Chiromassage of the body - we are treated and cheer up! What does facial chiromassage give? What can professional chiromassage sessions give?

Hiromassage is a successful combination of oriental and classical massage practices. It comes from Spain, which is why it is also called Spanish massage. Due to the huge mixture of styles, he does not have a specific technique, and the massage therapist has the freedom to apply techniques, of which there are about a hundred in total.

The main thing is that they have a beneficial effect on the human body and its life support systems.

How is the massage performed?

With Spanish chiromassage, two massage therapists massage the human body, and with one massage of the face. Not only fingers and palms are used, but also elbows and forearms.

The main task of the massage therapist is to thoroughly wash all the muscles, remove all kinds of blocks or static tension, and then fill the muscles with vitality. At the same time, the massage therapist must know the anatomical points of a person well, for a more beneficial effect on the nervous, muscular, vascular and other systems.

A real pleasure is to watch the work of a professional hiromassage. At this moment, he creates like a sculptor, molding a new beautiful image from a supple body or face in his hands. A talented chiromassist is able to work wonders with a patient, rejuvenating him, transforming him into a healthy and full of energy person.

There are several directions in the practice of chiromassage:

  • myotensive;
  • neurosedative;
  • hemolymphatic drainage.

Body chiromassage technique

Myotensive technique is aimed primarily at the joints. First, there is a removal of blocks that are stored in the joints, as a consequence of excessive tension, various injuries or stress. Because of this, often the muscles around the joint tense up and block it. The goal of the massage therapist is to first relax the muscle, and only then act on the joint itself.

Neurosedative technique is indispensable for emotional or mental disorders. It brings relief to people experiencing prolonged stress, suffering from sleep disorders, emotional overstrain, irritability and increased excitability.

In addition, such a massage releases endrophins - hormones of joy, affecting the pleasure centers of the brain. This technique includes calm, monotonous movements of the massage therapist. Therefore, if you want to have fun, be sure to visit a chiromassist!

Hemolymphatic drainage technique is aimed at the human circulatory system. With this type of massage, the movements of the massage therapist are slow, wavy. This technique is perfect for those people who lead an inactive lifestyle and do not want to go to the gym.

Purposes of chiromassage

People, going to Spanish massage sessions, pursue completely different goals. Someone wants to get rid of cellulite in order to get elastic and even skin as a result. Someone for the purpose of prevention, in order to maintain the general condition of the body, increase stress resistance.

Someone turns to massage therapists to improve metabolic processes, to normalize the very unfortunate metabolism that makes a person gain extra pounds.

Chiromassage of the body and face

The effect of Spanish chiromassage on the face and body is very beneficial. Already after the first or second session, many observed a lifting effect in themselves. The skin was smoothed, its elasticity increased, spider veins disappeared, the oval of the face was tightened. Chiromassage of the face and body can be done at home, but first you should familiarize yourself with its technique and take a few lessons from a professional.


Unfortunately, Spanish massage is not available to everyone. There are contraindications for chiromassage of the body and face. So, for patients with burns or wounds, it is better to refrain from massage procedures.

This type of massage is also not recommended for people suffering from various types of hernias or exacerbation of osteochondrosis. It is forbidden for oncology, varicose veins, trophic ulcers and other similar diseases.

Today's article on the site site will tell you more about facial chiromassage. This unique technology is the result of the fusion of many different practices.

She has proven herself to be excellent at fighting not only wrinkles, but also many other problems that overtake our face with age. So, let's find out what this technique is, and learn how to do facial chiromassage ourselves at home.

The essence and history of appearance

"Hiro" is translated as "hand" from the ancient Latin language. That is, chiromassage is performed not with the help of apparatus or special tools, but with hands. That is why not only salons, but also home conditions are suitable for the procedure.

The technique includes elements of many systems of manual treatment, such as chiropractic (treating the problems of our body by influencing the musculoskeletal system and spine), as well as kinesiology (the science that studies muscle movement).

But below we will talk about the procedure that affects our face, not the body.

Facial chiromassage or Spanish chiromassage, as it is often called, does not have a classical pattern. Each individual case and the problem to be solved involves the use of a variety of techniques, and the technique here will also be different. And even if you want to take a course of such massages, each next one will not be similar to the previous one - the conditions will always be different. This produces a good effect, since the face does not get used to the same movements.

Hiromassage of the face is often called "Spanish" - in the place of its occurrence. Previously, this technique did not affect the face, but only the body, and for the first time it was registered in the late 10s of the 20th century by the Spanish naturopath Fernandez. The technology was able to improve and develop only in the 30s, but it reached its greatest flowering in the 80s thanks to Enrique Castells Garcia, a student of Fernandez, who later created the INMASTER Manual Therapy Institute.

Facial chiromassage: indications

It is believed that in terms of depth of impact on the face, Spanish massage has no equal. This technique can cope with many skin problems and, first of all, with the signs of aging. Agree, this is a great alternative to plastic surgery and injection therapy.

Indications for chiromassage will be the following problems:
  • decrease in facial tone and the appearance of flabbiness of the skin;
  • “drooping” face, oval deformity, drooping cheeks, nasolabial folds, eyelids, superciliary arch;
  • severe swelling of the face, puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • - the location of the vessels close to the surface of the skin and their manifestation in the form of spider veins, capillary networks, redness or blueness;
  • mimic wrinkles at an early age;
  • age wrinkles in adulthood;
  • violation of the outflow of lymph or blood circulation.

It is believed that chiromassage can not only “tighten” the face without surgical intervention, but even relieve stress and have a beneficial effect on brain activity.

But if you have revealed violations of the integrity of the skin - injuries, wounds, scratches, burns that cover the face, it is better not to do Spanish chiromassage.

Facial chiromassage: how and how much to do at home

If you have the opportunity to do chiromassage with an experienced master, it is better to take advantage of this, since the effect will be noticeable after a few procedures. But home conditions are also suitable for this.

So, here are the main stages of chiromassage of the face at home.

  1. Completely cleanse the face. All decorative cosmetics must be washed off. Ideally, you should use a scrub to exfoliate dead cells, then all processes in the skin will go at an accelerated pace.
  2. We thoroughly clean our hands, you can even treat them with an antiseptic so as not to infect, if there are microtraumas, scratches or cracks that are invisible to the eye on the skin of the face.
  3. Then a special massage cream is applied to the face. If there is no massage cream at hand, you can use natural vegetable oils, preferably unrefined (olive, corn, almond, etc.) - it is even easier to massage with oil.
  4. Now the actual Spanish chiromassage is being carried out. See below for what it includes.
  5. After the massage, the remaining oils are removed from the skin of the face, you can clean it and apply a regular moisturizer.

Experts advise to go through at least 5-7 procedures, and if you have chosen home conditions for chiromassage and will do it yourself, then 8-10. Then you will see a really impressive effect.

Technique of home chiromassage of the face

The duration of the session can be from 20 to 60 minutes - as long as you have the patience. It is advisable to do Spanish chiromassage in front of a mirror (so that you see your reflection) with smooth movements, paying attention to the muscles. After all, if the muscles of the face are toned, this will increase, accordingly, the tone of the skin.

The following movements should be included in chiromassage:

  • stroking along the massage lines of the entire oval of the face;
  • more intense massage of the area around the lips and nose: pay attention, but move in the direction from the nose and lips outward;
  • massage of the cheekbones: here pressing movements should be carried out on the skin, since the dermis is thinner here, and it is possible to directly massage the vessels to activate the outflow of lymph and blood flow;
  • massage of the area around the eyes: here the movements should be as light as possible, along the upper eyelid under the eyebrow, move from the bridge of the nose to the temple, along the lower eyelid (along the bone) - in the opposite direction, inward;
  • massage of the chin and neck: here all movements should be carried out from the bottom up, from the center of the chin to the cheeks and cheekbones, from the collarbones along the neck up to the face;
  • home massage treatments are completed with rhythmic tapping along the entire oval (again, along the massage lines) and again with light soothing strokes with which you started to relax the muscles.

With this technique, many problems with the face can be eliminated, and most importantly, most of those that appear with age. Try Spanish facial chiromassage at home too!

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Many people try to tighten the muscles of their body and prolong their youth with the help of yoga, fitness, exercise equipment, etc. But for some reason everyone forgets that a person has much more muscles on his face than on his arms, legs, back, stomach . And to preserve the youthfulness of the face, they must also be trained and kept in good shape.

What is facial chiromassage

In order to look young, one should not only take care of the skin of the face, but also tighten its oval. Sagging cheeks, nasolabial folds will treacherously give out age even with an ideal face condition.

To solve this problem, many different methods, procedures and techniques have been proposed. Among them, chiromassage of the face is gaining more and more popularity - a massage that is done only with hands, without any devices.

This technique of tightening the facial muscles originates from ancient Egypt and India. At the end of the last century, the Spanish doctor Enrique Castells Garcia studied all the elements of oriental massages, streamlined them and supplemented them with modern knowledge of medicine. Therefore, sometimes facial chiromassage is called Spanish. When performing this technique, the effect occurs not only on the skin of the face, but also the subcutaneous fat layer, the circulatory system, the lymph flow and, of course, the muscles of the face are affected. Therefore, facial chiromassage is muscular-structural.

The creator of the technique studied not only eastern, but also various western directions in massage

Hiromassage is based on the principle of pleasure. The client under the hands of a massage therapist should remain in a relaxing state. No pain! During the procedure, the nervous system is also affected; after the end of the session, the client usually remains in a peaceful state.

Chiromassage is indicated in the following cases:

  • rosacea (a disease in which the blood vessels of the skin dilate and red streaks appear on the face);
  • loss of a clear facial contour, the appearance of sagging areas;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • lack of oxygen in the skin of the face;
  • age problems;
  • puffiness;
  • fatigue and stress.

Chiromassage does not have any age restrictions. But it should be remembered that every year the skin loses its elasticity and firmness more and more, and the muscles become flabby. Therefore, after 35 years, it is recommended to take a course of ten procedures 3 times a year.

Thanks to chiromassage, the following effects occur:

  1. The skin of the face is cleansed of the dead top layer, so it is filled with oxygen, metabolic processes are accelerated and rejuvenation occurs.
  2. The skin becomes elastic and elastic, because the facial muscles are intensely stimulated during the massage.
  3. Edema is eliminated and skin color is restored due to the improvement of the lymph flow and the circulatory system.
  4. The production of sebum is normalized, which eliminates excessive dryness of the skin.
  5. The nervous system is restored, the emotional state improves significantly.

Hiromassage of the face can be completely done independently at home, since the technique of its implementation is available to everyone.

How to perform

The chiromassage procedure covers not only the face, but also the décolleté area, the back of the head and the shoulder girdle up to the elbows.

The best time for the procedure is in the evening, preferably before going to bed, because it gives a relaxing effect, and after it it is best to rest rather than run somewhere on business.

Preparation for the procedure

Before starting chiromassage, you should thoroughly clean all the above areas and hands. Otherwise, impurities can enter the opened skin pores, and with them various infections.

If desired, a hot herbal compress can be applied to the face and décolleté for 5-10 minutes. Then the muscles will warm up well, and the effect of chiromassage will be much higher. For a compress, you should take a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, etc.) and moisten a thick napkin with it. The temperature of the broth should be 35-40 ° C

Before starting the procedure, massage oil or cream should be applied to the skin.


Hiromassage can be done independently at home, since there is no exact technique in this procedure. Each masseur, at his own discretion, determines the movements and their intensity. You should only remember the basic requirements: it is desirable to do all the manipulations along the massage lines - the lines of the least stretching of the skin.

All hand movements should be done along the massage lines.

Important! If you ignore the basic rules of massage, the result can be extremely unpleasant!

All manipulations during chiromassage should be performed smoothly, slowly. The most famous and popular movements during chiromassage are as follows:

  • warming up the skin by stroking with fingers and palms;
  • warming up the nasolabial triangle;
  • massage of the lower part of the face;
  • stroking the area of ​​​​the eyelids and eyes;
  • treatment of the cervical region;
  • Chiromassage includes tapping, pinching, pressure and other manipulations.

The duration of the procedure in the salons is from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours (depending on the problems and age of the client). At home, the effect will appear if chiromassage is done for ten days for 20 minutes.

You can learn more about the technique of chiromassage by watching the video.

Video: Spanish musculoskeletal massage technique

Skin care after the procedure

After the end of the procedure, the remnants of the massage oil should be washed off with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and shoulder girdle with light massage movements.

If you pay such attention to the skin of the face, it will always remain young and fresh.

Chiromassage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the face

Contraindications and precautions

There are no special contraindications to this procedure, but in some cases there are still restrictions. You can not perform chiromassage if:

  • a person has a fever;
  • there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • there are skin rashes with obvious signs of inflammation (for example, acne);
  • damaged skin (wounds, burns);
  • there are allergic rashes;
  • on the skin a large number of papillomas and other formations.

In these cases, it is better to refuse massage altogether or postpone it to a more favorable moment.

Hiromassage is a massaging of the face and body, the methodology of which is based on a unique system based on the energy of Qi. This direction excludes the use of any additional tools during the procedure. Hand massage developed by Spanish naturopath Ferrandis. The technique is based on classical and oriental massaging techniques.

The technique of chiromassage has earned wide popularity. Despite the prohibition of the Spanish church to carry out any kind of massage, Ferrandis investigated the effect of qi energy on the human body. The scientist began to practice the ancient Chinese massaging system in the school he opened after the establishment of the Republic in Spain in 1936.

Enrique Castells Garcia, an employee of the Ferrandis educational institution, created the Intema school. Garcia, who came in 1982, was able to do it 6 years later. In 1990, after another 2 years, a former student of Ferrandis founded the Inmaster Manual Therapy Institute.

The original massage technique that Garcia practiced was developed at an institute opened by a scientist for 20 years. For the technique of chiromassage created by him, the most effective methods of treatment, determined in the course of constant research, were taken.

Chiromassage excludes a clear scheme for the procedure. The techniques used can be any, if they provide a positive result in the process of massage treatment. Choosing a technique, the specialist takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Two massage therapists should perform the procedure on the body.

Facial chiromassage, performed by one specialist without an assistant, is a medical and cosmetic procedure. The effect of this technique is to prevent the aging process of the human face. The skin after chiromassage acquires a second youth.

The world-famous Spanish massage system is based on chiropractic and kinesiology.. The use of various elements of massage techniques makes any new session of a preventive or therapeutic course unlike the previous one.

The demand for the services of cosmetologists who own chiromassage techniques is very high. Before seeking help from surgeons, it is better to consult an experienced chiromassage. It is possible that manual massage will eliminate the need for surgical intervention.

Chiroplastic facial massage

The chiromassage technique includes about 6-7 procedures, each of which has certain differences from the previous one. The course of treatment is based on a variety of techniques, which eliminates the patient's addiction. During the chiromassage, the muscles of the face feel relaxed, which ensures an effective result.

Chiroplastic facial massage allows you to correct the problem of aging skin that loses moisture in large quantities. The elasticity of the skin of the face and body disappears, so the appearance acquires a large number of shortcomings instead of beauty.

For example, these:

Performing massage procedures based on chiroplasty has significant differences from various techniques used in cosmetology.

These include:

  1. Absence of pain.
  2. Getting the effect in a short time.
  3. Application of technology at home.
  4. The ability to use only hands for massage.

Hiromassage of the face is such a consistent effect on the skin of the face or body that does not require the use of equipment or medications, it is not associated with side effects. In women, the procedure can only cause relaxation. The masseur produces pressure with his hands, which gives a positive effect after a short time interval.

Chiroplastic procedures are associated only with pleasant sensations, and the result can be seen after the first massage session.

The main differences between facial chiromassage and other massaging systems are as follows:

  1. Correction and stretching of the subcutaneous muscles and skin.
  2. Elimination of negative neurological conditions.
  3. Stimulation of facial muscle tone.

The technique includes not only standard techniques related to stroking and tapping, but also a hundred ways of manipulation. They provide the necessary signals to the body, activating biological points. Spanish technique in some way replaces surgical plastic surgery.

The technical elements of chiroplastic massage are associated with kneading the muscles of the face and body, experiencing passive influence in the process of pressure with fingers, palms, forearm or elbow.

Chiroplastic face and neck massage:

Non-contact chiromassage

The elements of the Chinese therapeutic massage technique, which form the basis of the non-contact method of massage chiroplastic procedures, are not associated with pressure on the skin and muscles, but with the laying on of hands on the face or body. A specialist who has the gift of influencing the human biofield with his hands redirects the flow of heat in the right direction.

Non-contact massage eliminates any touch to the patient. Making smooth movements along the human body, the massage therapist reveals the presence of pain points. The technique makes it possible to restore vital energy, equalize the emotional background, cure diseases of internal organs.

The study of the state of the patient's body by the air or energy method allows the chiromassage to motivate the patient's body to recovery at the psychological and physiological level. The human biofield is an intangible matter that releases heat into space.

The chiromassist knows that diseased areas of the body are not able to release a large amount of energy. The correct identification of these places requires the healer to maximize the concentration of his own thoughts and feelings.

Chiromassists claim that non-contact technique allows you to reduce body weight.

This is due to the fact that the healer directs the energy flow to the area of ​​​​the brain that is responsible for appetite. Reducing the feeling of hunger during the session develops into a habit and the person loses weight.

Non-contact chiromassage of the face is such an energy effect on the patient's skin, which is recommended in the presence of diseases:

  • blood vessels;
  • thyroid gland;
  • impotence;
  • joints;
  • infertility.

Developed in ancient times by Chinese healers, the elements of non-contact massage are based on the practice of Qigong. As a result of smooth movements of the hands in the air, imitating massage techniques, the healer's thoughts pass into the mind of the patient. Messages associated with the desire to help the patient restore stagnation in muscle tissue.

Specialists practice general or partial massaging techniques in a non-contact way.

The general method is suitable in cases:

  • blood loss;
  • stress;
  • pathology of internal organs.

A partial method of non-contact chiromassage allows you to:

  • rejuvenate the face;
  • treat bronchitis, headaches;
  • eliminate digestive disorders.

Telepathic transmission of the flow of energy over a certain distance restores a person's strength. Possessing such a gift, the healer believes in the speedy recovery of the patient. The tonic effect of non-contact massage soothes a headache or energizes. It all depends on the degree of intensity of movements produced by the massage therapist.

Types of massage: for face and body

The division of chiromassage into types depends on the techniques used in the implementation of the procedure. In the process of its implementation, elbows, fingertips, the base of the palm and other parts of the hand may be involved. The choice of one or another type of massage prescribed by a doctor should depend on the condition of the patient's skin and on his age.

There are the following types of chiromassage:

  1. Classical- a method in which the beautician uses the pads of the fingers, massaging certain muscle groups of the face and body.
  2. lifting- a technique based on Eastern and Western massage methods, activating the functions of bioactive points.
  3. Muscle relaxant- a method of massage that allows you to relax the muscles of the face and body to the maximum extent, relieve stress and fatigue.
  4. Elena Zemskova's method– self-massage with elements of modern technologies and oriental techniques of chiromassage.

Using any of these massage techniques, you can smooth out small and large wrinkles on the face. Restoration of the skin occurs with simultaneous saturation of tissues with oxygen.

Chiromassage of the face is such an effect on the body based on massaging according to the Spanish method, which allows you to relieve stress. The technique slows down the aging process of the skin, restoring its youth and vitality.

Classic chiromassage gives a stunning effect, which is associated with the following main points:

  • speed of skin regeneration;
  • activation of the sebaceous glands;
  • elimination of swelling and sensations of pain.

Techniques of lifting-leg chiromassage contribute to the rapid restoration of muscle tone. Lymphatic drainage massaging elements are suitable for people of any age.

A method that gives a quick result is effective in terms of:

The main difference between muscle relaxing chiromass and lifting is the restoration of the muscles of the face, and not the skin of the body. Muscle relaxing chiroplasty provides relief from chronic fatigue, healing of the body without the use of cosmetics or medications.

The complex method of chiromassage of the face of Elena Zemskova is a simple self-massage procedure that relaxes muscles and gives pleasure.

What problems does chiromassage of the face and body solve?

The purpose of chiromassage is to care for the face, neck, and décolleté. Sessions, conducted 2-3 times a week, allow you to rejuvenate the appearance, model the image based on changes in the biochemical processes occurring in the skin. The technique ensures the involvement of other organs of the body in the process of healing and rejuvenation.

Non-contact chiromassage allows you to remove:

  • headache;
  • overexcitation;
  • stress;
  • insomnia.

The abilities of chiromassagers can be compared with the skill of specialists in cosmetic massage. Using chiromassage techniques allows you to exclude surgical intervention to tighten aging skin. Non-contact chiroplastic massage is suitable for treatment and prevention.

Chiromassage is one of the effective methods of non-surgical face lifting and rejuvenation.

The use of the neurosedative chiromassage system is a directed effect on the face and body of the patient, which alleviates the condition of the patient suffering from certain types of diseases.


  • angina;
  • dermatitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hypertension.

The technique involves soft, relaxing techniques, the movement of the hands in which should be careful, painless. Strengthening tissues with the help of non-contact massage ensures their elasticity, normalizes blood circulation, relieves stress from the muscles of the face and body.

Monotonous intensive techniques restore energy, relieve fatigue, eliminate insomnia and circles under the eyes.

The therapeutic and cosmetic effect of chiromassage on the skin of the face changes it, allowing you to get the effect:

Non-contact massaging technique is recommended for young girls for the purpose of prevention. They still do not have wrinkles on their skin, there is no second chin, but the cosmetic procedure has a strengthening effect on the health of the body as a whole. The greatest effect can be achieved simultaneously with other cosmetic procedures.

Contraindications and disadvantages of chiromassage

The Spanish technique of chiromassage is indicated for depression, irritability, skin aging, and fatigue.

The main contraindications include:

  • a large number of moles on the body;
  • rashes on the skin of the face, rosacea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the presence of scratches on the face and other damage.

Facial chiromassage is an effect on the body that eliminates dry skin. It allows you to change the shape of the face. The technique is contraindicated in varicose veins, the presence of spider veins. Experts do not recommend chiromassage for women with sensitive skin. This is due to the risk of severe facial redness after the procedure.

Hiromassage cannot be performed if a week before the session, the face is cleaned with a chemical peel.

Hiromassage is not capable of causing side effects in those who are shown the Spanish massaging method. Chiroplastic massage technique is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Do you need preparation

Massaging according to the chiroplasty method should invigorate, eliminate congestion in the body, relax the muscles of the body, and clarify the train of thought.

When starting the procedure, special attention should be paid to the space of the room in which the therapeutic massage is planned. It should be light, clean and warm. A cool room will not allow the patient's muscles to relax to the required degree.

Since any massage causes a decrease in body temperature, it is better to provide a heater in advance. It is important that there is no draft in the room, and that the circulation of fresh air is stable. To cover already massaged areas of the body, warm terry towels can be provided to keep the muscles warm.

Before the session, the masseur himself must be prepared, so he should relieve the psychological stress and physical stress. To do this, it is enough to listen to relaxing melodies while lying or sitting. The healer should not be concentrated on everyday thoughts.

Before the massage procedure, the patient must remove all jewelry, including earrings. It is important that he first remove contact lenses, otherwise they will interfere with normal relaxation. It is better not to engage the patient in conversations, irritating his psyche. It is enough to turn on calm relaxing music that allows you to meditate and think about something good.

Stages of massage

Before starting each procedure, it is important to properly cleanse the skin with micellar water or herbal decoction. Lotions or tonics based on alcohol are completely unsuitable, otherwise the quality of the massage will be significantly reduced.

The chiroplastic face and body massage technique includes 10 main steps:

  1. Make-up removal - cleansing the skin of the face from the remnants of cosmetics based on peeling.
  2. Applying talcum powder, serum, cream or oil for massage - enhances contact with the skin and relaxes.
  3. Soothing movements to relax the muscles - kneading the neck with the shoulder girdle, cheeks and extreme lines of the face, superciliary arches.
  4. Stroking with your fingers - the effect on the lymph nodes.
  5. Kneading in the scapular zone - alternating fast and slow movements.
  6. Stimulation of the cheek area with the phalanges of the fingers is the normalization of the metabolic process in the tissues.
  7. Stroking with the palm, fingers, forearm - a deep effect on the tissues to relieve chronic stress.
  8. Smooth relaxing movements - alternating warm palm and cool forearm.
  9. Gentle tactile strokes - adaptation of activated epidermal tissues.
  10. Applying a creamy mask to the face.

All cosmetics should be formulated according to skin type. This will achieve the maximum effect of rejuvenation and skin improvement.

Duration of the procedure

The procedure of classical chiromassage, which has a high relaxing effect, is enough for no more than 20 minutes. The best result can be obtained by conducting such sessions about 2-3 times a week.

The duration of the procedure may depend on the purpose for which the massage should be performed:

  • therapeutic - 15-20 minutes;
  • prophylactic - from 30 minutes;
  • sports - from 30 to 90 minutes;
  • aesthetic - from 30 to 90 minutes.

The duration of the muscle relaxation massage procedure performed by the master in the beauty salon can be from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Prices in massage parlors depend on the duration of the massage. A session can be not only a one-time session, but also in the form of a whole course, the duration of which is usually 2-3 times a week.

The average duration of a lifting massage procedure is about 1.5 hours.. The massaging technique assumes the duration of the necessary elements for 30-40 minutes. The course of chiromassage according to the method of Elena Zemskova consists of procedures lasting about 30-40 minutes.

How often do you need to massage, how many procedures will be required

  • Classic chiromassage based on Spanish technology requires an increase in procedures after 35 years up to 3 times a year. Treatment will be effective if skin-supporting procedures are carried out between sessions. The frequency of procedures can be 2-3 times a week with a total number of sessions 10-15 times.
  • Treatment based on muscle relaxation massage should include 13 sessions. If the doctor has prescribed this course of treatment, then it is better to visit the salon regularly, and not after a certain period of time. Only under such conditions can a positive result be obtained from muscle relaxant massaging of the face and body.
  • Lymphatic drainage technique. Hiromassage of the face is such an effect on the skin, which, in addition to healing, also has a rejuvenating effect. The procedure with a lifting effect can be performed 1-2 times a year in the absence of contraindications. Lymphatic drainage technique involves conducting massage courses 10-15 times. It is better to start regular procedures even in youth, visiting a beautician's salon 2-3 times a week.
  • Self-massage technique Zemskova recommended for 10 sessions, 2 courses per year. It is better to start improving appearance based on the use of this technique after 30 years.

The specialist prescribing treatment procedures should take into account the individual characteristics of the patient when choosing the most appropriate chiromassage technique.

Cost in the salons of Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Chiromassage can be performed as a one-time session, or as a course of a certain duration. The technique is perfectly combined with the care procedures. The cost of the chiromassage procedure in the salons of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia depends on the type of massage chosen by the patient.

The table below shows prices in rubles for a session of facial chiromassage lasting 40-50 minutes in Moscow salons:

Type of chiromassage Therapeutic Prophylactic Sports Aesthetic
Classical 3500 2750 1700 3100
Muscle relaxant 3400 2200 1500 2900
lifting 3300 1800 1700 3500
School of chiromassage by Elena Zemskova (40-50 minutes) 1680 1100 1000 2500

For comparison, the average cost of a chiromassage procedure lasting 40-50 minutes in the salons of St. Petersburg (in rubles):

Type of chiromassage Therapeutic Prophylactic Sports Aesthetic
Classical 3600 1800 1200 2000
Muscle relaxant 3000 2000 1200 1600
lifting 2760 1300 1000 1500
School of chiromassage Elena Zemskova 1000 700 500 1000

Sessions in the salons of Moscow (ONMED, Clinic-MK, URO-PRO, MC Vita-Clinic, Bourgeois, Marie-Sharmel, EpilCity, etc.), as well as St. Petersburg (Body Aesthetics, OLA, EVOS, Aristocrat, Enigma, etc. .) are carried out by certified specialists who have been trained in various massage schools, for example, in the Elena Zemskova International Massage School.

The effectiveness of Spanish chiromassage: results before and after

A patient who has undergone the first session of Spanish chiromassage will be able to notice its results immediately. Cheekbones and facial contours will become more noticeable after the first procedure. An effective technique that takes into account the individual characteristics of each patient, which within a short period of time allows you to improve the complexion.

To maintain the result, it is necessary to regularly maintain the first positive effect by visiting the salon of a beautician or a massage specialist. Muscle relaxant, lifting or classical massage will stimulate the recovery processes in the tissues of the epidermis. At the end of the procedure, the patient experiences a state of relaxation.

After several sessions, it is impossible not to notice the following effect with age-related imperfections on the face:

Chiromassage specialists do not guarantee a complete correction of the situation, but the significant benefits of the procedures are expressed in the slow development of skin aging processes. The course of treatment relieves tension from various areas of the face and bodies due to a deep reflex effect on the body.

After regular procedures, over time, the effect of a circular tightening will be noticeable.

Chiromassage technique: training for beginners

Before the session, the massage therapist and the patient should be relaxed. It is better if the room is filled with the sounds of light music. The massaging procedure should be performed taking into account the massage lines on the face from the very center.

By exercising pressure in the area of ​​various points of the face, the massage therapist rhythmically performs the main elements of the procedure, which should be:

  • stroking;
  • pressing;
  • exciting;
  • vibrating;
  • pinching;
  • tapping;
  • patting.

You should start moving from the chin line to the corners of the mouth, and then move to the cheekbones, making a grip on the skin on the cheeks. Continue movements from the wings of the nose to the superciliary arches on the temporal zone through the cheeks. Massage from the center of the forehead to the temple area. Perform circular motions to the hairline.

The purpose of chiromassage is such an effect on the muscle tissues of the superficial and deep layers of the skin, after which the face and body are rejuvenated.

You need to start with relaxing movements, and end with intense pressure on the facial muscles. This activates fatty tissue, the work of the sebaceous glands. The procedure should be performed step by step, observing the duration of the massage session.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: facial chiromassage

How facial chiromassage is performed: