the contours become tightened.

Home cosmetics and massage

The importance of cosmetics cannot be underestimated. Daily facial care is a must for a young and beautiful face. Active care procedures should begin at the age of 25-28. It is during this period that age-related changes in the epidermis begin.

Face masks 2 times a week will intensively moisturize and saturate the skin with nutrients. These can be self-prepared mixtures based on honey or kelp.

For owners of active facial expressions, it is important to timely include a cream for the area around the eyes in regular use. By nature, the skin in this area is thinner and more sensitive, so it is the first to undergo aging.



Speaking about preserving the youthfulness of the face, we mean high-quality care. Speaking of care, we mean. This is the most common, and the most effective, and the most favorite procedure for clients of beauty salons. The standard facial spa program includes light peeling, followed by 20-25 minutes of classic massage of the face, neck and décolleté zones using a nourishing ampoule, and the program ends with a facial mask. The procedure is carried out once a week. In terms of effectiveness for restoring and maintaining youthfulness of the face, massage has no equal. Even with unkempt, tired, dry skin that has never known care products, the effect of massage begins to appear after a month, on the fifth procedure. Massage well nourishes, moisturizes the skin, stimulates the muscles that support the skin.

Cleansing (skin cleansing)

There are three types of cleanings carried out in salons: ultrasonic (hardware), combined and mechanical. The most common and optimal is combined, because it allows you to approach the client individually. Facial cleansing in the salon is a painless procedure that leaves minimal redness on the face. This procedure cleanses the pores very well, after which the skin literally begins to breathe cleanliness. Cleaning is recommended depending on the condition of the pores. With regular home care, pores do not need to be cleaned more than once every six months, but someone will have to visit a beautician once a month or once every 3 months.


In the conditions of a cosmetology salon, median peels are also the most effective. With median peeling, the epidermis is sloughed off, due to which the skin is renewed and tightened, pores are narrowed, fine wrinkles disappear, small scars and skin irregularities are smoothed out. However, such peeling is performed only in autumn and winter (from late October - early November to March). After a medium peel, proper care plays a very important role. A beautician may recommend using a post-peel serum in home care, as well as two spa care programs in a beauty salon, so that the “new” skin is well hydrated and nourished. The second type of salon peeling is superficial-median, which is made with glycolic (fruit) acids. First, a concentrate with fruit acids is applied to the skin, then oxygen is removed and applied, which fills the already open pores. At the end of the procedure, a nourishing mask is applied to the skin. This type of peeling cleans pores very well, gets rid of age spots, and brightens the skin. Fruit peeling can also be done in the spring, if after applying sunscreen, do not visit the solarium or the beach. Median peeling is done depending on the age of the client and what task he faces. These can be procedures 2 times a week or 1 time per week and a half. It can be a course of several peels, or it can be one procedure followed by a massage course. At the same time, it is better to do glycol peels 1-2 times a week, depending on the skin condition and the client's needs.

Non-injection mesotherapy

If your skin needs nutrition, then this procedure is the best way to cope with this task. At the same time, with the help of a special apparatus, nutritious mesotherapeutic cocktails (hyaluronic acid, lipid balanced cocktail, etc.) are introduced into the skin. These cocktails effectively moisturize the skin both from the inside and outside. The course of these procedures even smoothes wrinkles. The procedure is especially effective for the skin under the eyes. A big plus of this procedure is that it allows you not to leave the working rhythm, because it does not leave scars, papules on the skin, and you can safely return to work on the day of the procedure. it is recommended to take courses from 6 to 10 procedures, depending on the condition of the skin. In the salon, this procedure is done for the areas of the face, neck, décolleté, separately for the skin around the eyes, even non-injection therapy of the hands and scalp is performed.


This is a hardware method of rejuvenation or maintaining the skin in a young state, a favorite procedure for salon visitors in almost any period of the year. The procedure stimulates and awakens natural collagen, activating the body's own resources. After the procedure, the skin is beautiful, well-groomed, the procedure itself is very comfortable and safe. The salon produces neck, décolleté and skin around the eyes. The meaning of the procedure is to do it in cycles, since it stimulates collagen little by little, while the effect is cumulative, since this is a prolonged action procedure. It is optimal to do the procedure 1-2 times a week, but not more often than every other day. After completing the course (for young skin - 8 procedures, for aged skin - 10), you can continue to do maintenance procedures once a month to maintain the effect obtained from thermolifting.

Tatyana Koryakina

Previously, it was believed that aging is a process that cannot be slowed down. Accordingly, the skin of the face fully betrayed the age of the person. Modern cosmetology is so developed that external aging can not only be slowed down, but also hidden the true age. Today, there are effective cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation. These include the most commonly used:

  • oxygen therapy;
  • Peeling.

The effectiveness of this technique lies in the possibility of introducing active drugs into the deep layers of the skin due to the partial pressure of oxygen. A simultaneous increase in pressure and an increase in oxygen concentration leads to a more intense oxygen exchange in tissues.

Oxygen therapy is indicated for:

  • Elimination of mimic wrinkles;
  • acne treatment;
  • Rejuvenation of dry and aging skin;
  • Elimination of dark circles around the eyes.

This method has proved to be quite effective for any type of skin, regardless of the age and gender of the patient.

The advantages of this procedure are that it does not use needles, respectively, the skin is not injured, and there is no pain. In addition, there are no side effects, contraindications and complications.

Almost the most effective method in combating the internal and external manifestations of aging is mesotherapy. This is a procedure for rejuvenating the skin of the face, in which individually selected preparations and cocktails are injected under the skin. A mesotherapy session consists of numerous injections carried out over the treated area using the finest needles. A small amount of the drug is injected in one procedure, so a complex course of 4-10 procedures is required to achieve the desired result.

A well-chosen course makes it possible to eliminate a wide range of cosmetic skin imperfections:

  • Scars and scars;
  • wrinkles;
  • Dryness;
  • pigmentation;
  • Withering of the skin.

In addition, mesotherapy provides a noticeable tightening and has a pronounced anti-stress, healing effect. In addition to the fact that the skin of the face is outwardly rejuvenated, metabolism normalizes, the emotional background becomes better and headaches are eliminated, and insomnia disappears.

Mesotherapy collects the best reviews.

In total, more than 100 items are used for this procedure. Moreover, both cocktails and mono-remedies can be used. Hyaluronic acid, vitamin complexes, extracts of various plants and organic elements - this is the most commonly used and effective mixture.

Carrying out the procedure

Only a certified cosmetologist can successfully conduct sessions. First of all, he will examine the problem areas of the skin, determine the duration of the course and the optimal types of drugs. This rejuvenation procedure causes almost no pain, but if the skin is susceptible, an anesthetic cream may be applied.

Injections are made to a depth of 0.6 mm. Do them either with the help of injections, or by means of automatic injectors. After the procedure, you should follow certain rules for facial skin care. Positive changes can be observed after 2-3 sessions. It is required to conduct at least 4 sessions, the interval between them is a week. The effect lasts for about six months. Then, either supporting rejuvenation procedures or a second course are carried out.

There is also non-injection mesotherapy. It is also quite effective, however, you will have to go through more sessions. This option is suitable for those who do not like injections and cannot afford a couple of days of rehabilitation.


Peeling is a procedure that involves the elimination of several layers of the epidermis from the problem area. As a result, the process of cell renewal begins in the patient's body. This procedure for skin rejuvenation is quite popular, as evidenced by numerous reviews about it.

Face peeling results:

  • Small irregularities and wrinkles are removed;
  • The surface becomes more even;
  • The skin becomes elastic.

Varieties of peels

Depending on what type of influence is used, it happens:

  • Chemical peel- the effect is achieved due to treatment with an acidic composition;
  • laser resurfacing- used to minimize significant skin defects, the effect is on the connective tissue;
  • Laser peeling– as a result, the upper skin layers are destroyed when exposed to laser energy, the main distinguishing feature of this method is that it is possible to calculate penetration with an accuracy of 1 micron;
  • Microdermabrasion- a mechanical process carried out by microcrystals, it is an ideal option for skin that has been affected by the first signs of aging.

Some types can be carried out at home, others - only with professional cosmetologists.

Peelings are also classified according to the depth of exposure:

  • deep;
  • Median;
  • Surface.

The peeling option is chosen by a specialist based on the current condition of the skin and contraindications.

Cosmetic procedures for facial skin rejuvenation include biorevitalization. This is one of the most effective methods for eliminating wilting and prevention. It helps to remove wrinkles, reduce dryness, and give the skin elasticity.

This term is translated as "return to life." At first, biorevitalization consisted of injections with hyaluronic acid, which contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the skin layers. Then it began to include other methods that give the same effect. The biorevitalization procedure for the face is also effective for other parts of the body.

There are certain indications for facial skin rejuvenation through biorevitalization:

  • Dry skin;
  • Premature wilting due to toxic effects;
  • Aging of the integument due to the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Decreased turgor.

The effect of the facial skin rejuvenation procedure appears quite quickly, and grows over several weeks. As a result, the skin retains a youthful appearance for 4 to 8 months.

The best option is to conduct a course consisting of 3 to 5 sessions. Then it is recommended to carry out maintenance procedures (2-3 sessions) at 4 months 1 time.

Biorevitalization happens using:

  • Hyaluronic acid is the most common option, it is best to use it when the first signs of facial skin aging appear;
  • Laser - laser phoresis is used here, among the advantages of which it is worth noting the non-injection method and a quick recovery period.

The technique of eliminating wrinkles and correcting contours with the help of injections is called contouring. During the procedure, the subcutaneous cavity is filled with fillers.

A significant rejuvenating effect - that's what is inherent in the first contour plastic. In addition, its advantages are a simple and quick process, the absence of anesthesia and the recovery period, as well as an affordable price.

The main component of fillers, as a rule, is hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance for human skin. This guarantees the absence of allergic manifestations and various side effects.

It is worth remembering that the main task of contouring is to achieve an aesthetic, that is, an external effect.

With its help you can achieve:

  • Elimination of almost all types of folds and wrinkles;
  • Formation of the volume of any front part;
  • Eliminate the asymmetry of features.

Preparations for contour plastics differ from each other in 2 main characteristics:

  • Rate to biodegradation;
  • gel density.

The choice is made based on what changes are expected to be made.

Thus, there are several effective methods of facial rejuvenation. But in any case, you need to contact professionals who will select the optimal method and drugs, as well as eliminate side effects.

Modern cosmetology can work wonders. The most effective neck and face rejuvenation procedures today are able to restore youth and good mood. The choice of method depends on the desire and capabilities of the person himself. Using modern opportunities and developments in the field of cosmetology, you can restore the beauty lost over the years or preserve youth.

Modern methods of rejuvenation

Today, there are several procedures that allow you to quickly restore youth and attractiveness to the skin of the face:

  • Massage;
  • bioreinforcement;
  • Microdermabrasion;
  • Chemical peeling;

Also, cosmetological effects are usually divided into such methods as: therapeutic, for example:

  • peeling;
  • botox;
  • mesotherapy;
  • biorevitalization;
  • mesothreads;
  • contour plastic.

There are also hardware methods for returning natural beauty:

  • photorejuvenation;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • RF - lifting.

A preliminary visit to a specialist - a cosmetologist is strictly necessary - this will help reduce the risks of complications or adverse reactions, since it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee of their absence, but it can be completely minimized.

Each of these procedures should be carried out exclusively by a specialist, at home it will not be possible to achieve good results, since professional preparations are used, and the rejuvenation effect is achieved thanks to the knowledge of cosmetologists.

To maintain the skin of the face and neck in perfect condition, today a method such as RF lifting is used. This is a hardware method of rejuvenation, without the intervention of plastic surgeons. The essence of the method is simple and lies in the fact that using the apparatus, radio waves penetrate the skin. To improve the quality of the procedure, before using the waves, a special cream is applied to the face. Its peculiarity is that the remedy causes temporary numbness of the nerve endings. This allows the waves to smoothly affect all layers of the skin. The method gently affects the skin of the face and neck. It works by using radio waves that pass through the skin, delivering heat to the muscles and soft tissues. It causes these layers to actively contract, which, in turn, stimulates skin cells to naturally and more actively produce collagen than before the procedure.

A similar method of rejuvenation is carried out when a woman reaches the age of 25, but 40 years is considered optimal. Feature - can be used at any time of the year, suitable for facial rejuvenation of men.

The procedure will help get rid of such age-related manifestations as:

  • withering;
  • omission of tissues;
  • the appearance of sagging areas;
  • loss of the natural oval of the face;
  • wrinkles.

Cosmetic products used to treat the effects of acne will work more efficiently if you use RF - lifting - the scars will significantly decrease or disappear altogether.

Biorevitalization is a procedure that is aimed at quickly eliminating visible imperfections of the facial skin. The rejuvenation effect is also present, since the method includes the use of hyaluronic acid as the main active ingredient. This method is effective and safe, the best for those who suffer from dry or dehydrated facial skin, constant peeling. The procedure, in addition to rejuvenation, allows you to reduce pores, get rid of excess fat, thereby the face acquires a beautiful matte shade.

The procedure is carried out by injection - special agents are injected into the skin, which can cause slight discomfort. It is better not to use this method if there are problems - hypersensitivity, allergies, a tendency to skin irritation, since in addition to rejuvenation, you can get swelling, redness.

Biorevitalization will help get rid of such cosmetic problems with the skin of the face, such as:

  • dry dehydration of the skin of the face;
  • age wilting;
  • decrease in tone;
  • loss of natural elasticity of the skin;
  • age or mimic wrinkles.

The method is also effective for preventive measures to maintain the beauty and health of the skin, it can also help to prevent photoaging. Cosmetic interventions carried out according to this method will help get rid of scars, stretch marks or correct postoperative sutures. The method is also used for recovery after various cosmetic interventions, such as, for example, chemical peeling.

The advantage of using this method is that hydration occurs at a deeper level, and the effect lasts for 6 months or more. The procedure can be carried out both by injecting the drug subcutaneously, and with the help of an apparatus.

It is important to remember that for several days, usually no more than 3, hematomas can be observed. Rejuvenation becomes noticeable after this period.

This procedure is performed to eliminate a variety of skin problems. The essence of the method is that by applying acids of various concentrations to the skin, we remove the top layer of cells, creating artificial controlled stress on the skin. The body reacts in such a way that it begins active division of new living healthy cells. This is how the skin is renewed.

The method works very simply and allows you to work with almost all aesthetic flaws.


  • stage of cleansing the skin of the face;
  • degreasing stage with a special antiseptic;
  • the stage of applying the main composition, directly peeling;
  • neutralization;
  • final care.

At the end, it is necessary to apply a soothing cream or mask to the face, which is selected by a specialist cosmetologist, taking into account the characteristics of the facial skin. The composition of the components used for the procedure contains organic acids.

It could be:

  • glycolic;
  • salicylic;
  • almond;
  • dairy;
  • pyruvic;
  • retinoic and others.

In addition, the method includes the use of herbal ingredients and vitamins.

A peeling solution can contain one acid - monopeeling or a set of acids - polypeeling.

By concentration, peels are divided into:

  • superficial;
  • superficially - median;
  • median;
  • deep (carried out in a hospital).

Only a specialist will be able to choose the right peeling and its desired concentration.

Peeling is washed off with plain cool water. The method does not require a long stay in the cosmetologist's office, so it will take about 10 minutes to absorb the gel, after which a light massage is performed to soothe the tissues and a mask is applied that nourishes and rejuvenates.

The method will be required to solve the following problems:

  • acne in remission;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • dehydrated skin;
  • age-related changes
  • rosacea.

The method gives good results, in addition to eliminating the main problems, skin cells receive additional oxygen, facial skin becomes soft, peeling, earthy color are eliminated. Rejuvenation occurs gradually, but thanks to this, the cells do not experience stress.

Photorejuvenation is carried out in a specially equipped room, as it involves the use of technical means. The method is based on the action of broadband pulsed light.

The technique is shown with:

  • manifestations of age-related changes (chronoaging);
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • rosacea and telangiectasia.

Stages of the procedure:

  • cleaning of the affected area;
  • applying a special gel, it protects the skin from burns and allows the pulsed light to be distributed as evenly as possible;
  • direct operation of the device;
  • re-purification;
  • application of sedatives (panthenol, bipanthen, advantan);
  • applying sunscreen.

Thus, the process of rejuvenation is a series of procedures that are aimed at eliminating the visible manifestations of imperfections or age-related changes that occur under the influence of biological and chemical processes in the body.

You should pay attention to the condition of your skin after reaching the age of 25, but it is not recommended to use drugs or procedures without first consulting a specialist in order to maintain health. It is worth contacting only proven clinics and beauty salons and only competent specialists.