Stages of development of the baby. Development of the baby's auditory system. Situations when it is undesirable to use a dummy

Children really grow up very quickly. Yesterday, having brought a newborn child from the maternity hospital, you did not even think about the fact that today a little one-year-old man will run around your apartment. Of course, you are worried about whether your child is developing correctly, whether he acquires the necessary skills on time.

Tracking the development of the child by months to a year and checking it with the recommendations of pediatricians, neurologists and psychologists, you will not miss anything and can detect and correct possible deviations in time.

A table indicating the time of occurrence of a particular skill will be of interest not only to you, but also to your grown-up baby in the future.

The first month

The first month of a newborn's life is also called the adaptation period. The child learns to live outside the usual environment - a warm mother's tummy. At this time, the baby:

  • sleeps a lot - up to 20 hours a day,
  • eats a lot (read more about this in the article breastfeeding >>>).

The task of the next of kin is to place the child in comfortable conditions: not to overheat or overcool. About this in the article the temperature in the room for a newborn >>>, change diapers and feed on time.

Of course, it is important to give your baby your love: carry it on handles, talk, sing songs.

By the age of one month, the child already pays attention to bright toys and can follow them with his eyes and turning his head. The article contains information about when the newborn begins to see >>> The first color that newborns see is red.

On a note! Such an exercise will be very useful: take a bright, preferably red, toy, and drive at a distance of 30 cm from the child's face from left to right, from bottom to top. A month-old baby can already follow the movements of the toy.

In a month, the child already turns his head to the sound. Find out when the newborn begins to hear >>> You can check this by rattling a rattle to the left and right of the baby.

In the first month of life, the child retains some of the innate reflexes of the newborn, which will completely disappear by the fourth month of life:

  • sucking reflex (can suck objects in the mouth);
  • swimming (if you lower the baby into the water with his stomach down, the child will make movements resembling swimming);
  • grasping (if you touch the palm, the child will squeeze the fist);
  • search reflex (if you touch the cheek, looking for the mother's breast);
  • step reflex - if you put the child on his feet (while holding it), he can “walk”.

If you put the child on his stomach, then he will try to slightly raise his head; trains your neck, back and shoulders.

Physically developed babies by the age of one month are already beginning to hold their heads.

And also in my video tutorial:

Second month

The second month of the child's development is sometimes also called the "month of revival". Your baby sleeps less now and can stay awake for up to 50 minutes.

The child's eyesight and hearing improve, the baby is able to look at objects from a distance of 30 centimeters to half a meter. The baby can spend about 15 minutes in his crib looking at a mobile or other toys.

  1. At the age of two months, babies already raise their head and hold it in an upright position for some time.
  2. Some babies already know how to roll over from a barrel onto their back. Read more about when the baby starts to roll over >>>
  3. The child examines his hands - he can bring his fists to his mouth and suck on them;
  4. Infant reflexes are still preserved, but they are gradually fading away;
  5. The emotional sphere is also developing. In two months, the so-called "revitalization complex" is formed. This skill takes pride of place in the child development chart; this is one of the most important milestones up to a year, confirming the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  6. The kid can already recognize his parents, rejoices in them. When you bend over the bed, the baby begins to quickly jerk its arms and legs;
  7. In the second month of life, your child will most likely give you his first conscious smile. If it doesn't, it's okay; it means that this joyful event will happen a little later. Find out when the child starts to smile >>>
  8. At two months, the child can walk - he makes melodious vowel sounds, sometimes he can even pronounce "agu", "aha", "abu". Children like their own "speech", they listen to it with pleasure. The article contains information about when the baby starts to gurgle >>>

Communicate with your child more often, sing to him, you will see that the baby will sing along with you!

Read more about this age also in the article what a child should be able to at 2 months >>>, and, of course, see my video lesson:

Third month

Throughout the month, your baby's physical, mental, emotional skills continue to improve.

  • The child is better and better able to hold his head;
  • Being on his stomach, the baby rises on his forearms and can look around everything;
  • By the third month of life, the fists are straightening, the baby already knows how to take a rattle, reaches out to objects of interest to him;
  • Children continue to study their hands; by the end of the month, the most active of them are already grabbing their knees (the first stage in the study of their own legs);
  • Everything that falls into the hands of a child ends up in his mouth;

Interesting! The fact is that the mucous membrane of the mouth and uvula are much more sensitive than the fingers. Children study their surroundings with their mouths.

The third month of child development is characterized by an expansion of the emotional spectrum.

  • Some children already know how to laugh, others are just beginning to smile;
  • The child closely monitors the expressions on the faces of loved ones and can already "read" their mood and imitate their facial expressions;
  • The development of the infant's speech continues. The baby can walk with pleasure for a long time, increasingly pronouncing not only melodious vowel sounds, but also syllables.

The article contains important information about what a 3-month-old baby should be able to do >>>

Fourth month

The fourth month of the child's development is characterized by rapid changes in both physiological and psychological terms:

  1. The baby is already holding his head confidently: both when he is held in a "column", and when he lies on his stomach; can rotate it, following objects or responding to sound;
  2. The baby knows how to rise on his elbows while lying on his stomach. Some kids are already leaning on straightened arms;
  3. From three to four months, your baby learns to roll over independently - both from belly to back, and from back to tummy. The most active kids already know how to roll around the room, or even crawl on their bellies! Interesting information about when the baby starts to crawl >>>

Important! Remember that leaving your baby on an adult bed is no longer safe. Better move him to the floor, from there he cannot fall and will get more room for his training.

  1. 4 months - the age of conscious manipulation of objects. The kid can take the rattle himself and play with it;
  2. The child is good at distinguishing his loved ones;
  3. At this age, there is a strong fear of being left without a mother, so the baby often does not let her go from him for a second. Pay more attention to it and wait, this period will soon pass;
  4. At four months old, the baby already has favorite toys, can be interested in the reflection in the mirror, listens attentively to various sounds: the sound of a rattle, the ringing of a bell, voices, music;
  5. The child's speech development is laid in the first year of life. At 4 months, humming is replaced by babbling: intelligible syllables "ba", "ma", "gu" appear.

Fifth month

IN fifth month in his life, the child hones physical skills:

  • can confidently turn over in different directions;
  • lying on your stomach, rises on your elbows or palms;
  • takes a pose of "preparation for sitting": reclining on the hip, leaning on one of the handles;
  • tries to reach the object of interest;
  • can stand if supported by the armpits;
  • grabs himself by the feet, pulls them into his mouth, licks.

In the fifth month of a child's development, he acquires an important social skill: he begins to separate his friends from strangers. The kid is happy to sit on the arms of his parents, but he may frown or even cry if another person turns to him or tries to take him.

At 5 months, a child knows how to play with various objects himself: take them in pens, throw them, knock, lick, etc. At the fifth month of a child's life, a picture book may be of interest. Babies love to look at faces, especially with different expressions. Interested in colored magazines.

Tell what is shown on the pages, read simple rhymes. So you will not only keep your child occupied for a long time, but also contribute to the development of the baby's speech.

At this age, it is already possible to teach a child simple words: "mom", "dad", "baba". Some babies are already repeating them at the age of five months.

At 5 months, babies express their joy with might and main with a smile, they know how to laugh, get angry and sad; continue to master the full range of emotions. If he lacks the attention of adults, the child may become capricious.

Sixth month

The sixth month of the child's development is another time for a change in the usual way of life:

  1. It is at this time that children begin to crawl on their bellies, and mothers have to remove many objects from their reach;
  2. At six months, the baby can already be put in a reclining position for a short time. Children do not know how to sit on their own. Find out from the article, and when does the child begin to sit? >>>
  3. Half-year-old babies, lying on their tummy, try to kneel down - this is an important stage in preparation for both sitting and crawling. If the child succeeds, after a while he begins to swing in this position. Such movements are completely normal and indicate the development of the baby;
  4. The child confidently holds various objects, can take them with any handle, transfer from hand to hand;
  5. 6 months is the age of exploring the surrounding space. The child sends everything he can reach into his mouth, he can break toys;
  6. In six months, the first household skills are formed: with the start of complementary foods, children will learn what a spoon is; learn to drink from a cup held by an adult. Detailed information on the introduction of complementary foods and nutrition of the child >>>
  7. The intelligence of the child receives development. At 6 months, babies begin to understand the consequences of their actions: if you roll a die, it will fall; if you press a button, a squeak will be heard;
  8. The formation of speech continues. At the age of six months, children confidently pronounce syllables, master the first consonants: "z", "s", "f".

Seventh month

A seven month old baby is becoming more active:

  • Children confidently crawl on their bellies, someone already knows how to move on all fours.

If your child crawls backwards, there is nothing to worry about; soon the child will figure out how to control his own body.

  • At seven months, babies can sit with a straight back for some time. Particularly active ones know how to stand at the support, try to get up on their own. Read on to find out when the baby starts to walk >>>
  • Fine motor skills are developing: the child knows how to hold an object in each hand, knock them against each other, take, put, throw toys at will.

Important! Make sure that all the small parts of the toys are securely fastened, as seven-month-old babies pull everything into their mouths.

  • The seventh month of child development is the time when you need to stimulate the cognitive interest of the baby. Tell him about the objects that surround him, show and name the main parts of his body.
  • At seven months, children can already show objects at the request of their parents ("Where are the eyes?", "Where are the watch?").
  • Household skills are being improved. Now, during feeding, the baby removes food from the spoon, continues to master the drink from the mug. Some children are already drinking from a sippy cup or straw.

Seven-month-old babies begin to imitate adults, which makes it easier to introduce complementary foods.

  • At this age, the child imitates the sounds that animals make; he knows how to say "av-av", "me-me". Pronounces many syllables.

On a note! To activate the speech center, develop your baby's fine motor skills. For this, toys with large wooden beads of various colors and shapes strung on a rope are suitable.

Eighth month

The eighth month of the baby's development is marked by persistent attempts to get up.

  1. The crumb crawls to any support and tries to give the body an upright position. So far, not all children succeed in this maneuver. If you put the child next to the support, he will stand;
  2. The most active children already know how to walk along the support, and also move their legs when an adult holds them by both arms or armpits;
  3. An eight-month-old baby can crawl on all fours, examines the room where he lives, knows the layout of the rooms, and moves around the apartment himself;
  4. The child knows how to sit, sits down from the “standing on all fours” position;
  5. The little man's games are becoming more and more meaningful. The crumb knows how to put toys in a box or some kind of container. Some children can already put rings on the base of the pyramid and take them off, trying to put cups one into another.

At this time, your child may want to eat with a spoon on their own. This desire needs to be encouraged, then later you will not have to instill this skill in the child.

  1. The child has already mastered simple games: "cuckoo" (hides behind his arms, hides his face on his mother's chest or, for example, in a blanket on the bed), "okay" (claps his hands), shows "flashlights". He listens to music with pleasure, can “sing along” and even dance, especially if he saw how his parents do it;
  2. The child understands simple requests: bring a toy, show a chandelier. Many children already know how to show some parts of their body;
  3. Speech is constantly being improved. The little one tries to repeat words after adults, new syllables are obtained. Perhaps right now the child will utter his first meaningful word.

Ninth month

  • The nine-month-old continues to try to get up on his feet;
  • He gets up more confidently and stands at the support, moves along the sofas, beds, along the playpen;
  • During crawling, it can turn around and crawl in the opposite direction. Knows how to sit down from the "lying" position and get up from the "sitting" position;

Important! At this time, the child is trying to climb onto a chair, sofa, and get out of there on his own. Parents should be alert at all times to prevent dangerous falls.

  • The crumb tries to reach out to everything that he sees. If it does not work, he can express his dissatisfaction with a shout. It is at nine months that the child actively shows his character. May begin to resist dressing and hygiene procedures, even if before that he endured everything without a murmur. The child is afraid of losing his mother and does not want to let her out of sight even for a short time.

In the ninth month of child development, new skills arise:

  1. The crumb learns to crumple and tear paper, leaf through books;
  2. You can give your child plasticine, just make sure that he does not eat it. Kneading plasticine will strengthen the brushes, develop fine motor skills. In addition, this activity is very popular with children;
  3. The vocabulary of the crumbs is constantly replenished. Children quickly memorize the names of all objects that adults show them, they also know the meanings of the words "give", "bring", "put", "eat", "no", etc.

Tenth month

In the tenth month of a child's development, his skills continue to improve. The little man can already get up and stand without support, trying to walk. Knows how to sit up from a standing position. Crawls nimbly throughout the apartment.

At this age, children's games are improved:

  • Due to the active development of fine motor skills, the child can already hold from two to three small objects in one hand. At 10 months, the crumbs have a leading hand;
  • Children understand how to play with toys: they know how to roll a car, assemble and disassemble a pyramid (they put the rings out of order yet). They know how to play with a tumbler, they know how to build a turret of two cubes;
  • The child can be involved in play with children if adults show him how to do it;
  • Kids love to put cups in each other;
  • They know how to roll, throw a ball;
  • They open and close cabinet doors, slide open and slide drawers. They can put a toy in a closet or drawer;
  • Transfer small items to different boxes and containers;
  • They begin to combine objects, for example, push the ball with a stick;
  • Play with food and water with pleasure;
  • They begin to be interested in designers from large parts, only until they are assembled, but disassembled;
  • They know how to turn over the pages of cardboard books.

Ten-month-old babies love to imitate adults, copy their facial expressions. Use this interest of the little man by speaking new, simple words with him. The little one will repeat them after you.

At 10 months old, children remember the names of animals well, parody the sounds they make.

The child can respond to a simple request: show, hide, bring. Children already know the names of body parts, show their eyes, nose. They are able to generalize concepts: for example, they show pens at themselves, at the doll, at the father's, at the girl in the picture.

Eleventh month

  1. At eleven months old, your baby is strong enough to start taking the first steps without support. A child can walk a short distance from one adult to another, or from a support to a mother. The baby actively moves in any room: crawls, sits down, gets up, walks with support.
  2. Self-service skills continue to develop. The man tries to eat with a spoon, drink from a cup, tries to put on or take off his clothes himself. You can take a crumbs for a long time if you offer him a box of clothes. The independence of the child must be encouraged, especially since children at this age adore when they are praised.
  3. The eleventh month of child development is the time when the first meaningful dialogues appear. The baby perfectly understands the meaning of the words "yes", "no", "no" (learn from the article how to explain to a child what is forbidden >>>); knows how to nod positively and shake his head negatively.
  4. In addition, the baby looks and points his finger at the object of interest. Thus, the baby communicates with adults, the parents and the child begin to better understand each other. The number of syllables spoken is increasing. At this time, two or three clearly pronounced words may appear in the child's speech (most often these are "mom", "dad", "baba" and some onomatopoeia, for example, "av").
  5. Eleven-month-old babies begin to master the skills of polite communication: they easily remember the gestures "hello" and "goodbye", willingly wave a pen.

On a note! While this is still a game for them, parents are encouraged to always ask their child to say hello and goodbye to reinforce this positive habit.

At 11 months, babies are very excitable, easily go from laughing to crying. They are alarmed in an unfamiliar place, frightened when a new person appears. These manifestations indicate the normal development of the child's psyche and should not upset the parents.

Twelfth month

The twelfth month of a child's development is a kind of transition period from infancy to childhood. Although this boundary is very conditional, but psychologically, parents expect much more from a one-year-old child than from an eleven-month-old.

  • In a year, the baby most often begins to walk.

Don't worry if your child isn't doing it yet; children have the right to crawl up to a year and a half, and this is not considered a pathology.

  • A little man at this age already knows how to squat to pick up a toy; can put one item down and pick up another. Children know very well where what lies, and will look for a toy exactly where they left it;
  • Kids learn to step over obstacles: first by holding the hand of an adult, and then on their own;
  • Everyday skills are developed: the child eats with a spoon, drinks from a cup, puts on and takes off hats and socks;
  • If the baby was taught to potty, at the age of one such children can already ask for it. Information about the age at which to potty train a child >>> At one year, the child eats food in pieces, knows how to chew. If the chewing teeth have not yet grown, the children chew with their gums (they are quite hard);
  • A one-year-old child understands everything that is said to him, even if the parents think that it is not so. He perfectly knows how to read the mood and succumbs to it: he has fun and is sad with his mother. Psychologists really do not recommend to sort things out and quarrel in front of a child. Since the baby does not yet know how to cope with his emotions, this can cause him serious injury.

The baby not only understands everything that is said to him, but he himself babbles a lot and pronounces individual words.

Important! At this age, teachers consider all stable sound combinations, which always mean the same thing, as words.

Vocabulary for a year - from two to ten words; some children may have even more.

  • At the twelfth month of life, the child's play becomes more difficult. The kid allocates some toys, can feed them, rock them, put them on a pot.

What did the baby learn in the first year of life?

The child's development calendar from birth to one year is filled with many events. By the age of one year, the baby can roll over, crawl, sit, stand, walk. The child climbs on the bed, sofas, gets off them.

Children can eat with a spoon, put on and take off their hats and socks, and ask for a pot.

The little man has mastered the game: he throws and rolls balls, cars, rocks dolls. Plays cubes, collects a pyramid.

The child is very emotional, knows how to smile and laugh, get angry, sad. He gets to know parents, prefers their company to the company of other people.

When wondering about the development of a crumb, do not forget that each person is individual, even if he is only a few months old. If your child is not able to do something, this is not a cause for concern; he will definitely acquire this skill later.

The most important thing is to surround the baby with care and love, spend a lot of time with him, and talk to him. Then there will be a return, and very soon the child will begin to delight the parents with more and more new skills.

Congratulations, you've become a mom! Now you no longer need to listen to the "pregnant" sensations, trying to guess what your baby is doing. Here he is - next to you, smacking his lips and smiling in his sleep.

Wise nature has made sure that the body of a newborn child develops in accordance with his needs. Usually, at birth, boys weigh from 2.9 to 3.9 kg with a height of 48.0 - 51.8 cm, the weight of girls is 2.8 -3.7 kg with a height of 47.3 - 51.0 cm. Babies are born with a supply of fluid in their bodies, so it is perfectly normal for them to lose 7-10% of their weight in the first few days.

The first hours of a newborn's life outside the mother's belly is an endless stream of rapidly changing sounds, feelings and images, most of which are completely unfamiliar to him. A newborn child cannot yet separate himself from the surrounding world, which does not seem very hospitable to him.

The eyes of a newborn baby are not yet able to see distant objects, but he can focus on his mother's face when it is close enough. The baby sees approximately at a distance of 20-30 cm (from the nipple to the mother's eyes, if she is in her arms). When a light comes on, or something comes close to his face, the child squints.

Taste receptors and sense of smell in newborn babies "turn on" immediately, from the moment of birth: the baby clearly distinguishes between sweetness and bitterness, trying to turn away from strong and pungent odors. The baby quickly remembers the smell of her mother's breast and prefers it to all other smells. Newborn babies are sensitive to different touches, the touch of human skin gives them the greatest pleasure.

A newborn child does not know how to eat or move on his own, but he is far from helpless. The baby has a large set of behaviors based on unconditioned reflexes. For example, the search reflex helps him find a food source. If you stroke the baby's skin near the corner of the mouth without touching the lips, then he will lower his lower lip, move the tongue and turn his head towards the “irritant” - the mother's nipple with delicious milk.

Newborn children noticeably differ from each other in proportions, in the level of motor activity and muscle tone, but gradually these differences will disappear, and the “lagging” children will quickly catch up with their peers.

Based on data provided by experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) based on the results of the Multi-Focus Growth Standards Study (MGRS).
It involved children who were cared for in accordance with WHO health guidelines, such as breastfeeding and mothers quitting smoking. Today, the results of the MGRS are recognized world standards against which the development of children can and should be checked regardless of their place of residence, type of feeding and belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures.

Behavior: understand the baby

A newborn child does not immediately physically and psychologically get used to living outside the mother's womb. Self-regulation is an important part of the baby's adaptation process to the world around him.

In the first days of life, the baby learns to independently control the degree of its activity: to smoothly move from the state of wakefulness to the state of sleep and vice versa. The task of the parents is to help the kid in this difficult task. A wakeful child reacts to sounds and light, actively absorbs new information and often cannot get out of a state of excitement on his own. If the baby's mouth wrinkles, he clenches his fists and twists his legs, most likely it's time to rest. It is even more difficult to go into a state of rest after a loud cry. Some children are comforted if parents rock them in their arms or wrap them in a soft blanket. Others, on the contrary, need a sense of freedom, and they fall asleep faster when they are laid on a flat surface and do not restrict movement with a diaper or blanket.

A newborn baby can communicate about his needs and inner state in only two ways: by crying or smiling. In the first weeks of life, crying and smiling are a reaction to the physiological processes that occur in the baby's body.

Learning and communication: dealing with the baby

The newborn spends almost the entire first week of life in a dream, waking up only to eat. Periods of active wakefulness, when the child is able to perceive new information, are extremely rare and short-lived. Therefore, you should not plan in advance for classes with your baby, take advantage of every opportunity. Newborn babies are easily overexcited and start screaming and crying, so watch your tiny pupil's reactions carefully and don't overwork him.

Every baby needs the warmth of the human body: if the child is rarely picked up, he can become lethargic and lethargic.

The mobility of a newborn baby is limited: he cannot roll over or turn his head on his own. Change the position of your baby in the crib, bassinet or stroller: let him spend some time on his stomach or on his side before you put him back on his back.

Hang a mobile or music projector over the crib. A quiet melody or sounds of nature, combined with rhythmically changing pictures or slow-moving toys, will help your baby learn to calm down and fall asleep on his own.

Laugh and have fun with your child, let him get used to your good mood.

Every parent wants his child to be smart, healthy, beautiful. Therefore, with the appearance of a baby in the family, loving parents are read out various information about the development of newborns. The first year of life, the baby grows and develops very rapidly, delighting his parents with new successes and achievements. But many mothers and fathers are worried about whether their baby is developing correctly, whether the development corresponds to the age of the baby. Each child is individual, but in general, the development of newborn children has its own stages, which are characteristic of most babies. All the parents' fears are quite justified: if the baby is developing well, then the parents have no reason to worry, but if there is a developmental delay, it is worth contacting a specialist, perhaps these are symptoms of some diseases. However, it should be understood that the established stages of development of newborns are very conditional. Do not worry if the children of the people around you have long had some kind of skills, and according to grandmothers and aunts, their children have long been able to do this or that. Each individual child is individual in itself and it is far from always that children who demonstrate earlier development, as a result, turn out to be ahead. Newborns develop at different rates and parents are well aware of the developmental characteristics of their child. However, the best solution would be to consult a specialist. Now calling a pediatrician at home in St. Petersburg or in any other city is possible even on weekends, and it is the doctor who can make an informed conclusion about the development of the baby.

The first months of a child's life are very busy. The baby has gone a long, difficult way to be born, and now the development of a newborn by weeks will be one of the most important stages in the life of a mother and child.

Newborn development by week

A newborn is considered a baby up to 4 weeks of age. Consider how the baby is developing at this time.

1 Week

A newborn baby gets used to the world around him. While he can still weakly gain weight, because the baby spent a lot of energy during childbirth and experienced tremendous stress. The new world is still alien to the child and only next to his mother he feels calm. Therefore, the first days of a baby's life should be applied to the breast as often as possible. In addition, while the baby is very weakly showing his emotions, attentive parents will perfectly be able to discern positive and negative emotions on the face of their child.

Normal in the first week of life is:

Weak weight gain

Newborn stool 8-12 times a day,

Urination up to 15 times a day,

The movements of the arms and legs are not yet meaningful,

Unconditioned reflexes appear,

The amount of food consumed grows over and over again.

2 week of life

In the second week, the baby's wakefulness time increases and the baby is already. In addition, birth hematomas and infantile jaundice disappear by the end of this week. it grows little by little and by the end of the second week the child can gain up to 150 grams of weight. The feces of the newborn become yellow and mushy.

3 week of life

The baby's weight this week can increase up to 200 grams. Birth injuries and hematomas completely disappear, and when the baby is laid out on the tummy, he begins to hesitantly raise his head. This week, the child and young parents begin to get used to the new daily routine.

4 week

The kid begins to actively move. Its weight can grow up to 800 grams, and at the same time it eats very well. During each feeding, the baby can drink 80 ml. milk. At this time, the baby has an incredible need for tactile sensations. Mom's affectionate strokes, light massage and communication with the baby help not only to calm him down, but also to establish a close bond between mother and child.

Newborn development weekly is important for any parent. Possessing this information, a mother can not only know what to expect in a particular period of a baby's life, but also assess how developed he is. In any case, if parents have questions or concerns related to the development of the baby, first of all, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Newborn development by month

The development of the newborn is rapidly growing and developing month by month. The physical and emotional state of the child changes with each passing month. Each stage of a child's development is especially valuable both for the child himself and for the parents.

1 month

The development of a newborn baby takes place in various aspects of his life. As a rule, experts distinguish the following:


The baby's lungs open with the baby's first breath and begin to supply the body with oxygen. The baby's blood is completely renewed, and the circulatory system begins its work of circulating blood. The endocrine and digestive systems read the body's defense against bacteria that they did not have to deal with in prenatal life. All these processes lead to great stress on the body and therefore the baby usually loses weight in the first week of his life. After the first week of life, weight should begin to gain. So, at the end of the first month, the baby should add 800 - 1000 grams, and grow by 4-7 cm.

In addition, as soon as the newborn baby is one month old, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician who will send the baby for a comprehensive examination.


Sleep for a newborn baby is very important in the first month of life and therefore it takes a lot of time. About 20 hours a day falls on sleep, but even while awake, the baby can doze. In the first month of life, newborns sleep on their backs, bending the arms at the elbows and pressing them to the chest.


Baby food is one of the most important things in this stage of life. His digestive system is still in the process of formation and therefore colic appears in babies. Therefore, at this time, the mother needs to very carefully monitor her diet if she feeds the baby with breast milk. If the baby is artificially fed, it is worth approaching very carefully.

Different experts see their own rules for how to feed a child, but still most of them tend to feed on demand. If you adhere to such a feeding system, then the baby will be applied to the breast 10-12 times a day. In the future, when the mother starts introducing complementary foods, the number of feedings will decrease. There are experts who believe that you need to feed your baby 6-7 times a day every hour. In this case, the interval between feedings should be approximately 3 hours, and at night 5-6. In their opinion, with such feeding, the mother teaches the baby to the regime, however, not all children can withstand such an interval between meals.


In the first month of life, the psychological development of the baby is measured by his reflexes. Some will stay with the baby for life, others will disappear as they grow older.

The main reflexes that indicate the normal development of the child include:

Sucking reflex.

It is the most important reflex for life support. To identify it, you need to attach the baby to the breast or give him a nipple, if he begins to perform a rhythmic sucking reflex - everything is fine.

Proboscis reflex.

Just like sucking, the baby is an important reflex in full life support and passes in 2-3 months. It can be identified quite easily - you need to touch your finger to the lips of the newborn. If there is a reflex, the baby will pull out the lips.

Grasp reflex.

To identify it, you need to press your finger on the palm of the crumbs. At the same time, the kid should firmly squeeze the adult's finger. This reflex will disappear in 5-6 months and will be replaced by a conscious grasping movement.

Support reflex.

This reflex is important for the development of the baby, because it allows you to judge the development of the musculoskeletal system. To check for a reflex, you need to place the baby on a hard surface so that the feet touch it. When the feet touch the surface, the baby should straighten the legs. If you tilt the baby forward or backward, then he should imitate walking.

Bauer's reflex.

It is also one of the important indicators of the development of a newborn in the first month of life. When placing the baby on his tummy, lightly press on his feet. The baby should make a movement similar to crawling.

Reflex Babkin.

It is also called the palmar-oral reflex. The child should turn his head towards the stimulus when pressing his finger on the baby's palm.

Protective reflex.

The presence of this reflex is very important for a baby in the first month of his life. You can identify it when laying the baby from the back on the stomach. At this moment, the child must independently turn his head so that nothing interferes with his breathing.

When examining a baby, specialists also check for the presence of other reflexes in the child, which usually pass by the year. Although some of them are simply transformed into conscious actions.

Physical development of the newborn

At the end of the first month, the baby jerks his arms and legs quite actively. It turns its head if it is put on its tummy, and some children already manage to lift it and look around.

During this period, it is very important that the parents help the baby's muscles develop. Light massage or stroking, turning from side to side, laying on the tummy help the baby not only to develop muscles, but also to feel his body.

Note that tight swaddling can affect the physical development of newborns. Stiffening movements interfere with the full development of the baby. Some experts argue. That children who have not been swaddled since birth begin to walk and talk faster.


Even at such a small age, babies begin to play. They look at their hands with pleasure, listen to different sounds.

As toys, you can offer the baby various rattles, musical educational toys, but the main thing is that their sounds are calm, not harsh. Otherwise, the baby may get scared and games with such objects will not be to his liking. During the waking period, when the baby is actively moving the arms and legs, you can put on ringing bracelets.

Malformations of newborns

Unfortunately, no one is safe from the birth of a child with various developmental disabilities. Even in couples leading an active and healthy lifestyle, the birth of a not entirely healthy child is possible. This is due to many factors. Many defects, of course, are determined even during intrauterine development, some after childbirth. But there are some genetic defects that can manifest themselves as the baby grows up. Therefore, it is very important to assess the development of the baby in order to take timely measures if a deviation is detected.

In general, a newborn baby should be able to:

1. Raise your head briefly when lying on a flat, flat surface.

2. Focus your gaze on mom's face. In addition, he can observe an object moving away at a distance of 15-20 cm from his face.

3. React to noises. For example, when a bell rings, he may turn his head, cry, or listen.

4. Give parents the first and sweetest smile.

If it seems to parents that their baby is not doing any of these indicators, then they should consult a doctor. However, in rare cases, this may indicate a developmental delay, as a rule, the absence of these indicators does not mean anything. Premature babies can develop much more slowly than their peers. The stages of development of a newborn are very conditional and you should not panic if the child does not perform certain actions. Try to walk with your baby in the fresh air and rest while he sleeps most of the time. Ahead of the happy parents is the second month of the development of the newborn. It will be even more intense, so now is the time to calm down and enjoy communication with your baby!

Newborn development video

Publication author: Polina Zelenina

A child from birth to one year, very much depends on the mother. He needs his mother's care, warmth and smiles.

In a calm, benevolent environment, the child grows well and develops, thereby delighting his parents.

In order for the baby to develop well and learn a lot of new things, he needs help. Such help can be simple communication and physical contact with the mother. As well as massage, gymnastics, walks, educational games and a positive attitude.

In the first year, the child goes through an intensive phase of physical and mental development. And parents do not always understand if their child is lagging behind or ahead of other children. For these purposes, below is a calendar of child development up to a year by months.

Just keep in mind that each child is individual and he can master some skills a little earlier or later than the established norms. And he can skip some steps in development, without harm to himself.

2 months

2 months

  • Makes sounds, for example "Aaaa", "Ayu", "Agg", "Agu".
  • Raises his head for a short time while lying on his stomach.
  • Better to focus on the subject.
  • Looks for the source of the sound with his eyes and turns his head towards it.
  • He is noticeably animated when adults communicate with him.

3 months

3 months

  • Gulps and laughs when communicating with adults. Easily identifies the source of the sound.
  • Draws attention to itself.
  • From a supine position, turns onto its side.
  • For a long time holds the head from the position "on the stomach" and "column" and even turns it.
  • He touches his legs from a "standing" position and pushes off the support when his parents hold his armpits.
  • He tries to grab the offered toy and succeeds.

4 months

4 months

  • Rolls over from back to stomach and back.
  • Likes to be in her mother's company.
  • In response to a smile, smiles and laughs
  • In a good mood squeals with delight.
  • The first syllables appear.
  • Holds, shakes and tries to put a toy in his mouth
  • Confidently holds his head lying on his stomach, while rising on his elbows.
  • Lying on your back raises the upper body with the head.
  • In an upright position, he holds his head confidently. At the same time, it can twirl it in different directions.
  • Can move around the crib on the bells.

5 months

5 months

  • Tries to sit up when you pull it a little by the handles.
  • Sucks on her fingers and toes.
  • He controls the toy more confidently and pulls it into his mouth.
  • Grabs items that are within his reach.
  • Defends his toy if someone tries to pick it up.
  • Leans towards the fallen object.
  • Likes to be in her mother's arms.
  • Keeps an eye on strangers and places.

6 months

6 months

  • Moves in space on the stomach
  • Crawls to a toy that is not far away, and grabs it with an outstretched hand.
  • Sit down and sit on your own for a while
  • Likes to stand and walk with support, armpits
  • Calms down when breastfeeding.
  • Listens carefully to other people's speech.
  • Responds to the name.
  • Makes many different sounds.
  • A child's mood can change frequently.
  • Begins to receive complementary foods.

7 months

7 months

  • He sits down more confidently. And it is with pleasure that it is in this position.
  • Stands on all fours, sways back and forth and even crawls a little.
  • Likes to walk holding the hands of an adult.
  • The stock of sounds and syllables is expanding.
  • Loves to swim.

8 months

8 months

  • Hand motility is well developed. Shifts objects from hand to hand, from container to container.
  • Confidently crawls on all fours. At the same time, he can hold a toy in one hand.
  • Likes to play while sitting.
  • Stands up holding on to the support.
  • Very attached to his parents.

9 months

9 months

  • Actively crawls, sits and moves while standing holding on to the support.
  • Says "ma-ma" and "ba-ba" with meaning.
  • Flips through the pages in the book.
  • Interested in everything around. He wants to reach and touch everything.
  • Repeats actions.
  • Carries out simple assignments.

From nine months, some begin to walk. But it happens that a child takes his first steps much later.... Also, children have already climbed onto low armchairs and sofas and descended back, this process gives them special pleasure. The development of speech at this age is most active, the baby connects syllables, unconsciously, of course, but very confidently, shouts "MA-MA-MA", "BA-BA-BA" and others. Learn more about

The first few weeks of a baby's life after childbirth is a difficult and responsible period not only for the baby, but for his loving parents. Mothers and fathers in the first month of a child's life (more precisely, 28 days or 4 full weeks), which is considered the neonatal period, receive the first skills of caring for and caring for a little man, and the baby these days gets used to a new type of life and its conditions. He will lay the foundations of health for all years of a child's life.

The degree of success with which all these processes will pass will depend on many components. One of these components is the parents' awareness and understanding of how newborn babies develop. This is very important, because to allow the problem to be tracked in time if something suddenly goes wrong and to react competently, having applied for the qualified help of a pediatrician in time.

In the first days of his new life, the appearance of the baby has its own specific features. The development of a newborn up to a month old is characterized by:

  • sleep duration up to 18 hours during the day;
  • slight initial weight loss;
  • the presence of mostly unconditioned reflexes.

In a year, everything will change completely, but for now it will be necessary to accompany the baby through his new life, guided by special knowledge.

During the period when the baby is considered a newborn, he is guided primarily by unconditioned reflexes. Many of them are vital not only for newly born people, but also for adults, for example, food. Other reflexes will be needed only at a certain point in development. When it ends, they will gradually fade away:

  • the support reflex will fade away after 4 weeks,
  • the crawling reflex will end for 4 months,
  • grasping reflex (like many others, we inherited it from our distant ancestors: the grasping reflex allowed newborns to grab onto their mother's fur and thus not lose it.

Unconditioned reflexes are gradually replaced by conditioned.

Of all the available sensory abilities in newly born, the most pronounced are:

  • sense of smell,
  • sense of touch in the mouth,
  • tactile feelings.

And in order for the formation of vision and hearing, tactile sensations to proceed most successfully, the baby needs to communicate, play educational games suitable for his age, show him the world around him. To do this, you need to bring his handles to different surfaces:

You can call it: cold, wet, rough, and so on. A little more than a year later, the kid himself will be able to understand everything, and sometimes even name it. But for now he will develop a base.

First week

In which babies after childbirth, birth edema may be observed on the head. It looks like a testicular tumor, soft to the touch. May have a bluish tinge. This generic tumor cannot be massaged. But you shouldn't worry either, because in a few days it will disappear on its own anyway.

The head may have an irregular shape: it may be somewhat elongated, like an egg. This is due to the fact that during childbirth, when the baby passed through the birth canal, his still soft skull adapted to them, deformed and the bones of his skull that had not yet formed moved. There is nothing wrong with that either. The head will return to its normal shape around 11-13 days after birth.

In the first day of life, a child may also have physiological erythema, which is expressed in a uniform reddening of the skin. This is completely normal and goes away in a day or two. Usually, by the time the baby is discharged, they are already clean and beautiful.

3-5 days after birth on the body the child may have red dense spots. These are signs of toxic erythema, which sometimes proceeds with itching. Doctors attribute this phenomenon to a reaction to the appearance of large protein molecules in the newborn's intestines.

Toxic erythema can develop for a couple of days, and then passes without a trace. In some cases, the baby is prescribed antiallergic measures, and if it is accompanied by itching, then local symptomatic drugs are added. There is an opinion according to which the opinion that children who have suffered toxic erythema later become allergic... But this opinion has not been proven and has existed for several years only in the form of a theory.

Physiological jaundice also sometimes accompanies babies at the end of the second or the beginning of the third day after birth, lasts for several days and also goes away by itself at the end of the first - middle of the second week.

On days 2-6, the baby experiences the first defecation process: he has the first stool and he frees the intestines from the original feces - meconium. It looks like a viscous dark green mass.

After the first process of defecation, the baby's bowel movement begins to rejoice, it happens 6-8 times a day, in theory it should go through each meal.

The stool will be loose for the first months. It may contain: green blotches,

  • slime,
  • lumps like curdled milk.

If the baby is worried about colic, then he may be prescribed various drugs for newborns, like Subsimplex or Espumisan. Special attention should be paid to the latter. as it can produce mucus in the feces of a newborn.

Particularly vigilant mothers sometimes the fact that a newborn baby pisses little is disturbing. This is fine. The first couple of days the baby can pee from 2 to 6 times. This is due to the fact that the kidneys accumulate the necessary elements at this time:

  • uric acid salts,
  • albumin.

On days 3-6, frightened mothers sometimes see a wet brick-colored stain on diapers or diapers. Don't panic. In subsequent years, this will not happen again, it happens only in the first week of life.

You need to let the stain dry and look carefully at the powder: these will be uric acid crystals. You don't need to do anything with this, everything will work out by itself. However, parents should report everything to the pediatrician to monitor the situation from a professional point of view. The doctor will tell himself what is violation and what is not. And mothers need to stay calm, because babies are very emotionally dependent on the state of the mother.

You should ask your pediatrician in advance which diapers will be optimal for your baby.

In the first week of life, babies usually lose weight (and do not begin to "eat off", as some believe). Weight loss of up to 10% of birth weight is considered normal.

Second week

At the 2nd week of the baby's development, a hormonal crisis may occur. It is accompanied by an increase in the mammary glands, regardless of the gender of the baby.

The glands are maximally enlarged 7-10 days after birth.... In some cases, a liquid with a yellowish tinge may be released from them, outwardly similar to colostrum. In some case, it is impossible to squeeze out this liquid. There is no reason to worry, since there is no need to treat this phenomenon. Everything normalizes itself.

Starting from the second week of life, the baby sleeps less than in the first week. The baby has time to master such reflexes as:

  • search,
  • prehensile,
  • sucking.

The sucking reflex becomes more perfect, so breastfeeding is normalized. In this regard, the feces take on a somewhat less frightening look and become a yellowish gruel.

From the second week, the weight already begins to increase, on average by about 180-200 grams. If by this time the umbilical wound has already healed, then the baby can be bathed.

Third week

Starting from the third week of its development, a newborn baby is able to gain about 200-250 grams of weight. The reflexes are already well-tuned, the grasping reflex is already well developed.

The baby firmly grasps the fingers and toys for him, successfully push off with his legs from the surfaces offered for him: palms, walls of the crib. He already knows how to fix his gaze on faces approaching at a distance of 20 cm. The baby can already consider the mother when she is breastfeeding him. Therefore, a mother can safely give her baby signs of love and attention during feeding. Look at your treasure while he is eating - right now, during this period and through these actions, his attachment to you is being formed.

When you lay the baby on his tummy for 3 weeks, he will already try to raise his head, grunt, rests.

After 28 days have passed since the birth of the baby, he will cease to be, the newborn will acquire, so to speak, the status of just a baby.

  • games,
  • massage,
  • jokes and other first measures of education.

To make it easier for you to navigate, various materials and useful information have been prepared for you below,

Fourth week

The development of a newborn baby in the fourth week continues and is quite intensive. During this period, the baby additionally gains the next 200-250 grams of weight.

His brain is developing rapidly. Now he's starting to take a keen interest to various large objects, which can be:

  • bright jingle toys,
  • cars,
  • balloons (it is better to choose as strong as possible, because if one of them bursts, the baby can get a little psychological trauma, be very scared).

Talk to your newborn child as much as possible, briefly play classical music pieces for him quietly.

By the end of the fourth week, mothers joyfully celebrate the so-called "revitalization complex" in their little happiness. It is expressed in the fact that the baby begins to smile happily at the adults he knows when they approach him, and even more so if they also smile or wave at him. The baby begins to react cheerfully: tugging and waving his legs and arms. The development of the emotional sphere can be considered successfully launched.

Frequently asked questions of young mothers and answers to them

The baby has dry skin of a strange color

In the early days, the baby may have dry skin with a reddish or yellowish tinge. You don't need to be afraid of this. In the first case, the symptom suggests that the skin is still very thin, and blood vessels are visible through it. In the second case when the so-called "jaundice" occurs, it is simply an increased content of bilirubin. Soon the liver will start working as it should, and everything will return to normal.

Whether to give a pacifier

It is not recommended to give a pacifier, if long breastfeeding is expected, then it is not necessary. In any case, you do not need to do this for at least months to 6, at a time until lactation is settled. The nipple disturbs the baby's perception, forcing him to confuse the mother's breast and the "dummy", and sometimes abandon the breast. It is also believed that the silicone substitute has a negative effect on the bite.

Toddler sucking thumb

Sucking a thumb (usually a thumb) is a manifestation of the sucking reflex, and this, as we remember, is one of the unconditioned reflexes. However, in this case, it is completely inappropriate. And this question should not be left to chance.

Seeing that the baby is sucking a finger, you must first offer the baby to the breast, because this may indicate that he is hungry. Sucking can also be a sign of that the baby is experiencing some kind of stress, and he needs to calm down. For this, he takes a finger in his mouth. For this to stop, mom needs to figure out the reasons.

If your baby has colic

This is a common occurrence in a baby.... Therefore, it is necessary to take preventive measures, and not wait until the baby already begins to suffer from abdominal pain. To prevent colic it is necessary:

  • put the baby on the stomach,
  • make a gentle massage of the tummy clockwise, pressing slightly,
  • to wear after feeding the baby "in a column".

If, despite the preventive measures, the attack nevertheless began, then you need to give the baby a medicine, and apply heat to the stomach: a heating pad with warm water, a diaper ironed with an iron. You can also give special drugs. If suddenly they are not there, then you will have to use a gas outlet pipe.


The first month of life is rightfully considered the most unforgettable in the life of a mother and child, which will not be repeated in the rest of the years. It is he who will reveal in the heart of every parent the enormous potential of love and tenderness.

However, this period is the most difficult and psychologically the most "long", like a year, both in the life of a mother and a baby.

But we are so arranged that both parents and children can easily cope with all such difficulties. And as a reward for joint efforts and courage shown, very soon it will be possible to celebrate your first and unforgettable anniversary!