Makeup at home: tips and tricks. How to make white face paint at home

IN first part In this story about theatrical make-up, we covered the basics of this art, but even with this basic knowledge, you can achieve an incredible transformation!
Today we will learn how to age the face so that it looks as natural and spectacular as possible.

As a rule, the make-up of old age is divided into two categories: to create an image of a vigorous old age and a decrepit old age. If you look closely at the elderly, you can note the following characteristic features of old age: a faded and uneven tone of the face, wrinkles in the forehead, cheeks, chin, neck and eyelids; pronounced depressions in the temples; altered shape of the mouth and lips due to missing teeth; dull look.

How to make old age makeup step by step

First of all, as we already know , applied to the face tone. For this, dark flesh paint or a mixture of white, light flesh and gray, taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 1, is used. For make-up of decrepit old age, a mixture of three colors is more suitable, because. it is they who give the face a sickly, feeble appearance.

Next up is makeup. eye: the upper eyelid and the eye cavity are sharply darkened if it is necessary to create an image of an active, even despotic old age. How to darken the eyes to give them shine and brightness was described in first part our story. But in general, to create an senile image, it is enough to slightly darken the edges of the eyelids with a tone that will be slightly darker than the eye socket.

Watery eyes are often a sign of old age. To create such an illusion, the upper and lower eyelids are lightened with a flesh tone, and a thin light red line is drawn at the very base of the eyelashes.

Under the eyes, the so-called "bags" are outlined in a light tone, and the upper part of the zygomatic bone is outlined with a brown contour and shaded with a finger so that it almost completely merges with the tone of the cheeks.

To complete the impression, a network of ray-like wrinkles is drawn with thin strokes, running from the outer edge of the eye to the temples.

Moving on to makeup temples, eyebrows and forehead. As a rule, old people have rather sparse and uneven eyebrows. This effect can be achieved if, when applying a general tone to the face, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows is also touched (right on their hairs). For greater expressiveness, thin braids of artificial eyebrows can be glued to the middle of the brow arch.

The forehead area usually serves as the main background for wrinkling. Beginners often make the mistake of simply drawing parallel lines on the forehead with black paint and then shading them.

As is known from the theory of theatrical make-up, a dark paint applied to the face seems to an outside observer to be a hollow, and a light bulge. Therefore, wrinkles, which are skin folds, would be most correct to first mark with dark red and brown paint, and then lay light-flesh-colored lines next to them and shade them so that the appearance of a shadow (hollow) and light (bulge) is obtained.
It is most correct to draw wrinkles, having previously wrinkled the forehead and slightly outlined the natural folds of the skin, after which it is already possible to proceed to their final “drawing”.

To create the effect of "failure" in the area of ​​the temples, the depression in this place is shaded with gray paint. If the person making up has a good knowledge of anatomy and artistic drawing skills, then with the help of a blue pencil on the temples you can draw a thin mesh of veins translucent through the skin. These lines should not have clear contours, otherwise the "veins" will look more like an incomprehensible tattoo than blood vessels.

In order not to create the impression of a deathly, unnatural pallor, it is necessary to lightly touch the most prominent point on the cheekbones and the tip of the nose with a pale blush.

In old age, small wrinkles in the nose area can often be observed - to create complete reliability, do not neglect the makeup of this part of the face. Folds are drawn in short lines going up from the base of the nose, and also in its lower part.

As a rule, the most conspicuous parts of the body that are subject to characteristic age-related changes are the forehead with wrinkles and failed pointed chin mouth.

To "draw" such a mouth, the lips are whitened with a light general tone with a very small addition of light purple hues, which are obtained by mixing dark red and gray-blue paints.
Then, with dark brown paint, the corners of the lips and nasolabial folds lowered down are sharply indicated. If an imitation of a toothless mouth is created, the upper lip is darkened at the place where the mustache grows, fine wrinkles are drawn around the lips, and the teeth are painted over with black paint.
To create the impression of a pointed chin, two light highlights are applied to its protruding part, and the lower lip is shaded with a dark line drawn along its contour.

In the neck area, dark stripes indicate protruding muscles (sternoclavicular), and the space between them is filled with light paint. The area under the chin, the middle of the neck and the throat is darkened with a wide strip to create an imitation of skin folds.

We emphasize the outlines of the zygomatic bone: draw a very light dark shadow under the lower edge of the cheekbone, and also shade the area located from the superciliary arch at the temple to the parotid space.
From the inner corner of the eye, parallel to the nasolabial fold, a light shadow is drawn.

And finally - some useful tips from the publishers of the book.

Without makeup, the faces of the actors look dull and unnatural in the light of spotlights and lamps. Even small productions are not complete without giving the actors an appropriate look. To do this, you need to be able to apply makeup at home. It’s not easy for a beginner to do this, especially when you don’t want to spend money on expensive make-up cosmetics and have to do everything yourself.

Makeup recipes

The composition of make-up prepared at home depends on what it is intended for, that is, what the actor will do: play live on stage or be shot on video. It is on this basis that two types of makeup are distinguished: and.

To prepare theatrical makeup, you will need children's watercolors and salted lard, from which you need to melt the fat. For "cinema" make-up, vaseline oil is used instead of lard.

If you need to prepare a light make-up in which the actor will not be in a hot room and move too much, take the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio. If the conditions are opposite to others, 2:1 (fat in a smaller part, so that the makeup is thicker and does not drip).

The ingredients are combined gradually, in small parts, with constant stirring. One secret: it is better to mix the ingredients on the glass, as if rubbing them to a homogeneous mass.

Paints should be exactly watercolor, because they do not irritate the skin as much as gouache, and children's, because they are not toxic. We recommend preparing the make-up "at once", that is, as much as you need for one performance, because the product, prepared without any preservatives, does not last long. If you still need to keep the prepared makeup for several days, put it in the refrigerator.

Makeup preparation

Prepare your face for makeup. First of all, you need to comb your hair back, and it is even better to use a cotton bandage that will hold fine hairs.

Do not forget to prepare the skin for makeup, for this you need:

* lubricate the face with petroleum jelly or fat cream;

* wipe the face with a cotton pad to remove excess cream.

Remember that just like when applying a regular foundation, you can not press on the skin of the face. You need to do everything with soft massage movements from the edges to the center. The skin should not remain dry, it simply should not have excess cosmetics on it, otherwise the makeup will flow.

This simple procedure will help you apply dry makeup in an even, even layer. However, if you use paints containing a high percentage of fats, you should not lubricate your face with Vaseline or cream.

Make-up base

Perhaps this is the most important stage, the success of which depends on the quality of the entire image. If you use ready-made makeup paints, you will find three tones in the box:

* light pink;

* darker;

* tan color.

As a rule, they are not used in their pure form, but mixed with red, yellow or brown paint. Which one depends on the tone of your face and the color you want to get.

Apply the tone with patting movements, as if driving it into the skin. Do not rub or smear the tone: it will not lead to anything good. Remember that the base is applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and earlobe to avoid the “mask” effect. Some make-up artists use liquid makeup or dark powder for the neck.

Color accents on the face are placed with blush. In theatrical make-up, there are several types of them: for an senile, sickly, and young face. Of course, the choice depends not only on the age of the actor and the character in which he needs to be reincarnated. Make-up artists take into account the color of the eyes and hair of a person, the tone of his face.

For example, dark skin dye is added to blush for dark skin to get a color that will look harmonious. For light use pale pink shades. First, blush is applied to the cheekbones, moving from the center of the face to the edge of the ear, gradually reducing the color saturation to nothing. Be sure to note the temporal lobes and lateral parts of the nose.

And for dessert, a video tutorial on cute and funny makeup from the beloved cartoon

Makeup for a thin face

Before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic data and draw up a questionnaire in which, in addition to age, profession, social status, the state of health should be reflected. You need to find out what caused weight loss - illness, old age or other reasons. This make-up is based on the "Sad Face" and "Skull Make-up" schemes.

The general tone is light with the addition of blue, gray colors. After applying the general tone with a contour, draw depressions with brown paint, then darken them. For successful work, it is necessary to know exactly the anatomical boundaries of the facial skull, the outline of depressions and bulges.

Shadows should not be very dark, otherwise the depressions will appear as dips. The eye socket, its subzygomatic part, is tinted more strongly. Draw in a tone of cormorant color with brown wrinkles - nasolabial, frontal. Less sharply make eyeliner, drawing blue mixed with black lash line paint. Details of the face - nose, chin - can be darkened on both sides with brown or gray paint, giving them a pointed shape. Shadows must be applied carefully, taking into account the anatomical structure of the face. The mouth should not be painted with bright red paint, so as not to increase the shape of the lips. Powder your face with light powder. By role, the face can be thin, but not dry. Therefore, when making up, one must remember the scheme, but not overload the face with dark tones.

Make-up of an old woman's face

Make-up of an old face requires certain experience and knowledge, therefore, before starting make-up, you need to study the anatomical structure of the face (bones, cavities, muscles), facial expressions and, in addition, the face to be made up; its features can be revealed by looking at a series of photographs or portraits. Much in makeup depends on the overall tone, which is age-appropriate. The general tone is light with the addition of ocher and gray paint. If the onset of decrepitude is felt, then a parchment shade can be achieved. To do this, as well as with make-up of a thin face, make up according to the "Skull" scheme. Probing and drawing depressions, darkening them, you can achieve a positive result. In general, make-up should not be bright, but convincing, reliable.

After applying the general tone, the cavities are darkened with dark paint. Eyebrows can be covered with white paint, giving them the color of gray hair, or use a crepe sticker, which is glued after the entire makeup process is completed, and powdered. The blush is applied in separate strokes on the cheekbones with a large porous sponge. The eye sockets are darkened with brown paint, the eyes are brought down with gray s. brown and strongly shaded. The lower eyelids can be slightly tinted, as in older people the muscles become weaker, the skin loses its elasticity. The lower part of the eye socket is drawn more strongly, as well as the nasolabial one. Wrinkles on the forehead, "crow's feet" near the eyes are drawn more strongly with a thin brush. They take a cormorant and brown paint, draw a line, while it is uneven in depth. The middle is drawn stronger, a light tone is made near the dark surface to emphasize depth with the help of contrast. A wavy line is drawn on the lower jaw, sagging, bags are drawn, which are formed due to the weakening of the muscles of the face. The distance from the nose to the upper lip is darkened, emphasizing the toothless mouth. Hair should be powdered or put on a cap or a gray wig.

Make-up of an old man's face

This make-up is complex, as it combines all the processes used in make-up. In addition to certain skills when making up, accuracy and observation are necessary. Make-up should be carried out on the front of the skull, bones, cavities, muscles, muscles, taking into account changes in the details of the face: forehead, eyebrows, nose, eyes, cheeks, mouth, chin. It is necessary to study photographs, portraits of artists, which depict old men and women, before making up, to determine the main characteristic features of old age, decrepitude. Over the years, the color of the skin changes, which loses its elasticity, becomes flabby. The muscles of the face become lethargic, lowered. Hair loses color, gray hair appears in the hairstyle, as well as among the hairs of the eyebrows, in men - in the mustache, beard, The eyes change the most, they lose their shape, the color of the iris becomes lighter, the look loses its sharpness, becomes indifferent. Wrinkles in a dense grid furrow the face. Naturally, there are old people who have not lost interest in life, they continue to be active, outwardly maintain a smart figure and good spirits. At the same time, the years take their toll, and no matter how good an old person looks, the signs of old age will be reflected on his face to a greater or lesser extent. Consider the makeup sequence. Actors who play the role of a hero by years to a large extent older than themselves should not overload their faces with a large number of stickers and plasters. Do not cover the face with a dense network of large and small wrinkles. Make-up begins with drawing up a general tone. It is better to mix several tones - No. 2 + No. 3, as well as ocher and white paints.

Make-up is based on the make-up scheme of the facial skull, but at the same time, the blackouts are made much weaker using light brown paint + cormorant. Blush should be done with a large-pored sponge in the color of cormorant in combination with yellow paint. The blush is applied in fragmentary strokes, emphasizing the blood vessels.

The orbital cavity is darkened with paint unevenly, the inner corner of the eye is tinted more strongly than the outer one. In some older women, the skin of the brow space droops and seems to float on the upper eyelid, and the lower eyelid droops. Therefore, make-up paints can convey these changes. It must be remembered that the effect depends on the purity and ratio of colors (dark to light). Darken the subzygomatic cavity, the space above the upper lip. When making up, one must remember the laws of painting: everything that is highlighted - approaches, stands out; what is darkened is deepened. In make-up, wrinkles play an important role: frontal horizontal, between the eyebrows, nasolabial, they must be emphasized. Outline the bags under the eyes. For wrinkles, brown paint + cormorant is used, wrinkles are drawn along the natural wrinkles of the face, giving relief with the help of paints. Lines with paint should not be the same in thickness, it is better to interrupt them. The line is shaded with the index finger, a highlight is placed next to it with lighter paint (general tone No. 2 or No. 3 + white).

In old age, the skin of the lower jaw sags, so-called "dog" folds can be emphasized, while it must be remembered that highlights in this make-up play a big role. From a gray-haired or gray crepe, you can stick eyebrows or apply gray hair on your own with white paint. The lips are painted over in a light tone, the outline can be outlined with brown paint + cormorant and white. The powder is used light. In the make-up of an old person, vegetation is used - a beard, mustache, sideburns, a wig. They will help you get into character. It must be remembered that the vegetation is done in advance, they are tried on before the make-up, those places that should be covered with vegetation are not covered with Vaseline and the general tone. Vegetation is glued only after powdering, as it is possible to wrinkle the curl, break the shape, and stain it. First glue the beard, then the mustache. After the end of the performance, they first remove the mustache, then the beard and wig.

Make-up of a child's face

The face of a healthy child is unique in its pure, clear expression. The skin is smooth, there are no sharp transitions from one part of the face to another, they seem to merge with each other. Roundness of forms, generalization and a single unity are characteristic. For makeup, you need to choose a gentle, light tone. You can use the general tone No. 1 + No. 2. Often other colors are added depending on the gender, nationality of the makeup person. So, for a girl, white paint and cormorant, dark red paint are added to the overall tone, and for a boy’s make-up, brown or ocher is added to the overall tone. With the help of make-up, you can “rejuvenate” your face, tighten your nose with muslin or make it snub-nosed with paint, gummosis patches. By toning your eyebrows, you can change their size and color, make them shorter and lighter.

Children have widely spaced eyes and, in order to rejuvenate the face, the bridge of the nose should be covered with a light tone. Eyebrows are painted with cormorant + brown or ocher paint, the upper and lower eyelids are shaded with blue or light brown paint. Lips do not bulge as in adults; they are smaller in size, brighter in color.

Particular attention should be paid to the application of blush: they are applied taking into account the oval, tinting the temporal cavities, cheeks - closer to the backs of the nose, going down to the chin. The make-up of a child's face should be clean and gentle. The hairstyle will complement the makeup in many ways: girls should make a light bang, tie a ponytail (one or two), decorate their hair with hairpins, ribbon bows. In the boy's hairstyle, make a cocky tuft at the back of the head, in front - bangs. It is desirable that the hair color be light or brown, as dark, black hair gives the face a stern look, makes a person older.

Make-up taking into account the individual characteristics of the face

Makeup for a blonde with fair skin and blue eyes. The powder is light, matte, the color is natural, natural with a slight addition of pink or peach. Blush pink, natural. Yellowish shades should be avoided. Lipstick - the color of ripe cherries or cyclamen, as well as pink and poppy. All bluish tints or dark colors should be avoided. Mascara - bluish or brown and never black.

Makeup for a blonde with dark eyes and dark skin. Powder - warm shades: a mixture of pink and yellowish. Blush - light orange, cherry or poppy color. Blue tints should be avoided. The color of the blush should be in harmony with the skin, the color of the dress, lipstick, nail polish. Mascara - brown or black, depending on the color of the eyes - light brown or dark brown.

Makeup for a brunette with blue or dark brown eyes and dark skin. Powder - all shades of brownish (light or dark), suitable for skin color. You can add a little pink or ivory. Blush - orange, yellowish-red. The color of the blush should be in harmony with the skin, the color of the dress, lipstick and nail polish. Lipstick - light, sharply turning into orange, yellowish red, tangerine or cherry; Mascara - dark brown or black. All bluish shades should be avoided.

Make-up for a red-haired woman with fair skin and light eyes. Powder - light and transparent, color - natural, peach, ivory with the addition of pink go. Blush: if the hair is yellowish-red with an orange tint, then the blush is yellowish; with copper-colored hair, the blush is brownish-red or the color of cyclamen. Lipstick - red or dark red. Lipstick and blush should be in harmony with the color of the dress. Ink - brown or black.

Makeup for a black-haired woman with blue eyes and fair skin. Powder - light, very pale with a pink and even bluish tint. The face is like porcelain. Blush - raspberry and cyclamen colors. The yellowish-red color is not used at all. Powder and blush should be in harmony with the color of the skin, dress, lipstick and nail polish. Lipstick - lilac-pink, deep red tone. To give the skin an even more delicate look - all shades are pink. Ink - blue. Eyelashes - lightly tinted.

Makeup for a dark-haired woman with dark skin and dark eyes. Powder of olive, apricot color, all shades of brown with an admixture of pink. Blush - tangerine, orange, yellowish red. Lipstick - bright red, purple, ruby ​​​​or cherry, its color should be in harmony with the color of the dress and nail polish. Mascara - black, brown or blue - depending on the color of the eyes and hair.

The external beauty of a woman is determined not only by a good figure, well-groomed body and face; skillful make-up of the face also contributes to the perfection of the external appearance - make-up. This is an English expression meaning cosmetic make-up of the face, eyes, lips and eyebrows, i.e., in other words, aesthetic make-up of the face by applying paints. In cosmetics, there are two ways to make up the face, namely: day And evening makeup. Evening makeup intended for the evening, especially for special occasions.. day makeup should look completely different than the evening. First of all, daytime makeup should be so inconspicuous that the face looks almost unpainted: in addition, daytime makeup must necessarily match the color of the eyes, hair and, in general, the individuality of the woman as a whole. Even fashion should not have too much influence on the way one makes up one's face; when applying daytime makeup, you must first of all be guided by good taste. Evening makeup characterized by greater intensity, it is more effective than daytime. In the evening, you can make up more catchy, you can use brighter, even silvery and golden tint preparations. For special occasions, you can sprinkle your hair with powder with a metallic sheen, and apply silver or golden shadows on your eyelids. But before you allow yourself to make up brightly and effectively, you must first familiarize yourself with the art of decorative make-up; otherwise, with the inept application of paints, a woman runs the risk of looking ridiculous. You need to learn how to properly make up in daylight, by the window. Only under this condition will the makeup really be in harmony with the color of the skin of the face, hair and eyes. Applying makeup is an art that every woman must comprehend and improve in practice. Skillful application requires not only practical experience, but also knowledge of the basic rules that require compliance with a certain sequence of face makeup procedures. Face makeup sequence 1. The main powder cream is applied to the cleansed face, taking into account the type of skin. To do this, use the cream used for daily face care. 2. A colored tonal preparation is applied to the face, which must necessarily be a tone lighter or darker than the skin color of the face. 3. Make-up of the face: blush is applied to the face, taking into account the color of the skin of the face. 4. Powder: the powder must necessarily be a tone lighter or darker than the tonal preparation. 5. Lipstick: the contour of the lips is outlined with a contour pencil, then lipstick is carefully applied to the lips. 6. Eyebrows should first be combed with a comb, and then emphasize their line with an eyebrow pencil. 7. The upper eyelids are shaded with a tint preparation (shadow). 8. The cut of the eye is shaded with a brush or pencil. 9. Eyelashes are tinted with mascara. 10. The whole face is powdered. Toning Having decided to make the face more expressive with the help of paints, one should not forget about the basic rule of make-up - about preserving naturalness and, mainly, a sense of proportion. Overly made-up women cannot look attractive. On thoroughly cleansed skin, apply the main cream under the powder; then, with fingertips, the cream is lightly rubbed on the face and applied to the skin with tapping movements. Excess cream should be removed by applying a paper towel to the face. As the main cream for powder, it is imperative to use a cream used for daily facial skin care (fatty, bold, hydrating). Then a tonal preparation (tone) is applied to the main cream, and on the entire face and neck. High-quality tonal preparations protect the skin of the face from dust and dirt and at the same time prevent the skin from losing moisture. Creams can be applied daily. However, it is very important + in the evenings, before going to bed, carefully remove all makeup from the face and neck. Otherwise, the skin pores can become clogged with sweat and dust. Semi-liquid tonal preparations look the most natural, since the natural color of the skin is visible through a thin layer of tone. Creamy preparations are characterized, on the contrary, by more pronounced integumentary (masking) properties. They are recommended for evening make-up when you want the skin to look completely smooth and when you need to shade translucent blood vessels, age spots or freckles. Some creamy tonal preparations also contain therapeutic impurities (collagen). The color of the tonal preparation must necessarily be in harmony with the color of the skin and hair. In principle, its shade should be only one tone lighter or darker than the natural color of the skin of the face, since this is a prerequisite for good rubbing of the preparation to nothing. It is best to have tonal preparations of both lighter and darker shades when making up your face. With the help of light and dark shades, make up the face in such a way that the objectively beautiful on the face is favorably emphasized and at the same time its flaws are hidden. The rules for correcting facial imperfections are very simple. Those places that I would like to emphasize are highlighted, and areas that are desirable to be shaded are darkened. Light tones soften facial features, while dark tones make them less noticeable. By correcting the face with make-up, you can optically hide various facial imperfections that act depressingly on some women. For rubbing the preparation, it is best to use a moistened synthetic sponge. If there are dark circles under the eyes, scars or other minor skin imperfections that you want to hide, these places should be covered with a tonal preparation one tone darker than the preparation applied to the rest of the face. Examples of correction of the nose, chin, forehead using tonal preparations of two shades: 1. Long nose: a darker tone should be applied to the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose, and a lighter shade to the wings of the nose. 2. Short nose: a lighter shade of foundation is applied to the back of the nose, and the wings are shaded with a darker preparation. 3. Big nose: along the nose. On both sides, two lines are applied with dark powder, the boundaries of which are rubbed with fingers to nothing. 4. Wide nose: along the nose, in the middle, a long line of dark powder is applied, which is then lightly rubbed with fingers. 5. Humpbacked nose: a dark cream is applied to the places that are bent inward especially strongly, which is then carefully rubbed with fingers. A low forehead can be optically enlarged with makeup: for this, a lighter make-up should be applied to the forehead. A very high forehead is optically reduced if it is covered with a dark tonal preparation. If the chin is too advanced, the lower jaw should be shaded with a darker tone, which is rubbed in the direction of the neck. With a double chin, a dark tone should be applied under the chin and rub it towards the neck. A slightly pronounced chin can be optically enlarged by applying a foundation of a lighter shade on it. Applying blush Blush on the cheeks is recommended for every woman, because. Skillfully applied blush creates real miracles with the face. But for this blush should not be dull and must be in harmony with the color of lipstick. It is enough to apply a few dots of blush the size of fingertips near the eyes, on the cheeks, and sometimes on the chin, forehead, temples, rub them thoroughly, as the skin is unrecognizably transformed, younger, fresher, more attractive. Skillfully applied blush emphasizes the beauty of the painted face. For oily skin, it is recommended to use dry powder blush for make-up, and for dry skin, creamy blush should be used. They can be used if the face is not covered with a tonal preparation, and blush is applied directly to the main cream under the powder. In this case, the blush, due to its inconspicuous shine, looks very natural. However, blush applied in this way also needs to be powdered on top. Powder blush(powder - lipstick) can not be used without a tonal preparation. It is not recommended to apply blush in the form of a powder on a face that is not covered with a tone, because such blush, due to its dullness, is too strongly reflected from oily shiny skin. Such blush should be applied with a brush on the face, already made up with a tonal preparation. Skillfully applied blush is hardly noticeable, but with their help you can optically correct facial features. Lipstick is the most widely used cosmetic product. This is understandable, since a face without lipstick is devoid of expressiveness. However, it is very important to choose the right lipstick. It is recommended to use only oily lipstick, because. dry lipstick, although it is more resistant, dries out the lips a lot. Normally contoured lips are tinted either with lipstick in the form of a pencil, or with a brush, with which lip paint is drawn. Too narrow lips can be expanded with lipstick and powder. First, the lips should be powdered so that their natural contours are not visible. Then, with a contour pencil (thin, inconspicuous stroke), the desired contour is outlined and lipstick is applied over it. An easier way to widen the lips is to apply a light lipstick, since light colors act optically to expand. Too thick lips. When tinting thick lips, their contours should not be emphasized. Lipstick is applied along the natural contour of the lips, and the corners of the mouth remain unpainted. With wide lips, it is recommended to use lipstick of a darker color. Unevenly wide lips should be tinted as follows: on a narrower lip, a lighter shade of lipstick should be applied, which optically expands it, and on a wider lip, a dark shade of lipstick, optically reducing it. The lowered corners of the mouth are raised optically as follows: the lower lip should not be painted completely, i.e. not to the very corners of the mouth; the contour of the lip, not reaching the corners, needs to be lifted up. Many women find it difficult to choose the right lipstick color. The color of lipstick, in principle, must necessarily be in harmony with the color of the blush on the cheeks and with the color of the varnish on the nails. For the correct application of lipstick on the lips, it is necessary to use not only lipstick, but also a brush and a contour pencil, and the contour pencil must be the same color as the lipstick. Before applying lipstick, you first need to lubricate the lips with a colorless oily hygienic lipstick, a nourishing cream that protects the lips from drying out. The cream not only nourishes the lips, but also gives them a beautiful shine. After applying the cream, the contour of the lips is circled with a contour pencil; the outline outline defines the shape of the lips. Then lip paint is applied very carefully to the lips with a brush. It is necessary to start painting the lips from the middle towards the corners of the mouth, covering the entire outlined surface of the lips with paint. Finally, a special lip-gloss is applied on top of the lips, reviving the color of the lipstick. Excess lipstick is removed by blotting the lips with a paper napkin, for which the napkin is clamped between the lips. When applying lipstick with pearlescent gloss, excess lipstick is not removed, because. it takes away the shine of the lipstick. Skillfully applying lipstick, you can correct both the shape and width of the lips. Eye makeup The eyes give the face a real expressiveness. The eyes reflect not only our inner world, but also the state of our health. Beautiful, expressive eyes give the face an exceptional charm and attractiveness. In all likelihood, this explains the fact that, according to the cultural monuments of ancient times, women and men of that time made their eyes more expressive by applying paint around them. Poets of all times have sung about the beauty of shining eyes, often comparing them with the radiance of the stars. However, nature has not endowed everyone with beautiful, expressive eyes. In this regard, the tasks of decorative cosmetics, among other things, include the correction of congenital eye defects. Under the make-up of the eyes is meant the application of tint preparations (shadows) on the eyelids, shading the cut of the eyes with lines and tinting the eyelashes and eyebrows. Eye shadow and lines For perfect eye make-up, tint preparations for the eyelids should be used - shadows. When choosing the right color of the tint preparation, one should distinguish between daytime and evening make-up eyes. Daytime eye makeup should look as natural as possible, for evening - you can apply spectacular shadows. Make-up eyes, the paint should be applied in a thin layer. The applied shadows should be in harmony not only with the color of the eyes and hair, but also with the color of the clothes. Too bright or turquoise colors give an unnatural impression during the day and are too catchy for daytime makeup. For daytime make-up, it is better to use beige, brownish and even olive-brown shadows. For evening make-up, in order to shade the eyelids, you can also use spectacular shadows with a high content of mother-of-pearl. Eyeshadows come in a variety of textures. Powdered eye shadow is applied to the eyelids with a brush. Creamy (fatty) Eye shadows come in both matte and shimmery. They are applied to the eyelids in a very small amount and rubbed with fingertips to nothing, so that the border of the paint was not noticeable. Tint pencils for the eyelids are used to paint the contour of the lower eyelids. Eyelashes All women, including those who do not make up their eyes, are recommended to tint their eyelashes. The fact is that tinted eyelashes optically enlarge the eyes, make them more beautiful and expressive. Even the shadows on the eyelids seem to be "lost" if you do not tint the eyelashes at the same time. Blondes with light eyelashes should paint their eyelashes with brown, black or gray paint. Brunettes with black eyelashes are recommended to use mascara in green and blue colors. To tint eyelashes, the so-called "mascara" is used, which is a semi-liquid mascara, packed in a metal tube with a special brush or spiral for applying paint to the eyelashes. "Maskara" does not dissolve in water. Eyelashes are painted in a spiral on both the upper and lower eyelids in the direction from the base of the eyelashes to their ends. When tinting the eyelashes of the lower eyelid, a piece of paper should be placed under the eyelashes in order not to stain the skin during this procedure. In order for the "mascara" to stay on the eyelashes better, it is recommended to apply it three times, and after each application, you should wait a little until the mascara dries on the eyelashes. Having tinted the eyelashes, they should be separated from one another with a dry brush. How to use makeup to change the shape of the eyes, and thereby the facial expression 1. Almond-shaped eyes do not need to be changed. 2. Round eyes can be optically lengthened by applying a strip of paint from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner, and this line should expand towards the outer corner. Eyelashes are tinted with black "mascara". The shadow on the eyelids is applied narrowly at the inner corner of the eye, and towards the outer corner the shadow should expand. Shade preparations should be delicate, pastel colors. 3. Large, bulging eyes. For their make-up, it is recommended to use matte and darker paints. The entire upper eyelid is shaded with an inconspicuous shadow, which should be rubbed towards the outer corner of the eye to no. Be sure to emphasize the edge of the lower eyelid. A little light shiny cream is applied under the outer third of the eyebrows. 4. Deep-set eyes with the help of makeup can be optically enlarged and made more expressive. On the upper eyelid, starting from the inner corner of the eye and up to the eyebrows, a shadow of a very light color is applied; the cut of the eyes is emphasized by a strip of paint only at the outer corner of the eye. Eyelashes are heavily tinted with mascara, making the eyes more expressive. 5. Close-set eyes. The shadow on the upper eyelid is applied starting approximately from the middle. And it is slightly rubbed in the upward direction and at the outer corner of the eye. Very light colors are applied to the bridge of the nose and at the inner edge of the eye. The section of the eyes is shaded with a strip of paint stronger, starting from the middle of the eyelid and towards the outer corner of the eye. Eyebrows on the bridge of the nose should be plucked and, having tinted, make them more expressive. 6. Wide-set eyes. Eye shadow is applied to the inside of the eye corner and rubbed towards the eyebrows. A strip of paint for shading the cut of the eyes is applied wider at the bridge of the nose, and, starting from the middle of the eye, it narrows and ends, not reaching the outer eye corner. Eyebrows are painted on as close to the bridge of the nose as possible. We should not forget that before going to bed, it is necessary to remove the mascara from the eyelashes, and not with water, but with a special preparation to remove it. Brows According to modern fashion, it is recommended to adhere to the natural shape of the eyebrows, plucking only those hairs that need to be removed to correct the lower edge of the eyebrows, as well as hairs on the bridge of the nose. To give the eyebrows the desired shape, the following rule should be followed: a pencil should be vertically attached to the wings of the nose. The intersection of the pencil with the eyebrows should be the starting point of the eyebrows. The end of the eyebrow arch is determined as follows: a straight line is indicated with a pencil, running from the wings of the nose along the outer corner to the eyebrows; at the intersection of this straight line with the eyebrows, the eyebrow arch should end. When plucking eyebrows, proceed as follows: the skin must first be lubricated with a greasy cream (which facilitates plucking). Then the eyebrows with the help of a brush should be given the desired shape. Only those hairs that grow along the lower edge of the eyebrows should be removed; plucking hairs must be done in the direction of their growth. After plucking, the skin of the eyebrows should be smeared with toilet milk, which narrows the pores and has an anti-inflammatory effect. With very rarely growing hairs, eyebrows can be finished with light strokes that imitate individual hairs. Eyebrows, painted in a single continuous line, give the face a stern expression. Eyebrow color should always be slightly lighter than hair color. By giving the eyebrows a certain shape, you can optically change the appearance of the forehead. A low forehead will optically look higher if the eyebrows are slightly shortened, namely from the side of the bridge of the nose. To do this, the hairs on the bridge of the nose should be plucked. If the forehead, on the contrary, is too high, then the eyebrows should start closer to the bridge of the nose. In this case, eyebrows should be painted on the bridge of the nose with thin strokes. By changing the shape of the eyebrows, you can also change the facial expression. The final effect obtained by correcting the eyebrows and giving them the desired shape depends on taste and skill. About makeup in general Those who want to get a universal recipe for making up any face will be disappointed. There is no such recipe. Every woman should be able to make up and adorn herself in accordance with her personality in such a way that the end result is a make-up that looks natural and inconspicuous and fulfills the main goals of cosmetics: to emphasize what is beautiful in the face and, if possible, hide existing flaws. Every woman should know which make-up and which make-up method best suits her appearance, she should be able to apply make-up in various ways, taking into account specific situations. First of all, every woman should know exactly the color of the skin of her face, hair, eyes, in other words, be able to objectively and self-critically assess her appearance. One of the reasons why it is impossible to give an exact recipe for make-up is fashion. There are certain general rules of decorative cosmetics that can help in the selection of colors and shades for a particular make-up. At present, such a rich assortment of different shades of paints is being produced that a woman, when choosing them, in the end, despite the most detailed advice from experts, is forced to be guided by her own taste. It is necessary to use a light brown tonal preparation for make-up, i.e. in a shade that most closely resembles the color of our skin. Light tones always give a rejuvenating and warm impression, so they are suitable for any type of face. Dark-skinned and dark-haired women can also be recommended darker tonal preparations, but blondes should definitely use lighter tones. Redheads should use tonal preparations of beige and light brown shades, including golden tones. The powder must also match the color of the tonal preparation. When making up the eyes, their color must be taken into account. Black eyelashes and shading of the eye section with black lines go only to women with very dark eyes and hair. Brunettes are recommended to use brown tones for eye make-up, and greenish and bluish shadows for eye make-up. Lipstick and blush may be darker shades. Red-haired women with a fair complexion are suitable for greenish eyeshadow, especially for greenish eyes. Women with red hair can shade the eyelids with golden or copper shades. Lipstick and cheek blush should be a dirty pink color. Moreover, for evening makeup, you can use paints with a golden effect. An exaggerated emphasis on the light skin color of the face of women with blond hair is erroneous. Such a face is made much more expressive than the paint of a brighter red color. Fair-haired eyelids are recommended to be shaded with greenish, brownish or gray shadows. Lipstick is recommended to use better than pink, and not flashy red. Blondes look for soft, pastel colors that best match their fair skin. Tonal preparations should be in harmony with the color of the skin of the face. For eye make-up, blondes are recommended to use greenish or bluish shadows with a gray tint; cheeks and lips should be tinted with subtle colors of brown-red or pinkish tones. It is not recommended to paint eyebrows with dark colors for blondes; it is best to lubricate the eyebrows with a golden shade of paint.

Coming to celebrate Halloween? Whether you're heading to a club for a themed party, throwing one at home, or just meeting up with friends and going for a walk, you definitely need a frightening and memorable look. One costume is not enough - you need to complement it with homemade Halloween makeup, which is not so difficult to make. Use our ideas and let your friends surprise you with an impressive look!

how to do vampire makeup

Perhaps the most popular Halloween character is the vampire. Frightening and at the same time alluring, ghouls occupy an important place in world culture, each time appearing in a new unexpected image. So why not transform into a charming vampire with the help of Halloween homemade makeup? The main rule of such makeup is contrast, the effect of which is achieved with the help of deathly pale skin and bright eyes and lips that stand out against its background.

To "become a vampire" for Halloween, we need:

  • pale makeup or light tonal base;
  • matting cream;
  • red lipstick and red liner;
  • a palette of matte dark eye shadows;
  • black eyeliner, ink.

How to apply makeup:

  1. First, apply a mattifying cream on the face. It solves two problems: it absorbs sweat and moisturizes the skin throughout the evening.
  2. We cover the face with a tonal base, not forgetting about the “hard-to-reach” places. From above, we process our homemade makeup for Halloween with powder. We emphasize the cheekbones with the help of dark shadows to get "failures".
  3. Now we need to select the eyes. To do this, circle the eyes with black eyeliner above and below along the contour. Blend the lines and emphasize the eyes with dark (black or reddish) shadows. We paint over eyelashes, you can use false ones.
  4. Outline the lips, paint over with red lipstick. Blend with a brush to get a smooth transition. The image of a vampire will be more effective if you complement it with colored lenses and sharp “fangs” from a gift shop.

We also invite you to watch a video from Lilith Moon Ru with step-by-step instructions on how to make a vampire makeup.

how to do zombie makeup

Another well-known image for Halloween homemade makeup is zombies. Wandering in the night in search of a gaping traveler, this character should be as vile and repulsive as possible. Decaying flesh, lacerations, cyanosis - these are the hallmarks of this character. Be prepared that no one wants to kiss you in such a make-up, but the view will be impressive.

Here is one of the zombie makeup options:

  • matting cream;
  • matte eyeshadow;
  • light tonal base;
  • Eyeliner;
  • glue (medical BF or regular PVA).

How to apply makeup:

  1. We smear the face with a matting cream, lighten it with a tonal base (or special makeup).
  2. Apply dark shadows on the upper and lower eyelids with your fingers, smear. Under the eyes, use shades of reddish, yellow and blue hues; you can mix them. Don't forget that your character has been dead for some time now, so the bigger the decay effect in this Halloween homemade make-up, the scarier it is. Don't color your lashes to accentuate dips under your eyes. If desired, apply deadly "bruises" to the entire face: make the middle bluish, and the edges yellow.
  3. The most interesting thing about zombie makeup is the wounds. They can be depicted in an arbitrary place; a large lacerated wound on the neck, forehead or in the corner of the mouth looks especially ominous. Just apply a little glue to the desired area and wait until it dries. Then decorate the “wound” with the same shadows or colored powder. You can “paint” with red lipstick applied to the brush. If you have the skills of an artist, make a “wound” in the corner of your mouth, and draw white “teeth” under a layer of glue, then painting them over with the same lipstick - it will come out very creepy.

We also invite you to watch a video from Anna Shulga Ru with step-by-step instructions on how to make do-it-yourself zombie makeup

how to make witch makeup

What is All Saints Day without a witch? Before doing homemade Halloween makeup for this character, think about which witch you like best? A classic hunched old woman Baba Yaga with a papier-mâché nose, a seductive forest naiad, a mysterious “ageless” beauty, or a modern image like Maleficent? In any case, the basics of witch makeup involve focusing on the eyes, shades of bright colors and huge fan lashes.

Here is one of the options for homemade witch makeup for Halloween - by the way, it is also suitable for a fairy. For him you need:

  • light base for make-up;
  • foundation cream of pale shades;
  • eye shadow in lavender, purple or green (if you take gray or black - you get a gothic witch). You will also need loose shadows of the corresponding color;
  • false eyelashes;
  • black eyeliner;
  • dark lipstick.

How to apply makeup:

  1. Let's start our home makeup for Halloween by highlighting the face, giving it an "aristocratic" pallor. We do this with the help of a light base, on which foundation is applied.
  2. Apply shadow on the upper and under the lower eyelids, blend well. Then thickly circle the eyes with a pencil, smear along the contour. Near the temples, apply specks of loose shadows.
  3. Glue eyelashes, make up them abundantly. Line your lips. Lipstick should be deep tones: burgundy, wine, plum or even black. A great addition to the image can be body art on the face, such as a spider on a web.

We also invite you to watch a video from Elena Krygina with step-by-step instructions on how to do witch makeup

How to do skeleton makeup (Death)

With the help of a rather complicated, but spectacular Halloween homemade makeup, you can achieve an almost perfect skeleton face (aka Death). The difficulty lies in the fact that you need to have at least basic drawing skills; in addition, in some places smooth color transitions are needed.

For "bony" makeup you will need:

  • white;
  • dark eyeshadow;
  • black eyeliner.

How to apply makeup:

  1. First prepare your face. Degrease it with an alcohol toner or scrub, then you can apply a mattifying cream - so your face will maintain a dead shade all evening.
  2. Apply white and start drawing your future Halloween homemade makeup. First mark the main lines: eyes, nose, teeth and cheekbones. Fill in the eye sockets completely, as well as the failure of the nose. On the line of the cheekbones, make a transition - in the middle, the color should be more intense. The lips should not be visible, while the "teeth" should stand out clearly. To do this, make especially bright lines in this place.

We also invite you to watch a video from anastasia korts with step-by-step instructions on how to do skeleton makeup

How to make makeup for Emily from Corpse Bride

It is not necessary to turn to world folklore - there are characters who are not directly related to it, but have firmly entered the world culture. For example, Halloween is associated by many with the work of American film director Tim Burton and, in particular, with his cartoon Corpse Bride. Therefore, you can try to make up the main character Emily - since such a homemade makeup for Halloween will not take much time.

It’s good if you have a special face painting, but you can replace it with blue matte shadows - crush them and mix them with powder. We need a couple of shades of this makeup. In addition, you need:

  • white and black eyeliners;
  • ink;
  • pomade.

How to apply makeup:

  1. We prepare the face - the skin should be dry and clean. Then we draw under the eyes with a white pencil.
  2. Gently apply “blue” on the face and visible parts of the body with a sponge. It is important not to miss a single area of ​​​​the skin so that there are no white spots left. Then highlight the forehead, cheekbones and upper eyelids with a darker shade of blue.
  3. Draw Emily's famous "sad eyebrows" with a pencil. We remember that our newlywed lay for some time in a coffin, and decay had already touched her skin. Therefore, we draw "holes in the face"; outline their edges with the same blue shadows.
  4. Halloween homemade makeup is almost ready. We draw the lower "cilia", then paint our own. We bring lips with lipstick of gentle shades.

We also suggest you watch the video from Blue Fox Ashai with step-by-step instructions on how to make Emily's makeup from "Corpse Bride"

It is especially scary when evil comes from something seemingly harmless. Many of you must have laughed at the funny clowns in the circus. However, such "jesters" are also evil. Moreover, for many people, clowns evoke a sense of supernatural horror - so why not take advantage of this by doing homemade makeup for Halloween? White and gouache will become the basis of the clown's face, and the makeup itself should be bright, ridiculous and repulsive at the same time - so, you can use the elements of zombie makeup.

We invite you to watch a video from Blue Fox Ashai with step-by-step instructions on how to make an evil clown makeup

In general, it is not necessary to become attached to a specific image. You can do Halloween homemade makeup for an arbitrary spooky character. Glue a half-open zipper to your face, painting over the skin in the slit with scarlet lipstick. "Decorate" yourself with terrible "wounds" or "scratches" - even in combination with ordinary makeup, it will look deadly. Use our tips and be scary beautiful on Halloween!

Baba Yaga is a key character in many Russian fairy tales.

The image of the old witch is constantly used in theatrical productions, at children's parties, as well as theme parties .

Sometimes it seems that making granny Yaga's makeup is very simple, but when it comes down to it, questions arise. Let's explore all the subtleties of this makeup as much as possible.

5 makeup rules

The purpose of makeup is complete reincarnation.

The more realistic the makeup is, the more reliable Baba Yaga will turn out.

What nuances should be taken into account:

  1. The main attraction of Yaga - big hooked nose. It is recommended to make it with the help of papier-mâché, or gummose - plasticine that is safe for the skin. It is possible to contour the nose using theatrical makeup, face painting or make-up products.
  2. old face always floating down therefore, all mimic wrinkles should be visually lowered. The face must be given an earthy, unhealthy shade.
  3. Adds personality to a character the presence of warts. They can be made with PVA glue and flour.
  4. Gray and disheveled hair is created with a wig or talc. It is possible to use white crayons for coloring strands.
  5. Makeup is applied to the face, neck, décolleté and exposed areas of the hands.

You can learn how to do Little Red Riding Hood makeup from ours.

Materials for transformation

To create the image of Baba Yaga at home you will need:

Makeup, gummosis and face glue can be bought in specialized stores.

Theatrical makeup is usually dry. Sold in sets of 3-12 colors and is inexpensive.

If you don't have theatrical make-up or gummose do not despair! With your usual cosmetics, Baba Yaga's makeup is quite achievable.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Preparation for application

Before applying paint, apply a rich nourishing cream or petroleum jelly to your face. Otherwise make-up or cosmetics clog pores and make-up will be very difficult to remove.

In addition, cheap theatrical make-up uses not the most gentle chemicals. The cream will help protect your skin from irritation.

Gather your hair in a bun or tie a bandage on your forehead. This will help protect your hair from pollution. Now you are ready to go.

Step-by-step instruction

Makeup of Baba Yaga for the New Year - photo:

How to do makeup with your own hands? Using this instruction, you can easily transform into a grandmother Yozhka:

  1. Shape the nose. Large, hooked and with a hump. Decide on the size and proportions. Sculpt the nose out of gummosus and glue it with special glue. To do this, apply glue to your nose, previously lubricated with a protective cream, and press the fake one to it. The fit lines can also be lightly smeared with glue for reliability. Make up the joints.
  2. Shape the chin. In the old witch, it is sharp and looks slightly upward. We make it similar to the nose.
  3. Glue on the warts. They can be easily made by mixing PVA glue with flour to the consistency of a dough. Fashioned warts are simply attached to the makeup. For reliability, you can use glue.
  4. Apply foundation. Only after the overhead parts have dried! The cream is applied with a sponge or brush all over the face, masking flaws.
  5. Shade a creepy and terrible face. Use gray-green paints or shadows for the entire face. Swampy or earthy shade gives gloom.
  6. "Push in" your eyes. Circle the eyes with brown shadows so that they visually fail.
  7. Draw deep wrinkles. Deepen your mimic wrinkles with a black or other dark pencil. You can build an evil face and draw the resulting wrinkles.
  8. Remember that the old face floats down. Direct the lines towards the neck. Decorate the forehead with longitudinal furrows.

  9. Create a nose. If you have not shaped the nose using special tools, then now is the time to draw the nose. Shade the sides of the nose with a dark color, and highlight the bridge of the nose. You can also pre-draw the shape of the nose and blend the paint with a brush.
  10. Create cheekbones. Likewise. Cheekbones are brightened and cheeks are shaded.
  11. Make eyebrows. There are two options: draw eyebrows with a pencil, or make them gray with a camouflage pencil and light shadows.

As a result, you got a real Baba Yaga. Left make gray hairs.

Secret of gray hair

Talc or white flour without impurities gives gray hair to the hair. They are well washed off with shampoo and do not harm the hair.

Rub the powder into the hair roots with hands or a brush. Usually Baba Yaga has a scarf on her head. Therefore, most likely the processing of the roots is enough. Otherwise, pour the talcum powder into your hands and spread it over the entire length of your hair.

Errors in image creation

If you take into account all our recommendations, then do not make mistakes in Baba Yaga's makeup. Main oversight- applying makeup only on the face. In addition to the face, at least cover the ears, neck, décolleté and exposed areas of the hands with foundation.

Creating an image - it's a creative process. And here your flight of fancy is unlimited. The main thing is to use sparing, specially created for the face products and be sure to pre-apply or another cream.

Modern steel granny

Grandmother Yaga has been known since ancient times.

If earlier she was dressed in rags and darned things of dark colors, now it can be modernized and add glamour.:

  • tie your head with a bright scarf;
  • tint your lips with bright lipstick and create some kind of provocation of beauty;
  • add jewelry to your Yagina, because not only Koshchei languishes over gold;